#c; homelander (i will laser every fucking one of you)
aerospectrum · 3 months
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@homelander-rp-blog asked: [CLEAN] The sender showers for hours, refusing to step out. Scrubbing Off the Trauma : : OPEN
He's waited outside the shower ever since John first climbed in and shouted at him to get the hell out and leave him alone. The fear and worry over him never dissipated, not even when he shoved him away and slammed the door in his face.
He's determined to wait him out, to be there for the man no matter what. When minutes turn to an hour and then that turns into two more hours Castiel can't wait him out any longer. "Look... i, i know... I know you're really upset in there." he speaks softly, not wanting to worsen things. "I know I can't... understand fully what you're going through--but you have to come out now, you... need to know you're ok here, you're safe here, with me." he nudges the door open and pads slowly across the damp floor and pushes the curtain to the side and climbs into the tub well with him. "I really care about you, John-- you're scaring me.. let me help you, let me be here for you. You don't have to face this alone, I'm right here." he cups John's face gently and pleads for the man to hear him. "Please John..."
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lymbycsystem · 3 days
ooc : : ooc; calm, turtle talks, atlas bends
castiel: c; castiel ( the abandoned son) jamie: c; jamie ( the neglected son ) dean: c; dean ( there ain't no other men like me ) tim: c; timmy ( are you crazy i'm not gonna jump ) ben: soldier boy ( nobody's the new me pal ) ryan: c; ryan ( he burns everything down then kills me ) john; c; homelander (why am i not good enough for you ) c; homelander ( you are dark and i kind of like it ) c; homelander (i will laser every fucking one of you )
tag games: : dash games, dash tags, tag games
wishlists : : is this a wishlist?
memes : : memes, rp memes, please select a muse :
queues : : i hope that queue miss me cuz i miss queue too, absent queue
nsfw/usfw things : : ;hunger like me you know nothing satisfies me but your soul
negativity : : ooc tbd
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aerospectrum · 4 months
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@homelander-rp-blog asked: "I can't look at myself in the mirror…" ( you pick your muse! <3 ) Scrubbing Off The Trauma Starters :: OPEN
"It get's hard to do at times..." Jamie rests a gentle hand on the supes shoulder but finds his gaze wandering everywhere other than the man, still trying to wrap his mind around the reality of what he'd just witnessed. His pulse beats so hard he can feel it in his head; he refuses to admit it, but he's slightly terrified of Homelander.... of John. "Let me help you." he finally turns his attention to the blue eyes that stand out against the blood covering John's face. "I can put a towel over the mirror and.. I'll help you clean off, come on, I'll run you a shower and I'll sit outside the doors till you, till you feel like coming out."
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aerospectrum · 3 months
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@homelander-rp-blog asked : 🦴(you pick your muse!) send to 🦴 break my muses arm or 🩸 to see someone else break my muse's arm :: OPEN
"Stop... please!" he cries out; an unholy mix of trauma and exhaustion staining his features. "--It wasn't me- I'm not working for anyone!" he exclaims as the supe floats down towards him again; with dark eyes glowing red.
Homelander barrels into him and the force sends him skidding backwards across the street like tumbleweed until he hits the curb. He rolls onto his chest with a groan and tries to push himself onto his knees, There's a sudden surge of panic when Homelander places a knee on his back between his shoulders and grabs his arm, yanking it back towards himself. There's a sickly crunching sound meshed with a crack and pop and Jamie's vision turns a blinding, pulsating white. He hears himself screaming, pleading for help, but nobody comes... nobody answers other than the Supe still holding his now snapped arm.
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aerospectrum · 3 months
time-jump from here with @homelander-rp-blog
Jamie makes his way into a hall lined with statues and portraits of America and its founders. “Where the fuck am I?” He asks himself aloud. 
He raises his arms to see there’s hardly any bruising from where they'd snapped when his entire body engulfs itself in flames that don’t consume him. He screams in terror anyway— until a redhead comes rushing around a corner and sprays him with a fire extinguisher. He hardly gets his mouth shut when it’s filled with foam. Jamie uses both hands to wipe foam from his eyes and listens to it splatter onto the floor. “What’s happening to me?!” He asks her in a panic, before catching her prying eyes just staring at his naked form- he covers himself with his hands and backs against the wall.
“Don't move, you've made enough of a mess already." she glances over her shoulder. "Homelander, sir?!” Ashley calls out, giving Jamie side eye that’s more intrusive than judgmental. “ your weird little … matchstick guy's awake!” She calls for the Supe and turns to invasively eyeball Jamie from head to toe and then stops at his hands trying to get a look.
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aerospectrum · 3 months
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@homelander-rp-blog asked : you never told me your name. (for Cas!) One Night Stand Run-ins : : OPEN
"Well... you know what they say, every good relationships begins with a blackout." he laughs, glancing over just slightly out of the corner of his eyes. Cas watches the man pull out the extra chair and take a seat beside him. The diner isn't usually packed around this time of day, so he's surprised the guy has the gall to just share the table with him. Finally he looks up from his hot chocolate and locks eyes with the blonde. There's a hint of the faintest smile on his lips and his eyes crinkle slightly when he tilts his head. "You didn't seem keen on the idea of us sharing names when it was ... happening." he exhales a nervous, breathy laugh and pushes his hair up out of his eyes. "To be honest, I didn't think you'd come looking for me this long after it all." he shrugs. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours, promise?" he asks the man as he holds his hand out and extends his pinky to ensure the other man gives his name too.
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aerospectrum · 2 months
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@homelander-rp-blog asked: ∗ o5﹕ sender  comforts  receiver  in  the  aftermath  of  a  nightmare . ( @homelander-rp-blog you pick your muse!) 100 nonverbal prompts : : OPEN
Sitting next to John on the back porch, Jamie shivers in the cold pressing his hands back over his windburned face. the snow has a warm glow to it that’s illuminated by the street lamps and it aches trying to slow his breathing down. he still feels the sharp pain of metal slicing through his skin; the shatter and crack of his bones mutilated and wrenched apart against his will. his shoulders tingle from a nightmare that mirrors their reality. his hands drop to his thighs and he watches the snow fall while John tells him he’s got him and they're safe and everything's ok. Jamie zones out listening to how he tries to get his attention through saying his name over and over flinching slightly when he feels John card a hand through the back of his hair. 
he feels embarrassment burn across his cheeks down the back of his neck. he was hired to protect John, not the other way around. The fact he's comforting Jamie feels wrong. “they were coming for you… they were killing me to get to you.. they were going to hurt you.” he finally admits the dream, turning his face away so John can’t move the hair from his eyes and he can hide behind the dark locks. 
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aerospectrum · 3 months
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@homelander-rp-blog asked : admit it. you still think about me. ( you pick your muse ✨! ) One Night Stand Run-Ins : : OPEN
Dean rolls his eyes and turns around to grab his coat, but there's a smile that hangs on the edges of his lips- a smirk more than anything. "You wish I still thought about you." he delivers the response smoothly, turning back to face John with a soft gaze and a warmer smile than before. "What are you even doing here, don't you have more important things to be doing- more important people to be chatting up nowadays?" he asks with a sparkle in his eyes. He blinks slowly and gives the man a subtle once over.
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aerospectrum · 2 months
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@homelander-rp-blog asked: ∗ 88﹕ sender  winks  [ seductively / mockingly ]  at  receiver . ( @homelander-rp-blog you pick your muse!) 100 nonverbal prompts : : OPEN
"I swear to god, motherfucker!" He whips around to face Homelander; even if he wanted to deny the blush he can't because his face is burning ten shades of red. He swallows, his adam's apple bobbing. He rolls his eyes when the hero winks overly cockily at him. "If you slap my ass one more time, I'm going to punch you in the face."
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aerospectrum · 4 months
plotted starter for @homelander-rp-blog
Jamie was often emotionally reactive and being tormented by a group of Supes didn’t do much to quell that behavior. When one of the super humans hurls a profanity laced bundle of slurs at him- that’s when Jamie loses it. He challenges the one that’s leading the other two on; and then it all went downhill. “You’re all a waste of money- a fucking joke in this city and all you motherfuckers can blow me slowly!” He grabbed a metal bar and swung; but when he collided with the side of the supes body the metal bent and curved to their profile and seemed to awaken a rage nobody could turn off.
Jamie remembers being sacked in the stomach a few times; a few fists to the face and neck; someone heeled him in the chest then knocked him to his knees. He was scrapped up from being dragged unceremoniously through the mud and standing water in the streets. One of them pulled back and kicked him in the face full force with some sort of.. wetsuit boot- not only could he see red, he could smell the blood and taste it. The one flying wrapped their hand around his neck, slowly lifting him off the ground and then dropping him from a height big enough to break bones. Though he was lucky nothing broke— Jamie rolled onto his side with a grimace; trying to stand back on his feet to keep fighting. He could see Vought Tower in the distance… he wondered why none of the assholes there ever bothered to come help actual humans in need from bozo’s like the supes currently working to kill him for fun. One of them charges Jamie and he swings and misses from their sheer speed, landing face first on the pavement. One of them jokes about Homelander finally seeing their worth and how he’d have to let them join the team after they go tell him about this. Jamie recognizes the name, but there’s no face to go with it- he’s avoided every possible supe he ever could up until now. “Is that all you motherfuckers have got?” Jamie asks, spitting up way too much blood still stuck on his hands and knees from the last hit.
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