#c; Peter Hale
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This is part of the Language of the Flowers: Teen Wolf's Version series!! If you want to see more edits like this one check out my other works for this project here.
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cursedvillanelle · 10 months
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"I thought you were dead?" Or so she had read. She did not kiss much , especially when it came to supernatural topics. She knew of the Hale family and their tendencies, and knew better than to assume anyone remains dead. "With your family, it is truly difficult to know." @vnecks
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witchyfayex-a · 10 months
closed starter ft. @vnecks
when offered the chance at a job where all eyes would be on her, why would faye ever pass up the opportunity? as soon as the scarlet lounge opened, the ravenette young witch jumped at the opportunity to dance for them, to be on the stage. opening night passed in a blur of excitement. faye felt truly at ease on the stage, as though she belonged there. perhaps she did. once her performance was done, the beauty made her way out into the bar, desperate for a beverage of the alcoholic kind. the witch sauntered straight up to the bar, flicking a dainty finger at the waiter, directing their attention to her, for them to then immediately deliver her usual. fire whisky, on the rocks. leaning casually against the bar, dark brown hues slid across the room, finding piercing blue hues peering back at her. a smirk crossed her face, and a brow arched. a familiar face - peter hale.
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0 notes
strangerstilinski · 1 year
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Stiles Stilinski / Original Female Character
TW | S2
chapter three
summary; as if the last month and a half hadn't been stressful enough — now there were a few more werewolves, a kanima, and a seriously disturbed old man added into the mix. but amber, stiles, and scott could totally handle this. it would be fine. everything was great.
word count; 18,731
warnings; explicit sexual content, horny teenagers, first time sexual experiences, a heavy handed dose of Stiles' birth-name
chapter notes; lydia is struggling with visions of peter hale. erica reyes makes a memorable appearance. stiles and amber have their first date – among other firsts.
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c h a p t e r t h r e e
ice pick
Even though they only took part in it once a week, it was Amber's personal opinion that Physical Education was single-handedly the best of their weekly elective classes. Not only was it slotted into the first class period of the day, meaning they didn't have to sit through a sleep-inducing English lecture at eight in the morning, but it also meant that she was given the opportunity to watch Stiles get enticingly sweaty, up close and personal, for forty-five blissful minutes.
This Friday was, unfortunately, one of the less sweat inducing activities. Coach Finstock was timing each of them as they climbed the rock wall in pairs of two, jotting down their times on his clipboard as they all slowly took their turns.
Scott and Allison were currently hooked up to the wall, clearly bantering back and forth with flirty smiles as they climbed the tall structure at the far side of the gymnasium.
Stiles had his arms wrapped around Amber's stomach as he watched from his spot behind her, chin propped on her shoulder as he slouched over her body. He glanced at the side of her face and his next exhale puffed out loudly over her ear, causing her to flinch and tilt her head away from the noise.
"You're annoying." She laughed, blindly reaching up to push his face away gently with her hand.
He only tightened his arms around her waist and laughed, turning to dig his face into the crook of her neck in retaliation. She brought a hand up to rub over the short soft hair on top of his head as she watched Scott lose his grip on the rock wall and fall back toward the ground slowly with the protection of his harness.
Allison was looking down at Scott with a satisfied grin and Amber laughed along with most of the other students as Scott landed softly on his back on the cushioned floor mat.
Coach squatted down beside him, also laughing at Scott's misfortune, "McCall. I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kinda joy." He chuckled again before standing up and looking at the students grouped in front of him. "Alright! Next two." Coach's eyes raked over the group as he chose his victims carefully, "Stilinski! Daehler!"
Amber was released as Stiles stepped up to the wall while Allison repelled back down. He took Allison's place in the harness as Matt Daehler hooked himself into Scott's. The boys readied themselves to climb and Coach prepared his timer, clicking at the buttons to reset the device.
"Woo! Go Matt!" Amber cheered encouragingly.
Stiles turned to scowl at her playfully in response to her taunts and she grinned wide. She was still smiling when Matt turned to face her as well and she gave him a friendly thumbs up just as Coach blew on his whistle loudly in indication for them to go.
Scott returned to stand beside her and he bumped her shoulder with his as Matt and Stiles started their ascent.
"That wasn't very nice." Scott laughed before cheering for their friend himself, "C'mon Stiles!"
The two boys both climbed quickly, hands and feet moving along the holds in a fast pace as they raced upward. Stiles managed to reach the top just a few seconds before Matt did and they both repelled back down as soon as they tapped in at the top of the wall.
"Alright, last up! Amber! Erica!" Coach Finstock yelled out next.
Amber jumped, not realizing they were already at the final two climbers, and she stepped up to take Stiles' harness from him with a grin.
"I'm not sure if you saw that but I totally made it to the top in like fifteen seconds." He boasted quietly, unnecessarily helping Amber tighten the straps on the harness around her waist.
"Oh, did you?" She asked airily, looking up from the harness as she took another step toward the wall, "I guess I must've missed that."
"Yeah, okay." Stiles said as he backed away, "Try not to fall on your cute little ass, alright?"
She snorted as she spun to face the wall and readied herself, peeking over at the girl beside her. Erica was frowning at the wall with worried eyes and Amber reached out to nudge her arm softly.
"Hey, you got this." Amber encouraged quietly.
Erica smiled tightly and nodded at her before looking up at the wall again just as Coach blew the whistle.
Amber took a breath and began to climb, finding a good handhold before she pulled herself up and stepped higher. She cycled through the motions in quick repetition until she reached the top of the wall and slapped her hand down against the ledge to mark her finish before quickly repelling back down to the ground.
When her feet touched down on the mats, she peered up to see where Erica was but found the blonde at a standstill only halfway up the wall.
"You can do it Erica." Amber called up gently.
The blonde was beginning to suck in loud wheezing breaths, still not making any moves to climb any further up the wall. Amber frowned worriedly and took a small step toward where the other girl's harness was set up on the wall.
"Erica!" Amber called up again, "Are you okay?"
Erica's breathing picked up into something harsher and Amber could hear her gasping breaths as she began to cry quietly.
Coach came up to stand behind Amber and yelled up toward the other girl as well, "Erica!" He shouted, "You dizzy? Is it vertigo?"
"Vertigo is a function of the vestibular system of the inner ear," Lydia's voice supplied suddenly from behind them, "She's just freaking out."
"Erica!" Coach shouted up at her again.
"I'm fine." Erica finally called back down weakly.
Amber stepped back up to the wall and began to climb up the center to get as close as she could to the place where Erica had stopped as conversation continued below them.
"Coach, maybe it's not safe," Allison said, "Y'know she's epileptic."
"Why doesn't anybody tell me these things?" Coach asked rhetorically as Amber finally reached the other girl halfway up the wall.
"Hey. You okay?" Amber asked her quietly.
"Yeah," Erica said unconvincingly, "I just- I can't do it."
"That's okay," Amber said quickly, "Let's just go back down-"
"I can't do that either." Erica shook her head frantically.
"Sure you can," Amber countered gently, "Seriously the harness won't let you fall, alright?"
"I'm scared." Erica whispered, pinching her eyes shut tight in embarrassment.
"Gimme your hand," Amber reached out toward the other girl and Erica's hands tightened on the holds of the wall, "Erica, I promise you won't fall down. Just take my hand and we'll go back down slowly. Together."
Erica's hand released and regripped the hold a few times shakily before she finally reached out the couple of inches that Amber's arm couldn't cover. The girl's grip tightened around Amber's hand anxiously at having lost one of her supports to the wall.
"Good. Now just, lean back a little bit and push off. Let the harness hold your weight and ropes will take us back down nice and slow. I promise." Amber assured her softly.
Erica nodded and pinched her eyes shut again as she pushed her feet off of the wall and they sank back down toward the floor in just a couple of short seconds. The moment their feet touched down, Erica dropped Amber's hand and began to pull off her harness.
"Shake it off." Coach told Erica as she dropped the harness to the ground at her feet, "You're fine."
"Hey, Erica-" Amber called out as she watched the other girl push through their classmates to head to the locker room.
Amber pulled at her own harness and her fingers fumbled with the straps as she tried to loosen them. She looked up and her eyes caught on Stiles standing a few feet away.
"Stiles! Would you help-" She called out in frustration, pulling at one of the buckles angrily. His hands were suddenly there with hers, undoing the harness easily, "-me."
"Better?" He asked with a soft smile.
"Yes. Thank you." She sighed in relief, taking his outstretched hand and stepping away from the wall.
"Yeah, don't mention it." He said before pausing, "I mean, I wouldn't stop you if you wanted really to thank me.. With, I dunno, a kiss or-"
She fisted her hand in the front of his tacky graphic tee and pulled his lips down against hers in a quick kiss before releasing him.
"Is that thanks enough?" She questioned, raising her eyebrows.
"Hm," Stiles hummed noncommittally, "I don't-"
She shoved his chest and shook her head, "Well it's all you're getting, so tough luck." She told him with a small laugh, stepping away to head toward the girl's locker room with Lydia and Allison.
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Stiles threw his arm around Scott's shoulders as Amber and Allison walked to the other side of the gymnasium with Lydia to get changed before classes.
"Hate to see 'em leave but love to watch 'em go, am I right, Scott?" Stiles asked, shaking his friend's shoulder in his grip good-naturedly.
"Yeah," Scott shook his head with a reluctant laugh, "Sure thing, dude."
"Hey, what's with you?" Stiles questioned as they made their own way to the locker rooms, "You should be happy. I mean, just think, in ten short hours, we'll be on a double date with, like, the girls of our dreams-"
"Yeah, about that.." Scott started as they pushed open the door and stepped into the all encompassing stench of the boy's locker room, his voice cutting out at the sound of a sharp whistle.
"Listen up!" Coach Finstock's voice suddenly boomed as the room filled with students, "Anybody sees Isaac Lahey, you immediately tell the principal, get a teacher, or you call me." He looked at the cluster of boys in front of him and frowned when his eyes caught on a boy at the back of the group, "Except for you, Greenberg. Don't call me for anything. I'm not kidding. You shouldn't even have my number."
"Isaac.." Scott said as they moved toward their lockers.
"It's Derek's problem now." Stiles told him with a shrug.
They turned the corner at the back of the room into their row of lockers and Scott sighed, "Like I was saying.. I just, I dunno if tonight's such a good idea, man."
Stiles stared at his friend incredulously, eye nearly twitching in disbelief as he moved to pull his shirt over his head, "What do you mean 'tonight's not a good idea'?"
Scott pulled his locker open with a frown, "I don't know.. That thing me and Allison saw on Wednesday night, Isaac missing, Allison's grandfather, all this stuff happening with Derek.. I just- It doesn't feel right."
Stiles pulled on a clean shirt and looked at his best friend in disbelief, slamming Scott's locker closed to look at his face directly.
"No." Stiles told him vehemently, "You're not backing out. You wanna know why?" He asked, not waiting for an answer before he barreled on, "Because you and Allison are obviously having quite a good time together, and you know who else wants to have a good time?" He questioned, continuing without taking a breath, "Stiles! Stiles wants to have a good time! Many, many times. Several times.. In a row.. In several different positions- I-" His jaw clenched at Scott's unfocused gaze, "Are you even paying attention?"
Scott lifted his arm between them and they both looked down at the noticeable tremble in his shaking hands.
"What is that?" Stiles questioned in exasperation, gesturing to his friend's outstretched hand. Scott suddenly jumped into action and took off back toward the gym, "Wh- Scott! Wait up!"
Stiles ran after him, joining a small cluster of girls who were worriedly tumbling out of the locker room down the hall and rushing in the same direction. Amber was at the front of the group and Stiles nudged her shoulder as he caught up to run beside her.
"What's going on?" He asked as they rounded the corner.
"I think Erica went by herself to finish climbing the wall-" Her frantic words cut off when she froze with wide eyes.
They had stepped into the gym just as the blonde girl fell back through the air from her spot halfway up the climbing wall, with no harness to slow her descent. Amber's fingers gripped Stiles' arm tight in panic but Scott managed to run underneath Erica just in time to catch her in his arms.
The group of girls and Stiles all rushed forward again, he and Amber kneeling down in a quick motion. Erica's body was twitching and writhing as she seized and Scott released her down onto the floor gently, looking up at his friends with wide unsure eyes.
"Put her on her side!" Allison told Scott quickly.
Scott did as he was told and Amber reached out to gently brush some of Erica's wild hair back from her face.
"How did you know?" Amber asked Scott quietly, "I- I noticed she wasn't in the locker room anymore but you-"
"I just felt it." Scott explained, confused by the situation himself, his hand clenched in Erica's tight grip against her chest.
Amber sat back on her heels and exhaled a shaky sigh, her arm pressing into Stiles as she settled back.
It was only then that Stiles took in her appearance. She had pulled her hair from the loose ponytail she'd been wearing during class, her light ashy hair falling softly over her shoulders. Clearly having been in the process of getting changed when she noticed Erica's absence, she was now wearing only her tiny sports bra over her gym shorts. He found himself swallowing thickly as his eyes were pulled to the roundness of her breasts in the tight fabric.
"Can somebody go get Coach?" She called out to the students who were still standing, huddled behind the scene, "She's gonna need to go to the hospital."
Stiles' eyes snapped back up to her face just as she turned to look at him and he blinked at her silently for a few seconds, unsure if she'd caught him staring. He relaxed after a moment passed and her lips only proceeded to pull up to give him a small smile.
He dropped his arm around her shoulders and curled it around her neck, pulling her against him to press his lips to her temple softly. Something in his stomach flipped when she leaned into his embrace and settled a hand on his thigh over his track pants.
Eight o'clock couldn't come fast enough.
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Amber made her way down the hallway between morning classes, her shoulder bumping against Lydia's as they discussed their plans for Saturday night. Amber's mouth was just opening to say something when she was suddenly pushed half a step to the side as Jackson shoved his way between the two girls.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He demanded angrily, wrapping a hand around Lydia's arm in a tight grip as he pulled her around the corner and crowded her back against the wall.
"What?" Lydia questioned in a gasp.
Amber caught up with them in only a few steps and pried Jackson's hand away with her fingers, jaw clenching angrily as she shoved his arm away from Lydia.
"Show it to me." Jackson demanded vaguely, reaching out again, this time toward the hem of Lydia's dress, "Show it to me. Come on-"
"Jackson, back the hell off." Amber snapped, shoving him back again.
"Are you out of your mind?" Lydia asked the boy, eyes wide.
"Nothing happened to you," Jackson stated, looking the redhead up and down slowly, "It's like- It's like you- You're immune."
Amber's eyes widened a fraction as she finally realized what the boy was talking about.
"I don't have a clue what you're talking about." Lydia told him in a whisper.
He stepped forward to push Lydia back against the wall again and Amber jabbed him with her elbow to shove him away from her friend with a deadly glare.
"It's you," He told Lydia, doing an excellent job of ignoring Amber's presence entirely, "Whatever it is.. Blood, saliva.. Whatever soul killing substance is running through your veins. You did this to me." He hissed angrily.
Amber grabbed his arm in a tight grip and yanked him several steps away, "Jackson I swear to god if you touch her again-"
"You ruined it for me." He snapped at the redhead over Amber's shoulder as he was pushed backwards, "You ruin everything!"
Amber gave him one final, hard shove and he took a few steps in reverse, his chest heaving with angry breaths. He finally spun around and began to walk away but Amber refused to take her eyes off of him as she watched to make sure he wouldn't come back.
He turned around after a second at the sound of Lydia sobbing softly from behind them and Amber's glare only intensified. His jaw clenched with a regretful expression, but he turned away and continued to leave with a shake of his head.
Amber spun back around and was at Lydia's side again in a second, her fingers taking Lydia's hand in a soft grip. She pulled her friend down the hallway and into the girls bathroom just as the redhead began to cry in earnest.
"Hey, you're okay." Amber said softly, tucking a strand of strawberry blonde hair behind Lydia's ear.
"I need- I need a minute." Lydia choked out, dashing into one of the stalls and slamming the metal door shut behind her before sniffling loudly in the quiet room.
"I- I'll wait outside." Amber decided softly, frowning at the closed stall door one last time before she turned and stepped out into the hallway to lean against the wall just outside of the restroom.
She stood with her back pressed against the wall for several minutes before she heard Lydia speaking softly from inside the bathroom. Turning back toward the door, Amber was about to peek inside when the door swung open and Lydia stepped out into the hallway with a determined look on her face.
"Hey, Lyds-" Amber started, pausing when Lydia's gaze caught on the empty staircase behind the brunette.
"Where is he going?" Lydia asked before taking off, pushing past her friend to begin climbing the stairs.
"What?" Amber called out to her friend's retreating back in confusion, "Where's who going? Lydia-"
She mimicked Lydia's quick steps and followed behind her as they went upstairs and rounded the hallway back toward the north end of the school, calling out to her friend with no response as she trailed behind.
Lydia finally paused as they came to a smaller staircase in the north hall, her gaze focussed on the large display case full of sports awards and photographs from over the years. Amber watched Lydia's jaw clench before she bounced on her toes and approached the trophy case to get a closer look.
"What's going on?" Amber asked quietly, unsurprised when she still didn't receive a response.
She looked between her friend and the display case in confusion, watching Lydia's eyes focus on a trophy inside with a terrified expression. Amber's eyes followed the redhead's gaze and they caught on an old basketball trophy, the student's name engraved on the plaque stumping her to no end.
Peter Hale.
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Amber spotted the back of Stiles' head just as she stepped into the cafeteria at lunchtime and she grinned excitedly, bounding up behind him to wrap her arms around his chest from behind awkwardly over his backpack, pressing her nose into his cheek.
He flinched in surprise and she laughed, "Hello."
"You scared the crap outta me." He scolded, turning his head at an awkward angle to look back at her.
She released him from her arms and took hold of his hand, beginning to pull him over toward the table where Scott was already sitting with his lunch tray. Stiles resisted when she tugged on him and Amber looked back at him in confusion.
"I, uh- I just gotta talk to someone about, a uh, a thing-" He winced at his own vague explanation and took a step to the side, "I'll be right there."
"Oh," She realized, her eyes drifting over to the table a few feet away where a dark skinned boy was sitting by himself and poking at his subpar school lunch, "You're gonna get the keys from Boyd? I'll come with you-"
"Wh- N-No," Stiles stammered before groaning with wide eyes, "It was supposed to be a surprise. Did Scott tell you?" He asked in disbelief.
She frowned guiltily, "Was it? I kinda pulled it out of him. I'm sorry."
Stiles shook his head and reluctantly pulled her toward the table where Vernon Boyd was sitting and having lunch. Amber split off from Stiles and sat down beside Boyd with a smile.
"Hi, Boyd." She greeted.
Stiles settled into the seat across from them, sitting sideways in the chair awkwardly as he tried to look nonchalant, "Boyd." He greeted with a nod. "You got the keys?" He questioned, peeking over at the other boy out of the corner of his eye.
Boyd thrust his hand across the table, keychain dangling from between his fingers. Stiles huffed out an excited breath and reached out to grab the proffered item, but Boyd's hand tightened around the keys with raised eyebrows. Stiles pulled at the keys again with a frown, making a small noise as he tried unsuccessfully to tug them out of the other boy's grip.
"This isn't a favor. This is a transaction." Boyd reminded firmly.
"Right, yeah!" Stiles said easily, letting go of the keychain, "Absolutely.."
Amber watched Stiles dig around in the pocket of his zip up sweatshirt and pull out a crinkled twenty dollar bill, slapping it down on the tabletop with a hopeful look.
"I said fifty." Boyd said plainly, eyes flicking up from the bill to Stiles with an unimpressed frown.
"Really?" Stiles asked with a barely perceptible wince, "I, uh- I remember twenty, I don't know. I have a really good verbal memory, and I remember twenty. I remember that distinctive 'twa' sound." He rambled, eyes finally flicking over to Amber, "Twa - nty."
She snorted and brought a hand up to her mouth to cover the laugh.
Boyd didn't look nearly as amused, "I said fifty. With the 'fu' sound. Hear the difference?"
Stiles made a face, "Ah-"
"If you can't-" Boyd continued quickly, "I can demonstrate some other words with the 'fu' sound."
"Uh, no, no, no-" Stiles ceded, lifting his hips from his seat to dig around in the pocket of his jeans, "I think I'm recalling it." He added another bill to stack on top of the twenty on the table, "Maybe I just got it confused with 'fo' - rty." He prompted.
Boyd took a chip from the bag on his tray and put it into his mouth slowly, holding Stiles' gaze with an indifferent expression as he crunched down on it and chewed.
Stiles' hopeful expression faded into a frown as he sulked, "C'mon, man. Have you seen the piece of crap Jeep I drive?"
"Have you seen the piece of crap bus I take?" Boyd countered without pause.
Amber shook her head, "Stiles. You love Roscoe, don't insult him when he can't hear you." She scolded, pulling out a twenty from the pocket of her jeans and adding it to the pile of bills as she turned to face Boyd in her seat, "Boyd. Thank you for loaning us your work keys. You're the best and we really appreciate it." She collected the sixty dollars and pressed the bills into his large hand with a smile.
Boyd smiled for the first time since the interaction began and held out the keys to her easily, dropping them into her hand as he pocketed the money.
"Wh- Can I get the extra ten dollars back?" Stiles asked the other boy as Amber stood from the table.
"No." Boyd told him easily, eating another chip with a satisfied grin.
Amber rounded the table and pulled Stiles up with her hand in his, "Thank you!" She called out to Boyd one final time as she dragged Stiles around to Scott's table.
She pulled him down into the chair beside her as they sat down across from Scott and she released Stiles' hand to pat him on the thigh consolingly while Scott looked between them.
"Did you get 'em?" He asked.
"Got 'em." Stiles confirmed, "And thank you. For completely ruining the surprise by telling Amber the entire plan." He finished with snark.
Scott frowned with a small shrug, "Sorry, man."
Amber hummed, "It's cute that you thought you both could keep a secret from me for a whole day," She leaned onto her elbows on the table and pressed her lips to Stiles' cheek in a quick peck, "Besides, I'm glad I know now, that way I can dress accordingly. Can you imagine if I'd showed up in a skirt or something?" She laughed, reaching forward to grab a french fry off of Scott's plate and plopping it into her mouth.
"Yeah. That would've been terrible.." Stiles muttered, glaring aggressively across the table at Scott. He sighed after a moment and turned his attention on Amber again, "So, I'll pick you up after Scott gets out of work and we'll meet Allison at the rink. Cool?"
"Cool." She agreed, reaching across the table to grab another french fry.
There was a quiet stirring across the lunchroom and the three turned follow the gazes of their classmates where everyone seemed to be watching the doorway as Erica Reyes stepped into the cafeteria, looking decidedly unlike herself.
Where Erica normally wore jeans and a sweatshirt, always baggy and comfortable so that she could hide herself away behind her clothes and untamed blonde hair. Now, she walked through the room confidently in a small leather skirt and a tight, low-cut tank top, towering several inches taller than her normal height with the high heels she had on her feet.
The blonde strutted into the room with a small sultry smile on her red painted lips, pausing at a table at the front of the room and leaning over to snag the untouched apple from an unsuspecting Freshman's tray. She bit into the fruit sensually, wiping the juice from her lips with another flirty grin before standing back upright.
"What." Lydia said suddenly from beside Scott and Stiles, "In the holy hell. Is that."
"It- It's Erica." Amber mumbled through the french fry still dangling from her mouth, eyes wide as she remained focussed on the beautiful blonde across the lunchroom.
Erica chewed the bite of fruit in her mouth with pursed lips before fiddling with the apple in her hands and turning to leave, slowly strutting back out of the cafeteria with a determined sway of her hips.
Scott and Stiles pushed out of their seats as she turned the corner out of sight and Amber scrambled to follow after them. They rushed down the hallway and pushed through the front doors of the school building just as Erica made it to the curb and pulled open the passenger door of a black Camaro.
The blonde looked up at them with a grin as she slid into the car. She and Derek both peered out the window to shoot them matching smiles before the car took off out of the parking lot, tires squealing in their wake.
"May- Maybe it's a coincidence," Amber tried weakly, "Just because she's suddenly insanely hot and knows Derek doesn't necessarily mean-" Her words cut off as she shrunk back under Scott's glare, "Yeah. Yeah, I heard how ridiculous it sounded even while it was coming out of my mouth."
She watched with a sigh as the Camaro pulled out onto the road with another squeal of tires and sped off.
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As the lights flicked on to slowly illuminate the ice rink around them, Amber bounced up onto her toes excitedly and bit down on her lip, gripping onto Stiles' hand tight. He turned his head and took in her eager expression with a satisfied smile, tightening his hand around hers momentarily before he dragged her over to look for skates in their sizes.
He released her hand behind the counter as he pulled two pairs from the shelf. He guided her over to the bench just outside of the ice and gestured for her to sit before handing over her ice skates.
When he sat down beside her, Amber knocked her forehead against his softly, her nose brushing against his teasingly for a second before she turned her head and began pulling off her sneakers.
"Wh-" He protested quietly under his breath.
She laughed quietly and bumped their shoulders together as she began pulling on and lacing up her skates. She was quickly to get them secured and once she was finished she looked over to find Stiles still pulling his own onto his socked feet.
She blew out a warm puff of breath into the cool air around them and shivered lightly beneath her long sleeved shirt.
"It's colder in here than I thought it would be." She admitted quietly, watching the way Stiles' long fingers moved as he finished tying his laces.
No sooner had she spoken when he reached down to his backpack, digging around through the contents for a moment before reemerging with a bright, neon orange athletic shirt.
"Here." He offered with a painfully sweet smile, holding the shirt out in offering.
"Stiles, that's really sweet, but.." Her eyes flicked down to the hideous shirt again, "I am not wearing that."
"Wh- But-" He frowned, his eyes flicking from the shirt she was already wearing to the one in his hand, "Blue and orange. It's the colors of the Mets."
Her heart sank at the sound of his dejected voice and she sighed, "That's all you have?"
He pursed his lips and peered into his backpack again, shuffling a few textbooks around, "Oh, oh, wait-" He pulled another wrinkled bundle of fabric from the bottom of the bag and Amber ripped it from his hands in a flash.
She shrugged the dirty flannel on over her own shirt and Stiles immediately reached out and attempted to smooth out some of the creases before he seemed to give up on the impossible task. Looking up at him with a smile, she found his gaze already on her and she couldn't help but flush under his attention with a quiet huff.
Stiles lifted his hand from where he had been pinching the fabric of the flannel in an aborted motion a couple of times before settling his palm over her cheek and leaning in slowly. She sat still as he drew closer and only when his lips ghosted against hers did she finally push forward into his space, joining their mouths together more firmly with a contented sigh.
"Skating!" Scott's voice called out suddenly, jolting the two apart, "This date is for skating! You guys can makeout at home later."
Amber scrunched her nose at her friend in irritation as he passed by before she stood up and reached a hand back toward Stiles blindly, "We will!" She called out petulantly at Scott's retreating back, "A lot!"
Scott and Allison's laughter was loud as they moved to one of the openings to the rink, preparing to go out onto the ice.
"A lot, huh?" Stiles questioned, mouth startlingly close to Amber's ear.
She flinched at the feeling of his warm breath and looked back at him. Her eyes traced slowly over the freckles over his cheeks before determinedly focussing on the warm brown pools of his eyes.
"That was the plan," She revealed with a grin, pulling him toward the ice with wobbly steps as she balanced on the blades of her skates, "Why, do you have any objections?" She asked over her shoulder.
"Nope. No objections. Not a one." He said quickly as he trailed behind her.
She turned to face him and shuffled back, until she was standing with the blades of her skates on the ice while Stiles stood a step beyond the edge of the rink.
"Good." She said quietly, leaning forward until their lips were nearly touching. Her mouth hovered just out of his reach and when he tilted his head forward to catch her lips, she let her skates carry her back a few inches to glide along the ice, "C'mon, Stiles!" She laughed gleefully, "This date is for skating, after all-"
He protested loudly as the distance between them increased and he moved to follow her immediately, stepping onto the ice and kicking off with one foot to rush in her direction. Her eyes widened when she saw him speeding toward her and she squealed quietly just as his arms wrapped around her to pull her into his chest while they continued backwards.
"You're a menace." He scolded as they slowed to a stop.
She giggled and remained in the warmth of his arms for a minute before slipping out of his grip and skating a few feet away with a grin.
"Wait, wait, Amber-" He reached toward her as she slid away.
"Scott!" Allison's voice suddenly yelled in panic.
Amber turned at the sound of the other girl's alarm and only managed to catch a blur of Scott's green shirt before he was colliding with her painfully. They seemed to spin for a long second before falling and the two managed to land with Amber sprawled across Scott's stomach, both of them hitting the ice with a yell of surprise.
"Sorry," Scott apologized weakly, "I don't think I'm very good at this."
Amber pushed up onto her elbows on the ice and looked back at him over her shoulder, "I caught on to that fact, believe it or not."
"Scott!" Allison's voice came again, closer this time.
"I'm okay." Scott promised breathlessly, still laying down flat on his back.
There were hands suddenly at Amber's waist as she tried to push up off of her friend and she glanced back as Stiles hooked his fingers into the belt loops on her jeans to pull her to her feet.
"You looked like you hit your head that time." Allison worried as she helped Scott up.
"What's that, Coach?" Scott asked in feigned confusion.
Amber laughed, allowing herself to be pulled away on her skates by Stiles' hand in hers. He dragged her to the other side of the rink and as they slowed, he released her hand. He turned her to face him head on and carefully guided her to skate backwards until her back hit the wall with a soft thump.
"Hi." She breathed, heart fluttering at the warmth of his chest against hers as he pressed her back into the wall.
"You okay?" He questioned, hand coming up to brush a lock of hair behind her ear as his other tightened incrementally around her hip.
"I'm fine," She couldn't help but whisper in their close proximity, "My hands are really cold now though- From touching the ice."
Stiles leaned back a only few inches but she found herself frowning at the increased space between their bodies as he reached down to take her hands into his. He enveloped her smaller hands in his palms and blew a warm breath into his cupped hands. He pulled in another deep breath before exhaling warm air over their hands once again, eyes flicking back and forth between hers slowly as he breathed heat into her chilled fingers.
"Better?" He asked, still holding her hands between their chests.
She nodded silently, not trusting her voice as her eyes focussed on the soft plushness of his lips. She leaned her weight more heavily against the wall behind her, her head thumping back against the plexiglass with a quiet thud as she looked up at him.
She swallowed, "How, um. How long do you reckon we skate?" She questioned, aiming for casual, "Like.. An hour? Longer?"
He studied her face slowly for a moment before responding, "Yeah, I- Probably like an hour or so. Why?"
"Just," She paused anxiously, "Thinking about the plan for, y'know, after."
"The pla-" He blinked suddenly and looked at her with scrutiny, "The plan we were just talking about? The uh.. The one you just mentioned to Scott?"
She nodded slowly, her heart already picking up in her chest excitedly in anticipation. She peeked around his shoulder and watched Scott nearly fall on his face again as Allison rushed to keep him upright.
Amber leaned her head back against the wall again and looked up at the boy in front of her. She licked her lips in contemplation and Stiles' eyes seemed to track the movement.
"I think Scott and Allison are a little preoccupied with keeping Scott's bones unbroken," She told him slowly, "I, um. I saw a photobooth on our way in if you wanted to maybe go and take a couple pictures."
"Yeah, we can do that." He agreed easily, confused at her apparent nerves.
"I wouldn't mind a couple photo strips of us, y'know, kissing." She continued.
"We can definitely do that." He amended, already grabbing her hand and pulling her along behind him in the direction of where they'd stepped out onto the ice in the first place.
Stiles stumbled the moment he stepped off of the ice and Amber laughed as he continued to drag her toward the picture booth. When they got to the stall, he pulled the curtain to the side and urged her to climb inside first. She slid across the tiny bench seat and looked at him excitedly as he sat down beside her.
"Okay," She grinned, leaning forward and squinting at the buttons surrounding the large camera lens at the front of the space, "So, how do we-"
Two fingers pressed into her jaw, turning her head so that Stiles could cover her mouth with his as his other hand reached around to slam down over the largest button blindly.
He opened his mouth on only the second soft press of their lips and grazed his tongue over her lips softly as the first flash went off behind their closed eyes. Her brain finally caught up and she brought a hand to grip at his neck, his hand falling away from her face to drag her closer by her waist.
The second flash went off.
He tightened his grip around her lower back, hand flattening to spread out over the flannel she was wearing, his fingers pressing into the curve of her spine. She groaned softly against his tongue, her leg instinctively coming up to drape over his knee in the cramped space as she tried to get closer.
There was another click of a flash and it was then that she remembered there were pictures being taken at all. She pulled back just enough that she could gaze at Stiles, her vision slightly blurred from their close proximity. His eyes were still closed, long eyelashes downcast over his cheekbones. He brushed his nose against hers softly just as the final flash lit up the booth.
She leaned back another few inches and he finally cracked his eyes open to look at her in confusion.
"The first set of pictures is over." She told him, licking her lips and feeling a flutter in her stomach when she tasted the remnants of his mouth on her own.
He turned his head toward the camera as if he'd also forgotten it was there, "I guess we should do another one then."
He was reaching toward the button again but she pulled his hand back, "Wait, wait."
"What's wrong?"
"I just, I wanna take a few cute ones first. Before we get too.. Distracted." She explained.
He smiled and nodded, pressing his hand down on the button before wrapping an arm over her shoulder and pulling her into his chest. He pressed a gentle kiss to her temple and she bit down on her lower lip against a smile as the flash went off.
She reached for his hand where it was draped around her shoulder to tangle his fingers around the backs of hers, using her new grip to curl his arm tighter around her neck until she could reach to bite down softly on his wrist. The camera flashed just as Stiles looked down at her in mock outrage.
He retaliated quickly, untangling their hands so that he could poke his fingers into her waist beneath her flannel. Her whole body jolted as he started to tickle her sides and her butt came up off of the bench as she squirmed to get away, head thrown back against his shoulder as she laughed loudly.
As soon as the flash went off, he stopped tickling her and chuckled as she breathed heavily in recovery. She tilted her head against his shoulder and peered up at him in adoration. Stiles moved to look down at her to see what she was planning for the next photo to but she leaned up to press a kiss to his jaw and stopped the movement of his head. His smile was soft and pleased smile and his cheek dimpled adorably as the flash lit up the booth again.
He finally tipped his head to look at her and their noses brushed softly. It felt eerily reminiscent of their first — apparently second — kiss the night they'd gotten drunk on Jack Daniels in the woods. Their lips brushed softly but this time instead of panicking, she turned and slotted their lips together easily. She reached up to fist her hand in the front of his sweatshirt and parted her lips against his just enough that she could taste his next exhale as the fifth flash went off.
"One more?" He asked against her mouth, his words slipping into her open mouth intoxicatingly.
"Uh huh." She told him quietly, pulling his lips back down against hers.
She didn't watch, but she heard the quiet slaps of his hand fumbling around for the button before it clicked in indication that he'd managed to find it. His arm wrapped around her waist quickly, his other hand pressing into the wall of the booth behind her as he crowded her back and leaned into her space. When his tongue brushed her lip questioningly, she barely had to think before she was tilting her head and opening her mouth in acceptance.
The first flash went off and the click of it seemed to spur Stiles on, his arm tightening around her back for only a second before he reached down to tug her thigh back over his again, the way it had been in the first set of pictures. She let her knee curve around his lap, her calf draped between his legs as their heads tilted in opposite directions, tongues meeting again and again hungrily.
At the second flash, she wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled herself that much closer, nearly in his lap as she straddled just one of his thighs while Stiles slid to the edge of the seat to angle his body toward her in the cramped space. She pulled back just enough that she pulled in his next exhale through her lips. She looked down at his mouth with hooded eyes, fingertips reaching between them to brush over his lips in a light touch just as the camera flashed again.
He retook her mouth with his as soon as the picture snapped and she parted her lips for his tongue immediately, groaning quietly into his mouth. His hand at her waist dipped to grab a handful of her ass through her jeans and she moaned more openly, head falling back from the kiss as her arm tightened around his neck.
The camera flashed over her blissful expression and her mouth was back on his in a frantic rush. Their tongues met between kisses again and she tightened her leg over his thigh as she pulled him closer. Her knee brushed against the growing bulge beneath his jeans as she pulled herself against him and this time it was Stiles whose head dropped back from the kiss. His jaw went slack when her leg pressed firmly against him and it was at that glorious moment that the final flash lit up the booth.
"Sorry." She apologized in a whisper as soon as she realized what she'd done. She loosened her leg from around him and sat beside him again.
He took a deep breath, his hand finally dropping down from the wall behind her head. His fingers combed through her long hair in silent forgiveness and he thunked the side of his head against the back of the booth as he looked over at her.
"Do you wanna go back out and skate?" He asked after a minute looking at her softly and regaining his breath.
"Yeah." She agreed, "Are you.. Good? To go back out?" She asked cautiously, eyes flicking down to his lap in question.
He huffed out a laugh, "I'm about as good as I'm gonna get with you sitting next to me, if I'm being honest. If anything, it'll be easier when we're back out on the ice and it's cold and you're mouth isn't two inches away."
"Who said my mouth won't be two inches away on the ice?" She asked teasingly, leaning closer to brush her lips over his.
"Alright, let's go-" Stiles said, the warmth of his body very suddenly no longer against her.
He stood from the photobooth, extending a hand to help her out that she accepted begrudgingly. Once they stepped out of the stall, Amber's eyes caught on the tiny cubby in the side and the three photo strips that laid inside.
"Oh!" She exclaimed excitedly, reaching for the pictures and pulling them up in front of her face as she examined them closely.
Stiles pressed his chest to her back and peered over her shoulder as she began to flip through the strips.
The first was relatively innocent pictures of them kissing, only able to see the hint of tongues in one or two of them if you looked close enough.
The second made her stomach flutter. They were sickeningly adorable. Snapshots of them pressed close together happily, flirting, laughing — the final picture catching their mouths hovering just a breath away from a kiss.
The third strip was what gave her pause. The first two photos were the two of them kissing hungrily as they pulled one another closer. The third, a small break from the heaviness as it captured Amber's fingertips brushing softly over the softness of Stiles' lips. But the final two pictures were practically softcore porn. Her eyes barely skimmed over photo number four, the way her head had been thrown back in arousal. Instead, her attention was immediately drawn to the final picture. Stiles' head lolled against the wall, lips parted in a silent moan, cheeks visibly flushed, eyes closed — All with his arm still propped up behind Amber's head while she looked at him in awe from only a breath away.
As they studied the third and final set of pictures, Stiles made a small sound into her ear from behind her.
"Dibs!" She said quickly, pressing the third strip to her chest protectively.
"No, no, no," He disagreed instantly, "No way, you can't just call dibs on the hottest one."
"Well, it's too late, because I already did." She grinned in satisfaction.
"And what if I wanted that one?" He asked incredulously.
"If you wanted the hottest one, I guess you should've called dibs or something." She told him easily.
He was on her in a second, arms wrapping around her from behind as he quickly pulled the photostrip in question from her hands and held it above his head where she couldn't reach it.
"Hey, no!" She whined as she spun around to face him, wrapping an arm around his neck and reaching up toward his extended hand in vain, "You can't use your height against me! I called dibs!"
"I'm sorry but I need these pictures for very important personal reasons." Stiles said, trying not to laugh as she attempted to pull herself higher up to reach his hand.
"No way. You don't get to keep them just because you want them as jerk-off material. Maybe I want to jerk off to them, too-" She argued, "Did you ever think of that?"
"That's not what I- Well, okay, yeah- But-" He tried to deny before realizing it was a moot point.
Very suddenly, she stopped trying to get the pictures back and wrapped both of her arms around his neck instead. She remained chest to chest with him, her breasts pressing against him through the thin fabric of his tshirt as she narrowed her eyes.
He made a quiet noise of either arousal or confusion and she moved to drag her nose along the ridge of his jaw, pressing her lips lightly to his skin as she moved further up toward his ear.
"Stiles, please?" She asked softly, lips brushing against the shell of his ear before she dropped to press a couple of soft kisses to the side of his neck.
"Wh- That's not fair. You can't do that." He protested weakly, elbow dropping just slightly where he was holding the photostrip above them.
Her lips dragged back along his jaw, pressing a kiss to his chin and the corner of his mouth before hovering above his lips.
"Can't do what?" She questioned slowly, blinking at him innocently as she licked her lips, her tongue managing to brush lightly over Stiles' own lips as she did so.
He made another pained noise, arm lowering distractedly again, "Can't use sex against me when we haven't done sex-like things yet."
"You're right," She agreed easily, "What if instead, you just let me have the pictures?"
"That doesn't really feel like you're agreeing with me," He laughed against her mouth, "But what if I hold onto them so I can scan them onto my laptop, and then I let you have them?"
She leaned back with a frown, "Scan them? Why didn't you just say that before?" She loosened her arms around his neck and looked at him with less blur obstructing his features.
"If I'd said that before, you wouldn't be clinging on to me quite so desperately." He grinned, letting his arm fall and stuffing the pictures into the back pocket of his jeans.
"Now who's the menace?" She glared at him playfully.
"Hey!" Scott's voice sounded out suddenly from behind her, "Are you guys done in the photobooth? Allison and I want to take some pictures."
Amber turned her head toward where Scott and Allison were making their way over stockingfoot, skates already pulled off.
"All yours, buddy." Stiles assured him, hand dropping onto Amber's hip.
"Sweet!" Scott said excitedly, pulling the curtain open and letting Allison slide in first, "Oh, gross!"
"What?" Amber, Allison, and Stiles all questioned.
"Guys, seriously? It reeks in here." Scott said with a wince.
"I don't smell anything." Allison said in confusion.
"I can't let your wolfy-nose control my whole life, Scott." Amber laughed, "Sorry."
"Ugh," Scott grimaced, "I knew I'd regret you two getting together at some point, I just didn't realize it would be so soon."
"Sorry, man." Stiles shrugged, "You're probably gonna have to get used to it."
Scott frowned and pulled the curtain closed, cutting himself and Allison off from his best friends.
"I seriously don't smell anything," Allison repeated, "Is it that bad?"
"I don't want to talk about it." Scott said quietly.
Amber laughed and released Stiles completely before moving back over toward the ice rink, "You still wanna skate for a few minutes?" She asked, hesitating at the edge.
Stiles grabbed her hand and pulled her back onto the ice where they skated a slow lap around the rink with their fingers intertwined. She slowed after a while and skated around him in a circle, stopping at his back. She reached her hands to his waist from behind and locked her fingers into the belt loops at his hips.
"Pull me," She prompted, pressing her face into the soft hood of his sweatshirt.
He chuckled but obeyed her request, skating forward slowly and dragging her along as she stood behind him, pressed to his back. They looped around for a few minutes before she loosened her grip and let herself fall back as Stiles continued forward.
When he noticed the absence of her warmth behind him, he turned on his skates and made his way back over, coming to a stop in front of her. He reached out to fix the collar of her borrowed flannel, pulling it up closer to the cool skin of her neck, and her stomach fluttered at the soft thoughtful gesture.
She fiddled with the long sleeves where they hung down over her palms for a moment before reaching out to stick her hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt and skating backwards at a slow speed, pulling him along with her.
He looked at her curiously but didn't question as she continued backward, slowing to a crawl but still moving blindly until her back thumped softly against the plexiglass wall at the edge of the rink.
"What's up?" He asked softly, letting his skates cage her in with his feet on either side of hers.
"Was just thinking." She told him vaguely, a small smile pulling at her lips.
"Oh no," He joked, raising his eyebrows, "That doesn't sound good. What were you thinking about?"
She shrugged casually, "You."
He smiled, "Oh, well that's okay then. What about me?"
"Mm," She hummed noncommittally, "Mostly your mouth."
Stiles tried not to show the slight surprise on his face, "My mouth, huh?" He asked smugly.
"Mhm," She nodded, "A real smart mouth. Very annoying. Always talking absolute shit-"
"Hey!" He said in offense.
"-Instead of kissing me." She finished with a sly smile.
He faltered for a moment. His mouth dropped open as if he had a retort ready before he seemed to think better of it and instead cupped her cheek to bring their lips together.
"Hey, uh, we're gonna head out." Scott's voice called out from the edge of the rink, standing hand in hand with Allison with an infuriatingly smug look on his face.
Amber thumped her head back against the wall for a brief second before grabbing Stiles' hand and skating back over toward their friends.
"We, uh. We're probably gonna head out too." Amber revealed, stepping off of the ice and wobbling slightly on her skates.
Scott nodded, pinching his lips together in a tight, amused line, "Uh huh. I bet you are."
"Yup." She nodded with a laugh, "We are. I just said that." She shoved past her best friend with a hand on his chest as she continued to pull Stiles behind her, "Don't be so smug. It's not like we don't all know exactly what you and Allison are leaving to go do in the privacy of her car."
Allison blushed and Scott's smile shifted into something more soft, "Yeah, okay." He settled, pulling on Allison's hand gently, "See you guys later."
"Later." Stiles and Amber called back.
Amber pulled off her skates and tugged her sneakers back on quickly before looking up at Stiles who appeared to have already done the same.
"So, uh.. Are we- We going to my place?" Stiles asked, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"My brother's home for the night so.." She said slowly.
"Yeah, definitely my place."
"Yeah." She nodded.
"What the hell are we waiting for then?" He asked, grabbing both sets of skates in one arm and snatching her hand with the other, pulling her back toward the front of the building.
She laughed at his eagerness and just managed to grab his backpack from the floor, fighting to keep up with his long strides as they locked up the rink and just about ran to the vehicle.
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When they got to the Stilinski house, Stiles' father's cruiser was regrettably already parked in the driveway and Stiles audibly groaned.
"He's worked late every night for the last two weeks but on the night of our first date, he's home by nine? Seriously?" He lamented, slamming the driver's side door of the Jeep shut.
Amber laughed, closing her own door and pulling her duffle bag onto her shoulder before she rounded the Jeep to meet him at the front hood.
"Oh, it'll be fine." She told him, leaning up onto her toes to press a quick kiss to his lips before turning to head inside. When they stepped through the front door, Amber slipped off her sneakers into the small pile of shoes underneath the coat rack. "Hi, Mr. Stilinski." She greeted when she spotted the man watching television on the couch in the living room.
"Hey," He greeted back, "Have you kids seen this movie? It's got the guy from Star-something and Denzel Washington."
"I can't say I have." Stiles told him, peering at the screen as they stepped further into the house.
The Sheriff picked up the remote beside him and squinted at the buttons before he paused the action on the screen, "There's this train and- Well I don't want to give it away, but it's good. I can start it over if you two want to-"
"Oh, uh. Sorry, pops." Stiles said awkwardly, reaching up to rub the back of his neck, "We.. Were already gonna watch something else."
"Oh," His dad said quickly, throwing the blanket beside him over the back of the couch, "Do you guys want to watch it down here on the tv? I can finish this tomorr-"
"Actually," Amber interrupted softly this time, "I have the movie downloaded on my computer, so." She patted her hand against her laptopless duffle bag, "We'll have to watch it on there anyway. You can finish your movie on the tv."
Stiles dropped his hand heavily onto her shoulder in relief and nodded in enthusiastic agreement, "Yup! So, we'll be watching a movie up there, and you can watch your train movie down here." He repeated again unnecessarily, "Cool. Right, so. Let's go."
His hand wrapped around Amber's wrist in a firm grip and he pulled her around the corner and up the stairs before she could say another word. They stumbled through the door to his bedroom and Amber dropped her duffle bag down onto the ground beside the bookshelf.
She gnawed on her lower lip, suddenly anxious, and her fingers picked at the soft edges of the flannel sleeves hanging down over her hands as Stiles threw the door shut with just a touch too much enthusiasm considering how loud the resulting slam was.
"Oops." He said simply, eyes focussed intently on the girl in front of him as he swallowed nervously.
They both seemed to take a deep, grounding breath at the same time and when their exhales lined up in a loud huff of air in the quiet room, they laughed quietly.
"Why is this suddenly, like, nerve-wrackingly awkward?" She questioned.
"Do- would you rather put on an actual movie or something?" He asked immediately, "I can set up my laptop and-"
She stepped forward in a quick movement, "No, no, I still want to- Not watch a movie." She assured him, licking her lips with a nervous laugh, "I'm just not sure how to.. Start."
He smiled in relief and stepped closer, his hand sliding along the side of her neck softly. His brown eyes flicked back and forth between hers attentively as he leaned closer, giving her plenty of time to pull back if she'd wanted to. When their mouths met, it was like her nerves finally fell away and she threw herself into the kiss fervently.
Her arms wrapped around his neck and she drew herself up against him as they kissed. He continued to hold her neck gently, thumb skirting up to brush under her jaw through the blur of their mouths separating and meeting again tenderly.
Neither one of them even noticed that they'd been moving in slow steps until the backs of Stiles' legs bumped against the edge of the bed. He pulled back slightly from the kiss to look behind him before looking back up at her questioningly.
"Should we-?"
"Yeah." She nodded immediately, pushing gently at his chest until he complied.
He climbed back and sat with his legs out in front of him in the center of the bed and she paused to take him in for a moment before Stiles laughed and held his hand out in offering. She accepted and quickly crawled across the blankets to straddle his knees awkwardly, unsure how close she was meant to get or how quickly she was meant to do it.
Stiles didn't seem to notice her nerves and instead leaned forward in a smooth movement and brought their lips back together with his right hand firmly cupping the left side of her face. She moved to kneel further up around his legs until she settled over the tops of his thighs, gripping onto his shoulders as she tilted her head to meet his lips in another kiss.
She opened her mouth against his and his own lips parted quickly to slip his tongue through the opening to slide against hers. She groaned quietly into his mouth at the taste of him and pushed at his shoulders to lay him back against the mattress.
As he settled onto his back, he shuffled slightly against the bed to get into a comfortable position and she was jostled until she was left straddling his waist. She pulled back from the kiss for just a moment, already feeling warmth pricking beneath her skin. He looked up at her curiously while she slipped out of the flannel she had on over her long sleeved shirt, tossing it over the side of the bed. He followed suit and leaned up to pull his zip-up off, rolling it into a ball and throwing it behind her before quickly laying back down.
He brought a hand up to her face again and pulled her down to recapture her lips. His left hand went to her waist and as their tongues brushed hotly again, his forearm tightened around her lower back and pulled her down against him, the seam of her jeans pressing up against her clit to send a sharp pang ecstasy down her spine. She gasped lightly against his mouth and rocked her hips back down against his without any further encouragement.
They both released quiet, hungry noises into one another's mouths at the friction between them and she continued the slow roll of her hips through open-mouthed kisses. On a particularly rough brush of the seam of her jeans against her underwear, she tightened her fingers around the backs of his shoulders and sighed against his mouth. She ground her hips down again and again as she tried to replicate the motion.
An indiscernible amount of time passed, their mouths and tongues meeting, her hips rolling down against him. She felt herself growing increasingly hot from both arousal and exertion but didn't stop, couldn't stop, her groin grinding down almost unconsciously as they continued to trade passionate kisses.
Stiles dropped his left arm from her back to gripped supportively at her hip instead, fingertips digging in as he followed the movements of her body against him. His right thumb brushed over her cheek the next time her lips parted and he tilted his chin up to meet her mouth that much more firmly, hunger evident in his kiss.
The next time she ground down in a slow roll of her hips, he groaned into her mouth and the needy noise sent a sharp spark of arousal straight between her thighs. She kissed him again and rolled her hips down against his just a touch harder in an attempt to get the friction she was desperately craving beneath her own jeans. As she ground down, he moaned again, high in the back of his throat, and his body tensed beneath her, his hand left tightening on her hip as his mouth fell slack under hers.
She pulled back from the kiss, her lips hovering a breath away from his as her gaze raked over his face. His eyes were pinched shut and he huffed out a sharp breath from his open mouth while he tugged desperately at her waist again, pulling her down against him as his hips lifted from the mattress to press up into her.
He made another soft noise, his whole body jerking once more, and she could do little more than simply look down at him in awe. She was nearly sure if she looked down between them, she'd find a wet patch at the front of his jeans and she was thrilled. Amazed. She'd never been more proud of an accomplishment in her entire life.
She slid a hand from his shoulder to rest along his sharp jaw, her thumb rubbing softly over his flushed cheek. Stiles was so beautiful. He was handsome, sure. But he was also so unbelievably beautiful.
Her eyes mapped his face slowly. They traced over the light splotches of pink currently coloring his cheeks, the long length of his dark eye lashes, the plush cupid's bow of his upper lip, the perfect slope of his nose.
She silently allowed him to recover, watching him take in shaky breaths for a long minute before he spoke.
"Oh god." He finally groaned, dropping his right hand from her cheek and pushing his head as far back into the mattress beneath him as he could, like he could somehow sink into it and disappear, "No, no, no, no, I can't believe I just did that. Oh god-"
His sudden reaction surprised her, "Stiles. Hey, what's wrong?" She asked worriedly, hand still cupping his face gently.
"Wha- I just-" A whine crawled up his throat in embarrassment, eyes still pinched shut, "Fuck! I actually have you in my bed and I just- I came. In my pants."
"Why is that a bad thing?" She whispered cautiously, sliding her hand to the back of his neck and gently scraping her blunt fingernails into the buzzed hair at the base of his skull.
"Why is it-" Stiles stuttered, "Are you joking? This is so embarrassing- I- I'm actually gonna die. I'm gonna die of- Of embarrassment. I can't-"
Her anxious heartbeat settled in her chest, "Stiles," She interrupted, "Will you look at me? Please?"
He scrunched his face up tightly, like he didn't really want to obey her request, but he slowly did it anyway. His eyes fluttered open and she looked between the warm whiskey pools slowly.
"Stiles?" She whispered into the narrow sliver of space between their faces.
"Yeah?" He asked dejectedly.
She leaned down to press a soft kiss to his lips before pulling back to hover over him again, "That." She started seriously, "Was. Insanely. Hot." She pressed her lips to his in quick kisses for emphasis between each word.
"Me? Jizzing in my pants?" He clarified in disbelief.
She nodded slowly, "Stiles. Literally nothing has ever turned me on more than what just happened." She admitted quietly.
He continued to look up at her in disbelief for a moment before he was reaching up to cup the back of her head and pulling her mouth down against his, their lips slotting back together seamlessly. She couldn't help the small unconscious grind of her hips against his and he pulled back from her with a deep breath.
"As much as I don't want to leave the position we're currently in. Like, ever-" He started, dropping to rest both of his hands back over her hips again, "I need just, like, thirty seconds tops-"
"What for?" She questioned.
"I really need to change my pants." He admitted with a wince.
She rolled off of him quickly, "Oh god, yeah. Of course you do. Sorry."
He sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, "Just- Close your eyes? Give me half a sec-"
She reached up to cover her eyes immediately, readjusting from sitting back on her knees to sit criss-cross on the mattress. She listened to the sounds of him shuffling around the room, likely removing his pants and digging around in the dresser to find something else to wear.
It was only a few more seconds before she was blindly tackled onto her back on the bed, landing with a squeak of surprise underneath Stiles' body. She removed her hands from her eyes and looked up in the newly darkened room to see him grinning down at her, his cheeks dimpling with his smile.
She laughed, "I wouldn't have minded a little bit of warning."
He grinned wider, leaning down to press a quick kiss to her lips, "Sor-"
"Stiles!" They both flinched in surprise as Sheriff Stilinski's voice called out from the other side of the closed bedroom door, "Amber! I'm heading to bed!"
"'Kay, dad-" Stiles called out wide eyed.
"Good Night-" Amber called out weakly.
The sound of his dad's footsteps retreating down the hall faded slowly before the Sheriff's bedroom door clicked shut and they both let out a breath.
Amber's gaze dropped to Stiles' attire and she shifted on the bed nervously. The same black tshirt he'd been wearing all day stretched across his shoulders, he'd removed his jeans and changed his boxers, but he hadn't bothered with any sort of pants to go over them.
His weight dropped against her a bit more and his fingers brushed a strand of hair back out of her face in the dark, "On a scale of one to ten, how much did that interruption just turn you off?" He asked with a dejected sigh.
"Um," She focused on the heavy warmth of his weight settled on top of her and she took a breath before responding, "Not much, to be honest. Maybe only two."
"Two?" He repeated, sounding relieved, "Great! Cool, okay-"
His eyes flicked slowly between hers before he leaned down to press their mouths together again. He rested a hand over her hip, the fabric of her shirt bunching up as his fingers dragged against the bare skin of her abdomen. Her stomach fluttered and she reached up to the back of his neck to pull him closer, spreading her legs and allowing him to settle in between them on his knees.
His left hand slipped a little bit further beneath her shirt to simply rest along her ribcage and the gentle caress of his fingers over her skin had excitement twisting in her gut as they kissed. The movement of his hand only paused for a few seconds before he cautiously inched it up a bit more, the tips of his fingers brushing the underwire of her bra.
"This okay?" He questioned against her lips.
She lifted her free hand up from the bed and brought her fingers to gently encircle his elbow before guiding him up another few inches in silent consent. His hand cupped her breast over the thin cotton of her bra, the feeling entirely new and thrilling for the both of them, and it had them both huffing out a quiet breath into the space between their mouths.
He tightened the fingers of his left hand experimentally, squeezing her breast in a soft grip, and her back arched on reflex as she pressed up into his hand. His mouth captured hers again and he readjusted his hand to brush his thumb over the soft skin at the top of her bra.
When he parted from the kiss to take a breath after a few minutes, he let his right hand trail in the opposite direction until his knuckles dragged over the waistband of her jeans. Her stomach tightened in nervous anticipation and she opened her eyes to find Stiles already looking down at her in the dark.
"Is it okay If I-?" He questioned softly, his fingertips skating distractingly against the sensitive skin of her bare stomach.
She took a nervous breath and nodded, "Yeah."
He pulled back a fraction to look down at her pants in the dark and his left hand retreated from her chest as his fingers moved pinch at the top of the denim. After a few seconds watching him fumble, Amber reached down, her fingers brushing over his as she undid the button herself.
Once her jeans were open, they both paused for a moment before Stiles was jumping back into action, tugging at the material and easing it down a few inches. She lifted her hips from the mattress and helped him slide her pants down until the jeans were tossed in a heap on the floor beside the bed.
Once they were gone, his attention seemed to get stuck on her underwear-clad lower half and she pushed up onto her elbows anxiously. She saw the moment that his eyes caught on the place where Kate had dragged a sharp blade into the flesh of her lower stomach. He reached his right hand out to rest on her left hip once again and his thumb traced lightly over the fresh pink scar across the side of her abdomen, his touch gentle and brimming with care.
She watched him stroke his thumb back and forth over her skin and she took a slow breath as she fought to work up some nerve. She exhaled in a slow puff through her lips and finally sat up just enough that she could tug her rucked up shirt over her head entirely. The action seemed to draw his attention upward and he stared at her in the dimly lit room for a long moment, eyes now stuck on her bra-clad chest.
"They match." He observed quietly, licking his lips as his eyes trailed over her nearly naked body, gaze flicking back and forth as if he couldn't decide which article of her underwear he wanted to look at more.
"I didn't want to be presumptuous and assume that something would happen after the date, but also.. I- I was really hoping something would happen after the date." She admitted, squirming and looking down at the matching dark green pieces nervously.
"It's- You look.." He blew out a breath and nodded to himself, the compliment left unfinished as his eyes continued to trace the curves of her breasts.
"The silent staring is kind of making me nervous." She admitted quietly, readjusting to lean back onto her elbows.
"Sorry." He said quickly, leaning over her to give her a quick apologetic kiss.
Before he could pull away again, she dropped onto her back and reached up to hold his face to hers, kissing him harder. He met her efforts halfway and settled between her legs again as their mouths moved against one another in an easy, already nearly perfected rhythm.
It was only another couple of minutes of trading deep kisses before his hand made the slow trail back down her body. The gentle caress as he dragged it lower had her cunt clenching with nervous excitement. His hand continued on past her belly and skimmed against the thin fabric of her underwear this time. When his fingertips hooked lightly beneath the waistband, her hips reflexively lifted up off of the mattress toward him, her mouth falling away from the kiss distractedly.
His lips brushed featherlight over hers due to their close proximity, not quite firm enough to be an actual kiss, as his hand dove just a little bit deeper into her underwear. She let out a quiet noise as his fingers moved lower and traced over her softly, applying only the lightest bit of pressure as he curiously touched her. She felt him let out a soft breath over her mouth in what she assumed to be nervousness just before his two of his fingers pressed a touch more firmly and slipped down between her open thighs.
When the action caused his fingers to spread her wet folds, she released another soft whine against his mouth. The noise seemed to spur him on and the next second, one of his long fingers was entering her slowly. She moaned just a little bit louder as his finger moved in and out in a slow, exploratory motion.
"Shh," He hushed softly against her lips, "You're gonna have to be quieter than that."
She nodded against the mattress, "Sorry." She said breathlessly against his lips, nose brushing against his as she tipped her chin to peck him on the mouth.
He began to thrust his finger in and out just a little bit deeper as his eyes flicked between hers, "This okay?"
"Mhm," She agreed quietly, lifting her hips again to better the angle of his hand, "Maybe, could you- Two?"
He didn't respond verbally but another finger quickly slipped in alongside the first. She gasped quietly at the thickness of his knuckles dragging against her walls and slid her hands around to the back of his neck. He thrust his fingers in and out in a slow motion and she brought his lips back down against hers desperately.
He continued fucking into her, the thickness and depth of his fingers both so much more — so much better — than her own.
Eventually, she pulled her mouth from his to take a deep breath. It felt amazing, incredible, but she couldn't help the pang in her gut that insisted she needed something more.
"C'you just-" She took a slow breath, "C'you curl your fingers, like, up and-"
Stiles followed her instruction before she could even finish the request, her words cutting off as he immediately managed to find the spot she'd been indicating. She moaned quietly at the feeling of the pads of his fingers pressing against the soft bundle of nerves inside of her and her hand slipped from his neck to his shoulder to grip onto him tightly.
"God." She whispered when he curled his fingers tighter, pressing against the spot inside of her just a bit more confidently, "Just- Just keep.. rubbing, like-" He began to rub the pads of his fingers against the spot in a slow come-hither motion and she arched her back as she took a gasping breath, "Yeah. Like that. You're- 's really good. You're excellent at.. Following directions. A Plus."
Stiles huffed a quiet laugh at her rambling and moved to kiss her again as he skillfully continued the motion of his fingers inside of her. The change in angle as he leaned forward to capture her mouth had his hand cupping her cunt tight beneath her underwear. As he continued to finger her, the addition of the pressure of his palm now dragging against her clit had her thighs beginning to shake as she edged toward an orgasm already.
"Oh, my god-" She murmured quietly against his lips, "I'm- Please don't change anything I'm-"
He did as he was instructed again, attentively and deliberately continuing to do exactly what he was doing. The friction of his palm rubbing against her clit while he relentlessly massaged the same bundle of nerves from inside of her had her face growing hot as a slow fog crept into her head.
She unintentionally let out another desperate noise and Stiles reached up to press the palm of his free hand lightly over her mouth as he shushed her again. The pressure of his hand covering her mouth made her release another small muffled moan against his palm.
"You okay if I keep my hand here?" He asked apprehensively, his eyes flicking between hers before dropping to the hand pressed over her mouth, his other hand continuing to finger-fuck her diligently.
She pursed her lips against the inside of his hand, nearly positive that she'd never been so turned on, not a day in her entire life.
She took in a shaky breath through her nose before nodding silently. She was so close she felt as if her vision was beginning to blur at the edges, her thighs beginning to tremble with her steadily building climax.
Stiles flexed the hand inside of her — for just a moment — to lessen the sore cramping from the repetitive motion of his fingers, resuming only a second later. And instead of ruining the progress toward her climax, the pressure of his palm pressing back down over her clit when he started up again sent her hurtling over the edge.
Her hand slipped down his back and she raked her hands over the fabric of his shirt desperately as her head fell back in pleasure. Her eyes clenched shut and her mouth went slack with a soft, drawn out moan beneath the palm of his left hand. Her hips twitched with each slow wave of the orgasm, continuing on and on when he didn't slow the caress of his fingers the way that she would have if she'd been pleasuring herself.
The hand over her mouth loosened cautiously before sliding to cup her cheek and she gasped a deep breath, her head clearing slightly at the tail end of the extraordinarily long orgasm.
"Okay," She whispered quietly, her body jerking again at the motion his fingers were still making inside of her. She couldn't hold back another quiet whine, "Okay that's-"
She reached down to gently tug at his arm until he got the message and withdrew his fingers. He slowly slipped them out of her underwear entirely and hesitated for a moment before resting his slick hand over her hip and squeezing softly.
Her breathing was heavy, her ears filled with a distant quiet ringing from the sheer strength of her orgasm, and Stiles was looking at her in the dark, his eyes raking over her flushed face in a slow motion.
"God." She whispered, looking up at him in disbelief, "That was-"
He blinked, as if he wasn't one hundred percent sure that she was going to say something positive, and she reached up to pull his mouth down against hers in a bruising kiss. She deepened it after only a few seconds, brushing her tongue across his languidly a couple of times before falling back to rest her head against the mattress again.
"I guess it was okay?" He asked with a nervous grin as he looked down at her again, "Because I've never- I mean, I guess that was kind of obvious, right?"
She slid a hand to cup his neck softly, "I- It's never-" She started in a whisper, the ringing in her ears finally fading out until she could barely hear it, "And then you- It just kept going and- Stiles, I- I'm being so serious right now-"
He interrupted her incoherent rambling by leaning down to kiss her again, brushing a lock of her hair back and tucking it behind her ear softly. He quickly deepened the kiss and her arms wound tight around the back of his neck yet again.
Their tongues brushed languidly for a while before she began to feel the tingling heat of arousal building up inside of her again. Without really thinking, she brought her leg up to wrap around the back of his thighs to pull him against her and he tumbled down clumsily. Each of them made a surprised noise of pleasure into the other's mouth when the hard line of his clothed cock pressed against her.
His mouth opened back up against hers hungrily with their next kiss and she used the leverage granted by her leg wrapped around him to lift her hips from the mattress. Another quiet sound escaped both of them as she began to eagerly grind herself up against his erection. At the obvious encouragement, Stiles readjusted more comfortably and rolled his hips down against her.
She quickly moved to wrap both of her legs around him, her thighs spreading further with the action, and on the next roll of his hips, the firm line of his cock rubbed against her clit over her underwear. It was quite possibly the best thing that she'd ever felt and she found herself meeting each of his movements halfway.
He continued to rut against her, forearms braced on either side of her head, the weight of his body pressing her into the mattress. Her body flushed with heat with the slow build of her second orgasm and she tightened her arms around his shoulders as she separated their mouths.
"That feels. So good." She said quietly, gasping on his next soft grind against her clit.
"I don't wanna come in my pants again but, also-" He rolled his hips down again and again, "'M definitely gonna come in my pants again." He admitted with a soft groan.
"Don't worry-" She gently maneuvered herself until she could press her mouth to the side of his throat in a biting kiss, "Me too."
He groaned again — the pitch of it higher and more desperate and all the more intoxicating — while she continued to kiss at his neck wetly, "Is that, like. Y're gonna come soon, or-" His knees slipped against the bed and his hips rocked that much harder against her, "'Cause 'm gonna come like- Like, really soon-"
Her whole body was overheated, prickling and buzzing of her building climax growing stronger with every firm drag of his cock against her clothed clit, but she knew she wasn't nearly there yet — not like he was. She brushed her lips along his neck in a few more gentle kisses as he ground down in a shaky rhythm.
"Sti, 's okay." She assured him after a moment, words muffled against his throat.
He turned his head and groaned a soft, distressed noise into her hair, "But I don't- I want you to-"
"Hey," She said softly, dropping her head back down against the mattress beneath him. Her lips brushed against his as she continued, "It's okay."
She took his head in her hands softly, her fingertips digging into the short hair behind his ears while she ran her thumbs along his cheekbones. She pressed her lips to his again in a soft peck, feeling it when his hips faltered slightly in their rhythmic movements.
He groaned again quietly, "I- I wanna make you-" He started.
"You can make me come after," She promised softly, "Seriously, 's okay. Come." She kissed him again but frowned when she pulled back slightly to see his face scrunched up like he was desperately trying to do the opposite. "Mieczysław," She murmured against his lips, with the intent of catching him off guard.
She smiled in satisfaction when his eyes flew open to looked down at her in surprise.
"Just let go." She encouraged gently.
"Shit." He dropped his forehead against hers on the next irregular roll of his hips, "So hot. Y're so hot." He pressed a hard kiss to her lips, "Will you- C'n you say it again?" He asked against her mouth, words muffled.
"Come?" She asked softly, her eyes flicking between his in question, "I- Let go?"
"No, no." He shook his head, his face somehow managing to flush a darker tinge of pink, "Shit. C'n you- Just.. Say my n-"
"Mieczysław?" She asked quietly. Stiles groaned again and his hips stuttered against her intoxicatingly, "C'mon, Mieczysław, 's okay." She whispered softly against his lips, her confidence growing when she saw the borderline painful look of bliss on his face. The next time he rutted against her, the head of his cock rubbed against her clit dead on and she gasped in surprise at the jolt of pleasure that shot through her, the name already on the tip of her tongue, "Mieczysław." She moaned quietly this time.
"Holy, god." He groaned in response.
"Feels so good," She breathed softly into the small space between their mouths. On the next roll of his hips, he managed to hit the same spot again by what had to have been pure luck, his tip catching on her clit once again, "Meesch-" A sharp gasp cut her off, "Mieczysław." She tried again, the name rolling from her tongue in a quiet whine.
His hips stuttered against her, mouth falling against hers in a slackened press of lips as his body tensed and jerked above her. She tightened her legs around his backside and rolled her hips on the mattress, grinding up against his cock to make up for his lack of movement. She felt it twitch through the thin fabric between them as he came in his boxers, a hot wet patch forming in the fabric pressed against her cunt. She continued to rut against him as he rode out his orgasm, the waves of it obvious each time his hips stuttered as she kissed him softly.
He dropped his head to her collarbone, panting hot, labored breaths over her skin as he recovered. Unwinding her legs from him slowly, her legs bent and bracketed his hips. She slid her hands down to his neck, fingertips running softly up and down his shoulders and back as his breathing slowed.
After a minute, she felt Stiles rub his forehead against her shoulder before he tilted his head to press gentle kisses to the curve of her neck. He leaned up onto his elbow and dragged his mouth in a slow trail along the sensitive skin, his right hand drifting to rest along her ribcage, thumb rubbing gently at her breast through the cotton of her bra. His tongue came out to brush a spot on the side of her throat on an open mouthed kiss and her hands tightened unconsciously over his tshirt where she'd been rubbing at his shoulders.
"Think I might have a thing for my neck being kissed." She admitted breathlessly, tipping her head to the side to allow him better access.
"Yeah?" He mumbled in question against her skin, scraping his teeth lightly but not biting down.
"Yeah," She affirmed, "Which is really unfortunate because I think hickeys are-" She paused to gasp when he bit down on a small patch of skin and sucked, hard. "Tacky. I-I think hickeys are really tacky." She finished.
"Oh." He laughed into her neck, kissing the skin he'd been abusing softly in apology, "Sorry 'bout that then. Won't do any more."
"The kissing though, the kissing's really good-" She commented, closing her eyes and tipping her head again when he moved to the other side of her neck. He ran his nose softly up her throat as he peppered hot kisses to the newly exposed skin. "Definitely approve of the kissing." She breathed.
The hand at her ribcage drifted lower, until his thumb was teasing at the waistband of her underwear once again, hooking beneath the elastic and tugging gently.
"How do you- D'you want me to finger you again or-" He murmured between kisses to her neck.
She groaned quietly, "Hearing you say it like that 's hot," She cut in, "Like, really, insanely hot." She repeated. His warm tongue came out to lick at a spot under her jaw and her hands fisted the back of his shirt tightly, "So hot." She breathed out.
"You didn't actually answer the question." He told her, pulling back to look down at her with a grin.
"Right." She realized, licking her lips in thought, "Um, okay. It seriously won't take long. If you just-"
He shook his head, "I don't- I don't care how long it takes-" He interjected seriously.
"Hush," She scolded softly, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips, "'M tryin' to tell you how to make me come again."
"Carry on." He said quickly.
She dropped her arms from his back and reached her left hand to guide his right one beneath her underwear again. He let out a small breath over her lips and swallowed, eyes flicking between hers as she directed the placement of his fingers over her clit.
"So just- Y'know, right here?" She directed softly, taking a shaky breath as his fingertips came into contact with the small bundle of nerves. She fumbled for how to explain verbally something she'd only ever done to herself, "You don't need to really apply much pressure, just-"
She guided his index and middle finger to press down lightly and moved their hands in a slow motion, his fingers slipping with smooth movements in the slick of her arousal. She waited a few seconds, until she was sure he'd caught on, before removing her hand with a shaky sigh as his fingertips rubbed softly against her clit.
The orgasm she'd been building up a few minutes prior began to re-emerge even quicker than she'd anticipated. As he settled into an easy rhythm, her head fell back and her eyes drifted shut, letting out a long, shaky breath of air.
She could already feel the heat of her climax building in her gut, the familiar tightness in her spine twisting further, and she pinched her eyes shut tighter as the soft fuzz in her brain continued to cloud between heavy breaths.
"You're quieter like this." Stiles commented softly, lowering his head to kiss at her neck again. He moved carefully as he tried not to disrupt the placement of his fingers as he circled the sensitive nub beneath her underwear gently.
"It's easier-" She told him breathlessly, "'S easier when there's just one thing to focus on. When there's something inside it's-"
He mouthed at her neck and her thigh muscles flexed with how wide she had her legs spread beneath him. She gasped quietly and fought to remember what she'd been talking about.
"Overwhelming." She finally finished after a long minute, brain hazy.
The tongue tracing a pattern along her throat trailed up higher as his fingers slipped and swirled around her clit lightly and something inside of her snapped. She choked on a gasp as her orgasm rushed over her in a sudden wave. Her back arched up from the bed, pressing Stiles' face into her neck more firmly with the movement.
The second climax faded more quickly than the first and as soon as her brain cleared, she guided his lips up to hers with her fingers pressed into his jaw. His fingers were still moving in slow, smooth strokes through the wetness between her folds and her hips jerked spastically at the continued stimulation.
"Jesus, Sti, that-" She whispered, body twitching again as she reached down to dislodge his hand gently, "That's- 'm good."
He dropped his hand beside her head and blinked down at her, eyes flicking between hers slowly in the dimlylit room, "Oh, I didn't realize you.. Sorry."
She pressed her lips to his softly, "Don't apologize."
She watched his eyes drop down to the left side of her neck before he grinned at her, "So, no hickeys in the future?"
"Oh god. I have one now though, don't I?" She groaned.
He nodded, leaning down to press his mouth to a spot that she couldn't see, but she felt the way it stung sharply at the light pressure, "Won' happen again." He promised against her skin, kissing it once more before moving back to kiss her on the lips again, "But I will be kissing your neck any and every opportunity I get."
"Somehow, I think I can live with that." She laughed quietly. She bit down softly on her lower lip in deliberation as she looked up at him, "So.." She started slowly, "Mieczysław-"
He groaned in embarrassment and dropped his head against her chest.
"Hey, no, don't do that." She pleaded, reaching up to run her fingers over the softness of his short hair, "I just wanted to be sure, I mean.. That- That's something you like?"
His head rolled to the side but remained laying against her sternum as he spoke, "To be completely honest I didn't really realize it was something I liked 'til you said it. I mean, I probably should've realized it. My dick, like, literally twitched in my pants when you said it in the principal's office yesterday-"
She snorted a laugh, "I'm sorry, what?"
He pushed back up onto his elbows and narrowed his eyes down at her, "Okay, that is not that weird."
"I never said it was weird. I just- I'm surprised. I didn't realize me just saying it could have such a strong effect on you." She grinned in amusement.
"I mean, my dick also twitches like almost every morning when I see you for the first time." He said easily.
Her eyes flicked over his face slowly, "What? Are you being serious?" She asked cautiously.
"Of course I'm serious," He defended, "Dicks kinda do that. I'm pretty sure I've gotten a semi from a good batch of curly fries."
"Dicks are that easy?"
"They're that easy," He agreed with a chuckle, "I'm literally resting in a damp patch of come right now in my shorts and.." He pushed up and looked down at the small space between their bodies, "Yep. Definitely not outta commission."
"Well," She licked her lips, "It's good to know you have a good refractory period. Y'know. For future reference."
He groaned, "Don't say that or I'm really gonna get hard again."
She grinned, "Sorry."
He shook his head and leaned down to press a kiss of forgiveness to her lips with a smile of his own, "Change into pajamas and then bed?" He asked against her lips.
"Pajamas and then bed." She agreed easily, heart fluttering contentedly in her chest as his mouth captured hers in one final, lingering kiss.
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The next night, Lydia picked through the small basket containing Amber's nail polish collection disapprovingly while a trashy television show played unwatched in the background.
"If the impressive hickey on your neck is any indication, I'd say your date went pretty well last night." Lydia stated slowly, attempting to sound bored but very clearly interested.
"My god," Amber started simply, pausing the motions of where she'd been painting her fingernails to throw her head back against the couch, "Lydia."
"Is that a, what do I do, the guy I'm in love with is awful in bed 'my god' or a Stilinski is secretly a sex god 'my god'?" Lydia questioned.
"I don't even know," Amber sighed, continuing quickly when Lydia shot her a sharp look, "I mean, it was seriously so.. He's so hot. And so, like, attentive? And hot. And he takes direction really well and his fingers. Lyds. He's so-"
"If the next word out of your mouth is 'hot', I'm leaving." The other girl threatened.
Amber held up her hands in surrender and sat back up to resume painting her nails, "It was very, very good. That's all I'm saying."
Lydia huffed suddenly, "Where is that pretty pink color you were wearing a couple weeks ago?" She asked, still furiously digging through the tiny bottles of nail polish.
Amber paused where she was finishing painting nude color over her own nails and frowned in thought, "Um, maybe it's in the cupboard in the downstairs bathroom?" She pondered aloud.
Lydia sighed woefully and stood from the couch, heading down the hallway toward the bathroom.
Amber finished touching up her nails and recapped the nail polish before dropping it into the basket with the rest of her collection. She blew a puff of air over the wet paint in an attempt to get them to dry faster when there was a familiar, ear-piercing scream from down the hallway.
She stumbled as she stood from the couch, legs tanging frustratingly in the throw blanket for a moment before she managed to kick herself free and run down the hall. When she pushed into the bathroom, Lydia was still screaming in horror, arms wrapped around her head protectively as she stood next to the open bathroom window.
"What?! Lydia!" Amber yelled, pulling her friend away from the window to look her up and down for any sort of injury, "Lydia, what-"
Her screams finally faded and Lydia pointed to the window with tears in her eyes, "He was there, again." The redhead whispered fearfully, "I saw him again. Amber, I swear to god he was right there."
"Who?" She asked quickly, looking back over her shoulder and out the window anxiously for a second, "Who was it?"
"Peter Hale." Lydia whispered, avoiding her gaze and instead focussing on a freckle on Amber's shoulder.
"Pete- Peter Hale?" She repeated slowly in confusion, "Peter Hale was outside?"
Lydia nodded, "But I don't know if it was really him." She admitted in a hushed voice, "He-he was twitching and thrashing around like he was seizing or something and- And when I saw him before his skin was burned and repulsive, but.. But this time he looked perfectly normal. And- I swear it must've been him at school yesterday-"
"You saw him at school?" Amber interrupted frantically.
"He led us to the trophy case," Lydia said, finally looking up at the brunette in confusion, "You were right behind me when we were following him."
Amber shook her head, "Lydia, I was only following you. There- there wasn't anybody else in the hallway."
Lydia's lower lip trembled, "I am not crazy."
Amber firmly gripped Lydia's shoulders beneath her hands, "I don't think you're crazy, okay?"
"But you think I'm seeing things- Things that aren't there." Lydia stated.
"I- I think that trauma does crazy things to us." Amber said slowly, "Especially when we bottle it up, and push it down, and avoid talking about it at all costs." She finished pointedly.
Lydia nodded, jaw clenched, "I-"
"Peter Hale is dead," Amber promised, "He's dead, alright? He can never hurt you again."
Lydia nodded once more and when her lip quivered again, Amber pulled her into a tight hug. The brunette wasn't expecting the embrace to be returned, but Lydia's arms came up quickly to wrap around her and she buried her face in her friend's neck as she began to cry.
"He can't hurt you." Amber promised again quietly, words muffled in Lydia's long hair, "He's dead. He can't hurt you, and I'll never let anyone hurt you again."
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A week passed without further incident from Lydia, Derek's new pack, or the mysterious tailed creature that Scott and Allison had seen on the night of the full moon. Amber had tried to call Derek nearly a dozen times, but the number she had saved for him could no longer be accessed, greeting her with an obnoxious error message every time she tried to call.
At school the following Monday, she headed down the hallway on a mission. Scott had mentioned that he planned to confront Erica about Derek's future plans for his pack, but Amber hoped that she might be more successful getting information out of the other girl on her own.
She came to a stop just behind the blonde where she was standing at her locker fixing her lipgloss. Amber narrowed her eyes at the back of the werewolf's head as she tried to psych herself up to confront her.
Erica seemed to sense her presence after only a second and she turned around to look at Amber with a coy grin.
"Who's next?" Amber asked her, "I just know Derek's gonna change at least three, right? So who is it gonna be?"
Erica hummed a quiet laugh and closed her locker door before crossing the hallway, focussing on Amber with an eerily hungry look in her eyes. She backed the brunette into the wall on the other side of the hallway as she spoke in a soft, enticing voice.
"Why does there have to be someone else when we could have you?" Erica asked, batting her eyes innocently, "I know Derek wants you to join us. You could, you know." She said softly, bringing her arms up to the wall on either side of Amber's head and effectively caging her in.
"C'mon, Erica. Seriously, who does he have in mind?" She reiterated, trying intently to not focus on the close proximity of the werewolf to herself.
"Hm," Erica hummed, "Did you know, I never knew what I looked like during a seizure until someone took a video of me once and put it online?"
"I'm sorry. They shouldn't've done that." Amber said earnestly, unsure where exactly the blonde was going with the story.
"It happened during class," Erica continued, "I started seizing at my desk and everyone was saying how they should put something in my mouth until you noticed the little card on my keyring that says not to because it could break my teeth."
"I- I forgot about that." Amber admitted softly, thinking back and trying to remember the event that had taken place in the eighth grade.
"D'you remember what happened next?" Erica questioned, voice sounding surprisingly emotional. Amber shook her head and Erica's eyes narrowed as she leaned closer, "I piss myself. And they all start laughing," She recounted, "Y'know, the only good thing about seizures was that I never remembered them.. Until some brilliant Jerk-off!" Erica yelled the last word and Amber flinched at the scream so close to her own face, "-Had to go put cameras in everybody's phone."
"I'm really sorry that happened, Erica." Amber said, voice shaking embarrassingly with nerves, "It's terrible. But-"
"But, look at me now," Erica interrupted, dropping her gaze down her own body to gesture to her ample cleavage between them.
Amber couldn't help the way her own eyes followed Erica's movement and she tore her gaze back up to the other girl's face quickly, blinking as she tried to regain her composure. Erica laughed at the brunette in satisfaction and Amber flushed in embarrassment. Her eyes drifted down the hallway and she spotted Stiles at his own locker, holding the metal door in one hand as he looked down the hall at the two girls in confusion.
Erica followed her gaze this time and waved at Stiles with a sly wiggle of her fingers, "Hm, you only have eyes for him?" She pouted, leaning closer.
"Yes." Amber said firmly, reaching up to push the other girl back a step with hands on her shoulders, "And if you're not going to tell me what's going on with Derek, then I guess we're done here."
"Oh, don't be like that," Erica grinned, "I think there's a little conversation involving you, me, and Stiles that might be worth having-"
"No, thanks." Amber smiled tightly, "See you, Erica."
She shouldered past the werewolf and rushed down the hallway, heart still pounding in her chest. She hurried to where Stiles was still at his locker, putting his things away before lunch. He caught sight of her when she was only a few steps away and he raised his eyebrows in question.
"What was that about?" He asked, nodding toward where she'd been standing with Erica a few moments before.
"I was asking her who Derek was planning to turn next." She explained in a huff, annoyed at how badly the conversation had gone.
"Huh," Stiles said, closing his locker and dropping an arm around her shoulders as they headed toward the cafeteria, "It almost looked like she was gonna to kiss you." He laughed at the suggestion.
"Yeah.." She shook her head distractedly, "Things got kind of weird."
Stiles' steps faltered for only a moment as they walked and he looked at her in bewilderment, "Was she gonna to kiss you?"
"I'm honestly not sure," Amber admitted, "Like I said. things got weird. I think she was trying to throw me off so I'd forget my initial question."
Stiles was frowning and looked like he wanted to say something more, but his eyes seemed to catch on something as they stepped into the lunchroom.
"What?" She asked, reaching up to press her hand into his spine beneath his sweatshirt.
"Oh, no." He muttered, quickly dragging her across the cafeteria to where Scott was sitting.
Amber stumbled, tightening her hand around the fabric of his undershirt as she was dragged along. They stopped to stand behind Scott and Stiles pointed frantically in front of Scott's face toward a spot a few tables away.
"D'you see that?" Stiles asked them, eyes wide.
"What?" Scott questioned in confusion, following the line of Stiles' finger across the room, "It's an empty table."
"Oh, no." Amber realized, eyes glued to the table she and Stiles had been sitting at just the week before to make the trade for the keys to the ice rink.
"But whose table?" Stiles prompted Scott.
Scott's eyes widened as he, too, finally registered the information in front of him, "Boyd!"
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After classes were over, Amber rushed down the hallway between her two best friends, pulling the straps of her backpack tighter over her shoulders as she and Stiles followed Scott out the front doors of the building.
"I'm heading to the ice rink to see if he's there," Scott told them, "If he's not at home, one of you call me. Got it?" He paused in his steps to give them a serious look.
"Wh- I-" Amber frowned, biting at her lip indecisively, "Maybe we should let him? Boyd, I mean. I- It's not like Derek's forcing them to do anything. He’s giving them a choice, right?" Just like he gave me, she thought silently.
Stiles tilted his head and shrugged, "She's kinda got a point, man."
Scott shook his head vehemently and moved between them to urge his friends forward again, "We can't."
"You gotta admit, Erica looks.. Really good." Amber pointed out.
Stiles nodded, "I'm- The word 'sensational' comes to mind." He added quickly.
His eyes flicked to Amber immediately upon processing what he'd said and she rolled her eyes fondly as she reached around to pat his shoulder to reassure him that she wasn't offended.
Scott stammered in disbelief, "Yeah? I- H- How good do you guys think she's gonna look with a wolfsbane bullet in her head?"
"Alright." Stiles conceded, "All we're saying is, maybe this one isn't totally your responsibility."
"They all are," Scott said slowly, "And you guys know this thing's gonna get out of control. That makes me responsible."
"Alright," Stiles repeated, "We're with you. And.. I gotta say. This newfound ‘heroism’ thing is making me very attracted to you."
Amber snorted and Scott laughed in quiet reluctance.
"Shut up." Scott huffed, an embarrassed smile on his face.
"I couldn't agree more." Amber grinned, leaning against Scott until he was caged firmly between her and Stiles.
"'m serious," Stiles continued to press, "You wanna just, try making out for a sec?" He asked Scott.
Amber pushed up onto her toes and playfully brought her lips closer to Scott's face, puckering and leaning in until he broke and laughed, shoving them both away gently before continuing down the path to the parking lot and leaving them behind.
Stiles grinned at her and shrugged as if saying, What are you gonna do?
"Oh, well. I guess I'm stuck kissing you." He said in faux disappointment.
"Oh, no," She smiled fondly, "That's terrible."
He leaned down to press his lips to hers for only a second before he continued to pull her down the stairs toward the parked Jeep. The two climbed in quickly and as they started down the road, she turned in her seat to watch him drive.
"You do know where Boyd lives, right?" She questioned suddenly.
"Yeah, of course I do." Stiles said easily, eyes flicking across the car to look at her for a moment as he made a turn, "I had to give his keys back to him before he could go to work last Saturday."
"Oh, right." She nodded, leaning back in the passenger seat in relief.
The Boyd household was close to the school, only a few blocks away, and it didn’t take long at all to get there. Stiles parked on the curb and they both tumbled out of the vehicle and rushed up the path to the house.
"Boyd!" Amber shouted, "You home?"
She knocked on the door in a succession of quick raps of her fist while Stiles peeked in through the windows off to the side of the front stoop.
"Hey, Boyd?" He called out, "It's Stiles- Oh! Wow!" He exclaimed suddenly.
Amber spun around to see what had frightened him and found Erica standing directly behind them on the small doorstep, laughing at them amusedly and shaking her head.
"What are you doing here, guys?" Erica asked softly, smiling at them patronizingly, as if she'd caught them sneaking cookies before dinner.
"Uh, n-" Stiles started nervously, "We were just looking for, um.."
"Boyd?" Erica asked gently, eyes flicking between the two of them.
"Yup!" Amber confirmed quickly as Stiles agreed beside her, "But, he's not home, so I guess-"
"You know what you're both doing right now that's kinda funny?" Erica interrupted, looking back and forth between them again, "You're only looking at my eyes."
At the reminder, Amber nearly let her gaze drop down to the abundant amount of cleavage the other girl had on display, but she managed to stop herself at the last second with an awkward laugh.
"That's funny?" Stiles asked Erica.
"Well, yeah," The blonde grinned, looking between them with narrowed eyes, "Because it's that kind of look where you're both trying not to look anywhere but my eyes-"
"Wh- Why would we want to look anywhere but your eyes?" Amber questioned with a laugh.
Erica raised her eyebrows, "Mm, because I'm attractive.. And I have certain assets-"
"Seems incredibly rude to look anywhere but your eyes when we're having a conversation." Amber interrupted quickly, catching Stiles frantically nodding his head beside her out of the corner of her eye.
"But you want to, don't you?" Erica asked with an enchanting smile, stepping closer to them until her chest lightly brushed against them both as her gaze flicked between them, "Both of you. You want a nice, long. hard. look."
"Not really, no." Stiles denied quickly.
"Oh." Erica frowned, taking a small step back, "So, it's just my eyes?"
He nodded, "Yes. You have beautiful eyes."
Erica grinned, "I have beautiful everything."
"-And a newfound self-confidence." He observed.
"That's really great, Erica." Amber added quickly, grabbing Stiles' arm and pulling him a step to the side, "But, we should get going-"
Erica pushed both of them back lightning fast with a hand at the center of each of their chests, "You're not going anywhere."
"Why not?" Stiles questioned nervously.
Erica stepped back to grab a large, mysterious hunk of metal from her jacket pocket and held it up with an innocent grin, "You're having car trouble." She shrugged
The blonde swung her arm out to bash Stiles across the temple with the unknown car part and Amber gasped, eyes wide. He fell to the ground, a small cut on the side of his forehead bleeding slowly and Amber looked back to the werewolf furiously.
"Are you insane?" She yelled angrily, heart hammering in her chest.
Erica pursed her lips with a small shrug, "Huh. Y'know, I'm not sure."
The brunette flinched but didn't have enough time to dodge the blow before Erica had swung again and hit her on the side of her head with the heavy piece of metal. Amber fell back in a slow blur, consciousness gone completely before she'd even landed atop Stiles' unmoving body.
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hawkeyetrained · 2 years
Derek Hale x Fem!reader 
Other Characters: Peter Hale, Stiles, Lydia, Scott, Malia (mentioned), Liam (mentioned)
Warnings: angst, fighting, cuts and scrapes
Summary: When girls are being killed in Beacon Hills, and looks just like her, she gives the idea of using herself as bait.
Word Count: 2,427
Summer in Beacon Hills brought on a heat wave this year, making everything in the supernatural world that much harder. Lydia and I had gone shopping a week or so prior, so the two of us had gotten lucky with some clothes prepared for the heat, but the rest of the pack didn’t think to plan ahead. Most of the boys had traded in their long sleeves and flannels for t-shirts fairly quickly, opting to get out of the werewolf heat along with the heat from the sun.
The pack and I had been close since Scott first turned. I basically grew up with Lydia as my best friend, and Scott and Stiles were always around. When I first met Derek, I was in the woods with the boys when they had lost Scott’s inhaler. Ever since that day, the former alpha and I had been inseparable.
Now, we were halfway through our summer break before senior year and facing the latest big bad that decided to terrorize our little town. Stiles had noticed the pattern far before any of us did, alerting us to the bodies of young girls who had begun turning up in the woods, all having one scary connection. The four bodies that had been found were all going into their senior year here at Beacon Hills High and had H/C hair and E/C eyes, just like me. When Derek heard of the connection, I was no longer allowed to go out into the woods at all or be left alone anywhere. I was to be watched 24/7 until we caught whatever was killing the girls. I was alright with his plan, wanting to make him happy, but I was also scared that I would be the next body in the woods that Sheriff Stilinski would find.
“Hey.” A voice snapped me from my daydream on the couch in Derek’s loft. “You alright?” It was Peter, knelt down in front of me, his eyes full of worry.
I nodded and gave him a soft smile. “I’m ok.” Of his relationships with the rest of the pack, he and I got along the best. Peter could sense the love Derek and I held for each other, basically from day one, and was very protective of that. He never snapped at me, would bring me what I needed if I asked for it, and had volunteered to stay with me when I worked or needed a ride if Derek happened to be busy.
“You’re lying.” Damn the werewolf hearing. “Your heartbeat changes when you lie, it almost literally skips a beat.” He had a soft smirk on his face to show me he meant no offense.
I ran a hand through the ends of my hair as the last of the pack finally showed up for the meeting. “Just worried, I guess.” He stood and held his hands out to pull me to my feet, allowing me to drift over to Derek’s side as the meeting began.
“Any leads?” The true alpha asked, earning shaking heads and shrugs from the rest of the pack.
The werewolves went back and forth for a while, exchanging ideas on how to catch the new creature, trying to figure out what exactly it was, while Lydia and I shared looks between the two of us, almost having a silent conversation.
So, when I spoke up, she wasn’t all that surprised. “We know what it goes after.”
“We do.” Peter nodded, trying to see where I was going with it and wanting to see if he’ll need to calm his nephew down when I made my point.
“What if we set up a trap?”
“And how do we do that?” Derek’s eyes locked on me with his arms crossed over his chest.
I took a moment to square off my shoulders and hide the fear creeping up in my body that nearly everyone in the room could smell. “You need bait, to draw it out.”
“We can’t just send some random girl from the school, that knows nothing of the supernatural, out into the woods and hope they don’t get killed before we find our monster.” Stiles retorted, throwing his hands in the air.
I rolled my eyes and watched as Lydia smacked the back of his head. “She doesn’t mean someone random.”
Her comment made every set of eyes land on my face, my cheeks going red from all the attention. “What? We know that whatever this is, likes girls going into senior year here with H/C hair and E/C eyes.” I waved my hands to my face. “I kinda fit the description if you don’t remember.”
“No.” Derek growled out quickly. “No way in hell are you going to play bait for this monster.”
“Derek’s right.” Peter agreed with his nephew.
I groaned. “I can’t just sit around and wait for another body to drop when I know there’s something I can do! I get it, I’m human and therefore have no chance against this thing, but I’m also not saying I’ll be alone. Scatter yourselves through the woods, keep an eye on me as I walk around. This could be the only chance we get to stop this thing before it kills another girl we’re supposed to graduate with!”
“Not going to happen.” Came from Derek again.
I was about to speak again when Stiles’s phone rang through the loft. He answered quickly and had a quiet conversation with whoever was on the other end. “So, that was my dad.” My movements froze and I could feel Derek stiffen up next to me. “There’s another body, a lot closer to town this time.”
“Who?” Scott asked.
Stiles shrugged. “Caroline Mathews, I think he said. She’s been missing for three days.”
Caroline and I had the same chemistry class back in sophomore year, we were even lab partners for the better half of the year. “I knew her.” I mumbled.
This was the first girl to die with one of us truly knowing her. It had just been newer girls to the school that we all hadn’t met yet, or ones that we never shared classes with throughout the years. “Really?” Lydia came over to my side as I gave her a nod.
“She was my lab partner in chem two years ago. We used to joke around with Miss Mitchel that we were each other since we looked so alike.” Lydia wrapped an arm around my shoulder comfortingly. My eyes flashed up to Derek. “Please, you have to let me do this. I don’t want more families suffering because their daughter was killed. It’s bad enough we’re up to five now. Please.” My eyes were wide, and my heart pounded in my chest, waiting for the next “no” to leave his lips.
He hesitated before dropping his crossed arms and grabbing my hand. “Can we talk a minute?” I nodded, taking his hand tightly and following him out onto the balcony and into the summer heat. “You really want to risk your life on something we can figure out soon?”
“I know you’re scared, ok, I’m scared. But I also don’t want anyone else dying when there’s a chance that I can help stop this. Please. I’ll do everything you say and stay within eyesight. I swear to you.”
A deep sigh left Derek’s mouth and he suddenly pulled me into his chest tightly. “You do exactly as I say, and we do this tonight and tonight only. Anything goes south, you yell for help, even if we’re right there.” I nodded into his chest, hugging him back before we both went back inside to tell the pack of the plan for tonight.
Six hours later, I had added a green jacket to my outfit and had begun walking around the woods. The sun was slowly setting, and the rest of the pack was spread through the woods, Derek and Peter closest to me, flanking both of my sides about 500 feet away. The rest of the pack was spread out, listening for any strange sounds that shouldn’t belong or any odd scents. My heart pounded in my chest as I wondered around the woods, trying to keep track of where I was and where I had come from. I knew Derek wouldn’t let me get lost, but I wanted to make sure that I could run if I needed to.
My phone buzzed in my jacket pocket, my fingers flying to the object and pulling it up. A text from Lydia lit my screen up. Anything yet?
I quickly typed a message back. Nothing.
A message from Derek was next, popping to the top of my screen. Take a deep breath. You’re safe. Only a little longer before we call it a night.
My eyes flickered in the direction I knew Derek was following me, my eyes searching impossibly in the dark for him. I left the message open, not really knowing what to say or how to tell him that I was absolutely terrified being out in the woods, even though it was my idea to start.
Suddenly, there were heavy footsteps coming up from behind me, and moving fast. I quickly locked my phone, trying to slide it back in my pocket. Just as I was about to yell out for Derek and Peter, a body slammed into mine, sending me crashing to the ground and my phone flying away. Fear gripped me like a vice, squeezing my chest tighter and tighter as my brain tried working on what to do. I knew I needed to call out for the two Hale’s in the woods, to get up and run as fast and as far as I could, but nothing was working.
Deep growls filled the woods next, hands gripping onto my arms and pinning me into the dirt. I finally managed to crack my eyes open to get a look at what was huffing loudly, only to come face-to-face with an unfamiliar werewolf. His face was shifted, deep brown hair ruffled around his face and fangs barred at me with glowing blue eyes.
My chest tightened as his claws started digging into my skin. God, where were Derek and Peter? I struggled in the wolf’s hold, trying to pull my hands free, kicking against his weight but it was useless. Then I remembered Derek’s rule; yell, even if I knew he and Peter were close.
Taking the deepest possible breath, I finally managed to get my head together. “Derek!” My voice came out as a shriek, piercing through the air. “Derek, Peter!” I screamed, pulling as hard as I could against the weight. The hand that had been wrapped around my right wrist was suddenly squeezing at my throat, cutting off any other screams.
“No one’s here.” The wolf taunted. “It’s just you and me.” A sick smile crossed his face, enhancing the supernatural features. His claws pressed harder into my wrist and throat, a gasp of pain leaving my lips as he seemed to toy with me. “No one’s coming for you.”
The clawed hand at my throat raised into the air above me, making to slash at my throat, but before he was able to, a body crashed into him. The strange wolf and someone else went tumbling a few feet away from me, allowing me just a moment to sit up and huff in a few breaths of air before hands were wrapping around my shoulders.
“No! No, let me go!” I screamed, smacking at the hands on me.
“Hey, hey.” A familiar voice soothed. “You’re safe. I got you.” Peter turned me in his arms, grabbing at my chin to make me look up at him. “Look at me. You’re ok.”
I took a shaky breath and finally looked up to him. “Peter.” My word fell as a whisper.
The older Hale nodded, pulling me against his chest as new growls filled the air. Peter pulled me a bit farther from the space he had found me in. I turned as we got to the side of a large tree, Derek, Scott, Malia, and Liam were all stood in a line between me and the other wolf. I could hear Scott trying to talk with the wolf, but Peter’s gentle hands on my wrists distracted me.
“Are you alright?” He asked, voice low and very quiet. I nodded shakily, glancing down to the half dozen moon-shaped cuts along my wrists. Peter’s arms were laced with black veins as the pain subsided, his eyes looking at the scratches on my neck.
“Thank you.” I shuddered, no longer liking my own plan, but I was glad that the pack had found the wolf, and not another girl I was to graduate with this year.
A loud roar seemed to shake the ground, and I managed to catch sight of Derek slamming the wolf into the ground. It seemed like he had tried making a run between him and Liam, aiming for me yet again. Peter was in front of me the moment he caught his nephew’s movement, his teeth bared and a growl rumbling his chest.
“Leave.” Derek hissed, his teeth shining in the moonlight. A threat that I couldn’t hear left his lips, the wolf on the ground seeming to come back to himself a little. “You three, make sure he leaves.” Derek pulled the wolf up and shoved him towards the werewolves and werecoyote. After the wolf and our three pack members were far enough into the woods, Derek finally turned to me, his fangs retracting and his eyes softening from their bright blue back into his usual eyes. “Are you alright?” He asked, coming up and instantly wrapping his arms around me.
I nodded carefully into his chest. “I am now.”
He pulled back and gently took my hands into his, turning them over to check the cuts. “He did this? He say anything to you?” His hand then cupped my cheek as he raised my head to look at my neck.
“His claws.” I answered the first question. “And nothing important. He tried scaring me more than anything. Said no one was coming.”
“I should have come faster. He set traps in the woods to draw our attention away.”
My head shook at him. “You saved me. I’m sorry I had this plan. I know you didn’t like it.”
“It’s fine now. But you’re never playing bait again, you hear me?” He started leading me out of the woods, back towards the pack.
“I hear you.”
@thetallassgirl @hallecarey1
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phantomraeken · 1 year
"I know you're in pain" ─ Teen Wolf ─ Derek Hale
A/N : Hi! My writing isnt the best! This will be a series of stories of our m!reader being in pain and how our Teen Wolf babies would react!
Character: Derek Hale
Warnings: Blood and gore
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Y/N had many encounters with hunters. He was rarely scraped in the process of these encounters. Nothing some bandages and a lot of rest (that derek insisted on) wouldn't fix. Today was no different. He hadn't even been seaking out these people. He'd been sat at the bar of a coffee shop talking to the barista. They'd went to high school together a while back. He was a sweetheart, or so Y/N thought. Until an hand met his left shoulder. It was fine until the hand gripped. Hard. Y/N gently swiveled his head to meet the womans gaze. Before he could get a word out she shoved him out of the wooden bar stool on to the hard tile floor. He hadn't gotten a grip of the whole situation until he heard the bar stool hit the floor beside him.
"What the hell?" Y/N spat at the woman trying to push himself up. Her foot met his chest shoving him back down. Knocking the wind out of the boy. He let out a harsh breath. Y/N finally caught his breath and spoke again, his eyes shooting daggers at the dark haired woman. "Need something?"
"Awww, the wolfy is all mad." Her voice taunted his ears. His heart jumped as those words slipped through her painted red lips. Y/N went to grab her boot but the moment his hand met her shiny boot she pulled out a blade.
"Fuck off!" Y/N growled, his eyes sparked gold before returning to their natural (e/c) state.
"Cute." She smiled, a shit eating smile. A smile that made Y/N's anger rise. The woman slowly leaned down, her knees met the floor on either side of the boys torso. Her blade was waved in his face. Silver.
Y/N tried to move from her grip but suddenly pain throbbed through his upper right arm, she'd dug the blade through his arm making it stuck. He reached his other arm over his chest to pull it out. She clicked her tonuge. Suddenly, in one swift moment she grabbed Y/N's wrist and shoved it above his head. She pulled another blade out slashing it across his chest.
Y/N let out a shriek of pain. What more could he do? This hunter was insane. Before he could speak again her voice filled the silent café. "Your kind killed my family. Your father killed my family, Y/N L/N." Anger filled her voice. "And now I've come to repay you the favor, dear boy. Don't think any of your friend are safe either."
Y/N finally howled, it ended in a scream of pain. The lady laughed at his horrible noise. He watched as one of the workers covered his ears. Y/N was done. He ripped his hand out of the womans grasp. With the violent jerk his whole body moved, throwing her off of him. Though, it did result in the blade that was stuck in his arm cutting him further. Finally Y/N pulled the blade from his arm and threw it to the side.
The door quite litterly flew open and off its hinges. He couldn't even watch where it went. When it met a wall he winced at the horid noise. "Little late, don't you think?" Y/N gave a small, pained smile as he looked back to see Isaac, Boyd, Erica, and his lover boy, Derek Hale himself.
"Sorry honey. Figured you could hold your own." Derek spoke in his usual comanding tone, it was laced with sas and genuine care. Y/N pushed himself up before a new pain met his leg. He looked down at the woman. "Okay, now she's-"
"Really?" Y/N interrupted Derek. "Hun," He knelt down his gaze meeting hers. "I'll meet you in hell! Say hi to Peter for me, will you?" His free foot jerked to meet her face, sliding her back a few feet. "Nice blade too." He pulled the knife out of his leg. Y/N gave the blade a good look before throwing it. The blade met her head.
"Fuc-" Y/N's body finally gave out. Boyd quickly caught him and knelt down so Y/N wouldn't fall on the floor.
The world slowly went black, muffled voices filled Y/N's ears. Some of it was panicked, some was just pure anger.
Y/N gained consciousness after a few painfully long hours for Derek. He was sat beside the unconscious body of his boyfriend. Derek had insisted that Y/N stayed at his place instead of a hospital.
His fingers were intertwined with the (s/c) boy. Derek didn't want to seem weak in front of the people who needed him. He finally broke down and started sobbing.
Y/N couldn't move, just listen to the chokes that slipped out of Derek's mouth. As he regained some strength he gave a small squeeze to Derek's hand. This was rewarded with a small kiss to his knuckles.
"You're alive." Derek spoke quietly.
Y/N managed to sit up. A spike of pain hit his chest. He let out a gasp and gritted his teeth. Derek's hand met his cheek.
"It hurts." Y/N gasped out. Normally he had a high pain tolerance but his chest was his weak spot. Derek gave a gentle shush like noise.
"I know honey. It's going to be okay. I'm here, Y/N. I'll take care of you. Okay?" Derek spoke sternly. Y/N knew Derek ment well. It was just his way of talking. "You need rest. Lay down. Now."
"Der, I can take care of myself. Ple-" Y/N was quickly cut off.
"No. I love your independence, really. But you need to trust me and rest. You're healing at the speed of a human this time." Derek spoke sternly. His eyes glowed red and a growl escaped his lips. "You need to lay down."
"Okay, okay. I'll rest." Y/N slid back into a laying position before giving a small pat to the bed beside him. "You should rest too. You're stressing to much about me. Please."
Derek couldn't resist your cute face, he loved the small smiles you gave him. Everything about you was perfect to him. He gave in and slipped under the blankets with you. He very, very gently wrapped his arms around you. Like you were fragile.
"Derek." Y/N started. Derek pushed his face into the smaller boys neck, his breath ghosting over it. In response to his name he gently hummed. "I'm not fragile, you know?" Derek moved his face so the two boys locked eyes.
"I'm scared I'll-" Y/N cut him off with a kiss.
Derek melted into the kiss a small smile played at the sides of his mouth.
Once Derek shifted to make both boys more comfortable Y/N was asleep in seconds. Derek loved when his boyfriend fell asleep in his arms. He knew he wouldn't sleep. Derek had to watch and make sure Y/N's chest was still rising and falling.
It had been a few days sense the incident. Y/N had finally started showing signs of healing. Today was his first day out of bed, against Derek's word. It took him a few tries to get out of bed but he found his footing. Y/N slipped on Derek's slippers, they were a bit big on him but comfortable. He didn't know where his boyfriend was but he'd find him.
Midway down the hall the silence was interupted by Derek's deep voice, "Y/N, why are you out of bed? I'm glad you're feeling better but you need to rest."
Y/N spun on his heels, losing his footing and falling on to his knees. Derek ran over letting out a sigh.
"I wanted to come see you. I was lonely." Y/N pouted. Derek scooped him up bridal style. Y/N let out a frustrated sigh and leaned back so his head was hanging back.
"You need to heal. You can sit with me but you need to lay down." Derek's gaze sofened.
"Fine." Y/N grumbled, a small growl played in his throat.
A/N: SOFT DEREK HALE BABYYYYY. I hope you liked it and let me know who you'd like next!!
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
Stiles Summer Stories 2024!
So I have decided to dedicated my @writersmonth to Stiles. But there is so much I want to write about him and the Hale Pack that it's hard to put it in order and decide, so I am open to suggestions!
Pick a prompt duo from the list that's not crossed out yet and make me a Stiles-centric suggestion:
romantically only: Sterek, Steter, or both in a "Stiles has two hands" sense
platonically, especially anything Hale Pack (Derek, Peter, Isaac, Erica, Boyd, Cora, Jackson, I'm throwing Lydia and Danny in there too, and depending on canon divergence also Allison and Scott. Also the sheriff), either the whole pack or any individual dynamic
general Stiles concepts like Pack Mom Stiles, human Alpha Stiles, Spark Stiles, post-nogitsune angst, whatever else you can think of
a combination of any of these
destiny | creek; "Camping & Bonding, Part 1", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
running | penthouse; "Small But Good", Steter post s2 finale h/c
laughter | car; "Camping & Bonding, Part 2", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
fairy | stage; "A Midsummer Night's Mischief"; Sterek fluff
choice | movie set; "Movie Madness"; Sterek jealous!Derek
flame | forest; "Camping & Bonding, Part 3", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
passion | tattoo parlor; "London Calling", post-series Sterek
dawn | castle; "Castle of Glass"; Sterek post pool scene
clock | museum; "Tutoring and Teasing"; Steter single-dad Peter + Malia's tutor Stiles
season | school; "Camping & Bonding, Part 4", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
snow | flower shop; "The Tate Sisters", Stetopher with married Petopher meeting Stiles through their daughters
birds | library; "The Birds and the Wolves", Steter
dark | bakery; "What Kept Me Going", post-Nogitsune h/c Stetopher
lonely | college; "Missing Pack", Stiles-Jackson-Danny
glow | lake; "Camping & Bonding, Part 5", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
ache | ship; "What Lydia Wants (She Gets)", Jackstydia on a cruise
red | kitchen; "My Kitchen, My Rules", Sterek human Alpha Stiles
bell | attic; "Warning Bells", Steter BDSM smut
chess | park; "How Chris and Peter Got a Kitten", Stetopher + Stiles cursed into a kitten
stone | train; "What Lydia Wants (Lydia Gets) II", Jackstydia BDSM smut sequel
wish | hospital; "A Brighter Future", Steter hurt/comfort + Sterica bromance
beast | motel; "Away Game", Stackson 'there is only one bed' during an away lacrosse game
lost | basement; "What Happens in the Basement", Sterek kidnapping
petal | theater; "Twelve Truths (and a Lie)", Stetopher + Stiles being forced by the Seelie Queen to bare twelve truths in front of the pack
faith | bar; "A Selfish Gift", Sterek + a salmon ladder
fur | farm; "Home at the Hale Farm", Stetopher post-Nogitsune h/c
lightning | office; "Guns and Gags", Stetopher + gun shop owner Chris/sex shop owner Peter
sketch | plane; "Sugar for the Secretary", Stetopher sugar daddies Petopher post-series
sense | bus; "Colds and Comfort", Stetopher sick!Stiles getting taken care of
mischief | mountain; "Shot Through the Heart", Stetopher + Chris being really into Stiles being a good shot
double | beach; "Murder Triad", Nogitsune/Steter
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sterekchub · 22 days
A03 is still down and I'm going crazy and craving some Hale family angst so: Some Peter/Stiles. BUT IT GOT OUT OF HAND and is 99% plot and 1% kink. Really, I just wanted Peter Hale a little gassy with a beer gut and stretchmarks and Stiles is very, very into it. And a little h/c because werewolves shouldn't GET stretchmarks but...Peter still has scars that haven't healed, so his stretchmarks don't either. Soulmate AU - less relevant about soulmates and more for kink and plot. Also ….a restaurant AU because I have a problem. And the timeline has changed a little bit to adjust the ages so - Peter gets a lonnng coma. Stiles like 25, Peter around 40, so fire happened when Stiles was 14, Derek was 16, and Peter was around 30? IDK
Stiles is born with his soulmark so- he has no idea if his soulmate is around his age or older. But obviously Peter's shows up only when Stiles is born so, he knows he's got almost 15+ years on his soulmate, making him about the same age as his niece and nephew. It's not the most reassuring and Peter sort of resigns himself to a very lonely future until his soulmate is of age, and even then, the age gap doesn't reassure him they'll be a good match
And then the fire happens. The Sheriff pulls Peter Hale out of the fire and sees his son's name written on arm, and knows his son has Peter written in the same spot on his. It's a tough conversation with Stiles when he's old enough to know. It's years of therapy, of the Sheriff and therapists telling Stiles he can't sit in a hospital room waiting for someone who won't wake up. So - Stiles moves on. Dates other people who have lost their soulmates. Stops visiting Peter daily and only comes every other month. The best thing he can tell himself is - at least he knows who is soulmate is.
Stiles' graduates decides he's had enough of the violence and changes his major from criminal justice to culinary. Opens the Full Moon diner in Beacon Hills - a safe haven for the supernatural, starts a foodbank and soup kitchen a few doors down.
Peter wakes up almost 10 years later - and nearly kills a nurse because he asked about his family and she immediately dropped on him how many years have past, most the Hales are dead, the house is gone…Peter has nothing left. They sedate him - and Peter has the last fleeting fear they must know he's a werewolf, why else would the sedative work? And then nothing.
He wakes up handcuffed to the bed with the Sheriff sitting next to his bed. And Peter is a total ass and threatens to burn down Beacon Hills until his anger burns away to be completely lost and replaced with total hopelessness.
The Sheriff tells him a family friend has kept everything in order for him. Gives him an address and an apartment key. All his bank accounts and license are still kept active and waiting there. Basic clothes and necessities. The file on the fire. The death of Kate Argent, pictures and some postcards from Cora and notes from Derek. The obituaries of the Hales. The location of the burial plots. Whatever was left from the Hale house and vault.
Also tells Peter to head to the Full Moon diner a block away, ask for Stiles and get a warm meal.
He expects a cold sandwich at most, when he quietly tells his waiter to ask for Stiles and says he has no wallet on him. "Stiles" looks barely into his 20s, and when he asks Peter what he wants and he can't bring himself to care or expect much. Just asks for a water.
Stiles brings him a hot sandwich, soup, a coffee, a soda, water a slice of pie…tells Peter no worrying about deciding. He can try it all. *****************
And then some plot (a lot of plot) Sheriff and Stiles have gone through all the same supernatural stuff, know most of the Hales are werewolves from what Derek's told them. Stiles' dad doesn't tell Peter his son is his soulmate. And warns Stiles to not immediately drop that on him. Besides him already processing a lot - coming out of a coma just like that is….there's no guarantee he'll mentally come back from it.
Peter keeps coming back to the diner - on his good days. Most days, he can't bring himself to leave. He'll sit on his bed and stare blankly for hours. Spends days awake when he's afraid he'll go to sleep and wake up and find he's back in the coma. Other days he goes into such a rage he claws at the walls of his apartment and punches the concrete until his hands are raw and bloody. On the bad days. Stiles drops off a week's worth of nicely packaged meals with little notes on them. Sometimes it's only a smiley face, other time it's movie recommendations, sometimes it's important cultural events he's missed. One day it's a therapists business card. Another time it's a little wolf plushie. Peter goes to therapy. Turns to using food to cope, because there's something that feels safe and warm and caring to him about Stiles making sure he's at least eating. He starts leaving notes back to Stiles, telling himself he'll say thank you in person when he feels healed enough. Even if he's not sure when that will be. After inhaling so much wolfsbane in his lungs, Peter doesn't heal right. He heals faster than a human, but not what a wolf should. The scars stay. He grows a beard to hide them. As he puts weight back on from the coma, and then piles on a bit extra with Stiles' constant catering, he notices light stretchmarks showing up across his middle. He isn't sure how to feel about it. ****************** And then romance happens...somehow. Peter goes into the diner more often to see Stiles. Thanks him for the care packages. Stiles fills Peter table with food, seemingly unsure how else to help him, but looks immensely pleased when Peter eats most of it. Peter starts coming daily for months. Then one day he doesn't show for a week. Comes back and apologizes to Stiles that it was the birthday for one of his nieces. Stiles tells him it's okay, it's fine, he can't imagine what Peter went through, and he's...here for whatever Peter needs. Admits Peter is his soulmate and Peter tells Stiles he knew. Polish first name was the first clue- but there's no one else in the town who cared about Peter that much, he knew there had to be a reason. He's sorry Stiles had to wait that long. ********* AND FINALLY KINK:
Peter gets therapy. Stiles spends months reassuring Peter that he doesn't care about the age- admits he's got a bit of a daddy kink and now that Peter has the *daddy* vibes and a hairy, hefty stretchmark ridden belly to match? Stiles is INTO it. He's a little proud and for sure a little smug when Peter blames those stretchmarks on Stiles and his cooking. Or Peter when he eats his feelings and gorges on Stiles' food until his stomach is rumbling and protesting and gassy? Stiles hands him another plate and promises to get him off if he finishes all of it.... They properly date. Peter uses food as his therapy- less nightmares about being in a coma when his gut is stuffed and stretched and feels like he's going to burst. It's a good sort of pain - that reminds him he's awake and alive and he has a mate who is very enthusiastically feeding him more.... And Peter eventually goes back to his cocky self. Snarking at Stiles to bring him more food. Or "try not to pop me, I have enough stretch marks as in" even though Stiles knows Peter LOVES it. The bigger, the better.
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whenthegoldrays · 6 months
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Cinderella at 2am
yunseo x juwon 🍄
Queen of Tears
hae-in x hyun-woo 🧸
Lovely Runner
sol x sun jae 🧸
Marry My Husband
kang jiwon / jiwon x jihyuk 🧸🪩
jeong su-min / su-min x min-hwan 🧸🪩
Tell Me That You Love Me
moeun x jinwoo 💌
Twinkling Watermelon
eun gyeol x eun yoo 💌🧸
yichan x cheong-ah 💌🧸
on eun yoo 💌🧸
yichan and eun gyeol 🧸
twinklemelon as a whole 💌
my euneun au 🍄
Live Up To Your Name
im x yeon kyung 💌
Crash Landing On You
jeong hyeok x se-ri 💌🧸🪩
dan x seung-jun 🧸
The Matchmakers
jung woo x soon deok 🧸
Castaway Diva
seo mok-ha / mok-ha x ki-ho 🍄
Our Beloved Summer
yeon-su x ung 🧸
Familiar Wife
ju-hyeok x wu-jin 💌🧸
Hometown Cha Cha Cha
hye-jin x du-sik
The Wind Blows
do-hun x soo-jin 🧸🍄
Hidden Love (c-drama)
zhizhi x jiaxu 🧸
period dramas
Emma, Jane Austen
frank x jane 💌🧸
Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen
marianne dashwood / marianne & willoughby / marianne x brandon 🧸🪩
The Blue Castle, Lucy Maud Montgomery
valancy x barney 💌
Mansfield Park, Jane Austen
fanny price / fanny x edmund 💌
maria bertram / maria & henry 🧸
North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell
margaret hale / margaret x john 🧸
john thornton / my reading playlist 🍄
Little Women, Louisa May Alcott
jo march / jo x friedrich 🧸
Poldark (TV)
morwenna x drake 💌🧸
Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare
romeo x juliet 🧸🍄
my ocs
seon-hwa x henry (Hardwick House) 🍄
twilight x yor (Spy x Family) 🍄
rapunzel / rapunzel x eugene (Tangled) 🪩
anna x william (Notting Hill) 🧸🪩
diana & charles (The Crown) 🧸🪩
margaret & peter (The Crown) 🧸
milo x amanda (Milo Murphy’s Law)
phineas x isabella (Phineas and Ferb) 🧸
candace x jeremy (Phineas and Ferb)
barbie & ken (Barbie, 2023) 🧸
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💌 = favorite
🧸 = play in order
🍄 = needs work
🪩 = taylor swift centric
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untilnextchapter · 1 year
Monthly Fanfictions Recommandation: September'23
Here are my best discoveries from the last weeks
🍬 The Authors
@kquil : a gentle author, writing about the Marauders, her writing will bring you peace and the writings are so soft. I love seeing her theme on my computer and seeing her icon on my dash is always a sign that I will read something good.
@luveline : you don't know if you want to read an Aaron Hotchner story or a good Marauder one? You don't need to change to another page, here is the wonderful Jade. She's so talented and you won't be disappointed if you want to check her work.
@thatfanficstuff : when I discovered this blog, I didn't know where I should go first. So many fandoms I love, so many characters, so many stories... So many comfort shows and so, comforting times after work. And sometimes, it's all I need. A gentle person writing some sweet stories.
@luci-in-trenchcoats : I read a few stories a few months ago but, I recently re-discovered this amazing author. With her works, I was back into Supernatural. So many hours spent at reading about our favourite hunters, so many series. And the best of the best: the writing skills are so great and it's so easy to read... Waow, just waow.
@imagineteamfreewill : Fluffy Supernatural fics and a lot of good AUs, all I need after a hard day at work. Meg is an excellent writer and you will spend a good time, I promise. I haven't read everything yet but, I know I have a few a good escapes in perspective. Don't hesitate , you will enjoy your time reading, I hope as much as I'm doing.
@anika-ann : I'm in my Marvel phase, I'm weak, I know. And, I think I found someone that could quench my thirst with so many good stories and good writing skills. I could spend hours reading about Steve Rogers. And I know I've found an unique writer because I loved a crossover story. I usually hate that. But here I am, reading a Criminal Minds / Avengers story and loving it. Thank you for that.
@crazyunsexycool : Another "Val", it can only be someone nice, right? But really, a sweetheart, someone with so much imagination, and a way to write about children... And I know what I'm talking about, I'm working in a nursery. It's so great to read something accurate when it's a subject you know. And except for the children, she's always here to answer your questions, being nice and taking time for her followers. I hadn't asked to be add into a taglist for a story for a long time. You won't be disappointed if you want to make a stop here.
🍭 The Stories
* = Smut (Minors DNI) || 🦋 = Series || Beware of the TW please
Not so secret admirer || @kquil (Remus Lupin x Reader, you can't hide your adoration for remus lupin and often end up staring at him, good thing he thinks you're really cute)
A star between hands 🦋 || @luveline (James Potter x Reader, finding out you’re princess isn’t half as intimidating as your new bodyguard, James. mutual pining, fluff)
if things go bad || @/luveline (Aaron Hotchner x Reader, Hotch rushes to get to you when you call him during a home invasion. angst, hurt/comfort)
True Mate 🦋 || @thatfanficstuff (Peter Hale x Reader)
Remember me || @/thatfanficstuff (Thranduil x Reader)
I Know Your Brother || @luci-in-trenchcoats (Sam Winchester x Reader, The reader is pulled out of Hell accidentally by Sam Winchester who’s wondering where his brother is…)
A Safe Mistake 🦋 || @/luci-in-trenchcoats (Nanny!Dean x Single Parent!reader, Dean’s in need of some extra cash to help Sam pay for his tuition and gets a job working as a nanny for the reader’s young son. As Dean becomes ingrained in the reader’s life though, he soon becomes more than just the nanny to them both…)
Beauty and the Beast 🦋 || @imagineteamfreewill (Dean Winchester x Reader AU, Living in a village is nice, and even though you’d always longed for adventure, you weren’t expecting to go on an adventure of your own anytime soon. But as soon as you take your father’s place as the prisoner of a Beast who lives in an enchanted castle, you’re surprised that adventure isn’t all it’s cracked up to be—and neither are monsters)
Daisy || @/imagineteamfreewill (Sam Winchester x Deaf!Daughter!Reader, Sam breaks some bad news to his daughter, who’s deaf, and watches her start to grow up without her mother)
Love on the Brain 🦋 || @anika-ann (Steve Rogers x Reader / Crossover MCU-Criminal Minds, You found menacing pictures of you friend, colleague and neighbour Steve in your mailbox.   Someone might play it off as a bad joke, but you were an agent for the Avengers Initiative and a former FBI agent. You’ve seen cases like this and you were taking no chances. Not with Steve of all people. But you were going to need help; enter the BAU)
Hands Too Cold, but Heart of Gold 🦋 || @/anika-ann (Steve Rogers x Reader, Matt Murdock x Reader, You officially joined the Avengers only two months ago and you’re about to take off to yet another mission. Cap would like to have some extra help on this one – but the Avengers have approached the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen before and he made it pretty clear how he felt about it. Of course, this time it’s you who got stuck with trying to convince him once again. “I still don’t understand why it’s not you coming, oh Star Spangled Man with a Plan.” “I do have a plan. I have you.”)
Heart’s Munition 🦋 || @crazyunsexycool (Mob boss!Steve Rogers x Maid!Reader. I can't copy and paste all the resume but I swear, you'll love it. A bit of surprise but it's worth the world)
My little love * 🦋 || @/crazyunsexycool (Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader. Really long resume but in short, Bucky, Reader, children, Papa and Mama bears, great scenario, you'll love it I promise!)
That's all, for now.
Don't hesitate to share the stories you liked and tell the writers you enjoy their works, it always means a lot to them ❤️
Have a good reading,
Val 🌸
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grandvhs · 2 years
lista de nomes masculinos que estava no meu bloco de notas e eu só lembrei agora
starting with A ;;
starting with B ;;
starting with C ;;
starting with D ;;
starting with E ;;
starting with F ;;
starting with G ;;
starting with H ;;
starting with I ;;
starting with J ;;
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starting with L ;;
starting with M ;;
starting with N ;;
starting with O ;;
starting with P ;;
starting with Q ;;
starting with R ;;
starting with S ;;
starting with T ;;
starting with U ;;
starting with V ;;
starting with W ;;
starting with X ;;
starting with Y ;;
starting with Z ;;
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ao3feed-peterstiles · 5 months
To Those Who Believe
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55551553 by Baby_Sweetpea “Stiles where are you?” The gruff voice came through the phone, rushed and stressed. He could hear Scott and Allison grumbling in the background, trying to tell Chris that Stiles was probably at home in bed now. Did they not even get slightly worried after Stiles’s messages? When he didn’t respond? And why was Chris calling him, when did Chris even get into town? “Stiles?” He shook himself realising he hadn’t responded, and nearly choked on air trying to speak. But Fuck, he was so cold. “C-cold-“ He managed to get out, “D-diner-“ “Shit!” He heard Chris snap, and distantly, “You left him at the Diner? I expected better from you lot.” ———————- In which the Pack goes to scare off a coven of witches and leave Stiles behind. They don’t believe him when he says he’s cursed, leaving Chris to come up with a plan. He can only hope Peter will have answers that could help them save Stiles. (Stiles is around 20-ish+, everyone has grown up except Scott MCcall) Words: 3187, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Derek Hale, Malia Tate, Chris Argent, Allison Argent, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Kira Yukimura, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Liam Dunbar, Melissa McCall, Lydia Martin Relationships: Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Peter Hale, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Chris Argent/Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent/Scott McCall Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt Stiles Stilinski, Emotionally Hurt Stiles Stilinski, Hurt/Comfort, Bad Friend Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Oblivious Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Bad Pack Alpha Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Bad Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Good Pack Alpha Peter Hale, Established Chris Argent/Peter Hale, Good Chris Argent, Protective Chris Argent, Dom Chris Argent, Good Peter Hale, Protective Peter Hale, Sassy Peter Hale, Dom Peter Hale, BDSM Switch Peter Hale, Spark Stiles Stilinski, Post-Nogitsune Stiles Stilinski, Post-Nogitsune Arc (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent Lives, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Curses, Polyamory, Getting Together, Pre-Relationship, Established Relationship, Threesome - M/M/M, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Rare Pairings, Stiles and Malia never dated, cottagecore life for the trio, Pack Dynamics, Happy Ending, Scott McCall Bashing (Teen Wolf), Scott McCall Being an Idiot (Teen Wolf), Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, Author Swears Like a Sailor, Mild Gore, Minor Character Death, Blood and Injury Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55551553
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Derek Hale x Reader  
Requested by Anon​
December event
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Make a request
Derek looked up as you hurried into his apartment. You had a backpack on and a notebook in your hand. A sparkly pen in your hand gave off a blueberry scent as you got close.
“You need to tell me what you would like for Christmas.” You snapped at him. He raised his eyebrows and shut the book he was reading.
“Do I?” He said with amusement. You nodded firmly and tapped your notebook with your pen.
“I have a gift for everyone on this list. Even Peter and Theo. I just don’t have one for you. No one does. Except for Peter but he said he wouldn’t tell me what he was getting you in case I got you the same thing.” You complained and frowned even harder at Derek who broke into a smile. 
“Maybe I don’t want anything.” Derek said. You scoffed and looked around.
“You don’t even have finished flooring or chairs for your table. I doubt there’s nothing that you want.” You said as you appraised the room disapprovingly.
“Well, I could buy all that if I wanted.” Derek pointed out.
“Yes but you don't. Even after Lydia offered to fix up the place.” You pointed out and Derek chuckled.
“Maybe I’m just not a very festive person.” Derek offered. He was rather amused by your lack of subtlety. He knew that you’d been sneaking around for a while trying to find out what kind of gifts he wanted. Really he’d settled for a peaceful day. But the look on your face told him he was determined to get him something.
"You can pretend you don’t care. You can fool the whole world. But I know differently." You insisted. Derek relented as he realised that you weren’t going to relent and give in no matter what he said to you.
“Fine. There’s a fancy brand of butter biscuits that I love. Maybe, you could get me those.” Derek said. He smiled as your face lit up as you scribbled something down in your notebook. You didn’t say goodbye as you hurried off and he heard you all the way down in your car telling Lydia that you finally found out what he wanted. Derek realised that he would most likely be getting the same gift from everyone this year. Not that he minded.
Derek tags:
@pheonix4269 @sarahbullet235 @lovelyy-moonlight @stellasblog @DeanWinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @criesinlies @lovesanimals0000 @lovesanimals0000 @sairamccall11 @theletterhart @bluebear142077 @boardstomymood @big-galaxy-chaos @onyourgoddamnleft @ietss @alexxavicry @bellabadacadabra @daughterofthenight117 @geli2297 @multi-fandom5 @justice-for-the-kaldorei @favmeyou @kaylantus @ssa--holmes @salemsnothere @supernatural-wolfie @yougottalovefandoms @sentimentalweasley @why-am-I-here-01 @maxineswritingcenter @babygrinchsblog @alwaysadreamingoptimist @love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @multifandomwriter56 @littlefreakingfangirl @jayyeahthatsme @thebookisbtr @hardladyheart @gillybear17 @lelapine @bluejaysaysstuff @lchufflepuffcorn @lucyqueenofthestars @fatherfigured @Kaitieskidmore1 @stupendousbelieverzombie @hardladyheart @bluejaysaysstuff @slxthxrxn-sxmp @jamie-c-bower-simp @aw--heck @readingbookelf @boardstomymood
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rosainta · 3 months
The Assistant Competition ~ A Short ‘Team Fortress 2’ Song Animation 💙💜
*This is my first attempt at animation, so I apologize if it looks shabby!*
Miss Pauling and Mr. Bidwell engage in “friendly” musical competition to find out who the better assistant is and defend The Administrator’s and Saxton Hale’s honour… except it goes comedically sideways!
This video was originally intended to be just a short animation study for a Technology course... but I decided to have a little fun and mix in an excerpt of an iconic song from 'Annie Get Your Gun' as well as the setting of my favourite fandom: Team Fortress 2!
As such, I do not own the song (Anything You Can Do' w. Bernadette Peters & Tom Wopat) , nor any of the characters (Miss Pauling, Mr. Bidwell, Demoman, Spy, and Jaundice Archimedes (don't ask, LOL)) in this video. Credits to these sources, as well as inspirations for the making of this video, will be linked in the description and mentioned again at the end of the video.
Anyhow, I hope you like this little project, and enjoy!
• Concept, animation & editing: Rosain Quivan! 🌹 (yours truly)
• ‘Team Fortress 2’ by VALVE: https://www.teamfortress.com
• Song ‘Anything You Can Do’ with Bernadette Peters & Tom Wopat:  https://youtu.be/fTUO6GDk2T0?si=-UQQoKBROVlIX1TU
Characters & TF2 wiki links:
- Miss F. Pauling: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Miss-Pauling
- Mr. Bidwell: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Non-playable-characters/Mr-Bidwell
- Demoman (Tavish Finnegan DeGroot): https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Demoman
- Spy: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Spy
- Jaundice Archimedes: from my brain… don’t ask, LOL.
- Medic (Dr. Ludwig): https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Medic
Pour M. Alex C. en Technologie!
Enjoy! 😉
Yes, I know, Pauling’s hand is backwards in that one scene, and Bidwell looks absolutely more handsome with his new not-so-accurate haircut… but shh, don’t tell anyone…
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strangerstilinski · 1 year
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Stiles Stilinksi/Original Female Character
chapter thirteen
fic summary; after an already traumatic evening involving the unfortunate discovery of a gruesome scene, amber is convinced to hike through the woods with her two best friends in search of the other half of a dead body. but it's not as if she could ever say no.. not when stiles looked at her like that.
chapter word count; 15,581
chapter warnings; underage drinking, very mild sexual content
chapter notes; between forced confessions, terrible tasting alcohol, and appearances from both peter hale and the argents, winter formal turns out to be quite the event. chaos ensues.
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c h a p t e r   t h i r t e e n (finale)
code breaker
When they pulled into the school parking lot on Friday night, Ben gestured for Amber to stay put as he got out of the car and jogged around to the passenger side to open the door for her.
"Thanks, but you really don't have to be quite so chivalrous." She laughed.
Ben shrugged with a grin, "Can't have you thinking I'm a bad date."
"I already know you're not a bad date. I'm the bad date, remember?" She reminded him as they linked arms and walked to the front of the lot.
"I thought you were a pretty good date right up until that little slip at the end," He looked down at her with a friendly smile, "It was a pretty big slip, but y'know.. For the other ninety-five percent of the date you were great."
She was laughing as they approached the school building. Jackson and Allison were standing just outside of Jackson's Porsche in the parking lot and Amber watched as the boy lifted a flask to his lips to take a long pull.
"Save some for the rest of us, Wittemore." She joked with a quiet laugh.
Jackson held the small metal container out toward her as he swallowed with a wince, "You want some?" He asked, voice husky from the liquor.
Her free hand twitched at her side. She looked up at Ben hesitantly and her date shrugged at her, releasing her arm with a small nudge.
"If you want some, I'm not gonna judge you." Ben told her softly.
Amber licked her lips and hesitated for another fraction of a second before accepting the flask. She lifted the small opening to her lips and poured some of the liquid into her mouth, swallowing with gag when the taste lingered on her tongue.
"God. What is that?" She asked in disgust as she handed it back over.
"It's bourbon." Jackson told her judgmentally, "Expensive bourbon."
She nodded, "Oh, yeah. You can tell. It- It's really good bourbon."
"You're welcome to have some more," Jackson grinned, holding it back out, "I mean, since you like it so much. I've got more in the car."
"Oh." She faltered, looking around her at Ben and Allison's amused gazes, "Yeah, totally. Thanks."
She took the flask from his grip again and gulped nervously in anticipation. She frowned and took a deep breath before tilting her head back and pouring what was left of the container into her mouth. There was slightly more than she'd been expecting from the weight of it and her mouth was full when she swallowed, fighting against another gag and coughing instead. As she did, she reached out to grab onto the sleeve of Ben's suit jacket and handed Jackson back the tiny metal flask blindly.
Jackson was laughing at her as Amber coughed once more and she heard Lydia's voice chime in from behind them as she recovered.
"Jackson." Lydia greeted, "You look handsome."
"Obviously," Jackson shook his head, tucking the flask back into the pocket on the inside of his jacket, "It's Hugo Boss."
With that, he pulled Allison's hand to loop around his arm and guided her toward the school.
Amber turned to face the new arrivals, dropping her hand from where it had been agressively squeezing Ben's arm. She eyed the pale pink satin of Lydia's dress before she allowed her gaze to flick over to Stiles.
She hadn't seen him in a full suit since his own mom's funeral in elementary school. Back then, the suit he'd worn had been slightly too large and he'd been red in the face from crying.
Now, when Amber looked at him, she floundered for a moment at how handsome he looked. His black suit jacket fit him nicely, and the white button down he had on underneath was crisp and tucked neatly into his dress pants. She swallowed distractedly as her mind drifted with the desire to grab him by his tie to pull him in for a kiss.
Only a few quiet seconds had passed and Amber shook her head to recover as she realized Lydia was speaking again.
"-I will not fall prey to society's desire to turn girls into emotional, insecure neurotics who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark." Lydia told herself sternly.
"Lydia. You look gorgeous." Amber told her honestly. She leaned closer in the dark of the parking lot to study the red of her lipstick, "That lip color goes really nicely with your dress, too. Your lips really pop and- You look incredible, okay?"
Lydia was fighting a smile, "Really?"
"Really." Amber laughed.
Lydia sniffed and looked Amber over in scrutiny, "Gross. Did Jackson give you bourbon?"
"He might've given me a bit." She admitted with a quiet giggle, already beginning to feel the light buzz thrumming in her brain. She turned her attention toward Stiles with a grin, "Stiles, you look really-" She hesitated for a second, "Really handsome."
Stiles seemed surprised by her comment, "Oh, I. You too." He told her.
Amber laughed quietly and Lydia's elbow jammed into Stiles' side. He jerked in realization as he processed what he'd said.
"I mean- Not- You look really nice too, but not handsome. I meant beautiful. You- You look really beautiful." He amended.
Amber cheeks flushed, stomach flipping from his stuttered words of praise, and there was a small moment of silence between the four of them before Stiles spoke up again.
"And uh, Ben looks great too," He added awkwardly, "Can't leave him out, I mean, look at this guy." He reached out to punch Ben in the shoulder and the other boy blinked at Stiles incredulously as he continued, "So sharp. Uh, should we head inside? I think we should head inside."
His hand came up to rest on Lydia's shoulder and he steered her toward the school building without another word.
Amber simply watched him go for a second before Ben's hand came up to rest between her shoulder blades over the curls in her hair and he nudged her to follow behind them.
"Pull yourself together, Callisto." Ben laughed quietly, "You were practically drooling."
"I was not." She pouted, prying her eyes away from the back of Stiles' head to look up at the tall boy beside her.
"I know he's cute but you are never gonna make it through the night if you keep torturing yourself." He told her.
He squeezed her shoulder as he pulled their tickets out of his jacket pocket with his free hand and gave them to the chaperone at the door.
The minute that they made their way inside, Ben dragged Amber over toward the refreshments table and forced a small bottle of water into her hands.
"I don't trust the punch and since you've had alcohol, you should hydrate sooner rather than later." He told her quietly, looking out at the room around them.
She accepted the water and took a drink.
"Did you want to dance yet?" She asked, the music thrumming nicely with the tipsy buzz in her brain, "I think I wanna dance."
Ben laughed, urging her to take another long sip from her water before he led her into the crowd of students on the dancefloor.
She swayed in her heels along with the upbeat music and Ben reached out one hand to grip onto hers in case she lost her balance. She held onto it gratefully and bounced on her toes as the beat picked up, a few of their classmates bumping into her periodically as she moved.
They danced for twenty minutes before Ben's phone began to ring distantly from inside his jacket pocket.
"Is that you?" Amber asked when she noticed the sound, reaching into his suit jacket to dig around for the device as it continued to chime.
Ben frowned and reached around her fingers to pull out his phone. He read the name on the screen and his frown deepened.
"Sorry, give me a sec. I'll be right back." He assured her before jogging out into the hallway.
As Amber watched him go, she happened to catch sight of Scott hunched down behind an open set of bleachers at the side of the gymnasium and she took off in Scott's direction, only wobbling slightly in her heels as she went. When she came up behind him, she leaned closely into his space.
"Hi!" Amber said beside his ear.
Scott flinched and jumped back, turning to face her with a look of surprise.
"Dude! Aren't you supposed to have like, super-senses?" She laughed joyfully, "How did you not know I was standing right here?"
"I was focussed on Allison." Scott defended, calming down and looking his best friend over slowly, "You look nice."
"You look very nice too." She grinned and reached out to fiddle with the collar of his suit jacket, "Did you see Stiles? You both look so handsome-" She flattened his lapel back down beneath her fingers and pouted with an influx of emotion, "My two boys-"
Scott leaned into her space and unsubtly sniffed at her, "Are you drunk?" He asked with a frown.
"No. I'm lightly buzzed," She corrected with a shake of her head, reaching up to adjust his crooked tie around his neck with delicate fingers, "There's a difference."
Scott looked over her shoulder and his eyes widened for a moment before he shook his head and frowned in confusion. Amber spun around, still gripping onto his tie, to look at whatever he was focussed on but all she saw was a crowded room.
"What is it?" She asked.
"I-I thought I saw Peter."
"Well, did you see him?" She asked quickly, gaze snapping back over to her friend.
Scott shook his head again, "I'm not sure. He disappeared."
"Well, he's not a ghost, Scott." She told him, "You're probably just nervous. I mean, you snuck in, you don't want to get caught, I hope you're still thinking about how to find Derek, Allison's here with someone else-"
Scott shot her a dirty look and she shrugged her shoulders in mock surrender.
"Hey, don't give me that look. Everything I said is true." She defended.
"Hey, there you are-" Ben's voice sounded from behind them, "I couldn't find you."
"I'm gonna-" Scott said, pulling his tie from between her fingers and pointing his finger behind himself before taking off.
Amber turned to Ben with a grin, "So, what's up? Who called?"
He sunk in on himself sadly and frowned at her, "I, uh. I have to go. Home."
"What?" She asked incredulously, "Why? We just got here-"
"I'm really sorry." Ben apologized, "My parents are out of town and they hired a sitter for tonight but she just called and said she's like, vomiting. So, I have to-"
"Hey, no." She cut in quickly, reaching up to grab his bicep, "It's okay. Go watch your sisters. I understand."
"I'm really sorry." He repeated, "Like so unbelievably sorry. I know that Stiles-"
"Ben. Stop." She said gently, "I'll be fine, okay? I'll catch a ride with Stiles, or even Jackson if I have to. Don't worry. Go home, seriously."
He frowned at her and pulled her into a quick hug. Amber startled for a moment before wrapping her arms around him to return the embrace. After a few seconds, Ben pulled away and stepped backwards slowly.
"I'm sorry again." He frowned.
"I forgive you, again." She laughed quietly.
She watched him turn to go and her face didn't pull into a frown until he could no longer see her. Amber sighed sadly and gnawed on her lip, looking around the crowded room. She spotted Jackson and Danny spiking their drinks from a familiar flask unsubtly and she pursed her lips in thought before heading in their direction.
Jackson raised his eyebrows when he noticed her, "Callisto. What do you want?"
"Wanted to know if I can have more of your illicit refreshments." She told him, nodding at Danny in greeting before returning her attention to Jackson.
He looked at her skeptically, "Where's your date?"
"My date had to leave due to a vomiting babysitter." She told him, "And now I'm dateless and I'd really like it if my buzz was a little stronger."
Jackson shrugged at her explanation and poured out another small dose from the flask before handing over his spiked cup of punch, "All yours." He told her, "Try not to get too messy, will you? It's tacky."
She repeated his words back to him in a weak imitation of his irritating voice and rolled her eyes. She raised her cup in a salute of thanks before turning and heading off to find a table where she could sit down.
She spotted Lydia and Stiles sitting at an otherwise empty table and hesitated for only a moment before going over. Stiles had shed his jacket at some point and was slouching unhappily in his chair next to Lydia, who didn't look any more amused. Amber sighed and plopped down into the chair beside the redhead.
"Where's Ben?" Lydia asked, picking at her nail polish and looking bored.
Amber lifted her cup to her mouth and took a dejected sip. Lydia's eyebrows raised expectantly when she didn't immediately get a response and Amber swallowed with a frown before answering.
"Family emergency." She told her.
"W- Hold on. Davis left?" Stiles asked, sitting up straighter in his seat and looking at her in disbelief.
"Mhm." She responded, leaning back in her chair.
She peered down at her own breasts for a moment and tugged at the fabric of her dress where it must have gotten slightly askew from all of the dancing and moving around. She readjusted it before taking another tiny sip of the repulsive drink in her hand.
"Okay, I will not continue to be subjected to this." Lydia announced in annoyance.
Amber's attention snapped over to look at her two friends. Stiles' face had a light flush rising on his cheeks and Lydia was pointing between him and Amber as she shot them both an irritated look.
"You two are ridiculous." Lydia told them, "Sitting here and watching you both sulk is actually infuriating."
"What did I do?" Amber asked, taken aback.
"You?" Lydia repeated incredulously, "You made me go to this stupid dance with the guy you're practically in love with, even though I had a wonderfully stupid and incredibly hot guy from the football team all lined up-"
"Lydia. What the hell?" Amber finally cut her off with wide eyes, heart pounding and refusing to look over at Stiles, "What are you-"
"No." Lydia said, holding up a finger like she was scolding a small child, "No. You want to be here with Stiles. He wants to be here with you. This is stupid."
Amber frowned, "Lyds-"
Lydia sighed loudly and turned in her seat to face the boy beside her, "Do you want to kiss Amber? Right here, right now?" She asked him seriously.
Amber's heart pounded in her chest and her eyes finally darted over to Stiles. He was looking between them with a dark flush on his cheeks, mouth hanging open as he floundered.
"I, uh. Wha-" Stiles articulated slowly.
Lydia's glare intensified, "So help me god. If you don't answer the question in the next two seconds-"
"Yeah, I- Yeah." Stiles interrupted, swallowing nervously and glancing at Amber across the table.
She could barely hear anything over the heavy pounding of the blood pumping in her ears. Her right hand tightened around the plastic of her cup.
Lydia was smiling as she turned to Amber, reaching out to delicately place her fingers over where Amber's free hand was resting on her own thigh.
"Amber," Lydia started almost condescendingly, speaking slowly as if she were dealing with a two year old, "Do you want to kiss Stiles?"
"I, yeah. I do. I like, really, really do." She said quietly, eyes wide.
Lydia patted Amber's hand and stood from the table.
"Great. My work here is done. Have a good night, you two." She told them before turning away, "It's like second grade all over again." Lydia muttered as she strutted off.
Amber didn't move for a moment, her brain fuzzy with adrenaline and a hint of alcohol.
"You wanna kiss me?" She repeated in question after a few seconds passed.
"Is that.. An actual question or an invitation?" Stiles asked, avoiding eye contact and fiddling with a napkin on top of the table.
"Whichever." She told him.
His gaze snapped back to hers and they both paused again for a few seconds.
"Okay. I, d'you- Hallway?" Stiles asked dumbly.
She nodded with wide eyes, "Hallway." She agreed.
When she stood from her seat, she swayed slightly from a combination of the fog in her brain and her high heels. Stiles came to stand beside her and grabbed her hand, tugging her away in the direction of the doors quickly.
They stepped into the hallway and her heart continued to pound in her chest, only now it was with excitement. Stiles didn't stop pulling her along once they broke through the doors. He continued to tug her down the hall and around a corner until the music from the gym was only a dull thumping of bass in the distance.
"Stiles-" She called out quietly, pulling at his hand.
He came to a stop and turned around to look at her with wide eyes, "Yeah?"
Stiles' chest was rising and falling heavily. His face was flushed bright red underneath the speckles of moles dotting cheeks. His hand was damp with sweat where it was gripping tightly onto hers. Amber desperately wanted to kiss him.
So she did.
She tugged forcefully on his hand and when Stiles stumbled forward, she took a step closer. She reached up to cup his face and guided him to tilt his head down until their mouths slotted together softly. He huffed out a small breath in surprise and before she could relish in the feeling of his lips on hers, he was pulling back just a fraction of an inch, his eyes flicking slowly between hers in contemplation.
"Have you had more alcohol since the last time I saw you?" He questioned quietly against her mouth.
She nodded with a quiet sound of affirmation, leaning up onto her toes to bring their lips back together but Stiles brushed her hand away from his face and raised one of his own to grip her shoulder so he could push her down until her heels touched back onto the floor and he pulled back to look at her again.
"I feel like we shouldn't- I'm- If you're drunk-" He stuttered out.
"Stiles." She interrupted softly, squeezing his hand in hers.
"Yeah?" He asked quickly.
"I promise I'm not drunk. And I'm gonna need you to kiss me again." She whispered, "Now."
"Are you sure?" He questioned, fingers tightening around her shoulder for a fraction of a second.
Amber nodded, "Really, really sure." She repeated.
Stiles hauled her back in quickly, his fingers sliding into her hair and releasing her hand from his own to grab at her waist. He tugged her closer and she sighed contentedly into his mouth as their lips slotted together more comfortably.
His mouth on hers felt right. The kiss soft and firm and so fucking perfect she was instantly convinced that her lips had to have been made for his. Her stomach was alive with butterflies and her heart was determined to beat it’s way out from beneath her ribcage and she wasn’t sure how she was supposed to exist now without his mouth on hers.
She reached out to his fancy dress shirt and fisted her hands into the fabric on either side of his hips while they kissed, pulling him along for a few steps until he was caging her back against the wall in the hallway. The stone was cold as it touched her bare back and she gasped in surprise at the chill of it pressing against her skin. When her mouth dropped open, Stiles tilted his head just so and his tongue slipped into the opening to brush against hers.
At the first touch of his tongue, her mind grew hazy and she tugged harshly at the fabric of his shirt. The action pulled Stiles firmly against her and he let out a soft, needy noise into her mouth when his groin pressed against her hip.
She separated their lips to take an unsteady breath and Stiles rested his forehead against hers as they both panted quietly.
"Sorry." He murmured in apology.
He let the hand he had in her hair slowly trail down until it rested lightly at the curve where her neck met her shoulder, his thumb brushing up and down softly over her collarbone. He shifted back until their lower halves were no longer pressed together and she found herself genuinely mourning the loss of contact.
She frowned in the small distance between their faces and reached up to place her right hand at the back of his neck, guiding their mouths back together and tugging him back against her with her grip on his waist. When Stiles released another small sound against her lips at the contact, she angled her head and kissed him deeper.
When he rolled his hips unconsciously against her a minute later, her fingers tightened around the back of his neck. She sighed quietly at the feeling of him and there was an aching heat building between her thighs as she focussed on the point where his obvious arousal was slowly hardening against her.
The hand he had on her hip slid slowly until it was resting over the arch of her back where her spine curved to meet her ass and Amber tightened her fingers around the soft fabric of his dress shirt when he pulled her closer.
His hand at the base of her neck readjusted until his thumb could press lightly into her chin and he guided her to tip her head to the side. His lips skimmed across her face slowly and he pressed tender kisses along her cheek. He continued to tilt her head with his thumb sliding along her jaw until could lower his mouth to kiss lightly at her neck. She gasped out a quiet breathy noise and automatically lifted up onto her toes to push against his mouth more firmly as his lips kissed softly at her throat.
"Stiles-" She said breathlessly. It came out too airy, like an unconscious expression of pleasure rather than a signal. She gasped when he sucked lightly at the sensitive skin under her jaw and took a shaky breath before trying again more firmly, "Stiles."
She moved her hand from the back of his neck to his jaw and pushed his face away from her slightly. He leaned his head back and looked down at her with dazed eyes.
"We should probably-" Her chest was rising and falling quickly and she rubbed her thumb softly along his jaw as she tried to calm her breathing, "Should definitely slow down."
He dropped his forehead down against hers again and heaved a deep sigh before pulling back to look at her, "Yeah. Yeah, you're right-"
"Sorry." She apologized quietly, watching his face closely in the dimmed light of the hallway.
"Hey, no, don't apologize. Not for that." Stiles told her seriously. He readjusted his grip on her jaw and pressed his fingers into her cheek to pull her in for another chaste kiss before taking a few steps back, "God. I seriously need like- Two minutes where your mouth isn't only an inch away."
Amber watched him in amusement while he frowned and reached down to uncomfortably adjust himself in his dress pants. She lifted a hand up to her own face to cover the small smile pulling at her lips.
He caught her gaze and shot her a small glare in jest, "Oh, you find this funny?" He asked her with an incredulous grin, gesturing to his pants.
"No," She shook her head with a serious expression, "No, not funny at all."
He narrowed his eyes playfully at her once more, "Alright, you." He stepped forward to press a final conciliatory kiss to her lips, "Go back in and I'll be there in a minute."
She frowned but took a small step back in the direction of the gymnasium.
"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom real quick." He explained in response to her silent question.
"Oh, you're going to the bathroom, are you?" She asked, grinning at the insinuation.
"W- I'm not- This is embarrassing enough, okay? I just- I'll see you in a minute." Stiles shook his head with a flush on his cheeks.
She laughed and held her hands up in surrender as she backed away, "Sorry, I'm going. I'm going."
She took one final survey of how debauched and truly obscene he looked before she turned on her heels and headed back toward the gym with a giddy smile on her lips. Her gaze drifted across the crowded room once she stepped through the doors again and she picked up her pace when she caught sight of Lydia sitting back at their table, nursing a cup of punch.
Once she was within arms reach, she grabbed Lydia's hand from the tabletop and pulled the girl up out of her chair. The moment her friend was on her feet, Amber's arms were wrapped around her in a tight hug.
"I love you so much right now, I could kiss you." Amber told her quickly.
Lydia stepped back to look at her friend with a barely there smile of amusement, "It looks like you've gotten plenty of kissing done already." She pointed out, reaching up to fix the mess Stiles had made of the hair on the right side of Amber's head, "Was there anything more than kissing?" Lydia questioned casually.
"Just kissing." Amber told her, "Really hot, glorious, incredible kissing."
"Oh, I can see just how hot and glorious it was." Lydia grinned devilishly, pressing her fingers into a tender spot that Amber couldn't see on her underside of her jaw bone.
"God. Do I have a hickey?" She asked quickly, reaching up to press her fingers over the spot Lydia had touched, "Please tell me I don-"
"It's not a hickey." Lydia promised, "Calm down. It's just a little pink."
She sighed in relief and dropped her hand, looking over at the spot where Lydia had taken up residence while they'd been gone with a frown.
"Have you danced at all?" Amber asked.
Lydia shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest, "No, and I don't plan to."
"Oh, come on, Lyds," She goaded, grabbing the redhead's hands in hers to uncross her arms and tugging her in the direction of the dance floor, "Please dance with me?"
Lydia pouted dramatically and rolled her eyes but followed behind Amber without protest.
The song that was playing through the gymnasium was a slow one, so when they stepped out onto the dancefloor Amber put her hands around Lydia's waist and grinned as she guided the redhead to sway with her. Lydia brought her arms up around the back of Amber's neck and moved slowly along with the beat, meeting her friend's gaze and smiling back at her with a small roll of her eyes.
They danced closely to the familiar song for a few minutes before a loud voice erupted across the gym.
"McCall! I see you!" Coach Finstock's voice yelled out over the music. "Come here, buddy! McCall!"
Amber turned her head to see the teacher pushing his way slowly through the crowd of teens. Scott's eyes widened from the other side of the gym and he ducked down as he moved through the dancing bodies in the opposite direction. Amber watched as her best friend snuck around the spot where she and Lydia were dancing and came to a stop in front of Danny and his date beside them.
"Danny. Danny, dance with me." Scott said frantically.
Coach Finstock was still yelling as he pushed through to get to the other side of the dancefloor and Scott looked between their teacher and Danny nervously.
"What?" Danny blinked in confusion.
"Dance with me." Scott repeated with wide eyes.
Danny looked between Scott and his date slowly, "No."
Coach had nearly reached them and Amber watched the situation in amusement.
"Please!" Scott begged, "Right now!"
Scott's hands scrambled to untangle Danny from his date and he shoved himself between them. Danny shrugged at his date with a frown as Scott pulled his arms up onto his waist and brought his own arms up to wrap around Danny's shoulders.
"McCall!" Coach said loudly as he stepped up to the couple, "You're not supposed to-" He paused in confusion as he looked between the two boys, "What the hell are you do- What the hell are you doing?"
"Yes, Coach?" Scott asked with a look of wide-eyed innocence, tightening his arms around his dance partner's neck as he pulled Danny closer.
The music had quieted between songs and Coach's raised voice had been loud in the sudden silence. A majority of the gymnasium was turned to see who Coach was yelling at and they all frowned at the sight of the two boys dancing in front of him.
Coach seemed to catch on to the train of thought of the people around him and he backtracked at the perceived homophobia.
"Okay.. Oh, ho, ho- Ha! Hold on," He started, addressing the room at large, "You.. I was just saying that he's not supposed to- I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't- You guys don't think.." He took a small step back from Scott and Danny with a nervous smile, "I-I was- Just dance, everybody! Just dance! Dance! It's a party!"
After shooting a final look of warning toward Scott, Coach disappeared into the crowd again.
Amber snorted softly and readjusted her hands over the silky material at the bottom of Lydia's spine. She watched Scott release Danny with a pat on the shoulder, stepping back and shot the other boy a thumbs-up.
"Thanks, dude! I owe you!" Scott called out before taking off.
A new song started up after a minute and Amber peered at the people around them as they danced. She spotted Scott and Allison now wrapped up in one another's arms closely. After another minute, Lydia slipped her arms from around Amber's neck and took a small step back.
"What's wrong?" Amber asked with a frown as her own hands fell to her sides, "You okay?"
"Just.. I need to take a little break." Lydia told her with a sad smile.
Amber nodded in understanding, "Is that code for going to talk to Jackson?"
Lydia looked momentarily taken aback by her friend's attentiveness before nodding slowly with a small pout on her lips and Amber reached out to squeeze Lydia's hand with a reassuring smile.
"I get it. Go ahead, Lyds." She said encouragingly.
She watched Lydia go and when the redhead was through the doors and out of sight, Amber shuffled on her feet awkwardly for a moment in uncertainty. A slow song was still playing and she was just debating heading over to snag another bottle of water when someone grabbed her hand to gently pull her back a step.
She teetered in her heels and spun around to see Stiles standing right behind her, tugging her against him. When her gaze went to his face, Stiles brought a hand up to cup her cheek and he ducked down to give her a soft kiss that had her stomach fluttering wildly.
"Hi." He said gently as he pulled back.
He was quick to wrap his arms around her waist and she followed his lead by curling her own arms tightly around the back of his neck, holding on to her own elbows as they began to sway to the music with their chests pressed together.
"I distinctly remember you saying something about needing time away from my mouth." She laughed quietly, licking her lips unconsciously to taste the lingering essence of him again following the chaste kiss.
"I had my two minutes away," He spoke softly into her ear, "Now I'm thinking I should actually figure out a way to have you within kissing distance at all times."
She snorted a quiet laugh into his shoulder, "You're ridiculous."
She tightened her arms around his neck and leaned against him to prop her chin up over his shoulder as they moved slowly in time with the music. They made it through another entire song before Amber sighed quietly, loosening her grip around his shoulders and taking a small step back from him.
"Okay. Now I need to use the bathroom." She laughed quietly.
"Must be all that bourbon." Stiles told her with a small smile of amusement.
"Oh, cut it out." She wiped the grin off his face by pressing her lips against his in a quick kiss, "Stop picking on me and let me go because I actually do need to pee. Really badly."
Stiles dropped an arm around her shoulder and guided her through the crowd of dancing bodies, releasing her at the edge of the room and giving her a gentle push out the doors and into the hallway.
She used the bathroom outside the gymnasium quickly, wiping a small bead of water that she'd somehow missed when drying her hands onto the velvet of her dress as she was exiting the girl's room. When she looked up again, she spotted Jackson walking back inside the building with a terrified look on his face.
"Jackson? What's wrong? Did you talk to Lydia?" She asked quickly as she approached him.
"I-I was out behind the school-" He started slowly, voice shaking as he looked at the girl in front of him.
"Jackson, is Lydia okay?" She redirected quickly, her heart rate picking up in her chest.
He shook his head and her stomach dropped before he spoke, "Not Lydia. I-I. Allison's dad-"
"What about Allison's dad? What did you say to him, Jackson?" She demanded, stepping closer so that they were almost pressed together in the dark hallway.
"I-I told him- He promised he wouldn't-" Jackson continued to stammer, "But I told him- I told him Scott-"
She shoved Jackson back against the wall behind him aggressively, her hands shaking, "What have you done?" Her voice cracked with anxiety and the sheer volume of her yelling, "Do you have any idea-"
"Hey- Hey! What's going on?" Stiles' voice came from behind her. Amber had been reaching out to grab at Jackson's suit but Stiles' arms wrapped around her and pulled her a step back, "What happened? What did Jackson-"
"He told Allison's dad about Scott! Her dad is here and he-" Amber said angrily, before ice seemed to fill her body in fear, "Oh, god. Where's Scott?"
She turned to Stiles with wide eyes and he looked just as nervous.
"Jackson, what did you do?" Stiles asked rhetorically, shooting a glare at the boy over Amber's shoulder.
"Lydia's still outside looking for Jackson," She realized suddenly, words coming out between anxious gasps, "And the hunters are- What do we-"
Stiles put his hands over her shoulders and gave her a squeeze, "We'll split up and we'll look for them both, okay? Everything's gonna be okay."
She took a shaky breath and turned to shove Jackson against the wall one final time before she was running outside.
"Lydia!" She called out as soon as she stepped out of the school and into the cold night air. She continued to call out for her friend as she rounded the building and crossed over into the side parking lot near the lacrosse field, "Lydia?"
She heard Lydia's voice calling out for Jackson in the distance and Amber reached down to rip her uncomfortable strappy heels from her feet, taking off in a run across the cold grass. The floodlights around the field began to click on loudly, illuminating the lacrosse pitch in a slow circle until she could see where Lydia was standing at the center of the field.
Amber slowed as she took her first step between the bleachers while a dark figure stepped out on the other side of the field in Lydia's eyeline. Amber lifted her arm over her face in an attempt to block some of the bright light from above as she tried to distinguish the shadow with squinted eyes.
"Jackson?" Lydia questioned the mystery person at the other side of the field in a quieter voice.
"Lydia, no. Wait-" Amber said, only a few feet behind her friend now.
"Amber! Lydia!" Stiles' voice screamed frantically from the end of the pitch, "Run!"
Amber's gaze snapped between Stiles and the dark figure in front of them as it took another few steps toward them. The floodlights over the field illuminated Peter Hale's face and Amber reached out to pull at Lydia's wrist as her heart thumped violently in her chest.
"Lydia, you need to run. You need to run now, please-" Amber begged, tugging a confused Lydia backwards in an attempt to get the redhead hidden behind her.
Peter tilted his head, his eyes slowly shifting to a bright glowing red as he came to stand in front of them. He growled as he shoved Amber to the ground, his face beginning to shift deeper, fangs dropping down from his mouth. The brunette fell to the grass hard and watched on in horror from only a few feet away as the werewolf bit down, sharp teeth sinking into Lydia's waist.
"No!" Amber screamed, already crawling toward them as she watched the dark red of Lydia's blood start to seep out to stain the pale pink satin of her dress.
Peter leaned back but continued to hover protectively over the redhead's unmoving body, forcing Amber to freeze with her hands only a few inches away from her friend. Stiles finally reached them and dropped to his knees at Lydia's other side, both he and Amber watching Peter in fear as a trail of blood dripped from his mouth.
"Don't kill her." Amber begged, hands shaking with the need to reach out for her friend, "Please."
"Of course not." Peter agreed quickly, eyes flicking over to Stiles, "If he tells me how to find Derek."
"W- What?" Stiles stuttered in surprise.
"Tell me. How to find Derek." Peter repeated slowly, tracing a claw down the side of Lydia's unconscious face teasingly.
"He doesn't know!" Amber cried immediately, "We don't-"
"Yeah, I- I don't know that." Stiles reiterated between shaky breaths, "How would I know that?"
"Because you're the clever one, aren't you?" Peter smiled condescendingly at him, "And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles."
Amber's gaze cut to Stiles with wide eyes and she spoke in a shaky voice, "Stiles, what's he talking about?"
He shook his head, "I-I don't know!"
"Tell me the truth, Stiles." Peter growled angrily.
The werewolf moved with a sudden quickness that the teens could barely comprehend and before they knew what was happening, Amber was upright on her knees, her back pressed flush against Peter's chest as he knelt behind her, the fingers of his right hand wrapped around Amber's throat tight enough that she could feel his sharp nails digging into the flesh of her neck painfully.
"Tell me the truth. Or I will rip her apart." Peter continued.
She squeaked quietly in fear and shifted on her knees, reaching up to grab onto Peter's arm desperately, her eyes filling with tears as she met Stiles' own terrified gaze.
"Look- Look, I don't know, okay? I sw-" Stiles faltered when Peter's fingers gripped tighter at her throat and she let out a whine, "I swear to god I have no idea!" He yelled anxiously.
Amber felt the claws press deeper into the skin of her neck and she whimpered again quietly as she pulled at the sleeve of the werewolf's jacket. The moment the tip of one of his claws punctured her skin, she felt the sharp sting of it and gasped in pain.
"Tell me!" Peter repeated, voice loud and demanding beside Amber's ear.
"Okay, okay! Look-" Stiles relented, "I-I think he knew-"
"Knew what?" Peter asked quickly, refusing to loosen his grip on the girl in front of him.
"Derek. I think he- I think he knew he was gonna be taken-" Stiles explained shakily.
Amber looked at him in confusion through the tears in her eyes.
"By the Argents." Peter clarified.
"Yeah." Stiles squeaked.
Peter jostled Amber in his arms as he straightened his back, "And?"
"When they were shot. He and Scott-" Stiles spoke nervously, eyes bouncing back and forth between Peter and Amber, "I think he took Scott's phone."
"What?" Amber squeaked before whimpering quietly when Peter shook her slightly in a demand for silence.
"Why?" Peter asked Stiles.
Stiles looked at Amber regretfully as he spoke, "Because they all have GPS now. So if he still has it on him, and it's still on-" He explained, "You can find him."
Peter's grip around Amber's neck and body loosened all at once and he pushed her forward as he got to his feet behind her. She caught herself in the grass on her hands and Stiles rushed over to her side, his hands coming up to brush gently over her arms and her waist and her face, touching softly over everything he could as he checked that she was okay.
Her hands were still shaking as she brushed Stiles off to crawl forward and lean over Lydia. Amber pushed an errant lock of her strawberry blonde hair off of her face with trembling fingers before her gaze dropped to the dark stain still spreading across the fabric of Lydia's dress. She trailed her hand lightly over the spot and her stomach turned as her cold fingers came back coated with the warmth of her friend's blood.
"Lydia?" Amber asked quietly, voice choked with tears. "Oh, god."
Peter had produced a handkerchief from one of his jacket pockets and he was delicately wiping the two girl's blood away from his face and fingertips. When he was finished, he tucked the stained cloth away again and turned his attention to the teens still on the ground in front of him.
"Alright. Let's go." He told them simply, as if they were dilly-dallying and making him late for a meeting.
"No." Amber protested quickly, tearing her eyes away  from her bloodied fingers to look at the werewolf standing above her, "We're not leaving her here."
"I don't need you." Peter dismissed, "But Stiles is coming with me."
Her chest tightened in worry at the thought of Stiles going off alone with Peter Hale, "No. No, he-"
"I'm not- I'm not going anywhere-" Stiles protested with a shake of his head, pained gaze darting over to Amber as she took in shaky breaths.
"You can call your friend," Peter acquiesced, "Tell Jackson to come out to the field. That's all you get."
Stiles continued to look at Amber with wide eyes, his shoulders still trembling with nerves and adrenaline.
"Call Jackson." Amber told him quietly, nodding her head in what she hoped looked reassuring rather than showing the terror that she was truly feeling.
Stiles frowned and his lips quivered around a shaky breath, looking like he desperately wanted to say something, but after a moment, he closed his eyes and got to his feet, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
While he called Jackson, Amber's gaze dropped back down to Lydia and she exhaled a trembling breath of fog into the air. She brushed her friend's hair back from her face again gently and her heart clenched at the small streak of blood that her fingertips left behind over the pale skin of Lydia's cheekbone.
Amber flinched when Stiles dropped back down to his knees beside her, his hands gripping her cold arms as he studied her worriedly.
"Jackson'll be here in a minute." He said quietly.
She nodded and bit down on her lip, jaw trembling and causing her teeth to chatter over the flesh in a combination of fear and chill from the cold. She felt her eyes prickle with heat again at the reminder that Stiles would be leaving with Peter and she desperately tried to take in every tiny mole dotted along cheeks, her gaze scanning his face intently.
"Stiles." Peter's voice cut in, making them both flinch, "Now."
Stiles teetered back and forth for a moment, seeming to hesitate before he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Amber's lips with a hand at the back of her head. The kiss was chaste, but he still held his mouth firmly against hers, lingering a second longer than was strictly necessary with a werewolf impatiently hovering behind them.
"Teenagers exhaust me." Peter declared in annoyance.
Amber reached up to push at Stiles' shoulder and the two separated reluctantly, "Go." She told him.
He nodded with a frown and got to his feet again. Peter held an arm out in a gesture toward the parking lot and he and Stiles walked away, disappearing from her line of sight to where the Jeep was parked around the side of the building.
It was only another minute before Jackson made it out onto the field, his legs carrying him quickly and his eyes drawn to where Lydia was laying on the ground, his face dropping in horror at his ex girlfriend's bloodied body.
"What happened?" He asked worriedly.
"The Alpha happened," Amber told him quickly, "Just call 911."
"You haven't called 911 yet?" Jackson asked in disbelief.
Amber waved a hand in gesture to the tight fabric of her dress, "This thing doesn't exactly have any pockets for my phone." She snapped. "Just do it."
Jackson glared at her before his eyes dropped back to Lydia in worry and he was nodding and pulling his phone out to call for help.
Amber leaned down to press a soft kiss to Lydia's forehead and swallowed past a lump in her throat. As she heard Jackson's phone call coming to an end, she climbed to her feet reluctantly.
"I swear to god if you let anything else happen to her-" She told him threateningly.
"What do you mean?" He asked quickly, watching her move past him, "Where're you going?"
She spun sharply to look at him again, eyes alight with anger, "I have to go find Scott," She bit out accusingly, "Because someone told a bunch of werewolf hunters who he is and now he's in danger too and he has no idea! I am not letting any more of my friends get hurt tonight."
Jackson's face twitched with an indiscernible emotion, "Be careful." He told her with a surprising gentleness.
She nodded gratefully, casting one last look at Lydia and taking a trembling breath before she turned and ran. The grass was cold against her bare feet as she took off in the direction of the parking lot at the back of the school building. It was the one of the only places she hadn't searched before she'd found Lydia and she knew it was the best place to start looking for her best friend.
"Scott!" She called out, her voice a sharp whisper in the dimly lit lot. She stepped into the treeline and peered into the dark forest for any sign of him, "Scott!"
Someone suddenly rammed into her from the side and a hand reached up to cover her mouth as they pulled her back a few steps into the woods. Amber made a small noise of protest at the familiar position and clawed at the arm across her chest frantically.
"Shh! Amber! Amber it's just me-" Scott's voice spoke quietly into her ear, dropping his hand from her mouth and loosening his grip around her shoulders to allow her to spin around to face him.
She punched him in the shoulder with as much force as she could manage, "Don't ever grab me like that again! I thought-" She hissed quietly, before remembering exactly why she'd been looking for him in the first place, "Oh, god! Allison's dad! He's here and he knows that you-"
"I know," Scott told her quickly, "I already ran into them. And Allison saw the whole thing, so now she knows too."
"Scott," She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his shoulders in a tight hug. Scott's arms came up to encircle her back and she felt him take a shaky breath in and out over her hair, "Tonight is- I-I'm so sorry. And- and Peter-"
Scott took a step back and cut off her words quickly, "We need to get Derek." He took a whiff of the air between them, nose scrunching in thought as he sniffed before his gaze dropped down to her neck, "Are you bleeding?"
She reached up a hand to wipe at the right side of her neck where the claw on Peter's thumb had lightly pierced through the skin.
"I'm fine." She assured him, immediately trying to refocus the conversation, "How are the two of us going to find Derek?"
Scott grabbed onto her hand to began to pull her deeper into the woods. They hadn't made it more than a few steps when Amber winced in pain as a twig snapped sharply beneath her bare feet.
"A wolf howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack, right?" Scott repeated the words she and Stiles had told him over a month before, before Scott truly even believed that he was a werewolf.
"Oh my god." She whispered in realization as they continued to trek through the woods.
"I'm gonna call out to him and hope he howls back." Scott finished.
"So why don't you do it, then?" She questioned in confusion, teeth chattering as they began to hike up an incline, "I mean, where are we going?"
"Need to get somewhere that the sound'll carry better.." His steps slowed slightly and turned to face her in the dark, "You're.. Not wearing shoes." He stated.
"Well, I was wearing heels," She explained in confusion at his assessment, shivering slightly harder now that they were no longer moving, "Wh-"
"Crap. Why didn't you-" Scott shook his head and stripped his suit jacket off quickly before handing it to her, "Dude, why didn't you say something sooner?"
She stuffed her arms into his jacket without question and huffed out a shaky breath at the sudden warmth, "Me being cold is the least of our problems right now." She squinted at him in the dark in confusion as Scott squatted down and began untying his shoes rapidly, "What are you doing?" She questioned.
He pulled off his dress shoes and socks before sliding his feet back into his fancy shoes barefoot and re-tying them. His fingers worked at the laces quickly and when he was done, he handed her his discarded black socks.
"Dude, it's gonna be a problem if you lose toes." He told her as he placed the socks into her hand.
She thanked him quickly and bent to pull them onto her bare feet. She'd barely stood upright again when Scott took ahold of her wrist and began dragging her through the trees again with fast steps.
They hiked through the woods for another ten minutes before they emerged from the treeline at the prominent lookout point over the town. Scott released her and went to stand on the rock that jutted out further than the rest, tilting his head back and taking a deep breath in preparation.
When he released a loud, rumbling growl, it was reminiscent of the call he'd made to the Alpha that pivotal night at the school. Amber's skin erupted into goosebumps at the sound despite the jacket she was now wearing over her dress and she took a quiet, shaky breath as the sound faded out and the forest around them settled into silence again.
Scott slowly stepped back to stand beside her again and they both waited with bated breath as they listened for a response. After thirty seconds or so passed, Scott seemed to deflate and he shuffled on his feet in disappointment.
"It was worth a try, right?" Amber whispered, reaching a hand out to grab Scott's, "It's okay. We'll-"
Her voice cut out as they both heard a long howl in the distance. Her grip around his hand tightened automatically and she turned to find him already looking back at her with wide eyes.
"Was that-?" She started.
He nodded slowly, "Yeah." He suddenly pulled on her hand and tugged her sharply into the woods, moving through the trees with purpose, "Come on."
She followed with a tight grip on him as he led them in the direction he'd determined the howl had come from with his enhanced hearing. They were nearly sprinting and they kept up the aggressive pace for another ten or fifteen minutes before Scott finally slowed and released her sweaty hand.
"What-?" She asked quietly, trying to slow her labored breathing, "Are we-?"
Scott shushed her and motioned for her to follow behind him as he crept through the leaves more cautiously. She nodded in understanding and took in another deep breath, trying to watch her step in the dark as she stepped over small rocks and twigs on the forest floor.
When she looked up, Amber noticed the massive dark outline of the Hale house up the slope in front of them. She followed behind Scott as her mind raced with a confused barrage of thoughts, all of them circling back around to the same starting point.
Derek was at the Hale house.
Scott paused in his steps and appeared to pull a deep breath in through his nose before grabbing Amber's shoulders and directing her to stand behind a large tree.
"The only scent I'm picking up is you." He explained quietly.
Unsure whether she should be offended or not, she watched as he stepped back again. He turned and took another determined inhale through his nose and tilted his head in concentration.
When he took a purposeful step to the right, Amber followed behind him automatically. They rounded over toward the side of the property, still skirting around the bottom of the slope, until Scott stopped again.
As she came up to stand beside him, Scott was pulling at a large metal grate, the bars blocking off a rounded cement channel that opened up into some sort of cellar beneath the hill. He gave it a hard tug and the metal creaked agonizingly loud in the quiet night air, both of them flinching at the sound. Scott stepped into the cavern before turning and helping her climb through. Once they were inside, the space opened up into a painfully familiar dark passageway and Amber swallowed nervously and followed behind Scott as he continued to use his nose to guide them through the maze of dimly lit hallways.
When she spotted a familiar doorway, she pushed a hand against Scott's back to urge him to walk faster. He peered into the doorway cautiously before allowing them both to step into the room.
"Why would you bring her back here?" Derek demanded immediately upon seeing them.
Amber ignored him and ran over to the familiar control panel on the table along the wall. She rushed to turn the knob down, putting a stop to the flow of electricity that had been making Derek so weak.
"What do you mean back?" Scott asked in confusion.
As soon as she'd managed to cut the power, she darted forward to stand beside where Scott was already working to undo a shackle around one of Derek's wrists.
"Uh, hi. 'Her' is right here and can hear you just fine." She said to Derek, ignoring Scott's question entirely, "And, quite frankly? I'm not sure you're in a position where you should be getting picky about who's a part of your rescue party."
She was reaching her hands up to assist Scott and their hands fumbled, fingers brushing as they pulled at the metal latch.
"Did he mean 'back' as in 'you've been here before'?" Scott asked worriedly, not willing to let the subject drop as easily as she'd hoped and turning his head to look at the girl beside him.
"You didn't tell him?" Derek asked incredulously, frowning as they both continued to pull and tug at the buckle around his right wrist.
"Tell me what?" Scott asked.
When neither Derek nor Amber immediately responded to him, Scott nudged his best friend with his elbow.
"Amber." Scott prodded again as they finally got the latch on Derek's cuff undone, "Dude. What is he talking about?"
She was saved from having to answer when both Derek and Scott's attention suddenly snapped toward the doorway. Scott shoved her underneath the table in a poor attempt at hiding her while he himself moved to a dark corner of the room to the side of door.
A man who Amber had never seen before stalked through the doorway with an evil grin, his eyes thankfully focussed on Derek and Derek alone.
"Ready to have some more fun?" The man asked, lifting a hand to examine the back of his bruising fist, "To be honest, my knuckles are kind of hurting. So, I brought some help-" He pulled out a bat that he'd been holding behind his back with his other hand and tightened his grip on it menacingly, "But I need to warn you, I played in college."
The man swung the bat but Derek's newly unrestrained hand reached out quickly to grab ahold of it before it could make contact with his torso in the way the man had intended.
"I brought some help too." Derek told him darkly, raising his eyebrows and nodding behind the man to where Scott was stepping out of the shadows.
Scott grabbed the man from behind and ripped him away from Derek, throwing him across the room aggressively as Amber crawled out from underneath the table. She winced when he hit the wall with a loud thud, eyes drifting over to where he laid unmoving following the impact, and she swallowed, wondering whether he was unconscious or dead.
She shook her head to dislodge the thoughts and made her way over to Derek. He was pulling a piece of dried, bloody gauze from his abdomen from where the hunters had caused him some sort of physical abuse that he'd already managed to heal from.
She squatted down quickly to begin working at one of the cuffs around Derek's ankles. Her fingers trembled nervously as she worked to undo the difficult latch.
"Scott, help me with this." She called out over her shoulder after a moment.
"No." Scott replied determinedly.
Both Derek and Amber's attention snapped over to where Scott was slowly approaching from on the other side of the room.
"What?" Both Derek and Amber questioned in disbelief.
"Not until he tells me how to stop Peter." Scott explained.
Amber looked up at her best friend incredulously, "Scott, you're joking. This is kind of time sensitive."
"You really want to talk about this right now?" Derek reiterated.
"He's going after Allison and her family," Scott told them, "He's going to kill them."
"Maybe saving the murdery family of werewolf hunters shouldn't be our main priority right now?" Amber suggested in a frantic shout, turning her attention back to the large metal clasp in her fingers.
Scott ignored his best friend entirely, "Tell me how to stop him." He told Derek calmly.
"You can't!" Derek snapped, "Alright? Now, I don't know when Kate's coming back so just help Amber get me out of this now!" He yelled, pulling at his still-cuffed wrist, "Get me out right now!"
She let out a shaky breath when the manacle on Derek's left ankle fell open and she shuffled on her feet slightly to immediately begin working on the other one as Scott spoke behind her.
"Promise you'll help me."
"You wanna risk my life for your girlfriend? Your best friend's life?" Derek questioned angrily, "For a stupid little teenage crush that means absolutely nothing? You're not in love, Scott!" Derek yelled, "You're sixteen years old! You're a child!"
Her heart clenched at the desperation in Derek's voice and she winced as her finger caught on a jagged piece of the metal, slicing into the side of her middle finger painfully. She took a shaking breath and tightened her mouth as she continued to pull at the tight latch.
"Maybe you're right," Scott told Derek, "But I know something you don't. Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister, right?" Scott questioned.
She heard the rustling of paper behind her as she tugged at the metal in her hands with numb fingers.
"Well, he lied." Scott continued, "Remember this?"
Her attention snapped up for a second as Scott handed Derek a piece of paper over her head.
"You said this brought your sister to Beacon Hills, right?" Scott questioned the older werewolf.
"What is it?" Amber asked them from where she was still kneeling on the cold floor.
"Where did you get this?" Derek asked Scott.
"My boss told me three months ago someone came into the clinic asking for a copy of this picture. D'you wanna know who it was?" Scott questioned, "Peter's nurse."
The latch in Amber's hand finally came free painfully between her fingers as she gasped in surprise at Scott's words and she fell back onto the ground on her butt. Her gaze snapped up again to look between the boys in disbelief while she scrambled to get up off of the cold floor in her tiny dress.
"They brought your sister here so that Peter could kill her and become the Alpha. That's why you're going to help me." Scott spoke again.
Amber got to her feet quickly and began working at the final cuff around Derek's left wrist, rising up onto her tiptoes in the socks on her feet to get a better angle to pull at the difficult metal latch but Derek pushed her fingers away with his free hand. She looked at him in confusion while Scott continued to speak behind her.
"Just say you'll help me and I'll unlock your other-"
Derek pulled aggressively at his remaining restraint and the metal snapped and fell to the ground at Amber's feet. She looked at Derek with wide eyes as he rubbed at his sore wrist and glared at Scott over her shoulder.
"I'll help you." Derek told him.
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After being forced to run across town on foot due to Peter Hale rendering his car keys completely useless by bending them with his bare hands, Stiles sprinted through the hospital’s emergency doors and straight into an elevator. Chest heaving, he aggressively and repeatedly pressed the button to take him up to the next floor, bouncing on his toes agitatedly as the metal box crept upward slowly.
When the elevator dinged loudly, Stiles slipped back out through the doors before they'd even slid fully open, dripping with sweat and breathing heavily as he frantically scanned the hospital waiting area. Before he had time to focus on anything in particular, his dad stood in front of him and blocked off his line of sight. The Sheriff placed his hands on his son's shoulders, guiding him backwards half a step, and focussing on him with a serious look.
"You know what?" His dad started, pulling Stiles' gaze up to his angry expression and pointing an accusing finger at the boy as he continued, "It's good that we're in a hospital, because I'm gonna kill you."
"I-I'm sorry," Stiles panted, still catching his breath as he began to explain, "I lost the keys to my Jeep. I had to run all the way here-"
"Stiles!" His dad interrupted in a raised voice, "I don't care!"
Stiles faltered for a moment with a frown, peering over his dad's shoulder and looking through a window to where Lydia was laying in a hospital bed, still unconscious. Mrs. Martin sat beside the bed, petting her daughter's hair back from her face lovingly with a grief-stricken expression.
"Is she gonna be okay?" Stiles asked softly.
"They don't know." His dad told him, lowering his voice to speak more quietly, "Partially because they don't know what happened. She lost a lot of blood. But there's something else going on with her."
"What d'you mean?" Stiles asked worriedly. He knew how sick Amber must be feeling, agonizing over her friend, and he ached in sympathy for her while also harboring his own worry for Lydia.
"The doctors say it's like she's having an allergic reaction. Her body keeps going into shock." His dad explained in a quiet whisper.
Stiles' gaze dropped to the floor as he thought about what Peter had told him about the possibility of Lydia's body rejecting the bite and killing her. His stomach tightened with anxiety as he swallowed.
"She was your date. Did you see anything?" The Sheriff asked his son, "I mean, do you have any idea who or what attacked her?"
"No. No, I have no idea." He lied anxiously after a moment.
"What about Amber?" His dad followed up, "Or Scott?"
That drew Stiles' attention sharply up to his father's expectant face.
"What d'you mean?" Stiles asked immediately, "What about them?"
"Did either of them see anything?" His dad questioned obviously.
Stiles' heart dropped and his brain went slightly fuzzy with panic, "What d'you- Are they not here?"
"What are you talking about?" His dad questioned in disbelief, "I've been calling them on their cell phones. I haven't gotten a response from either of 'em."
Stiles let out a breath in anguish and his eyes drifted over to Jackson over his dad's shoulder. Jackson looked back at him with a shrug of genuine naivety, I don't know, the boy mouthed at Stiles silently in response.
"Yeah.. You're not gonna get one." Stiles finally told his dad in realization that neither Amber or Scott were currently in possession of their cell phones.
His stomach tied itself in knots, anxiety twisting in his gut.
Stupid, reckless, beautiful, selfless-
Amber. Who must have run off to Scott's aid the second that Stiles had left her.
Stiles was getting a stress headache already as he worried about everything that could've happened since he'd last seen her on the lacrosse field.
His dad led him away, into an unoccupied office typically used to privately discuss sensitive matters with the families of patients in the hospital. The Sheriff drilled Stiles again with the same questions, getting a more official statement of what Stiles knew about what had happened to his date.
Ten minutes later, his dad finally guided him back out into the hallway with a hand gripping tightly at his son's shoulder, "Stiles, listen," His father started, "Just- Go wait with your friends, alright?"
"Dad, look. You know all of this has something to do with Derek." Stiles told his dad desperately, finally cracking.
"Wh-" His dad paused in the middle of the hallway and turned to face him, "I thought you three said that you barely knew him?"
Stiles shrugged with a grimace, "Alright. Well, we might know him a little better than that."
The Sheriff looked up and down the hallway quickly before grabbing the back of Stiles' neck and guiding him into a corner of the hall with a firm grip, "You do realize I'm elected to this job. Right?" The man whispered aggressively.
"And if I help you figure out this case, you'll be re-elected," Stiles pointed out, "Am I right?" He turned to fully face his father with a sigh, "Dad, come on."
His dad's gaze drifted down the hallway toward Lydia's hospital room with a frown, "That girl in there has nothing to do with a six-year old arson case."
"Wh- When did you decide it was definitely arson?" Stiles asked in disbelief.
His dad gave him a sharp look for the volume of his voice while discussing a case before responding, "When we got a key witness," Stiles' mouth dropped open but he was cut off before he could speak, "And no. I'm not telling you who it is. But yeah. Yeah, we know it's arson. And it was possibly organized by a young woman."
"What young woman?" Stiles questioned immediately.
"If I knew that, she'd be in jail." His dad told him blankly.
Stiles' face pinched in frustration, "Was she young then or is she young now?"
"Wh-" The Sheriff's phone began to ring from his pocket, "She's probably late twenties." He told him, pulling out his phone and reading the name on the screen quickly, "Oh. I gotta grab this call."
"You don't know her name?" Stiles asked frantically.
"No, I don't." His dad defended quickly, "Wh- What is this twenty questions? All we know is that she had a very distinctive.. A uh, what do you call it? A pendant."
"What the hell is a pendant!" Stiles snapped as his dad peered down at his phone again.
His dad turned his attention back to him quickly, "Stiles, do you go to school?" He asked, raising his voice to match the volume of his son's, "A pendant! A pendant. It's a- It's a necklace. Now can I answer the phone?"
"Yes." Stiles told him with a sigh.
His dad took the call and started off down the hall, leaving Stiles standing in the middle of the corridor in a ball of anxiety. He reached up to rub at his short hair furiously in agitation, taking a deep breath as he spun around.
When the puzzle pieces finally slotted together in his brain regrettably slowly, his expression dropped further.
"Oh." He said in realization.
Allison's pendant. Allison's aunt. Who had helped take down Derek and then had proceeded to kidnap Amber.. And hide the both of them underneath the Hale House.. Where Peter Hale was currently going to get Derek.
He couldn't believe that it had taken him so long to put everything together.
He took off down the hallway in a fast paced walk and when he passed Jackson, the other boy chased after him frantically.
"Where are you going?" Jackson asked as he raced down the hallway beside Stiles.
"To find Amber and Scott." Stiles told him quickly.
"You don't have a car." Jackson said cynically.
"I'm aware of that," Stiles snapped, "Thank you."
"Hey, I'll drive." Jackson said, reaching out and pulling Stiles to a stop with a hand around his wrist.
Stiles ripped his arm out of Jackson's grip, "Look. Just because you feel guilty all of a sudden, doesn't make it okay. Alright? Half of this is still your fault."
Jackson paused for only a second, "Look, I have a car. And you don't. Do you want my help or not?"
"Alright," Stiles sighed before his brain supplied him with an idea, "Did you bring the Porsche?"
"Yeah." Jackson confirmed immediately, pulling his keys out of the pocket of his dress pants.
"Good," Stiles replied, ripping the keys from the other boy's fingers and already moving to walk down the hallway again, "I'll drive."
Stiles' steps stopped just as soon as they'd started at the sight of the person standing in the middle of the corridor, his feet carrying him a step back automatically and causing him to bump shoulders with Jackson.
"Boys." Mr. Argent greeted them, two lackeys hovering intimidatingly behind him for extra muscle, "I was wondering if you could tell me where Scott McCall is."
"Scott McCall?" Stiles repeated dumbly, "Um. Haven't seen him since the dance. Jackson, you?" He nudged the boy beside him and silently urged him to say the same.
There was a long beat of silence.
"Uh-" Jackson started slowly, "Um, I-" He released a shaky breath and turned his head toward Stiles worriedly.
"Oh, for the love of god." Stiles muttered anxiously, watching as the two men behind Mr. Argent stepped forward.
Each of the large men grabbed a teenage boy and dragged them down the hallway before throwing them violently through a set of double doors and into a small exam room for administering x-rays. Stiles and Jackson both collided with the edge of a metal table painfully and quickly worked to right themselves before turning to face the group of men behind them.
Mr. Argent was flipping the latch at the top of the door into a locked position as he spoke, "Let's try this again," He said, turning to face the boys, "Where is Scott McCall?"
When neither one of them immediately answered, Mr. Argent grabbed Stiles with his hands fisted in the collar of his shirt and slammed the boy back against a metal cabinet along the wall. Stiles winced at the a sharp pain than shot up his spine and looked down at the man in front of him.
"Let me ask you a question, Stiles." Mr. Argent started, "Have you ever seen a rabid dog?"
Stiles swallowed and squirmed against the grip the man had on his shirt, "No.. I could put it on my to-do list if you let me go."
"Well I have!" Chris Argent shouted in the boy's face, "And the only thing I can compare it to is seeing a friend of mine turn on a full moon. Do you wanna know what happened?"
"Not really." Stiles answered quickly, unable to hold back a sarcastic remark, "No offense to your story-telling skills."
Mr. Argent ignored his sass, "He tried to kill me." He told the room at large, "And I was forced to put a bullet in his head. The whole while that he lay there, dying, he was still trying to claw his way towards me. Still, trying to kill me. Like it was the most important thing he could do with his last breath.. Can you imagine that?" He asked pointedly.
"No." Stiles lied easily, despite the way his mind flashed to Scott pulling at his handcuffed wrist, screaming and growling in rage as he tried to get to Amber and himself. Another sarcastic remark falling from his lips in an attempt to mask his discomfort, "And it sounds like you need to be a little bit more selective-"
Mr. Argent released Stiles' shirt to slam his hands jarringly against the metal cabinet on either side of the boy's body threateningly, "Did Scott try to kill you and Amber on the full moon?" The man yelled, "Did you both have to lock him up?"
Stiles' gaze drifted to Jackson for the first time. The other boy was looking at them with a terrified expression, as if it had never once crossed his mind that Scott had been telling the truth when he'd said becoming a werewolf was dangerous.
"Yeah," Stiles caved quietly as he maintained eye contact with Jackson, "We did. We chained him to a radiator.." His eyes snapped back to Allison's dad sharply, "Why? Would you prefer I locked him in the basement and burned the whole house down around him?" He asked venomously.
At that, Mr. Argent finally took a slow step back from him with a disbelieving laugh, "I hate to dispel a popular rumor, Stiles, but we never did that." Chris said slowly.
"Oh, right," He said sarcastically, "Derek said you guys had a 'code'. I guess no one ever breaks it."
"Never." Mr. Argent defended quickly, looking back at the men behind him.
"What if someone does?" Stiles pressed.
This brought Chris Argent's attention back around to him. He looked at Stiles in suspicion, "Someone like who?"
"Your sister." Stiles told him, anger twisting in the pit of his stomach, making him feel nearly sick as his mind supplied him with the image of Amber on the floor of her kitchen, tears streaming down her beautiful face, covered in dirt and her own blood.
Kate Argent had done that to her.
Kate Argent was a monster.
And with the way that Chris slowly turned his head to look at Stiles, as if the boy had somehow managed to shed light on something that had been in front of him this whole time — something he was only now realizing he'd been so obviously blind to — It seemed as if now, Chris Argent believed that she was a monster too.
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As they climbed back out to the leaf-covered forest floor, Derek reluctantly leaned a small amount of his weight onto Amber's shoulder, still feeling weak from seven days of captivity.
"Hey," Derek said quietly, slowing his steps as he gripped her opposite shoulder. He panted heavily and tipped his head to the side to rest over the top of hers for a brief second as he breathed, "Hold on, hold on," He waited until Scott stopped and turned to face them before continuing, "Hold on. Something doesn't feel right."
"What d'you mean?" Amber asked quietly, tightening her fingers around the older boy's back and watching him look out into the darkness around them nervously.
"I don't know.." Derek shook his head in the dark, "It's- It's kinda like it was-"
"No." Scott interrupted quickly, "Don't say 'too easy'. People say 'too easy' and bad things always happen." He looked between Derek and his best friend slowly before speaking again, "What, you think finding you was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? Pulling Amber four miles through the woods barefoot?"
Amber reached up to hold onto the hand Derek had resting on her shoulder, "None of it's been easy, Derek."
"Fine. You're right." He sighed.
The words had barely slipped past his lips before they heard a quiet whistle of something soaring through the air. Derek jolted backwards a step and released his grip on Amber, stumbling worryingly.
"Derek?" Amber took a single step to check on him and his hand came up to shove her away. She was still regaining her footing as she watched Derek fall to his back on the ground. There was another soft twish of something flying through the air and she watched in panic as an arrow planted itself into Derek's thigh.
"Scott, your eyes!" Derek yelled suddenly, looking back at them.
"Scott!" Amber called out worriedly as she spun around, unsure what exactly was about to happen but knowing that it wouldn't be good.
Another arrow sailed only a few inches from her face and hit the tree behind her with a familiar explosion of light. She flinched back and ran up the hill to search for her best friend in the dark, following the sounds of his pained breathing.
"Scott." She squatted down, pulling at his arms to help him up.
Derek released two sharp, wounded noises behind her but Amber was focussed on pulling Scott's dead weight up onto his feet as he continued to groan and squint his aching eyes. She had only just managed to stand upright and get her friend's arm around her shoulders when Derek came up behind them and gave them both a push to get moving.
"Go!" Derek demanded, "Let's go!"
They moved up toward the burned house and the trek slowly got easier as Scott was able to hold more and more of his own weight with each step. Derek's hand brushed over her backside when he fell to the ground behind them and she turned her head to look back at him worriedly even as she continued another step forward with Scott.
"Go!" Derek yelled sharply when he noticed her hesitation.
She spun around fully to look back for whatever threat was emerging from the treeline while Scott continued to rub frantically at his eyes with the hand he didn't have wrapped around her shoulder. She tightened her arm protectively around her best friend and guided them a step backwards, heart pounding in her chest with fear.
"Allison, I can explain." Scott said suddenly as someone finally stepped through the trees and into the small clearing in front of the house.
"Stop lying." Allison snapped emotionally, tightening her grip on the large archery bow in her hands, "For once. Stop lying."
The look of pure hatred swimming in Allison's eyes was haunting and it had Amber continuing to carry Scott away as the other girl approached them with quick steps.
"Allison-" Amber started, but she was cut off when Scott spoke frantically again.
"I was gonna tell you the truth at formal," Scott promised, "I was gonna tell you everything. Because everything that I said, everything that I did-"
"Was to protect me?" Allison finished mockingly.
"Yes!" Scott responded quickly .
"I don't believe you." Allison told him.
"You don't have to," Amber pleaded weakly, "But what you're doing.. It isn't- Allison, look at yourself! You've lost your freaking mind-"
"God. Enough-" Kate emerged from the treeline and came toward them with quick steps, "Now, shoot him before I have to shoot him myself."
Amber wobbled slightly in her next step as she stared at the woman in fear. Amber's hold around Scott's waist tightened protectively and she felt his own grip on her shoulder tense at the woman's words.
Allison spun to look at her aunt in disbelief, "I thought you said we were just going to catch them?"
"We did that," Kate rolled her eyes, "Now we're gonna kill them."
There was a loud gunshot and Amber flinched, watching in horror as Derek dropped down onto the ground from a bullet to his chest. Kate lowered her weapon again with a smile.
"See? Not that hard." She told her niece easily. After a moment of silence, she tilted her head judgmentally at the girl as she came up to stand beside her with a sigh, "Oh, no. I know that look. That's the 'you're gonna have to do it yourself' look."
The woman turned her attention toward Scott and Amber and raised her gun again. She aimed at Scott, holding the weapon less than a foot away from the boy's face.
"Kate! Kate, what're you doing?" Allison asked nervously, taking a step toward them as she realized the severity of the situation.
Kate shoved her niece to the ground behind her as Scott dropped his arm from around Amber's shoulders. He moved to stand in front of her protectively but Amber dragged him back and refused to let go.
"Don't shoot him." Amber begged, eyes welling with tears.
"Werewolves really aren't good company to keep. If you want a puppy so bad, you should try starting with something a little easier-" Kate looked at Amber with a mocking grin, "Like a golden retriever. Maybe a lab." She turned her gaze to Scott and pouted jokingly, "I love those brown puppy-dog eyes."
"Kate!" Chris Argent's voice called out from the distance as he too emerged from the woods, "I know what you did."
Kate paused, her gun lowering a fraction but still remaining firmly trained on Scott.
"Put the gun down." Chris demanded.
"I did what I was told to do." Kate defended quietly in response to her brother's earlier statement.
Allison's dad shook his head, "No one asked you to murder innocent people. There were children in that house-" He nodded his head toward the burnt ruins of the home beside them, "Ones who were human. Look what you're doing now. You're holding a gun at two sixteen-year old children. No proof that either one of them have spilled any human blood." Chris said desperately, "We go by the code. Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent."
"We hunt those who hunt us?" Amber whispered quietly in translation.
Kate shot her brother an annoyed glare before she turned to focus on Amber and Scott again. Amber's heart stuttered in her chest as she watched the woman's finger twitch imperceptibly over the trigger on the gun.
Chris Argent pulled out his own gun where he stood a few yards away and raised it slowly, the weapon trained on at Kate, "Put the gun down-" He repeated.
When the weapon aimed at Scott didn't lower, there was another loud gunshot. Amber flinched at the echoing sound again as small chunks of bark flew from the tree trunk just behind Kate's shoulder.
"-Before I put you down." Mr. Argent finished threateningly.
Kate slowly lowered the gun and both Scott and Amber immediately took in shaky breaths of relief. They didn't get more than a second to recover before the front door to the Hale house was creaking open ominously. Amber took a cautious step back, bumping into Scott's shoulder as she did so, her eyes glued to the dark doorway.
"Allison. Get back." Mr. Argent ordered his daughter sharply.
Scott finally succeeded in positioning himself in front of his best friend and his arms went out to cage Amber behind himself protectively as they continued to take slow steps back and away from the house.
"What is it?" Amber asked Scott quietly.
"It's the Alpha." He responded without turning around.
A dark figure darted out of the house in a blur and Peter raced around in the treeline, never pausing in one place long enough for any of them to really catch sight of him. They all spun around nervously. Amber eyed dark forest around them with shaking hands as she stood at Scott's back.
Chris Argent's feet were suddenly taken out from underneath him and he slammed down to the ground hard.
Only a few short seconds later, Allison was knocked onto her back as well, dropping her bow into the leaves as she fell.
Amber was reaching a shaking hand out slowly, intending to grip onto the fabric of Scott's shirt, when something rammed into the both of them painfully from the side. Both teens tumbled to the ground and Amber rolled a few feet away with the sheer force of the hit.
When she came to a stop in the dirt and leaves, she scrambled to get up onto her knees. The small rocks and twigs beneath her dug into the bare skin of her legs as she braced herself on her hands and knees, Scott's oversized suit jacket hanging low enough over her hands to protect her palms where they pressed into the ground beneath her.
"Come on!" Kate yelled out tauntingly to the Alpha.
The dark moving figure stopped suddenly behind Kate in his human form and took her wrist in his hand. Kate pulled the trigger on her gun, missing her target and shooting a bullet off into the forest behind him.
Peter glared at the woman angrily and he held her wrist with a presumably tight grip, bashing it with his other hand until there was a sharp snap of bone breaking. When Kate screamed out and dropped the weapon to the ground, Peter grabbed her by the throat in a frighteningly similar way to how he'd held onto Amber earlier that night.
Amber watched from the ground with wide eyes as Peter tossed Kate up onto the porch a few yards away where she landed with a loud thud. He moved in another quick blur of motion, dragging Kate through the dark doorway and into the house with him.
"No!" Allison protested, getting to her feet and running into the house after them.
"Allison, wait-" Amber tried, but the other girl was already through the door.
Scott got to his feet quickly and followed after Allison and Amber watched him go while she pulled herself up, shuffling in her socks as she contemplated her options. She looked nervously between the dark house, Mr. Argent's unmoving body, and the treeline.
After a moment of hesitation, she took off toward the treeline. She wandered around in search of Derek but saw nothing, no bloodied corpse or dying werewolf anywhere to be found, and after a few minutes, her heart settled in relief at the knowledge that he was most likely alive.
"Dad!" Allison called out from behind her, skidding to a stop in the leaves and kneeling down beside her father.
Amber took a few slow steps toward them, heart nervously thumping in her chest with a new distrust for the entire Argent family. Despite that, when she looked down at Mr. Argent laying on the ground in front of his daughter, Amber felt a pang of sympathetic grief.
She dropped to her knees beside Allison slowly, "Is- Is he-"
"He's alive." Allison said quickly, gripping onto her father's hand tightly, "I-I think he hit his head when he went down, but he's alive."
"That- That's good." Amber replied, reaching out after a moment's pause to pat her hand consolingly over Allison's arm. The girl's attention snapped over to Amber all at once with tears in her eyes.
"Amber, I-" Allison choked on a quiet sob, "I'm so sorry."
She patted Allison's arm softly again and gnawed on her lower lip indecisively, knowing that she didn't forgive Allison for all that she'd done, Amber simply nodded.
Suddenly, a window from the house beside them shattered loudly, glass flying through the air as someone was thrown from the house. Both Amber and Allison's attention snapped up and Amber closed her eyes for a brief second in resignation at the sight of Scott scrambling to right himself on his hands and knees as Peter dove outside in his terrifying fully shifted form.
The Alpha charged forward and Amber fearfully watched as he and Scott fought evenly matched for a moment. Peter grabbed a hold of the boy by the collar of his shirt and let out a loud, animalistic growl. Scott reared back and kicked his feet out against The Alpha's dark hairy chest and they both flew a few feet back from one another from the force of his kick. The fully shifted Peter growled once again in outrage and got back to his feet, immediately turning his gaze on Scott.
Headlights suddenly curved up the driveway through the thick covering of trees around the final turn and the car skidded to a stop in the gravel, the doors flying open and the horn honking loudly in a surefire way to gain everyone's attention.
Jackson and Stiles tumbled from the parked Porsche and Amber had only a moment to panic about their presence at the scene of the danger before Stiles was pitching his arm forward and throwing a glass bottle across the clearing.
The bottle flew through the air and straight into Peter's outstretched hand, the liquid-filled container identical to the Molotov cocktails Lydia had prepared back at the school in the chemistry classroom. The animalistic version of the werewolf growled angrily in Stiles' direction as he caught the container and examined it.
"Oh, damn.." Stiles exclaimed quietly as the Alpha growled again.
"Allison!" Scott yelled toward the two girls.
Amber and Allison's attention both snapped to the boy who was still on his hands and knees on the ground. Scott reached forward toward Allison's abandoned bow and threw it in their direction. Allison grabbed it quickly while Amber snatched an arrow from the quiver laying beside Mr. Argent's unconscious body, handing it over to the other girl just as she righted the bow in her hands to take aim.
When Amber looked back up, the Alpha was turning to face the two girls and pitching his own arm back to throw the container in his hands in their direction.
Allison wasted no time in shooting an arrow toward the Alpha before he got the chance to throw the liquid fire-bomb in his clawed hand. The well-aimed arrow hit it's target dead center, shattering the glass beaker in Peter's hand in a small fiery explosion.
He roared angrily as his left arm was overtaken with flames, shaking his arm in an attempt to get rid of the roaring fire burning over his skin.
A second batch of chemicals shattered over the werewolf's body when Jackson threw a second flask at the Alpha's chest. Peter's wolfed-out form roared in both agony and fury as the flames overtook his whole body, the smell of his burning flesh and fur spreading through the air. Amber couldn't hold back a gag at the nauseating scent when it reached her nose. After a few seconds of his outraged growls, the Alpha turned his attention back toward the two girls who had taken some part in the pain he was now experiencing. Despite the flames on his skin, Peter took a menacing step toward where Allison and Amber were still knelt on the ground, frozen in fear.
Upon the Alpha's first step in their direction, Scott yelled in outrage and ran at the burning wolf, kicking the other werewolf hard and sending Peter stumbling back several steps before dropping to his knees as the flames flickered out slowly.
No longer able to hold his shift, Peter sagged as he reverted to his human form, his pale skin covered head to toe in a combination of spots that were marred red and others that had been singed so deeply that they'd blackened with char, his human flesh so badly burned in some places that there was no skin left at all.
Amber didn't want to feel anything for him, but she couldn't help the microscopic pang of pity she felt when she realized he'd had to experience the feeling of burning alive twice. He was dark, and twisted, and definitely insane, but she wasn't sure that anyone deserved such a painful death even once.
They all continued to watch as Peter made a small noise of pain and collapsed onto his back on the ground.
Allison tugged Amber's arm as she rose to stand, pulling the girl up to her feet and when Allison took a small step to approach Scott, Amber's own gaze snapped to the place where Stiles was still standing in front of the car, his wide eyes glued to Peter's unmoving body.
Not even fully aware of the movement of her socked feet against the ground, Amber took off in a run. She closed the couple hundred feet separating her from Stiles and her body smacked into his with enough force that he was sent stumbling back half a step. Her arms wrapped around Stiles' neck and she lifted up on her toes as she gripped onto him desperately. His hands slipped beneath Scott's jacket to return the embrace, his arms curling tightly around her back.
"You were supposed to stay with Lydia." He scolded softly into her hair.
"I know," She said quietly, reaching up to the hold the back of his head in her hair as her body trembled with excess adrenaline, "'M sorry. But I couldn't let Scott-"
"I know." Stiles interrupted softly.
She loosened her grip just enough that she could lean back in the circle of his arms to look at him, her eyes flicking over his face slowly. Before she could make a move to kiss him, Stiles was leaning in to cover her mouth with his in a gentle press of lips.
Amber took a startled step back at the sound of Scott's panicked shout, pulling out of Stiles' embrace and lacing her fingers with his in a tight grip as they both turned to watch Scott run across the clearing in front of the house.
Derek was standing over Peter's unmoving body and turned his head a fraction at Scott's voice before he lowered into a squat and returned his gaze down at his uncle.
"You said the cure comes from the one that bit you," Scott said frantically, reaching an arm out toward the other werewolf, "Derek, if you do this, I'm dead." He pleaded, "Her father, her family- What am I supposed to do?"
There was a long beat of silence wherein Derek's attention was focused on the burned werewolf beneath him. Amber's fingers tightened around Stiles' hand nervously while Derek raised an arm over his head in preparation.
"Wait!" Scott yelled again, "No, no! Don't-!"
But Derek's clawed hand swiped down aggressively, slashing Peter's throat as Amber flinched with a gasp. Watching Derek kill someone left a queasy feeling in her gut and her hands shook as she watched him slowly rise to stand again, blood dripping from his clawed fingers. Her haunted gaze was pulled away from the the thick red drops falling from Derek's nails when Stiles reached out to cradle the back of her head and guided her face gently into the crook of his neck.
Her fingers tightened where she was still gripping Stiles' hand and she let out a shaky breath against the collar of his dress shirt when she heard Derek's voice behind them.
"I'm the Alpha now."
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infiniteeight8 · 5 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Thank you! :D It was kind of fun to sit down and think about my personal favourites.
One Time No One Thought Tony and Stephen's Marriage Would Work and Five Times They Were Wrong (Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, MCU) A big giant excuse for fluff. It was a lovely writing experience.
This one is non-con: As Much As You Want Me To (Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, MCU) If non-con (that they both enjoy but that is very much non-con, not roleplaying) is not your cup of tea, then this fic is not for you. But personally, I think it's hot as fuck and I'm pleased with how it turned out.
Everyone But You (Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinksi, Teen Wolf) This one is a short one. I got an idea for a giant, epic time travel fix it, but I did not have the emotional energy at the time to write an epic fic. I loved the idea, so I found a way to condense it into the concentrated essence of what I liked about the idea, and I'm very pleased with the result.
Relief (Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, 616/MCU crossover) One of my longer fics. Still proud of the relationship building in this one.
Five People Who Flinched From Phil and the One Person Who Never Did (Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, MCU) This is an "everyone is telepathic" AU and a blatant excuse for a made for each other trope. Some of my favourite world building here.
I was *so tempted* to list more of my C/C work--going through my works reminded me how proud I am of a lot of those stories--but they are not very relevant to my current interests, so I resisted.
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