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bwicblog Β· 8 years ago
EE: Hellooo
EE: Γ₯nyone here?
JV: --ok how do we have so many nerds -n th-s group that an h - s t o r - c a l fa-re makes th-s place dead
JV: --sup ee
SA: i am alive.
SA: hello.
AC: Ø Oh, Prisma! Are you all right in the back? Ø
AC: Ø I'm busy out front, but I can get you anything in a few minutes if you want. Ø
EE: Hey JV EE: Seems like most of the people here Γ₯re gone somewhere
SA: yes. my neck hurts but otherwise I am fine. Thank you for helping me.
SA: they are at the faire in Cascara.
AC: Ø It's no problem! And yes, many of us are at the historical fair. .u. Ø
AC: Ø It's very busy! Though Emerel and Hadean's fight hasn't happened yet, that's later. Ø
AP: I'm there too.
AC: Ø ouo!!! really, Budino? Ø
AP: I've been selling what I bake.
AC: Ø Where are you? I'd love to come see you! Ø
AP: Last minute booth entry
AC: Ø Um, if you wouldn't mind that Ø
AP: Cobblestreet Alley
AP: I don't mind. I'm giving out samples, too.
AP: Apparently people buy more when they get to taste.
AC: Ø Ooh, that's a bit of a walk, but I'm sure Pheres will let me have a break in a bit. As long as Prisma's all set I'll go visit you! Ø
AC: Ø I'm glad you're getting lots of customers Ø
SA: yes, it's because they know the product isn't secretly bad.
AC: Ø Pffft Ø
SA: this is a logical advertising scheme.
AP: My product's never been bad.
AP: I taste everything myself before I send out the batch.
AC: Ø People in general won't know how delicious it is though. .u. Ø
AP: Point being. AP: Free samples.
SA: I am fine. I could watch the booth while you are gone, AC. Pheres permission or not.
AC: Ø .n. hmmm, maybe, you don't know our products very well, though! Ø
SA: but I don't want to miss Hadean's fight. I have to see who else they destroy today.
AC: Ø Some of the people here are real sticklers about knowledge, too Ø
AC: Ø Haha, I'm sure you won't miss it, it's not until later Ø
SA: I suppose that's true also... I don't know very much about clothes.
AP: Who is Hadean fighting?
AC: Ø Neither do I. .u. I sympathize Ø
AC: Ø Emerel! Or well, he's MN on here Ø
AP: Clothes are for...covering yourself, pretty much. AP: Then again, I never got into the fashion thing.
AP: Oh. Him. AP: Please tell Hadean to give him a punch to the face for me.
AC: Ø .n. but Emerel's my friend Ø
EE: ooohh, whΓ₯t do you mΓ₯ke?
AP: It's our thing. AP: He keeps complaining I stole his sign.
AP: I bake. Bread, cakes, pastries, you name it. AP: I have a booth set up here.
AC: Ø .u. but that's not how that works...at least not according to Kit Ø
AP: Someone should tell Emerel that, then.
AC: Ø .n. but I don't pretend to understand it very well. I...I don't want him to be mad at me Ø
AP: Honestly, he doesn't strike me as the type to get mad easy.
AP: Just something about him, you know? It's hard to explain.
AC: Ø .n. I don't want to risk it, he's always been very nice to me Ø
SA: This emerel seems to be an eternal mystery.
AP: I wouldn't call him a mystery.
AC: Ø And Pheres would never forgive me if I upset him Ø
SA: No, but they are some sort of ambiguous figure everyone knows who everyone eitehr wishes to fight or be friends with.
AP: Maidel, why don't you come down here? I've got something for you.
AC: Ø .u. uhhh, give me... Ø
AP: Don't tell him he's a figure of mystery. His head will swell ten times bigger than it is already.
AC: Ø ...five minutes! It's not very busy right now, so Pheres said I can go. Ø
SA: larger than Pheres's?
AP: Larger than Pheres'.
AC: Ø that's just his hair .u. Ø
AC: Ø easy mistake Ø
SA: Perhaps he should invest in a comb.
AC: Ø It's so poofy Ø
SA: and a straightner.
AC: Ø Noooo, his curls are so nice Ø
AC: Ø I wish mine were nice like that Ø
EE: Γ₯w, I wish I could hΓ₯ve gone. EE: I love cΓ₯ke
AP: I'm not particularly worried about his hair. AP: As much as I am the fact that he's hard to get along with.
AC: Ø .n. oh Ø
AP: I have a bakery in Fiendcroft, outside of Hithliene. AP: You're welcome to stop by there sometime.
AC: Ø Budino makes really good bread! Ø
AP: I try.
AP: Thank you.
EE: omg!!!
EE: I'll hΓ₯ve to mΓ₯ke the trip next time I get some leΓ₯ve time
EE: Fresh breΓ₯d is heΓ₯ven
AP: I agree.
AP: If heaven was real, fresh bread would be where you'd find it.
SA: it's fresh treats.
AP: That is generally what bread is, yes.
SA: No. Bread is the wrong kind of treat.
SA: I mean desserts.
SA: I don't care about bread. It's bread.
AP: I make desserts.
AP: My table has plenty of chocolate on it too.
SA: but do you have tarts.
EE: BreΓ₯d cΓ₯n be dessert
SA: or historically accurate treats.
AP: Apple or strawberry?
SA: neither...
SA: 😦
AP: I don't know much about history, I admit. But I did at least try to do some research.
SA: Maybe I will visit then.
AP: Please feel free.
AP: Hopefully you'll find something to your liking.
SA: Aren't you going to enjoy aything else about the faire?
AP: Probably. AP: When I run out of things to sell.
AP: It's really the only reason I'm here, though. AP: I'm not that interested in anything else at the faire.
EE: WhΓ₯t else is there to do?
AP: Socialize. Eat. Buy. That's about it.
AP: Not much point to it. The setting is the only difference to any other faire.
SA: there' so many things to look at, though. Surely they aren't all the same?
SA: We would never have something like this in Provenance.
SA: And everyone is in costumes.
SA: or.
SA: Hadean and Pheres are in costumes.
AP: I suppose I'm not very daring. It just doesn't hold much interest to me, I guess? AP: The music is nice, at least.
SA: I love the sound of greensleeves playing on an endless loop.
AP: The musician is actually very good. I give props to her.
AP: How is the faire on your end?
VV: β™š ~Evening all~
AP: Hello.
VV: : β™š ~mmm I'll have to acquire a little contacts book soon. There's always a fresh face or two or more anytime I come into here. How excruciatingly exciting!
AP: If you say so.
VV: : β™š ~Oh and I do! I do say so. Here let's get the delightful introductions out of the way, darling jade. Perdia Averic, pleased to make your acquaintince, and you....?
AP: Budino.
AP: Don't call me darling, please.
AP: I just met you and that's very personal sounding.
SA: Oh, the little princess is back.
VV: β™š ~Very well, Budino since you asked so kindly! VV: β™š ~Ooooh! My favourite mustard hued friend is here. ❀
AP: Mustard hued.
AP: Somehow that just brings up weird mental images.
SA: I don't necessarily appreciate mustard hued. I would like at least a honey, little princess.
SA: It is rather strange.
VV: β™š ~ Weird images? Dijon is rather high class in terms of condiments but if you prefer honey, then honey it is.......honey mustard
AP: Why not saffron?
AP: It's rare depending on where you are, expensive, and yellow.
AP: It's a much nicer thing than mustard.
SA: What makes me so mustardy...
SA: Yes, but I am less of a saffron. in all honesty, I am more of a chartreuse.
SA: but most chat clients don't accomodate for that. so.
SA: Here am, with the least apalling version of my color.
AP: Sounds fancy.
VV: β™š ~It does sound appealingly fancy!
VV: : β™š ~Very well Honeycomb prince, we'll shed your mustardy name then.
VV: β™š ~ I feel you're smart enough to not lie about your hue so I'll believe it.
SA: I can show you a selfie, if you would prefer that.
SA: My scelera are the same color as my blood, so there is no way to hide them.
SA: πŸ˜ƒ
VV: β™š ~ I would! I've shared photos here before, so we can do a trade even if you desire.
SA has shared SelfiePart2.png
AP: What happened with your eyes?
AP: Psionics that don't turn off or?
SA: No, it is a completely natural cosmetic differentiation.
SA: I have met other trolls with the same thing, but they are oftentimes from the north or east.
SA: Not the south, like I am.
SA: Or the approximate south, I assume.
SA: I prefer honeycomb prince much more, thank you.
VV: β™š ~Ah! Someone actually deserving of such a title too, I must admit you aren't horrendous to look at quite the opposite really !
VV: Friendly and a charmer, such a rarity 😦
VV: β™š ~ Budino, since you brought up hue related....alterations, mm there's a better word for that but no matter, since you brought it up, are you perhaps, one of those incredibly pale jades or do you still happen to not glow like a star?
AP: Drinkers don't exist, Perdia.
AP: It's myth.
AP: And you shouldn't believe everything you hear.
SA: 😊
SA: You are very polite yourself, little princess. I am happy to meet someone so composed.
SA: Rainbow drinkers might exist. It is as believable as a psion being able to lift a skyscraper, or change a city.
SA: I think it's a perfectly acceptable notion, if romantic.
AP: No, they don't.
AP: I know my own caste.
AP: The only dead that walk are covered in mushrooms or what have you.
VV: β™š ~ Mmm I don't believe you.
SA: they are called cordycepus, sometimes.
AP: You say that like I'm trying to lie to you. AP: But whatever.
AP: Don't believe me. I don't really care either way.
VV: : β™š ~Are you simply being secretive, maybe, Budino?
AP: You don't matter much in the grand course of my life, after all.
VV: β™š ~I suppose that's true. Just as it may be true there aren't Drinkers, at least...you wouldn't be one I guess. They're lovely with skin like porceline. Something to be jealous of and write amazing romance novels of but, why would anyone write of a jade who's so crude and uncaring?
VV: β™š ~Let alone read it I guess! Hehe
AP: Trust me, I'd love to be dead. But unfortunately, that's not in the cards yet, apparently. AP: I'd rather they didn't write about me anyway. There's nothing to say.
AP: He made bread and wrangled a barkfiend. Nothing interesting happened. The end.
VV: β™š ~Something of a sticky note rather than a novel, yes?
AP: More like AP: A napkin
SA: mistake.
VV: β™š ~What sort of napkin do you think? A diner or, perhaps one of a fast foodery?
AP: Perfect.
SA: many people find the idea of someone being cruel but able to win over to be a romantic notion.
SA: rainbow drinker literature is like that.
SA: they are mystical and vicious and alluring with a predatorial and authoritive quality over most trolls.
SA: but it's boring as a psion. they are inferior.
SA: If you feel your life is such a tale written on a mcdonald's napkin, perhaps you should do something about it instead.
VV: β™š ~Oh but there's plenty of militaristic novels. I may not partake in such trashy readings but there are others I know that partake in reading Helmsmen romanticized books!
VV: οΏ½οΏ½ ~Psion romanticism is just bubbling under the surface waiting to take the market of literature, Honey prince.
AP: Wish fulfillment sells.
SA: If only that were the case, perhaps I would have a quadrant by now
SA: there is an aspect of forbidden love to psions. They are doomed and property.
SA: and yet.
SA: also, what AP said.
SA: What do you read, little princess.
VV: β™š ~Unfortunatley a busy schedule such as mine doesn't lend much time for such leisure! Primarily messages I guess haha!
VV: β™š ~ You could always write your own wish fulfillment novel Budino, maybe you'd be promoted from Napkin in the bin, to say....paper liner on a table with crayons.
SA: I think that is a worse fate than the napkin in the bin. getting bulges draw on oneself is not the picture of success.
AP: I wouldn't recommend quandants AP: It never ends well
VV: β™š ~ Or it ends wonderfully.
AP: No AP: It doesn't
SA: someone is very bitter.
SA: and very bad at hiding it.
VV: β™š ~Correct. Once can almost find undertones of sour in the bitter .
AP: Well, I could say plenty of things about your undertones, Perdia. AP: But I'm not that rude.
VV: β™š ~ Obviously you can't say much if after all these sweeps you can't say a damned thing about your own life.
SA: 🐱 πŸ₯Š 🐱
AP: Fitting face...things.
VV: β™š ~"things"....
VV: β™š ~ Pardon me for a moment.
AP: Things.
VV: β™š ~ I've returned and I hope you've managed to do a simple internet search for what those are called otherwise I'll have to excuse myself again.
AP: Things.
VV: β™š ~......Budino, how old are you exactly?
AP: I could ask you the same.
SA: the pinnacle of retorts.
SA: are you proud of that one?
SA: you will need more than that to usurp me as the king of snark.
AP: ...The king of snark?
AP: I wasn't aware I was competing for the title.
AP: Do I have to wear neutral colors for this one
SA: You opened your mouth and tried to get clever.
AP: I guess I'm competing for a previously unknown title, then.
AP: Well then.
VV: β™š ~ I didn't even think you were close to being in the running.
VV: β™š ~Also it's incredibly rude to ask a lady her age, and the only ones that even do such a thing tend to be.....rather uncouth so actually yes that seems fitting for you.
SA: πŸ˜ƒ
AP: And it's also rude to make demands of a stranger.
SA: we're going to go in circles with this. πŸ™ƒ
AP: Yes.
VV: β™š ~Oops! I hadn't noticed I'm not paying too much attention actually, hehe
SA: please don't leave me.
VV: β™š ~Do I entertain you that much? Or is the lack of stimulating conversation from this non-drinker wearing on you?
SA: No, I am just very bored.
SA: And I like company.
AP: I've never been called a non-drinker as an insult before. AP: I don't know how I feel about this.
SA: yes, you are a typical, average troll, with no ability of note or life of interest.
SA: Like almost all of us.
SA: I don't know whose side i'm on anymore.
SA: I enjoy this orange drink, however.
AP: Is it the fizzy one?
SA: yes.
SA: You are the grape one.
AP: The red one is better, honestly.
SA: little princess is the strawberry one.
AP: It tastes more like cherries.
SA: the best.
AP: I hear they're making a lemon fizz, though.
SA: a mistake
AP: Honestly, that sounds like organ disintegration waiting to happen.
AP: You just drink it down and...everything melts.
SA: there is a melon flavored powerade and that's all i need to know that this planet must be destroyed.
AP: Goodbye world
AP: May you never again taint the universe with melon powerade.
VV: β™š ~Thats....atrocious.
AP: And that is why this planet must be destroyed
VV: β™š ~I'd agree but I do have some plans before that happens. I've worked rather hard to get some business in order and finished up practice for a show! I'd hate to have the world end and ruin all my hard work....
VV: β™š ~ We'll have to reschedule the destruction
AP: No
AP: It cannot be rescheduled
AP: Your show is cancelled
SA: it can be rescheduled for little princess.
SA: but only her highness.
AP: But how do we know she's the real princess
AP: And not an imposter
VV: β™š ~My, my well I'd think a psionic, if anyone, of course would be able to put destruction on hold.
VV: β™š ~Imposter? You wound me so...And I fear for damage to your skull if you are mistaking someone as lovely but also rosey hued as I to be an heiress.
VV: β™š ~ For you I truly hope drinkers are real, our time together can't be cut so short Budino 😦
VV: β™š ~ We haven't even promoted you to soiled linens yet for your life novel!
AP: No, I'm quite fine with our time together being cut short AP: I'm too busy being blinded by your imposter crowns
VV: β™š ~ They are rather dazzling aren't they...?
VV: β™š ~ Would you like one?
AP: Anything to fix my pan damage
VV: Very well I'll drop this one just for you, generosity is a hobby one should dabble in occasionally!
AP: I am honored, your highness
VV: β™š ~Aw so you can be sweet! I knew it was in there somewhere. It simply needs some bribery and a touch of planetary disaster on the horizon. Tell me Budino, are you political at all? You'd be rather good at it I think.
AP: My first political act is to reschedule planetary disaster
SA: is generosity a hobby or a trait...
SA: i think to dabble in it is too easy.
VV: β™š ~ Is that so, dear honeycomb?
SA: No, I am rescheduling certain disaster.
SA: stop trying to usurp my one responsibility.
SA: I do not appreciate this.
SA: i think the crowns are cute.
AP: Certain disaster is now rescheduled
AP: I'm the royal politician here
VV: β™š ~ If you play nicely with Budino's new plan to reschedule planetary disaster perhaps you could get one as well.
VV: β™š ~ There's truly no other way without resorting to some violent means to usurp the royal position yourself after all...
AP: I also schedule SA in such a way that he misses the date of our duel AP: Thereby rendering me the winner by default
VV: β™š ~ How underhanded! But clever! I'd of course have gone about it differently but the effort and use of your hues new power is nice.
AP: I wear this badge with pride
SA: I will murder you with ease.
AP: Not when you miss the duel you won't
VV: β™š ~ My fair maiden heart can't handle such intensity ...
SA: your fair maiden heart has already chosen AP as your champion, as you are pleased to see him using dishonest and unhonorable means of winning the duel.
SA: You are no longer my little princess.
SA: Hadean is my new little prince.
VV: β™š ~ Ah--
VV: β™š ~ I could almost weep...You would me my prince....
VV: β™š ~ I hadn't chosen a champion I simply was commending him-- I see you're the jealous type however oh no
SA: You didn't even slap them on the wrist....
SA: yes. Very jealous. My little princess must be mine and mine alone.
SA: clearly.
AP: Well this isn't turning into an unfortunate anime
VV: β™š ~Very well then it is so! Whisk me away now before the royal Jade's rescheduled planetary destruction occurs! hehe
VV: β™š ~ I believe you mean highest rating Novella
SA sends kisskissthisisfuckingridiculous.png
AP: AP sent Iseethatandraiseyouthis.png
SA: my princess already said her heart was mine, how dare you.
SA: put your hand down before i slap it.
AP: AP Sent Talktothehand.png
SA: 😑
AP: Hmph
VV: β™š ~Perhaps you two should schedule another duel, oh goodness.
SA: why, so you can cheat on me again... i think not.
AP: The only weapon allowed is the white glove
SA: oh so it's a sissy fight.
SA: I see.
AP: Hell if I know AP: I just saw some guy hitting another guy with a white glove earlier
SA: if there is no blood it is not a real duel.
VV: β™š ~ I am not one to cheat I promise you my honeycomb prince. Fret not. I'm a proper lady after all~
VV: β™š ~So brutish! Yet admirable. 😲
SA: 🀺
VV: β™š ~ For traditional standards of our species at least
AP: Hold on let me look through this emotional dictionary
SA: it's a fencer.
AP: πŸ—‘
AP: ...That was not what I wanted but I'll take it
SA: πŸ”«
VV: β™š ~ !!
SA: put them up.
SA: I will not be trifled with.
SA: πŸ”«
AP: ☠
SA: victory
AP: 🦈
AP: This is kind of...fun
AP: I'm not used to that
SA: your edge is showing again.
AP: 🐺
AP: 🐹
AP: I can't believe I ignored this dictionary
SA: little princess πŸ’
SA: emojis are wonderful.
SA: sometimes i can't find words, and they are very useful.
AP: 🌹
VV: β™š ~ !!! oh my
VV: β™š ~ My poor delicate heart can't possibly pump so much to such a rouged face! VV: β™š ~ A virtual glittering stone for me from a prince. What a delightful night of deathly duels.
AP: πŸ’  I too offer diamonds your highness
VV: β™š ~ I accept but on different emotional terms from Prisma's as it wouldn't be polite to upset the duel winner.
AP: But does his diamond have a dot inside
VV:β™š ~ Not inside but outside for wearability!
VV: β™š ~ Which I would bet is rather important as a feature
AP: It looks like I've lost AP: I must resign in shame from my post
AP: I will exile myself to the furthest reachers of the galaxy
AP: Where I may yet locate my ancestor who has become unexpectedly evil
VV: β™š ~ I'll have to wish you both a good light then with that turn of events! I'd say it's for beauty rest but I'd be silly use rest for such a thing considering how I already am~ VV: β™š ~ Good light exiled Budino and Honeycomb Prince.
SA: I apologize, I had to free myself from the booth.
SA: good light, little princess.
AP: See you around your highness
AP: Or I won't because I'm in exile
AP: But goodbye in spirit
SA: I need to go find the others, AP. I'm sorry I can't stay.
SA: until next time 🀺
AP: ☘ I tried to use shame but accept this nice leaf instead. Since shame isn't there
AP: See ya
SA: (shamrock)
AP: (It's a very nice leaf)
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