monsterboysrp · 6 months
open // Riley
sugg. connection: teammates, roommates, frat brothers, foster siblings, stepsiblings, fwb, friends etc. open to: bottoms, omegasplot: Riley's rut is starting, and your muse just walked in on him
There was music on -- loud music and the sound of a shower running, coming from the bathroom, but neither could quite drown out the panting moans drifting from the same location. The reason all of this was so audible was clear the closer one came: the door was hanging open a couple of inches, giving whoever approached a clear view of Riley sitting on the floor of the shower, cold spray on his body as he feverishly jerked himself. He let out a choked groan as a spurt of come erupted from his cock, arcing to land in the water and slide down the drain, but he didn't stop and his cock didn't go down -- it was angry red and his knot was full, one hand squeezing it tightly.
"F-fuck, just stop..." he whimpered, going back to jerking with a miserable expression on his face.
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neverwholelahey · 1 year
@hvlestorm is getting a lyric starter cause reasons song you broke me first by tate mcrae
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"Took a while, was in denial when I first heard That you moved on quicker than I could've ever, you know that hurt"
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hauntthebodies · 2 years
Happy Mother’s Day
I wrote a thing about MCs family in the spirit of good mothers so without further adieu~
Put under a readmore
Dawn had barely begun to break when your father woke you up. You were groggy, bleary eyed as he gently shook your shoulder, Riley beside him clinging to his leg.
“Hey, kiddo,” He spoke softly as he woke you, almost apologetic for waking you up so early.
You give a soft groan to let him know you’re awake, the room dark as he didn’t want to blind you, “Tell me again why we have to do it this early?” You asked, tone teasing. You both knew the answer, your mother was an absurdly early riser. Despite this, you and your father wanted to make her breakfast in bed for Mother’s Day.
Running the diner, your mother did most of the prep, and for your fairly small town, you knew the restaurant was going to be busy all day.
As you all tiptoed down the stairs, Riley in your fathers arms, you looked at all the photos lining the wall. Many of them were of you as a child, though your mother had removed a few to include Riley, and you smiled at the thought. Growing up, you always wanted a sibling.
As a child, you didn’t understand why it was so difficult to get one, but you knew the topic was a sensitive one for your mother. You remember asking once and watching your mother’s face crumble, before saying it wasn’t so simple and that you were very special indeed.
You learned later the reasoning why, and your heart broke for her. Made Riley all the more special too.
Your mother was a powerhouse of a woman, running a tight ship of a family and devoting her time to you all while also running a business. The diner had been her dream, and your father always liked to say he’d give her the world.
As you make your way into the kitchen, your dad hummed in thought, “What do you think she’d like?” He asked, hoisting Riley into his arms.
“Rose tea,” You start, pulling the box from the cabinet. “It’s her favorite but she never has time to make it.”
“Every tea is her favorite.” He deadpans, looking at the overflowing shelf, “But good call. I was thinking either pancakes or an omelette.”
You and your father bounce back and forth on ideas, voices low as if she’d wake any moment. Eventually you settled on a dish, working as a team to make breakfast.
Riley helped as much as she could, your father letting her try to flip the pancakes, clapping happily at her achievement.
Before long, the food is ready and set, your father taking the tray as you hold Riley, and the three of you set off to your parent’s bedroom.
Nudging the door open, you all quietly made your way into their room, your mother already rousing at the noise.
Despite her drowsiness, there was a smile on her face as you all entered, arms outstretched for you and Riley as you both plopped down onto the bed, embracing her in a hug.
“Happy Mother’s Day,” You finally say, matching her grin as she sits up fully, “To the best mom in the world.”
She laughs, pressing a kiss to your forehead, then Riley’s, before finally moving to her husband as the three of you settled in beside her, “Good morning my darlings.”
She looked radiant in the morning light, perfect smile lighting up her face as she regarded you all, hands clapping together in glee as she noticed the breakfast.
“We thought you’d probably want to enjoy breakfast in bed,” Your father murmurs, looking at your mother with pure adoration, “Get a bit more time to relax before the busy day.”
“You spoil me,” She laughs, her gaze turning warm, “Thank you.”
“Anything for you,” Your father responds as you nod your head resolutely, Riley cooing as she was scooped into your mother’s arms. The woman meant the world to you, and you were happy to at least start her day off on a good note.
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asherwinston · 3 years
THE MARCHAND WEDDING August 22nd w/ @rileyrparker​
Even after his conversation with Isabella, the male trailed back to the bar to wait for Riley to come back from wherever she had gone. Asher didn’t have to wait too long since the blonde came up right next to him after he settled in which caused him to turn and face her slightly, his hands lifting up to rest on her thighs. He wasn’t exactly shocked when she leaned down and planted one on him right there in front of everyone. He kissed her back, a smirk coming along his features when she pulled back. “Well, hello to you too.” He cleared his throat, not looking back at the male he knew was staring at them. “Did that kiss have anything to do with the guy glaring dagger into the back of my head right now?”
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sinfulhymns · 4 years
​Riley took a moment to unzip his jacket once he noticed Sage was shivering, he shrugged out of it and moved over to place it around her shoulders. He moved back to his spot playing and picking at the grass tossing it into the wind just thinking. He stared up at the stars a small smile spreading across his face, they had been sitting in comfortable silence for a while by now, just taking in the stars, before he finally broke the silence “This may seem out of the blue, but I’ve been lost in my thoughts over here and I just want to be soft for a moment, don’t judge.” He reached up placing a hand on top of her hand before squeezing it softly “I just want to thank you, for never making me feel dumb, I know that sounds small and insignificant but, sometimes all people see is my dumb comments, and they just don’t take me seriously, and it’s so frustrating because I’m much more than that? So what I’m trying to say is, thanks for seeing me in a light that no one else takes the time to see.” 
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justjpxmccoy · 4 years
At the moment JP was beyond grateful that Riley couldn’t see his appearance. He found himself at her dorm room which technically meant he could kill two birds with one stone if Juliet was there. “R-Ri-Riles?” He pushed open the door looking around for the brunette. “It’s m-me, Uh, JP.” he said making sure she knew it was. He was nervous his heart was pounding so much he thought it would beat out his chest. 
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oliver-jameson · 4 years
location: oliver’s humble abode @rilesxjones​​
After the past few months, Oliver’s life had progressively gotten more busy. It might not have been that he was busy. Rather, he was tired. He hadn’t made time for himself recently, other than small bits that he could get away to the grocery store by himself. He wasn’t used to being alone anymore. And being alone used to be his only vice. Now, he felt that he was becoming more codependent every day that passed. On a rare day that he was at his house by himself, only one on the guest list was Cookie thus far. He had remembered seeing Riley at the Halloween party from a few weeks prior, and he felt the need to reach out. He wasn’t going to pretend that seeing her and Landon talking didn’t make him feel... uneasy. Because it did, from the information that he had gotten. But it shouldn’t... right? After he had sent a quick text, he figured that she could meet him at his house-- dogs also had a key invite in the text message sent. 
When the knock finally bared through the house, Oliver turned to answer it, smiling as he did so. “There you are,” It was always good to see Riley, and he missed their friendship when they went a while without really talking. From the small amount that Landon gossiped, there may be more to talk about in her life too. “Thanks for coming over on short notice. I got bored pretty easily being here alone.”
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skylarowcns · 3 years
special delivery - @rileyadams​
Skylar walked into the hospital cafeteria, knowing that Riley would be sitting at one of the tables with her lunch. She moved in the direction of the other blonde when she caught the back of her head. She walked past her to the empty chair, plopping herself down onto it as she put her hands down on the surface of the table. “We have got to talk... Do you have an ear and about ten minutes?”
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yesteddymartinez · 4 years
Teddy finally made his way to Riley’s room after all of the insanity that was their birthday party. He was sober, sore and finally just shaking the headache he’d been living with. He knocked on her door, smiling when she answered. “It’s your favourite person.” He joked hoping she’d recognise his voice. 
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thesilvadaughter · 5 years
Skye walked in to the tattoo shop and smiled at the receptionist. She’d booked a couple of weeks back to get the tattoo and today was the day. She been meaning to do something to celebrate Roman for a while now and she’d found the perfect design. “Hey! How you doing, Riley?”
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{{ @rileyjacemiller​ }}
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monsterboysrp · 6 months
@tricky-tricky-boys || from here
The pace was slow and deep as Riley thrust into him, Max letting out breathy moans. They had long since gotten a cute little loft apartment together, the days of tutoring and secret crushes vehind them. Max had found success as a Youtuber, with a cooking channel that had just hit 5 million subscribers the day of Max and Riley's on year anniversary. This was their celebration for both events. They had order in Thai food, watched movies, and just stayed in. While Max considered himself a romantic, he was more than content just staying in with his boyfriend. As long as they were together, then they were celebrating right. Which led to the slow and passionate lovemaking in their bed. "Fuck... Lee... right there. Please, don't stop..."
A lot could happen in the span of a year, and what had started as a one-night thing to ease Max's heat had evolved into more. Sure, at first it had been purely physical -- because God, Riley couldn't get enough of Max's sweet body -- but the young Alpha had quickly become attached in a way he hadn't expected but embraced wholeheartedly. Max had made him want to be better, want to push himself to succeed so he could contribute to a life together. And while Max's channel was certainly paying the bills and afforded them this cute, if not necessarily luxurious, home, Riley was hard at work building a career. He'd just signed for a local minor-league baseball team, and his prospects were only looking better.
So yes, they had a lot to celebrate.
Riley's arms tightened slightly around Max, hips hitching in slow, even thrusts, mouthing at the back of Max's neck and shoulder. "Not on your life," he hummed. "We're celebratin'. I think that means you get my knot."
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reese-johnson · 5 years
 [ @riley-donigan​ ] get the hoe away from my face
that’s not what you were saying last night.
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hauntthebodies · 3 years
Aman and Riley Drabble
“I’m sorry, Mr. Kazemi, as much as I sympathize, she will be suspended for her actions.” The principal of Riley’s school sat with Aman, a balding old man who did not look sympathetic in the least. His response caused Aman’s lips to flatten as he looked out the widow to look at Riley. Face hidden beneath a curtain of hair as she hugged her knees to her chest, waiting just outside the office. She looked so small, pressing herself into the wall as much as she could.
“She had a panic attack and hit a kid who invaded her space, but she’s the issue?” He asked as he turned back, tone hardening as the older man barely refrained from rolling his eyes. Aman was furious, despite his calm attitude, and conflicted as well. He knew Riley didn’t mean to hurt the kid, although she broke his nose.
“She attacked another student, that’s grounds for suspension. Frankly, you’re lucky it’s just suspension, as this is her first offense. If this behavior is repetitive then she will be expelled.” His face softened for just a brief moment, “I know she is struggling, but she needs to learn that violence is not a proper reaction.”
“She’s barely had a year to process.” Aman challenges, annoyance causing his brow to furrow as the other shook his head, “She doesn’t need a punishment, she needs help.” As much as he tried to stress it, Mr. Fisher refused to be swayed. In the end she wouldn’t be able to return to school for a week. Maybe he could find someone during that time, a medical professional better suited for this. Someone who could actually help Riley, someone not fumbling about as he was.
Aman blew out an exasperated noise as he left the office, Riley’s head peeking up just the slightest as he made his way over to him. His irritation bled away as he gave her a sad smile, crouching down beside her, “You okay, kiddo?” He asked, her shoulders jumping in a half hearted shrug.
“I don’t know what happened…” She admits quietly, drawing back in on herself as she stares at the ground, “We were just talking and then I was scared. He got too close. I didn’t mean to hit him.”
Aman felt for Riley, his expression turning sympathetic as he sighed, “I know,” He says softly, “I’m not mad at you.” Her shoulders slumped in relief, meeting his gaze as he continued, “But you did break his nose, so you can’t come to school for a bit.”
Her relief turned into disappointment at the news, “I won’t be able to talk to my friends.”
“No, you won’t.” Aman agrees, giving her a sympathetic frown, “But that also means we have a week to do anything you want.” He suggests, trying to hide his smile as her face lit up, thinking about the possibilities. “Now do you want to walk out of here or do you want to be carried?” He asked, her mouth widening into a tiny smile. Not a full one, but getting there.
“I want a piggy back ride.” She declared, earning a chuckle from Aman as he gave her a nod before turning around so she could clamber onto his back.
“Alrighty, get on and we can get a move on.” 
She didn’t need to be told twice.
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asherwinston · 3 years
THE SUMMER PALOOZA June 26th w/ @rileyrparker​
Asher aimlessly walked around the area. These kinds of events weren’t exactly his thing but he came for Isabella and so far it didn’t completely suck. He held the neck of his beer bottle by his index finger and thumb as he tried to find an empty chair to plop himself down in. He noticed one near a certain blonde he had only met a few times. He sat down in the empty chair, bringing the beer to his lips and taking a sip of it as his blue hues rested on her. “Riley,” he stretched his legs out, crossing his feet together as he settled the beer bottle on his lap, crossing his fingers against the front of it. “Enjoying yourself?”
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ceciantez · 4 years
Cecilia had nearly planned her look for her senior prom since freshman year, and was excited to finally bring the look to life. The color coordination, aesthetic, and every detail already thoroughly planned out in one of her look books in her room she got one last look at it before heading out the door to grab Riley from her room. Letting herself in once she arrived, knowing Riley was anticipating her, “It’s meeeee.” She sang, waiting to go any further, “You ready to go?”
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theaussieswarlock · 6 years
“I wasn’t expecting to hear an Irish accent out here.” He chuckled when he overheard the other at the bar. The same would probably be said for Nate. He hadn’t come across anyone in town with an Australian accent since coming here but he hadn’t come across anyone with an Irish accent either.
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{{ @rileyjacemiller }}
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