princejingyan · 4 years
Since he was a small boy, Jingyan had always been enthusiastic about all things athletic. For as long as he could remember, he had excelled in it, too. He had been around horses since he could toddle, and took great comfort in the scent of the stable, the feel of the wind in his hair when he was on their back and the feel of their hair under his fingertips. 
He had been visiting Montebello, paying his respects to the Switzer king. He had been reluctant to go, at first. It would be yet another slight to the Dowager Empress, and another sign to those who supported him that he intended to claim a crown for himself, even if that couldn’t be further from the truth. It was only when he heard that Yu had forgone attending himself (he should not have expected anything less, after all), that he finally accepted. He would not have it said that China was not pulling their weight.
Jingyan was preparing to leave the castle, walking alone toward the stable to retrieve his mount. He was most proud of his horse, a particular favourite of his. Large, sturdy, and stormy grey, his mare was robust enough to see him through battle, yet still fast, still nimble. He had never owned a horse like her, and likely never would again. However, before he could reach her stable box, another steed caught his eye. 
He couldn’t help but approach the stable box, surveying the horse admiringly. He looked up as another entered the stables, and offered a charming smile. “Is this horse yours? They are truly a beauty. Are they as nice to ride as they are to look at?”
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sublucasparker · 3 years
“…Why are you crying?”
"I'm just embarrassed. Now, everyone knows about my secret. People already thought...Anyway. I'm more worried about my Dominant. How this is going to affect him. Are you okay?"
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domcarterm · 3 years
“ i-i’m sorry- i don’t deserve to cry… ”
"Why would you say something like that?"
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dommedelaney · 3 years
“Smile. Fake a laugh. Anything.”
"I know the feeling, I do that often. But, it isn't healthy you know."
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fxrcfly · 4 years
based on this
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it was her birthday and margaret’s boyfriend had completely forgotten about it. at first she thought he had a surprise planned for her, but evening came and there was nothing. sorry babe! i’ll make it up to you, i promise. there will be another next year, he replied when she confronted him. and now his friends had came over and she had to tend all their needs. bring this, do that, be quiet and let them watch the game... maggie was getting sick of this attitude, but what could she do? her boyfriend was kind enough to take her in when she needed it and had taken care of her when all her life came down in shambles. hearing a joke coming from one of the guys that she was not needed there and she could go back to the kitchen, maggie took her jacket, threw it over her shoulders and walked out the house. she was angry and heartbroken at the same time. she didn’t know if she wanted to kick something really hard or just sit down and cry.
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formationinspo · 6 years
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averysimmxns · 8 years
“--So are all the Blackwell’s finally back in town?” Avery asks upon catching a glimpse of the eldest Blackwell. Her story wasn’t a surprise to her, or that of what she had heard but she wasn’t the one to pry. What she did want to know was what had she been up to. How was Blackwell media doing and if the original would  be up for what she had in mind. “You’re not busy are you? I had a couple of questions.” 
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joslyn-blackwell · 8 years
Joslyn had arrived early that morning and, not very surprisingly, found the Blackwell home empty. As far as she knew it was still only Margaret in residence. Her older sister had always kept busy with the family company and making her appearances around town; it was likely that she wouldn’t even seeher until much later that night. Rather than immediately heading out herself, Jos took the time to unpack and settle back into her old room instead. Just as she was finishing up with the last of her luggage, she heard a familiar voice echo down the hall and past her open door. “Maggie,” She called out affectionately as she left the room and headed for the stairs. “There you are. I was wondering when you’d pop back in.”
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formationinspo · 7 years
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littlestlestrange · 9 years
a heavenly match || mabastan
-having eventually conceded to going to the Halloween dance with Margaret —wearing one of her ‘ridiculous’ costume ideas, even — Rabastan was weaving his way through the students, dressed as Zeus and carry a cup that definitely wasn’t filled with punch. Already bored, he’s actually relieved to spot his date with her back to him, unable to resist making his way over and whispering in her ear, just for the reaction- 
Fancy getting out of here before my fiance shows up?
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margaretflanagan replied to your post: ☄
Thank you, Sullivan. That’s very kind.
Anytime, sweetheart.
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kevin-weston · 11 years
Halle :)
Thank you, Arrow. :)
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kevin-weston · 11 years
[text] Thank you, Kevin. I'll drag him out, I promise.
Text: No worries.
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kevin-weston · 11 years
[text] Understood. I'm walking in right now.
Text: Good. Thanks again, Maggie. You and your brother be careful, huh. Don't take no for an answer and drag him out.
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kevin-weston · 11 years
[text] I think I've found the place. Should I storm in or wait for him to come out?
Text: Don't wait, go right now. He's thinking of leaving.
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kevin-weston · 11 years
I "ship" you with your one-man pizzas. And being happy.
Haha, why thank you.
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