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alecxkincade · 5 months ago
starter for @lilianaxjackson
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"Hey Liliana, how are you doing?" the doctor asked waving his hands when he saw her in the distance. It had been awhile since he had seem the other and he was glad. Alec was running into people and catching up with them, since his busy schedule had kept him busy lately. His older brother was with Cyrus who had taken him to see some of the activities and even get a snack, while Alec had gotten all three of them something to drink.
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benjaminxjackson · 7 months ago
starter for @lilianaxsantos
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Ben was excited to be an uncle again, he was the type to go all out and spoil his niece and nephew. Ben wanted to help both Travis and Liliana anyway he can. He had been window shopping when he came across some baby stuff and the chef could not help himself. So he had gotten a few things for the baby. There was a massive smile on his face as he carried the bag of baby toys, clothes and other stuff. "I really hope it is okay but, I got the baby tons of stuff," he spoke his voice light and filled with joy. "I don't want to overstep or anything."
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florianjace · 6 months ago
˙ ˖ ✶ Liliana
"If you can balance the ratios of all three then I'm sure it would be fine. Maybe do a little less of each, otherwise you'd just have an apple pie with a hint of pumpkin." Florian commented as he worked on his own candle that smelled like one of maison margiela's replica scents. This one was reminiscent of by the fireplace. "Add in your pumpkin and apple first and then lastly add your cinnamon. Besides, bath and body works has a candle with all three. So it's definitely an option."
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Starter for: Liliana & Open @bhqextras
Event: DIY Fall Candles
Liliana was so happy that fall was here and she was able to smell all of the pumpkin and apple smells without feeling judged about how she could smell them all year if she could. She decided to attend the make your own candle at Sappho's. "Listen." She said as she looked at the person next to her. "I need some help. Do I combine apple and cinnamon or pumpkin and cinnamon? Because I think both ideas would be good but I feel like all three together could be too much." She mentioned.
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annabishcp · 6 years ago
“Yeah, no, the necklace does not work with that dress,” Anna said. “It totally clashes.”
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octaviabaldwin · 6 years ago
“Like I still don’t get it. They’re seventeen, why are they still so stupid?”
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jaxmorgan · 8 years ago
@lilianapisano ; [ June 4th, 2004. 12:48 am. ]
Thump, thump, thump.
One peddle after the next, crashed against the glassed surface of the window he knew belonged to his girlfriend. Another one, and then another, until he caught her attention. He had no idea if she had been in bed, and he knew it would've been easier had he just called. Only his phone had been smashed against the wall by one of his mother's endless boyfriends, and he'd knock, but he also had no idea if tonight would be one of those rare moments, in which her parents had been home. Therefore, he continued to throw peddles. It was late, he was aware, and had Mika not gone over to a friend's for a sleepover, he probably would've stayed home. But with his sister gone, and his mother on another one of her highs, he knew he needed to get out of the house, and there was no one he wanted to see more than Liliana.
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benjaminxjackson · 8 months ago
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Ben could not help but smile and chuckle at her words. "Well, since you two are having a kid and all that. I want to respect both your privacy and not show up randomly," he spoke a small smile on his face. "You're welcome and thanks," he replied.
"We are going a proper wedding. I want my fiancé parents there, my mom, siblings and friends there too. Plus you as well," he answered. Ben would honestly invite and include Lilian if she was up for it. @lilianaxsantos
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"Sounds ominous, but I won't pry lest I spoil the surprise." Liliana mused, a smile tugging on her lips. When he made apparent he knew of their planned arrival her hands instinctively went to her bump, making its size more apparent underneath her layered clothing. "Thank you." It truly was a miracle with her medical history. She was excited for the future. "Yes, so I've heard. Congratulations on the engagement. Are you thinking proper wedding or just courthouse?" @benjaminxjackson
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hopexabbott · 6 years ago
Send 🔒 for our muses to be in an escape room together @lilianalloyd-rp
“I don’t know, I feel like I’m going to be really bad at this.”
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bexbancroft · 6 years ago
“Professor, do you have a moment? I have a question,” Bex said, knocking on the doorframe to Liliana’s office.
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gabecumberbatch · 5 years ago
Ainda que Ortega apreciasse novidade em sua vida, e o emprego como agente do FBI lhe proporcionava justamente isso em cada caso diferente que lhe era designado, a mulher nunca havia se dado conta de que na verdade tinha se acomodado no estado da Califórnia. Depois da morte de seu pai, a garota fora enviada juntamente da mãe para morar em San Diego sob proteção do órgão do governo. Na faculdade, mudou-se para Stanford e após se juntar ao DEA, retornou à San Diego de onde se locomovia ocasionalmente entre México e Estados Unidos. Mudar-se para um estado que ficava há quase um dia de viagem de distância de onde passou, literalmente, toda sua juventude e início da vida adulta a fez lembrar-se da sensação que sentiu quando saiu da Colômbia para a terra do sonho americano. Dessa vez, no entanto, a sensação não lhe causara medo ou introversão. Na realidade, embora a existência daquele resquício de ansiedade quase nostálgica, perguntou-se como não havia feito aquilo antes. Teria realmente passado o restante de sua vida no mesmo lugar se não fosse pela proposta de fazer parte daquele aclamado novo time? Estava feliz de não precisar descobrir e eventualmente se arrepender.
Já havia chegado em Washington há três dias, tempo suficiente para ajeitar o simples apartamento confortavelmente próximo de pontos que lhe eram importantes - o próprio prédio em que trabalharia e locais onde poderia correr em suas manhãs - e tentar explorar o máximo possível das redondezas antes do dia em que seria apresentada ao restante dos agentes com quem começaria a trabalhar posteriormente. Um dos locais que encontrou logo no primeiro dia havia sido um bar bem simples e calmo, diferente dos que costumava frequentar perto de onde até então morava. Liliana não tinha muitos costumes auto destrutivos - não chegava nem mesmo próxima de drogas como cigarro ou mesmo as ilícitas, não exagerava em alimentos não saudáveis e nunca ficava sem se exercitar. Seu único guilty pleasure era o álcool, o qual também nem sempre consumia com exagero. E ali, naquele local, descobriu a melhor Piña Colada de Washington DC sem ao menos precisar provar nenhuma das outras existentes.
O clima ali também era bastante diferente do tropical que estava acostumada, por isso vestia um casaco - claramente destoando do restante dos já nativos que tinham em si roupas simples que a colombiana usaria apenas com pelo menos cinco graus a mais na temperatura. Olhou em volta, seu olhar procurando por algo interessante que pudesse lhe chamar atenção. Ou alguém. Toda aquela emoção de um novo emprego e nova moradia também causava, inevitavelmente, um pouco de tensão. Seria ótimo acalmar-se antes da reunião do dia seguinte. Finalizando seu drink, estava quase desistindo da ideia quando @gabecumberbatch entrou no local. Ortega arqueou as sobrancelhas com a imagem do desconhecido, e quando este ocasionalmente lhe direcionou o olhar não perdeu tempo em oferecer um sorriso interessado. A possibilidade de receber um “não” nunca realmente assustou a latina, o que fez com que em mais alguns minutos ela optasse por se desencostar do balcão e ir até a mesa onde o homem estava. — Se importa se eu me sentar com você? Ou está esperando alguém?
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Washigton nunca fora o maior sonho de consumo no quesito moradia de Gabreel. Todavia, ele definitivamente já havia estado em situações muito mais adversas. Tais quais o alojamento da escola militar que havia frequentado. Ou os acampamentos em que era irredutivelmente obrigado por seu pai e avô a frequentar. Ou mesmo as bases militares em que serviu e...Definitivamente era melhor que o acampamento em que havia ficado no Afeganistão. Ainda que o apartamento no vigessimo quinto andar de um prédio de bom tom próximo ao seu novo trabalho não pudesse nem de longe se equiparar a cobertura que habitava em Manhathan nos seus tempos de anestesista, era melhor que muita, mas, muita coisa. 
Além do ponto que o local ganhava pelo conforto, havia o extra de ficar próximo a um dos melhores e mais tranquilos bares da cidade, o que acabava por aliviar Cumberbatch já que, embora frequentasse lugares lotados e baladas desgovernadas em seus dias de “caça”, multidões sempre o lembravam caos indiretamente. E em muitas noites, na maioria delas para ser mais objetivo, caos era tudo o que ele não precisava. Precisava todavia, naquela noite, de uma cerveja, na tentativa discretamente desesperada de uma boa noite de sono antes da reunião que teria no dia seguinte. Embora imaginasse que não fosse precisar entrar em campo de imediato, a sensação mista de medo e adrenalina agitavam o homem em casa, que, inegavelmente precisava de algo para se distrair. 
E a distração perfeita não demorou a vir. Quando os olhos firmaram no sorriso da bela latina que se aproximara tão objetivamente de si, ele teve a certeza que teria o que precisava, ou ao menos o que esperava naquela noite. Não demorou a levantar do local, arrumando a camiseta preta sem grandes adereços mas, que expunham as tatuagens dos antebraços, e então a cumprimentando com um sorriso de retribuição. Os lábios de Gabreel entortaram ao canto, abrindo um em um riso charmoso e com discretas segundas intenções, e ele não demorou a puxar a cadeira ao seu lado para a moça. - Acredito que quem eu estava esperando, acabou de chegar. E eu ficaria encantado com a sua companhia. 
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Ainda que Ortega apreciasse novidade em sua vida, e o emprego como agente do FBI lhe proporcionava justamente isso em cada caso diferente que lhe era designado, a mulher nunca havia se dado conta de que na verdade tinha se acomodado no estado da Califórnia. Depois da morte de seu pai, a garota fora enviada juntamente da mãe para morar em San Diego sob proteção do órgão do governo. Na faculdade, mudou-se para Stanford e após se juntar ao DEA, retornou à San Diego de onde se locomovia ocasionalmente entre México e Estados Unidos. Mudar-se para um estado que ficava há quase um dia de viagem de distância de onde passou, literalmente, toda sua juventude e início da vida adulta a fez lembrar-se da sensação que sentiu quando saiu da Colômbia para a terra do sonho americano. Dessa vez, no entanto, a sensação não lhe causara medo ou introversão. Na realidade, embora a existência daquele resquício de ansiedade quase nostálgica, perguntou-se como não havia feito aquilo antes. Teria realmente passado o restante de sua vida no mesmo lugar se não fosse pela proposta de fazer parte daquele aclamado novo time? Estava feliz de não precisar descobrir e eventualmente se arrepender.
Já havia chegado em Washington há três dias, tempo suficiente para ajeitar o simples apartamento confortavelmente próximo de pontos que lhe eram importantes - o próprio prédio em que trabalharia e locais onde poderia correr em suas manhãs - e tentar explorar o máximo possível das redondezas antes do dia em que seria apresentada ao restante dos agentes com quem começaria a trabalhar posteriormente. Um dos locais que encontrou logo no primeiro dia havia sido um bar bem simples e calmo, diferente dos que costumava frequentar perto de onde até então morava. Liliana não tinha muitos costumes auto destrutivos - não chegava nem mesmo próxima de drogas como cigarro ou mesmo as ilícitas, não exagerava em alimentos não saudáveis e nunca ficava sem se exercitar. Seu único guilty pleasure era o álcool, o qual também nem sempre consumia com exagero. E ali, naquele local, descobriu a melhor Piña Colada de Washington DC sem ao menos precisar provar nenhuma das outras existentes.
O clima ali também era bastante diferente do tropical que estava acostumada, por isso vestia um casaco - claramente destoando do restante dos já nativos que tinham em si roupas simples que a colombiana usaria apenas com pelo menos cinco graus a mais na temperatura. Olhou em volta, seu olhar procurando por algo interessante que pudesse lhe chamar atenção. Ou alguém. Toda aquela emoção de um novo emprego e nova moradia também causava, inevitavelmente, um pouco de tensão. Seria ótimo acalmar-se antes da reunião do dia seguinte. Finalizando seu drink, estava quase desistindo da ideia quando @gabecumberbatch entrou no local. Ortega arqueou as sobrancelhas com a imagem do desconhecido, e quando este ocasionalmente lhe direcionou o olhar não perdeu tempo em oferecer um sorriso interessado. A possibilidade de receber um “não” nunca realmente assustou a latina, o que fez com que em mais alguns minutos ela optasse por se desencostar do balcão e ir até a mesa onde o homem estava. — Se importa se eu me sentar com você? Ou está esperando alguém?
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tcbydawscn · 6 years ago
“Wait, so wait,” he said. “So you work at Ilvermorny?”
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seasidestreet · 7 years ago
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extremely late bday gift for @mastah-zam IM SRRY...
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benjaminxjackson · 5 months ago
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"Well, I will say more like a conversation with both of you. So I know where you two stand. Since everyone is different and have different levels of lines and privacy," he replied with a chuckle as he set it down on the counter. As Ben set down the things he had gotten he got a text, causing his phone to vibrate and he took it out as she grabbed a pitcher from the fridge. "The restaurant is doing good," he answered after looking up from his phone. "Am sorry sorry, I have to head up it seems that there is an emergency at the restaurant I have to take care off. Really sorry and I hope we can find time to hang out and chat." he spoke giving her an apologetic smile before heading to the door. Waving once more and heading out. @lilianaxjackson
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"Well.. Then I suppose that's a conversation between two brothers." She mused, not wanting to assume what Travis did and did not want. As an only child, her boundaries were undoubtedly very different compared to those of Travis. "You can set them down on the counter. I'll have Travis help me unload later." Liliana spoke, grabbing a pitcher from the fridge with selfmade lemonade after she had told Max to stay on his bed, the canine obviously alerted by Ben's presence, as he was still an unfamiliar person to him. "How's the restaurant?" @benjaminxjackson
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jaxmorgan · 8 years ago
Challenge accepted.
Two words, seventeen letters, stared back at him through the screen of his phone. A flip-phone, an outdated one. Simply, he didn't see the reason or need to have anything more then what he had in his hand at the current moment. He didn't call, or even texted people often. If he could have it his way, he simply wouldn't speak to the outside world at all. This was why he had brought the building he lived in, the whole building. It was just him, and whatever project he desired upon that day. This was how he lived, and as far as he was concerned, it'd be how he'd continue to live. But he couldn't quite deny the twisting within his chest; the frustration, the slight rage. He was doing just fine. He was doing him, and that was how it needed to be done. The Pisano family was supposed to be nothing but a memory. If he even wanted to acknowledge that it had happened in the fact place. Truth be told, he didn't. He hated Arabella Pisano, and at this point, he hated Liliana as well. At least that was what he was going to tell himself, instead of accepting the emotion that tap at the organ in the middle of his chest, he hated her. And he hated that he now had to prove a point to her. Although, it was more a point needed to be made for himself then it was for her, but that wasn't a fact Jax allowed to cross his mind. No, instead, he found himself doing exactly what needed to be done to cut this reunion short. And short it would be.
Night fall, it had come rather quickly to Lanford, New York. As it often seemed to for the 6'0 male. It was the time he felt the most at ease in, the darkness washed over him and gave him a sense of comfort he often lacked through out the day. Yet, tonight, it was different. Despite being in his own territory, there was an irritation that ran through his being. This made more evident as he slammed the trunk door of his junk shut, and made his way around to the driver's side. Before whipping the door open, and sliding in, Jaxon had pulled out his phone and sent a text to the current ghost of his past.
'Lets talk. Meet me outside. Five minutes.'
Apart of him almost wanted to believe she'd decline that offer. That she'd come back with an 'I'm busy, or I can't.' Really anything along those lines would've made more sense to him then her actually getting in the car with him. But then again, he had his point to make --- and she had hers. Pulling up to the address he had of hers, he killed the engine, and threw the door open, allowing himself the access to get out of the vehicle. Shoving a hand into the pocket of his jacket, he moved slowly towards the other side of his jeep, dark hues falling upon the familiar figure he used to know so well. One he wished would be nothing but a bad dream, if only he could be that lucky. "Lets go for a ride." He spoke, as he opened the passenger side door and waited for her to make the next move. Once she was inside the car, Jaxon shut the door and proceeded to move around the vehicle, reclaiming the driver's side. There was a momentarily pause, he turned his head slightly towards the other. Silence. That was all he could return to her in those few seconds. And then finally he spoke, "You want to know me?" He asked, not allowing her the time to answer. He knew the answer, he had been listening. "Fine,--" Reaching in between his seat, he pulled out a rolled up stack of paper. Three, maybe four at the most, and tossed it upon Liliana's lap. "--lets get to know me, Liliana." He finished, in the same moment there was a clicking sound that echoed through the jeep. One anyone would recognize in any car they sat in. That of it being locked.
And then they were moving, going from zero to a hundred within a couple of seconds. Jaxon's attention faded onto the road, while the info that laid upon Liliana's lap was that of an article. At least three years old, printed from a news site. 'Male beaten to dead, in front of his two young children.' Followed by another one, 'Local drug dealer charged for the fatal beating of a father of two in North End.' And then another, 'Father of two, could his ties to the selling of drugs be the cause of his brutal death?' And then on the last page, it wasn't so much an article, as it was a picture. A picture of the same man on the first few pages, but this time he was accompanied by a female. She looked happy, elated, but there was a glaze in her eyes, a far away wonderment. And it would almost seem that the male was gripping her tight, as if to keep her upright. The girl was older, not by a lot, but definitely older. Her features hadn't really changed, however, no, within the picture, standing next to the murder victim was Mika Morgan.
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hopexabbott · 6 years ago
Hope ran into the other, drink in hand. “Oh God, I’m so sorry, I’m so clumsy. Oh God, I really shouldn’t drink, with how off balance I am with walking already.”
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benjaminxjackson · 8 months ago
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"Very true but, it's an habit I have with my brothers which I guess that might change very soon," he replied with a chuckle shaking his head, his tone was soft and filled wit joy, running his hands through his hair for a moment. Honestly Ben did not have anything against her and listening to her words he kinda understood, Travis and Liliana were happy and worked things out so he had no say at all. "Am glad you two found your way back together and also congrats on the baby too. Am excited for you two." he added.
"Sure, I myself have been busy with filming and stuff. Looks like some renovations and house building might be in my future." @lilianaxsantos
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"It's not the 2000s anymore where you could show up unannounced, unfortunately." She cracked a smile, one that widened at Benjamin's congratulations. Would he have told her if it hadn't been genuine? She doubted it. He most likely would've given her the 'don't hurt my brother speech' rather than a congratulations. "It's where I am supposed to be. I just regret we had to take the pause." She owed to to Anthony to try, but past grievances were simply too grand to overlook. She wasn't sure if Travis told Benjamin about the baby yet, so she was subconsciously doing her best not to make the bump evident. In case Travis hadn't gotten around to it yet, she didn't want to steal his thunder of telling his brothers. "Would you like to come in? See how far Travis got? He's been very motivated lately." @benjaminxjackson
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