dorisprkiss-blog · 8 years
❉ ( + benjy )
❉ - Stretching their arms up, showing their midriff
She shouldn’t have been looking. Doris kept telling herself over and over again how insane she was. She must be. That is the feeling she must be feeling right now: complete and utter insanity. It took her a few deep breaths to make sense of herself after her thoughts started racing, and the more she thought about it, the more it confused her.
It was like any other day, sitting around with a book in her hand because she was bored out of her mind when Benjy came through her door. He rarely knocked anymore, just a small tap before he stepped through. He sat across from her, Doris’s book abandoned for the sake of spending quality time with her friend. The conversation was always moving fast with him, and Doris, while she might with some others, never failed to keep up with Benjy. They bounced from topic to topic till they both decided that they should get out to do something. 
It was then that he stretched, his arms above his head, his green sweatshirt riding up his torso to expose his tanned stomach. Doris held her breath for a moment of time, looking at his stomach while she tried to find a reason in her brain to be staring other than the fact that she thought the lines running down his hips toward his pelvis were mesmerizing. She felt an emotion wash over her, but while she had felt it before, it was still a strange feeling. She barely noticed when Benjy stood, telling her that he was going to use the bathroom before they left. The skin looked so perfect. Honey colored and smooth, Doris wondered what it would feel like under her fingers. She was starstruck by his tanned midriff, exposed underneath his green sweater, and she didn’t know how she was going to make it through the rest of the night without that thought in her mind. 
By the time that he came out of the bathroom Doris had calmed herself down from the feelings and the embarrassment she felt for herself. If he knew her thoughts, she would have been far more embarrassed, but somehow she collected herself in a matter of minutes, repressing her thoughts as much as she could as they left her apartment. 
Show A Little Skin Meme
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dorisprkiss-blog · 8 years
ship ! ( doris + benjy :D )
who throws things in a fight ? 
I doubt either of them are likely to throw things in a fight, or even get into a heated enough argument that it would come up as a situation. However, if it did, Doris would probably be more likely to throw something because she has a smaller range of calm in addition to the fact that she can get overly emotional at times.
who goes to their parent’s house for a weekend when things get bad ? 
This is more likely to be Benjy, I presume. Doris has her own apartment, and I feel that if she was to go to her childhood home she would feel worse there than wherever she was before.who wants to have children ? who doesn’t ? if both do, how do their goals differentiate ? 
who is more adverse to physical contact ? 
Doris. While she grew up in a family where it was said that they loved each other very much, there was little demonstration by her parents of that love. She is kind of timid with people touching her anyway, and in a romantic sense it might be even more so. Not necessarily scared, but hesitant, and therefore a little less inclined to physical contact.
who hates/dislikes their neighbors the most ? 
I bet they both have things they dislike about the neighbors, but Doris might be more crabby with them if they were rude or something, while Benjy would play it off and not let it bother him. Doris cares far more about other people’s opinions than Benjy does.
who hates/dislikes their significant other’s family ? 
neither dislike the other’s family. Their parents are almost polar opposites, in a way: Benjy’s are overbearing in many ways, while Doris’s are uncaring in ways. Both would have little things that might make them upset about the other’s family, but neither really dislikes them.
who is most likely to leave when things get rough ? 
They’re not the type of people who would walk out, I imagine. They would stay up all night if they needed to work something major out. So, neither.
who thinks their partner turned out a different person than they thought ? 
Oooh, okay. So I think that because they have been friends for so long that they would know one another really well. I think that the biggest things would be finding out small things that were different, or that they hadn’t realized about the other. Maybe Benjy would think Doris was different after they got together, because she almost would be--never being in a relationship before--and that could be something unexpected, but I don’t thin it would be a bad thing.
who is more likely to cheat ? 
Neither. No way. At least, I can’t imagine one or the other cheating. They would never do that to the other person.
who is the more experienced ( sexually or otherwise ) ? 
Benjy, sexually, for sure. Doris has 0 experience sexually/romantically, so anything he has is more than her. Otherwise... it is probably also Benjy for the most part, though Doris does have him in some categories, I am sure.
who hates/dislikes their significant other’s friends ? 
one of the best things about their relationship would be that they are already friends with one another’s friends because they started out as friends! 
who wants to go to social gatherings the most ? 
Benjy most of the time, though there could be occasions that Doris would want to go just as bad, if not more, than him (she loves Christmas). But Benjy is the more social of the two of them, so I imagine he would want to go out more and Doris is waaayyy more open and outgoing with him around I bet.
who is most likely to be dishonest ? 
Sadly, I think this would be Doris. She would probably say little white lies to keep Benjy from worrying about her and would want to seem strong. Thing is, she sucks at lying.
who is more emotionally closed off and how does this affect their partner ? 
Doris, without really knowing it. She grew up on her own, really, so it can be hard for her to open up about the way she feels and what is going on inside her head. Benjy probably knows this after years of friendship, and would probably try to work through it with her, but he could get exasperated with her at times because of how she acts.
who is the dessert person ? 
Both of them! They are totally that couple that would go out and get dessert from a restaurant, even though they ate dinner at home and would try all the different kinds.
who is more conservative ?
Doris, by a long shot. (see “who is more emotionally closed off”)
who hates/dislikes oral sex ?
the thing with oral sex is that Doris has never had sex, though I doubt she would have any hate for it. Benjy probably doesn’t dislike it either so neither of them.
Send me a ship!!!
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