byrds-bees · 1 year
location: Heart and Soul Gallery closed starter for: @masovhistic (Andy)
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Miriam had always found solace in art galleries. No matter the size or the country it was located, the moment she walked into the strategically lit space she felt at home. She'd even been fortunate enough to see her own pieces displayed in a few. She'd worn her hair down and her jeans tight, preparing for an after party to the show that night. She had no idea who would be there, but she'd never had trouble finding her way into a party and was fairly confident she'd know at least one person in the room. Champaign flute in hand she gazed adoringly at the pieces that hung on the walls, stopping in front of one that was easily going to be her favourite. So transfixed on the details of the brush strokes and the contrast of the colours, Miriam almost didn't notice the woman who had stood beside her. "It's incredible, isn't it?" she said softly to the stranger, only then turning to look at her fully. Her stomach fluttered a little when she realized the radiance of the other person. Her hair a rich copper and her jaw set, she was easily a decade older than Birdie, but that had never deterred her before. Feeling her cheeks flush a little she took a long drink from her delicate glass, finishing her champaign in one gulp.
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rowcnwcgtcil · 6 months
"Rushing off so soon? Do I smell bad or something?" Rowan only partially joked when he noticed that the woman seemed almost eager to leave. "I don't think the time has changed since the last time you checked, just so you know."
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ncthcnielmcrshcll · 6 months
It was with a pained groan that Nathaniel awoke. He couldn't figure out where he began or ended in many ways, feeling like one huge mass of crippling affliction almost and fighting through that to recall where he was and what had happened seemed to take far too long. He did eventually seem to draw some of his mind from out of the torturous fog to recall his situation, of which made him feel eternally grateful he was even around to feel anything at all. Swallowing dryly, even that seemed to hurt, the sound of movement beside him tempting him to turn his head but he settled for simply opening his eyes as a compromise for the time being. "Andie?" His voice was hoarse, almost unfamiliar to him as he got used to using it once more. "How long have I been out?"
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colins-bridgerton · 1 year
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kate’s thirty, flirty and thriving results
top 30 television otps
19.) andy dwyer & apirl ludgate (parks and rec) 
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mcnstercus · 6 months
closed starter - andie & beckett ( @nctural )
"Wait, Beckett, come on please," Andie said. "It'll take way less time if you help me with it. I promise in turn I'll help you with your chores instead of just peaceing out to my apartment to write."
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briarbellchant · 1 year
❄️ - our muses get some fresh air from the party together
Bright laughter fell from Briar’s lips as they burst through the doors and out into the somewhat biting cold of the New Years Eve night. “Did you see their face? I think it’s probably a good thing that we are not in there when they figure out the truth but they didn’t look like the brightest coconut in the bunch.”
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yarimendes · 1 year
˙ ˖ ✶ Andi
"So are you and Nic going to the wedding together or are you being like sexy security, cause either way I think it's hot," @theandipowers
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wesxkennedy · 1 year
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"Okay, I knew that I was bad at yoga but not that bad," he said as he lay down on the floor for a moment and looked up to the sky. This was the first time that Wesley was doing yoga. His friend had made him attend a class and he never knew it was that hard. "Please tell me my reaction is normal for first time people doing yoga?"
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leowright · 1 year
🤏 - one of our muses pinches the other for not wearing green
“I think you’d take any excuse there was to practice physical violence on me.” Leo stated as he rubbed the tender area where Andie had definitely decided to pinch harder than necessary, just because he wasn’t wearing green. It wasn’t really a color he had in his wardrobe but he felt after this, he ought to invest in at least one piece so that he could avoid a repeat.
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dayanitas · 3 years
Closed starter for @andyxsharma​ Location : Daya’s House  Timestamp: whenever you want it to be 
“She’s finally asleep,” Daya sighed, returning to her drawing room with a theatrical sigh. The “She” in question was Dayanita’s three year old daughter, her little Pearl, who, as ever, had been more than excited to see Andy. “There is just no reasoning with that child when you are around, Andy. I understand that you are fond of her, who wouldn’t be, but you must try not to get her so worked up.” 
Daya was determined not to speak about what had happened last weekend - about murders and seances and everything else that she had endured. If she so much as heard the name Whitechapel again, it would be too soon. 
“Let’s see what you have for me, anyway. I hope you have fixed your camera since last time. Those photos were dreadful.” She held out her hand, eyebrow raised expectantly, awaiting the results of his work. 
“By the way, I hope you will stay for dinner. I have made too much for just myself, and as you can see, my husband rarely eats at home anymore.” Perhaps whatever East End tramp he had found to occupy his time was a better cook than Daya was. Good luck to her, was all Daya could say. She would need it. “And I’m sure you have heard that Rahat is too busy, poor thing. I have set some to one side for them, though. You will take it to them.”
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pollysheedy · 3 years
Closed Starter for : @andyxsharma​ Location : The Frost Fair Circus Time stamp : 2pm, Saturday, December 15th
“Over here!” Polly called out, standing up on their tiptoes and waving a hand in the air. Of course, rising from the bench did little to actually make Polly stand out from the crowd. To do that, they would probably need to stand on top of the bench. But Andy was tall enough that it made him easy to see, and hopefully, gave him enough of a vantage point to see Polly. “Come and sit by me.” 
They had never been to a circus before, and weren’t sure what to expect. It was one of those things they had always wanted to do, but now they were here, they were stupidly nervous, feeling a little overwhelmed by it all. Luckily, Andy was there to accompany them, and they didn’t feel quite so stupid sitting there with somebody they know. 
“What if I don’t like it?” They asked, suddenly, whipping their head around to look at Andy. “Or what if you don’t like it, and I make you sit with me the whole way through, and then you go home and think ‘oh my God, I am never going anywhere with that Polly again’,” Polly rambled. “If you don’t like it, you have to promise to leave. Don’t stay on my account.” 
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appalachianlich · 3 years
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Sketch Dump Time Yet Again.
A few familiar faces, but mostly relatively new characters (at least in terms of being seen on this blog).
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rowcnwcgtcil · 10 months
Rowan hadn't expected to find company up here. Of course, he'd not been up since they had returned home but it had always been a bit of a sanctuary for him where no one else seemed to come. Actually, the only person who had really known about it was Jesse which was why he was surprised that someone had joined him now. There were probably a good ten to fifteen minutes of silence between them, both seeming to understand the needs of one another but he couldn't stay silent at the sight. "Shooting star, make a wish."
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ncthcnielmcrshcll · 6 months
Oneshot||Not Immortal
It shouldn't have happened. Nathaniel had everything planned down to the most minute of details and yet it had still gone awry. Despite all the care he took, he could only surmise that someone he had put faith in had decided to betray him. He tried not to give anyone too much information which could cause him difficulty down the line, but even that wasn't fool proof as was displayed by his current predicament. Nathaniel was extremely capable of fighting and defending himself but for all his ability, even he wasn't immortal, despite what he attempted to make people believe. In the end there had been far more of them than he'd anticipated, even more than he could fight off. From the state that they had left him, battered and bruised, a spread of blood shining thick and vast on his black shirt, it wasn't surprising that they had probably thought they had left him for dead. He probably looked a horrifying sight. Still, he was not dead and upon coming to, he struggled to his feet and somehow, despite the almost overwhelming urge to pass out once more, he managed to stumble his way to the one person he knew he could always rely on. He'd also made a promise to her which he would always do his level best to keep. Knocking on the familiar wood, now that he was here, Nathaniel felt like all his remaining energy was fast seeping from him. He held a hand firm to the wound on his stomach, the other resting against the door to keep him upright, as he swayed precariously on the spot. By the time the door opened, his vision had begun tunnelling and black spots were swimming in front of his eyes. As the wood swung inwards, Nathaniel found himself lurching forward with it when he lost the support, tumbling straight into the warm body. In the few precious moments he was still conscious, he treasured the heat, noting how cold he'd become and he feared it wasn't just because of the chill outside. With what little strength he had left, Nathaniel managed to rasp out a plea that few ever got to hear.
"Andie... help me."
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islandofmuses · 3 years
What the hell was that thing? Andy had no clue! he was walking to his car near the woods when it started, loud noises, flashing lights and then darkness, “Damn...” Andy muttered looking around and that was when he saw it, a weird looking thing flying just above him, “Wh--” he didn’t had to time finish, the thing launched at him, claws on his shoulder, head, Andy reached out for the gun near his belt, bliding shooting at it, but this thing was fast and with one quick move the gun was shoved out of his hand, “Fuck” Andy muttered, he was done for, the thing, whatever it was was strong, fast and he couldn’t see a darn thing, he feel claws digging into his skin, blood dripping from the wounds, he was getting weak, this thing was doing some damage, so all the hunter thoguth to do was run.
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He didn’t know how long he was running for, he was lost, in the dark, hurt...and still that thing wouldn’t quit!, Andy had no more strenght, he had no idea where he was, he couldn’t run anymore, feeling drained and in pain the hunter went down, falling to his knews, he was pretty sure this was it, this was where he was going to meet his end, well, he had a good run.... @angstfactory​ (For Sam)
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mcnstercus · 6 months
closed starter - waverly & andie ( @waverlymonroe )
Andie smiled lightly when she saw the who they sent to take Andie's statement. The barn at the farm had been broken into, some things were stolen, and since it is a slow month, Andie wanted to make sure that a report was filed so that insurance will help replace it. "Hey, are you short today, or something?" she asked. "I'm surprised that you took this call. The barn was just broken into, it's not too crazy. No one was hurt, but we're missing a chicken."
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