razzledazzleemmet · 2 years
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New year, new SCOUT.
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prettyboyapollo · 4 years
“Broskiiii,” Apollo called out to Scout as he waved for him to join him on the float. “Damn son, you’re lookin’ fly as fuck. Where’d you get the kicks from?” He yelled.
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malcalcott · 4 years
closed event starter for @scoutwholt​
“Another two shots of tequila for myself, and get my friend here something to wash down this fucking nightmare of glitz and glam as well, would ya?” Malcolm requested of the bartender, gesturing to the blond man who stood next to him at the bar, having settled there only a moment before. Malc was already a little tipsy and feeling generous, as well as completely over the entire high-class evening, so he thought he would treat someone else to some indulgences. Hell, if it wasn’t for Mara being an actually interesting date to keep and the flowing booze and gambling, Malcolm would have already dipped out on that night. “Malcolm.” He introduced himself, tossing the name over at the man he had just treated.
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leoochoi · 4 years
Leo Choi had never really been insecure of his body, thanking the hours spent lift car parts and tired, twisting himself into strange positions under the belly of the beast and moulding metal with his hands for his physique. But after a long, stressful day of dealing with clients and finicky repairs, nothing helped get his mind off the day like a long run. The streets of Peach Hollows had become his track and he enjoyed finding new paths, trails and routes to follow every day. It kept things interesting even if the houses and faces he past on the way were far from. Most days, Leo focused on his music, kept his head down, and lost himself in the sound of his shoes against the pavement but then he spotted Scout.
Slowing to a stop next to her, Leo grinned and wiped the sweat beading on his forehead. “Hey,” he breathed, a bit ragged all thing considered. “You need a hand with any of those?” He continued, nodding to some of the bags in her hand. @scout-owen​
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djfroggynav · 5 years
“YOOO!” Nav called to the familiar male with a grin. “Long time no talk, eh? Y’alright, brov?” 
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angxladams · 6 years
Angel jogged up to Scout’s door, a little uneasy on her feet as she made sure the bottle was hidden safely in her bag. She leaned against the door as she knocked, unable to stop herself from laughing. “Babe! Let me in!” One glance around the hallway showed that no one was around, so she pulled the bottle out of her bag and held it up to the peephole. “I stole some whiskey from a professors desk--if ya don’t let me in, I’m pickin’ the lock!”
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{ @scoutsinger }
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godlyborn · 3 years
text. / scout & raf.
SCOUT: can you please answer my texts?
SCOUT: i'm really worried about you.
SCOUT: at least text me that you're alive or something.
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sterlingwhitaker · 4 years
closed starter for @scoutwholt
“Reinvest the Kochler earnin’s into the Nott’s number four investment account.” Sterling spoke into cellphone he had pressed against his ear as he gestured for the bartender’s attention. “No, you don’t need to know what that account is tied to. If ya did, then I would’ve told you. Funny, isn’t it?” Sterling replied once more, rolling his eyes to himself before moving on and quickly ending the call as the bartender was now heading his way. “Do it, stop askin’ questions. I’ll talk to ya on Monday.” 
With that settled, Sterling quickly ordered a whiskey straight, planning on nursing it for a while. Once it was in his hand, he turned to head back towards the main crowd but was stopped by the sight of a semi-familiar man a few seats down from where he had been stood. Even with the mask, the other man was fairly recognizable. “Scout, right?” He greeted.
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hudson-rogers · 7 years
Hudson had wandered around, trying to find Waverly and Carnegie to make sure they were okay. He’d heard they were here too, so he at least knew they were in the same year, but he’d had no luck finding them. Though he knew he wasn’t supposed to be walking alone, he didn’t mind. It gave him a chance to process everything. Mid-thought, he caught sight of someone walking in the opposite direction and stopped. “Da--” Hudson stopped himself before he called out. “Scout?”
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{ @scoutsinger }
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alexhazeltons · 4 years
who: @scout-ainsleytursun​ where: Alex��s home, Ashville
Alex had been trying to avoid this moment for days. Since Scout had arrived a few days ago, he’d known that this moment would come. He could only stave off her curiosity for so long, after all. So, after he’d dropped Mira at school, he’d done everything in his power to avoid coming home. Now, two hours later, he knew that there was nothing else he could do.Alex sighed as he entered his home, dropping the keys in the dish he kept near the door. “Okay, I’m ready now,” Alex announced as he slipped his shoes off and padded into the kitchen. “I know you’ve been chomping at the bits to ask about my bruises. So, have at it.” 
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prettyboyapollo · 5 years
“Good mooorniiing brooskiii!” Apollo practically said in the most obnoxiously sing-songy voice ever. “I know it’s early, but I figured we could make some pancakes or some shit.” 
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flynn-sawyer · 6 years
His voice brought a smile to her lips. If anyone who didn’t know better they would have thought her smile was one of joy due to getting to see Flynn after so long. They would be wrong. This smile was nothing but one of happiness about getting to banter with dear Flynn. “Flynn, it was a rhetorical question. Not really a question at all. More of a statement,” she stated without turning around, her voice even without a hint of emotion in it at all.  For her next set of words, she made sure that each word was dripping with sarcasm. “You mean that’s what kept the ship from picking me up on time. I had no idea. If only I had known.”
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Flynn rolled his eyes at the younger pirate. Always the smart-ass, he thought to himself. “I know you might not think that highly of me,” he shook his head, his eyebrows furrowing. “But, I actually know what a rhetorical question is, thank you very much,” he added with a few nods this time. Flynn did not might the banter. At all. It was one of those things that he actually enjoyed doing. “Well,” he began, his shoulders traveling up and down with a shrug. “I’m sorry to be the one who breaks this to you,” he announced, fully aware that there wasn’t going to be anything that made him sorry about something like that. Anyone who knew him would be able to tell that. “We run ships, not those damn Japanese trains...”
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nickxadler · 7 years
Nick had barely been out since Monster Jam, having decided during the week of non stop drinking that he would definitely be opening the bar that had been in the back of his mind for a while now, because drunk at festivals is where he made all of his business decisions now it seemed. Tonight though, was a mix of both business and pleasure again as he walked down into Purgatory with the idea of watching the kind of patrons, how they run the show and how he could do better with Nina’s, observing .. and finding himself wrapped up in the attentions of a pretty brunette that had come to stand beside him. However, he was soon forgetting her when he noticed one of the seemingly endless bunch of newbie vamps in town a couple of people down and he tilted his head to look at the man. “New vamp right? And to think, I thought it was weird when I was one of the youngest vamps in town.”
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alexhazeltons · 4 years
who: @scout-ainsleytursun​ where: java cafe, hearthstone bay  when: saturday morning
Mornings in the Hazelton household had recently taken a turn for the chaotic, something that Alex was not used to. For as long as he could remember, his life had followed a strict pattern, had structure, but it seemed as if recently, that had all been forgotten. He could attribute it to any number of things -- the attack two full moons ago, the fact that Hanna had reappeared, the new school year -- but there was one reason in particular that Alex did not want to think about. “You know when you fall in love with someone,” he began, the conversational opener seemingly coming from left field. He’d dropped Mira off for her Saturday morning dance lessons (anything to make good use of all the energy she had) and had decided to grab a cup of coffee with his favorite little nuisance. It was barely 9am and he was already on his third cup of coffee, but this was fine. “You don’t really consider the implications of that action. You’re just too busy falling in love to worry about the future. Then it’s ten years later and you’ve got a child, who’s perfect, but going through changes that you can’t quite understand, and you start to wonder if maybe you should have been more careful in picking a life partner even though you’d never trade your child for anything in the world.” 
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prettyboyapollo · 5 years
As Apollo stumbled out of the party, he knocked into his best friend and looked over at him with the saddest, drunkest, puppy-eyed look before saying. “Can we just--sit here and talk? I got beer?” He said as he held up an extra bottle towards the man. 
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bianca-york · 6 years
Ever since Bianca had allowed a vampire to bite her, and felt the thrill and even that momentary high that came with it, she wanted that feeling again. She lived a mundane life and she wished so desperately to break out of that bubble. She just didn’t know how to go about it. Of course she knew that Purgatory was where vampire tended to be, but she didn’t quite know how to go about offering to be their live source of sustenance. She’d been to the bar a few times and always sort of chickened out on doing what she’d came to do, for lack of truly knowing who or how to approach.
As she sat at the bar, she didn’t even bother drinking her beverage, but much rather, spinning it nervously on the bar’s surface. It wasn’t even alcohol, it was coke without the rum to accompany it. She went over so many scenarios in her head of what she could do and how this could turn out, but the outcomes didn’t seem to great as she went to worst case scenarios and stuck there. The bookstore owner shook her head, mumbling a little louder than she’d intended to, “I don’t know what I’m doing here.” She was contemplating again just going home as that’s how most nights she attempted this ended.
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