pillowbeast · 11 months
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Been doodling up a ton of stuff for this OC of mine and seeing as I'm in an INCREDIBLY palpable sharing mood, I figured I would do just that and share.
I'll prolly do a proper introduction later but this is Leona Ironheart, tinkerer and shopkeep, though adventuring is just as strong a passion of hers.
She'll routinely source materials for products from various dungeons and bunkers in her spare time, taking on their defenses with open enthusiasm, an almost scary amount of it ngl.
She's honestly a delight to be around, very energetic and passionate for everything she does, people around her will notice that she has a very maniacal sounding laugh and equally intimidating grin when she gets truly passionate but those are simply traits passed down from her ex-villain grandfather (He taught her so well,,,)
Also she made the hammer herself, her magnum opus she would argue, she can rev it up at the top of the handle to make her swings even more powerful (On that DMC Nero type beat), even though she is already absurdly strong as it is and any further swing force is a little excessive.
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sixthfloorsouls · 6 years
Walking home, Leona was happy that the weather was finally cooling off. She was done with work for the day, she’d eaten lunch with her favorite co-workers, it was all around a happy day. Leona had her headphones on, and her music loud, paying little to no attention to her surroundings as she went along. Not even a moment later, Leona found herself hurdling towards the ground. “The fuck?” She sat up and looked around for a moment. “The hell did I just trip on?” Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked around.
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pillowbeast · 11 months
Leona Question: How much that hammer weigh tho,,,
I don't have specifics exactly but there is no way that thing is light enough for your average person to lift ngl. The hammer is absolutely designed for someone of Leona's strength or more, that thing is cracking the pavement and leaving a little dent if she drops it at the right height. Probably at least a couple tons? It's hard to say but I imagined the hammer was built using parts from a rocket engine at the very least
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pillowbeast · 11 months
Oh! And one more question that also pertains to another OC of yours (if you don’t mind of course):
Are Leona and Mira acquainted with each other? I fell like both of them being adventuring merchants who go out in order to gather materials and ingredients would probably be a solid enough reason for them to get to know each other.
They've definitely met one way or another, Leona takes special interest in the craftsmanship of Mira's canon because it's nothing like she's ever seen before especially, she's so used to cannons made of most other materials and the predominantly wood based structure is fascinating to her. They've probably gone adventuring with each other though I think, especially with both of them getting different things out of the expeditions so it's not like either one of them steps on each others toes in needing to share from the same loot pool, if you will. Plus I like to think Leona learns signing and stuff what with Mira being mute, like the latter can trace phrases out in the air using magic and stuff but it's a time sink and the effort on Leona's part does mean a lot to her.
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pillowbeast · 11 months
Ya want questions aimed at Leona? Well, don't mind if I do!: * What product does she specialize in selling as a shop keep? I'm assuming from her hammer that she'd be a sorta blacksmith-type, offering to tinker with and add on enhancements and attachments to whatever armaments she's handed. * When taking on whatever dungeon she decides to challenge, what's her general approach? Does she take this slowly in a calm and measure approach, or is she more guns blazing, smashing down any mob or trap in her way in order to plunder any loot as quickly as possible?
And finally: What's her favorite meal & drink to indulge in when she gets ready to wind down from any eventful day?
I think on average she specialises in blacksmithing stuff most of all, like she'll take commissions to work on almost anything but that's definitely a lot of where her personal drive tends to end up going. Like sure, she probably COULD figure out how to make a drone if she was asked to or something, but that's not where she feels her magnum opuses come from. Leona is, without a shadow of a doubt the guns blazing kind I feel. Granted, I'm sure she takes a bit of time to plan out a route ahead of time but that will quickly fall by the wayside when improvisation comes into play with her. You'll often find her just, stomping through a dungeon and whatnot, fierce grin on her face as she carves her own path through the place. And last but certainly not least, I feel like she's probably quite simple with her tastes? Nothing too fancy, probably likes her sweeter foods and drinks cos I think that's a fun contrast to the kind of person she is? Non-Alcoholic Apple ciders being the kind of drink she'd opt for especially I feel, compliment it with a fried rice considering that would be easy for her to whip up after a day like that (She can always leave the sweet stuff til dessert anyway, she can't say that ice cream counts as a meal in good conscience)
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pillowbeast · 11 months
What's Leona's favorite pastime?
Honestly, in spite of it also being part of her job, I think tinkering with stuff is probably her favourite way to spend time. She very much thrives on making things and gets a great deal of personal satisfaction from seeing something come together, ESPECIALLY if it's a pet project she's been working on over time (Loves taking photos of those projects so she can compare the before and after). One of those cases where "If you do something you love, you never work a day in your life" for her, she is REVELING in her current life scenario tbh
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