#c: what is real is you and my love for you (bucky and ororo / projectwinter)
untamedtempest · 3 years
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SO MUCH THANKS to @hardwiredweird for once again wrecking my entire existence with mush and steamy feels.
@projectwinter​ cause it’s a much happy Sunday for Buck & Steve @starsandshields​​ (the in universe artist) too. 
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untamedtempest · 3 years
Some guys change the oil, clean the gutters, or fix the leaky pipes as an act of love and care; Bucky cleans, polishes, and sharpens Ro's knives. Usually, as lazy happen to be home Sunday kind of thing.
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untamedtempest · 3 years
Bucky and Ro trade field scenarios coming up with tactical plans as foreplay/during foreplay. Cause yes, she finds his brain as hot as his everything else, but will still call him an idiot when necessary.  
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untamedtempest · 4 years
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Anonymous said: “Smash or Pass” Bucky
Send me “Smash or Pass” + a name and my muse will answer with 100% honesty. / Accepting pls and thanks much <3 
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"A strong considering smash."
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untamedtempest · 4 years
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@projectwinter​ said:  He steps into Ororo's office looking decidedly unimpressed. Which may or may not be the result of the crude grafiti painted over his arm, which is dangling from his other hand by the wrist. "Where's Kurt?"
Grumpy Soldier afoot! 
She SHOULDN'T! No, it'd be rude to laugh. After all, she loves him, madly, would lay waste to nations if it meant his safe return kind of love.  An attack on his person, even by a dear friend should be an afront on them both-
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"Hm?" And yet she holds on to her tea,  raising it when the seems of her lips threaten to split. "...oh, I believe he's in the gym for another ten minutes." Bright eyes move over the colorful art, and she can't stop the snicker when reading bubbled lettered grandpa covering the shiny forearm. "Ahem, moyo, quick question before you go, how...how did he get it off?"  
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