#c: wagatha week
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—✧Day Three: Accidental Kiss✧—
When Wanda takes a running leap and topples both herself and Agatha off the building in middle of their fight she never thought it would make them wind up here
Here being passionately and angrily making out with the older witch
The first kiss was completely accidental
She had landed on top of Agatha, and their lips had just collided
Wanda isn't certain which one of them turned it into something purposeful
There's a taste of metallic blood, and Wanda thinks she must have split Agatha's lip open with how hard she has bitten down
The other woman growls into Wanda's mouth and flips them over, so that Wanda's on the bottom
Wanda gasps as Agatha's tongue enters her mouth and practically fucks it with the appendage
She's not going to just let it happen though
Wanda tries to fight Agatha
Tries being the operative word
Wanda is sorely inexperienced, and it's clear Agatha is anything but
Eventually, Agatha pulls away, after what seems like hours
Wanda's left panting, breathless
And feeling slightly brainless too
"Bet your toaster oven never kissed you like that, huh, superstar?"
Agatha's so fucking smug
Of course Wanda is going to pull her back down in order to kiss her stupid
It's only fair, after all
Turnabout is fair play, as they say
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—✧Day Two: Body Swap✧—
It's the Hex that went wrong
That's how this happened
One moment Agatha is fighting Wanda, fighting the Scarlet Witch
The next she's waking up in bed next to a toaster oven with an overpowered stone lodged in his forehead
It's a fascinating thing, to wake up and not be in agonizing pain from her back
Of course, her joints had never hurt her quite like Wanda's body does
She's embarrassed by the whimper of pain that escapes, and wonders how Wanda had dealt with such bone deep aching without the use of magic
She'd still trade in a heartbeat -- joint pain over the centuries old scars she was gifted to by her mother
Wanda, for her part, wakes up, and nearly screams when she moves too fast
How in the world was Agatha so nimble and agile when every movement pulled at the skin of her back?
She then realizes that if she's in Agatha's body, Agatha must be in hers
Vision -- her boys -- are trapped in the house with her and they don't even know it
Of course she goes running
Or, she tries to
Seriously how does Agatha manage with her back all fucked up like this?
She eventually makes her way to the house
Only to discover Agatha is... Wow she's a great actress
It seems as if no one remembers the fight that had just been taking place
(Where is S.W.O.R.D. for that matter?)
Wanda just walks right in
Only then does Agatha show her panic
But when Wanda goes to zap Agatha...
"Can't do any magic either, huh, toots?"
Vision refuses to sleep in the same room as either of them
He takes the couch... Meaning Agatha and Wanda are sharing a room
What could go wrong???
When Wanda refuses to share the bed, Agatha rolls her eyes
"What do you want me to do, walk your body over to Ralph's and sleep there?"
Wanda won't let Agatha out of sight with her body -- she doesn't trust her with it
After about a week of tension between everyone in the Maximoff household, time loops for everyone but them
The cycle keeps repeating itself as Wanda and Agatha grow more comfortable in one another's bodies
Finally, sometime around during the fourth month of this bullshit, Wanda finds herself kissing Agatha, straddling the other witch and trapping her beneath her
It's a very odd sensation for them both, because their minds are turned on by one thing, but the bodies they inhabit another
Agatha flips them over, but is careful of her Wanda's back.
"Wow, buttercup, I hadn't realized I was so beautiful."
Wanda is shocked at Agatha's audacity, and Agatha can't help but laugh at her expression
"I also hadn't realized my face could look like that."
"Will you stop that, you're making this weird!" Wanda whines
Agatha kisses her to shut her up
It only escalates from there
The next morning they scramble to hide hickies and bruises without magic
Their relationship continues to deepen over the course of several months
Wanda quietly breaks up with Vision -- she loves him, but the Hex... It has to come down, and he'll go with it
She ignores the fact that Billy and Tommy will go with it as well, ignores how much it causes her heart to rip into two. She doesn't know if she believes Agatha when the other witch promises to help her find a way to bring them back.
Until one night, after Agatha had helped Wanda and Vision tuck the boys in for bed, she slips her arms around Agatha, and whispers I love you
And Agatha, in an extremely rare moment of vulnerability says I love you too, superstar
The world spins the moment the words leave Agatha's mouth
She finds herself back in her own body, collapsed on the grassy area in the town center
When she manages to sit up, she sees Wanda much in the same situation
Vision is anxiously hovering about Wanda, as are the boys
Wanda warily makes eye contact, and sees...
Agatha isn't sure what she sees on her face, in her eyes, but whatever it is, it's enough.
Wanda gently brushes her boys away, and makes her way to Agatha
"Did you mean it?"
"That I'll help you find them again? Or that I love you?"
The Scarlet Witch reaches down with her own hands, her body in her control once more, and helps Agatha up to her feet
"I swear it, Red."
Wanda knows what it's like to live in Agatha's body, as intimately as Agatha knows what it's like to live in Wanda's
It creates a special sort of bond they now share
They take care of the military easily enough, working together
Agatha gives Wanda her privacy when they reach the Maximoff house
At the end of it all, Wanda is no longer standing alone in the middle of the empty lot
A cool hand slips into her own
"Magic can do many things. We'll get your boys back."
Wanda only squeezes her hand in response, but it's enough.
They're enough, together
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—✧ Day One: Villains ✧—
Wanda finds herself in Westview after her magic saved her from being crushed by Mount Wundagore
She wakes up to discover Agnes has been tending to her for a few days while she had been out cold
For a few weeks, she allows this to continue
But Agatha's voice has been steadily growing louder in her mind
So she releases the Agnes spell, after casting runes to prevent Agatha from immediately attacking her
I won't say I'm sorry, but I can promise to make it up to you, if you swear your allegiance to me.
Only if you swear the same to me, buttercup
They essentially married each other and neither of them have realized it
Agatha still has a lot of FeelingsTM and EmotionsTM about Wanda's treatment of her
She needs an outlet
Wanda, in a stroke of brilliance, points her in the direction of Dr. Strange
Your goals and my goals aren't mutually exclusive. I want my boys, you want to make up for your past mistakes. And he'll try to stop both of us.
Wanda doesn't think she's ever seen anything as hot as Agatha in midsts of magical battle
She actively decides then and there I want to make her worse
World domination, people. She plots world domination.
And for Agatha's part, there's just something oddly appealing about Wanda with a spark of cruelty and deviousness behind her eyes.
She wants to kiss her so bad
They're an unstoppable force, with Wanda's sheer magical power, and Agatha's hundreds of years of magical knowledge
The first time they fuck it's on a battlefield, they've just successfully decimated another country's entire military.
Agatha initiated, but she quickly finds herself on her knees
She had idolized the Scarlet Witch when she was younger, and now that she's older, she knows that she had been right to
Wanda is a proper goddess born of Earth and of humanity, but has ascended and become something more, something beyond. Something ethereal and eldritch, and Agatha craves her in a way she never has craved anything else
The destruction and chaos she wields... Is it any wonder Agatha has found herself as willing a plaything as she could be?
Wanda's expression always softens, just a bit, whenever Agatha submits to her
She knows that to control the dark being on her knees before her is a single found rarity that only she has been gifted with
They get off on being violent, and egg each other on to commit some the worst acts of inhumanity anyone has ever bore witness to
Their fingers stain darker and darker, until it's crept up past their elbows, until they live and breathe darkness
Unhinged dark wives fr fr
The Scarlet Witch's destiny is either to destroy or rule
Why not both? Agatha whispers in her ear. Why can't we have it all, after everything that has been taken and stolen from us?
Agatha's destiny is to stand side by side the most powerful being the universe has ever seen
They're hella possessive of each other too
Constantly marking the other up, constantly wearing hickies and love bites as badges of honor, of pride, of she chose me over everyone else
Their love for one another is twisted and warped, but it's stronger than anything the world or universe has seen
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