#c: sorrel
serenafainx · 2 years
༶ ⋆ closed starter ( for @snowdreamt​ )
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“i think we need more milk ... i should have written down a proper list. all i’ve been thinking about is new year’s resolutions ... do you, um, believe in those?”
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weskpilled · 2 years
i've been dragged into tntblr.... hi guys i went on my redemption arc i dont hate c tntduo with a passion anymore
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kohaive · 2 years
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expression meme warmup but literally every single character got an ooc face except like seph
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Reindeer lichen, ferns with sorrel, and a cluster of mosses and lichens
(c) riverwindphotography, August 2024
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mishoarts · 8 months
Few differents between Canvas and Original :[What we know so far]
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1-Bus graveyard gang were a little older (16)
*Aiden had a rented van to drive,
Ashlyn's parents weren't military, they worked in a family friend's restaurant.
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--Ashlyn used to work as a dancer on Saturdays ( she's still under the age but the owner allowed her because he knows how much she likes dancing, as long as she covers her face )
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3- Ash's parents design 
(Mike fans how you feelin rn )
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Ashlyn was more like an introvert who hates socializing than someone who just doesn't like people(and kinda a little shy lol)
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However, she still had that "done with everything" energy ✨
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5- Witch Curse
In canvas, the curse didn't start with the sorrel weed house, it's originally from a trap in the witch house 1642 
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*there wasn't a tour guide (no jasmine) they went in all by themselves
And unlike O. Ashlyn hearing phantom noises since childhood, C. Ash started hearing them in the witch house -(and got possessed immediately)-
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6- Colored speech-bubbles:
Ashlyn > green
Aiden  > yellow 
Tyler  > brown 
Taylor  > orange 
Logan > blue 
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7-Aiden :
Instead of our lovely cupcake we have in Original, Canvas Aiden was known as the crazy psycho of the school who no one dares to get near him (except Ben ofc), -- like a suspicious evil weirdo --
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BUT the funny thing is that C.Aiden fears hights while O. Aiden is suic/idal careless who likes jumping (lmao)
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8- Teacher
Instead of Thomas, it was a normal kind teacher called Mr.T, who tried to push Ashlyn to socialize.
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9- T twins
-changed race, 
Tyler's personality was a little different ( less grumpy)
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Sadly, the available Canvas chapters ended at this panel before the website moves to Original, so that's all what I know (if you know anything else tell)
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[ All Canvas credits to Red ]
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I had to make this so you can have some background information before I post random translated panels.
In case you don't know where I got these, there're 9 chapters from canvas translated to Arabic on some unofficial website.
Some panels have a weird font type, that's just my hand writing I didn't have that time to edit them 🗿🤚🏻
__[ This took me too long to make pls like 🫠]__
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thesoftboiledegg · 7 months
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X-216 looks cute in this commission that I ordered from @sorrelpaws. Tall and lanky, he wisely shields the flame from the wind as he lights a joint. This artist's style is so recognizable that I feel like I collected a rare trading card. An infinite number of X-216s live on the Curve, but there's only one Sorrel!
(X-216 Rick is my OC who appears alongside C-137 in my fics Spectrum of the Curve and Running Like Water 🌿)
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sotwk · 1 year
Food and Agriculture in Thranduil's Kingdom
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It's unfortunate that Thorin's Company was welcomed as dinner guests in Rivendell but imprisoned as invaders in Mirkwood. Had Thorin just shown King Thranduil just a little bit more respect, they could have been fed a whole lot better by the Silvans. And there would most definitely have been meat!
While the Rivendell elves seem to lean vegetarian, and Lothlorien's culinary specialty is the "one bite" lembas, the elves of Greenwood know more than a thing or two about indulgent feasting. These elves consider themselves permanent residents of their land, and with that outlook comes an attitude of celebrating Middle-earth's bounties.
The Silvans of the Woodland Realm have always been fond of feasting, merry-making, and community and family traditions centered around food. Furthermore, they are ruled by a King and royal family who whole-heartedly support this culture, participate in it themselves, and encourage trade that allows the realm to access food from other lands.
When it comes to food, the Greenwood elves are actually more alike Dwarves and Hobbits than they are the lofty High Elves.
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Below the cut are SotWK headcanons regarding Food and Agriculture in the Woodland Realm:
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Food, Cuisine, and Agriculture in the Woodland Realm
Prior to the establishment of the Woodland Realm and in the early reign of King Oropher (c. SA 700), the Silvan Elves populating Greenwood lived in smaller communities spread throughout the vast forest, but predominantly in the southwest, closer to their kin in Lorinand. Limited subsistence farming was practiced by a few, but by far most food at this time was obtained through hunting and gathering. The rich and bountiful Greenwood had always provided more than enough resources for its dwellers.
Greenwood Elves happily spend most of their immortal lives within Eryn Galen and the lands of Rhovanion, so they are accustomed to living off solely what the forest produces, and their diet is influenced largely by it.
The most commonly foraged edibles are:
Nuts: hazelnut, pecan, walnut, hickory, beechnut, chestnut
Fruit: plum, apple, grape, persimmon
Berries: mulberry, blackberry, currant, elderberry, raspberry
Wild garlic and ramps
Fungi: mushrooms and truffles of many varieties
Eggs: from various wild birds
Herbs and Spices: fennel, corn mint, dandelions, ground elder, pigweed, cicely, sorrel, hogweed, stinging nettle, watercress, wild carrot, rowan, wood avens, sneezewort
Maple: sourced for sugar and syrup
There are also hundreds of plant species native only to Greenwood and Rhovanion that are valued for their uses in healing. However, the Silvan herbalists of Greenwood are usually the only ones able to effectively extract the curative properties of these plants, indicating a connection between Elves and homeland may be necessary for the healing to work.
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Art from Fantasy Flight Games
Greenwood Elves are expert hunters and trackers, with unparalleled mastery within their forest and the lands that surround its borders. With careful consideration and instinctual knowledge of the forest ecosystem, they select their prey according to what's most populous, and rotate as necessary to balance out conservation levels.
Among the animals they hunt regularly for meat consumption are rabbit, squirrel, duck, turkey, quail, weasel, racoon, boar, deer, wild oxen, and elk. On rare or special occasions, they hunt less common game such as lion and bear. They also obtain fish and freshwater mussels, clams, and snails from the Forest River and various streams.
It is illegal in Greenwood to hunt or kill specific animals that are declared a protected species, including the King's Elk (the breed of Thranduil's war elk), the silverwolf, and all species of eagle or falcon.
Any fauna or fauna may also be temporarily decreed off-limits for hunting or gathering, by order of the Elvenking and his council.
Any animal taken in as an elf's pet or familiar may also not be killed, so long as it has been properly tamed and does not pose a risk to others.
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Throughout the Second Age, the Woodland Realm's population steadily increased under the wise rule of King Oropher and his court. As the communities and villages that made up the kingdom grew larger and more numerous, the practice of agriculture became more widespread to bolster the realm's food supply.
In the Woodland Realm, farming would always remain secondary to hunting and gathering due to the preference of Silvans for wild game and native vegetation. Farmed products serve primarily to enhance cuisine, supplement large feasts, provide reserves in case of war or famine, and as goods for trade with other realms.
Tracts of community farmlands were gradually cultivated in the arable fields between Greenwood's western borders (near the capital of Amon Lanc) and the Anduin River.
In order of output, the food crops most commonly grown are: wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, and peas.
Fiber crops grown for cloth, paper, and rope include: flax, hemp, and cotton.
Domesticated animals are raised in small numbers solely for their by-products and not their meat. In order of importance, livestock that are raised are:
Sheep: source of wool and milk
Chickens: source of eggs
Cows: source of milk and for birthing calves
Animals raised for labor include:
Horses: highly valued and raised exclusively for transport and mounted cavalry
Oxen: used as beasts of burden (large-scale/community work)
Donkeys: used as beasts of burden (small-scale/family work)
When Prince Thranduil built his own palace of Bar Lasgalen just south of the Old Forest Road (which would later become the new capital upon his ascension to the throne), he helped the Silvans residing in the valleys of the Emyn Duir to initiate small-scale agriculture, which encouraged further migration into that area and northward towards the Grey Mountains.
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Elvish historians refer to the first millennium of the Third Age as the "Golden Age of the Woodland Realm". During these years, the kingdom enjoyed an unbroken peace under a wise King and Queen who also had five sons actively involved in the governance of the realm.
Departing from his father's more isolationist leanings, Thranduil encouraged trade with realms across Middle-earth. It included all the races except for Hobbits, since the Shire did not yet exist prior to the darkening of Greenwood.
Sadly, most trade came to a stop by the end of the Third Age, with the exception of the nearby Dale, due to the struggles with Dol Guldur. However, after Erebor was reestablished by King Thorin, trade gradually resumed with the Dwarves. After the War of the Ring and the Cleansing of Dol Guldur, Eryn Lasgalen once again thrived with renewed relations with their trade partners--finally including the Shire!
The Woodland Realm's three most valuable exported agricultural products are:
Rare spices
Mushrooms and truffles
Medicinal herbs (extremely valuable but highly controlled to prevent misuse)
Imported goods are considered luxuries and not necessities, and are brought in seasonally for community feasts and celebrations (of which there are many). Everything is meant for the consumption of all the kingdom's citizens, regardless of status; there is never anything reserved as "special" for the royals or nobles.
The top agricultural imports, usually from realms/communities of Men, are:
Textiles (silk, cotton)
Exposure to outside realms and cultures also resulted in an expansion of the culinary arts within Thranduil's kingdom. Cooking and baking became full-blown, respected and sought-after professions instead of tasks done within individual households. With the King's support, talented Elves were sent to other realms to learn their culinary practices; chefs from other kingdoms were invited to Greenwood as royal guests to do the same.
A few culinary feats and innovations the Woodland Elves became known for:
Use of offal (innards) in recipes that actually taste fantastic, thanks to seasonings and skilled cookery
Using literally every single part of a butchered animal with zero waste
Aphrodisiacs in common food recipes, using plant ingredients (partly responsible for their marriage and birth rates and large families)
Salted game meat (jerky) that is highly nourishing and excellent for travel; essentially a meat version of lembas
The use of whipped egg whites to make essentially a type of meringue--which opened up an entire category of desserts that became staples at feasts
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Bonus Fun Headcanons! (as a thank you for reading this far)
Mealtimes in Thranduil's Family
No one can beat Ada in drinking contests, ever; it has been attempted hundreds of times--usually with Dorwinion wine--and Thranduil has never been dethroned by his sons.
The King and every single one of the Princes are all heavy eaters, and everyone, including the Queen, eats meat.
While they all observe formal manners at the table, the Princes can get rowdy when not in the presence of their mother--especially when there's drinking involved. (Not quite as bad as Thorin's Company, but close.)
Breakfast: Taken individually in their own rooms, according to each one's schedule/leisure
Lunch: The most commonly skipped meal; usually taken "on the go", and oftentimes with people outside of the family (e.g. business lunches, lunch with friends)
Dinner: The family meal. Everyone is expected to sit down and eat dinner with the rest of the family, unless traveling or there is a prior commitment that takes precedence.
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Random Fun Food Facts with the Thranduilions
The Princes regularly compete to see who can eat the most exotic/"disgusting" food items. Turhir remains champion at this (able and willing to eat literally everything), with Legolas frequently trying (and constantly failing) to unseat him.
They have also competed to see who can eat the riskiest (aka poisonous) food items. Arvellas has somehow proven to be the most impervious to natural poisons, much to Gelir's frustration.
Legolas can go the longest without eating food, but no one really cares to try to beat his record.
Mirion is the heaviest eater, but is also the fastest, and because he has flawless table manners no one really notices.
Gelir can find truffles just using his sense of smell--yes, like a truffle pig. He has successfully trained other similarly gifted Elves to do the same.
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For more Thranduil/Mirkwood headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
Tolkien Headcanon tag list: @quickslvxr @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @tamryniel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @aduialel @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @klytemnestra13 @creativity-of-death @heilith @fizzyxcustard @absentmindeduniverse @lathalea @tamurilofrivendell @jordie-your-local-halfling @ladyk8tie @scyllas-revenge @asianbutnotjapanese @conversacomsmaug @lemonivall @ratsys @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @entishramblings @stormchaser819 @freshalmondpandadonut
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mcytblrsexymen · 2 years
So Who WERE The Mods Backing (and a glimpse of how many people it takes to run something like this)
Alright, we have had a lot of people in the ask box asking who the mods wanted to win, so I went around the group chat and asked everybody who their most favoured blorbos were. This was the result.
I'm Second @theminecraftbee! obviously, Joe Hills. also, ZombieCleo, Technoblade, Scar, Quackity, MumboJumbo, Cubfan, jojosolos, and somehow VikingPilot despite the fact I don't watch Dominion (I have been given a playlist I will watch soon).
Medusa @antimony-medusa. My guys were Martyn, Ren, Pixlriffs, Technoblade, Oli Orionsound, Philza, Ethoslab, ZombieCleo, Bekyamon, Sneegsnag. I took a lot of Ls. I was also won over for propoganda for Quackity, ClownPierce, Wilbur, VikingPilot, Joe Hills, Cubfan, and RTGame. I’ve seen so much good art.
hi i'm roxy @thanotaphobia and i backed technoblade, quackity, joe hills, and #saintsweep !!!!!!!!! my blorbos did so well
Katy, @blueeyedjoy Techno, Quackity, RTGame, VikingPilot despite not having watched him before (am planning on watching through his videos soon), Schlatt (gone too soon), and Joe Hills
Sorrel @magicalmanhattanproject Obviously, Joe Hills. Also, Pixlriffs, Technoblade, Quackity, VikingPilot (despite not watching DominionSMP yet), Eddie the Rabbit, HBomb94, RTGame, Cubfan135, Martyn Inthelittlewood, GeminiTay
Jewels, @juliana677 Technoblade, Scar, Joe, Cleo, Philza, Mumbo, Scott
Sabira @floweroflaurelin: Pixlriffs Pixlriffs Pixlriffs Pixlriffs Pixlriffs—
Emmy @astronomeridian was going for whoever I thought was less likely to win up until the final round or two, which meant voting mostly for dsmp names even though I’m a hermit main, but I always voted for Joe and Cleo and wanted Charlie Slimecicle to go all the way. also Grumbot just cause I spent the time finding screenshots and making them look pretty.
Foxx, @missvulpix212 Voted for Technoblade, Puffy, Phil, Ranboo, Wilbur, Niki, Pearl, Etho, and Joe at the end.
Peachy, @peachytaiga on tumblr. I backed Techno, Philza, Quackity, Daddy Pix, RTGame, Wilbur and Joe. Very much was hoping Techno would beat Scar somehow 
Luna, @moonlitedelight on tumblr Here's the list of folks I voted for at least twice in total, in no particular order (bc I love too many ccs ): Zedaph, Beef, Technoblade, Sneeg, Finnster, TFC, RTGame, Eddie the Rabbit , Lizzie, Scar, Jimmy, Mumbo, Pixelriffs, Joe Hills, Tango, Niki, Quackity, Doc, Smajor, Oli, and Cleo
No Tumblr/Don’t want to be Perceived
H - Captain Puffy, Techno, and Quackity
C - Uhhhhhh RT Wilbur slimecicle quackity Techno Joe
TD - my guys were: Sapnap (bodied by a rabbit), Dream, Puffy, Technoblade, Scar, Joe Hills, ZombieCleo, Wilbur Soot, QUACKITY, and Etho because of the alliance
O - backed joe, RTGame, QUACKITY, charlie slimecicle (I committed so much fraud for quackity) M - god this list is all over the place. anyway, i was rooting for techno, f1nn5ster, mumbo, connoreatspants, wilbur, and finally joined the joe hills team at the end. :YesYes:
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I've been eating from these 4 sorrel plants all winter. They stayed fresh and green, apart from a few days when we had around -10°C and lost some leaves to frost damage.
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feeshies · 2 months
Chips & Chances Chapter 5
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Chapter 5: In which Sorrel tries to do a good deed after giving Livius a high school level chemistry lesson
Chapter 5
Chips & Chances: An ex-Enclave scientist turned wasteland chem manufacturer teams up with a lost Legion footsoldier to track down the man who shot her in the head. Rating: M Tags: Implied/referenced drug use, canon-typical violence, platonic relationships CW for this chapter: Animal death (a lot of geckos :c), talk of suicide.
Tag list: @wedgie-of-destiny, @frumentariae, @raiderwaster, @hamingo, @malkavcandy, @shrupdedup, @shslivalice, @cosmicdorito, @sir-vanfleet, @alittlebitces
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oceans-goddess · 2 years
Tyler Galpin x Reader Pt. 5-- An Interruption
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A/N: So sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out! It has been a busy week, and I have been sick. Anyways, I wanted to try something a little different today, so this is more from Tyler’s POV. I hope you enjoy!
Link to Pt. 4
Coming to the Weathervane became a daily routine for you after your first date with Tyler. You would walk in, take the booth closest to the counter, and pull out your homework while Tyler brought over the usual: a hot chocolate and a croissant. Both of you looked forward to seeing each other every afternoon.
At times, when it was a quiet day, Tyler would have a few moments to sit with you as you worked, and though you enjoyed his company more than anything, it was Tyler who truly felt at peace once you walked into the shop. He would never tell you outright-- he was afraid that being too forward would scare you off-- but seeing you was the best part-- his favorite part-- of every day. You were his escape from school, from work, from home. You brought him so much peace without even trying.
“Whatcha workin’ on today?” he asked, lowering himself onto the booth across from you. You looked up through your eyelashes in a way that made his heart flutter no matter how many times you did it.
“Just some notes on this book we are reading. Not much other homework tonight,” you responded, looking more relaxed than usual. On some days, Tyler would watch as your brows pulled together in frustration over confusing material. Other days, the exhaustion would make itself known in your shoulders and under your eyes. Though you always smiled at him when you came in, it worried him that your school work often became too much for you.
“Oh, good,” he responded, grinning. “Then you have time for a walk at the end of my shift?”
You answered with a simple nod, then pulled his right hand across the table. After a moment of confusion, he realized that you were drawing a smiley face onto his wrist with the pen you were using to take notes.
It wasn’t fair, he thought, that something so small, so silly, could make him want to melt into the very booth.
When you were done, he held your hand in his, squeezed twice, and stood up to clean up behind the counter.
From there, he could sneak peaks at you as you both worked. He loved the slight side smile that tugged at your lips when you read, and the way you shook our hair out of your eyes even though it always fell back into the same place. He loved that your toes tapped against the linoleum floor when you got impatient, and the way little red flowers blossomed across the table when you were frustrated. He loved the way you’d pull your sweater up to cover your nose on particularly chilly afternoons, and the way yellow wood sorrel petals would slither from under your sleeves when he managed to say something particularly suave. But most of all, he loved when you’d catch him watching you, for two reasons:
1, because you looking at him meant that you were thinking about him too, and
2, because it gave him a chance to smile into those calm y/e/c eyes for a moment-- to get completely caught up in all of you, even if the two of you were across the room from each other.
When the two of you looked at each other like that, the rest of the world felt so much brighter.
“We can walk down a few blocks, make a left, and do a big circle, and then I can walk you back to school,” Tyler suggested, shrugging on his jacket outside of the coffee shop. You were glad his shifts never ended too late; it meant that you got to have full conversations with him afterward instead of talking to him at work when he was busy with orders.
Walks like these were much easier than the first. After all that you’d told him, Tyler didn’t bring up your past. He assumed you would tell him anything you wanted him to know in time. Instead, the two of you gushed over books, played new songs for each other, and talked about nothing.
It was perfect.
“Sounds good,” you said now, and you blushed when he smiled at you. The two of you made to walk down the sidewalk, only to be stopped short by a man in a dark uniform turn the corner from the small parking lot and begin walking toward you.
“Tyler,” the man said gruffly, then, upon seeing you holding Tyler’s hand, paused. He cleared his throat before continuing.
“I, uh, who is this?”
You smiled a lopsided half-smile, but looked down at the hem of your skirt. Tyler shifted his weight uncomfortably. He hadn’t expected to see his father until much later that night.
“Uh, dad, this is y/n. Y/n,” he said, turning to you, “this is my dad, Donovan.” You nodded and smiled wider, but in focusing so hard on not bursting into flower petals where you stood, you failed to say anything.
“Well, it’s, uh, it’s nice to meet you, y/n,” Mr. Galpin said. After a moment of awkward silence, he took a step forward and leaned in slightly.
“Listen, Tyler, I don’t mean to, uh, interrupt, but I came to get you. We need to get home and talk. It’s important.”
Now was anything but the time to call him home, he thought, cringing at the thought of you seeing him be dragged home by his dad.
“Can it wait? I promised y/n I’d walk her home--”
“Ty, now’s not really the time to argue,” Mr. Galpin responded quickly, and though the urgency was clear in his voice, his dismissal of his son seemed to ring in your ears. Tyler had mentioned a few times that he didn’t get along well with his father, but seeing the strain on their relationship in front of you felt entirely different.
“But, dad, it’s already dark. She can’t just--”
“Fine, we will drive her home, and then you will come home with me.” The officer turned on his heel and began walking in the direction from which he came, clearly expecting you both to follow.
Once you were tucked into the back of the cruiser with Tyler, which was just as uncomfortable as it looked, Mr. Galpin asked you where you wanted to be dropped off.
“Uh, the front gates at Nevermore are fine,” you said quietly. Mr. Galpin immediately stiffened, and you knew you’d said the wrong thing.
“You... you’re a Nevermore student?” he asked. Tyler wanted desperately to be anywhere else, and his anger burned hot on his face. It took a long time for you to respond.
“Yes,” was all you said. The rest of the ride was completely silent.
Tyler didn’t know which was more intense at the moment, his anger at his father for being so rude to you, or his embarrassment at not being able to do anything about it. He’d watched with a lame, apologetic grimace on his face as Mr. Galpin kept his gaze from you and sped away from Nevermore.
The moment you were out of sight, he swiveled his head so his gaze was no longer out the window at you, but instead on his father.
“What is the problem?” he asked, though he wished he’d had the courage to ask it more belligerently.
“We’ll discuss it when we get home,” Mr. Galpin reminded, but Tyler rolled his eyes.
“No, not the problem from before. You seem to have a problem with y/n. You all but ignored her the whole ride!”
His father huffed before speaking.
“I don’t understand why you are so set against me, Tyler,” was all he said. Tyler put his head in his hands.
“What are you talking about?” the boy asked, his fingers threatening to pull strands of hair from his scalp in frustration. Mr. Galpin never took his gaze away from the road.
“I let you have that silly little job at the coffee shop, I let you keep your secrets with that ridiculous therapist you see, and now you want me to let you hang around with a bunch of delinquents? How do you think everyone else in this town will see me now that you’ve spent your time in public with that girl?”
Speechless, Tyler felt the tension between them bubble as Mr. Galpin turned right onto a quiet road.
“You,” he said after a few agonizingly awkward moments, “You can’t seriously feel that way about Nevermore students.” Mr. Galpin scoffed.
“Are you kidding? Tyler, just go hang out with normal kids. Why do you always have to make things difficult?”
For the first time in a long time, Tyler had felt at ease in Jericho; you had brought so much calm everywhere you went, despite your ability to get flustered easily. And now his father expected him to give it up?
“I’m not making anything difficult! She’s my—“
He stopped himself short, and quickly steered the course of the sentence in a different direction, silently promising to revisit the exciting idea of you as his girlfriend another time.
“—friend,” he finally managed. “The best friend I’ve had in a long time. You can’t just—“
“Yes, I very well can!” interjected the officer mercilessly. “That girl, that thing, things like her, they make nothing but trouble for me in this town, and I don’t need my son getting any more awful ideas from them.”
The brunet felt stung. Breathless at his father’s language. He’d heard him say things like this before, but not about anyone other than his son. To hear him speak so wretchedly of you made his hands shake in anger and agitation.
“Let me out of the car,” Tyler said slowly. A wry chuckle passed Mr. Galpin’s lips.
“No, I told you, we have—“
“Let me out, now,” Tyler demanded. His father’s brows furrowed with rage, but he had no time to respond, because in a moment, Tyler’s hand was clasped around the door handle and pushing the door open.
“Boy, close the damn door!” the sheriff shouted, but his son was already unbuckled. He had no choice but to stop the car so as to keep Tyler unharmed. The moment the tires stopped rolling on the pavement, Tyler was out, the door slamming behind him with a loud C R A C K !
Mr. Galpin laid his head on his hands as they rested on the steering wheel, willing himself not to cry out in frustration.
A/N: okay so that was a little more angsty than I originally planned, but I’m enjoying this, and I hope y’all are too!
Tag list: @dwindlinghaze @sarcastic-sourwolf @diorgirl444 @fanficfanatic204 @podraje @daydreamer-222 @peachycupotea @runrabbitrun3 @theidioticspirit @vanessa-boo @noahspector @doingurmom69 @those-sea-green-eyes @erikaar @elizabeth916 @louderfortheback @wisteriasbreath @zoleea-exultant @serrinaisdying
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shivunin · 9 months
OC Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag @brother-genitivi and @greypetrel! I tried to do this for two of the OCs I talk about a little less c: I'm tagging you both back in case there are other OCs you'd like to do this for!
(Also, I swapped star sign for the tarot card I associate them with because I don't know shit about astrology lol)
Tagging back @pinayelf @jtownnn @heniareth @blightbear @dungeons-and-dragon-age @vakarians-babe @star--nymph @daggerbean @ndostairlyrium @scribbledquillz @inquisimer @dreadfutures @palipunk (and if anyone ever wants me to stop tagging them in these things, please lmk!!)
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NAME: Salshira Lavellan 
NICKNAME: Sal (she hates this; it’s a childhood nickname from her mother)
GENDER: Female
TAROT CARD:  Knight of Wands
HEIGHT: 5’6”
FAVORITE FLOWER: Daisies (followed closely by sorrel and ranunculi)
FAVORITE SCENT: Cinnamon/nutmeg
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Sipping chocolate c:
RANDOM FACT: Salshira is ambidextrous, but she pretends to be right-handed
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NAME: Tavitha Hallowthorn/Octavia Raithborne
GENDER: Female
TAROT CARD: Eight of Pentacles
HEIGHT: 6’7”
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Half-wood elf (Hispanic)
FAVORITE FRUIT: Golden apples
FAVORITE SCENT: Freshly-sanded wood, marble dust
DOGS OR CATS: All animals are precious and should be in her vicinity immediately (she prefers pigeons/birds, though)
DREAM TRIP: No, thank you. Right here is fine. (Maybe Chult. Maybe. But only because she wants to meet dinosaurs)
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: One heavy blanket
RANDOM FACT: Seriously considered asking Halsin to teach her about being a druid, but only because being a bear looks really fun.
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glennk56 · 5 months
Clifton James in the 1970s. (2 of 4)
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Clifton James as the infamous Sheriff Pepper in the James Bond movie Live and Let Die in 1973.
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Clifton James in Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh in 1973.
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Clifton James giving Jack Nicholson his assignment in The Last Detail in 1973.
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Clifton James in 1974's drama Buster and Billie.
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Clifton James in 1974's crime/comedy The Bank Shot starring George C. Scott. Pictured with Sorrell Booke.
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Clifton James as a passenger onboard the Britannic in 1974's Juggernaut.
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Clifton James is back as Sheriff Pepper again in 1974's James Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun.
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kohaive · 2 years
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expression meme pt 2
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snowlupinwoodstories · 3 months
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Art done by the amazing @vigoburrito (and I'm not saying that because they are my partner).
Its time for Sona Genetics! The time where I look at a sona/character and take a stab at what their genotype is based on their colors, and any lore.
Anastasia here is a grey strawberry roan base with striped hooves.
Since I have a history of Anastasia (I built her after all!) I know her father is a grey(black base) and her mother is a bay roan. I also know that she is a chestnut base, because chestnut is the base for strawberry roan.
Referring back to my horse genetics research, I can use what I know to determine a genotype for Anastasia.
Since her father is a black base grey I know that he is giving a G allele (G being the dominant grey gene which causes greying), but because she is chestnut based we can't be sure if he gave her a B allele, which causes black coloring.
Since her mother is bay roan we know she gave her the R allele, which causes the Anastasia's roan coloring, but we can't be sure of anything else once again because of Anastasia's chestnut base.
Chestnut is cause by a homozygous ee expression. The E gene determines restriction on black pigments, and prevents expression. The e allele is the most restrictive, and also recessive. Fun fact breeding a chestnut horse to another chestnut horse will always result in another chestnut.
Going alphabetcally we know Anastasia is __ __ CC dd ee F_ Gg pp Rr ww __.
We don't know Anastasia's A or B genes because ee prevents either from being expressed. She might be have a the black causing gene from her father (B) but we have no way of knowing based on her color. Likewise she could have they bay (A) gene from her mother, but ee prevents us from seeing it.
The C gene causes further restrictions, and since she isn't palomino, cremello or perlino, we know she is homozygous for the big C's as all the genes on that loci are incomplete dominant/recessive.
We know the D gene is homozygous dd because the Dun gene is dominant. Since she isn't dun at all she doesn't have the D gene.
Because she's chestnut based and we know chestnut is a recessive color caused by the E allele we know her E loci is ee.
The gene is the F gene. F gene determines flaxen mane and tail. Flaxen manes and tails only show up on chestnut based horses, so since she doesn't have a flaxen mane and tail she has at least the F allele.
The G gene is the first heterozygous gene that we know both alleles. This is because grey is a dominant color in horses, so you need a grey parent to get a grey horse. Because Anastasia has one grey parent we know she carries one grey (G) allele and one normal (g) allele. Likewise this also holds true for the roan gene, so we know Anastasia is Rr. (Another note, within real life RR is deadly, so all roan horses are Rr. )
The P gene causes lightening on the inside of the legs and belly, but that would have changed her base to a 'blond sorrel' (sorrel is also chestnut. Since this needs the dominant P allele, she is pp because she doesn't have any blonding. This also holds true for the W gene which determines if a horse is true white, which requires the dominant W allele.
The last gene is the Z gene, which causes silver dappleing (different from the dappling that may happen with grey horses). This gene is likely not present as her foundation breeds (Shire, American Saddlebred, Marwari) but because it doesn't show up on the chestnut base so we can't be sure.
So fellow gene nerds how's my educated guess? Anything I should have considered? Nerdy enough for you?
For my non gene nerds, how's my explaination? What terms would you like explained better? Any questions about how I deduced her genotype from her picture (phenotype?)
For my Furrys, anyone have a sona/character they'd like me to attempt? Non standard colors welcome! Also would welcome any background you may want to offer!
Simply message a picture, reblog with a picture or place a picture in a note and I'll let you know if you've been picked!
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alexc-draws · 5 months
Thought for the day: did Sorrel and Halsin have a one time fling? And if so, will this information cause Rolan to:
a) burst a capillary in his eye
b) have a jealous meltdown
c) immediately need to know how he stacks up against the bear
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