#c: nick mulciber
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where: cobb & webb who: @nick-mulciber
Pandora was returning from her lunch break when she walked into find Nick Mulciber standing there, a face she had not seen for a little. She had been caught up in her own world, which wasn't entirely new. "Nick," a smile on her lip. "I have a few new cursed items."
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where: selwyn manor who: @nick-mulciber
Enjoying a party that for once she didn't organize, Agatha felt free to roam around and actually enjoy herself, no need to be tending to details and demands as per usual. It was a lovely night, so many people had showed up and it promised to be even better as they all welcomed together a new year. A glass of champagne in hand, the witch quickly apologized as she almost knocked it over someone as they ran into each other. "Oh Nick, how silly of me, all too distracted." She offered a bright smile. "Are you enjoying yourself?"
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Her friendship with Nick was a weird but highly functioning one, the two simply understood each other and never once judged the other for whatever they might think, say or do. There was no bullshit or half-assed replies, they were honest and themselves, which seemed fitting knowing the two of them. “What’s the point in even trying, right.” She agreed with him, a quick nod of her head before allowing a smile to creep on her lips. “Do your very best, make us all gasp in annoyance. Then we can drink it off and call it a night.”
"Sure, but most people aren't worth the fucking trouble. What's the point in standing them?" He didn't mean it just to lift her up or anything, he honestly just didn't think any one he didn't like worth the time. Nick raised his glass in a salute. "Why limit myself, eh? I can easily insult all of you. Make myself some real fun."
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Pandora figured that Nick would be out the door once he had purchased the locket, but when he stayed and asked about her abilities, it was nice to have her abilities acknowledged. "Depends on the type of curse or spells, they can be hot or cold. The more darker the spell, the more colder. It's more when working with curses or making my own spells. It isn't enough that would freeze someone or burn them, but enough where I can notice it and have an idea on what I am working with."
Curses that could live on an object weren't his specialty, but he wondered if Emmeline knew how to make that sort of magic work. The locket had his mind churning without any particular direction, running through hundreds of options at once and settling on none of them. "You can feel the magic?" He asked, curious. "What's that like?"
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Pandora collected the gold from Nick, tucking it away in the register, going to pack up the locket in a jewellery box, placing it in bag for him. "Depends on what curse is around it." Some were simple to manipulate and others, took more time than she cared to admit. "Not all of them, only those that catch my attention. I can feel the magic and it will lure me in."
"Sold." He said, riffling through his pockets until he had what he needed and handing it over. "How long it take you to modify it?" Now that he knew what she could actually do, his interest in her store had piqued. "Do you enhance most of the things in here?"
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Pandora stood there, quietly, watching Nick examine the locket and she did not say anything when he reached out to touch it. There was some relief when he had no reaction to the curse, but expecting him to be a pureblood, the thought never really truly developed.
"It's forty gold." Her head nods at him. "It should, yes."
Nick ran his fingers along the locket without an ounce of fear, though perhaps he should've had some. It wasn't as though he knew his biological mother's blood status. But he didn't keel over, so it was a moot point.
"How much for it? It's beautiful. It only hurts Mudbloods?"
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Pandora watched the way the man's eyes lit up when she mentioned the locket. Her job was to sell the items, not worry too much on what would happen when they left the shop.
She opens the display case and pulls the gold key locket out on the chain and holds it out for him. "It's for sale. I just put it up today." After she was able to tinker with it.
He perked up when she mentioned the curse, following her over to the locket and eyeing it carefully. What a beautiful little piece of work. If it wouldn't ruin the fun of the game he'd give it Mary. If it wouldn't break Sev's heart, he'd give it to Evans.
"Now that's a pretty thing." He said, admiration clear in his voice. "Is it for sale, or has someone laid claim to it already?"
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Pandora had heard rumours of the type of person Nick was, but that was something she never did delve too much into. She kept to herself, her magic exploration, and recently Fenrir.
"One is a locket." She states, moving around the counter to where a glass case was, looking down into jewellery. "If a mudblood touches it, they will die." The witch had no time to be able to fuss around with it.
Nick didn't know what to do with Pandora. It was even worse than trying to figure out what to say to a kid, because it didn't matter what kids thought. Bellatrix liked Pandora, so she mattered.
"Hey, Pandora. Cool, good, can I see them? How cursed are they?"
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The witch was beaming, her smile growing wider at Nick's reaction when he saw the ring, she kept freaking out internally every time she looked at it. Tonight might be the happiest night of her life and she was enjoying every second of it. "Thank you, Nick, wholeheartedly." Agatha let her shoulders relax as it hit her that his words were true, they did make a good couple, a sigh of relief leaving her lips. "I thought this would never happen to me, always planning everyone else's weddings and never ever getting to be the bride."
Anyone who disapproved of his mischief and misbehaving could get wrecked, as far as he was concerned. What was the point of life if you couldn't cause any trouble?
Nick had to pause and refocused his gaze and Agatha thrust her hand in his face. As soon as he saw the ring he let out a low whistle. Well, no wonder this party had been so over the top. Emir had done it for her. Gross, but cute. If you were into that sort of thing. "Congrats, Agatha. The two of you make a good pair."
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Rolling her eyes, Charity decided not to make any comments. Nick and her went a long way back, enough for them to annoy each other to the core and still remain close as two people could be. "You're being all too friendly by saying that, we both know people barely stand me." She admitted with a shrug, raising one brow. "Or is it me who can't stand people?" Finishing her drink and gesturing for the barmaid to bring another round, the witch offered him a wicked smile. "Are you going to insult my grandparents or are you going to insult me, darling?"
"I'm a fucking delight, I am." He said, completely unrepentant. Nick grabbed the glass and took a healthy sip. Perfect. This was going to be fun, he loved making Charity's life complicated. She always made his complicated back. "You're friendly enough when it matters." He raised an eyebrow. "My worst behavior, eh? Challenge fucking accepted."
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She nodded her head at his words, a smile forming on her lips as he shared his plans for the year. "You're young so you should take that chance and have fun. I'm sure no one will oppose to a little bit of mischief and misbehaving." The witch offered, looking back in her own life and hoping Nick's life could turn exactly the way he wanted it too-- she was a firm believer that if you wished for something hard enough, you'd get it eventually. Tonight was proof of it all, her smile growing bigger as he asked about her year, jumping excitedly on her place as she extended her hand for him to see. "Can't hide the excitement anymore, all sights are set on planning my wedding. I'm betrothed!"
There was the midnight kiss Nick wanted, and there was the one he got. They never lined up. He was fine with that by now. But Agatha had someone she actually loved, wanted to spend her whole fucking life with, and Nick could understand that too. "My midnight went alright." He said easily enough. "Of course. Cause a bit of chaos, have a bit fun. Nothing too unusual. What about you, Agatha? What do you have your sights on this year?"
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The witch couldn't suppress the snort that went past her lips at his reply, quirking her eyebrows up as she looked at him. "Right, because you're so charming, Nicky." Sarcasm spilling from her lips, Charity shot him a teasing grin, turning to grab two glasses from the passing barmaid and then handing one to her friend. "They raised me, they know I'm not exactly a friendly person." She admitted with a shrug of her shoulders, taking a sip from her drink. "Alright, I do need your help-- just promise to be on your worst behaviour and we'll have a laugh."
"Grandparents love me." He said, feeling rather smug about it. Parents generally loved him, too. It was a nice feeling, very superior. Nick flicked a crumb on the table towards Charity. She was a pain in the ass but a good friend all the same. "Of course I'm up for it. But it's a little sad your grandparents don't think you have friends. I hope that you know that."
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"It really is a great party, everyone seems to be having fun." The witch agreed, a nod of her head as she gave a look around the room bustling with life as everyone welcomed the new year. "I'm glad you're having a good time, though. I do hope you got your midnight kiss, Nick." She offered, winking at him. "Any new year resolutions, love?
Disliking Agatha took active fucking work, and even though Nick enjoyed exactly that sort of task, he'd never had the stomach it with it when it came to Agatha. Fuck all if he knew where she got all that goodwill and joy she carried around constantly but he had to admit it was a bit nice to have someone in his life who liked him just on principle. "Hey, Agatha." He said, offering her a smile in return. "Yeah, found Estelle earlier, and the Selwyn's always did know how to throw a good party."
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