#c: jc 001
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dhruvxmehta · 2 months ago
for: @icexpackxjc location: thin ice
Wanting to avoid the Den and all those that used the place as a hang out, Dhruv headed to the other place where the pack advisor might potentially be. Since his return to the above ground world, as he liked to call it, he had found ways to occupy his head and time, diving too deeply into work and personal side research, it was something to do, something to keep him busy and put a barrier against things that wanted to creep back into his mind. Not that he could ever forget it not when he had a physical reminder of events that had transpired.
Almost walking right past the venue caught up in such thoughts, Dhruv double back and headed in. There was no proper reason to want to visit JC, but knowing the other had taken the time to visit him during his hospital stay and even after meant a lot more than he could convey. And he figured he could be the one to go see him rather than the other way around, offer help with things even if JC needed anything, be useful for a change. Catching his eye, Dhruv waved his hand in a small greeting, and ever the awkward soul, words fumbled a touch as he spoke, "Hi.. I hope I'm not interrupting anything? Just wanted to - uh- well, just wanted to see how you were getting on?"
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nyraxodeyer · 4 months ago
for: @icexpackxjc location: anywhere
After having reassured both the Mahir's and Mehta's that they were doing all they could to find Dhruv, and checking in on the fae to see how they were, next on Nyra's list was meeting up with JC, he own recovery took a back seat given everything that has happened since Saturday and really that was not ever something she would focus on, not when two people close to her were taken. A million things raced through her mind, all leading to more questions than answers but there was no time to waste and let worrying thoughts freeze her to a complete standstill.
Fluttering to a stop near JC, her wings drew to a close as she looked over to him, knowing this was personal for him too, "How are you getting along?" After a beat, she spoke again, relaying what she had gathered, "Unfortunately, his family hadn't seen him much, occasional drop by after work but he mostly seemed to have stayed to his apartment." Dhruv had not been part of the riddles she had found later on, him like Meena seemed to have been taken separately, and somewhere else too that the rest of the kidnapped folk were not. "The full moon is soon, when Dhruv shifts would you be able to reach him through pack bond? Maybe him and Meena had been taken to the same place? Aaliyah might be able to tell us if clan telepathy struck luck."
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jonahxrivas · 2 years ago
for: @jcgustavo location: ice rink
Even if time waited for no one to tick away, Jonah felt as though he had not moved since, what everyone had taken to call, the scavenger hunt. A horrid name even if he had admit the word was rather true. Work kept him busy even if he felt like he was running on auto-pilot, but the routine of it was not as fun as it used to be and the repetitive tasks allowed space for thoughts to sneak in and render him useless while his mind went on unsanctioned journeys. Responsibilities outside of work demanded attention but he pushed everything to the back of his mind and in a very selfish move looked for other ways he could to distract himself, other ways to give his brain something entirely new to focus on. Ice Skating was just that ridiculous idea. Jonah stepped in thinking this was perfect. 
Jonah almost walked out again as the notion of how ridiculous this was hit him. Having tried it out around Christmas last year and having fallen numerous times, why would this be good? Second guessing was second nature when it came to things outside what he was used to, but before he could act on that thought, autopilot mode activated and he found himself already lacing up his skates. At least this stopped him walking away but wobbling as he entered the rink, the countdown to him falling ended a minute later. “Work for me” he pleaded as he remained seated on the ice, “You’re just frozen water… why are you being difficult...”
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dvsconocvdo · 1 year ago
closed starter for @icexpackxjc
"Fancy seeing you here." Noel joked as she walked around the outskirts of the ice rink. She had fully sought JC out, but there was no fun in admitting that. After the lunar eclipse in October, she had a few questions about shifting, but she felt a bit sheepish for not knowing better. Being a werewolf was still so new, and it was still so hard to control it. (The broken door handles were piling up in her place). Still, she needed to get answers to see if she could calm herself a bit with another full moon approaching later in the month. "Are you busy right now? I don't want to interrupt any of your classes."
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greetingsfromnashville · 7 years ago
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Without further ado - here are our acceptances. We are truly overwhelmed by the interest in this RP, and thank you endlessly for your patience. You’ll see below which plots have been assigned to your character(s). 
We tried very hard to make sure that we could give everyone the plots they chose, but we ended up with a lot of overlap between plots that had several first choice applications, but those were also backups to several players. Who knew how many muses were prone to having bad days at coffee shops?
There are some muses that we will require additional plots from - meaning you applied to start with 2 but we were unable to find 2 that fit for you. Everyone has at least 1 that was a first choice or backup choice! I apologize if anyone is disappointed with the plots they have been given, or not receiving your first choice, but, again, we did make sure that every plot assigned to every player was in your primary or backup choice. If you’ve been asked to submit a new plot choice, we plan to post a new batch of plots this weekend, so you may select something now or wait until these new plots are posted.
Regardless, we are now ready to receive accounts, so please see the NEW MEMBER CHECKLIST and when you are ready, submit your accounts to the main. We open for interaction tomorrow and will make an announcement when we are ready to do so.
EVANS, SAM ( jc ) 
EVANS, STACIE ( katy )
HARPER, DANI ( ellie )
HUMMEL, EVELYN ( justine )
LYNN, ALEJANDRO ( autumn )
MCCARTHY, MASON ( heather )
ROSE, DYLAN ( jc )
ROSE, MARLEY ( emily ) 
ROSE, SYDNEY ( jordan )
SMYTHE, LIBBY ( ellie ) 
WESTON, WILLA ( brie )
WILDE, ARI ( aly )
The following accounts are accepted, however you have the option to pick a new plot now or have first choice when a new batch is dropped this weekend. Please let us know your choice.
If we do require some changes to family details, we will be messaging you directly to receive this information from you.
Again, thank you all so much. 
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ofbloodandsnow · 1 year ago
"Oh, I'll bet." He murmured, slowly coming closer. "Weird... is not the word I'd use. I feel good." Hungry. "Do we not look good?" He waved at his fellow people, shadow-eyed vampires and witches vaguely milling about the scene. He quirked a brow at the man's comment. Cute? "And here I was thinking Sleeping Beauty? But I suppose that'd make me royalty, hmm?" He certainly felt like royalty. "I don't suppose you would take your own advice?"
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JC narrowed his eyes, ridged brow furrowing. "My bite's worse than my bark, guy. I don't think you'd wanna see me use them close-up. Splash zone." He truly had no intention of tearing into any vampires tonight, aware of the goddam international incident such a thing would cause, but the wolf also had no intention of letting down his guard with whatever chaos was unfurling. "Fun, huh? Not feeling weird or anything?" At this point, Júlio César did not quite know what was affecting the people around him, but he had seen enough goddamn television to know blackened irises were likely not wholesome and fuzzy. "Cute. Never heard that one before. Maybe you wanna sit down and take a nap yourself or something. But that's Goldilocks, isn't it?"
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innspubnet · 4 years ago
By: PO Mongare, JR Okalebo, CO Othieno, JO Ochuodho, AK Kipkoech, AO Nekesa
Key Words: Survey, Soil fertility technologies, Adoption
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 15(6), 1-9, December 2019.
Certification: ijaar 2019 0199 []
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A survey on adoption levels of the existing soil nitrogen replenishing technologies amongst farmers in three counties in western Kenya was carried out in June 2011. Three farmer associations were Angurai Farmers Development Project (AFDEP), Bungoma Small-Scale Farmers Forum (BUSSFFO) and Mwangaza Farmer Group (MFAGRO). During the survey 223 farmers were interviewed with roughly a half of the households surveyed being members of farmer associations (FAs) and the other half being non-members, who acted as the control. Stratified random sampling technique was used. A repeated measures Analysis of Variance (RM – ANOVA) showed that various soil nitrogen replenishment technologies were adopted to various degrees, F (4.39, 855.43) =23.36, p<.001). The findings of this study indicated that the available technologies most extensively used in the study area were the use of inorganic fertilisers (DAP), planting of improved legumes processing, Lab lab, Push Pull, and Super 2 Package. In second place, were technologies such as seed inoculation, foliar feed use, top dressing fertiliser (CAN) and use of improved legumes. The least used technologies were found to be Ua Kayongo (IR seed), MBILI intercropping, fortified compost, and use of Farm yard manure and liming. The results also indicated that generally, adoption of technologies was higher amongst farmer association members compared with non-members regardless of the county. Bungoma County had significantly highest level of technology adoption level compared to both Busia and Vihiga. Adoption of soil technologies was also found to be positively correlated with farmers’ educational level but inversely related with their age.
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Government of Kenya. 2010. Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (2010 – 2020). Retrieved 20th October, 2016 from https://www.ascu.go.ke.
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Nkamleu GB. 2007. Modelling farmers’ decisions on integrated soil nutrient management in sub-Saharan Africa. A multinomial logit analysis in Cameroon. In: Bationo (Ed). Advances in intergrated soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and opportunities. Springer Publishers Netherlands 891-903.
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Obura PA, Okalebo JR, Woomer PL. 1999. The effect of PREP-PAC. Components on maize soybeans growth, yield uptake in the acid soil of western Kenya, PREP annual report.
Odendo M, Obare G, Salasya B. 2010. Determinants of the speed of adoption of soil fertility enhancing technologies in western Kenya. Contributed Paper presented at the Joint 3rd African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and 48th Agricultural Economists Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 19-23, 2010.
Odendo M, Ojiem J, Bationo A, Mudeheri M. 2006. On-farm evaluation and scaling-up of soil fertility management technologies in western Kenya. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 76, 369-381.
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                                                          PO Mongare, JR Okalebo, CO Othieno, JO Ochuodho, AK Kipkoech, AO Nekesa.
Findings from a survey in Western Kenya to determine the soil fertility replenishment technologies adoption rates.
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res. 15(6), 1-9, December 2019.
                                                          Copyright © 2019
By Authors and International Network for
Natural Sciences (INNSPUB)
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bdscuatui · 5 years ago
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Giao dịch Bất động sản Quận Erie - Tin tức Buffalo Sau đây là các giao dịch bất động sản trên 5.000 đô la như được liệt kê trong hồ sơ của văn phòng thư ký Quận Erie trong tuần kết thúc vào ngày 14 tháng 2. AKRON • 22 Lưỡi liềm, Douglas S. Matusek đến Heather Taylor, $ 181.000. ALDEN • 3613 Đường Crittenden, Ngân hàng Wells Fargo NA cho Jeremy David Kidder, $ 41,250. AMHERST • 595 Commerce Drive, 595 Commerce Drive Associates đến 595 Commerce LLC, $ 1,250,000. • 5385 Main St., 5385 Main St. LLC đến 5385 Main St. Village LLC, $ 1,050,000. • 100 Galileo Drive, Mary Ann Fenton cho Anna Brooks; David Brooks, $ 910.500. • 77 Tòa án Brownstone, Frank M. Davis đến Theresa A. Richard, $ 745.000. • 60 Hobnail Drive, Yin Chu Chen; Michael C. Yu đến Seevaratnam Jeevakaran; Tharshini Jeevakaran, $ 435.000. • 14 Buxton, Lapideas LLC đến Auston A. Mavrak; Shana L. Mavrak, 420.000 USD. • 41 Old Tower Lane, Marrano / marc Equity Corporation đến Kerry T. Lorich; Michael P. Lorich, $ 403,254. • 65 Huxley Drive, David C. Dean; Jean B. Dean đến Anne M. Cumbo; Thomas J. Cumbo, 350.000 đô la. • 195 đường Amherstdale, Robert J. Olivieri đến Andrew J. Farrell; Hayley A. Farrell, 260.000 đô la. • 281 Kaymar Drive, Linda L. Lloyd; Linda L. Spoth đến Latifa LLC, 240.000 đô la. • 11 Fawnwood Drive, Barbara Altman cho Henry Hoàng; Ellen Huynh, $ 215.000. • Đường 76 North Union, Juan D. Francis; Wendy Francis đến Tập đoàn tài chính Cartus, 205.000 đô la. • 76 North Union Road, Cartus Financial Corporation đến Elizabeth H. Schaab; Richard A. Schaab, 205.000 đô la. • 58 Nancy Lane, Blanchco Holdings LLC đến Hillary J. Blanchard, 200.000 đô la. • 320 Bucyrus Drive, Justin Holmer; Kristen Holmer đến Cynthia C. Beverly, 187.000 đô la. • 190 North Forest Road, Alice D. Dean to Audrey E. Drake, 180.000 đô la. • 2810 Dodge Road, Bertha Regnet; Bertha M. Regnet; Bertha Regnet Living Trust 072011 Tr cho Donald W. Heim, 165.000 đô la. • 380 Callodine Ave., Linda M. Panteli; Pantelis K. Panteli đến Allison C. Panteli; Kypros D. Panteli, $ 159.000. • 10030 Đường quá cảnh, Deborah L. Floss; Joseph M. Floss cho Laura C. Floss-Wilson; Wesley R. Wilson, 148.000 đô la. • 249 Đại lộ Thác Niagara, Brenda P. Kij đến Kuldeep K. Mann, 135.000 đô la. • Đại lộ 286 Rosedale, Stephanie Bueme; Stephanie Randall đến Brenden P. Stoll, 128.000 đô la. • 59 Elm Road, Neal T. Turvey cho Richard Jeramie Steele, 112.000 đô la. • 289 South Union Road, Random Properties Acquirition Corp III đến Minooli LLC, 109.250 đô la. Rừng LLC đến Ryan ngôi nhà của New York, 88.000 đô la. • 300 Homecrest Drive, Emily Harbison; Michael C. Scinta đến Lsf10 Master Trion Trust Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr, $ 82.322. • 1755 Charlesgate Circle, Marianne Ney đến Amit Malik, $ 78.000. • 3936 Ridge Lea Rd Đơn vị B, Ngân hàng Niagara đầu tiên NA Suc; Keybank NA đến Sharon C. Dwyer; Stephen P. Furlani, 74.000 USD. AURORA / EAST AURORA • 298 Ellicott Road, 3500 Genesee Associates LLC đến Rnh 298 LLC, 999.990 đô la. • 25 Aurora Mills Drive, Marrano / marc Equity Corporation đến Catherine M. Roach, 424.826 đô la. Marygrace Piskorowski cho Benjamin S. Collier; Nicole A. Kubiczki, $ 268.000. • 61 Bowen Road, Andrea G. Hoffower; Gregory D. Hoffower cho David P. Jezewski, 240.000 đô la. • 256 Oakwood Ave., Waterfall Reverse Reo Trust LLC đến Paul R. Marzello Jr., 175.000 đô la. • 2-4 Woodbrook Drive, Matthew R. Monroe cho Brian L. Deperro; Sharon A. Deperro, 129.900 đô la. • Đất trống Blakeley Road, Barbara Greeley; Judith Smolinski; Therese Lee Webber cho Diana L. Wolf, 125.000 đô la. BLASDELL • 14 Arthur Ave., Buffalo Group LLC đến Holt Makeda T N, $ 154,900. • 11 Marlowe Ave., John K. Rooney; Moira K. Rooney cho Jennifer L. Tessey, 110.000 đô la. • 3831 South Park Ave., 3395 Orchard Park Road Inc đến Dominic L. Luongo, 106.000 đô la. • 127 Orchard Ave., Gateway Land Management Inc đến 24 Seal Place LLC, 85.000 đô la. BOoston • 7405 Đường Hạt Dẻ, Barbara A. Erickson; Barbara Erickson; Michael A. Mordino cho Andrew Raymond Smith; Nicole Ann Smith, $ 325.000. • 7580 Lwer East Hill Road, Daniel W. Genzel đến Brett J. Colling, $ 265.000. • 7509 Valley Cir Lane, Renee Mirza đến Jessica Ryan Drake; Victoria Marie Drake, $ 256.500. • Đường 7624 Back Creek, Joshua Chatwood đến Matthew S. Henry, 105.000 đô la. BUFFALO • 32 Hertel Ave., Watergate II Thuộc tính Lp đến Bảo tồn Marina Vista Lp, $ 7.233.000. • 18 Saybrook Place, Allan P. Izzo; Andrew W. Izzo đến Gregory Bartolone, $ 545,000. • 2040 Delkn Ave., 2040 Delkn Ave. LLC đến Jeffrey Bochiechio, 510.000 đô la. • 71 Park St., 339 Ganson Group LLC đến 1380 Group LLC, 497.025 đô la. • 295 Linwood Ave., Jesse Hawker đến Jc Properties Qozb LLC, 367.500 đô la. đến Matthew D. Chapman; Elizabeth Collesano, $ 280.000. • 374 Mckinley Parkway, Daniel G. Dierken; Thalia M. Pierakos đến Elizabeth A. Lewis; William Omalley Lewis, $ 280.000. • 263 Georgia, Kevin E. Moe; Kevin Moe đến Francis J. Zajac; Jeanne M. Zajac, 270.000 đô la. • Địa điểm 290 Taunton, Vulcan Development LLC đến Sandra Lemar, 260.000 đô la. • 174 West Ave., Gregory J. Bennett đến Lena M. Beaini; El Danaf Laura N; Danaf Talal El, 213.000 đô la. • 17 & 66 Trang, Lebrun Estate LLC đến Harmazo LLC, 190.000 đô la. • 382 St Lawrence, Amy K. Pecoraro đến Shujie Li, 170.000 đô la. • 57 Densmore Ave., Shannon M. Holfoth; Charles J. Specht đến Sean T. Manley, 165.000 đô la. • 113 Đường suối khoáng, Partick J. Leary đến Alex Pinheiro, 163.500 đô la. • 102 Villa Av, Krista Woods đến Tyler A. Banks, 158.000 đô la. • 209 Carmel, Nemiah Louis II đến Alison L. Maurer; Jonathan Panetta, 157.500 đô la. • 46 Southside, James H. Wade; Karen A. lội đến Jessica J. Groff, 127.000 đô la. • 21 Winter St., James Insalaco; James J. Insalaco cho Joseph Matthew Zarbo; Matthew Joseph Zarbo, $ 126,750. • 8 Coburg, Donald Dahlke; Rosabela Dahlke tới Chelsea L. Croston, 125.000 đô la. • 57 Pavonia St., Lebrun Estate LLC đến Atif Manzoor; Hammad Sikander, $ 124.500. • 67 Ludington, Noman Hossain; Shah Monsur đến Julian A. Cook, 117.000 đô la. • 277 Hudson St., Franklin D. Mcclellan Jr. đến Bonkuka Fnu Kwayo Ithe, 116.000 đô la. • 48 Kamper Ave., Marlene Wier đến Rafael A. Dip; Evelyn Hernandez Fuentes, 115.000 đô la. • 19 Grace St., Mark J. Sutter đến Eben Piazza, 106.000 đô la. • 371 Minnesota Ave., Carolyn Wardlaw đến Nurul Alam; Monoara Begum; Nazmul Hossain, 104.000 đô la. • 103 Ledger, Nadlan Group NY Corp cho đến Gregory D. Rucker Jr.; Matthew J. Rucker, 99.900 đô la. • 544 Hewitt, Morah Supplies LLC đến Qais Ahmed-Alhaj, 95.000 đô la. • 193 Fox St., Renewed Hope Realty LLC cho John Cooper, 95.000 đô la. • 191 Weaver, Eric M. Godios cho Erin E. Quinn, $ 87,900. • 159 Tyler St., Patricia Mcmahon cho Yosef Kopman; Ranite R. Nati, 87.500 đô la. • 481 Highgate, M & m Batim Inc đến Lipi Dutta, 85.000 đô la. • 520 Madison St., HUD đến Terrell J. Rankin, 80.000 đô la. • 69 Manhattan Ave., Cora L. Bell đến Kyale W. Jamison , 80.000 đô la. • 575 Minnesota, Morzina Begum; Mohammad Rahman đến Abdul Mazumder, 75.000 USD. • 65 Hedley Place, Marion B Border; Đánh dấu Perla cho Lc Strategic Holdings LLC, 70.100 đô la. • 23 Doyle Ave., Harvey Frankel cho David Raasch, 70.000 đô la. • 415 Willett, Michael M. Blotnik; Sharith Myree cho Mary Gilbert, 69.000 đô la. • 129 Kensington, Willie Zeigler; Willie J. Zeigler to Jr Property Holdings Inc, 65.000 đô la. • 56 Floss Ave., Tianyi Du đến Mohammed G. Mohiuddin; Umme H. Ruma, $ 62.000. • 36 Địa điểm Pomona, James M. Corbett; Rosemary Corbett đến Carissa A. Dirado, 60.000 đô la. • 306 Weston, Cơ quan quản lý cống Buffalo; Thành phố Buffalo đến Tahsin Tahmid, 60.000 đô la. • 46 Glor, Kskc Properties LLC đến Nairn LLC, 57.000 đô la. • 17 Oneida, New Buffalo Homes LLC đến Lc Strategic Holdings LLC, 57.000 đô la. • 11 Calumet, Rose E. Guerin cho Ohma Lin, 55.000 đô la. • 234 Dewey Ave., Rahim Dunston; Rahim Muhammad đến Ksa Assets Inc, 50.000 đô la. • 253 Chandler St., Patricia M. Virgil đến Kenneth Fawcett, 50.000 đô la. • 69 Ashton, Timothy James Elling đến Timothy A. Elling, 50.000 đô la. • 341 Shirley Ave., Đầu tư bất động sản Solid Oak LLC đến R & r Holdings của WNY LLC, 50.000 đô la. • 36 Mapleridge Ave., Carmen L. Harris; Robert J. Harris đến James H. Whitaker, 47.000 đô la. • 145 Briscoe Ave., Paulette Boswell; Tyrone F. Harris đến Lsf10 Master Trion Trust Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr, 46.233 đô la. • 224 Central Ave., Edward Sardina đến John Mason, 45.000 đô la. • 20 Celtic, Người bạn của Buffalo Inc đến Tofa Business Group Inc, 45.000 đô la. • 450 Wyoming, Ủy thác đầu tư Mkw 401k (001) Tr đến Tập đoàn kinh doanh Tofa, 45.000 đô la. • 101 Weimar, Kenneth B Stroud Ira Agt; Horizon Trust Company Cust to M & a Property Solutions LLC, 41.000 đô la. • 62 Hawley, Saree Properties LLC đến Sany Chavan, 40.000 đô la. • 742 Glenwood, Thành phố Buffalo đến Othello Carr, 40.000 đô la. • 406 Shirley, Thành phố Buffalo cho Hồi giáo Sharitable, 39.000 đô la. . • 96 Dorris Ave., Steven Levine Ira Ben; Công ty Trustco Trust Cust to Peninsula Wholesale Holdings Corp, 35.000 đô la. • 191 Baitz Ave., Cator Properties LLC đến Jacqueline Crouch, 35.000 đô la. • 2700 Bailey Ave., Presbypet of Western New York đến Macalpine Community Church of Buffalo New York, 34.000 đô la. 221 Merrimac, Cathleen A. Mcguire; Niềm tin P. Mcguire với Brian Mcguire, 31.000 đô la. • 2414 Bailey, Thành phố Buffalo cho Muhammad Arif, 30.000 đô la. • 525 Woodlawn Ave., Jacqueline D. Fleming đến All-Green Realty Inc, 30.000 đô la. Alice T. Wanat đến Lubu Buffalo Inc, 25.000 đô la. • 61 Pers Breath Ave., Abdul J. Khan đến Ripa Jannat Khan, 20.000 đô la. • 44 Lewis Road, Thomas Williams đến Andrew Ford, 17.500 đô la. • 119 Purdy St., David Rodolph; Elizabeth Rodolph đến Mohammed Yasin, 15.000 đô la. • 864 Woodlawn Ave., Llewellyn Daniel; Llewellyn Daniels đến Ssp bất động sản Buf Inc, 12.600 đô la. • 236 Shirley Ave., Christian & matthew Properties Inc đến Erik Esau, 11.000 đô la. Taibbi Jr., $ 6.000. CHEEKTOWAGA • 50-950 Thruway Plaza Drive, Carrols LLC đến Scf Rc Funding IV LLC, $ 3,015,625. • 1181 Đường thua lỗ, Robert J. Laskowski cho Adam R. Mullen; Jessica M. Schmitt, 199.500 đô la. • 925 Maryvale Drive, Gary James Mcelroy đến Anthony Muffoletto; Kim Muffoletto, 180.000 đô la. • 1159 Đường Pháp, John W. suchy đến Md Manjurur Rahman, 170.500 đô la. • 25 đường Giorgmer, Daryl T. Lopp; Thomas Lopp; Tom D. Lopp cho Michael D. Lopp, $ 170.000. • 43 Angela Lane, Raymond E. Clancy; Robert M. Clancy cho Daniel A. Nyberg; Karen M. Nyberg, $ 167.500. • 62 Colette Ave., 62 Colette Ave LLC đến Cassandra I. Pinkowski; Brittany L. Radel, $ 167.000. • 74 Armond Lane, Susan Subjeck đến Alexandra M. Costello; Benjamin S. Senior, 164.000 đô la. • 1004 Cleveland Drive, Mary Anne Merritt tới Oscar I. Barretto; Evelyn Juarbe, $ 159,900. • 160 Brentwood Drive, Joshua P. Detlef; Rebecca K. Detlef đến Nathan Epolito; Jamie Reidy, 155.600 đô la. • Đường 173 Hillpine, Teresa E. Aumer; Sharon Marie Zajac đến Terrence Morrissey, 153.000 đô la. • 52 Đại lộ Mân côi, Alexandra Kaible; Alexander Scott đến Peggy Coutlakis, 150.000 đô la. • 88 Balbach Drive, Ryan Kuznik; Kayla Williams cho Emily Ellis; Salvatore A. Rine, $ 145.000. • Đại lộ 252 Oehman, Ahmed Jmaii đến Emma Hawke; Shawn Hawke, 138.000 USD. • Đại lộ 104 Oehman, Gerald F. Galey; Mary A. Galey cho Robert Koerntgen Ira Ben; Công ty ủy thác vốn cổ phần, $ 137.500. • 131 South Huxley Drive, Christina I. Fowler to Danielle M. Leung; Donald H. Leung Jr., 133.900 đô la. • 160 Cỏ ba lá, James T. Tycz cho Craig R. Secor, 128.300 đô la. • 20 Grant St., Nancy Lomas; Steven Frank Lomas đến Robert W. Koteras, 122.000 đô la. • 147 Wanda Ave., Richard A. Urbanski đến Sgtm Holdings LLC, 120.000 đô la. • 43 Đường Preston, Triple Z Enterprises LLC đến Kiesha Rivera, 115.000 đô la. • 120 Colden Court, Kathleen L Rosiek; James K. Stuber; Larry P. Stuber; Richard A. Stuber Jr. đến Lailuma Meherdil, 114.000 đô la. • 91 Colby St., Ruth V. Nguyen đến Patricia E. Simons, 110.000 đô la. • Địa điểm 116, Jeanna M. Cellino; Bensalem Khalid cho Christiana Tin tưởng Tr; Hilldale Tin tưởng Tr; Hội tiết kiệm quỹ Wilmington Fsb Tr dba, 93.755 đô la. • 37 Jackie Lane, Michael Cimasi; Kumro Gary W Est đến Demato Development LLC, $ 91.500. • 51 Westchester Drive, Russell A. Mantione đến Amanda M. Costanzo; Nicholas W. Martinelli, 88.000 đô la. • 20-22 Elkhurst Drive, Tracey Dillemuth; Donald Lorrens cho Pauline M. Panna, 83.000 đô la. • Tòa án 5 Janine, Michael Gawinski đến 160 Kokomo LLC, 80.000 đô la. • 35 Crane St., Michael J. Racine cho Keith Canazzi Ira Ben; Công ty ủy thác vốn cổ phần, 80.000 đô la. • 150 Roland St., Nicole K. Lojek; Nicole K. Volpe đến Ysms Property Holdings LLC, 70.000 đô la. • 14 Hedwig Ave., HUD đến Cong Van Huynh, 56.000 đô la. • 12-14 Sandstone, Arthur J. Yates Jr. đến Elgin LLC, 55.500 đô la. • 50 Grand Boulevard, Stephen W. Smith đến Anthony S. Castronova, 45.000 đô la. • 1047 Đường Beach, Cynthia A. Bolis; Đánh dấu S. Bolis cho Rockstar Homes LLC, 45.000 đô la. • 120 Colden Court, Kenneth R. Stuber đến Lailuma Meherdil, 28.500 đô la. • 8 Delray Drive, Robert P. Johnson; Lance G. Lavigne; Sherry L. Lavigne đến Duane Barwell; Chủ nhà WNY, $ 24,700. CÂU HỎI • 4135 Đường vận chuyển, Tru 2005 Re I LLC đến Mdc Coast 17 LLC, $ 8,790,505. • 9433 Hunting Valley Rd S, Timothy Andruschat; Maureen A. Giokas; Michael Giokas đến Ngân hàng Năm sao, 700.000 đô la. • 6700 Westminster Drive, Gregory W. Henzler; Rosalyn Henzler to We Richt Mobility Mobility Inc, $ 586.500. • 6700 Westminster Drive, We Richt Workforce Mobility Inc cho Jose P. Cruz; Kristin M. Cruz, $ 586.500. • Tòa án Spruce 9313 Sitka, Joseph A. Fruscione; Krista Fruscione đến mùa thu Carini; Daniel Carini, 430.000 đô la. • 4675 ngõ Pepperwood, Dorothy A. Wzontek; Stephen M. Wzontek đến Joseph W. Yedinak; Molly C. Yedinak, $ 409.900. • 8916 ngõ gỗ, Kristin L. Marra đến Christopher Schiumo; Stephanie Schiumo, $ 264,900. • 4343 Cameron Drive, Albert G. Evans; Florentine Evans đến Kristin Marie Goetz, $ 189.500. • 4156 Oakwood Drive, Carol Ann King; Sandra L. Ponichtera cho Lisa M. Williams, $ 172.000. COLDEN • 9422 Đường Partridge, Patrick Emantic đến Ryno Cho thuê LLC, $ 250.000. MÀU SẮC • 2840 Gowanda Zoar Road, Brianna L. Cambio; Michael D. Logsdon cho Larry R. Miller Jr., $ 176.500. CONCORD • 24 North Edgewood Drive, Dorothy Holtz Cott đến Brianna L. Logsdon; Michael D. Logsdon, $ 172.500. • 67 Hardwood Drive, Van A. Schirmer to Leslie Hornung; Michael Korchynski, 153.500 đô la. • Đường giữa, Gokce Capital LLC đến John Rf Hedrich, 7.499 đô la. EDEN • 2867 Hillview Place, Suzanne R. Swanson đến Matthew J. Wiedemann; Danielle Wittek, 175.000 đô la. • 8670 Elizabeth Parkway, Brent A. Hardy đến Karie Colantino, 161.200 đô la. • 2781 George St., Daniel J. Schwabel đến Shannon M. Mahoney, 126.950 đô la. ELMA • 141 Đường Kinsley, John R. Sherk đến Deborah A. Franklin; Kenneth J. Franklin, $ 275,000. • 7881 Seneca St., Randall D. Wuest đến Brittany D. Rashbrook; James D. Rashbrook, 205.000 đô la. • Đường đất trống, Đường Eckam Douglas Charles Jr; Douglas Eckam Jr. đến 460 E Center LLC, $ 49,900. MỌI NGƯỜI • 1443 Darlington Drive, Louis Celia; Vicki L. Celia cho Sara J. Lelonek, 155.000 đô la. • 1383 Đường Burns, John T. Nowak Jr. đến Brandon J. Genek; Ryan F. Genek, $ 121,540. • 1376 Ổ đĩa Độc lập, Lynette Sue Koscielski; Michael Koscielski đến Jeanne Ohara; John Ohara, 80.000 đô la. • 9567 Oakland St., Colleen Fendt to Keith Hooper, 40.000 đô la. • 105 South Lane Road, American Homeowner Preservation Trust Series 2015a + Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ ủy thác NA Tr cho Công ty Đông Bắc Bất động sản LLC, 17.000 đô la. ĐẢO GRAND • 149 Woodstream, Christy L. Frank; Michael W. Frank đến Alicia C. Tarasek; Joshua D. Tarasek, 300.000 đô la. • 2818 Đường Đông sông, Joseph W. Carosella đến David Michael Bruno, 125.000 đô la. • 1150 Lasalle Ave., Golda Theodore S Est; Philip D. Leone cho Keith Canazzi Ira Ben; Công ty ủy thác vốn cổ phần, $ 82.000. HAMBURG • 4490 Lake Ave., Floyd C. Huntz đến Marotta Property Management LLC, $ 550,000. • 4543 # 37 Camp Road, Villages of Mission Hills Patio Homes LLC đến Edward J. Luba; Lola Irene Luba, 362.700 đô la. • 4543 # 49 Đường Camp, Làng của Mission Hills Patio Homes LLC đến Josefina E. Offredo, $ 326.300. • 3330 Ngõ quê, Joel M. Bearfield; John M. Bearfield; Judith M. Bearfield đến Natalie Bucholtz; George Griesbaum, $ 323,000. • 4025 Đường kết nối, Renee L. Gennocro; John J. Roberts đến Alexandra R. Izzo, $ 319.500. • 2416 Hobblebush Lane, Marrano / marc Equity Corporation đến Kelsey D. Gawronski; Kyle J. Gawronski, $ 296,183. • 4701 Đường Parker, Mz3 Properties LLC đến Jenna M. Vella; Joseph A. Vella, $ 265.500. • 21 Sherburn Drive, Carol M. Maurer đến Kelsey Marie Garey; Peter Bruce Walbrandt, $ 235.500. • 6501 Đường Heltz, Christine Popovski; Nikola Popovski đến Jm trọ LLC, $ 220.000. • 1537 Sundance Trl, Michele M. Smith; Russell J. Smith đến Brittany A. Lelonek, 153.000 đô la. • 3054 Lyth Road, Faith C. Fischer to Joel Iannaccone, 135.999 đô la. • 6368 Center St., Theodore Kalembkiewicz đến Glen William Farrell, 120.000 đô la. Dillsworth; Gary Dillsworth; Barbara M. Tate; Barbara Mae Tate cho Erica Kennedy, 117.000 đô la. • 42 Martha Place, Ngân hàng thứ ba NA cho Cindy S. Helinger; James R. Helinger, 112.500 đô la. • 5128 Thurston Ave., Helen M. Mcmahon; Robert F. Mcmahon cho Ashley E. Churchman; Ryan Y. Churchman, 111.000 đô la. • 6572 Taylor Road, Bcat 2015-14btt Tr; Christiana tin tưởng Tr; Hội tiết kiệm quỹ Wilmington Fsb Tr dba đến Glen Smith; Nicole Smith, 95.999 đô la. • 5673 Mckinley Parkway, Kbj Holding Company Inc đến Kb Homes LLC, 90.000 đô la. • 5255 Orchard Ave., Annmarie Rooth Cellino; Richard H. Roehm đến Daniel Hanna, 88.600 đô la. • 22 Robert St., Charles R. Rader; Charles Raymond Rader đến Laurie A. Munley; Nathan T. Munley, 85.000 đô la. • 4217 Mundy St., Suzanne M. Diaz đến Daniel Virant; Krystal Virant, 75.000 đô la. • Đất trống 35 Tòa án Jordy, Country Meadows kết hợp với Ryan ngôi nhà của New York, 48.000 đô la. HÀ LAN • 56 Nước St., Anna Agt Scheider; Emily Agt Scheider; Scheider William L Cust; Rachel Agt Trắng; Vỏ trắng Robert R II; Sarah Agt White đến John Covey, $ 82.500. • 56 Water St., Anna Agt Scheider; Emily Agt Scheider; Scheider William L Cust; Rachel Agt Trắng; Vỏ trắng Robert R II; Sara Agt Trắng đến Margaret M. White; Richard L. White, 15.000 đô la. LACKAWANNA • 11 Vòng tròn Highview, Robert Fulton đến Dexter Nowak; Jacqueline Nowak, 146.300 đô la. • 69 Verel Ave., Christopher P. Stone; Christopher Paul Stone; Jennifer Stone đến Rusia Musangwa; Etando Omari, $ 119.000. • 161 Wilmuth Ave., Lisa M. Mulder đến Dale Amos, 80.000 đô la. • 1693 Electric Ave., Daniel Virant; Krystal Virant cho Paul R. Borchlewicz, 75.000 đô la. • 41 Maple St., Shirley M. Pauley đến John Evancho, 52.500 đô la. • 282 Center St., Douglas S. Coppola; Hilda G. Hill đến Lmb Capital Inc, $ 40.300. LANCASTER • Đường 1432 Town Line, Nhà xây dựng Cmk của Alden Inc đến Melissa Bollman; Wesley D. Bollman, $ 428.500. • Đường 76 Freeman, Elisabeth Laistner; Fritz K. Laistner cho Alec Venturin, 204.000 đô la. • 96 Harvey Drive, John J. Marks cho Jessica A. Munzel; John P. Munzel, $ 182,000. • 11 James Place, Jennifer A. Sennett đến Shannon V. Carr, $ 178.500. • 41 School St., Patricia A. Landis; Patricia Adelle Landis đến R2m2 LLC, 90.000 đô la. • 6218 Broadway St., Alice Damato đến S & g Properties LLC, 27.000 đô la. MARILLA • 13304 Williston Road, Steven Herod đến Matthew V. Vanhauwaert, $ 258.000. • 11197 Clinton St., Tammie Cochran; Dean S. Puleo cho Mtglq Nhà đầu tư Lp, $ 254,937. • 11635 East Ave., Kathy L. Skingley cho Jamie L. Thompson; Jonathan D. Thompson, 55.000 đô la. BẢN TIN MỚI • 7768 Đường Fletcher, James Dematteo; Darryl J. Schmid; Trudith L. Schmid gửi ủy thác cho vay thế chấp Stanwich F Tr; Hội tiết kiệm quỹ Wilmington Fsb Tr, $ 96,102. • 4326 South Newstead Road, C & f Brothers LLC đến Bryan P. Kern; Shannon M. Kern, 75.000 đô la. • Vùng đất trống Cedar St., Cord Jones đến Elizabeth A. Graney; Patrick M. Graney, 55.000 đô la. ORCHARD PARK • 5959 Big Tree Road, Quaker 20a Realty LLC đến Công viên Orchard 5959 Medical Properties LLC, 44.500.000 đô la. • Đất trống California Road, Gordon J Sheffer Tin tưởng không thể thu hồi 042815 Tr đến Orchard Park Equity Associates LLC, $ 530.000. Margaret Schoell; Đánh dấu Schoell cho Hailley A. Fenski; John P. Fenski, $ 380.000. • 96 Eddy Lane, Joyce M. Day đến Emily Kristen Garrison; Matthew James Webb, 240.000 đô la. • 54 Puritan Place, Jace Tyler Gangel đến Robert L. Buscaglia, 206.000 đô la. • 80 Vistula Ave., Alan B. Huegel Jr. đến John J. Roberts, 205.000 đô la. • 7957 Michael Road, Dawn M. Vogel; William T. Vogel cho Ashlie Taylor Chojecki; Debbie Wendel Chojecki; Richard Michael Chojecki, $ 153,900. MÙA XUÂN • 30 Rachel Lane, Niềm tin của William F Garlock Tr cho Catherine A. Ford, 152.500 đô la. THÀNH PHỐ TONAWANDA • 11 Vòng tròn Ridgedale, Đoàn Trang Đỗ; Nicholas Zachary Howard đến Vicki A. Keleman, 199.900 đô la. • 63 Fuller Ave., Jill M. Phúc lợi cho Nicolette L. Bezek, 160.000 đô la. • 94 Harriet St., Corbett Frank LG đến Tiana S. Hall, 150.500 đô la. • 260 Hinds St ., Conor J. Margraf cho Louis Rogers III, $ 137,000. • 108 State St., Cutting Edge Holding LLC; Cắt Edge Holdings LLC cho Bryan E. Darrow, $ 115.500. TONAWANDA • 474 Đại lộ Thác Niagara, Syed Eajazul Haq đến Jujhar Developments LLC, $ 245.000. • 597 Englewood Ave., Lori Hassinger; Paul E. Hassinger đến Lsf9 Master Trion Trust Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr, 205.829 đô la. • 147 Louvaine Drive, Colleen A. Poeller cho Faye L. Greco; Peter J. Greco, 179.900 đô la. • 99 Springfield Ave., Sara D. Danheiser đến Shelby J. Allen, 175.000 đô la. • 133 Bathurst Drive, Daniel A. Nyberg tới Sarah Sankey, 170.000 đô la. • 542 Glenalby Road, Vicki A. Keleman Kristopher T. Kavanagh, 165.000 đô la. • 160 Tulane, Scott F. Brazee; Chelsea Wilczek đến Chinequia Williams, 155.000 đô la. • 254 Moore Ave., Judith A. Dagustine; Patrick R. Dagustine cho Anna Marie Turski; Ralph Joseph Wilson, $ 146,400. • 235 Joseph Drive, Dorothy K. Folck; Dorothy Kinda Folck đến John Edward Pfalzer, 140.000 đô la. • 17 Edgewood Ave., Denise M. Rackl đến Laura M. Galatioto, 127.000 đô la. • Đường 124 Treadwell, Diane kích thích đến Nikki Maria Parlato, 125.000 đô la. đến Jacob Wisor, $ 118,450. • 177 Mcconkey, Phyllis J. Tuhovak; Stephen M. Tuhovak đến Matthew W. Langenfeld, $ 118.000. • 63 Hawthorne Ave., Elmer S. Gee Jr.; Linda R. Gee; James A. Partacz đến Limaz LLC, 106.000 đô la. • 40 Ermann Drive, Rita Sliwinski Tin tưởng không thể hủy ngang Tr đến Cassandra L. Kerr, 97.938 đô la. • 130 Euclid Ave., Mohammed H. Said; Muhammed H. Đã nói với Queen House Inc, 90.000 đô la. • 131 Ralston Ave., Anthony Joseph Lana; Michael C. Olson; Phyllis Olson cho Tập đoàn thế chấp cho vay mua nhà liên bang, 84.099 đô la. • 305 Homewood Ave., Daniel R. Bunch Sr. đến Robert Koerntgen Ira Ben; Công ty ủy thác vốn cổ phần, 70.000 đô la. • 2858 Đường Eggert, Robert C. Baron; Michele M. Gajewski; Michele Perfetti đến Ngân hàng Citizens NA, 68.300 đô la. • 270 Tremaine Ave., Terrance M. Williams đến Micah Golba, 60.650 đô la. TÂY SENECA • 20 Circle End Drive, Paul Frontera; Lynn Rizzo-George đến Emily I. Brill; Jason R. Brill, 225.000 đô la. • Đường 248 Wind Mill, David J. Drzymala đến Steven Gaiser; Lisa Wisniewski, 195.900 đô la. • 118 đường Icner, Clifford J. Alf Jr. đến Amy Lynn Sitarski, 179.900 đô la. • 83 Angelacrest Lane, Ronald T. Wilczak đến Chad B. Blanar; Jessica L. Blanar, $ 167.500. • 36 Sibley Drive, Mark Riley; Mark Joseph Riley cho Michael S. Crum, 165.000 đô la. • 418 Mill Road, Cooley 2014 Familty Trust 102314 Tr to Aaron W. Polanski, 154.000 đô la. • 49 Fremont Ave., Derek P. Termer; Sarah K. Termer cho Tyler Stevens; Elisa N. Vazquez, 140.000 đô la. • 3880 Seneca St., James C. Horder; John Mccracken; Richard B. Scott đến Kyle Lelito, 120.000 đô la. • Đường dự trữ đất trống, Quan hệ đối tác gia đình Peter Liberatore; Peter Liberatore Sr Family Limited hợp tác với Hanley Phát triển WNY Inc, 114.000 đô la. 1080 Dự trữ Rd Đơn vị 3, Ae Buffalo Properties LLC đến William Severyn Sr., 47.000 đô la. • 4-5 Ruskin, Stefan Kablak đến Daniel T. Gawel, 40.000 đô la. [ad_2] Nguồn
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lucayxng · 2 years ago
"Oh! You work at the conservatory? I did think that your face looked familiar, that must be why. My research in Marine is in conjunction with the conservatory so much of my time is spent there when I'm not in the field. What do you do?" Luca was excited to make the acquaintance of one of his co-workers. He had been trying to reach out to some of the other workers there, but since his research project was his own, he didn't work directly with any of them for the most part. "Where are you from originally?"
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"At the conservatory. Part time." He took his hand back after shaking the others and continued, "Usually what I do toward the end of the year. What about you?" Blue eyes gave a quick glance toward the cliffs and nodded. "Yeah, this place has great views. Food's pretty good too. Not really. Made the permanent move back in December but I have spent time here as a child. So sometimes feels like I've been here for a long time."
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philrcool-blog · 6 years ago
Winners of [Happy Valentines Day : Home Theme vote]
Feb 07, 2018
Hello, this is LG SmartWorld.
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5 abb*****[email protected]  105 car*****[email protected]  205 fox*****mail.com  305 kap*****[email protected]  405 mis*****[email protected]  505 sbm*****gmail.com 
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7 acu*****[email protected]  107 cas*****[email protected]  207 fri*****[email protected]  307 kar*****[email protected]  407 mis*****[email protected]  507 sca*****gmail.com 
8 ada*****[email protected]  108 cat*****@yahoo.com  208 gab*****[email protected]  308 kar*****[email protected]  408 mis*****[email protected]  508 sch*****@gmail.com 
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12 aim*****@gmail.com  112 cat*****[email protected]  212 ger*****@gmail.com  312 kat*****[email protected]  412 mob*****[email protected]  512 sdm*****mail.com 
13 ako*****@gmail.com  113 cay*****[email protected]  213 gha*****[email protected]  313 kay*****[email protected]  413 mou*****[email protected]  513 sea*****[email protected] 
14 alb*****[email protected]  114 cbi*****[email protected]  214 ghp*****[email protected]  314 kay*****[email protected]  414 mrg*****@gmail.com  514 sel*****@gmail.com 
15 ale*****[email protected]  115 ccc*****@gmail.com  215 gig*****[email protected]  315 kay*****[email protected]  415 mrp*****[email protected]  515 sha*****[email protected] 
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30 amy*****[email protected]  130 cjp*****[email protected]  230 har*****[email protected]  330 kjt*****@gmail.com  430 new*****[email protected]  530 spi*****[email protected] 
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33 ane*****[email protected]  133 cmj*****[email protected]  233 hea*****[email protected]  333 koo*****[email protected]  433 nln*****gmail.com  533 sta*****[email protected] 
34 ang*****[email protected]  134 coc*****[email protected]  234 hea*****[email protected]  334 kpa*****[email protected]  434 not*****@gmail.com  534 sta*****[email protected] 
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itsmedicinesfakianakis · 8 years ago
Effect of Pathologic Tumor Response and Nodal Status on Survival in the Medical Research Council Adjuvant Gastric Infusional Chemotherapy Trial.
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Effect of Pathologic Tumor Response and Nodal Status on Survival in the Medical Research Council Adjuvant Gastric Infusional Chemotherapy Trial.
J Clin Oncol. 2016 Aug 10;34(23):2721-7
Authors: Smyth EC, Fassan M, Cunningham D, Allum WH, Okines AF, Lampis A, Hahne JC, Rugge M, Peckitt C, Nankivell M, Langley R, Ghidini M, Braconi C, Wotherspoon A, Grabsch HI, Valeri N
Abstract PURPOSE: The Medical Research Council Adjuvant Gastric Infusional Chemotherapy (MAGIC) trial established perioperative epirubicin, cisplatin, and fluorouracil chemotherapy as a standard of care for patients with resectable esophagogastric cancer. However, identification of patients at risk for relapse remains challenging. We evaluated whether pathologic response and lymph node status after neoadjuvant chemotherapy are prognostic in patients treated in the MAGIC trial. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pathologic regression was assessed in resection specimens by two independent pathologists using the Mandard tumor regression grading system (TRG). Differences in overall survival (OS) according to TRG were assessed using the Kaplan-Meier method and compared using the log-rank test. Univariate and multivariate analyses using the Cox proportional hazards method established the relationships among TRG, clinical-pathologic variables, and OS. RESULTS: Three hundred thirty resection specimens were analyzed. In chemotherapy-treated patients with a TRG of 1 or 2, median OS was not reached, whereas for patients with a TRG of 3, 4, or 5, median OS was 20.47 months. On univariate analysis, high TRG and lymph node metastases were negatively related to survival (Mandard TRG 3, 4, or 5: hazard ratio [HR], 1.94; 95% CI, 1.11 to 3.39; P = .0209; lymph node metastases: HR, 3.63; 95% CI, 1.88 to 7.0; P < .001). On multivariate analysis, only lymph node status was independently predictive of OS (HR, 3.36; 95% CI, 1.70 to 6.63; P < .001). CONCLUSION: Lymph node metastases and not pathologic response to chemotherapy was the only independent predictor of survival after chemotherapy plus resection in the MAGIC trial. Prospective evaluation of whether omitting postoperative chemotherapy and/or switching to a noncross-resistant regimen in patients with lymph node-positive disease whose tumor did not respond to preoperative epirubicin, cisplatin, and fluorouracil may be appropriate.
PMID: 27298411 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
from #Esophageal Cancer via xlomafota13 on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2v2flaz
from OtoRhinoLaryngology - Alexandros G. Sfakianakis via Alexandros G.Sfakianakis on Inoreader http://ift.tt/2v0JQxV
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dhruvxmehta · 15 days ago
Dhruv felt himself smile genuinely for the first time than he had in the past few months. "You're on." A soft exhale brought forth a slight shift in demeanour, while he did not grow tense, posture did slouch a little, thoughts into the worry JC had felt over him had only been because he was a wolf didn't dissipate, but he couldn't let himself feel any other way about it, not when there was no expectation of anyone looking for him, and only knew the chances of him being found was because he was taken alongside Meena, which turned out to be true on all accounts. "It's fine, JC, I'm not upset about it, she should be the priority. I'm grateful that you care though, not discrediting it in any way." He held back on saying too much, but it became hard to deny that it was only really because he was a wolf, only because he was part of the pack.
It wasn't with a lack of self-confidence that he put himself on a rung below everyone else, while what JC said held truth, hierarchy itself dictated he was to be different than the rest of the wolves. "I'm not saying we wouldn't have that, and to some extent we are in the same but not in every aspect. If we shifted we can indeed carry on this talk but only because I'm a pack member. The bond is magically, not entirely biologically, if it were it would include all wolves. Lone and those in the pack. Hierarchy exists among us JC, you can say we're not different all you like but I'm the lowest rank, bottom of the food chain as it's been said, doesn't that further prove we're not the same?" They could never operate on an equal footing is how he saw it. "Sharing genes isn't enough to feel like you're a part of something. And I get it," he added on, "These structures have been put in place many years ago for a reason, I'm not expecting that to change. It's likely never going to change." He shrugged, "I want to believe you, and I should from what you've said but it's challenging to feel that from the sidelines. I'm not excluding myself on purpose, it's just facts."
Despite feeling the need to correct JC on that, Dhruv for the most part agreed to what was said, "It does provide opportunity and does absolve bloodshed, that I can't deny, but they still have to go through the change, a life can still be lost in the process, there is still pain if one were to choose this path, that can't be bypassed. But that comes with the choice, of course, willing acceptance of this life." He did not want to walk down this path, didn't even chose it, it was thrust onto him in a moment of carelessness and caution, but he survived the shift that was something at least.
"What we discovered did change everything. Science and magic are not that different, magic is embedded in almost every aspect of life, there's a sense of intrigue and wonder that binds them both, endless possibilities and discoveries that could still be made. That's what I love about it." Head bobbed from side to side, somewhat in agreement, "There's an entire world nestled in the middle of supernatural and natural. This town, all of us, on all accounts should not exist but we do, even the humans that reside here, we're science and magic. Not one or the other, but both. So, yes, we may not know all of the laws of the universe, but our mere existence is in a way a defiance of it, that's why hunters seek to restore that balance, isn't it?" He nodded at that, "I'd be more than happy to tell you all we've figured out."
Dhruv listened on with a touch of envy when JC kept on how great it was to be a wolf, looking to his hands he curled and uncurled his fists, of two bodies, one he preferred and the other was still up for debate. "Would you still feel lucky if you became a witch? I wish I came to talk with you when I first turned, you'd have made things easier to accept." With a slow exhale, he faced JC, "I don't see you as part of the problem. Not saying my mind changed, I'm still thinking, but I think learning control would be good. As friends would be even better." Smile wavered a touch as hesitation crept through despite wanting that, Dhruv now questioned if it could be possible, doubt was a terrible thing despite everything that was said it held him back from fully believing it, "There's a couple things that you need to know before we do this, because you might change your mind. Is there somewhere private we can talk?"
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JC laughed heartily at that. "Look, ice is my real sport, man, but my family's also from, you know, Brazil. My dad taught me to kick a ball right around the time I learned to walk. We'll give each other a workout. See you on the pitch." He was not the young athlete he once was, of course, but JC still more than knew his way around the game. Nevertheless, despite this moment of shared mirth, the camaraderie of challenge, as Dhruv continued, JC knit his brow.
"I'm really very sorry you...were made to feel like an afterthought, dude. You weren't to me, though. Like, I'm not trying to contradict you here. Because, yeah...I get it. I was worried about Meena too. Of course I fucking was. But you were also a priority. I take care of my own." And he meant that. He would never leave a wolf behind, and as far as JC was concerned, Dhruv was a wolf, a pack wolf, a member of what he had long ago decided was his real family, for better or for worse.
"Look, man, I don't say things I'm not sure about. We're connected. Literally. Our minds. If we transformed right now, we could continue this conversation. That link exists biologically in what...what makes us the same, right? I'm not the scientist here." He pursed up his lips, meeting the other's eye, but his words were genuine. "I was also born to a family of witches, you know. And I guess I could have been either or. Hell, I was technically human too until I activated myself. What I mean is, Dhruv, I don't think we're that different. I really don't."
Slumping a bit, JC crossed his arms. "What you discovered could change everything. I mean...look, there are people around here who think I want some kind of wolf army. I don't. But personally? And maybe...maybe others would disagree. But I think people having the opportunity to maybe one day choose wolfhood without bloodshed, without the pain. That's a damn fine thing. I think this path is one that should be walkable for those who want to walk it. And believe me, I am really sorry you didn't necessarily get to make that choice the way you might have wanted to."
He grit his teeth, giving a shallow shake of his head. "And I don't think science and magic are that different. Just because we can't account for how something works yet doesn't mean it's not concrete. I'm scientifically a wolf. I follow the laws of the universe, even if we don't know those laws yet. There is no supernatural; only natural," he offered. "A new experiment, sure. But...one that was always possible. You didn't rebuild the universe, Dhruv. You just uncovered something that was always there, if only we just knew how. I'm grateful, really, that you unlocked that understanding. I want to know what there is to know." JC offered a week smile. "And, I mean, yeah, man. I do feel like a wolf. But I feel human too. Don't get me wrong. I'm a wolf all the time. But I'm still a man. That never stopped"
He nodded. "There's no timeline or right way or wrong way, you know. It takes getting used to. I think you should take all the time you need, and you're more than allowed to feel however you feel or need to feel. I won't hold that against you." Júlio César bit his lip at that, offering a distant laugh. "You and me both, but I'm probably part of the problem around here."
Listening, then, he offered a low hum. "Hey, time is good. But don't worry about everyone. Let me worry about them. You do you. But pity? I don't...I don't pity you. For the record. I mean, I sympathize with you. I like you. I think you're a smart guy who had a really fucking bad thing happen to him. But pity? For what? I think wolfhood is the best thing in the entire world. You and me and others like us get to have something no one else on the planet does: two bodies, two minds, two minds that are completely and equally our own. Four legs or two. Still us. Still me. How lucky I am to get to have that. To see and experience so much more than others get to."
He sighed, cocking his head to one side, but his voice was steady. "I tell people when they're a pain in the ass, Dhruv. As a rule. Gets me into trouble. It's not something I think you are, and if I did, I'd tell you. Look, I'd like you to be in the pack. I'm being straight with you. But I'm not here to tie you down or force you. If you want and only if you want, though, I'm happy to be there to help you...at least figure out more of the wolf thing. Control is possible. I live it. At your pace. It doesn't even need to be a big formal pack thing. We could just hang. Be friends."
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nyraxodeyer · 1 month ago
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"Threat?" Drumming away vexation that travelled a path to an actual headache, Nyra heaved a sigh as JC continued to speak. "Did you not moments ago imply that Meena might be worse of than just missing with 'tattle to potentially dead teacher'? Was that okay? But sure, blame me. You're seeing her, great, but she's my friend too." Centuries before they began dating, she wanted to add but didn't. "Once again, I have better things to do after Meena is found than tell her all the ridiculous things said and done in that meeting." Though as she thought on it now, since he was so adamant into thinking she actually will, maybe she should. At least that way she'll meet one expectation of his.
"We agreed that you can do both those thing, though? Saying if you want to take the lead on that is implying you're useless. You brought up Mason, to that I wasn't sure on. Ghosts work differently in our culture, we prayed for reincarnation, I don't know the exact mechanisms of Spirit Raising but I wouldn't want that for the Mahirs. I hope you understand that." Looking to him now, she blinked a little, confusion flickering across her face, she didn't know if everything grew twisted in her head or if JC had forgotten all the things he himself had dismissed or all the times he had implied the rest of them were useless. "I didn't say they were my business? I just pointed out that there were notes between the two of you alongside the main discussion."
She let out a slow exhale trying not let the weariness show. "I agree with that, it shouldn't be easy that's why there's so many, albeit bordering on ridiculous, arguments we have in that room. What? I don't expect that? I know you're not the one to sit quietly and let things slide, which is an admirable trait, we need that. You're worried, I can see it, and angry at everything that went down, I can feel that, but did also take in the rest of situation? That meeting was held a couple or so days after the chaos, you saw how Ben had to call in? I was also kidnapped briefly, stuck in a nightmare scenario and burned with iron. Sorry for not coming to the table with ideas and a fucking go-getter attitude.I was tired. Still am." She hated having to explain that, having to admit that she had been hurt and wanted rest in case it would be misconstructed like everything else she said and be considered a weakness or something as such. Nyra laughed sharply breaking out of her head, "No you don't, you literally don't. No one thinks you're a bad guy either, if you do, then that's on you."
Júlio César narrowed his eyes. "I said what I said, Nyra. I made a suggestion about asking some of the spirits in-town. Maybe not the best. But Aaliyah compared my moral character to Lori's and then threatened to tell Meena I was resurrecting Theodore Moore. Ridiculous." He shook his head. "And while I can't blame you for Aaliyah's actions, I can blame you for making the same threat. Was that respectful? Dangling the missing woman I'm...seeing over my head like I'm a child?"
He grunted. "Imply? You implied I wasn't useful too. You suggested I was somehow too good to round up ghosts or talk to local business. Which is exact kind of thing I signed up to the Council to do. The work. The wolves have been on the streets for every single disaster." He grunted. "And just so you know, I told Jake to stop snacking. And the notes aren't your business. They are between me and the Alpha. Do I mettle in Fae conversations? Honest question."
Crossing his arms, JC cocked is head to the one side. "Oh, I like disagreements. I wish we'd stop taking the path of least resistance. It's not supposed to be easy or timely. We have to stop avoiding unpleasant shit. And listen, I'm sorry if I made you feel belittled. Or disrespected. But I did not start anything in that meeting. I was genuinely, truly, doing everything in my power to get along and get things done. But as you so aptly reminded me, 'I don't always help the situation.' Even when, up to that point, I, again, hadn't done anything. People just expect me to and snap at what they assume." He met her eye.
"Yeah, our weaknesses used against us sucks. I know it," he replied, clearing his own throat. "And there it is again. What did I do, Nyra? I have to sit there with perfect composure too. I get an inch too loud or don't roll over at a snappy throwaway comment, suddenly I'm the bad guy."
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ofbloodandsnow · 1 year ago
A challenge. How fun. "I'm sure we could find some use for them - I'm quite versatile." He made his way to the werewolf. He had to admit, while semi-transformed werewolves weren't really his type (mutton chops are pretty much always a big no), but he made work. "What am I doing? Well, it's a party, right? I'm just here for a little fun." A hand to his chest, he gasped in fake shock. "Oh my, Grandmother, what big claws you have(!)"
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As the panic seized the room, Júlio César wasted no time pulling out his claws and teeth. He needed to be transformed to most clearly hear the back-and-forth now pulsing through the pack's shared psychic link. In truth, then, the only factor keeping him from fully morphing into his lupine form was time; there was none right now, not in the frenzy. And so, he moved through the room briskly in his half-wolf state, ushering humans and wolves alike through one of the emergency exit doors.
Sniffing the air, however, JC caught the scent of blood, stiffening a little as fights were beginning to break out. It was in that moment, then, that he locked eyes with Sébastien. He had not seen the likes of this, the darkened gaze, the strange power pulsing through his neighbors. But he knew witch bullshit when he saw witch bullshit. The wolf gave a shake of his head. "Oh no. You're gonna regret it if you come over here, guy. More teeth then you'll know what to do with. What're you doing?" He set out the signal to the other wolves still in the room, keeping them at a bay unless he needed them to jump to his own aid.
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lucayxng · 2 years ago
Luca reached out to shake JC's hand and returned the smile. There was something about the man that felt familiar to Luca, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. "Ah, it is unfortunate when work comes between you and free food. I had a similar problem. Where do you work?" He considered JC's question briefly, looking out at the view from the top of the cliffs. "Well, the views are certainly nothing to scoff at. Have you lived here long?"
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JC turned his head a smile quickly spending across his features at the other beside him. "Hey." Hearing the name he nodded and let out a soft chuckle. "It's nice to meet you Luca." With him traveling back and forth in the last week for his work he hadn't gotten a chance to get a run in around the cliffs. "I'm JC." His hand stretched out for the other to take. He had heard the name and something about a second marine biologist in town but wasn't a hundred percent sure if his companion was the one that was talked about. Though he only worked part time at the conservatory he always seemed to be in the loop with the latest developments. At the question he nodded. "Yeah. I did though had to cut out early. Work beckoned. But it was a lovely time. From that I gather you didn't get to go? How are you liking the town?"
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