#c: fleet 003
lxighmadxson · 7 months
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Kissing Booth!!
where Leigh visits Fleet at the Kissing Booth to try to ninja her way into getting ideas on what to get him for the Pot of Gold @fleetsummers
Leigh Madison
After finding out she had gotten Fleet for the Pot of Gold thing, she had been trying to come up with something to give him, but despite their mission to get food for the Ranch, Leigh realized she didn't have much else to go off of for figuring out an idea. So it was time for some intel gathering. Leigh approached the booth with a bag in her hand that contained three seperate paper flower crowns. "I come bearing a gift for the leprechauns," she said as she held it up, "courtesy of Allison." 
fleet summers
Fleet sat up excitedly, clapping his hands together lightly. "Leigh!" he exclaimed. "That's so nice of Allison! And you, of course, for agreeing to deliver her presents." It felt like they'd barely seen each other since the Ranch, since those last rushing, terrifying moments when she'd been trying to get out to warn Redwood; everyone had touched base with each other (even the briefest of contact) once they were home, but it was still ... jangly. Getting settled back in. For some people more than others. "She must be very relieved to have you back."
Leigh Madison
Leigh smiled and laughed as she set down the bag for him. "Allison is her only little leprechaun in her own way. I did try to let her know that flower crowns were more for fairies than leprechauns but there was no stopping her." Leigh felt somewhat bad that she had been a little dodgey since getting back to Redwood, especially around people who had been at the ranch but she had been focusing on her daughter. Spending as much time as she could with her and treasuring every second. "Oh, you have no idea. She would be attached to my leg like a little koala bear right now if I hadn't insisted that Jimmy specifically requested her to braid his hair." Leigh laughed a little under her breath at the image in her head now. "So, how has this been going? Been keeping pretty busy?"
fleet summers
With an arch little lift of his eyebrows and shoulder, Fleet intoned, "...baby girl has the right idea, some of us Leprechauns are also fairies," breaking into a laugh that turned into a cooing, 'awwwww!' as he lifted out the crown that he liked best, setting it to his head immediately. "Lucky girl. I'd like a turn at braiding Jimmy's hair myself." Fleet smiled at Leigh's question about how the booth had been going, saying, "It's been fun! During the Leprechaun debriefing meetings I heard that Clint's brother visited and didn't really behave himself, though Val and Beth were both discreet about it, they didn't go into details. I just extrapolated. That's the only blip." Fleet frowned for a moment, but smoothed it away for Leigh's sake. "Are you happy with your assignment? We split up the names so I only know a third of them and of course we don't know who got any of us Leprechauns."
Leigh Madison
The way Fleet lit up when he picked up one of the flower crowns and put it on his head, she felt a wave of joy course through her. It was nice to see so many smiling faces now. "Y'know, the next time Jimmy asks, I'll see about throwing you into the ring. You would have to share with Allison, though." Leigh really was curious about how the booth was going and who had come swinging by. She shifted a little uncomfortably at the mention of Clint's brother. "Mike, right? Yeah, the guy gives me some creeper vibes." And that wasn't just because he was a former Daybreaker or had apparently done the things that planted Clint in the clinic. "Me? Oh yeah, I'm pretty excited. Although I'm trying to come up with what to get them. I feel like they might be happy with anything but I want to do something meaningful." She thought this might be a good way to get into what Fleet would like sneakily but she didn't want to give it away too easily. She needed to be more subtle. "What about you? You know what you're going to get who you got?"
fleet summers
"Put me in the game, coach! I'd happily share a shift of Jimmy Beautification." Fleet amended just in case: "--not that he's not beautiful as it is. The man's breathtaking. But we can all use a little embellishment." He touched his fingertips against the flowers on his brow to emphasize, leaving the topic of Mike to follow Leigh's explanation about her Act of Niceness. "Something meaningful is always the pinnacle to aim for," Fleet said, "but don't stress yourself! I barely know anything about my recipient but I think they're the same, they'd be happy with just about whatever." He was picking up little bits of info about Harry, but nothing earth-shaking. "I'm waiting for inspiration to strike. Calling on the muses for aid."
Leigh Madison
Leigh laughed. "I'll add you to the line up." Fleet was right - everyone deserved to look glorious, even if it was for no specific reason. Leigh stuffed her hand into her jacket pocket, following along as Fleet spread his insight into the Act of Niceness. "Ah, you see, you say that, but I'm the kind of person that always stressed over giving the perfect gift during any holiday. I get joy seeing the happiness on someone's face when they get a gift." But there was Leigh's first hint. "Really? You'd be happy with anything you were given?"
fleet summers
"I really would. And I know that sounds ... ridiculous," Fleet rolled his eyes, turning slightly flushed, "it sounds like I'm straight out of Equestria and I'm gearing up for a very special lesson about how the best gifts, no matter what they are, come from the heart, but that's true!" He propped one elbow on the booth, musing, "I get that for a lot of people, gift-giving is about the rush from when the person likes the present. But I think that's also what causes the stress. Our hope with this wasn't who gets the best and most perfect present, it was just for people to connect by thinking about what would make their friends and neighbours' days a little brighter."
Leigh Madison
While Fleet's answer was helpful, it also almost wasn't. But the fact he knew Equestria, well....that was something she could work with. "Just a little bit, yeah, but that's not a bad thing. I think a lot of people could learn a lot if we were in Equestria." Leigh leaned against the booth carefully. "That's honestly really sweet. The three of you are quite the creative geniuses. Although, I shouldn't be surprised. The three of you could light up a meadow during a new moon."
fleet summers
A meadow during a new moon -- Fleet had never heard that expression, and his immediate reaction of delight was tempered by him dialing it back and tossing his head, fondly sniffing, "...Texans," as he shivered in pleasure at the sentiment. He had his own Texan to think that way about, now. "Everyone's been through so much. I'm glad that this is doing something to make people feel a little lighter, even for a moment or two."
Leigh Madison
Leigh couldn't help but laugh a little bit at his reaction to her coloquism. "Hey, don't say it like that! I thought it was super sweet!" Her laugh died a little bit but her smile remained pretty permanent on her face. "So am I. After the Ranch, I think people needed this....and I realized I never really got to thank you for helping Colin and me back there."
fleet summers
"You don't have to thank me, Leigh. Honestly it just makes me feel weird when people thank me for the things I did there. Not to make you feel bad!" Fleet hastened to say, holding out his hand over the booth counter. "I get it, and I'm thankful too for everyone who was there, but it's just ... a lot. To adjust to, what I did." Fleet looked at her, eyes limpid and brows pulled fretfully together, hoping Leigh understood what he was getting at.
Leigh Madison
Leigh shifted slightly as she did feel a little awkward now. Honestly she wished she could have done more, or at least make it back to Redwood to warn everyone and not get thrown off Stella before she even made it back. But she also knew if she had stayed back at the Ranch she could very well not have made it back. "Yeah, I understand. It was....a lot."
fleet summers
"A lot a lot." Fleet tipped his head, regarding her. "Do you want a kiss? Or a hug or a hand-holding or anything like that?" He balanced his chin on the backs of his fingertips, posing as he said, "That's what us Leprechauns are here for, after all. And I like doing it so don't feel hesitant to ask."
Leigh Madison
"Ah, yes." She hummed a little as she leaned against the table top. "I have heard a kiss from a leprechaun is supposed to bring good luck."
fleet summers
"A whole rainbow full." Fleet leaned across to meet Leigh, planting a warm kiss against her mouth, then reaching up to keep his flower crown from shifting and falling off. "And one for you to pass on to Allison for me, on behalf of all the Leprechauns," he said with a laugh, leaning back in to drop a kiss lightly on the crest of her cheek. Fleet pulled back a bit, not too much, and said with quiet wryness, "...it's not the life any of us saw coming, is it?"
Leigh Madison
Leigh closed her eyes and gave him back a sweet kiss as well. Yep, this was definitely a nice little pick-me-up. The second kiss to her cheek made her breath a smile and a laugh. Ally was gonna enjoy knowing she was getting a kiss from a leprechaun. "She's going to feel truly special." Whether it was just how nice this was or if it was just a breath of fresh air, she did really feel a bit more at ease. The kissing booth maybe was full of leprechaun magic. "No, not in a million years," she huffed with a soft laugh under her breath. "But at least we have one to live."
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theunkn0wn-0 · 5 months
The Gift of Immortality DRAGON BALL STORY: Insert Reader
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╰➤ ⌈ 𝑰𝑵𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑴𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵… ⌋ ╰┈┈➤ This is a FIRST PERSON POV story for the reader, Y/N, M/C. ╰┈┈➤ Instead of (Y/N), I use [First Name] for your name. ╰┈┈➤ Enjoy the story, have fun.
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004 | Epiphany
❝The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.❞
I launched myself forward, fists poised to strike, closing the distance between us; my movements were fluid and deliberate. A barrage of punches and jabs rained down upon him, each blow fueled by a mixture of desperation and resolve. Goku remained on the defensive, his movements a blur of speed and agility as he deftly evaded my attacks.
Undeterred, I pressed on, relentless in my pursuit of victory. Jab, hook, rear hook—I threw everything I had at him, testing the limits of his defenses. And then, I seized the opportunity to change tactics. With a swift pivot, I transformed my rear hook into an uppercut, channeling a portion of my strength into the blow. Goku barely managed to dodge, his surprise evident in the flicker of his expression.
He was quick to recover, his resilience a testament to his skill and strength. Goku surged forward with an offensive attitude, delivering a two-handed strike aimed at my chest, striving to turn the tide of the battle in his favor. Yet, in a display of agility and flexibility borne of millennia of training. I gracefully evaded his strike; I dropped to the ground.
With a quick maneuver, I arched my back, planting my hands firmly on the arena floor as I brought my legs to my chest. I unleashed a brisk counterattack; my legs were blurred as they shot upward, sending Goku reeling backward. The crowd burst into cheers, their excitement echoing through the arena as I delivered the first blow of the match. With a deft kick-up, I regained my footing, and my muscles coiled like a spring as I took a defensive stance.
Despite the thrill of battle, a fleeting moment of introspection invaded my mind, a reminder to temper my strength. My survival instincts are screaming for me to go all out and end this swiftly, but that would destroy the purpose of determining my opponent's power, along with trying to hide my true potential from my enemy who is watching me.
I have to restrain myself as much as I despise it; going to my full power now would be unfair. He needs to make a move—
A sharp blow landed squarely in my gut, knocking the wind from my lungs and jolting me out of my reverie. Goku closed the distance between us and reminded me of the consequences of hesitation in battle. I stumbled backward, my hand instinctively clutching at the source of pain.
Never mind. Fuck...
My body would recover, my senses on high alert as Goku unleashed a relentless barrage of strikes. Each punch and kick came with lightning precision, leaving little room for evasion or defense. Despite the onslaught, I managed to avoid his attacks, albeit with effort. Yet, I couldn't help but let a few blows land, a deliberate decision to show vulnerability that would cause Junior to underestimate me.
With each hit, I gritted my teeth, suppressing the urge to retaliate with full force. Despite my efforts to conceal my true strength, Goku sensed something was wrong. His brow furrowed in confusion as he realized I was holding back, and he struggled to keep pace with my elusive maneuvers. As Goku pressed on, his attacks growing more ferocious with each passing moment, I dodged his punches, and my hand caught one of his fists with effortless ease, guiding it harmlessly past me.
At the same time, my left leg subtly positioned itself behind Goku's, ready to execute the next move. With a fluid and swift motion, I pivoted his body, using the leverage of my grounded stance to exert force through my right arm, throwing a blow of strength to guide his momentum, using his force against him to throw him off balance.
Goku stumbled, his body crashing to the ground with a resounding thud. Wasting no time, I launched into a follow-up attack, my clenched fist aimed squarely at his defenseless face. Despite his best efforts to block, the force of my blow landed with brutal accuracy, sending him slamming to the ground once more, the force of the blow driving the wind from his lungs.
Even with the restraint I exercised, the pain was palpable, etched across his features as he struggled to regain his footing; I took a step back, allowing Goku a moment to recover. The crowd erupted into cheers as they watched the intense exchange unfold.
"Come on, show me what you got," I urged, my voice carrying a hint of nonchalance, a silent invitation to continue the battle. With a grunt of effort, Goku rose to his feet, his gaze locked on mine with a steely determination. I knew he was holding back, just as I was, each of us biding our time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.
His movements were measured as he studied me with a keen eye; I could feel the weight of his scrutiny, his mind dissecting my every move with precision. I seized the moment, launching myself forward with a fierce resolve, my fist prepared to strike.
But before my fist could connect, an unseen force collided with my face, sending shockwaves of pain reverberating through my skull. Confusion mingled with pain as I realized Goku had struck me from a distance, his arm outstretched in a display of unseen power as he stood at the same spot.
What the hell was that? How had he managed to strike me from this distance? That move…
The shock of his counterattack reverberated through my senses; before I could unravel the mystery, Goku charged at me with renewed vigor. Instinct kicked in, my body moving on autopilot as we clashed in a flurry of blows. Our arms locked in a fierce struggle, the air thick with the sound of grunts and the clash of fists.
In a split second, my feet lashed out, connecting with his chin, his chin snapping upward as he stumbled backward. Then, a memory struck me, a fragment of my training with King Piccolo resurfacing from the depths of my subconscious.
Drawing upon that reservoir of knowledge, I unleashed a wave of energy, propelling it towards Goku with all the force I could muster. His chest buckled under the onslaught, a testament to the raw power of my attack. But amidst the chaos of battle, a nagging question lingered.
How did he know that shockwave technique? That technique was from King Piccolo… Is there a connection between him and King Piccolo? Is that why Junior mentioned him getting in his way?
As we continued to trade blows, the answers eluded me, shrouded in the haze of uncertainty. Hours felt like mere moments as we danced on the precipice of combat with our fists and kicks, neither of us willing to yield an inch.
With a final clash, we both leaped back, a temporary ceasefire in our relentless battle. Goku's smile, tinged with respect and amazement, his eyes sparkled with a glint of admiration. His words, though unexpected, carried a weight of sincerity that caught me off guard.
"Have you been holding back this much? I'm impressed," he remarked, his tone genuine. "Can we put this on timeout for a sec?"
His sudden request for a timeout raised an eyebrow of confusion, but I remained vigilant, unsure of what he had in store. And then, with a seemingly innocuous remark, he proceeded to strip off his top garments and the shirt underneath his Gi top.
The sight of Goku struggling to remove his shirt as his garments fell to the ground with a heavy thud, revealing his sculpted muscles and toned physique, a wave of confusion washed over me. But it was the weight of his discarded attire that caught my attention. Each piece, from his shirt to his wristbands, bore a substantial heft, hinting it wasn't normal clothes.
Confusion gnawed at me as I observed a group of fighters approach him, their familiarity with Goku evident in their companionship, offering assistance in setting aside his cumbersome attire. Their conversation drifted to the peculiar weight of his clothing; the garment weighed an extraordinary amount of 250 pounds.
I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer strength and endurance required to carry such a load into battle. A newfound respect bloomed within me for the man standing before me. To carry such a load in combat spoke volumes of Goku's dedication and determination. However, I pushed aside any semblance of sentiment, bracing myself for the battle and the revelation of even more surprises lurking beneath his seemingly carefree exterior.
As Goku's comrades retreated, leaving him to don his Gi top once more, I seized the opportunity to press the attack. With lightning-fast reflexes, I launched myself forward, intent on landing a decisive blow. But in a sudden twist of strategy, I dropped to the floor, sweeping his legs out from under him with calculated precision.
Goku's surprise was palpable as he crashed to the ground, his balance shattered. But before he could recover, I was already on my feet, unleashing a barrage of attacks aimed at his chest. Despite his agility, he managed to evade my strikes, rolling away with practiced ease.
In the heat of battle, I found myself consumed by the thrill of combat, momentarily forgetting my purpose. But as the fight raged on, a realization dawned upon me: I was here to gauge Goku's strength, to test his limits. His speed was unparalleled, his movements fluid and unpredictable.
Landing a hit seemed like an impossible feat as he effortlessly dodged and weaved through my attacks. With each evasive maneuver, I was expending more of my ki energy, straining to keep pace with his relentless assault.
But just as I began to falter, Goku seized the opportunity to strike. Catching my punch, his movements mirrored the tactic I had used against him. With precision and finesse, he manipulated my body, leveraging his grounded stance to redirect my momentum against me.
I crashed to the ground with a jolt, the impact reverberating through my bones. But even as pain flared through my limbs, instinct propelled me into action, executing an Imanari Roll, a technique ingrained in muscle memory from centuries of training. My body rolled as I latched onto Goku's leg, my legs entwined around his as I brought him crashing down to the ground beside me.
A collective roar erupted from the crowd, their cheers reverberating through the arena like thunder. But even as I regained the offensive, Goku seized hold of my leg, and with his strength, he hurled me skyward, the ground receding beneath me in a dizzying blur, my body soaring high above the battlefield.
As I hung suspended in the air, a sense of awe washed over me at the sight of Goku harnessing his ki energy, a bright orb forming between his cupped hands and bringing it to his side; the brilliance of his ki radiated with an intensity that left me breathless.
He can use ki manipulation?
Time seemed to slow as I grappled with the realization that I was facing not just a skilled fighter, but a person who could utilize ki energy. The implications sent a shiver down my spine, a surge of anxiety mixing with the awe that gripped my mind. If Goku had such capabilities, it meant that others could as well in this continent.
The government with its resources and relentless pursuit to capture me could easily enlist others with similar abilities to track me down. They would be stronger, verve, and faster to keep up with me, and with the Somnus drug, they could inject me if I let down my guard or slip up. Just the thought of facing adversaries with similar powers by those who sought to exploit my immortality caused that thrill of this battle to vanish, replaced by sheer dread.
I hovered in the air; the wind whipped around me, carrying the scent of ozone and tension. Before I could react, Goku appeared behind me with a mighty yell, accompanied by a blinding beam of light hurtling toward me.
His voice sent a jolt of fear coursing through my veins as I braced myself for the onslaught. Instinct took over as I reached out, my hand connecting with the searing energy of the attack. Memories of King Piccolo's training flooded my mind, guiding my movements with a sense of urgency born from fear, a survival mechanism honed through years of misfortune.
With a steady hand, I redirected the beam, guiding it with precision back toward Goku. A look of bewilderment crossed Goku's face, his eyes wide with disbelief as his own attack barreled towards him. In a loud blast, he was sent hurtling back toward the ground, the force of his impact sending shockwaves rippling through the arena.
As the dust settled, I glanced down at my hand, which was trembling, the faint remnants of burn marks fading away as if they had never been; I struggled to steady my racing heart. With a shaky breath, I lowered myself to the ground, but before I could hit the earth, I instinctively levitated, hovering just above the ground before landing with a soft thud.
My eyes darted to Goku's prone form, his body battered and bruised, evidence of the blast of his attack and fall; fear gnawed at my insides, the possibility of having taken a life when I had reminded myself not to kill during this tournament.
"ONE!" The announcer's voice pierced through the haze of my thoughts, signaling the countdown to victory; however, my attention was fixated on Goku, his body broken yet miraculously still breathing.
"TWO!" Beads of sweat gathered on my brow, mingling with the remnants of dust and smoke that lingered in the air, my hands still trembling with the weight of what could have been.
At least he was alive and breathing.
"THREE!" The countdown continued, the sound of the crowd's cheers blending into a cacophony of noise that reverberated through the arena and in my ears.
"FOUR!" The realization that someone like Goku, skilled in ki manipulation, posed a threat that transcended mere physical prowess. With each passing moment, the fear threatened to overwhelm me, a suffocating weight upon my chest.
"FIVE!" I wouldn't be safe anymore if the government discovered these types of people, who could be on the same level as me, capturing me more easily than before I had learned ki energy.
"SIX!" Goku lay motionless on the ground, his body twitching with the effort to rouse himself from the brink of unconsciousness. For a fleeting moment, my thoughts drifted to the mission at hand. To assess his strength and skill, to determine if he could defeat Junior.
"SEVEN!" But as the count continued, my focus narrowed, my attention zeroing in on the fallen fighter before me. He needed to get up. I couldn't afford to face Junior, not yet.
Get up…
Get up!
And with that final count, the round drew to a close, declaring me the victor of Match 2. A surge of conflicting emotions washed over me, a mixture of defeat and dissatisfaction. While any regular person would revel in the glory of victory, I couldn't shake the sense of defeat that lingered in the air, a bitter taste of resignation.
A battle won, yet another step closer to the inevitable conflict with Junior. Goku wasn't the one I had been seeking who could end the reign of terror that would take over us all. But there were others; other fighters who might possess the power to tip the scales in my favor.
With a disdainful scoff, I turned away, the sound of rushing footsteps and Goku's comrades converging around him in a flurry of concern. He was no longer my concern. If he still drew breath, it mattered little whether bones were broken or wounds inflicted.
As I walked away, my gaze drifted upwards, drawn to the towering figure of Junior, perched upon the roof of the tournament building. His smug smirk taunted me from afar, igniting fury within my chest. Oh, how I longed to wipe that shit-eating grin off his face. Turning my attention elsewhere, I passed by a figure that gave me pause.
It was a tall and very muscular bald man; having a large scar on the right side of his chest that crossed his collarbone and ran down to his abdomen. His outfit consists of a green baggy toga-like top. A pair of baggy green pants, red-and-green wristbands, black boots with yellow covers, and a red sash.
But the third eye on his forehead caught my attention, its piercing gaze boring into my soul. But before either of us could speak, a voice shattered the stillness, pulling me back to the present, and turned around. It was Goku; who stood behind me, his smile genuine despite the strain evident in his voice.
"You put up quite a fight back there. That move you pulled, caught me by surprise. Looking forward to a rematch, and this time, let's go all out!"
His eagerness was palpable, infectious even, but I couldn't help but smirk behind my facemask, amused by his obliviousness to my true identity and the depths of my power; I highly doubted he ever would find out about me.
"Sure, if you can find me," I replied, my tone laced with a hint of cockiness that went unnoticed by Goku. His grin widened, his eyes alight with excitement like a child promised a reward for good behavior.
But as the announcer's voice boomed through the arena, heralding the start of the next match, my focus shifted to the upcoming fight between Krillin and Junior. I chose to remain rooted in place, a silent observer to study Junior's skills and abilities. Despite my outward calm, a sense of worry gnawed at the edges of my consciousness.
What if Junior was worse than King Piccolo?
I felt compelled to warn Krillin of the threat that he would face. But before I could intercede, Goku stepped forward, his demeanor shifting from jovial to solemn in an instant. He approached the short, noseless man clad in an orange gi, his black eyes brimming with curiosity.
"Krillin, your opponent for the next match is no ordinary warrior," Goku cautioned, his voice tinged with a gravity that belied his usual cheerfulness.
Krillin arched an eyebrow, intrigued by his friend's cryptic warning. "How so?" he inquired, a hint of uncertainty creeping into his voice.
"Trust me, keep your guard up," Goku replied. As their conversation unfolded, my suspicions grew. Goku's words hinted at a deeper connection between him, Junior, and perhaps even King Piccolo. It was a puzzle I couldn't solve, each piece adding to the mystery of his character.
With a silent nod of acknowledgment, Krillin walked away from us, his resolve determined despite the ominous energy emanating from Junior. Standing alongside Goku, I maintained my stoic facade, arms crossed as the two fighters entered the ring.
Their exchange of words was lost in the roar of the crowd, but the tension hung heavy in the air. As Krillin assumed a defensive stance and Junior stood motionless, his energy, thick with malice, enveloped the arena like a suffocating shroud.
A sudden tug at my core drew my attention to Krillin, his ki energy surging with unexpected power. Disbelief flickered across my features as I realized he, too, possessed the ability to harness his inner power. The realization was both intriguing and unsettling.
How many people know about ki? First Goku, then this guy?! This brethren of the seven dwarfs', noseless, bald guy!? Damn, I haven't been keeping up with society, and I guess this is normal to people nowadays, or maybe at least in this continent.
Even Junior, his smug grin fading, seemed to recognize the gravity of Krillin's energy. With a burst of light, Krillin unleashed a torrent of ki energy, two beams of light hurtling toward his opponent with a fierce shout. Yet, Junior remained unfazed, effortlessly evading the assault by soaring into the air.
But Krillin was not deterred. With a quick shift in strategy, Krillin redirected his beams, following Junior's movements. Junior retaliated with his own eye beams, shattering Krillin's attack, the resulting explosions sending shockwaves rippling through the air.
To my astonishment, Krillin closed the distance with lightning speed, his fist connecting squarely with Junior's face, sending Junior hurtling backward in a whirlwind of motion. Goku's exclamation of awe echoed through the air, a sentiment I couldn't help but share.
As the fight continued, Krillin landed on the ground, his movements fluid and controlled. Junior—undeterred by the blow, landed on the ground and faced his opponent. My focus remained as Krillin surged forward; Junior dodged and parried his flurry of punches, bringing them perilously close to the edge of the ring.
With a leap, they soared into the air, the arena below shrinking to a mere speck beneath them. Junior's powerful kick sent Krillin hurtling toward the ground, eliciting cries of concern from Goku.
My heart raced as I watched, my mind torn between fear for Krillin's safety and admiration for his resilience. But just as it seemed he would meet his end in a bone-crushing fall, Krillin halted mid-air, defying the laws of physics that left me in awe.
Regardless, it was more alarming that these fighters possessed abilities far beyond the realm of human comprehension. If the government were to harness such power, capturing me would be child's play.
Krillin hovered and landed in the center of the arena, wiping blood from his lips; a hush fell over the crowd.
"I think I speak for the entire audience how unbelievable that was. Just amazing!" The announcer's voice cut through the silence like a knife, his words a reverent homage to the spectacle that had unfolded before us. Through the members of the crowd, I strained to catch the exchange between Krillin and Junior.
"I must admit you surprised me. Your moves and techniques are adequate for such a limited mind. I congratulate you. Forgive my bias, I see now that I can afford to show you a little of my real power."
Junior's smug grin spoke volumes, his words dripping with arrogance and disdain. I could taste the bitterness of his ego as Krillin met his gaze with a steely resolve.
"Real power? Okay, let's see it," Krillin challenged him with a chuckle. Yet, deep down, I knew the danger from Junior's facade. His cunning, like that of a sly fox, that Junior's display of power would be nothing short of catastrophic.
My gaze narrowed, a feeling of apprehension coursing through me as Junior's ki energy surged, his form expanding. His aura, once a mere echo of his father's malice, now swelled with a power that sent ripples of unease and irritation cascading through my being.
His energy is different from King Piccolo's centuries ago. This is not good.
The crowd erupted into cheers once more, the tension thick enough to slice through with a blade. With a menacing grin, Junior extended his arm, his limb elongated, catching everyone off guard, including Krillin. He ensnared Krillin in his grasp before delivering a devastating blow that sent the fighter hurtling toward the unforgiving walls of the arena.
Yet, in a display of resilience, Krillin rebounded with astonishing speed, launching himself back into the fray. Caught off guard, Junior found himself on the defensive, gracefully evading Krillin's onslaught before striking back with a vicious kick. His foot connected with Krillin's torso with bone-crushing force, sending the hapless warrior soaring into the heavens once more.
As the battle raged on, I strained to keep up with the flurry of movements, my senses tingling with anticipation. But Krillin unleashed a surprise attack, a burst of ki energy illuminating the sky. As Krillin unleashed a blinding burst of ki energy, I dared to hope for a turning point in the fight. But my sanguinity was short-lived, shattered by Goku's frantic warning.
"Behind you, Krillin! It's a trap!"
Junior's trap was set, his hands clasped together as he unleashed a devastating blow from above. Krillin plummeted to the earth below, the impact shattering the arena floor with a sickening thud. I could almost feel the repercussions of his bones shattering.
The arena fell into a hushed silence, the once raucous crowd now eerily muted as all eyes turned to the fallen figure of Krillin. Despite the stillness that enveloped the arena, I could sense the faint pulse of his energy, a fragile thread that tethered him to consciousness.
As Junior descended to the ground, his malevolent chuckle resonated through the air. Behind the mask that obscured my face, I clenched my teeth in frustration, my gaze locked on the scene unfolding before me.
A flicker of movement caught my eye.
A twitch, barely perceptible, signaled Krillin's gradual return to consciousness. And then, with a low groan of anguish, he stirred, defying the odds stacked against him, his resilience catching Junior and myself by surprise. Slowly, laboriously, Krillin rose to his feet. Junior's facade of superiority momentarily shattered by the unexpected turn of events.
"Krillin is back on his feet, brace yourselves for this fight is not over yet," the announcer's voice boomed, punctuated by the roar of the crowd. Despite his valiant effort, Krillin's strength waned, his body betraying the toll of the battle.
I watched as Krillin decided to stand down, his body battered and bruised, but his spirit unbroken. In a display of sportsmanship and respect, the decision to concede the match was made, with the announcer declaring Junior the victor.
I felt a rush of wind as Goku raced to Krillin's side, a silent gesture of solidarity and support. As I stood amidst the jubilant throng, my gaze shifted to Junior; his frustration oozed in the air. I watched in silent contemplation as he retreated from the arena, his aura crackling with untamed energy. It was clear that he wouldn't rest until his thirst for power was quenched, and the world trembled beneath his feet.
With the announcement of the upcoming match ringing in my ears, I decided to depart; I made my way toward the tournament building. It was time to strategize. With Junior's formidable power fresh in my mind, I knew I had to remember the containment wave technique. Lost in thought, I was suddenly jolted back to reality by a voice behind me.
"You poor soul, you must leave."
Finished: May 12, 2024
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LINK TO THE BOOK [WATTPAD]: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 — 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗 𝙱𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 If you're interested in stories like these, here is my 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓
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thelouvrefm · 2 years
— 𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨 . . .
( muse f / 25 / cis woman / she/her/hers ) — did you see KELLY ACOSTA wandering around the island today? they kind of look like ANYA TAYLOR-JOY from certain angles? i heard around town that the TENNIS INSTRUCTOR is BRILLIANT, and INQUISITIVE, but also BLUNT, and PECULIAR. people say that they remind them of PURPLE WINE STAINS ON HER LIPS, A RECORD SCRATCH FOLLOWED BY “YOU’RE PROBABLY WONDERING HOW I GOT HERE”, and A LAYER OF PET HAIR COVERING HER CLUTTERED SEASIDE HOME, and RIBS by LORDE is definitely their theme song. they seem like a nice enough person, but we all know how hard it is to keep a pristine reputation in a small town. ( lauryn / 22 / cst / she/her/hers )
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b a c k g r o u n d —
 001. a kings haven native born into a rather large family in 1997. has two older sisters and more cousins than she could name. kelly was a highly inquisitive child who was very much in her own head for as far back as anyone can remember. she was bright, thoughtful, and often left to her own devices as her family was not incredibly nurturing.
 002. both her parents and her sisters were all much like she was in the way that they were content doing their own thing. there was a strong emphasis on individuality in their family that led each of the sisters down different paths. though the family would convene at appropriate times, it was a rather bizarre way to grow up. there were no family game nights or sit down dinners at the table. the sisters didn’t often seek each other out unless they needed something from each other. the only real time the family would spend together was out on the water. they all loved to boat and would often be seen out on their boat whenever the weather was nice.
 003. this way of growing up led kelly to be independent from a young age. her parents would aid in her learning and care, but they would encourage her to find her own likes and dislikes, hobbies and extracurriculars, rather than suggest them at random to her. there was a peculiar awareness that kelly possessed from a young age that led her to be comfortable with her own presence. she would judge her parents’ behaviors and mannerisms, and deduced that they were simply eccentric people who loved each other deeply and were devoted to an atypical parenting style. so, kelly left them to it and learned to entertain herself.
 004. in her youth, kelly cycled through hobbies and activities. she had a natural talent for anything involving intellect or strategy. physical activities, however, challenged her. she had always been a petite girl with little coordination and athleticism; because of this, she had to work hard to become good at things like sports. both intellectual and physical hobbies had their benefits, and kelly began collecting interests. sometimes, she would dive entirely into something and master it quickly, then leave it behind forever. other times, like with chess and tennis, kelly would keep them around on the front lines for when her other fleeting hobbies bored her.
 005. kelly was viewed by others as strange in her adolescence. she was quiet around most people, and a bit standoffish. she had a strong presence and possessed no worries when interacting with others, though they were usually skeptical of her mannerisms. kelly was always the first in the class to hand in her test and never got in any trouble. she would only speak when she wanted to know something or felt definitively that something was worth saying. kelly did have a couple close friends, but she was more worried about her own little world than the one around her.
 006. as time went on, kelly matured in her thinking and awareness; she grew to understand her desires more. despite having an abnormal upbringing and personality, kelly grew to be fairly average as teenage girls go. she was intellectually gifted, yes, but she had crushes and uncertainties and even the occasional tantrum. 
 007. she integrated into society with a sureness in herself that came from self exploration at an early age, but she felt as though she still had much to learn. kelly sought a stability that her home life didn’t provide, and attempted to bring about this security on her own. perhaps a routine? the big issue here is that kelly’s nature was to bounce around from thing to thing. she loved to try and discover new things. she was a wild card who always had something going on. 
 008. when it came time to figure out what she wanted to do with her life, this became a big issue. she had a perfect gpa and plenty of extracurriculars on her record. recommendations were certainly no issue as every adult loved kelly’s quiet, insightful nature. her performance on the school’s tennis team was scholarship worthy. any college would be lucky to have her! if only any of her many hyperfixations had stuck.
 009. in an attempt to avoid her indecision, kelly decided she would take a gap year after she graduated from high school. when her grandmother got sick, kelly devoted her time to taking care of her. she moved in with her and learned a lot in the year it took before her grandma passed. grandma acosta was a strong woman with endless insight. since kelly had to spend large amounts of time with her on account of tending to her needs, she grew very comfortable with her. kelly’s guard was let down around her. to this day, kelly credits her grandma with shaping much of who she is an adult, all in the span of that one year. her grandma also led to her to dig into her father’s side of the family’s argentine roots. in their downtime, kelly’s grandmother would teach her spanish and hand over secret family recipes.
 010. to her surprise, grandma had left kelly with a moderate inheritance and that quaint little beach house that they had resided in together. kelly left much of the house the same, though she did soon begin filling it with animals. this house would act as the setting to much of her growing up.
 011. kelly really grew into herself around the age of 21. she became more bold and sociable. kelly had always been fearless, but she had a new confidence that attracted others. that gap year eventually turned into avoiding college as a whole, though she did consistently keep a job as an in-home dog trainer from ages 19-22. she had no certifications, but she produced great results and offered more modest pricing than those who had proper certifications. at the age of 22, kelly ended up taking a job as a tennis instructor and has stuck with this for three years now. she was able to invest her inheritance in a way that freed her up quite a lot for her hobbies.
 012. while working as a tennis instructor, kelly has collected a few comptia certifications (a+, network+, security+) and took to learning different coding languages, as well. she has an interest in cyber security and has tried her hand at hacking. she has grown to view this as a career she could be happy with if she ever finds herself needing more consistent work. as of now, she isn’t ready to commit to a full time job.
 013. kelly’s rebellious streak came a little late in life. curious about their effects, kelly cycled through various drugs and would often document her experiences through journals or painting. drug use is one habit that kelly has yet to break, though she doesn’t flit from the habitual use of one drug to the next anymore. she’s a bit more predictable now, sticking to nicotine, alcohol, anti-anxiety medication, and marijuana. occasionally, she will branch out if she’s at the club or in the presence of her rowdier friends. she is aware of her substance abuse issues but her know-it-all nature leads her to believe she knows how to “do it right” in order to avoid seriously harming herself. some nights, though, she takes it a little too far when she’s sick of her analytical thinking and feeling in control.
 014. meet kelly now… she’s a certified train wreck who wakes up on the loveseat most days half-dressed. she is slowly becoming dissatisfied with her life as she is running out of things to fill her time with, and new experiences just aren’t as exciting now that her brain is more developed and her emotions are a bit more stable. adulthood isn’t exactly becoming of her; she finds no comfort in the semblance of stability (the thing that she once desired the most) that she has built for herself. she hides her substance abuse and mental turmoil well. she would never let someone see a thing that she didn’t want them to see (except when she’s intoxicated… she’s a lot more human when she’s off her face).
[ ! ] TLDR : super gifted mensa IQ kid who had an typical childhood. she has a billion hobbies but her fickle nature led to her not knowing what she wanted to do with her life. so, she did drugs instead and is now wondering what happened to her adolescence. not a good adult but a very good time! she has many interests and is fairly sociable, so she’s an easy person to get along with
p e r s o n a l i t y —
 001. kelly is curious and analytical, to a fault. it’s consuming and second nature to her at this point. as a result, she loves to try new things and will go out of her way to do so. she is incredibly capable, but also an irresponsible train wreck. kelly is both stubborn and open-minded. she is somewhat of a know-it-all, but if you present her with proof of something, her mind will change without much challenge. despite a slight unreadiness to show it, kelly is incredibly empathetic. she credits her empathetic nature to her intelligence; she is able to infer based on mannerisms how others feel and relate that back to her own experiences with such feelings. her awareness of herself and others is high, much to her own detriment.
 002. many people think kelly is strange; she certainly can come off the wrong way and her lack of a filter can be off-putting. she simply isn’t afraid whatsoever to speak her mind and often won’t censor herself around people. if she wants to say something, she will. kelly is definitely a mastermind type, able to manipulate situations if she pleases and able to analyze many solutions to a problem. there is certainly no lack of motivation and energy with her. kelly was quiet as a child and can still be quite soft spoken. however, she has a strong presence and speaks with that strength, only speaking when there is something definitively worth saying.
 003. kelly is secretly a hopeless romantic. she has never had anything more than a fling with a tourist, and has watched as those around her fell in love. she wants to have a youthful whirlwind romance and subconsciously assigns meaning and connection to pretty much every interaction of hers but she’d never let you know that. she can come off as flirty, but that’s mostly from her bold and straightforward nature. kelly can be a lot to be around, but not necessarily in an unpleasant way (depending on who you are). she is a very hardworking person who will practice and practice something if she isn’t naturally good at it.
about. statistics. headcanons. connections.
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lawguitar · 4 years
iron and wine - the trapeze swinger
F5: 133000
E|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| B|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| G|~~~~~0~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~~| D|~0h22~~~0h22~~~~~~~0~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0h22~~~~~~~0~~| A|3~~~~~~3~~~~~~~0h22~~~0h22~~~~~003~~~~003~~3~~~~~~~0h22~~~| E|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3~~~~~~3~~~~~~1~3~~~~1~3~~~~~~~~~~~~3~~~~~~~|
C                G  F5             C          G Please, remember me Happily By the rosebush laughing        C           G            F5               C              G With bruises on my chin The time when We counted every black car passing       Am               G          F5            C                 G Your house beneath the hill And up until Someone caught us in the kitchen      Am               G              F5                C              G With maps, a mountain range, A piggy bank A vision too removed to mention       But
Please, remember me Fondly I heard from someone you're still pretty And then They went on to say That the pearly gate Had some eloquent graffiti Like ‘We'll meet again’ And ‘Fuck the man’ And ‘Tell my mother not to worry’ And angels with their gray Handshakes Were always done in such a hurry       And
Please, remember me At Halloween Making fools of all the neighbors Our faces painted white By midnight We'd forgotten one another And when the morning came I was ashamed Only now it seems so silly That season left the world And then returned And now you're lit up by the city   So
Please, remember me Mistakenly In the window of the tallest tower call Then pass us by But much too high To see the empty road at happy hour Leave and resonate Just like the gates Around the holy kingdom With words like Lost and Found and Don’t Look Down And Someone Save Temptation  And
Please, remember me As in the dream We had as rug-burned babies Among the fallen trees And fast asleep Aside the lions and the ladies That called you what you like And even might Give a gift for your behavior A fleeting chance to see A trapeze Swing as high as any savior       But
Please, remember me My misery And how it lost me all I wanted Those dogs that love the rain And chasing trains The colored birds above there running In circles round the well And where it spells On the wall behind St. Peter's So bright with cinder gray And spray paint 'Who the hell can see forever?'     And
Please, remember me Seldomly In the car behind the carnival My hand between your knees You turn from me And said ‘The trapeze act was wonderful But never meant to last’ The clown that passed Saw me just come up with anger When it filled with circus dogs The parking lot Had an element of danger       So
Please, remember me Finally And all my uphill clawing My dear But if I make The pearly gates Do my best to make a drawing Of G-d and Lucifer A boy and girl An angel kissing on a sinner A monkey and a man A marching band All around the frightened trapeze swingers
Na-na Na-na-na Na-na Na-na...
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