#c: emile park younghyun
ughchewy · 4 years
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a grin broke its away across emile’s face as the butterflies danced throughout his stomach and across his chest. he was only buying flowers for his boyfriend, ryn, but the simple action was enough to excite and fluster him as the cashier finished ringing his total. 
“cuute~ how lucky,” the cashier smiled warmly at him, and emile briefly met her eyes, returning the smile before carefully grabbing the roses from her hand. he wasn’t actually sure if ryn liked flowers, as his boyfriend was easily more the type who got dirty dealing with oil rather than actual dirt, but emile had always wanted to buy someone roses on valentine’s day - and he couldn’t think of a better person to buy them for. 
fortunately the day was as bright and gleeful as emile was, and the skin on his face warmed as the sun broke past the clouds and irradiated the freckles across his cheeks. the feeling was almost euphoric as he walked down the street, completely oblivious to his surroundings as he made his way towards a nearby candy shop. it was times like these when emile was thankful for being financially independent from the work he did through university, because it allowed him to occasionally splurge when he felt it mattered the most. after picking his way through a few of the candies that he expected ryn might enjoy and that he knew he personally liked, he asked one of the few salespeople who were free for their recommendation.
“jellies and chocolate are always the most popular.”
“then i’ll take two of each.”
with his hands full, emile pulled out his cellphone as he stopped on the edge of the sidewalk to avoid standing in the way of any passerby’s.
happy valentine’s day!! <3 i’m going to be over in 10 minutes. he texted to ryn, and he smiled once he saw his message had been received. 
thankfully miyama was a small town, and walking from place to place didn’t take much time or energy, but a small town also made everything inevitably accessible, and as emile passed by a small shop, he couldn’t help but stop to stare at a little brown plush bear in the display window. he was certain that ryn didn’t collect stuffed animals, but the little fluff of synthetic fur and stuffing made him feel warm; and ryn was his cuddle buddy, so it was only logical that they had a mini cuddle-buddy child as well.
when emile finally arrived to the von brandt residence, he pressed his finger against the door bell, hoping that it was ryn who answered, and smiling when his wish came true. 
“happy valentine’s day, rynnie! i love you!” he said, face red, but smiling nonetheless.
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