#c: dilara
martinthea · 2 years
"My point exactly," Thea agreed with a chuckle as she put the last of her things away and joined her roomie in the kitchen. "White. There's always time for red later." She grabbed a bottle from the fridge and uncorked it. "That doesn't sound great. Elaborate please." Thea knew better than anyone how tedious routine could get after awhile. She was the type of person that wanted to see progress, that wanted to feels like things were moving forward. The reality was that things happened slowly for most people, herself included.
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jesserosxles · 2 years
LOCATION: club envy, edge of the dancefloor CLOSED: @dilaraxosman​
It’d taken longer than he expected, silly considering what seemed like half of Hidehill had shown up, but Jesse had finally spotted Dilara, dog ears and all. Coming up from behind, he draped his arm over her shoulder and pulled her in for a backwards sort of hug. “Eh, I found you!” He tilted his head and body sideways, trying to get a glimpse of her face. “How’s you, Scooby Doo? Having fun? Do we...” And he paused to raise his eyebrows, “need a Scooby Snack?”
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crawfxrd · 2 years
SLIP AWAY || self para
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tw: death mention, blood, stabbing, trampling mention: @lukaplan, @dilaraxosman, @nashvcn, @emirayildiz
Crawford had elected to slip away.
The decision came slowly throughout the night, starting with that first drink just to take the edge off. Whiskey, his tried and true. It came harder and faster as the hours stretched on, collecting on the pain bit by bit: seeing the heartbreak he had caused reflected in Dilara’s eyes, watching as the girl he thought he’d had something with placing her hand on someone else’s heart, and then hearing straight from her mouth that it was true. It had been that last confession that launched him towards that tiny pill in that tiny bag that Thalia had offered up. Neither had needed to pretend they were better tonight. When he swallowed it back, Crawford wanted the feelings to follow it down. Numb sounded like a pretty good plan.
Where he’d gone after that didn’t matter. It’d become a blur right up until that—
The screams that followed echoed in his ear and ran down his spine, down his arms. His palm, calloused from years at Mel’s, pressed heavy on the railing, noting every chip and bubble in the paint while the rest of him couldn’t make out a single detail in the dark. He tried to match his blinking with the strobe, but it was like the atmosphere of the club was too thick for Crawford to cut through, his body and mind moving too slowly. Everything aside from his heartbeat.
It was a sort of knowing that even he didn’t understand, an instinctual response from a body that knew the pain wasn’t over. ‘Remember who you are,’ it seemed to say. ‘Pain is all you’re supposed to know.’ There was no getting out of it that easily. And with each of the next few flashes of light, Crawford was reminded.
A turn of his head and a glimpse down, he spotted what looked like an angel lying on the ground, complete with a dark halo pooled around her head. His jaw, already clenched tight, bit down harder. His eyes closed harshly, trying to right themselves. ‘Angels aren’t real’. He’d known that, felt it straight to his core, ever since he was a teen. So why was it that this one wasn’t going away?
He’d only just begun, with that next flash of light, to noticed that she looked familiar. Hand pressed to the railing, eyes squinting through the darkness— he couldn’t tell. The only thing he could make out was the dark color of her hair and that halo.
In the next moment, the air was pulled from his lungs. Like a fire, something burned at his side. Crawford had only managed to get a glimpse of metal before the club all went dark again. Hands pressed to the punctured skin, not trusting his own body and mind until he felt it. The sting. When another came, this time slashing his arm, Crawford drew back and back and further still, not knowing when to stop. He had only just raised his hands in front of him when the strobe light flashed again, revealing how he shook with blood painting his skin, when another step back caused him to lose his footing.
For a moment, he had expected to fall forever. So when the ground hit it came like a shock to the system, the universe’s way of grabbing hold of his shoulders and telling him it was time to wake up. He’d heard the screams, but they were louder now. Different names coming off different tongues. Panic and pain and— what were the responses to fear again? Fight or…? What sounded like a thousand heartbeats rumbled alive in the footsteps of the club, desperately seeking flight. And laying near the top of the stairs, Crawford found himself on a very bad path.
The first foot got him on the arm, ripping a scream out from his lungs. There was no scramble to get to his feet because the moment Crawford lay his hand down on the tile as anchor, a body knocked him down. ‘Help,’ the word couldn’t come out, only gasps for air and grunts of pain. He had barely managed to curl in towards himself before another few stepped on him in desperation to get closer to the exit. It was him or them. Knowing this town, what it was capable of, Crawford resolved himself to this ending. No happy endings here. No hope.
A foot clipped his calf. His thumb pressed against a piece of plastic circled around his pinkie: red, bright like blood. A kick to the gut. He body clenched at the pain. A boot pressed a footprint against his cheek. Crawford spun that ring around his finger. Over and over, his only comfort as he waited to finally slip away. It wasn’t the way he’d planned to near hours ago but, well, that was life, wasn’t it? Completely and utterly fucked.
That was the conclusion for a man drained. It seemed he had forgotten, however, that he could often be so incredibly wrong. Crawford, for better or worse, wasn’t going to die that night. A hand had reached out and grasped hold of his wrist tightly, desperately. As he felt his body being dragged away, Crawford opened his eyes weakly, battling through heavy-lids and depleted strength to see the blurry face of his friend. ‘You’re going to be okay. Stay with me Crawford.’ Was that what he was saying? It didn’t feel like it.
“What happened?” he mumbled softly, barely able to speak as his body got propped up against the railing. “Where’s… where’s Dilara? Where’s Lu?” There was a dozen more names perched at the top of his throat but, fuck, he hurt to bad to speak, hardly able to even get his breaths out. The worry would manifest later. Right now, he was too tired. Too tired to do anything aside from lay his hand on Nash’s and close his eyes.
His thank you was silent as he slipped off. Not away. Not yet.
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xwildheart · 2 years
@whiskymuses said: ( 🌞 ) an early morning text for Dilara and Charlie:
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bebemoon · 1 year
Top 5 shows of ss24, GO!
elena velez - easily, for looks as well as theatrics (and muddy runway)
undercover - can't beat those glowing terrarium "skirts" with a stick
palomo spain - ultra femme looks on all-male model cast, need i say more
maison margiela - trashbag lampshade 50's mannequin strut couture absolut
prada - purely for the curtain of dripping pink slime
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just-foster · 4 months
—Starter for @deexkaplan Location: Pie Numbers
They hadn't gotten their timing quite lined up... Phoebe had called in the order, and Foster was supposed to pick it up on his way home from work, but when he got to the pizzeria, they informed him his order wasn't ready yet. He didn't want to blame the workers, who had a hard enough job as it was, but he was tired and hungry, and the idea of waiting around an extra 20 minutes had him feeling a little... grumpy.
Lock Misty in the bathroom. I'm enacting emergency naked dinner.
He sent off the text and looked up from his phone, unintentionally making eye contact with... Dilara Kaplan. Foster had a lot of reasons not to like the woman — her family's affiliation with his father for one; the fact that she broke Leon's heart as a second. But he couldn't exactly play off eye contact, so he was forced to fake a quick smile and a head tilt in greeting. Please be busy, please be busy. God, please be busy!
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theoastor · 1 year
closed starter for @dilara-kr
location: dee’s place
After stopping by at Medusa for a little and having a few drinks, Theo called it an early night and headed home, waking up early and going for a run when he'd noticed Jesse leaving on his way back inside. His eyebrow raised at the sight, not thinking much of it besides being happy that Dee seemed to be having fun. After having a shower, Theo made his way into the main house, entering the kitchen with a smile, his hair still a bit damp and combed back. "Good morning, Dilara. You have a good night?" he asked.
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azranadir · 1 year
closed for @dilara-kr
location: pearl hotel ballroom
"Look at you with the titty action," she comments as Dilara takes a seat next to her. She hasn't seen the older in a while, but the revealing outfit, despite the blazer to go with it, looks as though she's changed since that asshole of an ex-husband was out of the picture. Azra was happy to see that she was looking better. "I approve... if you take off that ugly ass blazer. What's with you and the business attire? First it was the festival and now this? Clearly you have a hot body to show off underneath."
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junhorhee · 1 year
closed for @dilara-k
location: her home
He's admittedly been a bit over the place since the aftermath of the engagement party. Trying to be there for anyone, while grappling with the "truth" himself. There's far too much going on, and he wonders how his life went from being only about work to this. Hooking up with one girl, staying at another's place after her brother was arrested. The same girl who broke up with him years ago without ever explaining why. Running into a former, now current co-worker that also happened to be the first girl's ex-husband. Jun's brain hurt thinking about it. But he did care, and maybe it was a problem he'd never stop happening, remembering how Dilara had been at the engagement, and a big part of him wanted to check on her. It's why he finds himself back at her place, setting down a few takeout bags on her kitchen counter. "I hope it's okay, I got a bit of everything, whatever the hostess said was popular," He says, figuring Italian food was always a safe bet.
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kyleyangs · 1 year
closed for @dilara-k
location: spirits
"What's up, stranger," Kyle lets out with a sigh, sliding next to Dilara at the bar. They haven't spoken in far too long, mainly because for a while, he didn't have it in him to reach out to people. But it doesn't take long for him to hear that Cam is back in town too, even if he has no reason to talk to him and had only heard because he'd been at the hospital so often. His mind went to his friend, if they were even that. "You talked to him yet?" he asks, figuring that she must know he's back too, ordering himself a drink in the midst of their interaction.
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reyhan-sahir · 11 months
—Starter for @dilaraxbaysal Location: Reyhan's apartment
"Fuck," Reyhan exclaimed, picking up the card and leafing through her book. "The page of wands — that means.... he's like independent, an innovator, a leader. So I guess that means... you are one? Or no- shit..." Did it mean she was the page, or that she had a page figure in her life? With Halloween coming up, she had decided to get into tarot readings, but clearly she still had a long way to go. "I dunno, I'm gonna say you are one, because that sounds nicer."
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ethanwaynee · 2 years
w. @thedilaraosman
Após o desafio Ethan procurou por Dilara. Nenhum dos dois haviam gramado e ele se quer sabia que ela teria escolhido como seu post para i encontro mas ele Reis escolhido ela. Talvez não tivesse tantos motivos sim para a escola, mas eles haviam conversado apenas uma vez por apenas alguns minutos e ele queria conhecê-la mais só não havia se aproximado antes porque ele estivesse sempre acompanhada e como um bom tímido ele não havia se aproximado, mas agora ela estava ali, sentada do lado de fora da casa, naquele final de tarde, sozinha. Era sua chance. — Hey Dilara. - Ele cumprimentou com um sorriso, meu hesitante. — Tá o-ocupada? - Perguntou agora um pouco nervoso ao observar que perguntou o óbvio. Ela não parecia nada ocupada. — Quero di-dizer… Quer dar uma volta?
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jaeleess · 2 years
closed starter for @dilaraxosman​
location: the pet doctor
With life seeming to go a bit back to normal, day by day, it was natural to fall back into old habits, work related or not. Though, it was nice to have some company at work, especially on the days when it was quiet and Jae had stuck back to check on all the overnight pets. Dilara helping him out at the vet wasn't anything strange for the two of them, Jae appreciating the help. “It's been a while since you've been around here,” he replied with a smile. “How are you feeling?”
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allyalbernathy · 2 years
w. @henrydryden @thedilaraosman
after midnight, sala de jogos
Era tarde da noite e muito provavelmente a maioria de seus colegas, se não todos, haviam ido dormir, Alejandra porém estava inquieta. Até mesmo tentou ir pra cama, colocou o pijama, escovou os dentes, mas levantou dez minutos após dar deitar e notar que não conseguiria dormir de forma alguma. Sua cabeça estava cheia e tudo aquilo que ela vinha lhe dando nas últimas semanas estavam demais, estava lhe sufocando. Entrará naquele programa uma pessoa com certos pensamentos e convicções, com uma intenção completamente diferente, mas agora sentia-se mudada, sentia-se diferente. Não sabia exatamente o que havia mudado ou por que ou em que, mas ela já não era a mesma. A tensão e intensidade que aquele dias de confinamento causavam eram demais pra Albernathy que estava acostumada com a pressão do dia a dia de um trabalho estressante. Estava na sala de jogos andando de um lado para o outro, respirando com dificuldade pois se sentia sufocada. Parou de frente para a tabela de dardos e começou a arranca-los do alvo com certa brutalidade. Não reparou que encarará o alvo sem nem piscar por diversos segundos, o que fizera seus olhos secarem e lacrimejarem para serem umedecidos, ardendo e dando a impressão de que ela chorava. Chorar, era só o que lhe faltava. — Merda! Merda! Merda! - Praguejou, se afastou e começou a atirar um a um no alvo. — Ughr, maravilha agora tô falando sozinha também. - Mais um, e mais outro. Sentia-se — Por que diabos eu vim pra cá? Maldita hora. - Suas respiração apenas se intensificaram, conforme os pensamentos sobre tudo o que havia acontecido desde que entrou no programa a atingiu diversas vezes, cada dardo que ela lançava era um pensamento ou memória. Nathan estivera two certo sobre ela, tão malditamente certo. — Ridículo. - Ela trincou os de rês. Ela estava com medo, e agora estava aterrorizada por admitir isso. Estava vulnerável e como neta de um militar, vulnerabilidade era uma fraqueza que poderia ser usada contra você. Merda! Ela usava contra seus oponentes a no trabalho.
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magicshopaholic · 6 months
Another World
Summary: Jungkook finds himself going down a path he never intended - and his best friend might just be collateral damage.
Pairing: Jungkook x OC, Taehyung x OC
Genre: Angst
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 7.7 K
Warnings: none
A/N: Whew. This required some research. A disclaimer for any gaming fans out there: the kind of liberties I have taken with the video games described in this fic cannot be overstated. Think Troy butchering The Illiad source material (but with good plot anyway). Set over a period of a couple of months, starting a month after Los Angeles pt. 2)
Tagging: @bbl32 @ggukkieland @bangtannoonalvg @pb-n-juju @juciu @jeoncookie-bts @quarter-life-crisis2 @dreaming-with-happiness @meirkive  @faearchives @margopinkerton @sumzysworld @purpleseoul7 @kflixnet (italics cannot be tagged. If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment or ask)
Listen to: "layla" by eric clapton
taehyung masterlist | jungkook masterlist | main masterlist
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Jungkook liked gaming. He liked how immersive it was, how fast it was, how much it required him to get into character and beat the bad guys. Most of all, Jungkook liked to win. Video games were winnable, for the most part. Whether it was rules, strategy or just plain speed, gaming was about beating the bad guys and winning the game.
It may have been due to this reason that all the games he owned and played broadly followed this narrative: hero, quests, bad guys, save the world, win. When he and Dilara moved away from FIFA and Real Racing (both extremely winnable games), this was how Jungkook had introduced her to his collection and invited her to play Mortal Kombat. 
Dilara hadn’t been super impressed, although she’d played without fuss. She was in London and he was in Seoul, the night beginning for her and for him, the dawn nearing. They played together, shooting, jumping, killing, running. Winning. She’d played with supreme focus (he could see her on the video at the bottom of the screen). Her eyes were trained on the screen, slight frown on her forehead that remind him ostensibly of Taehyung, her fingers moving rapidly on the console, not uttering a single word except at the beginning of the game: save the cheerleader, save the world.
Jungkook hadn’t got the reference, but she’d said it wryly, as though it was a joke only some people were meant to get. Still, she played with him and four hours later, when they were less than halfway done, she’d sat back in her chair and raised her arms over her head, stretching.
“Don’t get lazy,” he’d commanded, still in the zone. He’d tapped his headset. “We still have so many levels to complete.”
“JK,” she’d sighed. It must have been hot in London; her neck and chest were shining in the fluorescent light from the screen. She swept her long hair up into a bun and her tank top rode up slightly, suddenly revealing how tight it was.
Jungkook had looked away out of habit. It never did well to check out your friends’ girlfriends. 
“Don’t you need to sleep? Isn’t it morning for you?”
It was - but Jungkook had the day off. He told her as much but she told him she had to sleep. 
“In the middle of the game?” He was aghast. “How can you do that?”
She’d wrinkled her nose. “It’s not a cliffhanger. We can just pick it back up tomorrow. The next levels will be the same. Just shoot ‘em all.” She made a finger gun and pointed it at him before dropping her hand. “There’s no story. All the characters are just… graphic. There’s no emotion, no empathy, no… passion to save the world.”
He’d stared. “It’s saving the world. You need passion to do that?”
Dilara had chuckled tiredly. “Even guns and explosions can have a compelling story. Have you ever played Yakuza?”
Of course Jungkook had played Yakuza. It wasn’t bad, but it had been a lot of information to keep track of. Too many characters, too many plots. He’d played until he’d won, but only because it would’ve killed him not to.
“I have to be at the factory at eight am. I’m going to bed.” She’d pushed back her chair and stood up, and the screen filled for a moment with her chiselled torso, hips, and tan thighs from under her shorts. This time, it took Jungkook a moment longer to look away.
He’d bid her goodnight with a bit of half-hearted whining until she promised to resume play the next day. Once she’d logged off, Jungkook switched back to his screen and took a sip of his Americano, debating continuing without her anyway.
A moment later, he’d sighed and switched off the game, heading to bed.
The day Jungkook realised he wasn’t cut out for elaborate, story-telling games was the day he played A Way Out with Dilara.
She had told him about it in passing, mentioning that she’d also only played it once, years ago, before life had got in the way. Jungkook had been about to shut it down with glee right then but she’d seemed so mournful about never playing it again that he’d relented and bought the game, sending her an invite to login as well.
“It’s like I’m sixteen again,” she sniffed dramatically, making herself comfortable on her chair. The Red Bull logo on her oversized t-shirt came into full focus for a moment while she adjusted her camera, and Jungkook grinned in satisfaction.
“Well, you wouldn’t shut up about it so you basically forced me to buy it.”
“You know what? Even if that’s true, it’s going to be so worth it. This is the best game, JK,” she added, her face shining. “Emotional connections, moral conundrums, deep friendships…” She sighed and shook her head in wonder. “Just the best,” she repeated.
Jungkook raised his eyebrows at this display but said nothing. “Shall we start?” he asked.
“Yes. Okay, now, don’t worry about not getting the game initially,” she informed him. “I haven’t played it in forever either and I’m sure with the updates and everything, it’ll practically be a different game.
This, Jungkook supposed, was in response to a rather childish moment he’d had a couple of weeks prior where, amidst his inability to grasp the concept of the game, he’d sort of shrieked, yanked off his headphones and proceeded throw himself on the bed in the gaming room, face down for several minutes while Dilara called his name in irritation.
He scowled. “I’ll be fine. Will you?”
Dilara grinned sheepishly; she didn’t take well to losing either. “I’ll be okay. I’m Vince and you’re Leo?”
They commenced the game then. The story read more like a movie than a video game; Jungkook watched in awe as their characters, both in prison and holding a grudge against the same mobster, formed a begrudging alliance and escaped.
It was a gorgeous game; the screen, the special effects, the dialogue - he and Dilara read them out as quickly as possible, eager to move through the game.
“Oh, my God,” muttered Jungkook after a while, shaking his head slowly as Leo and Vincent, on the run from the law, made a campfire in the dead of night. “That’s why Vincent hates Harvey, too?”
“Harvey was an arsehole,” said Dilara with feeling. “There’s a reason Vincent wanted to partner with Leo, even if it meant he risked getting caught. There’s nothing like common hatred of a person to bring two people together.”
Jungkook stole a glance at her, which she caught. 
“What?” she asked, chuckling and looking a bit embarrassed. “That’s the fun of these games. You have to really get into it.”
He smiled without meaning to. “I get it. He killed Vincent’s brother. Vincent gets to hate him.”
“Shut up. Ooh, look, it’s Leo’s story now.” They started reading the dialogue boxes together, Jungkook reading them out in slightly accented English, when a sound cut through the soft soundtrack.
“Helicopter!” Dilara yells. “It’s the cops! Okay, go left!”
“No, I think it’s right!” The screen changed as both characters ran through the wilderness, the animated figures running faster than Jungkook could ever hope to. “Okay, we have to get into that house, I think.”
Their characters took shelter in a hut, evading the police, and looting the place for clothes, weapons and a truck.
“It’s a car chase!” Jungkook exclaimed. “You should drive!”
“You know it’s not a real truck, right?” she called out, but still manoeuvring Vincent into the driver’s seat. “Okay, let’s go! Seatbelt on!”
“I thought you said it wasn’t real!”
“I didn’t stutter, JK!”
Jungkook snorted before getting back into character, his heart racing; if the cops caught them, they were back in prison, meaning the game was over.
“Get out of the car! There’s a rowboat! And go from behind the trees!” she added as the sounds of the police’s gunshots got louder. They hopped into a conveniently placed rowboat by the banks of a thrashing river and began steering with their controllers.
“Is that a - is that a waterfall?”
“What?” Jungkook’s eyes widened in a panic. “We don’t have life jackets!”
“It’s not a real river, JK!” Dilara yelled as she threw her character into the water, escaping a gunshot by a nanosecond. “Leo knows how to swim!”
Feeling his ears get hot, Jungkook obeyed and Leo jumped. The two characters somehow made it through the river and landed on the other side, the police finally no longer in sight.
“Whew.” Jungkook exhaled and takes off his headphones for a moment, shaking his hair out of his eyes. He put them back on to see Dilara grinning in the pop out screen.
“Great game, huh?”
“Holy shit. This is what you meant by emotional connection?” When she nodded, he shook his head. “Crazy. Oh, wait - Leo’s story.” He read the dialogue again, his own tone sounding more and more surprised. “Harvey betrayed Leo, too? What a jerk!”
“Villians,” was all Dilara said by way of explanation. “Oh, look! Aww…”
Jungkook followed an instruction to call home with a nearby telephone. “Leo has a wife and kid? What is this game?” he exclaimed. “This is like - like something that should be in the Oscars! Where are the machine guns and the aliens?” 
“I can see your eyes tearing up, Jeon, so don’t give me that.”
He didn’t even bother defending himself; he was more engrossed in this fully human story than he ever had been in a video game before. He glanced at Dilara again, his stomach settling comfortably when he realised he wasn’t alone.
It was a flurry of activity after that: purchasing arms, being betrayed by the arms dealer, getting in touch with a mysterious pilot from Vincent’s past who offered to fly them to Mexico to escape. The pilot also dropped another bombshell.
“Vincent has a kid?”
“Vincent is having a kid,” she corrected him. “Okay, we have an option to go to the hospital. We’re going, right? No way is Vincent abandoning his daughter before she’s even born.”
“He’s not abandoning - okay, sure,” he said quickly, catching Dilara’s surprisingly troubled expression. “It could be a trap, though.”
But Dilara ignored him, and both characters headed to the hospital. Warning bells instantly went on in Jungkook;s head, for he’d played enough video games to know what a calm spell looked like before they got attacked. But he followed Dilara until Vincent met his newborn baby girl, Julie.
“I’ve never made it this far in this game,” murmured Dilara, her voice wobbling slightly. Jungkook couldn’t help but feel like this was a slight overreaction over an animated baby, but something stopped him from commenting on it. 
“Gwaenchanha?” he ventured, but at that moment, a pop-up appeared on the screen, informing them that the police had surrounded the hospital.
“Told you!” Jungkook exclaimed, but his heart raced with excitement. What a game. 
“I’m not sorry!” she replied as they rushed out of the hospital. “I swear to God, JK, if you and Tae are ever running from the police and I’m in the hospital giving birth to his kid, you better make sure he’s there!”
“Er, sure thing,” he assured her, before changing the subject. “Okay, we have to split up.” With no indication either way, he went right while Vincent went left. He avoided the police as best he could while continuously keeping an eye on the split screen to see Dilara’s progress as well. 
She escaped; Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief and took his eyes off his own screen for a moment too long to see Dilara pump her fist in the air - long enough to get captured.
“Shit!” He’d lost the game - swallowing his disappointment, for Dilara hadn’t yet, he urged her to continue. “Go! Keep going!”
“I can’t,” she muttered determinedly, turning Vincent around and going back into the hospital with his gun loaded. “We’re in this together, mate - if you lose, we both lose.”
Despite the tension, Jungkook felt his stomach flip in excitement: he loved playing with Dilara. She was competitive, she took risks and she was good at gaming. It had been a long time since he’d met someone who matched this well with him online; it was no surprise that he constantly looked forward to their next session.
“Okay, hold still -” Dilara frowned in concentration, aiming her gun - only two bullets left - at the cop who had Leo in a headlock. Her thumb swiped over the controller ever so slightly and shot the cop straight in the head.
“You saved me!” Jungkook gasped, immediately spurring his character on and out of that damn hospital.
“Don’t sound so shocked,” she muttered, although she looked relieved as well, a grin flashing across her face.
They escaped after that, taking up the pilot’s offer to take them to Mexico, where they were ambushed by the mobster Harvey and his men. There was the old school gaming face-off: guns, fire, jumping off buildings and eliminating NPCs left and right.
“Oh, my God,” said Jungkook in surprise. “We did it. We killed Harvey.” He looked up hopefully at Dilara. “Is that it? Does that mean we win?”
“I don’t know…” The game told them that now that Harvey was dead, they could return to the US but the moment they did, they were surrounded by the police again. “Oh, no…”
“No! Come on!” Jungkook whined, frustrated now, but something was wrong. He frowned as one of the policemen, took the gem they had stolen from Harvey from Leo’s hand and handed it to Vincent… along with his gun.
“Oh, no…”
“Wait…” Jungkook frowned. “Why did the cop just -” He squinted at the screen to read the dialogue box, even though Dilara was reading it out loud. “Is - is Vincent a cop?” His eyes darted to Dilara’s picture in the pop-out. “Are you undercover?”
“Shit, I had no idea,” she murmured. “I told you I’d never reached this far in the game before.” 
His stomach churned. We’re in this together, she’d said. “I’m supposed to take you hostage now,” he stated, reading the instructions. Before she could shrug in acceptance, he subdued her and ran. It ensued in a chase again, but this time between Leo and Vincent, with Leo trying to run and Vincent trying to catch him.
It’s not real. Jungkook knew, he knew Dilara knew, and he knew the game was set up to be a certain way for the story. But it still stung, being betrayed, and before he knew it, he was being chased into a warehouse by Dilara, both of them injured and losing energy.
“Some game, Komyshan,” he muttered, sighing. He didn’t know how long they’d been playing; bonding over their shared hatred of Harvey felt like hours ago, as did each of them discovering they had kids. He chanced another look at Dilara on the pop–out and paused.
Her eyes were wet, tear tracks down her cheeks. He started, suddenly wondering if her sixteen-year-old self knew that she would have to betray her ally like this.
They climbed up the warehouse and onto the roof, both their energy packs beeping to indicate they were running out. There were their guns, bright and clear. This, Jungkook knew, was the end. One of them got the gun and shot the other, and the other died at the hands of a one-time ally.
She was still crying, even as her fingers flew over the buttons on the controller. Jungkook watched, as though in slow motion, as Vincent on screen dove for the gun and pointed it at Leo, shooting him, ending the game.
“What - what did you do?” Dilara frowned, looking taken aback. “You didn’t even go for your gun. Did - did you let me win?” she demanded, sounding horrified.
“No!” But didn’t he, though? Jungkook couldn’t tell. “I - I didn’t see the gun,” he explained weakly. He fell silent as the epilogue appeared on screen. 
“Vincent tells Linda about Leo’s death…” she read out, swallowing, “... and goes back to his wife and newborn daughter.” Dilara blinked rapidly.
“That’s a happy ending, right?” Jungkook murmured. “He didn’t have to abandon his daughter.”
Dilara was quiet for a moment. Then she chuckled softly, without humour, not looking away from the screen. “Jesus Christ, JK,” she sighed. “It’s not real. It's just a game.”
Jungkook nodded but it didn’t matter. He hadn’t seen Dilara ever break down in front of him like that, even though she’d held it together reasonably well. It stayed in his mind even as he went to bed at dawn, the image of her biting her lip while her eyes swam with tears at a fictional character leaving his wife and newborn at the hospital, and he privately came to a conclusion: he was not cut out for story-telling games. 
The worst loss Jungkook had ever faced in a video game was the night he invited Taehyung to play. 
He didn’t truthfully know what he’d been expecting when he’d invited the older member to join. All he remembered was that years before Dilara entered their lives, Taehyung had been the person who stayed up with him into the wee hours of the night when they were crippled with jet lag and played video games all night.
But it didn’t feel the same. Even the way the plan came to life felt… off. They were in a supermarket in Seoul, during a serendipitous week where their tour schedule and Dilara’s F1 calendar had somehow coincided to have all of them in the same location. A get-together had been planned which Hoseok had volunteered to host, with all seven members, Seokjin’s girlfriend Seulgi, Sooah, Chaeyoung and Dilara in attendance. All the members had been delegated by Namjoon, who seemed to be making a huge effort to gather everyone together, to bring different accompaniments for the night; in the gigantic mall, five out of seven members roamed around trying to fulfil their duties. 
Taehyung, Jungkook and Dilara had been dispatched to purchase liquor and mixers. On their way to the store, Taehyung bumped into a friend and, after fondly introducing Dilara as his girlfriend, encouraged her and Jungkook to go on without him.
“How are you balancing this thing?” Jungkook asked tightly, as he tried to keep the cart he was standing from bumping into any of the aisles.
“It’s called steering,” she said knowledgeably, her much smaller frame somehow managing to manoeuvre the cart with ease, almost as if she were riding a manual scooter.
“Race you to the end?” 
She grinned as they positioned their carts next to each other. “Remember, we buy what we break.”
“Good thing we can both afford it.” Jungkook winked at her, half-heartedly dodging her playful kick to his shin. “Ready?”
They were careful to keep quiet and not attract attention, staying at the back of the store where they were the only customers. They stifled their giggles while trying to maintain their balance and simultaneously sabotage the other. 
“Careful, Lara,” he called to her as her cart wobbled slightly.
“Oi, you don’t get to call me that,” she admonished him, wincing and straightening her cart. “Something’s wrong with this cart, ugh…”
“Oh, yeah? Brake failure?” he taunted her. “You can’t blame everything on your engineers, you know?”
Dilara gasped as she turned her cart at the last minute to avoid hitting a standalone shelf of bottles. “How dare you, Jeon Jungkook. I’m going to kill -” She gasped again, out of his sight this time, followed by a soft oof! from someone else. Just as Jungkook spurred his cart on to make sure she hadn’t hurt herself, he heard the giggles - both of them.
“You’re not allowed to do that in here,” he heard Taehyung’s deep voice, and his heart sank unexpectedly. “You could be arrested for that, you know?”
Jungkook appeared just in time to see Taehyung tugging Dilara backwards to him, gripping both her wrists loosely in one hand. His head was tilted towards the side of her face while she smiled in a way that made Jungkook feel as though he’d walked in on something extremely private.
Fortunately, she caught sight of him and stepped away from Taehyung, albeit still staying close. “Alright, don’t we have stuff to buy?” she asked, changing the subject. “Who has the list?”
Jungkook and Taehyung both opened the group chat to check the list compiled in it, naming different liquors out of order. “Why don’t we split up?” Dilara suggested. “I’ll go to the wine section,” she volunteered, waving at both of them and disappearing behind the aisle, leaving both boys to scan the hard liquors.
“Whiskey, obviously,” stated Taehyung, picking up a bottle of Glen Fiddich and checking the price. “Probably the first bottle Hobi hyung will ever have in his house.”
Jungkook forced a chuckle. “True. I don’t think I’ll be able to stay long enough to see him at that stage of the night, though.”
“Oh, yeah? Got plans?” He raised his eyebrows mock-seriously. “Hot date tonight?”
Yeah, but it’s with your girlfriend. It was only a moment later when he looked up to see Taehyung frowning slightly at him that he realised he’d said the words out loud. “No, I just meant -” He let out another choked laugh, his heart jolting in panic. “We - well, she wanted to game tonight. We don’t have a schedule tomorrow, so…” He cleared his throat.
Taehyung paused for a moment, but then simply nodded. “I meant to ask you, Jungkook,” he said after a moment, now examining another bottle. “Is everything okay?”
“I - how do you mean?”
“I mean, like with you and me. Are you mad at me or something?”
Jungkook’s eyes widened. “N-no. Not at all. Why would you think that?”
Taehyung shrugged. “You’ve been a little short with me the last couple of days,” he remarked casually. “Did I do something?”
He shook his head, lost for words, for this was getting seriously out of hand. What was wrong with him? The tiredness from the tour was bound to catch up sometime but were his moods that erratic, that Taehyung could have  misinterpreted them for hostility?
“No, you didn’t,” he answered honestly. “I’m just tired, I swear,” he added, throwing an arm around Taehyung’s shoulders and squeezing them. “Sorry, hyung.”
Taehyung nodded, seemingly a little surprised at this reaction. “Oh, don’t worry about it. Get some sleep tonight, maybe.”
“We’re gaming tonight, though,” he answered apologetically. “You know, you should join us,” he suggested, still reeling in the mild panic that Taehyung might think he was angry with him. “We used to game all the time, before. It’s been ages since we’ve done that.”
Taehyung raised his eyebrows, a slow smile spreading across his face. “Are you sure? Wait, do I still need to let you win?”
Jungkook scoffed, hugely relieved. “Don’t worry, Dilara has beaten me more than once so losing isn’t as shocking as it was before.”
Taehyung grinned and was about to respond when Hoseok appeared out of nowhere, looking distinctly unamused.
“Wasting time, are we?” Before either of them could respond, he slapped Jungkook lightly on the shoulder. “You - go get the beer. And you - wine. Now. Now,” he repeated when Taehyung opened his mouth to argue.
They exchanged a meaningful look and went their separate ways, Jungkook straight towards the fridges with the beer. After filling an entire cart with multiple six packs of different brands, he looked around for the others, finally spotting Namjoon in the middle of the store, typing on his phone.
“Hey. Got what we need?” Namjoon asked when Jungkook joined him and peered into the cart. “This is just beer. What about the rest?”
“Hoseok hyung was with Taehyung and Dilara getting that stuff…”
Hoseok joined them then. “Take me with you,” he stated to Namjoon, looking mildly traumatised.
Namjoon frowned. “What are you talking about? Have you guys got everything?” All three of them turned to see Taehyung and Dilara by the wines, seemingly in a serious conversation. “What’s going on over there?”
Hoseok raised his eyebrows. “Well,” he began, “Taehyung is pretending to be a wine connoisseur giving a tour of his private winery to Dilara, a socialite who is trapped in a loveless marriage.”
Namjoon stared at him, evidently able to make neither head nor tail of this statement. “What?”
Hoseok nodded. “Yeah. Like I said, please take me with you.”
Namjoon responded, but Jungkook barely heard him; he watched Taehyung and Dilara, standing apart but still close together, their hands brushing and their gazes fixed on each other, apparently having forgotten that they were not alone. 
The party was supposed to start in three hours; they simply did not have time for this right now. “I’ll get them,” he volunteered, abandoning the older members with the cart of beer and striding over to the happy couple.
“Sorry, guys,” he muttered, stepping in between them, for that’s where the Pinot coincidentally was. “Namjoon hyung sent me - he’s getting really impatient.” He pretended not to notice Taehyung’s annoyed sigh or Dilara self-consciously fluffing out her hair.
Later that night, after a pleasant evening at Hoseok’s apartment, Jungkook settled into the gaming chair in his own, ready to play Trine. In light of Taehyung joining them, Jungkook put forward the one three-person game they had in their backlog, a medieval fantasy game with Zoya the Thief, Amadeus the Wizard, and Pontius the Knight, played by Dilara, Taehyung and Jungkook respectively.
Jungkook was determined to have this session go well. He wasn’t exactly sure why or what it was, but he felt as though he had something to prove to Taehyung, probably because he was the guest during their regular two-person gaming sessions.
Trine was different from A Way Out, mostly in the sense that while the latter was a human story of moral conflict and emotional connections, Trine was, in every sense of the word, a game. Three misfits having to free themselves of a magical curse, each with their own weapons and abilities - it was straightforward and promised to be fun. 
Dilara, in Jungkook’s opinion, was made to play Zoya the Thief. Zoya’s skill was archery and with her excellent hand-eye coordination, Dilara shot every single arrow exactly where she was aiming, her brow furrowed slightly in concentration. Jungkook and his character, Pontius the Knight, watched in awe, his sword dangling uselessly at his side - until something appeared out of nowhere and hit him in the head.
“What was that?” he demanded, his eyes darting across the screen and groaning when he saw that Pontius’s energy level had dipped. Without thinking, he slashed his sword through the air, the animated flame at the end of it rising but causing no damage.
“Pay attention!” Taehyung - or Amadeus - had evidently thrown some kind of object at Pontius. As Jungkook watched, Amadeus conjured up another similar looking object, while Taehyung grinned in the pop-out screen. Begrudgingly, Jungkook had to admit that even Taehyung was made to play Amadeus the Wizard - quick, witty and wearing ridiculous robes.
“Oi!” Dilara’s voice rang through his headphones. “You both know we’re all on the same side, right?”
Jungkook rolled his eyes as they continued through the game, entering a ruined castle.
“Okay, here goes.” Taehyung cleared his throat as a dialogue by Amadeus appeared on the screen, and proceeded to read the entire thing in a gruff, grandiose sort of voice that Jungkook supposed he considered a wizard’s. Through the dramatics, he could hear Dilara laughing at the voice and when he glanced at the pop-up screen, saw her looking at something to her side, and it occurred to him for the first time that Taehyung and Dilara were sitting in the same room.
The thought annoyed him more than he expected. This wasn’t how gaming was supposed to be done. Gaming was different timezones, dead of night, coffee runs and straining eyes - not sitting ten feet apart in the same bedroom and giggling at inside jokes. 
It didn’t get better as the night went on. The game went well; in fact, they were progressing at an alarming rate, finding objects, overcoming obstacles, gaining points and keeping their energy levels at an all-time high. All three of their characters seemingly worked well together, their powers in perfect tandem.
However, Jungkook was slowly starting to regret inviting Taehyung to play - not because he wasn’t good, but because it wasn’t right. There was a disturbance; he didn’t seem to understand Jungkook and Dilara’s normal trash talk, had a habit of making rather asinine observations in the graphics of the game that more often than not, ended up leading to a clue the other two had missed, and seemed to be more interested in the personality of all three characters than the actual quest.
Most frustratingly, Taehyung was beating the game - and the other players. He seemed to be able to come up with the most absurd solutions to problems - and all of them worked. During a play where they had to get at a clue that was sneakily tucked into the ceiling, Jungkook and Dilara were looking for ways to unlock a ladder that the game was offering them for a certain number of points. 
“Do you have enough energy to break through the wall with your arrows?” Jungkook urged her.
“I can try…” Dilara aimed and Zoya shot an arrow which simply bounced against the wall. “I don’t think that’s the way. And I’m running out of arrows. There has to be another way to break down that wall.”
“Okay, well, the ladder is behind it. Maybe we can blow it up?” 
“You’re the one with the flaming sword.”
“Maybe I can throw it at the wall or something… burn it down…” Jungkook searched the screen frantically, passing by Amadeus, who was using his power of conjuring to simply create cube-shaped objects. “Taehyung hyung? Some help?”
“Yeah, hang on just a sec…” Taehyung, seemingly ignoring their conundrum entirely, was now stacking the objects one above the other with a slight gap between the edges, levitating the ones at the top. “There,” he said, once they almost reached the ceiling. “Use those as steps and get to the top.”
Dilara gasped and Zoya immediately sprinted up the slanting tower of blocks, easily retrieving the clue from the ceiling. “It worked!” she exclaimed in wonder, the character jumping down gracefully. “My hero,” she said dramatically, looking out the side of her screen again, which Taehyung returned with a grin and a wink at her.
Jungkook poked his tongue into his cheek. “We have, like, seven more clues left,” he said stonily, but his words were drowned in the midst of their joking and laughing. This, right here, was the problem, he reflected: he, Jungkook, had the obvious goal, which was to collect the most points and win the damn game, whereas Taehyung’s primary objective seemed to be to make Dilara laugh, the game a mere secondary.
He wondered why Dilara wasn’t more annoyed, for she enjoyed winning just as much as he did. But she seemed equally excited at the prospect of a fellow player reading out the dialogues as though they were a script, inventing a voice for Zoya and changing her accent, getting immersed in the characters and the story along with Taehyung, with Jungkook having to remind them that time was running out.
“We’re going to lose,” he stated sullenly after a while, when it seemed unlikely that they would finish before their energy packs died. 
“Not necessarily,” pointed out Dilara, moving Zoya through an empty corridor to look for the last clue - the Trine.
“Found it,” said Taehyung casually, as though he had just found his sock and not the Trine that would allow them to win the entire game. “Let’s go?”
“Yes - oh, my God!” Jungkook ran down the castle, making sure Zoya and Amadeus were both following Pontius, his heart racing with the familiar anticipation of possibly winning the game.
“Ah, my controller is stuck.” Taehyung clicked his tongue as the animated Amadeus slowed down without Taehyung speeding him along. 
“What? Don’t you dare make us lose this, Tae!” Dilara threatened him, when they’d almost reached the final destination, where they could see the other two artifacts they must combine with the Trine.
“Wh - I can’t help this! Lara - catch!” Amadeus flung the Trine - the Trine - to Zoya, who lunged for it at the last moment, fumbled it and dropped it just as the timer ran out.
“No!” Jungkook dropped his controller and covered his mouth in horror. “No, no no!” He glared at the pop-out screen, vindicated to see Dilara glaring out the side of her screen before she stood up and disappeared from view, reappearing in Taehyung’s video.
“I’m going to kill you,” she muttered to Taehyung, who grabbed her hands to stop her from doing any damage. It was a few more seconds before Jungkook realised they had moved on from the momentary seriousness to mock-anger, until Taehyung tugged at their clasped hands playfully and she fell into his lap, giggling.
Jungkook watched, dumbfounded, until Taehyung, laughing, said into the speaker, “This was so much fun, really. I think I’ll head to bed now, though,” he added, as Dilara got off his lap and went to her own laptop, pulling on her headphones.
“Yeah?” Jungkook muttered. “No rematch?”
“We’ve been playing for three hours,” he remarked. “You want to play more?”
“I want to win. Dilara?” he asked hopefully. 
“Oh, I -” She bit her lip, apparently mulling. On the pop-out screen, Taehyung had already logged off. Jungkook stared at her, his stomach churning in premature disappointment as she looked at something off screen and visibly tried to hide a smile.
“Uh… I think I’m done for tonight, too. But let’s play Person 5 tomorrow, JK. Without Taehyung,” she added deliberately, Taehyung’s muffled protests audible in her background. “Had fun, though, love. Good night!”
Jungkook swallowed as the screen went dark. Had fun? Jungkook didn’t think he’d ever hear Dilara say that about a game she had lost, even though he had never seen her laugh this much while gaming before.
Still reeling from the loss, he went straight to his gaming menu and clicked on Real Racing. No characters, no story - just cars and speed. It was weird playing this game alone, but he needed this win right now. 
Anything to not feel like a loser.
Sometime in the summer of that year when the group was in New York, wrapping up the America leg of the tour before starting in Europe, Dilara Komyshan DNF-ed a race.
Partly due to jetlag and partly due to the fact that it was pouring outside, almost all the members were in the suite where the race was being aired. Only Yoongi and Jimin weren’t there, the former because he was working and the latter because he was in the gym.
Jungkook had declined Jimin’s offer to work out together; he was tired, and there was the race. He would work out later, for sure. The rest of the members lounged about, doing various activities while the race played at low volume. It was beyond exciting, real-life cars going at a speed of three hundred kilometres an hour between the gorgeous mountains of Mugello, Italy.
Jungkook wished he were there; Italy had been one of his favourite countries to visit during the Red Bull collaboration last year. The views were incredible, the weather was summery, the air was pristine and the house they’d lived in had been so beautiful and rustic, with enough space outside for him and Dilara to work out together while she went through her extended break-up with Taehyung.
Jungkook sneaked a glance at the aforementioned member. Taehyung didn’t look like he was thinking about Italy last year at all; his gaze was fixed on the screen, biting his lip and tensing up every time Dilara’s car was shown on screen, as though he expected her to crash any second. 
Therefore, when her car did touch another car and they both spun out, Jungkook flinched and Taehyung was on his feet instantly, eyes wide at the screen. It didn’t seem like a violent crash, but he stayed standing, the veins in his neck popping as he stared until Dilara climbed out of the car and took off her helmet.
“Oh, thank God,” he muttered, sighing hugely in relief and sitting back down, dropping his head in hands.
Jungkook frowned; of course he was glad Dilara was okay, but she was also disappointed, for sure. She had effectively lost the race - didn’t Taehyung care about that?
The rest of the race went by with far less interest from anyone in the suite, Dilara appearing briefly in the garage, having changed into jeans and a team t-shirt. From the sounds of it, the commentators seemed to agree that it was a “racing incident”, though caused by Dilara who had apparently attempted a very ambitious overtake that had gotten away from her. 
Taehyung’s face was unreadable; he was flitting between looking at the screen and constantly checking his phone, most likely waiting for a text from Dilara. The race ended and the winners were celebrated, followed by post-race interviews where Dilara was asked about nothing but the crash.
“I did speak to Carlos as soon as we were out of the car,,” she said, nodding. looking a bit cornered with several mics being shoved at her. “We’ve sorted that out. It’s definitely really unfortunate about both our races; it wasn’t the intention and I wish we’d been able to continue, but at the same time…” She shrugged. “It was a gap, you know? What kind of a driver would I be if I didn’t take the opportunity?”
“Even if it was at the cost of a fellow driver?” asked a faceless journalist off screen.
“No - of course not.” Dilara frowned and shook her head. “Like I said, Carlos and I talked about it and I’m - I’m very sorry, obviously. But I tried to go for the gap and he tried to block it - we would’ve both done the same thing if the roles were reversed, I’m sure.” But she looked visibly rattled. The interview ended then and Lewis Hamilton appeared on screen for his interview.
Jungkook reached for his phone and typed out a text.
Jungkook [11:15] I saw the race. I’m sorry. Let me know if you want to get your mind off it. We can play anything you want :)
It didn’t take long for her response to arrive. Jungkook waited, recalling how this had genuinely helped her get over a bad race earlier in the year.
Dilara [11:20] Thanks, JK. Just don’t feel like it today though. Sorry.
As Jungkook read her message, once, twice, thrice, trying to process this and not feel disappointed, Taehyung’s phone buzzed on his lap.
He answered it immediately, jumping to his feet. “Hey,” he said softly, as he walked away towards the rooms. Jungkook stared after him as he nodded at the conversation, his voice growing quieter as he left the group, eventually going into his bedroom and closing the door behind him.
A couple of hours later, after Jungkook had dragged himself to the gym and worked out harder than his body was technically allowing him, he sat at his laptop with a coffee, knowing he had only a little while before it was night in Austria.
Jungkook [14:40] Last chance? We can play Life Is Strange. Seeing me play a teenage girl might make you feel better. I’ll do the voice too.
Dilara [14:44] Haha. That might. Will have to take a raincheck though. Sorry.
Jungkook [14:45] No problem. Let me know if you want to talk or anything.
Dilara [14:46] I will. Thanks, JK. You’re a good friend. The best actually. 
The message stayed in Jungkook’s mind the rest of the day, through rehearsal, soundcheck and the concert. The best. The best. He was her best friend. He’d cheered her up on a bad day, even if it was only on text, even if it was only for a moment.
Later that night, once everyone else was asleep but for some reason, he was still awake, Jungkook checked his phone. He didn’t know what he was expecting to find; it was the crack of dawn in Italy and almost the next night in Korea. The only people he knew were in remotely the same timezone as him were on this very floor of the hotel.
He turned to Jimin with whom he was sharing a room. After a long and borderline nauseating conversation with Sooah that Jungkook had accidentally walked in on, Jimin had finally gone to sleep and was now dead to the world. Jungkook reached for his laptop and opened it to Life Is Strange, connecting his headphones before the sound could disturb Jimin.
As it turned out, it was a good thing Dilara had declined taking part in this game for it didn’t seem to have a multi-player option at all. The single player was to assume the character of Max, a photography student in Arcadia Bay with the power to turn back time. It was the most cerebral game Jungkook had ever played; it was difficult, required concentration that was in short supply for Jungkook right now, and he found himself missing having a partner to solve the puzzles and quests with.
But Jungkook was a solo player, as was Max. He started feeling a kind of kinship with Max, who also seemed to be surrounded by people in her hometown and yet, played alone. The game began with Max experiencing a vision of a tornado during class that destroyed the town, following which, while stepping out to calm down, she witnessed a fellow student shoot another in the head and kill her.
Jungkook flinched at the gunshot, the sudden sound startling him, when he discovered Max’s new ability to rewind time. Upon going back in time to before the student - Nathan - shot the girl, Max saved her, a girl who was apparently Max’s childhood friend Chloe, now her partner in solving a series of mysterious deaths in the town of Arcadia Bay.
Jungkook imagined Dilara reading Chloe’s dialogue, even though Chloe wasn’t a player. Chloe had a very similar vibe to Dilara, he felt; they looked nothing alike, but there was a determination of a kind that Dilara had. Chloe was sensitive, asking for Max’s help to find out what happened to her missing friend Rachel, brave in her desire to fight the bad guys not afraid to cry when they discovered that Rachel was dead.
Jungkook sniffed but powered through; this was exactly the kind of game Dilara liked, with characters and story and human relationships and connections on screen. He got it now, now that it was Max and Chloe against the world. Best friends. He watched, played, went through every motion to keep them together, including going back in time to save Chloe’s father from dying in a car crash. When that alternate reality meant that Chloe was instead injured in the crash and paralyzed from the waist down, Jungkook didn’t hesitate: he went back in time once again, letting her father die and saving Chloe once again.
It was almost dawn when the game was coming to an end. Jungkook could tell the end was nearing because the timeline was meant to span less than a week, but he couldn’t tell where it was going. He frowned as the game took him, Max, to San Francisco for the opportunity to display her photo at an art gallery. It almost felt as though the game was getting away from him, for why had the story moved so far away from Arcadia Bay and from Chloe?
Max calls Chloe.
Jungkook read the dialogue, his heart skipping a beat, for here it was: the tornado, the one that Max had had a vision of hours ago at the beginning of the game, was here in Arcadia Bay, threatening to destroy everything and everyone. 
The game took Max back to the moment she took the gallery photo and Jungkook swallowed, the lump in his throat painful as he and Max descended into a pit of alternate realities that existed as a result of them messing with time, only to come to the heartbreaking conclusion that it all began because Max had saved Chloe from being shot.
“No,” whispered Jungkook out loud, his voice breaking. This was why he hated story-telling games, he thought angrily, biting his lip and feeling his eyes fill up anyway. What was the point? You got attached to a character, to her best friend, to her family, and just when you thought you were making it, it imploded and forced you to choose between two equally important things, between freedom and the ally you made in prison, or between your best friend and your integrity.
What was he supposed to do now? Let the town be destroyed to save Chloe, a character who wasn’t even a player? That definitely wasn’t how the game was designed; he couldn’t imagine the programmers would consider that a win. No, if he had to win the game, he had to save the world. Save the cheerleader, save the world, Dilara had said, months ago. It always came down to saving the world.
Jungkook followed the instructions, his vision blurring as Max went back to Arcadia Bay while the storm approached, reuniting with Chloe when the moment of truth arrived. Jungkook’s finger hovered over the button on the controller, his face screwed up as he clicked on the option in the dialogue box.
He watched motionlessly as the animation exploded, the storm rolling in and destroying Arcadia Bay, the entire town razed to the ground. As the camera panned around the devastation, Jungkook swallowed the lump in his throat and let the tears stream silently down his face as Chloe appeared amidst the ruins, alive and relieved. She and Max clasped hands and left Arcadia Bay together, leaving the wreckage behind them.
Thanks for reading. Don’t forget to leave a review :)
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bebemoon · 5 months
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major arcana looks: THE FOOL | vintage art deco buttery gold silk empire-waist dress, madomorpho harlequin mesh gloves, madomorpho clown colllar, dilara findikoglu customisable pearl belt in gold (w/ 'f' 'o' 'o' 'l' initial charms added by me<3), fairuza balk's arm tattoos, madomorpho harlequin circus mesh bodysuit, vivienne westwood black wool bicorn hat w/ gold tassel (a/w 1981), gyouree kim "pixie" heels, {beauty} pat mcgrath for maison margiela couture spring 2o24, vintage glass figural clown perfume bottle (c. 192o-3o's), simone rocha mini bell charm hoop earrings
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