#c: charlotte reynard
officialfoxsquadron · 7 months
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Putting this here for people who want a (somewhat) quick rundown of Lottie's full backstory. featuring some Coruscanti worldbuilding, which I will definitely elaborate on at a later date.
TW: genocide of a religious minority, eye trauma
she was a foundling on the lowest levels of Coruscant, born at the tail end of 18BBY. she has no idea who her parents are.
she was dropped off anonymously to one of the many groups of Coruscanti, a religious minority group native to Coruscant. they named her Nadezhda, nickname Nadya or Lolli (red one).
by the time she arrived, this religious group was already heavily discriminated against. it would only get worse as she grew up.
to make matters worse, the Coruscanti were deeply connected to the Jedi-as the foremost forgers of weapons, the Jedi relied on them for well-built lightsabers.
the Coruscanti also have a connection to the force-one based around their hierarchy of gods. they had a reputation for taking in force-sensitive children; and there were rumors many Coruscanti were the bastard children of famous Jedi.
when nadya was twelve, the empire finally acted. uscru entertainment district was leveled. as far as nadya knows, there were no other survivors.
at the time of the bombings, nadya was recovering from an injury that cost her her left eye. she earned this during a coming of age ceremony.
this injury-the scarring of a left eye-was seen as an omen, as it matched an injury sustained by elene, a chief deity of the coruscanti. for nadya, it became a cruel irony; the gods chose her just before the gods were ripped from her forever.
after a year of living hard on Coruscant's lowest levels-where she learned that it was kill or be killed-nadya met the woman that would become her adopted sister/mother figure; pazima reynard.
under pazima she became an assassin (a Fox...the girl cannot stop joining arcane orders) and joined the rebellion at thirteen, glad she could use her talents for swordplay and the righteous anger she felt for good. here she took the name lottie reynard, to downplay her connection to the Coruscanti.
during the rebellion, she created a found family; Pazima, Wedge Antilles-Pazima's erstwhile husband and her surrogate father-and Jax Fraga, a boy her own age who became her best friend. they formed the fox squadron.
just before she turned eighteen, she met a pilot named Luke Skywalker. when he blew up the death star, the orders from the Fox Squadron's mysterious Rebellion financier came in; protect luke skywalker, at all costs.
and that is where our story picks up! as she grows closer to luke, she will find out more about her own identity. luke and lottie's story is a mirrored coming-of-age tale, as they both discover their own destinies and fall in love along the way.
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