#c: callan kline
bloodwiine · 10 months
closed starter for @lunarrbxnshee ( sofia )
"Wait a second," Callie slowed in their steps, reaching out to bring Sofia to a halt. "What did you just say? I'm definitely going to need you to repeat yourself."
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honeyedblossom · 2 years
closed starter for @lavcndcrmoon ( utp )
"I just don't get how people do the whole talk about their feelings thing," Callie began before adding, "I also don't get why everyone in my life lately seems to be settling down, especially Rhys. I mean, I love him, but I have to be honest, I never expected him to find someone that he was serious about and have a child with, nonetheless." And it was true, Callie was over the moon, ecstatic for Rhys even, but they were a bit jealous, a part of them wished someone looked at them that way. Well, perhaps not just anyone but a certain someone.
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bloodwiine · 11 months
OPEN STARTER location: a bar, diner, something like that.
"He was supposed to be here by now," Callie grumbled under his breath, checking their phone for the hundredth time. "You'd think if work kept him, he'd at least send a message to let me know...would you mind if I joined you? I feel...well, a little ridiculous sitting by myself."
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bloodwiine · 11 months
closed starter for @faiirytalesx ( rhys )
Callie couldn't help the snicker that escaped him at the sight that walked in the door, so used to the other being well, far more put together. "You're really rocking the just survived a wild adventure look," they remarked with a playful tone. "It's very avant-garde of you, trying to make the Met Gala of Veritas happen?"
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honeyedblossom · 2 years
watermelon (callan) ; bubblegum (malia) ; salmon (cyrus)
ask meme.
watermelon— have you ever had to reject anyone romantically? how did it go?
"Once and it was terribly uncomfortable, I hate letting people down, but the guy was just...a total creep and in hindsight, I should've just given him Rhys' number instead at some point, but I'm not entirely sure what he'd have done to him had I told him. But some people don't like to hear no."
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bubblegum— how do you feel about your love life right now? are you happy with it?
"I wouldn't put the word love on anything in my life right now, but I don't really care to put a label on anything right now. I have too much shit happening in my life. I prefer to keep things casual at the moment."
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salmon— would you prefer a partner who is an introvert or an extrovert? why?
"Oh I'm an extrovert that thrives off all attention being on me, so I'd much prefer someone that's the opposite. But, I also just need someone that balances me out. Anyone that isn't going to up and abandon me without warning would be nice, though."
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honeyedblossom · 2 years
You're as colorful as a rainbow You're as bright as the moon Everyone can see your halo Everybody but you Go and show 'em all your rainbow You'll feel better when you do Come on out when the rain goes 'Cause this world's gonna love you
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honeyedblossom · 3 years
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"Did you know," Callie began, picking one of the strawberries from the batch and holding it up to inspect it with a suggestive smirk. “The little pricks or seeds are actually the ovaries of the strawberry.” 
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honeyedblossom · 3 years
@serostarter​​​ WHO: CALLAN O’CONNOR - callie  WHERE: Can be anywhere that someone would study; the library, cafe, somewhere surrounded by kids if they’re working. Take your pick !! 
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Callie groaned louder than intended the second the song shifted. Memories from their time as a pageant participant flooding their mind. “I picked the wrong day to forget my headphones,” Callie remarked, chewing on their bottom lip as they looked around. Maybe it was the dragged on study session with few breaks, but they felt the need to rant to whoever might listen. “Do you ever just hear a song from your past and find yourself going down a DREADFUL memory lane?” 
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honeyedblossom · 3 years
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Introducing CALLIEKINS. 
A youtube channel that has grown substantially over the past few years, with each new testing products / life hack videos and more. ( think rachel ballinger for an example ). Callie doesn’t really consider themselves famous or anything, despite the amount of followers but they do enjoy it. 
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honeyedblossom · 3 years
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EVENT: masquerade engagement ball STYLIST: themselves, as a fuck you to their parents.  DATE: 18 september 2021.
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honeyedblossom · 3 years
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&&. tinder profile - callan kline 
featuring; rami aydem & rayvn parthenopaeus
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honeyedblossom · 3 years
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