#c: calcifer
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spiteweaver · 1 year ago
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(Note: this story takes place in May of 2020!)
The sharp rapping startled Branwen out of a comfortable doze. His library was cast now in heavy shadow, save for what little of it the light from the dying hearth could reach. There was no color along the horizon, and the night beyond his window was deep. He feared, for a moment, that he had awoken at the breaking of a second time loop, but relaxed at the sound of Calcifer milling about in the kitchen. The smell of tea roused him further. Sighing, he set the book he’d been reading aside and got shakily to his feet.
Another series of quick, almost frantic knocks sounded at the door. His ears flicked forward and then back. It hadn’t been a dream; someone, very real and very persistent, was standing on his front stoop. He couldn’t imagine who it could be at such a late hour and turned to the window once again to confirm that the capital was not in flames. As before, all was quiet and dark.
“I’ll get it!” Calcifer called.
“No,” Branwen replied as his mate hurried out into the foyer, “stay behind me.”
Calcifer raised a brow. “I’m a foot taller than you, Bran.”
“You’re also wearing a frilly pink apron,” Branwen pointed out, and before Calcifer could protest further, strode forward with only a split second’s hesitation.
On the stoop stood a dam, her figure obscured by an ashen grey cloak, and in her hands was a gently glowing glob. Even without the meager light it provided, however, Branwen would have known her. He did not need to see the silhouette of her face, her warm, dark skin, or the wisps of smoky hair poking out from beneath her hood. Her scent was enough to evoke vivid imagery in his mind of roaring flames—and the cinders they left behind. They danced before his eyes, a translucent mockery of a pain he had never quite managed to rid himself of, before flickering and dying against the bitter chill of a late spring evening.
The next thing Calcifer knew, his mate was throwing himself at their guest. He reacted swiftly, getting his arms around Branwen’s waist and hoisting the enraged Spiral up in a bear hug meant to disable him. Instead, it only incensed him further, and he shed his scaleless guise, slipping between Calcifer’s fingers like sand.
“You,” Branwen fumed, “you monster!”
“Calcifer,” the dam said, stepping back to avoid one of Brawnen’s blind swipes, “had I known you had taken a mate, I would have brought wedding gifts.”
“We aren’t—” Calcifer gripped Branwen by his tail and pulled back with a grunt— “married yet, Oya!”
All at once, Branwen’s squirming ceased. He turned in his mate’s grasp, but rather than anger, there was a misery so deep and so poignant in his eyes that Calcifer dropped him then and there. Branwen’s scales gave way to soft flesh again, and in the tiniest, most pitiful voice imaginable, he asked, “You know her, Calcifer?”
“I—I—” Calcifer’s mouth was suddenly bone dry. “Well, yes. I helped her construct a suitable home for her, ah—Ogun is a bit hard to explain, but I helped her make his hearth.”
Oya, meanwhile, was examining Branwen with renewed interest. She recognized him, though she wished she hadn’t. “You’re that hatchling,” she murmured thoughtfully, “from the Emberwood.”
The Emberwood—Calcifer knew it well. Colloquially known as the Scorched Forest, it stood on the border between the Ashfall Waste and the Shifting Expanse, not far from Emberglow Hearth. Very few clans called it home, as it provided little in the way of shelter or smithing. In fact, most of its residents were magic-workers, who found its isolated locale inviting.

like Branwen.
“Whatever happened,” Calcifer said, “I don’t know anything about it, Branwen.”
“How could you not?” Branwen asked. He seemed to curl in on himself then, growing smaller with every word. “If you know her, you must know what she did.”
Calcifer reached for him, but he pulled away. “Branwen, I swear—”
“Listen to your mate,” Oya said. “Do you think I speak of my wretched work to every dragon who crosses my path? I come to him now not because we were intimately acquainted, but because, as he said, it was he who built Ogun’s hearth.”
“You came to my home,” Branwen began, his fists trembling at his sides, “the home of the drake whose clan you slaughtered, to commission my mate?!”
Oya glanced down at Branwen’s quivering hands. “Yes.”
“Go,” Branwen spat, “before I kill you.”
“I will not,” Oya replied. She did not flinch when Branwen rounded on her again. “Allow me to rephrase: I cannot.”
Before Branwen could make good on his threat, Calcifer stepped forward. “Can he survive in our hearth for a while?” he asked. “I’ll need to gather the proper supplies and dig out my old blueprints.”
“How long?”
“A week at most.”
Oya looked to the glowing glob in her hands, as if for confirmation. It pulsed once, twice, and she nodded. “A week,” she said, “no more.”
“Did you miss the part where I said she slaughtered my clan?!” Branwen asked, his rage so potent that it forced his voice up by several octaves. Typically, Calcifer would have found this amusing. Tonight, he was sweating like a pig. “I know you aren’t stupid, Calcifer! Quite the contrary, you’re meant to be the emotionally intelligent one in this relationship!”
“I’m not doing it for her, Bran,” Calcifer replied. “I’m doing it for Ogun.”
“The glob?!”
“He’s not a—” Calcifer pinched the bridge of his nose. He loved Branwen, but he was still learning how to communicate with him. “Oya,” he muttered in a tone that suggested he was struggling not to rip fistfuls of his hair out, “you can explain it better than I can.”
“Ogun is a homunculus,” Oya said with a shrug.
Branwen cast his mate an exasperated look. “You could have just told me! I know what a homunculus is!”
“I don’t!” Calcifer replied. “Whatever they are, they aren’t exactly commonplace! I’ve certainly never met one, and that’s not how Oya explained him to me!”
“I suppose I went into more detail,” Oya conceded, “seeing as I was entrusting the building of his hearth to you. All your mate needs to know is that I created him as a tool to use in my work. Yes, I see you glaring at him.” The dam’s molten gold gaze snapped up to meet Branwen’s. Neither was willing to back down. “He had no free will then. In the matter of your clan’s destruction, he is blameless.”
“He’s the figure I saw in the fire,” Branwen growled lowly. “He’s the one who enacted your will!”
“Because he could not refuse me,” Oya said again, “which I regret deeply. Over time, free will grew within him. That is why we are here. He—” She faltered, and Branwen cursed himself for feeling a pang of sympathy— “he begged me not to use him again. He knew that the Grand Circle would order us to quash Por’s rebellion. The thought of it made him sick. Perhaps it made me sick as well.”
There was more Branwen wanted to say, but for once, he bit his tongue. “I want your word that neither of you will harm myself, Calcifer, or any of our clanmates.”
“You have it.”
“If you put a single toe out of line, Dreamweaver will hear about it.”
“Of course.”
“You know Dreamweaver, don’t you? You’ve heard of them?”
“I have, and I do not wish to cross them.”
Seemingly satisfied, Branwen turned back toward the open door and motioned for the pair to follow him. “You can stay in the guest bedroom,” he said, “until you’ve secured your own housing.”
“So what’s all this about a clan?”
Branwen answered Calcifer’s query with a drawn-out sigh. After ensuring that both Oya and Ogun were comfortable, he had slipped away into his study for the express purpose of avoiding this very conversation. It was complicated, and he was tired. Unfortunately, Calcifer had come with a bribe. Smiling softly, the Imperial crossed to where he sat hunched over his desk and offered him a mug of piping hot tea. It had been made just the way he liked it, sweetened with sugar and honey.
Begrudgingly, he accepted the bribe.
“I thought I made myself quite clear,” he mumbled, blowing the steam from his mug and taking a quick sip. “Oya slaughtered my birth clan, every last drake, dam, and rook. Knowing that she was working for the Grand Circle puts things into perspective. We were a rebellious lot, and the Grand Circle doesn’t like rebels.”
“You told me that no one had ever loved you,” Calcifer said as he took up residence in the only other chair in the room that wasn’t piled high with books, “and that you had never loved anyone else.”
“That’s what makes it
Calcifer reached out to squeeze his knee. “Take it one word at a time.”
” The words stuck in Branwen’s throat. It was an admittance he had promised never to utter. “I may have loved my parents, despite their many failings. When Oya came, I was still young, only a hatchling, but I was old enough to know that I was unwanted. My mother and father were rebels. They didn’t have time to raise a well-behaved hatchling, let alone one of my choleric disposition. I was a picky eater. I demanded constant attention. I was often ill. They shunted me between caretakers, whoever’s schedule was the least hectic on a given day. I was the only hatchling in our clan.”
“How did you escape?” Calcifer asked. “Someone must have loved you enough to bring you to safety.”
Branwen shook his head. “It was Oya who spared me. I remember wailing over my parents’ bodies. A shadow fell across me. I thought—” He sucked in a sharp breath— “I wanted her to kill me, but she didn’t. She told me to leave the Ashfall Waste and never return, and I obeyed.”
“I’m—I’m so sorry, Branwen.”
“Don’t be.” Branwen drained his cup in a single gulp, hoping that the heat of the tea would settle his stomach. “I can never forgive Oya for what she did, but my life there would have been a miserable one.”
“If it’s any consolation,” Calcifer said, “I’m sure your parents didn’t hate you. It sounds like you were born at an inopportune time, and they were unable to adequately care for you as such. That doesn’t mean they didn’t love you, though.”
Try as he might to suppress them, tears sprang unbidden into Branwen’s eyes. They fell into his empty cup in fat, silver drops, and Calcifer, seeing them, spread his arms in a welcoming gesture. The pair embraced. Branwen sniffled pitifully into his mate’s chest, and Calcifer ran his fingers through the witch’s wild ginger curls.
“You know I’ll never let anyone hurt you,” Calcifer whispered, “don’t you?”
Branwen nodded.
“We’re doing the right thing.”
Another nod.
“Once Ogun’s hearth is built, you’ll never have to speak to her again.” Calcifer’s grip tightened, his fingers clutching the back of Branwen’s shirt like a lifeline. “If she ever comes near you, I’ll
“You’ll what?” Branwen asked with a snort. “Kill her? I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“I’d do it,” Calcifer replied, “if it was for you.”
Heat rushed into Branwen’s cheeks. He forced his face deeper into Calcifer’s chest to hide it, but Calcifer knew by the twitching of his tail tip that he was flustered. So, before his mate could tease him, he blurted out, “We should get married!”
?” Calcifer pushed him back to hold him at arm’s length. This, of course, exposed Branwen’s beet red face, which only flustered him further. “What did you say?” Calcifer managed to wheeze. “I think I misheard you.”
“We should get married!” Branwen repeated. “This Flameforger’s, we should do it!”
For a moment, he was certain Calcifer would reject him. They had been together for two cycles and readily called one another mates, but weddings were official business. In the eyes of their Patron, marriage would bind them eternally. It was a lot to ask, perhaps too much. In fact, Calcifer deserved better. Branwen was hot-tempered, and socially inept, and pessimistic to a fault. That settled it. He would pass it off as a joke, and they would go back to their comfortable, uncomplicated mateship.
Then Calcifer broke into a tearful smile, and all of Branwen’s doubts shriveled and died.
“Yes,” he said, “let’s do it!”
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year ago
Random Assortment of Ghibli’s Howl’s Moving Castle Thoughts
Because I rewatched it today for the first time in many years and it’s one of those miraculous works that not only remaine as magical as I remembered it through childhood eyes, but if anything was even more magical as an adult and in more complex ways. I’ve finally got words for at least some of the things I was processing only subconsciously as a kid, so here we go. 
- The sneaky underlying theme of deeply flawed mother figures in this movie. Drives me nuts. The narrative doesn’t go out of its way to condemn these characters, it takes a characteristically phlegmatic nonjudgemental view of them, but it feels like this is low-key a stealth Mommy Issues story. (Making it go đŸ€ with Dragon Age 2 in my head lol) Sophie’s mother does not seem to be consciously malicious but is intensely smotheringly self-absorbed and immature to the point where it has clearly been neglectful, and on the other side of the ‘Overly Permissive/Neglectful to Overly Authoritarian/Controlling’ scale of shitty parenting Suliman is controlling and invasive and heedless of boundaries. (Notice that her real complaint about Howl entering the contract with Calcifer and thus losing his heart seems to be that it means she can no longer control him and his grasp on magic, more than actual worry for him as a person. Her presence in his life is largely, ironically, paternalistic. She even frames it as something he blundered into incompetently — phrasing as him having had his heart stolen, rather than the mutual agreement we see Howl and Calcifer make even if they couldn’t know all the consequences it would have.) In the end Sophie breaks the circle by managing to be an engaged and responsive mother figure to Markl and making an actual home with the people closest to her. 
Interestingly Howl at his worst seems to be much more like Sophie’s mother than like Suliman — he leaves Markl to handle things he really shouldn’t have to alone all the time and is noted to barely be home anyway, in the beginning especially he’s flighty and vivacious and evasive (not to mention aggressively blond haha) in some of the same patterns we see her mom exhibit. Since Lettie is quite like their mother in terms of looks and sociability, we might infer that Sophie takes more after their father (including in choice of spouse lol). But crucially when the chips are down Howl is ready to protect Sophie and their home with his life rather than abandon her, in sharp contrast with her mother. I like that the movie doesn’t vilify Sophie’s mom for what she does, as such, it’s a pretty impossible position to be in for anyone
 but it is just an extension of what she’s apparently been doing for a long time anyway, privileging other parts of her life and her own comfort over her daughter’s wellbeing and happiness. (Adds a certain spice and heartache to how scared Sophie is that Howl is going to leave them, too. And her fear that it would be because she’s fundamentally not good enough, beautiful enough, clever enough for anyone to choose her and stay with her. Ooof. Girl he’s been looking for you everywhere girl he thinks you’re the most beautiful thing in the world girl it’ll be okay)
- Relatedly: the unspeakably sinister vibes and implications of Suliman’s fucking
 army of little Ersatz Howl page boys. When I was younger I sort of bought that he was just being a coward in refusing to go back, but honestly looking at all those kids with smiling empty eyes like painted marbles — you know what maybe it was good he got out of there when he did and in whatever way he could, huh. I don’t feel like there were wonderful things ahead here. Between that and the Witch of the Waste — who must have been much, much older than him when they seem to have sort of had a thing, since he seems to be like
 mid-twenties-ish? at the time of the movie — there’s some really uncomfortable subtext going on if you want to read into it that way. I don’t think it’s the only way to read it by any means, but there’s something icky and clandestine sticking to Suliman’s whole deal that makes some form of grooming feel potentially relevant, especially taken along with the shame and fear that seems to cling to Howl around it and the recurring symbolism of him being stuck at a child state beneath it all — he slipped away from Suliman one day but never really grew up. (I’ll readily admit this is some fully Vibes based ramblings on my part, so YMMV on how convincingly you find this present in the text vs. how much is conjecture in my overthinking overheating noggin lmao)
- The fact that the first thing that allows Sophie to heal is to get to be angry — to finally get to say ‘this is all such absolute fucking bullshit *aggressively scrubs all the shit away about it*’. So much of her arc is about reclaiming the full spectrum of her emotions instead of having to make herself small, to prioritize her own inner experience and expressiveness above the need to be acceptable or pleasing to someone else's gaze. It’s not doing quite the same thing as the book in this regard (which if memory serves does more complex work around societal dynamics around gender and sexuality and aging vs. the more internal personal approach the film takes), but what it is doing is very interesting in its own right. The castle being a space (a home!!!) where all the inhabitants can eventually express themselves freely, including Howl dropping the uncannily imperturbable smiling facade to show the sad wet pathetic drama queen beneath (deeply affectionate) and Markl just getting to be a kid running around having fun. And Sophie makes that home for everyone possible by being herself unfiltered for the first time in her life. What the fuck I’m not crying don’t look at me — 
- The little one-room cottage in the fields being the forerunner to the castle
- Something so pleasing about the irony that Howl is said to eat hearts when really he seems to have basically had to tear his own heart out and set it on fire to keep it safe. And then after people have tried to get their hands on it to possess it (the Witch) or dictate how he uses it and who he gives it to (Suliman) for the whole movie, Sophie gives it back to him without a thought at the end; it’s more important to her for him to be whole than to own his heart. Hmnngh. (also so funny that the first thing he does upon waking up is plaintively whining about it fhdasj. Yeah having feelings again can take a person like that) 
- Howl’s bad dye job freakout is still very funny and silly, of course, never change you giant drama queen slime the place down, but there’s something about the fact that he’s apparently been dyeing his hair the colour Suliman seems to favor/uses to mark ‘her people’ all this time even when he hasn’t been able to face her, especially since the flashback shows black is his natural hair colour, and how badly it freaks him out to not meet that standard anymore
 Huh. Hm.Hah.
(This time I actually wondered to myself if part of the reason he made the deal with Calcifer was to be able to get away from her and the plans she had for his life (and that he clearly would have hated, if their fundamental philosophical disagreement about warfare is any indication!). I think it says some very sad things that his happiest childhood memory is of a secret place where he got to be entirely alone because it was the only place he felt safe. Howl’s Moving Giant Coping Mechanism Metaphor. You see the castle is the Flight response made. Well not flesh. Timber, I guess. The Flight response made timber. In this essay I will etc.)   
- It hurts me that Howl brings Sophie’s old bedroom into the castle. He wanted so badly to make her happy and he seems to assume that because his memory of childhood solitude is a
 if not happy then comforting thing to him, it would be for her too. But to her that’s just a reminder of the stagnancy and loneliness and
 indignity? of her life before, and makes her feel like he’s treating her like a housekeeper, relegating her to that tiny room all over again, unwanted and ignored. Augh. At least she seems to understand what he meant to do for her when he shows her the meadow, though, and he doesn’t stop trying to communicate it to her even though his gesture didn’t land the way he’d hoped at first. This movie is so quietly kind about people trying to learn how to understand and love each other. Everyone is allowed to stay at the castle in all their imperfections, even the Witch. 
- Something something the Witch curses Sophie with not being able to tell anyone what’s happened to her
 and in the end that doesn’t even really matter because the people around her either grow to understand without having to be told by actually paying attention to her (like Howl) or just accept her exactly as she is anyway, age yo-yoing and all, no questions asked (like Markl). And in the same way Sophie immediately recognizes Howl in his monster form and isn’t afraid of him even when he tells her it’s too late. Suliman warning her about ‘what he really is’ and Sophie immediately hugging him in his full monster form because he came home and that’s all that matters to her. Howl thinks her white hair is the most beautiful thing in the world and worth coming back to the world fully for. Sobbing. 
- The implication that part of the reason Calcifer wants out of the contract (other than just being stuck in the hearth of a place slowly falling into depressing disrepair and neglect around him) is that he’s genuinely terrified of what Howl is doing to himself. There’s something kind of sad and very funny about that. What if you went into a deal with a demon and the demon had to keep telling you ‘uh. Uh bro that’s kind of fucked up you know that right. Hey are you listening to me you’re molting monster feathers onto the carpet Sophie is gonna LOSE IT and don’t come crying to me when she does’. I wonder what would have happened to Howl’s heart if he turned completely — it seems that their contract has kept it safe and unchanged in every other way, if frozen in time, so presumably it would just
 keep going the same way? (Calcifer telling Sophie that ‘it’s still the heart of a child’ got me so bad this time around. Bawling all over the place haha.) The idea of being stuck burning around a homeless heart forever is — well Calcifer I guess I get where you’re coming from here
- Of interest only to a very few people, I suppose, but the Norwegian dub of this movie fucking rules, I’m glad to find my childhood self was right about that. Calcifer is so cute in it it almost makes me dizzy sometimes, Aksel Hennie went ham on this one. Also an incredibly calming and charming performance for Howl — whenever I hear the English dub I just start laughing b/c like uh okay that’s Batman, takes me right out every time, that is not my lil guy fhsakjd. (I suspect his characterization is a bit different and softer in Norwegian too, just from the differences in translation I’ve seen?) 
- The first time Howl takes Sophie flying he holds her hand through it the entire time and guides her, the second time he takes her flying he lets her steer the flying machine for a while under his supervision before he goes off to make the distraction (there’s something so sweet about it as much as he’s being a little shit about it, honestly, he believes in her in such a quiet undramatic way even as she’s freaking out), and then after walking away from Howl’s childhood memory she walk-flies confidently on her own exactly like he showed her at the beginning. At the end the whole castle flies, with all of them safe and comfortable within it. Thoughts. Feels. Agony.
- There’s something so
 weirdly achingly beautiful about the non-linearity of love in this movie. To properly meet each other as themselves here and now, Sophie and Howl have to flicker through polar opposite ends of life where they’re both stuck: old age and calcified (ahaha) childhood, resigned depression and overwhelmed fear. The promise Sophie makes at the end that is the beginning for Howl and probably kept him going in the meantime — love and a feeling of home that echoes even through the part of your life when it wasn’t there yet, love as hope. He finds her in the future, she finds him in the past, their hearts call to each other across time and space and they both work so hard to be able to actually meet in the now. The castle is kind of a wheezing overwrought monstrosity, the result of having to keep your heart outside of yourself and be constantly running from everything
 but how can you begrudge it for it, when it works so doggedly to keep you and all you love safe while you look for that home? (To me Calcifer is basically a metaphor for dissociation, for what it’s worth, and he always has been)
TL;DR One of my fave movies of all times and touches me to the soul, I can't help but be distressingly earnest about it
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ticklygiggles · 5 months ago
Lovelynim's tickletober Day 19: Makeup
Howl x Sophie
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A/N: big thanks again to always sweet @squeenxart that knows perfectly well that Howl is baby and need his ticklies! I hope you enjoy this~
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"How do I look, Sophie?!" Markl asked excitedly, looking up at Sophie as if she wasn't the one that spent hours painting that skull all over his face.
"You look so terrifying, of course!"
Markl giggled happily and he rushed out of the room, probably to show Calcifer and Howl. As Sophie put away all the paints and brushes, she couldn't help but laugh when she heard a perhaps too high-pitched scream coming from the kitchen.
"But who did that to your face?! No, of course I know the answer - Sophie!"
Sophie rolled her eyes and continued packing everything into a small bag. She soon heard Howl's hurried footsteps and didn't even turn around to see him as he entered the room.
"Sophie! You can't do that kind of thing on Markl's face! What will we do if you accidentally use your magic on him and he looks like that forever!"
"I want to look like this forever!" Markl yelled from the kitchen and Sophie giggled.
"I didn't use my magic, I just said he looked terrifying and he does!" Sophie finally turned around, an eyebrow raised as she looked at his very agitated husband. "Do you want me to do your Halloween makeup too?"
"Are you insane?! Of course I don't want to- no! Don't come near me!"
Sophie giggled as she rushed towards him. Instead of leaving the room, Howl walked further into it, trying to put the bed between himself and Sophie, but he was a mess even in his own home, tripping over a piece of furniture and falling face first into the bed.
Sophie wasted no time, she quickly climbed onto Howl's back and lifted up his white shirt to expose his milky skin. Howl screeched and tried to escape from under Sophie, but Sophie pressed the paintbrush in her hand against Howl's side and the wizard burst out laughing.
"Let's see, let's see," Sophie said, painting up Howl's side. "Since Markl looks like a skeleton, I think you and I should be one too, Howl! How about I draw some ribs here on yours, hmm? Don't move too much or I'll have to start over."
Howl was cackling, squirming and jerking as Sophie carefully traced his ribs, drawing them over his skin.
"It tihihickles! Stohohop! F-Fihihine! Fine! Mahaharkl can gohoho trick or treating! He c-cahahan gohoho!"
"Ah, I'm glad you want Markl to enjoy the festivities, but I still haven't finished your costume. Now stop moving."
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luvyurself · 6 months ago
apple cider
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a/n : I’m a freak for him omfg.
flufftober masterlist
c/w : she/her pronouns, howls fucking dramatic, as usual tbh, never tried apple cider so bear with me
she didn’t know how he moved so fast, she literally just blinked and now he’s leaning over the table to stare at her as if she’s grown two heads.
she took a quick bite of her food, covering her mouth as she talked, “
howl gave a slight scoff, his tone of voice laced with disbelief, “what do you mean, ‘what?’ you know exactly what.”
a slight furrow in her brow, “
no, I-“ she swallowed the food in her mouth, moving her hand away, “I
I don’t exactly know.” she responds, making the man sputter a bit.
“what-what do you mean-?” he leaned back down in his seat, “you never tried apple cider before?”
markl, who was ignoring them the entire meal, stopped eating his as soon as he heard him say that, “what?!” he shouted, his mouth stuffed with food.
she grimaced a bit, “markl, honey, don’t talk with your mouth full.” she then turned to howl with a confused expression, “I
.I don’t see the issue here?”
howl only gave an exasperated gasp, clutching his chest where his heart would be. “if I had my heart, it would be breaking in two right now.” he dramatically spoke.
“your heart doesn’t really care about it.” she heard calcifer speak behind her, making her stifle a giggle.
howl ignored the comment, walking up to her and placing his hands on her shoulders, “no, this cannot do,” he spoke, glancing up at markl, “go fill a glass of apple cider, this is an urgent matter.”
markl eagerly nodded, scurrying to find a glass to give her. she hummed as she felt howl’s hands rub her shoulders, “is all this really necessary?” she asked, looking up to stare at him.
howl only tutted, “I will not let the love of my life live in a world where she hasn’t tried the sweet taste of apple cider, it’s very necessary.” he stated, thanking the boy as he set down a glass infront of her.
she stared down at the cloudy, golden drink infront of her, feeling both of their eyes on her as they wait for her to taste it.
she rose it to her nose to smell it, immediately being hit with a sweet aroma making her hum in delight.
markl and howl lean closer as she rose it to her lips, watching as she took a sip and stayed silent once she placed the cup down.
a few seconds past, howl’s fingers tapping on her shoulder, “
sooo?” he drawled out, leaning his face closer to hers.
the boy next to her had a giddy smile on his face as he practically bounced on his heals, “what do you think?” he asked, his fingers fiddling with each other.
she lets the taste linger on her tongue, humming in thought as she pretended to think.
..you were right, it was necessary.” she smiled to herself after hearing the two cheer in success.
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ember-owlet · 3 months ago
Do you think maybe you could possibly do Howl Jenkins Pendragon caregiver head canons?? Or maybe a little fic about little reader playing with his hair? Or sort of reacting to his blue hair?
a/c: i absolutely can!! since you've sent me a request before i made the reader gender-neutral, but please let me know the next time you request if you have a certain preference in mind dear (/nf /nm) thank you for your request M! i hope you enjoy the rather short fic ËšÊšâ™ĄÉžËš
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dynamic: cg! howl jenkins pendragon x gn!regressor! reader
reader is referred to as: sweetheart, little one, starlight
content warning: none ᥣ𐭩
((stay safe little firelights, you can always come back to this when you're ready))
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"sweetheart, what are you doing up there?" howl grasped under your arms, bringing you down with ease to face him. howl neglected to mention such a drastic change in appearance, the stark contrast of the raven-black hair brought your hands out in a grasping motion. the wizard smirked at the wide-eyed expression that left a twinkle in your eyes as he moved to place you on his bed. "oh! so you've noticed." he states, brushing his slender fingers through his hair till the natural color shone against the light like a smooth river rock.
"papa pretty..." you remarked in awe. despite the menagerie of items that sparkled around the room, your caregiver's new look was the only thing that had your attention. your body began to wiggle in a happy rhythm, not being able to contain your immediate approval.
"thank you little one, papa likes it too." howl turned his head to gaze into the reflection of an ornate golden mirror that sat angled on its side. he gasped at how out of place everything was; the way each strand intertwined with another in a maze of its own, and with the dark contrast of his hair it made even the smallest specks of dust that fell all the more apparent.
sophie and markl were out having an adventure of their own, and howl had completely lost track of time spending it with you. and, with the day nearly coming to a close the two of them were probably expecting supper already being fixed and awaiting their return.
howl groaned, dramatically flattening his palm towards his face and slumping backward to the possible scolding the two of you would face from sophie for slacking off the entire day. through the gaps of his fingers, he could see you staring at him and giggling, the ever-flamboyant outbursts from howl never ceased to make you laugh.
"oh? that's funny, is it? well, luckily for you your papa is going to fix this with a flick of his wrist." he waved you over, palms facing toward him. as soon as you hobbled over to his side he picked you up. one endearing trait of your caregiver being gifted in magic was no matter your size it was rather easy for him to lift you off your feet.
howl quickly conducted the kitchen into order, and, despite calcifer's whining, whipped up four steaming plates of food fresh off of the skillet. you clapped to the finished product, a sparkle in your eyes as your stomach rumbled to the delicious, savory fragrance.
the familiar ping on the dial filled you with excitement, the familiar figures of markl and sophie entering that rushed you into their embrace, with howl quickly accompanying your side. "welcome home!" you echo alongside your papa's greeting. the sudden sounds of your rumbling stomachs cause an uproar of laughter. "well, what are we waiting for? the food will get cold."
sophie entered with humble steps, breathing in the warm aroma surrounding her senses. "my, it seems the two of you were busy today." howl held your hand to assist you up the steps, the two of you sharing a mischievous glance. "busier than ever. don't know what i'd do without my little starlight."
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wanderingsimsfinds · 1 year ago
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WanderingSims Fave CC - Contemporary Asian CC List
1, 5-6 - mykpopsimsworld - Ateez Set (Posters, Albums, Lightstick Up)
2 - Epiphanysims34 - 4t3 CherryOnKpop SKZOO Plushies
3, 58 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Konpeito Candy & Anime Rugs
4 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Japanese School Bag Deco
7-8, 18 - mykpopsimsworld - TXT Set (Albums, Lightstick, Posters)
9-10 - mykpopsimsworld - Stray Kids Albums & Lightstick Up
11 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Aira Pinkie Set Dumpling Light
12, 19-21 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Cinnamoroll Set (Rug, Plush, Pouf, Armchair)
13 - Ameriko-Steelie - 4t3 Kirika Sanrio Kawaii Notebook Clutter
14, 23 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Plush Separate & Bean Bag Onigiri Plush
15 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Luna Lamp
16-17, 25-29, 56-57, 59 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Flirtyghoul Otaku Set (Figure Toga, Figure Makoto, Billy Bookcase, Mangas, Figure Yuji, Figure Todoroki, Figure Shoyo, Posters C, Posters A, Posters B)
22 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Maneki Neko Stickers
24, 52-53 - johziii - Studio Ghibli Rugs (Soot Rug, Totoro Rug, Jiji Rug)
30 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Totoros
31-37, 40-41, 44-49 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Aira Ghibli Set (Calcifer Light, Ghibli Clay 1, Ghibli Clay 2, Ghibli Painting, Ghibli Cross Stich 1, Totoro Holder, Ghibli Cross Stich 2, Susuwatari Plate, Ghibli Pencil Holder, Susuwatari Bowl, Susuwatarai Cake Pops, Totoro Candle, No Face Incense, No Face Cups, Ponyo Bucket)
38 - SweetPoyzinCreations - Studio Ghibli Posters
39 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Neriney Kawaii Totoro Lamp
42 - Metisse - Studio Ghibli Paintings
43 - Epiphanysims34 - 4t3 channel4sims Ghibli Movie DVDs Laying V Japanese
50 - WanderingSims - 4t3 yu Studio Ghibli & OTGW Posters
51 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Totoro Inflatable Chair
54-55, 60 - tragicpixel - JJK Posters (2, 3, 1)
61-62 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Managa & Small Manga Shelf
63-66 - WanderingSims - Grunge Wall Stickers 1, 2, 3, 4
67-69 - WanderingSims - Black Wall Stickers 1, 2, 5
70, 73 - WanderingSims - Korea Maps & Japan Maps
71 - LiaSims - 8 B&W Wall Art
72 - WanderingSims - 4t3 yu Summer of the Bear Posters
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defectivefanboy · 2 years ago
Howl J. Pendragon x Gn!Reader
this is pure self indulgence. No I am not apologizing. No I am not sorry and yes I am a glutton for punishment.
Overall Notes: Stories written on this blog are GN until specified. While this story uses they/them pronouns, and I don't mind female readers on my blog, I do not write for y'all, and if you are a fetishizer fuck off????????????????? ew.
C/W: Angst no comfort. Howl being a low-key asshole, and a man whore. Self deprecation.
Notes: I have been rewatching this movie like a psychopath
Steps to loving a fool...
People will tell you all the ways they fell for a fool and how they loved a fool.
How they whisked them away off their feet with such carefree nature.
But they also recall how it hurt to let them go at the end.
They always say a bird does not belong in a cage
Because there are many steps to loving a fool, but there are only a few key steps you need to keep in mind.
While the enjoyment and wonder of it is exciting at first a person can only take so much before they finally collapse in on themselves like a star.
Step 1: A fool is as free as the wind.
For as long as you could remember he's always moved as if he was the wind himself.
Maybe it was because he could fly and walk? on air
Being with him was like you were floating
God, to be above the clouds with him once again
To feel as free as he does every day of his life
But you've never seen him settle down, even within his own home.
Always adding a new room, or waking up in a new place with new doors.
That amazement you feel when you hear the click of the door and then the new location or sight before you
Oh is that a new book? What does that trinket do?
The fascinated look on his face always captured your attention more then the trinket did most days
His magic never failed to excite you, only brought you more wonder in what he was capable off
Every time he came through the door he always brought something new
Always something new, something that brought change within the castle
Something was always changing.
Step 2: A fool changes like the seasons
Never get too comfortable and never get used to anything.
As cozy as the house was, he was changing it to how he liked at that moment.
It would become a maze of new rooms and halls.
All the more room for him to make a mess.
Sometimes even a new explosion, opening a new window in the castle.
Yet, you can never develop a habit. Can never maintain a routine
Never able to get a schedule down
Never able to understand what he was doing
Never able to even assume what he's doing
Never able to assume you know what he's thinking.
It's only a matter of time before he changes his interest.
Last month it was simple Science
Today? making a plant into a horse
Tomorrow? Only he knows.
Markl, while a good kid, was on the back burner of the wizards mind sometimes
maybe even a lot of the times, but he always made it up to him with long lessons and studies with the boy.
Guess you weren't even on his mind now a days
You can't blame him though
it's not like you had an altitude for magic or anything.
You didn't have any knowledge from a great beyond
You honestly should've known
The first few months were bliss was him
then it became every few days, every few weeks... every few months... every few y-
Step 3: A fool is never shackled down
When was the last time you made a proper friend?
Calcifer and Markl were both a lovely chat.
But, you could only talk about so much within an ever moving home.
Sure, you've made a few acquaintanceships, but never more than that.
You didn't have enough time to make friends anyways
Didn't stay long ever to keep them either
You would leave town as fast as you came in.
Appearing one night then disappearing the next.
And the excitement of it disappeared just as quick.
Realization only hit quicker.
Watching fling after fling after fling after fling after-
What was it that made them different?
Maybe thats why he's always running away
Being around too long would make too much of an attachment
That means commitment
It means it's no longer just him
A fool carries their own burdens, they don't need the burdens of other as well
He already has his own worries
what made you think he would care for yours?
At first he was attentive, the soft grazing touches he gave felt as if he was treating you as fragile glass
Any force and you would shatter
When did you shatter?
Do you remember when you did?
Did he even realize that you did?
Step 4: A fool won't listen to anyone, but themselves
The house was a mess
Covered in waste from failed potions and experiments.
Molded food and trash everywhere, no matter how much it got cleaned
You had told him that witch wasn't good news
You said she was hiding something from him. From everyone.
Everyone could see he was gonna end up hurt
Yet, you were the wrong one
He's was in love couldn't you see
You wanted this to happen, didn't you?
For him to settle down?
You always said to slow down
Why was it an issue now?
If you don't like it why do you care about it?
You shouldn't be here anymore then
"Why do you always incise on being a nuisance?!"
You have over stayed your welcome.
Silence lingered in the room
The ever so witty fire demon was at a lost for words even
All he could do was watch as you turned away from him and walked to your room.
He watched the ground as you walked away and slammed the door.
He was about to let out a sigh before a second slam followed again.
This time a few steps away
"porthaven door..."
He watched the door in surprise, the dial clicking into place.
sighing finally he turned to the stairs
"Calcifer, warm up a bath"
Step 5: A fool only learns after they have lost themselves
He was sure you would be back the next morning
You always came back, even when he was clearly in the wrong
Even when he would spew hateful words at you for the littlest of thing
You always came back
But when morning came, the castle was as still as it was left the night before.
He realized it’s gone too far
The soft cracks in the glass finally broke
that prideful wizard finally began to break
ode to the boy who shallowed a star in exchange for his heart

who had lost the only thing that filled the space

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guiiarts · 1 year ago
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‱ C A L C I F E R ‱
LOOK AT THIS CUTE!!! Calcifer is the biggest icon of Howl's Moving Castle, I'm reading the first book in the trilogy so I made this little art.
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burninq · 2 months ago
i love that my two main blogs, Calcifer and Oliver, are both serial killers but have varying degrees in which they do their silly little jobs. like Calcifer does it cause he enjoys the thrill of the chase and likes to make abusers suffer, but Oliver does it because he enjoys the power he has over someone else after being weak for so long. it's so different and they both have very different mannerisms, but i have a blast writing both of them. c:
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theboneturners · 10 months ago
(this entire post is ooc)
All characters played by us are ocs!!
MOD1: TEN (she/her) ( also mod in: @10thalliance , @doyouthinkeyestellstories , @the-river-of-time ) as AMELIA ‘AMI’ JAMESON (sze/ze)
MOD2: ECHO (he/they/it) ( also mod in: @3biograftsandaphone , @somewhereelse-inphinity , @therealsubspace ) as XAVIER ‘XAV’ CALCIFER (he/zey)
<< ooc - text in colour
“Text in colour.”
- Normal dni stuff (eg; racists, proshippers, homophobes n transphobes, misogynists, etc.)
- No NSFW please <3 (both mods are minors)
- Avoid discussions of heavy topics when possible (eg; r@p3, $h, su!c!de, politics/real life wars, etc.)
There is currently no lore planned for this blog, so it’ll basically be up to yall to help develop it <3
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tadeocapuleto · 9 months ago
starter call rapidinho
primeiro: diga uma letra - a ; b ; c ; d .
segundo: indique com qual char vocĂȘ quer interagir - đŸ”„ pro calcifer; 🌙 pro sandman.
terceiro: escolha uma frase das seguintes sentenças.
espere. vocĂȘ tem cĂłcegas? đŸ”„ @hienadois
volte aqui! ainda nĂŁo terminei com vocĂȘ! đŸ”„ @heartevter
vocĂȘ tem algo em seu rosto
 bem aqui! đŸ”„ @coelhinhodapascoa
parece que estou em vantagem agora! 🌙 @lcstdina (mistĂ©rio sobre a personagem escolhida)
nĂŁo vou deixar vocĂȘ me vencer dessa vez! đŸ„° @devsndrs
isso foi muito fofo. faïżœïżœa isso novamente. 🌙 @theatrangel
dissemos isso ao mesmo tempo. đŸ„° @swampdolyn
isso nĂŁo Ă© justo! vocĂȘ trapaceou! đŸ„° @bluestcr
vocĂȘ vai compartilhar isso comigo? đŸ„° @girlonfirc
vocĂȘ acabou de fazer esse barulho? isso foi adorĂĄvel.
nĂŁo precisamos de mĂșsica para dançar! đŸ„° @arainhabranca
isso me fez pensar em vocĂȘ quando vi. 🌙 @snowhitcs & @ratoderua
ps. se tiver mais de um personagem, coloque o @ dele, caso queria que ele diga a frase acima, coloque - reverse.
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page-matcha · 11 months ago
TXT as studio ghibli characters!
a/n - I was doing a studio ghibli marathon with my friends and thought I'd do this for fun ♡
Yeonjun - Howl (Howls moving castle)
honestly I don't even know how to explain this. Yeonjun just gives off that sort of vibe you know? 😭 Also Howls ego 😭😭😭 'if I can't be pretty there's no point in living 😔' I think this matches Yeonjun pretty well.
He'd be so cool, composed, and mysterious when you first meet, but once you start getting to know him he's just this big pouty adorable baby 🙃
Also imagine Yeonjun in Howls clothing đŸ«  You know howls white top and tight black pants?
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kind of like this?
Also fun fact: the female lead of howls moving castle has the same name as me so it makes the movie that much better 🙃
Soobin - Haku (Spirited away)
I think it's just because Soobin is so calm most of the time? Haku is also a leader of sorts to the other people at the bath house so yeah 🙃 (I'm sorry am I even making sense rn? 😭)
He may seem super blocked off at first but ends up being a huge help to you and a very close friend c:
Honestly I was kind of tempted to give this character to beomgyu just because of the long hair 😭
Beomgyu - Calcifer (Howls moving castle)
Calcifer is just so mischievous you know? (And dramatic but anyways) He's loud playful and just fun to be around đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž Calcifer is honestly like my favorite studi ghibli character ever.
I think he's also just really loyal. He can be super chaotic at times but when it comes to your time of need he'll be right by your side.
Like in the beginning of the movie, I don't think calcifer liked Sophie that much, and was always messing with her. But when she and howl were in danger he tried his best to help in any way he could.
Taehyun - Jiji (Kikis delivery service)
I mean Jiji is a cat so... do I really have to day anything more?
Jiji is probably one of the most down to earth and honest characters in studio ghibli.
He makes a great companion, great friend, and great advice giver. (Also super sarcastic but you know-)
He's the type to be super honest with you and tell you straight up if you've done something stupid. But that also makes him an amazing advice giver. Hence, leading to a great friendship 👍
Hueningkai - Sosuke (Ponyo)
I don't know how to explain this one 🙃
Sosuke is like this little ball of energy. Always curious and super energetic. He also has a huge imagination!
Throughout the movie I feel like Sosuke didn't really know what was going on, but he knew his friend needed help and was willing to do anything for them.
So huening might be clueless/ innocent at times, but he'd be willing to put himself at risk for you.
a/n: I'm so sorry that this is all over the place 😭 have of what I said makes basically no sense, but I hope you enjoyed my rambling still...?
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star-on-a-beach · 9 days ago
Hear me out
This song:
Icia -> Lance
Cosmia -> Calcifer (or C+C)
Razzie -> Rubio
Aella -> Astrion
Pam -> Gaia
PLEASE yall, you GOTTA see the vision, I BEGGGGG
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flappervcmp · 3 months ago
a new years kiss for @burninq (even tho they didn't ask for one c:)
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Annie had dragged Cal out to the town's small New Year's Eve event in the town square. She hadn't been to one of these in years, and especially not with another person and definitely not someone that she really liked.
They'd milled around for a bit, checking out the various stalls before going to find a spot to watch the fireworks. It wasn't a huge display, but just something small to celebrate the day. Finding a good spot near the edge of the crowd, Annie reached over towards Cal and took hold of his hand just as the countdown started.
Her hand squeezed his lightly as she scootched in closer to him, trying not to let her nerves get the best of her. It's not like they'd never kissed before, or anything else for that matter but for some reason she was nervous about it. Maybe it was because they were in a crowd? She couldn't be sure.
8.... 7... 6..
Turning her head slightly to watch him, she caught him looking up at the sky as though waiting for the fireworks to start, though she wasn't sure how excited he actually was about them considering she'd dragged him out here.
5.... 4... 3..
It was almost the end of the countdown now and people were already grabbing onto their partners, pulling them in close to celebrate the New Year, others lifting up glasses of champagne that had been passed around only moments prior.
2... 1..
"Happy New Year's Calcifer." Reaching up with her free hand, she placed her palm against his neck and pulled him down towards her, pressing her lips firmly against his as the fireworks started to go off in the background, cheers erupting from the crowd around them.
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xx-crystalshards-xx · 3 months ago
[Item successfully loaded in]
Once he knew he was far enough out of earshot, Caclifer would hit the side of his head with his cane. Not each to cause any damage, but enough to attempt to knock some sense back in to him
 damnit, damnit, damnit, damnit damnit DAMNIT! Whot the FUCK was that Calcifer?! 'Oh yeah sure let me give her a kiss on the knuckles to try and test the wat'ers to see if she likes me even though she has told me several times she's only seen me as a friend.'"
He groans a bit as he rubs his eye
" 'm going daft without even havin' a drink..."
He groans again, though this time it sounds more like a wimper. Like he's somewhere in between crying and losing his mind - which in this instance he definitely was.
"Just needta...sleep whatever the fucks goin' on with me off...yeah. that's what I need."
He continues the rest of the way back to the arena silently, mentally reassuring himself that all he needs is sleep.
. . .
Dark, cold, lifeless. The building is practically the exact opposite of how Cosmia's shop was set up. Maybe a few decorations wouldn't hurt next year.
He opens the door and the smell of something tart hits him immediately, the smell permeating throughout the building. Holly? Mistletoe? Whatever it was it was unexpected...and made him dizzy and nauseous. It smelled so familiar yet so...different. Nothing like the general cheerful smells the circus contained.
Wrong. It smelled wrong. He didn't leave the arena like this. It never smelled like this before. Why the fuck did--
His eyes landed on a wine bottle, sitting pristinely on the countertop of the welcome desk.
Another break-in another gift perfect.
He set down his other gift and hesitantly went over, picking up the bottle. Immediately a sense that he's seen this bottle- hell even held it before washes over him.
Cranberry Wine.
As he reads it he clicks his tongue, the sensation of red wine on his tongue appearing again, this time with more force. He's had this before. He has never seen the bottle in his life but he's more than certain he's had this before. Poured by hands that were not his own, yet drunk with a smile on his face.
His heart started racing in fear, though he couldn't put the bottle down. He turns the bottle, reading the tag that was attached to the neck of it with pieces of red and green ribbon
'~ Merry Christmas C ~'
Nothing else. No other explanation. Another gift without a sender.
To say he was terrified would be an understatement.
Just...open the windows to get rid of the smell and go to bed.
That sounded like a perfect idea.
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kifflepiffles · 8 months ago
Heyheyhey soooo I'm a computer nerd and also a Stardew Valley modder, so this is a pretty niche group I'm calling to, but lets hope
So, I adopted a dog in Stardew and named it Kiwi without thinking I gave him the wrong name
(all my animal names are themed. My pets are named after trees. My coop animals are named after fruits. I was saving the name Kiwi for a rabbit :( I wanted the dog to be named Oak, I just spaced out while naming him)
So I went into the game's code and tried to change it to 'oak'but it keeps reverting back to Kiwi. I deleted the old saves and changed the current save's code. But I also have Calcifer, Spacecore, and Content Patcher installed. Can I override these if they're the issue? Pleaseeee someone help me this is pissing me offffff theyreoff theme :(
(Stardew Vaey runs on C#)
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