#c: athena holmes
wendesdayaddams · 2 years
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kd-holloman · 3 years
Twelve Common Archetypes
Hey, everyone! I'm currently in school to get my bachelor's degree in English and Creative Writing. So far I've learned some grammar stuff that I'm going to share at another time and some of the common archetypes seen in writing. If you're interested there will be more under the cut!
1. The Lover - The romantic lead who is guided by the heart.
Strengths: Humanism, passion, conviction
Weaknesses: Naivete, irrationality
Archetype Examples: Romeo and Juliet (Romeo and Juliet), Noah Calhoun (The Notebook), Scarlett O’Hara (Gone With the Wind), Belle (Beauty and the Beast).
2. The Hero - The protagonist who rises to meet a challenge and saves the day.
Strengths: Courage, perseverance, honor.
Weaknesses: Overconfidence, hubris.
Hero Archetype Examples: Achilles (The Iliad), Luke Skywalker (Star Wars), Wonder Woman (Wonder Woman), Harry Potter (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone).
3. The Magician - A powerful figure who has harnessed the ways of the universe to achieve key goals.
Strengths: Omniscience, omnipotence, discipline.
Weaknesses: Corruptibility, arrogance.
Magician Archetype Examples: Prospero (the Tempest), Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings), Morpheus (The Matrix), Darth Vader (Star Wars).
4. The Outlaw - The rebel who won’t abide by society’s demands
Strengths: Independent thinking, virtue, owes no favors.
Weaknesses: Self-involved, potentially criminal.
Examples: Han Solo (Star Wars), Dean Moriarty (On the Road), Humbert Humbert (Lolita), Batman (The Dark Night).
5. The Explorer - A character naturally driven to push the boundaries of the status quo and explore the unknown.
Strengths: Curious, driven, motivated by self-improvement
Weakness: Restless, unreliable, never satisfied
Examples: Odysseus (The Odyssey), Sal Paradise (On the Road), Huckleberry Finn (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn), Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes).
6. The Sage - A wise figure with knowledge for those who inquire. The mother figure or mentor is often based on this archetype.
Strengths: Wisdom, experience, insight.
Weaknesses: Cautious, hesitant to actually join the action.
Famous sages: Athena (The Odyssey), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars), Hannibal Lecter (The Silence of the Lambs), The Oracle (The Matrix).
7. The Innocent - A morally pure character, often a child, whose only intentions are good.
Strengths: Morality, kindness, sincerity.
Weakness: Vulnerable, naive, rarely skilled.
Examples: Tiny Tim (A Christmas Carol), Lennie Small (Of Mice and Men), Cio-Cio-san (Madame Butterfly), Buddy the Elf (Elf).
8. The Creator - A motivated visionary who creates art or structures during the narrative
Strengths: creativity, willpower, conviction.
Weaknesses: Self-involvement, single-mindedness, lack of practical skills.
Examples: Zeus (The Iliad), Dr. Emmett Brown (Back to the Future), Dr. Moreau (The Island of Dr. Moreau), Dr. Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein).
9. The Ruler - A character with legal or emotional power over others.
Strengths: Omnipotence, status, resources.
Weaknesses: Aloofness, disliked by others, out of touch.
Examples: Creon (Oedipus Rex), King Lear (King Lear), Aunt Sally (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn), Tony Soprano (The Sopranos).
10. The Caregiver - A character who continually supports others and makes sacrifices on their behalf.
Strengths: Honorable, selfless, loyal.
Weaknesses: Lacks personal ambition or leadership.
Examples: Dolly Oblonsky (Anna Karenina), Calpurnia (To Kill a Mockingbird), Samwell Tarly (The Game of Thrones series), Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins).
11. The Everyman - A relatable character who feels recognizable from daily life.
Strengths: grounded, salt-of-the-earth, relatable.
Weaknesses: Lacking special powers, often unprepared for what’s to come
Examples: Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit), Leopold Bloom (Ulysses), Leslie Knope (Parks & Recreation), Winston Smith (1984).
12. The Jester - A funny character or trickster who provides comic relief, but may also speak important truths.
Strengths: Funny, disarming, insightful.
Weakness: Can be obnoxious and superficial.
Examples: Sir John Falstaff (Henry V), King Lear’s Fool (King Lear), Frank and Estelle Costanza (Seinfeld), R2D2 and C-3PO (Star Wars).
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maxodinson · 4 years
Examples of Archetypes
After researching I found a website with examples archetypes:
1. The Lover
The romantic lead who’s guided by the heart.
Strengths: humanism, passion, conviction
Weaknesses: naivete, irrationality
Lover Archetype Examples: Romeo and Juliet (Romeo and Juliet), Noah Calhoun (The Notebook), Scarlett O’Hara (Gone With the Wind), Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
2. The Hero
The protagonist who rises to meet a challenge and saves the day.
Strengths: courage, perseverance, honor
Weaknesses: overconfidence, hubris
Hero Archetype Examples: Achilles (The Iliad), Luke Skywalker (Star Wars), Wonder Woman (Wonder Woman), Harry Potter (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone)
3. The Magician
A powerful figure who has harnessed the ways of the universe to achieve key goals.
Strengths: omniscience, omnipotence, discipline
Weaknesses: corruptibility, arrogance
Magician Archetype Examples: Prospero (The Tempest), Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings), Morpheus (The Matrix), Darth Vader (Star Wars)
4. The Outlaw
The rebel who won’t abide by society’s demands.
Strengths: independent thinking, virtue, owes no favors
Weaknesses: self-involved, potentially criminal
Outlaw Archetype Examples: Han Solo (Star Wars), Dean Moriarty (On the Road), Humbert Humbert (Lolita), Batman (The Dark Knight)
5. The Explorer
A character naturally driven to push the boundaries of the status quo and explore the unknown.
Strengths: curious, driven, motivated by self-improvement
Weaknesses: restless, unreliable, never satisfied
Explorer Archetype Examples: Odysseus (The Odyssey), Sal Paradise (On the Road), Huckleberry Finn (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn), Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes)
6. The Sage
A wise figure with knowledge for those who inquire. The mother figure or mentor is often based on this archetype.
Strengths: wisdom, experience, insight
Weaknesses: cautious, hesitant to actually join the action
Famous sages: Athena (The Odyssey), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars), Hannibal Lecter (The Silence of the Lambs), The Oracle (The Matrix)
7. The Innocent
A morally pure character, often a child, whose only intentions are good.
Strengths: morality, kindness, sincerity
Weaknesses: vulnerable, naive, rarely skilled
Innocent Archetype Examples: Tiny Tim (A Christmas Carol), Lennie Small (Of Mice and Men), Cio-Cio-san (Madame Butterfly), Buddy the Elf (Elf)
8. The Creator
A motivated visionary who creates art or structures during the narrative.
Strengths: creativity, willpower, conviction
Weaknesses: self-involvement, single-mindedness, lack of practical skills
Creator Archetype Examples: Zeus (The Iliad), Dr. Emmett Brown (Back to the Future), Dr. Moreau (The Island of Dr. Moreau), Dr. Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)
9. The Ruler
A character with legal or emotional power over others.
Strengths: omnipotence, status, resources
Weaknesses: aloofness, disliked by others, out of touch
Ruler Archetype Examples: Creon (Oedipus Rex), King Lear (King Lear), Aunt Sally (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn), Tony Soprano (The Sopranos)
10. The Caregiver
A character who continually supports others and makes sacrifices on their behalf.
Strengths: honorable, selfless, loyal
Weaknesses: lacking personal ambition or leadership
Caregiver Archetype Examples: Dolly Oblonsky (Anna Karenina), Calpurnia (To Kill a Mockingbird), Samwell Tarly (The Game of Thrones series), Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
11. The Everyman
A relatable character who feels recognizable from daily life.
Strengths: grounded, salt-of-the-earth, relatable
Weaknesses: lacking special powers, often unprepared for what’s to come
Everyman Archetype Examples: Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit), Leopold Bloom (Ulysses), Leslie Knope (Parks & Recreation), Winston Smith (1984)
12. The Jester
A funny character or trickster who provides comic relief, but may also speak important truths.
Strengths: funny, disarming, insightful
Weaknesses: can be obnoxious and superficial
Jester Archetype Examples: Sir John Falstaff (Henry V), King Lear’s Fool (King Lear), Frank and Estelle Costanza (Seinfeld), R2D2 and C-3PO (Star Wars)
These 12 archetypes, each with highly identifiable traits, populate our books, poetry, films, and theatrical productions.
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wrightfamily · 5 years
dlc outfits for aa7 i’d like to see:
everyone gets a troupe gramarye inspired outfit!
beanie feenie
you can even do one where everyone has their own hat!
give trucy a dlc outfit too!
fey inspired clothes
phoenix gets edgeworth’s clothes, apollo get’s klavier’s, and athena gets franziska’s (i dont want to take a chance w c*kesquills.)
phoenix-ryuu’s or asougi’s outfit (could be based on his ryuu’s costume too)
apollo-holmes’ outfit
athena-susato’s ryuutaro disguise!
trucy-iris’s or susato’s outfit!
(you could also do athena in gina's outfit, nick in sherlock's outfit (to match with iris-trucy!), and apollo in ryuunosuke's outfit!)
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imagine-by-susu · 5 years
Mycroft x Reader - I need to go Part 2
First part Word Count: 823
Warning: Mentions of death and war
Requested by anon GIF IS NOT MINE! _______________________________________________________________________
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(Y/N) was now oversea for a whole year. An entire year where Mycroft waited for her to return safely.
Every time she would be sent out into the fields, he awaited her return, hopefully alive and unharmed of course.
In the entire year he had still sat in their usual bistro, ordered his usual tea and gazed around the town, but it wasn’t the same without her.
His eyes fixed onto the empty spot in front of him where (Y/N) usually sat at, talking about her weekly adventures.
“Your tea, Sir.” a cup was held into his eyesight and made him stir up from his thoughts. Without looking to the waitress who handed him the cup, he placed it onto the table.
“Thank you.” a little chuckle escaped the waitress.
“Oh, Myci, that is rude of you not to recognize my voice. I wasn’t that long gone.” Mycroft turned his head abruptly and was faced with the female he had thought about only moments ago.
She was still in her uniform that was decorated in medals, her hat hid her (Y/H/C) hair that was brushed into a tight hair bun.
Her skin was sun kissed, of course the sun would shine bright in the south and her (Y/E/C) looked tired but she held a big smile on her face.
“No words? Did I make the great Mycroft Holmes speechless?” she teased him with a fit of laughter as he got up.
“When did you get back to London?” he asked her ignoring her question from before as he got up from his chair.
“Arrived only hours ago. I wanted to surprise you, but you weren’t in your office. Athena told me you would probably be here.” (Y/N) explained her hands clasped behind her back, a little habit she had developed in the one year she was away from home.
“I am glad that you are back, safely at that.” Mycroft gestured to the chair opposite of him and (Y/N) took her seat, her elbows on the table as she rested her chin onto her hands.
“So, what have you been doing in the past year without me?” she asked as she watched Mycroft sipping his tea.
“Waiting for you to return. It is hard to find someone who you can convers with.” again she giggled at that. He missed the sound of it so much.
“What about Sherlock? At least he has nearly the same IQ as you.” the older Holmes rolled his eyes at the mention of his baby brother.
“Don’t let me get started on this foolish man.”
“I am all ears, my friend.”
“No, let’s talk about how you’ve been in the year.” her face fell a bit at that, Mycroft could sense that she didn’t want to talk about it all too much.
“Did something happened in Iraq?” he asked already knowing the answer.
“Let’s just say that I realized that life can end too quick.” tears started to gather in her eyes and Mycroft didn’t think twice as he cupped one of her hands in his and rubbed his thump over the back of it.
“I saw so many die down there, Mycroft. So many men, women, even children. Children, not older than five years. That did something to me…” she whispered, hiding her face in her one free hand that occupied by Mycroft’s.
“It’s okay, (Y/N). You are home now.” he reassured her still holding her hand.
“I love you Mycroft.” she suddenly murmured under her breath. Taken aback he wanted to say something at her words but she interrupted him immediately.
“I don’t care if you return the feelings or not, but I learned that you have to speak out what needs to be said before it is too late. I wanted to tell you that before I even considered joining the army.” her words were hoarse and she tried her best not to cry.
“(Y/N), I…” Mycroft didn’t know how to react. For the first time in his life he was indeed speechless and had no clue what he had to do next, he never was good at this type of things.
Abruptly she stood up, letting go of his hand, ready to leave the bistro, but he stopped her as he grabbed her forearm.
He stood up and looked down at her fragile frame.
“I won’t lie to you and say that I don’t feel anything for you. This what I feel is…new and uncomfortable seeing you cry makes me want to do anything in my power to stop your tears.” these were the kindest words (Y/N) had ever heard from Mycroft.
A little smile grazed her lips as she looked up at him before she enfolded him into a hug, kissing his cheek multiple times.
“Thank you, Mycroft.” she whispered into his ear.
A little smirk grazed his own lips as he wrapped his arms around a bit awkwardly.
“Anything for you, Lieutenant.”
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rhinocerosproject · 5 years
Sewing Circle Participants
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Sewing Circle Participants
Thank you to everyone who participated in sewing the rhinoceros! We could never have finished it without you. You are forever in our hearts.
Deanna Cruise                   back
Juliana Pennington            shoulder
Yue Yang Caigla Zou          back
Yuen (Jessica) Chen           back
Kelly White                         shoulder
Athena Johns                     leg
Antoinette Barton               head
Erica Lipshultz                   rump
Marc Fletcher                    back left foot
Siobhan Cassidy               front right leg
Elisa Li                               head
Harry Yu                             head
Beth Thomas                     snout
Erica Barajas                     forehead
Vivian Romney                  shoulder
Zoe Walker                       head
Amy Khalmann                 rear flank
Alina Hayes                      feet
Janice Wood                    rear flank
Barb Bakun                      head
Andi Wong                       rear flank
Sarah Stein                      back, thigh
Chloe Marrinstein            head, foot, outline, da booty
Sadie Marrinstein            thigh
Amanda H. Johnson       head, foot, outline 
Kaila Wood                     head, foot, outline
Leah Johnson                 head, foot, outline
Ani Mukerji                      back leg
Inka Mukerji                    back leg
Winnie Ding                    rear flank
Jennifer White                back feet
August White                 back feet
Neve Schmitt                 head
Michelle Schmitt            head
Sigrid                             foot
Leah Anderson              foot
Mary Kenny                   rump
Isle Oritt                         rump
Olga                              back leg
Dustin                           rhinobum!
Linnea Furlog                head
Pam Deluco                  rear leg, haunch, elbow, letters
Jeff Thomas                  back
Bryan Barkley               rear
Mary Wheeler               back top flank
Teri Gardiner                tail hair, rump, belly, ridge of back
Robin Hill                     rump
Darcy Padilla                stomach
Emily Clark-Krasner     rear
Yuen Chen                   leg
Jodi Connelly                back
Noah Greene                belly
Ryan Meyer                  belly and back
Arielle Rebek                belly
Muzi LaRowe                eyes
T. Blackmon                  bottom
Bettina Pauley               tail
Allyson Feeney              rump
Mark Baugh-Sasaki      back foot
Dox Lorax                     haunch
Kelli Rae                        rump
Cesar Rubio                  unknown
Ho Yan Nip                   unknown
Frank Merritt                all over, circles, edges, hindquarters, shoulder, rump, dark purple bottom edge of shoulder armor, behind the ear
Kim Miskowicz            rump, right foot, rear/rump
Julia Langer                buttocks
Jonathan Coignard     buttocks
Suzanne Gore             haunch
Kelly Wang                  from hip to buttock
Steve Rasmussen       rear leg
Bob Rocco                  rump
Odysseus Wolken       upper rump
Juliette Langley           lower rump
Fehim Haelzic              crown/forehead
Leyla Haelzic               crown/forehead
Tanja Gels                   head
Lisa Ekstrom               from right leg, forehead
Eva Walker                  front leg
Sara Wright                 eye
Karrie Hovey               shoulder
M. Dym                       a wrinkle on the head
Amy M. Ho                  front foot, forehead
Dave Lyons                 just below eye
Mel Day                       forehead
Heather Peters            ear
Helen Hiebert              butt
Alyssa Casey              neck, horn
Vanessa Gingold         rump
Mary V. Marsh             front right toe, ear
Antonio Guerra            letra C
Jenny Phillips               hands
Ingrid Rojas Contreras hoof
Maia Wachtel                 lines on the back
Roli Douglas                  the top line
Noga Wizansky              rump
Suzanne Forester          border line
Cindy Steiler                 face
Alexa Boromo               behind
Amber Hoy                   back
Melody Dalton              back
Cheyenne Dalton          rear feet
Elizabeth Boyne            ear
Teddy Midler                front foot
Drew Cameron            face
Cathy DeForest            front left hoof
Leah Korican                face
Mayumi Hamanaka       r - text   
Dana Zed                      shoulder
Erin Sheanin                  knee
Alisha Funkhouser        front foot
Debbie Walker              unknown
Nancy Marriner            tail
Summer Om                face
Eraden Wordal Chesh  face
Isle Oritt                       knee
Mary Grace Tate          toe
Sophia Auen                face
April Marriner               tail
Charlotte Semmes       snout
Andre Chevonier          foot
Jane Cassidy               foot
Kellen Rhoda               foot
Meiasha Gray              border
Samantha Bankston    back foot
Winship Varnes            hindquarters
Miranda McFarland      belly
Susan Paigen               nose
Kevin Holmes               ear
Jackie Wallowheng       plants
Beta Heist Morello        edge
Elaine Todd                   nose and edge near nose
Lori Chambers              back foot
Mickie McCormic          foot scales
Jeremy Logan                ear hair
Brook Craddock            mythical horn!
Morning Hullinger          toe jam back foot, shoulder flank, final inner
C.C. Chaya                    scales
Lolli Jacobsen                back
Sarah Crews                  rump
Connie Burket                ears
Debbie Divine                rear leg
Martha Rhea                  hindquarters
Donna Sandberg            along the top of the back shoulder and letter H
Pam Morgan                  back
Ruth Cathcard Rake      front leg and letter R
Gretchen Boyum           front leg, front foot
Rachel Butler                 front leg
Lucy Butler                    front leg
Bill North                       butt, ground, back right foot
Caroline Stoll                 head
April Engstrom              back right leg/hip
Connie Wilson              close to face
Gloria Gonzalez            hind foot
Judy Nease                  chin
Alleigh Weems             horn
Lyndsi Weems             back foot
Karla Prickett               rump
Jennifer Baker             back
Kent Manske               spots
Susan Tuoley              back foot and butt
Susan Paigen             nose
Christina Steinbrecher       pfrandt (lower leg)
Yeqi Song                    legs
Yuan Luo                     legs
Jenny Chin (Kuan-Jen)    legs
Jingying Liang             back leg
Jianguyin Reng           back leg
Beth Abdallah             back flank
Rebecca Redman       back leg
Michael Seidel            kidney lining
Rita Hsing                   head
Sandy Lee                  back
Chelsea Herman        back
Marie Kidd                 right front foot
David Kidd                 right front foot
Amy Whitcomb          rump
Bob Carpenter           nose
Barbara Carpenter     nose
Cynthia Beecher        ear
Leteb Beecher           ear
Susan Sweet             ear
CK Itamura                hamhock
Dionne Thornton       front left foot, butt edge
Robert Wuilfe            da booty
Gina Ching                front foot
Jordan Juel               front foot
Anne Ingraham         front foot
Michelle Waters        butt
Elizabeth Addison     foot
Lydia Nakashima Dagarod        shoulder
Linda Joy Kettwinkel                 snout
Peggy George          butt
Maryly Snow            scales
Zelisa                       back end
Scott Partch            back end
Chin Cox                 head
Hada Marshall Booth            head
Eduardo Arenas       leg
Luna Gomez            head
Sauita Patel             gog (back)
Brian Lease             back leg
Islonia Hasbrim       frente
Guadalupe Portillo             espalda
Queen Krubally       back
Bridget McCraken             back
Margaret Coston     back
Kathleen Murphy     belly
Julie Grigoryan        ear
Joyce Subel            border
Yatit Maidorh          head
Omer                      head
Alon                        head
Rooek                     head
Eli                           head
Posja Mahushwai            neckline
Talia                        nose
Ella                          ear
Jonathan                nose
Nancy Brunn          back
Sabina Brunn         ears
Judith Fast            back
Lindsey Stoll          hoof
Emily Marks           head
Victor Vargas          chin
Britt-Marie Alon      horn
Al Bloch                  horn
Alyssa Flores          horn
John Hoffmeyer     border
Madison Cockrum             head
Anthony Murillo      border
Sheri Simons          front legs
Emily Matherson     face
Hana Jones             hoof (back foot)
Angela Kirchebel     bottom left corner border,
                                 small area of right foot, scales
Adele Etcheverry Sheets        upper border rear and rear of Rhino
Leslie Jurado            back leg, hoof scales
Jaime Muñoz            shoulder
Aiden Ginn                back leg
Sheecid Lopez          border and back leg
Sophy Hock              shoulder
Nancy Scott Patton            rump
Hana Beaty                  shoulder, back leg
Eric D’Alessandro        lower jaw
Betsy Copeland          leg and hoof
Kylie McCloskey         horn
Dellanira Carrillo          butt
Jose Llamos                hoof (back foot)
Timothy Clancy           forehead
Kobley Benjamin Mona        shoulder
Alicia Ramirez              foot
Kim Green                    upper thigh/butt
Francesca Figone        left back
Josette Stokes             shoulder
Mercedes Yatta            foot
Luis Medina                 booty
Shane Geoge               face (under eye)
Ellen Baird                    foot
Daria Booth                  shoulder
Adria Davis                   backside
Johnny Bruno               back foot
Brianna Warren             leg
Adrienne Glatz              forehead
Mallory Frucha              bum
Kelly Weber                  front and back legs
Carissa Duggan            booty
Jasmin Gonzalez          foot
Francis Newsom           rear end
Shari Maxson Hopper        shoulder
Veronica Brenck            butt
Marie Fox                     rump, front foot, back foot
Chloe Taylor                 root
Marissa Winslow         rump/tail
Shai Porath                 head
Linda Bea Miller          tummy
Tom Seoul                  rump
Kathleen Ritchie         unknown
Sue Bottom                front leg
Lisa Chu                     forehead
Anne Ingraham           hind foot
Chris Voisard              rump
Jane McLaughlin        front foot
Malinda Thompson    rear leg
Mallory Nomura Saul        tusk and back
Judy Shintani             tummy and rump
Kevin Austin               top of nose, bottom of horn
Claudia Molley           top of head, behind ear
Kate Oltmann             butt
Amanda Bosma         wrinkle on face
Xittaly Vasquez           back leg
Emily Murray               torso wrinkle
Julia Albo                    border
Miriam Hassman         neck/face
Ryan Patton                back left leg
Alexa Weber                chin and left front leg
Jiovanny Soto             forehead
Jenny Harp                 lower back
Steven Garen              nose/head
Tallulah Terryl              leg
Johanna Arnold          back
Sean Olson                 muzzle
Emma Spertus            back
Chris Challans            loin, belly
Susan Kanowith-Klein        rump
Christina Aumann       eyelashes and forehead
Ruth Souza                 misc dorsal area
Phuong Pham             booty
Laurie Crogan             shoulder-scales
Lorna Turner               armpit
Eva Hausam               chin wavy lines
David Reiman             shoulder
Lanqin Wang              forehead
Camryn Travis            belly
Jennifer Munnings     eye/cheek
Brooke Sommers       belly
Katie Gallagher          ribs
Sariah Gonzalez        forehead
Anthony Isenhour      shoulder
Berenika Boberska    the bottom!
Taylor Hoogsteden    hip
Carmina Ellison         sideburns
Nicole McHale           shoulder blade
Preeva Tramiel           back leg
Jessica Bernhardt     front leg
Milldrid Thompson    ear
Sharon Robinson       front leg
Timiza Wagner           back leg
Bobbie Jeffery            rear of body
Joanne Landers          ear
Sylvia Stanger            front leg
Paula Landers            back leg
Charlotte Jacobs        front leg
Mavis Brown               front shoulder
Cheryl Batrato            haunch
Kathy Goldmaker        shoulder
Liz Matthews              back leg above the foot
Sailee Pawar               back leg
Andrea Fleiner            belly
Marina Taniform         leg
Andres Taniform         leg
Rose Nguyen             ribs
Marco Chavez           ribs
Lily May Larson         cheek
Rachel Williamson    back leg
Cheryl Zuur               above the eye
Kathy Willis               hindquarters
Martha White            hindquarter
Artemis Koren          head
Anika Sykora            tummy
Irene Floyd                hindquarter
Ming Zhou                head
Max Koren                front leg
Dinah Irino                 ear
Maya                          leg
Morgan Carter            head
Ava Kasim                   the hinney
Isabella Anderson       back
Ian Kussi-Gillu            shoulder
Viyada Satyapan         upper front back
Mahvash Salehpour    back hip
Christina Bayley          back foot
Pam Schwartz             left leg
Lynn Koolish                back leg
Sandra Duncan            front hoof
Emily Rosenberg           right leg
Gina Dixon                    back leg
Tamara Sommerfield     neck
Diana R. Reton              rear leg
Candace Kling               shoulder
Cindy Jacomette            head
Nicki Hitz Edison            front leg
Toru Sueto                     front left leg
Jeanne Sueto                under eye, along lower jaw
Linda Goss                    rear hip
Kim Meuli Brown           back ribs
Michael Chin                 chin
Kasla Melton                 right back leg (pierna derecha)
Vanessa Herrera            right back thing
Wendy Brown                back leg
Jack Fleig                      front leg
Amanda Fleig                front leg
Shobitha                       belly
Sasha                           back
Marilyn                         rear haunch
Caden Jo Hartdegen            head/neck
Yolanda Araujo            unknown
Meredith Payn            unknown
Tiffany Hartdeger        unknown
Richard                       cheek
Hanna Peacock          shoulder
Juan Manuel Gutierrez        rear hip
Paola Valencia             head
Jesus Castillo              head
Diego Barregan            shoulder
Hernandez Irvin            belly
Cindy Simmons            cheek
Ginna Sierra                  upper leg 
Carole Walters-Cook     face
Angela Etsey                 back leg and thigh
Victor Navarro IV           V neck
Elizabeth Finkler           ear
Jennifer Lu                   lower tummy
Kylee Dougherty          neck
Jada Wong                  stomach
Kerwin Azores             back knee
Hugo Jimenez             head
Becca Wong                neck
Breanna Estrada          unknown
Candaces Perrault       shoulder
Kevin Liu                      belly and front of leg plates
Michael Huang Mil      back leg
Natalie Diazza             chin hairs
Eliza Villa                     dorsal neck
Steve Dellicalpini        in that neck tho!
Michelle van Eyken     right flank
Leslie McLaughlin       shoulder circles
Angela Acosta            front leg
Allison Acosta            front shoulder circle
Rebecca Bui              upper back leg
Barbara Post              back foot
Irene Caravajal           back leg
Gabrielle Koizumi       neck
Clayton Bavor            front leg
Ava Eui                      front leg
Judy Diamond           upper shoulder
Mhanna Kutras           front leg
Liam                           neck
Leona                         neck
Leana Olliffe                stomach
Patti Samuelson          right leg
A. Manley                     neck plates
Donna King                  right shoulder
Becky Leech                right hindquarters
Raymond Mueller         front left leg
Timmy                           shoulder
Asher Fleig                    front leg
Julia                               back leg
Nicole B                        chest
L. Hum                          hind leg
Alice Schwegman        shoulder
Gail Blackmarr             unknown
Christina Truong          neck
June Dao                     scale
Ellie Reese                   a rear leg
Susan L. Goranson     left rear leg
Marci Ariagno             breast shield
Maya                           unknown
Diane Mestu               head
Claudia Havah            back leg
Mickey Guffin              right upper hind leg
Annalise Sailen            unknown
Jennifer Schaeffer       front right leg
Mia                              rear leg
Joe Ranish                  right shoulder
Ann Ranish                 rear leg
Anthony                      left leg
Leslie Nobler               neck
Anne Trickey                back leg
Maris Kaplan               neck fold and front shoulder
Paula Bohan                neck fold
James Brooks              neck
Amanda Briggs            back right foot
Andrew Briggs             back right foot
Miriam Briggs              back right foot
Willow Yamaden          cheek
Sarah Bartman            neck
Bridget McMahon       flank
Amy Brown                jowl
Vanessa Dion Fletcher        jowl
Denera Gains             unknown
Justin Gains               unknown
Kurt Salinas                stomach/inner thigh
Randall Harrison         upper mid bicep
Ivy Moya                      back foot
Pam Lonero                 breast plate
Molly Olsen Roush      shoulder/neck area
Brook Olsen Roush     shoulder/neck area
Susie Miller Roush      shoulder/neck area
Reyhon Ertekin            unknown
Torres Leck                  shoulder
Anna Banancks           shoulder
Emily van Engel           front leg
Silvia Eckert                cheek
Davis Watson              breastplate
Debachree Ghosh       breastplate
Jessica Jane Jennings       cheek
Kimberly Ann Piper      shoulder
Alisa Murray                cheek
Jennifer Hill                 breastplate
Susan Ady                   cheek
Chris Washburn          neck
Janet Ady                    flank
Louise Horkey             border
Nupur Kamat              front shoulder
Tamela Holmes            ear
Tameyah Holmes         cheek
Ruth Tabancay            upper leg
Teddy Midler                shoulder
Jerry Majors Patterson        cheek area
Susan Afell                  eye area
Elaine Todd                 neck
Senator Jordan           cheek
Meadow                     unknown
Lori Chambers            neck
Josephine Tumova      neck
Fynn Tuma                   chest
Diana Dominguez        chest
Jason Godeke             neck
Cristina Mathews        belly and front right leg
Jody Alexander           neck, chest
Elaine Todd                 belly circles
Raquel Marquez          belly
Josslyn Robles            chest
Rhea Rynearson          shoulder
Valerie Frey                  shoulder
Aidan Parker                shoulder, right shoulder
A. Parker                      right shoulder
Seraphine Ries            belly
Lid. C.                          belly
Jamelie                        whiskers
Carolyn Schneider       upper shoulder
Josh Morsell                lower front shoulder
Lia V. Wilson                middle breast
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techstartro · 3 years
Anul 2022 aduce pe Netflix cele mai tari filme
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Netflix a pregătit pentru acest an noi filme ce vor apărea săptămânal. Și pare că vor face pe plac fiecăruia deoarece vor avea distribuții de excepție și genuri diverse. Acesta vor apărea săptămânal pe parcursul lui 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a4fWKt1Njk Pregătește-te pentru scene de acțiune care te țin cu sufletul la gură alături de Ryan Gosling și Chris Evans, care joacă în Omul cenușiu sau pentru o extraordinară aventură SF cu Halle Berry , care interpretează rolul principal în The Mothership. Întoarce-te la locul crimei cu Daniel Craig în filmul semnat de Rian Johnson și intitulat Knives Out 2 sau cu Millie Bobby Brown și Henry Cavill, vedetele din Enola Holmes 2. Bucură-te de surprize la pătrat cu Adam Sandler (Marea încercare și Spaceman) și Jamie Foxx (Tura de zi și They Cloned Tyrone) sau râzi în hohote cu comedienii Jonah Hill și Eddie Murphy (You People), Kevin Hart și Mark Wahlberg (Me Time) și urmărește o reuniune stop-cadru dintre Jordan Peele și Keegan-Michael Key (Wendell & Wild). Dacă îți dorești filme pentru toată familia, simte-te din nou ca un copil alături de Ryan Reynolds, Jennifer Garner, Mark Ruffalo și Zoe Saldaña în filmul Proiectul Adam. Pornește într-o călătorie fantastică vizionând filmul de animațieMonstrul mărilor, Țara Viselor cu Jason Momoa și The School for Good and Evil cu Charlize Theron și Kerry Washington. Cântă alături de Lashana Lynch și Emma Thompson în filmul Matilda, bazat pe romanul lui Roald Dahl. Nu rata cele mai recente producții de la cineaștii tăi preferați Judd Apatow, Noah Baumbach, Scott Cooper, Edward Berger, Niki Caro, Guillermo Del Toro, Sally El Hosaini, Kim Farrant, Paul Feig, John Lee Hancock, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Louis Leterrier, Tobias Lindholm, Richard Linklater, Tyler Perry, Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, Nora Twomey și George C. Wolfe. Sau vizionează debutul regizoral al cineaștilor Kenya Barris, JJ  Perry, Dev Patel, Carrie Cracknell, Matthew Reilly și Millicent Shelton. Așadar ia-ți niște pop-corn și bucură-te de o seară de film cu vedetele tale preferate Christian Bale, John Boyega, Jessica Chastain, Don Cheadle, Lily Collins, Emma Corrin, Colman Domingo, Adam Driver, Colin Firth, Greta Gerwig, Henry Golding, Dakota Johnson, Mila Kunis, Queen Latifah, Jennifer Lopez, Anthony Mackie, Carey Mulligan, Jack O’Connell, Regé-Jean Page, Teyonah Parris, Jesse Plemons, Florence Pugh, Noomi Rapace, Eddie Redmayne,  Chris Rock, Jason Segel și Rebel Wilson . Lista filmelor este următoare
The Adam Project Athena Carter Day Shift Enola Holmes 2 The Gray Man Interceptor The Mother The Mothership Spiderhead They Cloned Tyrone
BigBug The Bubble Knives Out 2 Me Time Metal Lords Senior Year The Takedown Tyler Perry’s A Madea Homecoming You People
A Jazzman’s Blues Against the Ice All Quiet on the Western Front Blonde The Good Nurse Hustle Luckiest Girl Alive The Pale Blue Eye Rustin Spaceman The Swimmers White Noise The Wonder
Black Crab Brazen Choose or Die End of the Road The Inheritance Monkey Man Mr. Harrigan’s Phone Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Weekend Away Windfall
13: The Musical Boo! Ivy & Bean Matilda Rescued by Ruby The School for Good and Evil Slumberland Tall Girl 2 We Have A Ghost
Apollo 10 ½: A Space Age Childhood Bubble (Anime) Drifting Home (Anime) Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio My Father’s Dragon The Sea Beast The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh Part 1 (Anime) Wendell & Wild
Along for the Ride Don't Blame Karma! Falling for Christmas Lady Chatterley’s Lover Love in the Villa The Noel Diary A Perfect Pairing Persuasion Purple Hearts The Royal Treatment Through My Window Untitled Holiday Rom-Com   Read the full article
0 notes
godsheadangel · 4 years
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🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATIONS FOR GEORGE 🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊
BELEN DELEON👑👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
LESLIE SYKES👑👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
SOUMADA KHAN👑👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
MARIA QUIBAN👑👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
ALIX STEEL👑👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
SARA SIDNER👑👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
LAURA COATES👑👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
DEIRDRE BOSA👑👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
SARA EISEN👑👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
RITA GARCIA👑👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣FOX11
WENDY BURCH👑👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
GAYLE KING👑👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣CBS2
LU PARKER👑👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣
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collectorscorner · 7 years
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 12/06/17 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner's No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland's Coolest Stores! Since 2001. 3 Convenient Locations - CC PARKVILLE HQ 7911 Harford Rd Parkville, MD 21234 CC BALTIMORE - OUTPOST 403 North Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com NEW ARRIVALS : WEDNESDAY - 12/06/17 PUBLISHER/PRICE AC COMICS Femforce #180, $9.95 ACTION LAB ENTERTAINMENT Actionverse #4 (Featuring Stray)(Cover A Sean Izaakse), $3.99 Actionverse #4 (Featuring Stray)(Cover B Miguel Ruiz), $3.99 Athena Voltaire Pulp Tales Prose Novel Volume 1 TP, $14.95 Jupiter Jet #1 (Cover A Ben Matsuya), $3.99 Jupiter Jet #1 (Cover B Ben Matsuya), $3.99 Jupiter Jet #1 (Cover C Jonboy Meyers), $3.99 Miraculous #18 (Featuring Guitar Villain), $4.99 Princeless Raven The Pirate Princess Year Two Love And Revenge #2 (Cover A Xenia Pamfil), $3.99 Princeless Raven The Pirate Princess Year Two Love And Revenge #2 (Cover B Sorah Suhng & Kate Flash), $3.99 Rosco Alien Wildlife Photographer HC, $9.99 AFTERSHOCK COMICS Alters #8, $3.99 Babyteeth Volume 2 TP, $14.99 AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY PRODUCTIONS Edgar Rice Burroughs' The Land That Time Forgot Terror From The Earth's Core #2 (Cover A Mike Wolfer), $3.99 Edgar Rice Burroughs' The Land That Time Forgot Terror From The Earth's Core #2 (Cover B Mike Wolfer), $3.99 Edgar Rice Burroughs' The Land That Time Forgot Terror From The Earth's Core #2 (Cover C Dan Parsons), AR ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie #26 (Cover A Audrey Mok), $3.99 Archie #26 (Cover B Sandy Jarrell), $3.99 Archie #26 (Cover C Thomas Pitilli), $3.99 Betty And Veronica Friends Winter Annual Digest #257, $6.99 Mighty Crusaders #1 (Cover A Kelsey Shannon), $3.99 Mighty Crusaders #1 (Cover B Matthew Dow Smith), $3.99 AVATAR PRESS Uber Invasion #10 (Daniel Gete Blitzkreig Cover), $3.99 Uber Invasion #10 (Daniel Gete Propaganda Poster Cover), $3.99 Uber Invasion #10 (Daniel Gete Regular Cover), $3.99 Uber Invasion #10 (Daniel Gete War Crimes Cover), $3.99 Uber Invasion #10 (Daniel Gete Wraparound Cover), $3.99 Uber Invasion #10 (Gabriel Andrade VIP Premium Cover), $9.99 BIG PLANET/RETROFIT COMICS How To Be Alive GN, $8.00 BIG WOW ART In The Night Studio Illustrations After Dark By Dan Brereton HC, $34.95 BLACK LIBRARY Warhammer 40000 The Horus Heresy Volume 44 The Crimson King Prose Novel SC, $18.00 Warhammer Hallowed Knights Volume 1 Plague Garden Prose Novel SC, $16.00 BOOM! STUDIOS Adventure Time #71 (Cover A Shelli Paroline & Braden Lamb), $3.99 Adventure Time #71 (Cover B Joey McCormick), $3.99 Amory Wars III Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV #9 (Of 12)(Cover A Rags Morales), $3.99 Giant Days #33 (Cover A Max Sarin), $3.99 Jim Henson's The Power Of The Dark Crystal #9 (Of 12)(Cover A Mark Buckingham), $3.99 Jim Henson's The Power Of The Dark Crystal #9 (Of 12)(Cover B Sana Takeda), $3.99 Klaus And The Crisis In Xmasville #1 (Cover A Dan Mora), $7.99 Klaus And The Crisis In Xmasville #1 (Cover B John Cassaday), AR Klaus And The Crisis In Xmasville #1 (Cover C Frank Quitely), $7.99 Lumberjanes Volume 7 A Bird's-Eye View TP, $14.99 Rocko's Modern Life #1 (Cover A Jorge Monlongo), $3.99 Rocko's Modern Life #1 (Cover B Miguel Mercado Portrait Variant), $3.99 Rocko's Modern Life #1 (Cover C Nick Pitarra), AR Rocko's Modern Life #1 (Cover D Blank Sketch Variant), $3.99 Rocko's Modern Life #1 (Cover E Bachan Look And Find Variant), $3.99 CALIBER ENTERTAINMENT Legendlore The Realm Chronicles Volume 3 The Trouble With Trolls TP, $14.99 Sherlock Holmes The Retired Detective GN, $8.99 Winter War The 100 Day War Of Finland Against The Soviet Union GN, $12.99 CHAPTERHOUSE COMICS Captain Canuck Year One #1 (David Finch Virgin Variant Cover), $1.99 COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1590, AR DANGER ZONE Consultant #1 (Of 4), $3.99 Danger Doll Squad #3 (Cover A Marco Maccagni), $4.99 Danger Doll Squad #3 (Cover B Marco Maccagni Risque Variant), $4.99 Danger Doll Squad #3 (Cover C Dan Mendoza), $4.99 Danger Doll Squad #3 (Cover D Dan Mendoza Risque Variant), $4.99 Danger Doll Squad #3 (Cover E Winston Young), $4.99 Danger Doll Squad #3 (Cover F Winston Young Risque Variant), $4.99 Infinite Seven Volume 2 Family Business TP, $14.99 MediSin Volume 2 In The Grip Of Malady TP, $11.99 Puppet Master Curtain Call #2 (Cover A Daniel Jay Logan), $3.99 Puppet Master Curtain Call #2 (Cover B Kelly Williams), $3.99 Puppet Master Curtain Call #2 (Cover C Andrew Mangum Kill Variant), $3.99 Puppet Master Curtain Call #2 (Cover D Photo), $3.99 DARK HORSE COMICS Blood Blockade Battlefront Volume 8 TP, $12.99 Chimichanga The Sorrow Of The World's Worst Face #4 (Of 4), $3.99 Rasputin The Voice Of The Dragon #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Mike Huddleston), $3.99 Rasputin The Voice Of The Dragon #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Gregory Manchess), $3.99 Usagi Yojimbo #164, $3.99 DC COMICS All-Star Batman #1 (Michael Turner & Peter Steigerwald Aspen Variant Cover), $19.99 All-Star Batman #1 (Michael Turner & Peter Steigerwald Black & White Aspen Variant Cover), $39.99 Bane Conquest #8 (Of 12), $3.99 Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey Volume 2 Source Code TP, $16.99 Batman #36 (Cover A Clay Mann), $2.99 Batman #36 (Cover B Olivier Coipel), AR Batman And Robin Adventures Volume 2 TP, $19.99 Batman Noir The Court Of Owls HC, $34.99 Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Freddie E. 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harrythegreekblr · 6 years
Russia's Defense Minister skirts sanctions by exporting parts from his weapons factory for assembly in his companies in Miami and Las Vegas
Aleksey Krivoruchko (above) is Chief of Armaments and Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Russia).
Aleksey (Alexey) Krivoruchko (cry vo RUSH ko) is Russia’s Chief of Armaments and Deputy Minister of Defense.
He buys weapons for their military made in his factories.
It is illegal for Russian products to be imported into the U.S.
However, the Deputy Minister’s companies in Miami and Las Vegas can.
They are shipped from his Russia factories in parts.
His companies in Florida and Nevada assemble them.
They are sold wholesale to gun dealers who sell them retail.
How is Russia and Krivoruchko getting away with it?
Here is one attempt at explaining his scheme.
The Deputy Defense Minister owns 49 per cent of TransKomplektHolding LLC, the parent company of Kalashnikov Concern JSC. They make and sell weapons.
In fact, according to their Russian website, Kalashnikov Concern and Transkomplekt Holding are the same companies.
Both companies are based in Moscow, Russia. The majority share is owned by the Russian government and its President Vladimir Putin.
Krivoruchko was the majority shareholder of Kalashnikov Concern in Russia, a weapons factory.
Rostec owns 25 per cent.
The Defense Minister owned 75 per cent of both companies until June 13th last year. The Russian Federation reported Krivoruchko sold his shares in Kalashnikov.
That was probably true.
It is also true that the Kalashnikov factory was transferred into a new corporate entity, TransKomplektHolding LLC, also known as TKH LLC.
They are located in the same place, make the same products, and employees work at the same factory.
The only thing new is the company name on their checks.
The corporate transfer was made two months after Rep. Ted Deutch (FL-D) filed a complaint with the Treasury Department.
In a letter dated April 11th last year, Deutch asked whether or not imported parts and components violated sanctions.
The Treasury Department failed to respond.
That means “No”.
Alexey Krivoruchko was the majority owner and former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kalashnikov USA in Boca Raton, Florida (Miami) until 2015. He transferred ownership to others.
More importantly, does the Deputy Minister retain control?
However, the Deputy Minister still owns and controls the New Frontier Armory LLC in Las Vegas, Nevada.
It is owned by Stellcon USA LLC based in Tullytown, Pennsylvania.
Their parent company, RWC USA LLC was created in Pennsylvania on March 17th, 2011 as the only dealer of Kalashnikov products in the U.S.
The owner of RWC USA LLC?
Alexey Krivoruchko.
Their parent company is in Russia.
It is called the Russian Weapons Company.
With a properly drafted legal agreement, one can control a business without owning it.
Sometimes it can be done with a wink or a handshake.
Pointing a gun at someone’s head also gets the point across.
Why spend money on legal fees?
The first AK-47 automatic assault rifle was made by Kalashnikov in 1947.
Kalashnikov manufactures and designs automatic and sniper combat weapons.
Their product line includes guided artillery ammunition, and civilian products like shotguns and sporting rifles. Their products are sold in 24 countries.
The Russia Weapons Company or RWC Group LLC, is based in Tullytown, a city in southeastern Pennsylvania.
RWC owns:
Kalashnikov USA (Pompano Beach, FL)
New Frontier Armory LLC (Las Vegas, NV), and
Stellcom USA LLC (Pompano Beach, FL)
The AK-12 is the new assault rifle of the Russian military, according to a press release dated last month by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. It is linked here:
The Russians spell “Defense” with a “c” instead of an “s”.
Shipping Russian goods to the U.S. is illegal because President Barack Obama banned them July 16th, 2014.
Alexey Krivoruchko’s name was never placed on the sanctions list.
To get around the ban, Kalashnikov ships their Russian-made weapons in pieces and parts from a Russian-owned factory in Bulgaria called Arsenal.
When they are received in Pompano Beach, Florida (Miami) and Las Vegas, Nevada, they are assembled.
Kalashnikov USA sells them wholesale to gun dealers who sell them retail.
Before the ban, 80 per cent of Kalashnikov’s products were shipped to the U.S, according to Krivoruchko.
Russian exports of weapons exceeded $50 billion last year said Rostec’s Director General Sergey Chemezov. They were $11 billion in 2011.
Rostec is a government Russian-state holding company.
It owns and controls every major industry in Russia .
Confused? That is the idea.
Editor’s notes
Kalashnikov weapons were first made in Houston, Texas in 2007.
They are still shipped there.
However, the weapon parts are assembled and modified in Las Vegas. New Frontier Armory has a 6,000 square foot facility there to do it.
The warehouse in Pompano Beach, Florida is 40,000 square feet.
Yesterday, five policemen were murdered in Houston. Here is one story of the incident:
Houston’s Kalashnikov dealerships are:
Athena Gun Club, 10814 Katy Freeway, Houston TX 77043, (713) 461-5900
Mockingbird Precision 2, 4340 Holmes Rd, Ste 101, Houston TX 77051, (713) 955-5493
Payne Brothers Firearms, 1999 Katy Fwy Suite 580, Houston TX 77079, (832) 437-1095
The Las Vegas shooter bought his AK-47 legally from New Frontier Armory in Las Vegas.
The Parkland High School shooter bought but never used an AK-47. The school is only 13 miles from the Kalashnikov gun assembly plant in Pompano Beach.
Both locations are in Broward County, Florida.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz represents parts of Florida’s Broward and Miami-Dade counties in Congress. She is Chief Deputy Whip of the Democratic Caucus.
The Congressman also ran Hillary Clinton’s Campaign for President in 2008 and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in 2016.
The 36-page contract dated Oct. 2nd, 2013 between the City of Pompano Beach, Florida and the Russian Weapons Company (RWC) LLC is linked here:
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aion-rsa · 6 years
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Sep 18, 2018
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September/October: Vicious by V.E. Schwab
Victor Vale and Eli Ever were college friends who discovered the secret to extraordinary abilities together only to become enemies set on bringing the other down in this morally-complex tale of ambition, jealousy, and superpowers,
"There are no good men in this game," Schwab writes in Vicious, and it's true, proving that you don't need good guys to tell a compelling story and that you don't need to sacrifice empathy, feeling, or nuanced self-awareness when telling a tale of anti-heroes.
Read Vicious by V.E. Schwab
Schwab is one of the best writers of her generation and, if you have yet to pick up one of her many speculative fiction books, Vicious is a great place to start, not least of all because its sequel, Vengeful, is out on September 25th. (Schwab also recently released a middle grade novel called City of Ghosts that is perfect reading for the Halloween season.) You won't be disappointed.
Read Vengeful by V.E. Schwab
Come discuss Vicious, Vengeful, and other speculative fiction picks over at the Den of Geek Book Club, and stay tuned for more Villains-related treats in the coming month! You can also enter to win our Villains giveaway, which includes copies of both Vicious and Vengeful, as well as some other exclusive merch.
August/September: European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman by Theodora Goss
In addition to have the coolest name this side of Space Unicorn Blues, European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman has a killer premise. The second book in the Extraordinary Adventures of the Athena Club series, European Travel follows Mary Jekyll, Beatrice Rappaccini, Catherine Moreau, and Justine Frankenstein, and Diana Hyde as they make their way into the heart of the Austro-Hungarian Empire into an attempt to save Lucinda Van Helsing.
Den of Geek Chats With Theodora Goss
In The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter, we were first introduced to these characters from the pages (or between the pages) of classic 19th-century literary canon. Author Theodora Goss wanted to give the female characters who were so often written as monsters from these stories a voice of their own. Mary Jekyll is our protagonist and, when we first meet her in The Alchemist's Daughter, she is struggling to find money to support herself and her household following the death of her mother.
Read The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter
When a series of murders seems to be connected to her late father, Dr. Jekyll, or perhaps to his mysterious assistant Mr. Hyde, Mary starts down a path of investigation alongside Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson that leads her to create her own found family of monstrous women.
Come discuss European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman and other speculative fiction picks over at the Den of Geek Book Club, and stay tuned for more Athena Society-related treats in the coming month! You can also enter to win a copy of European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman!
Read European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman
July/August: Heroine's Journey by Sarah Kuhn
The third book in Sarah Kuhn's ridiculously fun Heroine Complex series, Heroine's Journey follows Bea Tanaka, the younger sister of Heroine Complex protagonist Evie Tanaka. An aspiring twenty-something superheroine who just wants to stop being treated like a kid and be allowed to help save the Bay Area alongside Evie and Evie's superhero partner-best friend Aveda Jupiter, Bea has the power to influence other's emotions—also, sometimes, when she screams, she blows things up. 
In the Heroine Complex world, Kuhn has created an alternate San Fran where a demon opened an Otherworld portal 13 years prior, setting into motion a series of events that led to the creation of other local portals through which demons can come into our world and the development of a human population with otherworldly powers of their own. Bea, Evie, and Aveda are three of those humans, and are part of a superhero team that would give the Scooby gang a run for its found family money.
You don't need to have read the previous two books in the series, centered around Evie and Aveda respectively, to enjoy this world. Kuhn has crafted a story filled with whip smart dialogue, complex female relationships, romance, silly yet dangerous demons, and Asian American superhero representation that works for the casual and more completist reader alike. Fair warning, though: If you go into this one blind, you will find yourself going back to read the other two installments. That's just the way the demon cupcake crumbles.
Come discuss Heroine's Journey and other speculative fiction picks over at the Den of Geek Book Club, and stay tuned for more Heroine's Journey-related treats in the coming month!
Read Heroine's Journey by Sarah Kuhn
June/July: Brief Cases by Jim Butcher
Brief Cases, a collection of several of Butcher's excellent short stories and novellas from within the universe of Harry Dresden, is a delight for new and old Dresden Files fans alike. Centered around the theme of parenting, the stories in the collection range from a prequel set in the Old West to a Rashomon-style tale of Harry discovering a warlock at the zoo.
You can read our full review of Brief Cases here, or head over to the Den of Geek Book Club to discuss the book. We're also giving away a complete set of the Dresden Files books, if you're looking to add to your own collection. Find out how to enter here.
Read Brief Cases by Jim Butcher
May/June Pick: Ship It by Britta Lundin
Riverdale is one of Den of Geek's favorite shows, so when we heard one of its writers was coming out with her debut novel, you better believe we put it on our must-read list.
Britta Lundin's Ship It is the story of a teen fanfiction writer, Claire, who is pulled into the behind-the-scenes world of her favorite TV show, and Forest, one of the show's male leads who understands absolutely nothing about fandom. Ship It is an exploration of fandom, queerness, TV creation, and love in its many forms. Read our full review here, then check out our podcast interview with Lundin.
Join the Ship It discussion over on the Den of Geek Book Club Goodreads page.
April/May Pick: The Power by Naomi Alderman
Imagine a world that completely flips the balance of power when it comes to gender. This is the setting for The Power, Naomi Alderman's 2016 science fiction novel set in a world in which women develop the ability to shoot electric jolts from their fingertips, leading to their dominance as a gender.
As Delia Harrington notes in a review for Den of Geek, The Power is a vital read for a time in which some falsely claim that women have stolen all of the power from men. President Obama named this one of this favorite books of 2017, and the book somehow feels even more relevant now than it did when it was published just two long years ago.
If you're into The Handmaid's Tale, then check out the novel that has been called "our era's Handmaid's Tale." Then head over to the Den of Geek Book Club Goodreads page to discuss.
March/April Pick: Children of Blood & Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
Children of Blood and Bone is the first book in the West African-inspired fantasy series Legacy of Orisha. The debut from 24-year-old Tomi Adeyemi made waves when it was bought by Macmillan for a reported seven-figure sum.
The story follows Zelie, a girl who lost her mother in the purge of magic executed by Orisha's totalitarian ruler, Saran. In the first book, Zelie sets out to restore magic to the land and take down Saran, with a little help from her friends: a giant lionaire, her older brother Tzain, and Princess Amari. Prince Inan, another protagonist in the book, pursues Zelie as she undergoes her quest, torn between his family and, you know, doing the right thing.
Read our full review of Children of Blood and Bone.
Children of Blood and Bone is a promising start to a new young adult fantasy series that is set to take the world by storm. Head over to our Den of Geek Book Club page to join the discussion!
February/March Pick: All Our Wrong Todays by Elan Mastai
All Our Wrong Todays is a time travel novel where the "wrong" timeline is our own. When protagonist Tom Barren travels back in time using his father's technology, he changes the world from a utopia where the problems of war, poverty, and under-ripe avocados have been solved, into, well, this one. By centering our timeline as the "wrong" one, author Elan Mastai subverts many of the classic time travel narrative trope, giving us a fresh science fiction novel for anyone who worries they're living in the darkest timeline.
You can read our full review of the book here, check out our interview with author Elan Mastai, then head over to our Den of Geek Book Club page to join the discussion!
January/February Pick: Binti by Nnedi Okorafor
Binti by Nnedi Okorafor is a Hugo Award-winning novella about a young African woman who leaves her home on Earth for the first time to attend an intergalactic university on another planet. On the voyage, something goes terribly wrong, forcing Binti to rely on her mathematic skills and her culture to survive.
Learn more about Binti and Nnedi Okorafor's other work.
The Afrofuturist space adventure novella is unlike anything I have ever read, coming from one of the most exciting authors working in science fiction right now. The story continues in two follow-up novellas already published.
Head over to our Den of Geek Book Club page to join in the discussion! 
Kayti Burt serves as a staff editor covering books, TV, movies, and fan culture at Den of Geek. A long-term lover of all things science fiction and fantasy, she is an unabashed defender of the power of speculative storytelling and a proponent of sentimental TV. Read more of her work here or follow her on Twitter @kaytiburt.
from Books https://ift.tt/2uHNt9F
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imagine-by-susu · 6 years
Father!Mycroft x Daughter!Reader x Uncle!Sherlock - Exhausting
A/N: Finally! I finally finished something. God it took me years XD Sorry but there was a lot on my mind the past months, but now everything is going to be better and thank you all for your patience.
Thanks to the anon for the nice request And a special thanks to @huxy-baby for beta reading this and helping out a bit :3
Requests are open
Fandomlist Masterlist of 2017 Masterlist of January 2018 Masterlist of Feburary 2018 Masterlist of March 2018 Masterlist of April 2018 Masterlist of May 2018
GIFS ARE NOT MINE! Word Count: 1.064
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“Please, Papa.” you begged your father, your hands clasped together and a pout on your face. Said man sighed and rubbed the bridge of nose with his thumb and pointer finger.
“(Y/N), you know very well that your Uncle has a tendency to bring himself in danger? I can’t let that happen to you.” with a frustrated sigh you rolled your eyes at him.
“I can take care of myself, besides Dr. Watson is there, too, so Uncle Sherlock won’t do anything too stupid. Pretty please.” you begged again hoping to finally break your father.
Mycroft Holmes was a ice cold man. Not relying on any feelings, but when it comes to his daughter, you, he had a hard time not to feel any kind of overprotectiveness.
“Only for today and I will pick you up at Seven.” a squeal made Mycroft jump a bit from his chair as your arms wrapped around him continuing with many thank you’s into his ear.
Kissing his cheek, you let go of him, a wide grin on your face.
“See you later,” and with that last goodbye, you were out of his office, saying farewell to his assistant Athena on your way down to the entrance.
Giggling like a madwoman, you stepped out into the fresh air. At the entrance stood your Uncle, Sherlock Holmes the very first consulting detective, tipping away on his phone.
“Who are you texting?” you asked him and quickly he put away his phone into his coat pocket.
A grin played onto your lips.
“Your girlfriend?” your uncle rose an unimpressed eyebrow at that as you giggled again. He never understood the moods of teenagers, especially those from his own niece.
“Do you want to join me on the case or not?” he questioned back and immediately you stopped giggling, going into a serious mode.
“What do we do first?” you asked him as you both called for a cab. As one of the black cars stopped in front of you, you both stepped in as your Uncle explained you everything you needed to know for this case.
He was kind of thrilled to have someone interested in the things he said and did, unlike his brother or John who doesn’t understand half of the things Sherlock explained to him.
“I had never thought that it was the Son.” you said as you and your Uncle entered his flat at Baker Street.
“I mean, he was not much older than I am.” stepping into the flat you were greeted by chaos, typical for your Uncle.
Sherlock turned to you a tiny smile at the corners of his lips.
“There you can see that everyone is capable of a murder. Even you, but I am sure that you would’ve done it better.” He turned to you but stopped as he saw you passed out on his sofa.
Maybe he shouldn’t have let you take down the murder. It was a bit too much he had asked of you. Not really caring that much about it, he sat down in his own armchair.
 Punctual as ever, Mycroft stood at his brother’s flat door at 7 O’clock straight. With a light knock, he entered. He was greeted by the typical chaos, Sherlock in his armchair and you passed out on the sofa.
“What have you done to her Sherlock?!” Mycroft asked his brother as he walked to his daughter, examining her for any injuries.
Opening one eye, Sherlock watched his older brother for a moment before he closed his eye again.
“We had a little run in the end. For half the day we walked around London, but I am sure she handled that one pretty well.”
Clenching his hands into fists, Mycroft turned to Sherlock.
“I told you to look after her!” his voice boomed a bit too loudly. Sherlock sighed and opened his eyes to get a better look on his brother.
“And I did. She was great help if I may add. (Y/N) has a talent, but she is exhausted. Maybe the school was a bit tiring for her.” the older Holmes looked to the ground trying to calm himself down.
“You are here already?” a sleepy voice came from the other side of the room. Both Holmes Brothers turned around to look at you.
You sat upright on the sofa rubbing your (Y/E/C) eyes, stifling a yawn. With a happy smile you looked up at your father.
“This was the best day of my life, Father. I learned so much and I even caught the murderer.” Sherlock signaled to her to shut her mouth at that, but it was too late and Mycroft sent daggers at his little brother.
“You let her near the murderer?!”
“As if I can stop her if she wants something.” Sherlock retorted back and made Mycroft fell into silence. For that one moment Sherlock was right, but he would never admit that.
“For God’s Sake she is only 14.” he hissed at his little brother before he turned to his daughter.
“Don’t be mad at Uncle Sherlock. He did everything he could do to get my as far away from danger as he could. This is why I am so exhausted. All this research made me tired. Just let’s go home.” again you stifled a yawn and Mycroft couldn’t be mad at either you nor his brother anymore.
He sighed and guided you to the door, but before he left the flat completely, he turned one last time to his brother.  
“Thank you.” these words were quiet but Sherlock heard them, to his surprise.
Mycroft left quickly, behind his daughter as she was mumbling about the case all the way to their home.
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wendesdayaddams · 3 years
i’m having trouble trying to decide who i wanna use for athena’s fc lately. like i love dove and she’s been her fc for yearrrrs, but she has such little material to make edits out of and i’m pressed. at the same time, i think lili reinhart would be a really good alt fc and i love her too. but then again there is kristine froseth and i think she works really well with athena too- god. 
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wendesdayaddams · 3 years
sometimes i forget that athena is essentially part of the parent!lock au🧍
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