#c: asaaranda
despiour · 4 years
"You can sort your life out anytime; the pub closes in five hours." - For Bran
“Huh?” It took him a few seconds to register that the voice talking was directed at him. He looked around until his eyes fell on the source. “Oh,  are you the owner? Should I leave?” Five hours seemed like a long time to him, but all the same it was getting awfully late, and he didn’t want to overstay his welcome. Somehow he had lost track of the time, too busy with whatever thoughts were in his head. He looked down at the empty cup in his hands. Truthfully it had only been filled with water, he didn’t really have a taste for those types of spirits. “I’ve sorted my life,” He continued, now thinking on that. “At least I think I have? Have you?” 
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bonesymccoy · 5 years
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so i was tagged for an OC profile by the lovely @bisexualryder​ (like, 3 months ago lmao, sorry) and i finally got motivated to do it!!! thanks for the tag, dear! it was nice to have a chance to talk about my girl <3
name: Asaaranda Adaar nickname: Asa, Stormy age: 26 species: qunari (vashoth)
p e r s o n a l morality: chaotic good religion: agnostic sins: greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice known languages: Common, Qunlat, Orlesian, Antivan (taught by Josephine during Inquisition), Tevene (taught by Dorian during Inquisition)
p h y s i c a l build: scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average height: 6'10' scars / birthmarks: several small scars, from her time as a mercenary, however her most significant scar is the one on her left cheek. running from the corner of her lip to under her cheekbone, it's a souvenir from a childhood encounter with a group of human boys who heard rumors about what the Qunari do to mages and wanted to try it for themselves. abilities / powers:  magic, swordplay, knife throwing restrictions: she's like, comically bad at archery. Asa has great hand-eye coordination when it comes to slinging spells and knifes, but for some reason it just. does. not. translate to archery. She's also has no idea how to do those mine spells since she's always in the thick of the fighting and never bothered to learn
f a v o r i t e s food: fresh fruit, growing up on a farm, she always had access to all the fresh fruit she could stand. after living as a mercenary for a decade and mostly eating dried meats and breads, she loves having fresh fruit whenever she can. it tastes much better than the dried stuff, and it reminds her of home pizza topping: mmm, probably meat lovers with chili flakes. she likes spicy food color: reds and golds music genre: fun, upbeat drinking songs movie genre: comedy or action curse word: shit (her most used word after the explosion at the conclave), or vashedan (if she's not trying to keep her knowledge of qunlat on the dl) scents: ozone, embrium horn balm, vitaar
f u n  s t u f f bottom or top: lol both sings in the shower: nah, she'll sing in the tavern if she gets drunk enough though likes puns: she's been known to enjoy a good pun. she even enjoys bad ones, if they're made by her brother
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korvax-prime · 6 years
I was tagged by: @ryanglitter
Tagging: you!
Asaaranda Adaar
full name: Asaaranda Adaar
gender: lesbian
sexuality: lesbian
pronouns: she/her but also whatever
please call her: anything but oxman really
family: two moms, only child, happily married to sera
birthplace: in the middle of nowhere ansburg, the free marches
job: making life difficult for literally everyone formerly the inquisitor, formerly a merc for the valo-kas, now an unofficial jenny
phobias: spiders, but only the really small ones. she’s also squicked out by reanimated corpses
guilty pleasures: nothing, she doesn’t feel bad about enjoying stuff
hobbies: storytelling, workouts, she reads a lot, would have been a huge video game nerds if they existed in thedas
morality alignment? chaotic asshole good
sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth
virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader (though not willingly)
empathetic/unempathic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: lazy
otp: Seradaar
acceptable ships: isabela, leliana, vivienne
ot3: none
brotp: cole, dorian, solas (formerly)
notp: cullen, solas
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scurvgirl · 6 years
What is Kassaran's pregnancy with Asaaranda usually like?
With all the hardships in Kass’s life, her pregnancies are not one of them. It is a very normal, healthy pregnancy. That being said, I have some headcanons when it comes to qunari pregnancy and qunari pregnancy when the child is half-elven.
This got long due to headcanon, under the cut!
1. Qunari pregnancies last longer than human pregnancies to allow for size and proper horn formation. Instead of the 40 weeks we are used to (9 months), qunari pregnancies are considered full term at 46 weeks (just past 10 months). Healthy premie qunari babies are between 35 and 45 weeks. If the carrying parent does not go into labor by 2 weeks past the due date, they are induced - this is the same for us as well! Complications can increase if the baby stays inside too long. 
Elven pregnancies are shorter than human pregnancies, though only by about two weeks and it is not uncommon for modern elves to have 40 week pregnancies. I do think the presence of the Veil impacts pregnancy - without the Veil, the pregnancies are shorter and the fetuses typically develop more quickly because they are inherently magical and the unfettered access to magic helps mature their system. With the Veil, pregnancies are longer and trend towards that 40 week mark because the babies do not mature as quickly. An elven pregnancy is considered full term at 38 weeks. Premature babies are born between 28 and 37 weeks (Tonlen was born at 30 weeks, before his lungs properly developed).
2. Qunari babies are big. Human babies are considered in normal range from 5/6 pounds (2.3 kg)  to 10 pounds (4.5 kg). Qunari babies are around 5 pounds heavier on the average and range from 10 pounds (4.5 kg) to 15 pounds (6.8 kg). Ash was 12.3 pounds (5.5 kg). The size does not mean they are more coordinated or capable than the newborns we are used to - they’re just bigger. Big ol babies, making big ol poops. 
Elven babies are smaller than human babies. Normal range is from 3 pounds (1.3 kg) to 8 pounds (3.6 kg). Small babies, making smaller poops - just as smelly though. (There is significant range in this considering the range of sizes of the carrying parent, we have elves who are 5 footish like Miriel but we also have 7 footish elves like Sylmae, so there is a big potential range here).
These headcanons bring us to Kass’s pregnancy with Asaaranda is shorter than her pregnancy with Ash, but not too much. Instead of the 45 weeks she carried Ash for, she carries Asaaranda for 42 weeks. Asaaranda is 10 pounds when she is born - she has a lot of hair at birth, so Kass had a good bit of heartburn for the pregnancy (yes, this is an old wive’s thing, but I swear it is TRUE, everyone in my family who has had a baby with a lot of hair, had a lot of heartburn). This pregnancy is easier on Kass than the first, the fetus is smaller and was not nearly as active as Ash as was. She does experience morning sickness for the first portion of the pregnancy, but that goes away after the first trimester. Her energy with this pregnancy is good, she feels like she can do things and often does yoga and other exercise to help her feel good. 
Kass does get food cravings - often for things like coconut soup, tempura fried vegetables, jolly ranchers (the watermelon ones), cinnamon ice cream, and kimchi. 
But other than that, it is a healthy, uneventful pregnancy. She delivers via c-section in modern AU’s because that is how Ash was delivered and typically after one c-section, you need to continue to have them over the vaginal delivery. Asaaranda is born perfectly healthy, too. 
Thanks for the ask!
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korvax-prime · 6 years
my ocs as cats
i was tagged by @ryanglitter c:
aderyn surana-
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mariah hawke
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asaaranda adaar
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tagging: whoever wants to do this i guess
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