#c: alden/acid
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sandcastle-art · 2 years ago
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Gave Alden a little design update since art fight is on the way and I also moved him to a new world/setting!
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millennial-star-gazer · 6 years ago
The Draconic Demon Within(Reupload from cosmicdragonwizard accounts): Chapter:2
The Draconic Demon Within (Originally for Nalu Lovefest 2017 on previous celestialgeekmage accounts and Angst Week 2015 on Twishadowhunter/teamedwardjace2 in the past and Vera's April 2018 prompt challenge on cosmicdragonwizard account )
Genres: Drama/Angst, Hurt/Comfort,Romance, Friendship/Family New Adult Fanfiction
Vera's April 2018 Prompts: Soul, Empyrean, Savage, Memory, Trust, Fear, Unstoppable , Resilient, Supernatural (Implied) Lost (Implied) and Loathing.
Nalu Lovefest 2017 Prompts: Dreams
Pairing: Nalu/EndLu,( Natsu x Lucy/ E.N.D. x Lucy)
Rating: M for language, steamy and mature adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Direction is advised.(You have been warned!)
Summary: Now faced with the reality of who he is truly is, the son of Igneel must come to terms  with the new  emerging, darker  instincts of his new demonic identity- all while navigating through his ever-growing, intense feelings for a particular celestial wizard. Originally a Submission (semi -au) for Nalu lovefest 2017 (on my previous celestialgeekmage account. (Also was on my earliest previous accounts of teamedwardjace/Twishadowhunter in the past. Also part of Vera's April 2018 prompt challenge from fic-writers appreciation on cosmicdragonwizard)
Chapter 2: Incinerate: A Demon's Protective Rage
A/N: Hey all, here's the next installment of The Draconic Demon Within! It was originally part of what was a longer first chapter, but has since been further revised and divided into more chapters (along with others)— enjoy and don't forget to let me know what you think!
Disclaimer: You know I unfortunately don't own Fairytail which belongs to the most Hiro-sensei instead!
Read More Here:
1. The Draconic Demon Within
A. Tumblr:
Prologue and Chapter: 1 (Click Here:)  or here: (https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179816192273/the-draconic-demon-within-reupload-from/amp?)
Chapter: 3 (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/185917542578/the-draconic-demon-within-chapter-3)
Chapter: 4 (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/614628807073251328/the-draconic-demon-within-chapter-4-a-demons)
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13113898/1/The-Draconic-Demon-Within-Reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizardaccounts)
C. A03(Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17365061/chapters/40861472)
2. Tantric Flames  (To Be Added Later)
3. Grey Days
A. Tumblr  (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179767381833/grey-days-reuploadfrom-dragon-shield-maiden/amp?)
B. Fanfiction  (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13112482/1/Grey-Days-Reupload-from-dragon-shield-maiden)
4. The Rest of My Writing
A. Master Fic Rec Post (Click Here): (or  here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post
Italics: Mainly Flashbacks
Bold: First Person Thoughts
Bolded Italics (Within and Outside Bracket): A/N: (Author's Notes)
"And she's thinking of rage, like an ember or a burning acid swallowing up her knotted viscera. Blindness like the kind that leads men to perpetrate horrors, animal drunkenness, the jungles of the mind. "
(Alden Bell: The Reapers Are The Angels, Reaper Series)
"If you lay a hand on her, I will destroy you.  I will rip your head off with my bare hands and watch you burn in the sun ."
(Dimitri Belikov: Vampire Academy, Book 1)
(What'd you know? Found two quotes that really fit the overall tone of this chapter again)
" You okay Natsu?"
Lucy's gentle call of Natsu's name broke through his reverie bringing his attention back to the present."
"Yeah Luce, just trying to figure out how to wrap my head around all this" came Natsu's reply, sincere words nothing but reassuring. The dragonslayer knew he mostly wasn't one to lie, but also didn't wish to run the of risk alarming his best friend any further than she was .
Besides, I am actually okay—for the most part . Just gotta try and stay positive for Lucy's sake.
Natsu did notice however, that if he concentrated just enough, he could actually will the newly-sprouted leathery wings to retract just enough until they were gone completely— a tremendous relief if nothing to say the least .
"What about you? How are ya ' holding up?"
"Not entirely well, but a bit better with you here . "
"I know, it's a lot to take in right now—believe me. But I promise we're gonna be okay."
"There's not a doubt in my mind but what're we going to do?"
"We'll figure it—"
The sound of approaching footsteps echoing on stone broke through their conversation putting Natsu's senses on high alert. It was then to the realization dawned upon the fire demon that in all the mayhem, he'd forgotten they weren't alone; mentally cursing himself for having let such a critical fact slip his mind. Not to mention the sinking knot in settling the pit of his stomach when it was the demon Tempester, Natsu lifted his head to see striding towards them with a sinister expression; which raised his hackles enough for his lips to pull back revealing a flash of canines in a savage show of teeth.
"What do you think you're doing?!" He growled, a flare of stonecold fury ticking through scarlet eyes, The sound of his warning was downright ferocious, not to mention lethal with the threat of violence if the other etherious even so much as tried to lay a hand on Lucy. "Stay the hell away from us!"
Tempester merely raised a hand in response as if to silence him, clearly not deter any of Natsu's feral growls ripping from his chest.
"Easy there Lord E.N.D— no need to be so hostile" The etherious's voice was seemingly unruffled , a chillingly stark contrast to the malicious smile gracing his lips—so much so it sent off alarm bells off in Natsu's head. "I only wished to officially welcome you to our ranks as Master for which congratulations are in order. You've finally returned home to us, all while starting to realize your true potential in the process—though we didn't know it was you at first. Still, it's good to have you back after being away so long Now allow me to be of service by disposing of the celestial wizard for you as an act of good faith."
The thinly- veiled threat kicked Natsu's already fiercely protective instincts to keep Lucy safe into high-gear, manifesting in another guttural snarl of bestial proportions he let loose when his arms automatically tightened against her of their own accord at the same time.
"Touch her you bastard and I swear I'll burn ya' to a crisp!"
If he even tries anything... I swear to God...
Something strange seemed to stirring within Natsu just then, the infinite possibilities of all the unimaginable amount of the blood he could spill if the other demon didn't heed the warning ; appealing to a darker part of him that was once dormant. His words clearly seemed to fall on deaf ears however, when Tempester took another step forward—which only served to make the dragonslayer's blood boil.
"Hey! didn't you hear what I just said? stay back—don't come any closer!" Natsu hissed, baleful voice laced with venom that bordered on lethal. "Unless you want me to incinerate you you stand." One of his hands not pressed against Lucy's back was immediately engulfed in flames to empathize his point at the same time.
Pretty sure I could quite literally roast this guy if I have to. I'm not afraid to have little blood on my hands if it means protecting Lucy.
The ominous-sounding, residual, voice Natsu heard earlier seemed to stir again ; whispers echoing in the recesses his mind of just how easy it would be to set Tempester blaze, quite literally going up in flames without so much as being touched. Thoughts swimming, tempting Zeref's most powerful etheriouswith sadistic images of sizzling flesh melting off bone, blood vessels rupturing, liquified internal organs being broiled from the inside out until there was nothing left of the worthless lesser demon- scum known as Calamity but a charred pile of ashes. Oh the demon lord thirsted for this bastard's blood, how he's—-
Wait— just what the hell am I thinking?! Natsu railed against himself. I may be a demon, but I'm not some bloodthirsty monster! Butchering people like that ain't my style—not anymore anyway. God... what's wrong with me? Still , I'm gonna keep Lucy safe regardless of who or what I am.
"Master, if you just hand the girl over me I promise to make her death as swift and painless as possible."
Tempester's coldblooded voice snapped the fire wizard out of his reverrie.
"Not a chance ! There's no way in hell that I'm giving Lucy up to you!"
"Oh? Is that you already exercising your authority I hear?" Tempester praised, words pulling the corner of lips up into a smirk as if caught was between genuine amusement and pride. "I'm impressed."
"Yeah? Well that's just too damn bad, cuz I couldn't give a crap bout being your stupid master!"
" Yes, well, you might feel that way now but you'll change your mind— you'll see. It's only a matter of time before you realize who you're truly meant to be and help restore our guild. Not to mention remake this pathetic world in our image."
It was then that Lucy finally opted to speak up who no doubt probably had been watching the tense encounter with uneasy eyes up until this point.
"You're clearly out of your mind if that's what you think Natsu is all about!" She seethed , honey-brown eyes, alight with a obstinate fire. "Don't you dare you talk about Natsu as if you know him! He's not the monster you say he is—not anymore!"
"Oh really? That so, little girl?" Tempester's scoffed , disdain colouring his patronizing tone. " Now tell me— why should I listen to pointless chatter from a pathetic human like you ?
"Cuz she's right,"The son of Igneel's words rang with steely conviction when he chimed in response to the other etherious . "And definitely not pathetic. In fact, hearing you run your god damn rotten mouth about her like that makes me want to help her bash your ugly face in." Hearing Lucy's words of faith was honestly enough for his heart to trill, Tempester's of utter contempt in regards to his best friend for his blood to boil; All in all, steeling his nerves for combat.
"Yeah? I'd sure as hell like to see that!"
"Oh, you will�� trust me."
His body automatically steeling himself for battle, Natsu pledged a vow to keep his the celestial mage safe from harm.
No matter what happens, I swear I'm gonna do whatever it takes to protect Lucy and to fight this darker part of me for everyone's sake . I will prove this Calamity bastard who think he knows me wrong, not to mention make everyone I love and care for proud— especially Igneel, Lucy and Happy.
To Be Continued 
Fic tag squad:  @writer-appreciation  @soprana-snap  @phoenix-before-the-flame     @nunnatheinsanegerbil @mautrino @rougescribe @goddesofimortality @phoenix-before-the-flame  @nalufever  @petri808 @thecelestialchick @nalu-natic  @superdomo360 @pyroandtheprincess  @rayhneatess  @nothingbutwordsstuff  @petri808  @thecelestialchick  @chiire  @nalufever @shootingstarssel  @chamilsanya  @rougescribe  @lover-of-the-light117
A/N: That's Chapter 2 folks-hope you all enjoyed and don't forget to leave a review ! The next chapter should be up ASAP once I'm able to begin work on it. In the meantime, feel free to check out my other works including Tantric Flames (with the writing process for Chapter 6 underway). (Respective links above along with the rest of my writing in tumblr post, side bars and bio of my blog of on tumblr . Also on Fanfiction profile of the same name except as MillenialStargazer ). All right y'all, that's all for now! Many thanks to all those who've been supporting me and my writing thus far—stay tuned for more! Peace out!
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eeraygun · 6 years ago
Top 285 Sonic Releases of 2018
000. Rosalia - El Mal Querer 001. Various Artists - 'I Could Go Anywhere But Again I Go With You' 002. Autechre - NTS Sessions 003. Various Artists - Kulør 001 004. Oneohtrix Point Never - Age Of (Japanese Edition) 005. Sophie - Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides 006. Tirzah - Devotion 007. Blawan - Wet Will Always Dry 008. Cam Deas - Time Exercises 009. Leon Vynehall - Nothing Is Still 010. Ingus Baušķenieks ‎ - Spoki 011. Clouds - Heavy The Eclipse 012. Kyo & Jeuru - All The Same Dream 013. Topdown Dialectic - Topdown Dialectic 014. Snail Mail - Lush (remaster) 015. Pavel Milyakov - Eastern Strike 016. Robyn - Honey 017. Falcon Black Ops - Vol. 1 018. CTM - Red Dragon 019. Ariana Grande - Thank You Next 020. Robert Lippok - Applied Autonomy 021. Various Artists - LACKRec. vs. Magic Power 022. Henning Christiansen - The Executioner 023. Against All Logic - 2012-2017 024. Scandinavian Star - Solas 025. Happa - PT3.2 026. Prime Minister of Doom - Mudshadow Propaganda 027. Ciara - Dose 028. Joy Orbison - 81b 029. Drew McDowall - The Third Helix 030. Felix Blume - Death in Haiti: Funeral Brass Bands & Sounds From Port au Prince 031. Teyana Taylor - K.T.S.E. 032. Borai & Denham Audio - Club Glow Vol. 1 033. Demdike Stare - Passion 034. Christian Zanési - Grand Bruit - Stop! l'horizon 035. DJ Healer - Nothing 2 Loose 036. Suzanne Ciani - Quadraphonic LIVE 037. Amnesia Scanner - Another Life 038. Various Artists - BROR08 039. Joy O & Ben Vince - Transition 2 - Systems Align 040. Lamin Fofana - Brancusi Sculpting Beyonce 041. ACT! - Universalist 042. Randomer - HS002 043. Vladimir Dubyshkin - Cheerful Pessimist 044. Hugo Massien - Almost Becoming Lucid 045. Barker - Debiasing EP 046. CLUBKELLY - GLOBAL 93 047. Ron Morelli - Disappearer 048. Jenny Hval - The Long Sleep 049. Tierra Whack - Whack World 050. Chambray - Nectar of Joy 051. Deben Bhattacharya - Paris to Calcutta: Men and Music on the Desert Road 052. Stef Mendesidis - Klockworks 23 053. Various Artists - Running Back Mastermix 054. Andrea - Forse 055. François Bayle - Tremblements... LP 056. Childish Gambino - This Is America 057. Efdemin - Naïf 058. Skee Mask - Compro 059. Cardi B - Invasion of Privacy 060. 700 Bliss - Spa 700 061. Chontane - Red Island EP 062. Honnda - Maraschino Mic Drop 063. Martyn Bootyspoon - Silk Eternity 064. Objekt - Cocoon Crush 065. Addison Groove & Bim Sanga Present Bags Inc. - Dance Trax, Vol. 17 066. Puce Mary - The Drought 067. Gonçalo F Cardoso - Impressões de uma Ilha (Unguja) 068. EQD - Equalized #008 069. Félicia Atkinson - Coyotes 070. Low - Double Negative 071. The Mistys - Pregnant Mannequin 072. Adlas - Arrival by Air 073. Vainqueur - Reductions 1995–1997 074. Xzavier Stone - THIRST 075. Kelman Duran - 13th Month 076. Lyra Valenza - Scan, Deliver 077. Bjarki – Oli Gumm 078. Answer Code Request - Gens 079. Forward Strategy Group - East Port Rangers EP 080. Voronoi - Vis-Viva 081. Olsen - Dream Operator 082. Mih-Ty - MIH-TY 083. Textasy - Dallas Gun Club 084. D.Dan - Covert Operation 085. Ursula K. Le Guin & Todd Barton - Music and Poetry of the Kesh 086. Duran Duran Duran - Choose Death 087. Jean C. Roché - Oiseaux Du Birds Of Venezuela 088. Vanessa Rossetto - Fashion Tape 089. Domiziano Maselli - Ashes 090. Smerz - Have fun 091. The Body - I Have Fought Against It, But I Can't Any Longer 092. Grizzle – Quinine 093. Rkss - DJ Tools 094. SHXCXCHCXSH - OUFOUFOF 095. Perfume - Future Pop 096. Stefano Moretti - Land of Mikuni 097. Sim Hutchins - Clubeighteen2thirty 098. Yves Tumor - Safe in the Hands of Love 099. Martyn - Voids 100. Sophia Loizou - Irregular Territories 101. Fracture - Soundboy Get Nervous 102. ABSOLUTE. - Malfunction 103. Diptera - 001 (antenna) 104. Nathan Micay - Whities 017 105. Alex Kassian - Hidden Tropics 106. The-Dream - Menage a Trois Sextape 107. Regal - Still Raving 108. Fumu - Sinuate 109. Evol - Ideal Acid 110. Various Artists - Only Promo Ma Poule 111. Mariah Carey - Caution 112. Ian Isiah - Shugga Sextape (Vol. 1) 113. Marie Davidson - Working Class Woman 114. Aoud - SE MKII 115. Konrad Wehrmeister - 5050 116. The Advent - Klockworks 22 117. Lucy Railton - Paradise 94 118. Virtual Self - Ghost Voices (Raito Remixes) 119. BE3K - Exoneration 120. GALT Faculty - E B O W 121. Art Alfie - The Bo Allan EP 122. Pendant - Make Me Know You Sweet 123. DJ Boring & Frits Wentink - Wasted Years of Pumping Iron 124. Contactless - Static 125. Was A Be & Synth Ethics - Systems 011 126. Helena Deland - From the Series of Songs Altogether Unaccompanied Vol. I 127. Freddie Gibbs - Freddie 128. Tessela & Lanark Artefax - Blue 01 129. Erma Grid - From a Band of Thoughts That Ended My Year 130. Dold - Mother EP 131. Eartheater - Irisiri 132. Age Coin - She Who Sold Me Told Me 133. Agrippa - Mygraine Urgraine/Harbour Run 134. Shame - Songs Of Praise 135. Severin - Safe Following Distance 136. RAMZi - Phobiza vol. 3: Amor Fati 137. Yen Towers - First on Comedown 138. Ludwig A.F. Röhrscheid - Xhale 139. Tee Mango - #2 140. Swarm Intelligence - Against The Dying Light 141. Céline Gillain - Bad Woman 142. Repro - Feel Extraordinary 143. Gila - Shedskin Pt.33 144. Jan Nemecek - Recurrences 145. Various Artists - Midnight in Tokyo Vol. 2 146. Various Artists - HYS001 147. No Moon - Infinite Dreamz EP 148. Prayer - Vital 149. Cadans - Slit EP 150. D. Tiffany - Feel U 151. The Empire Line - Rave 152. DJ Seinfeld - Sakura 153. 3KZ - A Love Supreme 154. Overlook - Never Understand 155. Ligovskoï - Esam 156. FJAAK - Havel 157. Scalameriya - Hellzone Megapunk EP 158. Drake - Scorpion 159. Locked Club - Svoboda 160. Young Echo - Young Echo 161. Reeko & Jonas Kopp - Realidades Holográficas I Torre de Babel 162. Hiro Kone - Pure Expenditure 163. Bruce - Sonder Somatic 164. Arkajo - Avasarala 165. TML - I Need An Exit 166. Thom Yorke - Suspiria 167. Various Artists - EDITSELECT36 168. Patrick Siech - Our Exile 169. Lucrecia Dalt - Anticlines 170. Qnete - Shtum 018 171. Future & Juice WRLD - WRLD ON DRUGS 172. Demian Licht - Female Criminals Vol. 3 173. Veronica Vasicka - in silhouette 174. 999999999 - RAVE REWORKS 175. Azari - Gotasoul 176. Varg - Nordic Flora Series Pt. 5: Crush 177. Mount Eerie - Now Only 178. Rabit - Bricks in a Draught 179. Elad Magdasi - Liquid Dreams 180. Tomas Urquieta - Dueños de Nada 181. The Higher - The Core 182. Ross Birdwise - Drunk Formalism(s) 183. Alan Fitzpatrick - System Addict 184. H4L - Four Lights 185. John Maus - Addendum 186. L-Vis 1990 - 12 Thousand Nights: Club 187. BLD - For Rave Use Only 188. Various Artists - Don���t You Mess with Cupid, 'Cause Cupid Ain’t Stupid 189. Ksmisk - Mikrometeorittene 190. Mark Leckey - Exorcism Of The Bridge @ Eastham Rake 191. Ross from Friends - Squaz 192. Rae Sremmurd - SR3MM-Jxmtro-Swaecation 193. Ricardo Villalobos - Silent EP 194. Young Thug - Slime Language 195. Phobia NL & Blacksun - Crossfire EP 196. X-Coast - XTC 197. Asymptote - Belief System 198. Ambivalent & Alden Tyrell - Detente 199. Christine and the Queens - Chris 200. Big Miz - Build-Destroy 201. Locked Groove - From Beyond 202. A$AP Rocky - TESTING 203. Paranorman - FUD001 204. Subradeon - Walking Through Motown EP 205. LMajor - Dig the New Breed, Pt. 1 206. P.Leone - The My Lita Project 207. P€PA & Z$OLI - Pzs_Rave 208. Adryiano - Dreams With EP 209. Appleblim - Life in a Laser 210. Vril - Omniverse EP 211. Бassae - Untitled 212. Gabber Eleganza – Never Sleep #1 213. Senyawa - Sujud 214. Radial - Tympana 215. N1L - 山卂ㄒ乇尺 爪乇爪ㄖ尺ㄚ 216. Dibek & Lodig - Lap.AM 217. Jonny Greenwood - Phantom Thread 218. Urulu - Foreign Depths 219. David Goldberg - EMO Serialism 220. DJ Different - Permission 2 Dance 221. Prg_m - Berytus Groan 222. Funeral Future - Hard Candy EP 223. Voiski - Sick Parrots 224. serpentwithfeet - soil 225. Company - Prosody 226. Stanislav Tolkachev - Champions Breakfast 227. Asquith - The Conditioning Track 228. Awdha - UNO 229. Dedekind Cut - Tahoe 230. Harrison BDP & Garth James - Vapour Trails EP 231. Sugar - No Sex Only Feelings 232. Duppy Gun Productions - Miro Tape 233. Mike Davis - Communique From an Absent Future 234. Cabasa - Uncle Sigmund's EP 235. Various Artists - Eel Behaviour: Sniper 236. Silicon Scally - Live at Scand 237. E-Talking & Laksa - Blue 04 238. Jacquees - 4275 239. Marcel Dettmann - Test-File 240. Acre - Hollow Body 241. #.4.26. - MDR 24 242. Blood Orange - Negro Swan 243. Various Artists - Bavarian Stallion Series 003 244. Developer - Off Grid EP 245. 90 Process - No Warehouse Needed 246. Sector Y - CS_TMS 247. Charli XCX - Focus & No Angel 248. Paula Temple & Eomac - ETXC001 249. Cassius Select - Fake Death 250. hekla - Á 251. UNIIQU3 - Phase 3 252. Sedvs & Peel - The Plf Sessions I 253. Yugen - Ineffable 254. Europa - Alpanya 255. LSDXOXO - BODY MODS 256. Roper Rider - Motion Profile 257. Forest Drive West - Un 258. Petar Dundov - Dalmatina & Once We Were Here 259. Desiigner - L.O.D. 260. Renick Bell - Wary 261. Nicki Minaj - Chun-Li 262. Locked Club - ЛОМАЙ EP 263. Dopplereffekt - Athanatos 264. Glaskin - Grey Lines 265. Beta Librae - Subspecies 266. Oisel - Entroterra EP 267. Conforce - Zero Point-Field 268. Raito - One Step Beyond 269. Hioll - Hioll 002 270. Various Artists - AEX005 271. Rune Bagge - Pink Dreams 272. Tensal - Industrialsociety EP 273. Mathias Schaffhaeuser - Love Idol 274. Notzing - 014 275. Michal Wolski - Still Life 276. Aphtc - When Grounds Shift 277. DJ Sneak - 3D Print 278. Bylly - Mouth Full of Sand 279. CUB - Seeing From Above 280. Farrago - Risin' 281. Amotik ‎– Amotik 009 282. D-Leria - Driving to Nowhere 283. The Cyclist - Alabaster Thrones 284. Roza Terenzi & DJ Zozi - Planet Euphorique
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vaibhavilatane · 4 years ago
Redox Flow Cells Market (covid-19 update) upcoming business reports on size, shares, stocks and many more | forecasting report 2026
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                                Redox Flow Cells market
The very recent Global Redox Flow Cells market research report published by Introspective Market Research is in favor of representing the upcoming trends and valuation of Redox Flow Cells market. The Market report data has been collected and structured by the team of industry specialists/experts who have studied and predicted the market environment from 2020 to 2027, researchers have used primary and secondary research methodologies to determine the path of the market throughout the forecast years. The data studied by the researchers is supported by historic and forecast values understanding all the valuable aspects.
This Press Release will help you to understand the Volume, growth with COVID19 Impact Analysis. Click HERE To get SAMPLE PDF (Including TOC, Table & Figures) at: https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/request/13120
Key Player Mentioned: ElectroCell A/S, Thermo Fisher, Bioanalytical Systems, Inc, Reichert Technologies (AMETEK, Inc), EL-Cell GmbH, KNAUER Wissenschaftliche Gerate GmbH, Antec Scientific, C-Tech Innovation.
Product Segment Analysis: Electrode Area <0.001 m², Electrode Area <0.01 m², Electrode Area <0.1 m², Electrode Area <1 m², Electrode Area ?1 m² and others
Application Segment Analysis: All Vanadium Flow Battery, Lithium Ion Flow Battery, Lead Acid Flow Battery.
Regional Segment Analysis: North America (U.S.; Canada; Mexico), Europe (Germany; U.K.; France; Italy; Russia; Spain etc.), Asia-Pacific (China; India; Japan; Southeast Asia etc.), South America (Brazil; Argentina etc.), Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia; South Africa etc.)
 The global Redox Flow Cells market is expected to expand in the coming years owing to various opportunities in the market. The report gives a clear understanding of various drivers, segments, government policies, technological innovations, opportunities, challenges, market risks, market barriers, upcoming trends and competitive landscape.
Analysts have also highlighted the potential driving factors and other studies such as analysis of sales, revenue, growth rate, Value chain analysis, supply chain analysis, and et cetera.
 The global Redox Flow Cells market is widely segmented by its applications, end use, and products range. These help reader in determining the growth of a particular segment of a market. The readers will be at ease in comprehending why a certain segment is performing better than the other, which will further help in making better investment plans.
 Get Your Copy at a Discounted Rate!!! Limited Time Offer!!! :  
 Key Benefits of the report: The report on global Redox Flow Cells market offers the reader an extensive analysis of the current and upcoming market trends and dynamics.
 Porter’s Five Forces analysis given in the report making it easy planning the competitive strategies.
 The research study covers In-depth analysis on key market segments and competing players in the market. Analysts have also studied the market based on geographical regions.
 Dominant player in the market, positioning the segment is utterly explained in the study.
 Evolution in supply chain and demand cycles present in the global Redox Flow Cells market is been highlighted.
 The competitive landscape is analyzed by understanding the strategies of the companies
Get Full Report Access at:  https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/inquiry/13120
About Us: Introspective Market Research is a visionary research company who is ready to assist their customer to flourish their business by offering strategies for gaining success. We sell market research reports received from other leading companies in the market research industry which offer in-depth and trustworthy information on different topics and sectors. The IMR founded by the team of experts and experienced professionals in the industry. The team is focusing on offering the empirical data collected from experts that can be the base for the next few years. The Aim of the company is to offering reports from numerous sectors such as FMCG, technology, food beverages, media, chemical, and healthcare among others.
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theclubmap · 7 years ago
1.7. Dabj Open Air mit Alden Tyrell, Serge im Else Club
14:00 Uhr ELSE Club An den Treptowers 10, 12435 Berlin-Treptow DIXON AVENUE BASEMENT JAMS OPEN AIR Alden Tyrell (clone) Serge Clone (clone) Mella Dee (warehouse music) Posthuman (i love acid, dabj) Dixon Avenue Basement Jams (dabj) Fear-E (dabj) Sally C (Waffles, Berlin) Efemme (pftp) Dass es das DJ-Duo hinter dem Glasgower Imprint Dixon Avenue Basement […]
Der Beitrag 1.7. Dabj Open Air mit Alden Tyrell, Serge im Else Club erschien zuerst auf THE CLUBMAP.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2MiJms6 via IFTTT
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sandcastle-art · 4 years ago
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Oof ow ouch my bones
(including watercolor practice and a drawing of my Starbound novakid, Boingo.
I have not been playing for very long but I already know I'm not good at it <3)
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sandcastle-art · 4 years ago
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Days 21 and 22
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vaibhavilatane · 4 years ago
Electrochemical Flow Cells Market (covid-19 update) upcoming business reports on size, shares, stocks and many more | forecasting report 2026
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                     Electrochemical Flow Cells market
The report named as “Global Electrochemical Flow Cells Market Research Report 2019”, which speeds up the wide and spotlights on development of market. The market size is done with assistance of itemized examination and exploration through sub-contemplates. The market size is finished with help of detailed research and research through sub-studies. This report is often marked as an in-depth study of the key dynamics of the worldwide market. For the advantage of the client, an overview of the kinds, processes and value chains are covered within the report.
This Press Release assists you to know the quantity, growth with COVID19 Impact Analysis. Click HERE To get SAMPLE PDF (Including TOC, Table & Figures) at: https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/request/13130
Key Player Mentioned: ElectroCell A/S, Thermo Fisher, Bioanalytical Systems, Inc, Reichert Technologies (AMETEK, Inc), EL-Cell GmbH, KNAUER Wissenschaftliche Gerate GmbH, Antec Scientific, C-Tech Innovation.
Product Segment Analysis: Electrode Area <0.001 m², Electrode Area <0.01 m², Electrode Area <0.1 m², Electrode Area <1 m², Electrode Area ?1 m² and others
Application Segment Analysis: All Vanadium Flow Battery, Lithium Ion Flow Battery, Lead Acid Flow Battery
Regional Segment Analysis: North America (U.S.; Canada; Mexico), Europe (Germany; U.K.; France; Italy; Russia; Spain etc.), Asia-Pacific (China; India; Japan; Southeast Asia etc.), South America (Brazil; Argentina etc.), Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia; South Africa etc.)
This study on the Electrochemical Flow Cells market discusses the scenario for the market period of 2020 to 2027, wherein the data is collected from the past and historical data from years 2018 and 2019.The study enables readers to make critical decisions relating to their business, with the help of a valuable data enclosed in the study. Data on the developments made by important players and stakeholders in the market, along with a competitive analysis with reference to Electrochemical Flow Cells market is also provided in the study. The report also gives a clear understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, in addition of fresh trends and constraints.
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This report on the Electrochemical Flow Cells market gives readers encouragement to stand different from others by complete understanding of the market. This research also provides the underlying trends and their impact of various market measures. Moreover the factors that are driving the exclaimed market are also highlighted as crucial, that persuade the market to grow. Porter’s Five Point Analysis, SWOT analysis, value chain analysis and regulatory scenario are offered by us in the report, expansion of the market can be encountered through the crucial growth tactics and opportunity identification mentioned in the study.
Get Full Report Access at:  https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/inquiry/13130  
About Us: Introspective Market Research is a visionary research company who is ready to assist their customer to flourish their business by offering strategies for gaining success. We sell market research reports received from other leading companies in the market research industry which offer in-depth and trustworthy information on different topics and sectors. The IMR founded by the team of experts and experienced professionals in the industry. The team is focusing on offering the empirical data collected from experts that can be the base for the next few years. The Aim of the company is to offering reports from numerous sectors such as FMCG, technology, food beverages, media, chemical, and healthcare among others.
Contact Us: Alden Brooks 3001 S King Drive, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A 60616 Contact No: +1-773-382-1047 Email: [email protected]
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vaibhavilatane · 4 years ago
Grid-Scale Battery Market (covid-19 update) upcoming business reports on size, shares, stocks and many more | forecasting report 2026
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                                 Grid-Scale Battery Market
The report carefully researches the Global Grid-Scale Battery Market, mainly focuses on the top players and their business tactics, geographical expansion, market segments, competitive landscape, product and cost and cost structure. Each segment of the examination report is extraordinarily intended to investigate significant discoveries of the worldwide market. For instance, the statistical surveying division looks profoundly into the drivers, restrictions, patterns and worldwide market openings.
This Press Release will assist you with understanding the Volume, development with COVID19 Impact Analysis. Click HERE To get SAMPLE PDF (Including TOC, Table & Figures) at: https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/request/13288  
Key Player Mentioned: LG Chem, Samsung Sdi, Panasonic, Fluence Energy, Tesla, BYD, ABB, GE, GS Yuasa, Toshiba, Saft Groupe, S&C Electric, NGK Insulators
 Product Segment Analysis: Lithium-Ion, Lead Acid, Flow, Sodium Based, Others and others
 Application Segment Analysis: Renewable Integration, Peak Shift, Ancillary Services, Back-Up Power, Others
Regional Segment Analysis: North America (U.S.; Canada; Mexico), Europe (Germany; U.K.; France; Italy; Russia; Spain etc.), Asia-Pacific (China; India; Japan; Southeast Asia etc.), South America (Brazil; Argentina etc.), Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia; South Africa etc.)
 The Global Grid-Scale Battery Market 2019 study provides a basic overview of the industry, including definitions, classifications, applications, and industry chain structure. Examine advancement approaches and designs, and break down assembling cycles and cost structures. The report also lists import or export consumption, supply and demand figures, costs, prices, sales, and gross margins.
 The detailed research provides qualitative and quantitative analysis of the Grid-Scale Battery market. The market was examined popular as well as in the extent of gracefully. Supply and Demand analysis covers market sales and key market participants and regional and global presence and strategies. Geographical analysis highlights each of the major countries in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa and Latin America.
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  Influence of the Report:
·         A comprehensive evaluation of all the opportunities and risks in the Grid-Scale Battery market.
·         Recent innovations and major developments in the Grid-Scale Battery market.
·         A detailed study of the business strategy for the growth of the player leading in the market.
·         The definitive study on the future growth of the market.
·         In-depth understanding of the Grid-Scale Battery market-specific drivers, constraints and key micro markets.
·         Favorable technology and market latest trends to hit the market.
Get Full Report Access at:  https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/inquiry/13288  
About Us: Introspective Market Research is a visionary research company who is ready to assist their customer to flourish their business by offering strategies for gaining success. We sell market research reports received from other leading companies in the market research industry which offer in-depth and trustworthy information on different topics and sectors. The IMR founded by the team of experts and experienced professionals in the industry. The team is focusing on offering the empirical data collected from experts that can be the base for the next few years. The Aim of the company is to offering reports from numerous sectors such as FMCG, technology, food beverages, media, chemical, and healthcare among others.
Contact Us :
Alden Brooks
3001 S King Drive,
Chicago, Illinois,
U.S.A 60616
Contact No: +1-773-382-1047
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