#c: akiak & angelo
fairytailskies · 2 months
for: angelo ( @halfwcytohell ) location: meteor shower viewing
Akiak couldn't remember the last time he stopped and looked at the stars. Life had gotten so hazy one day and never really stopped after that. It wasn't until he moved to Hemlock recently that he was learned how to slow down a bit in life and pick up hobbies he used to enjoy doing before. When he saw that there was going to be a meteor shower viewing at the park Aki told himself that he would not miss it, and he kept that promise. What he failed to think of was to invite someone, but it was too late now. He had found a spot to sit down and wait for the shower to begin. His attention would go from the screen of his phone to sky just to make sure he didn't get too caught up in his (stupidly) addicting YouTube reels.
It's only when his phone alerts him that it's on 20% did he decide to put it away for a moment. He casually looks around the different groups of people who had gathered to watch the meteor shower, letting out a small sigh. Then, in the distance, Aki spots someone that he never thought he'd see again, Angelo. He doesn't even think twice before he gets up and makes his way over in the direction of the other. It had been years since the two had last seen each other, Aki was much younger back in those days, and he didn't even know if Angelo was going to recognize him. "Angelo?" He asks, slowly approaching him. "It's okay if you don't remember me. It's...definitely been a while."
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