#c: Zekel
ofgrimhilde ยท 1 month
@covertegotism asked "i have no desire to get involved." Prompt from 'I don't want to get involved.'
Evie sighed, closing her eyes gently before turning on her heels to face Zekel. "Since when do you ever want to get involved, Jones? Your penchant for acting like you don't care must be hereditary. Just TRY for one minute to act like you care for someone else other than yourself, Hook. I know it's hard." She emphasized the last four words she spoke by scrunching her nose at the male. "But I believe in you. Even if you don't believe in yourself." She was still showing she had some goodness left in her. Even If it was just a little.
"Or would you prefer your hand actually be turned into a hook?" Ah. There it was. Her wicked grin and her cunning sarcasm.
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