#bye im going to the beach i need fresh air and fresh water and someone bonking me on my head to sedate me
myrquez · 2 months
i know dovquez is supposed to be the nice comfort ship or whatever but its even better when.. it is not.
and here i go rambling because
i’ll never be over dovi being So possessive and going all like ducati is mine nobody is going to take it away from me and. never settling for anything LESS really. dear petty impossibly stubborn possessive dovi. And. marc being haunted as per usual but not in a desperate and nostalgic way more like. i’m gonna be the most annoying brat you’ll ever met in your life and its gonna be even worse than any on track criminal offense bc you’re not acting as you should and im not used to it and this is pissing me off bc i cannot really control it so i’ll make you go grey right at the temples just to see how long it will take for you to reveal yourself and fucking explode or something. hate me. bruise me. ruin me. anything. and dovi isn’t pleased with it because he must be tired of playing by someone else’s rules. and ruin him he does.. but in a different way.. bc its dovi and he got all of the aces up his sleeve. he just knows how to make marc crumble, taking him by surprise bc nothing is ever predictable. not merciless but undaunted i mean. relentless. he knows how to put marc back under him in some swift, unprompted moves.. keep him there on a leash eventually, tightening or releasing it just when its needed.. so that nobody can take marc away from him anymore…
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ayyoitsalex · 4 years
Chapter 8 - Troop Mothers
Finding hobbies at a young age isn't always easy; You're not quite sure what you're good at or what you suck at. It's a lot of trial and error, and in my experience you keep your hobbies to yourself until you're convinced by someone else that you're good at it. Growing up I tried different sports and extra curricular activities to make friends or get outside, but it was a lot of misses. I tried soccer, two left feet. I tried girl scouts, no patience to go door to door. I tried softball, couldn't hit even if it was a beach ball. My siblings found their calling right away, and low key it was a little frustrating to being the designated fan of the family. Finally I started playing basketball with my dad and took to it like none of my siblings could, but never went out for any team. In my own selfish way I think I just wanted the games to just be about us. It's one on one time I spent with my dad at parks until dark, or until mom would call him to bring me home. And you know how the rest of my relationship with basketball goes. Sam and I are always trying to nudge our guys into getting out there. I don't want them growing up wishing they could've had memories. Though nothing seemed too interesting to them, but none the less they'd try. While I wanted them to have hobbies to make friends I didn't want them to feel like I was forcing them thus it becoming a chore. One afternoon walking through the outlet with Sam and the kids. We weren't there for anything in particular other than walk around and let the kids get some fresh air. There was a park nearby, so after not really buying anything we decided to hit the playground. The boys quickly ran off while Sam and I took Charly to the baby swings. "Not too far okay?" I shouted. They both gave me the thumbs up. I took video of Sam pushing Charly and posted it to my story because why not? Right then AJ ran back tugging on the legs of my jeans. "Mommy mommy!" He said excitedly. "Yes AJ what is it hon?" I knelt down. "C'mere I gotta show you something!" I smiled as he continued to pull me over. "Okay okay what do you wanna show me?" I followed behind him to a group of boy scouts. I started to get the idea. "The boy scouts?" I asked. "Yeah! Some of my friends are over there. Can I join?" His eyes looked at me eagerly. I was just as excited on the inside that he'd shown so much desire for something. Charly and Sam followed. "Baby! AJ wants to join boy scouts." I smiled from ear to ear. "Buddy! That's awesome! Of course let's get you signed up!" Sam gasped. Sam and I found the troop leader who looked like he was a father to one of the other boys. "Hi excuse me?" I tapped his shoulder. "Yes?" He asked turning around to us. "Is it too late to have my son join the scouts like is there scout season? We're not too familiar with..traditions or whatnot." He laughed at my question amused. "No no we take scouts all year round. You're all from around Oceancoast right?" We nodded excitedly. "Yeah my son has classmates in this troop we just found out." "Great great then I'm sure he'll have no problem blending right in with the troop. What about your son ma'am does he also want to join?" Sam tilted her head slightly confused. "..well yeah he's also my son." The troop leader immediately realized his mistake, and both Sam and I were waiting on the next words out of his mouth. "OH! I'm so sorry I didn't realize. I really do apologize I didn't know." He looked sincerely sorry, so we believed him. "No it's okay you couldn't have known. I guess I really should've said our son." He took a sigh of relief that we weren't about to kill him. "Then let's get your son all signed up, we have some forms here to sign and things you'll need  to get before the next meeting. This ones just about finished." "Alright, AJ! C'mere." He raced over to us while Cole waited with Charly by the stroller. Aj walked over from his friends. "This is gonna be your troop leader Mr...we didn't catch your name." "Oh! I'm not the troop LEADER, I just help out the leader. Here. Honey!" He shouted. Whoops I guess we made a mistake too. A woman blew a whistle before jogging over to us. "What's up?" Both Sam and I both began smiling even bigger. "Oh you've gotta be shitting me." Eve motherfuckin' Hunter out here teaching boys life skills. "Well it's been a long time ladies." "Wait..am i missing something?" Her husband looked around at us. "I played high school basketball with these two knuckleheads." "I thought you lived in LA!" Sam exclaimed hugging her tight. "Well we did, but y'know how things go." We all kinda drifted off from each other after Peyton and I graduated. "This is awesome! Our boys can be friends! AJ this is Ms. Eve." "Aha so you wanna join our troop?" AJ nodded a little unsure of what just transpired. "Well firstly, in my troop we are vocal and make our voices heard, so again you wanna join our troop?" "Yes Ms. Eve!" AJ smiled, and saluting for good measure. "Our salutes a little different here buddy." She showed him and he signed back. "This'll be great I can reconnect with you guys again." "Shoot all we need is Peyton and we're all here again." I said. "Wait is Kayla back too?!" Eve gasped. "See maybe social media isn't such a bad thing." Sam smirked showing her an instagram post. "Anyway our meetings pretty much up, and it looks like Dan got you all the forms you need. We normally don't have our meetings here it's usually at the rec center but still on Saturdays. Don't be late!" We nodded before waving bye. Sam and i looked over the forms and the things the scouts would be learning to do, and we both agreed it was a good thing for AJ. We spent the rest of the afternoon driving to get AJ his uniform and other things he'd be needing. "He's gonna have so much fun." Sam said reading through the scout handbook. "I think so too, but there's one thing we gotta talk to him about." "What's that?" "I think we should talk to him about being able to stick with it." "Oh for sure I think that's a good idea. AJ can you come in here please?" He poked his head through our office door. "C'mere baby we gotta talk to you." "Whats up?" He asked sitting down. "So this scouts stuff, we know you're excited. Promise us now you're going to stick with it." Sam said seriously. "I promise!" He put his hand over his heart. "Okay we'll remember this talk. Cause we're excited for you too and think you'll have a lot of fun." "I think so too especially since one of your friends is our troop leader." "Mhmm I'm sure you'll learn a lot from Eve." The next week AJ got dressed for his first meeting, and Sam and I couldn't contain our excitement. He looked so cute in his little navy blue uniform and hat. We went over the handbook since he'd need to know some scout oath before he officially joined. I snapped a picture of Sam with him and sent it to everyone I knew. My sibling group chat immediately responded. "OMG LOOK AT AJ IN HIS LITTLE UNIFORM! Augh my heart!" -Natalie "WOO! You go godson!" -Nathan "IM SOBBING DUDE HES  SO CUTE TELL HIM THAT I LOVE HIM! TELL HIM!" -Elizabeth the always dramatic. We drove over to the rec center, parking by what looked to be Eve. She was unloading a box and greeted us. "Hey guys! Whoa look at this little dude! All ready to be a scout?" She said looking at AJ. "Yes Ms. Eve!" He said proudly. "That's what I like to hear! Now they're all waiting inside you can join your friends and we'll get started in a minute." AJ raced inside eager as ever. "You guys can stay and watch if you want, if not we finish at seven. If you're late picking up your kid more than twice I will not have him back with me." Sam and I were a little taken back by the warning. "Sorry didn't mean to shake you, but I'm just required to say so." We nodded our heads. "We'll be on time to pick him up Eve don't you worry!" Sam saluted the boy scout way. Eve rolled her eyes laughing. "You never did change did you Sam?" "NOPE! ITS WHY THIS ONE LOVES ME!" Sam shouted as we walked back to the car. We had a little bit of separation anxiety for a minute because we didn't leave right away. "Look he'll be fine. This is good for him." "Right..right.." I took a breath. "Okay let's go..It's only two hours." We went back to my parent's house where they were watching Cole and Charly. It felt a little weird just having the two kids with us. Sam and I fed them dinner, and gave Charly a bath to pass the time until pick up. Around six thirty we left my parents to go pick up AJ. I was ready to hear all about it. We arrived a little early so we stood by the door and watched with some of the other parents. Sam and I also took the time to introduce ourselves to some of the other families since we figured we would see a lot of one another in the times ahead. The group of boys sat in front of Eve listening intently as she demonstrated knot tying. Even I took some mental notes. At the close of the meeting they all huddled together before howling goodbye. The boys high fived one another until AJ spotted us. He ran right over smiling big. "Have fun sweetie?" I asked. "Uh huh! I can't wait to come back next week!" "My kind of scout!" Eve smiled walking from behind him. They high fived. I never knew Eve had this kind of touch with kids, but then again I never really knew all that much about Eve to begin with. "How'd our little guy do?" Sam asked. "Oh like a fish in water fit right in." My heart couldn't be more full at the moment. "He did a great job. You wanna show your moms some of the stuff we learned today?" AJ pulled a set of strings from his pack and proceeded to show us the different knots. When he finished we all clapped for him, and I could tell it made him feel good. "Thanks Ms. Eve." "Aha you're welcome. Now be sure to practice and do some of the handbook reading with your parents." They saluted one another before Eve began to walk away. "Alrighty lets get you home so you can have dinner, finish your homework, and get ready for bed."
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