#bye bye lucius youre dead anyway
burninglesbian · 1 year
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911 my lesbianism is acting up send help
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ktofwriting · 1 year
Wayne-Barnes Marvel/DC crossover Introduction
Tags: introduction and background, first writing, WIP, fluff, Marvel Captain America Civil War spoilers, not canon compliant.
Name: Brooklyn Elizabeth Wayne-Barnes 
Mother (Unknown) -Dead
Father- Hans ? - Dead 
Adopted Parents:
Bruce Wayne- Father
Selina Kyle -Mother
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd 
Tim Drake
Stephanie Brown 
Harper Row
Helena Wayne
Best Friends: Jason, Alfred, and Lucius 
Husband: James Buchannan Barnes
Job: Tech Executive for Wayne Enterprises, Intel for the Justice League
Avenger Friends: Sam Wilson, Peter Parker, Loki 
“I would strongly recommend going to Wayne Enterprises for a replacement arm for Sergeant Barnes, Captain,” Shuri told Steve. 
“Wayne? The family is still around and in business.”
“Yes. However, the Stark and Wayne feud has not gotten any better over the years.  Howard and Thomas were considered to have been the worst in terms of the feud. Tony and Brooklyn, however, truly can not stand one another. Lucky for you, I know Brooklyn and can help get her to help you and Sergeant Barnes. She is the world leader in prosthetics, and I highly recommend her.” Shuri explained. 
“I will take him, just help us get to her, and I will make sure that he shows up.”
“Perfect, I will call her tonight.” Shuri called Brooklyn Wayne and got sent to voicemail.
“Hey, Brooklyn. It’s Shuri, I need to ask a favor of you. I have Sergeant Barnes with us right now and he needs a replacement prosthetic left arm. Is there any way you could help a girl out here? Anyways, let me know what you can do, miss you. Bye.”  
Shuri got a text later that night that simply asked “Is the arm still with him? Thursday works.” Shuri told Steve to be in Gotham City on Thursday as they had an appointment with Brooklyn and that she had told her that the original arm was lost.
Bucky was nervous about being in a new place, mostly since all of them were still fugitives of the law. Sam was more worried that they were in Justice League territory as Avengers, and they did not get along. However, Shuri trusted Brooklyn. They wanted to help Bucky, so Sam, Steve, and Bucky were going to Wayne Enterprises on a rainy Thursday morning. The three men exited their car when a security guard in the front approached them. 
“You three, come with me, keep your head down. Stark’s been tampering with the security cameras again.” The guard gruffed out. 
Sam’s eyebrows rose at Stark’s boldness in Gotham and that a guard was waiting for them. He knew that the Wayne’s took security very seriously and that they had been waiting on them both comforted and unnerved him. Knowing that Stark was messing with the people he hoped would help him and Bucky, Steve felt on edge. The security guard walked them into the building and down two flights of stairs before stopping in front of a large door and knocking. 
“Come in, Mark.” A voice called out, slightly muffled. 
The trio entered while the guard held the door open and saw Lucius Fox inside a series of rooms connected to the large spacious room. The room had lots of computer screens, bookcases stacked full of books, and tables everywhere. Seating was spread throughout the room, making little sections of the room into cozy areas.  Steve was impressed by how it managed to both look like a lab and a mini library while not giving up any features. Bucky was checking for exits and found that each room had two exits that were visible to him at the entrance which comforted him. 
“Sorry for the guard, but neither Wayne wanted to risk your lives because of Stark’s security theft. Shuri informed us that the arm was lost?” Fox shortly asked, staring at Steve, knowing that they didn’t take the arm, and worried Stark or Hydra could have grabbed it. 
“Yes. It was removed and left behind.” Steve answered calmly, but he did not like the question or the tone.
Next: introduction of Brooklyn
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miss-choco-chips · 4 years
Love like poison
Soo... I did that, huh. I have no excuses, I was sad, so now you’re all sad with me.
Warnings: angst. Hurt. Hospitals. Puking. Blood. 
He can’t breath.
He had always been scarily good at deception, Dick thinks blandly. His heart is screaming, and crying, and being torned apart, but his mind is strangely steady. A calm voice, sounding all too much like Bruce when he just became his ward and was hounded by panic attack after panic attack, reminded him of his- their options. 
But it was hard, to listen to that part of himself. Hard to remember they still had time, Tim wasn’t dead yet, they still could…
Tim coughed again, and a waterfall of belladonnas, nightshades and clematis spilled into the ground.
(Danger, artifice and death. Whoever it was Tim loved, they couldn’t be worth this pain, if those were the flowers they filled him with)
Fully bloomed and bloodstained. This wasn’t a new disease; it had been left to fester inside the young man for too long, and now…
Now Tim couldn't breath.
Everything else took a backseat as he rushed towards him, falling into his knees by his side in the Cave’s cold floor, screaming for Alfred, Bruce… for help. 
He had been forced into bed rest. No one would budge, no matter how much he complained.
-I’ve been going out with Hanahaki for as long as I’ve been a vigilante; this is nothing.
Alfred had to leave the room. Bruce’s face had spasmed and closed, emotions tightly locked inside. Jason punched a hole through the wall and stormed off after the butler.
Damian had clutched Dick’s hand as he watched his intubated brother. It’d be forever their secret, how the youngest boy’s hands had trembled.
Tim just coughed again, and fell asleep clutching a bouquet of foxgloves and dogbane. Tucked in by insincerity and deception.
Dick could only cry the night away.
-I refuse.
Those two words stop the word in its axis. Hearts refuse to beat, birds quieten their singing, and it seems the wind itself stops howling, breath held in wait of the punchline. Of the explanation. Of the apology.
Tim offers none. Just looks outside the window and repeats his decision once the doctor enters to check the reason for Jason’s yelling.
Their begs go ignored. Their anger, scoffed at. Their cries produce little more than a sigh.
Tim  asks the nurse for a bucket and pukes a river of deathly flowers, seams and all. She pats his back in comfort and looks at them with pity in her eyes, because Tim is no longer a minor, they can’t force his hand, and the staff are under oath to respect the patient's wishes.
Hyacinths. Please forgive me.
I can’t forgive a corpse, he wants to say. He can’t- it wouldn’t be heard over Jason’s screams, or his own sobs. 
Tim signs the documents Lucius hands him with trembling hands. Dick has to steady him and hold his body upright, and press a handkerchief to his pale lips when he can’t keep the coughs inside any longer and spills fully bloomed oleander on the fabric. He’s careful that no drop of blood falls in the papers.
Distrust. He’s worried about the future of Wayne Enterprises, now that he’d no longer be at the helm.
Dick wants to shake him, shake him until he coughs out all the flowers, all the love, all the death. Until his lungs are free and his head is set straight. Until his cheeks flush again, his eyes get their shine back, and he’s warm and living once more. 
Wants to shake him as if he could spit his little brother out, along with the plants and blood. The little brother he basically raised, protected, mentored, loved. The one he’s about to lose.
He doesn’t. Wonders when, exactly, did he stop fighting for him.
And when did Tim stop fighting for himself?
Cass and Steph had arrived two weeks after Tim’s hospitalization. They'd been deep undercover, and Bruce’s emergency call hadn’t reached them until just then.
When they stormed into Tim’s private rooms, the Wayne family felt a shadow of hope blossoming in their hearts. Was it Steph? They had been together a while ago, maybe Tim’s feelings had remained and he thought hers were gone. Maybe they weren’t, and they could…
Tim’s face didn’t turn wistful, but guilty.
Cass’s hand took his, and Stephanie’s fingers combed his hair away from his forehead. She retrieved a petal from within the locks; hydrangea. Thank you for understanding.
They knew?
The betrayal stung, but Dick forced himself into calmness before analyzing them better. Cass was the one who looked regretful but resigned. Stephanie, while carefully silent, was still despairing enough that he knew this was news for her as well. Maybe her partner had put her up to speed during their trip here?
And his sister… Tim had backed her up from the beginning, when both he and Batman distrusted her past. He had stood up for her and she had always been careful to repay him in kind. There was no point in getting mad at her now.
Dick just hoped their bond would be enough for her to convince him to take the damned operation now.
Conner Kent arrives one afternoon, grim faced but unsurprised. Dick suspects he’s known for a long time now, and hates him a little for not telling them. Not doing anything before Tim started choking on dangerously full bloomed plants.
Bruce must have been beyond himself with helplessness, if he called him. Dick’s own despair is the only reason he doesn’t punch him in his invulnerable jaw.
They left the room (some of them for the first time in days) when Conner asks, because they are just that desperate.
Tim and Conner talk around the issue, never saying any name, because they aren’t dumb enough to ignore the possibility of microphones and cameras.
They speak for hours. Kon reminds him of the time he has left (not a lot, dude). Tim replies he’s not ready (for what?). He pukes a beautiful, complete wisteria (I cling to thee). Conner takes it with shaking hands and puts it behind Tim’s ear, the purple contrasting with his dark hair and almost bringing life back to his deathly pale face. He nods, says he understands. Dick doesn’t.
The meta says they all miss him, at the tower. They want him back as soon as possible (they are not the only ones), so he better hurry up and get better. Tim pats his hand, whispers something they can’t hear, and then they hug for long minutes, maybe an hour (Dick’s perception of time is meassured by coughs and breaths, these days), until Tim chokes on air and pukes sweetpeas (Departure, remember me, good-bye, tender memory, thank you for a lovely time).
Conner cries a little when he leaves the room. Tim is again looking at his window. All signs of the happiness his friend brought with him, gone again, washed away like his petals on the wind.
Dick goes after him and wants to scream and insult and hit him.
‘Talk  him out of this!’
‘He needs the surgery!’
‘What are you good for, if you don’t convince him to fight for himself?’
‘Your best friend is dying and you’re doing nothing!’
‘Do you even love him? At all?!’
He ends up falling into his chest and crying, instead.
‘My little brother is dying, and I can’t do anything about it’
Conner doesn’t hug him back. Doesn’t even look at him when he dislodges Dick’s arms from his middle and turns away, leaving the hospital and any hope the Wayne family had of saving Tim behind.
There was scorn in his gaze, but he doesn’t need the meta to voice his thoughts, for him to get the message. Unneeded, besides; he already blames himself enough.
-What are you doing?
For a few minutes, Dick thinks the words escape his own mouth. The question had been bouncing around in his head, but unvoiced; doubting Tim would even answer. He only ever spoke when Alfred or one of his friends came.
But no, it was Damian who asked, and Dick saw the bedridden boy parting his dry, bloodstained lips to answer.
From the corner of his eye, he saw Jason sitting straight in the couch he had claimed for himself a a few day prior. The four of them were alone at the time, and Dick felt a weak throb of hope at the idea that maybe without their Father, Tim would be willing to answer.
-About what? -asked Jay this time, voice rough for all the shouting he’d been doing lately. He was more mellow, today; tired of fighting against Tim’s imperturbable facade.
-About who. The one who planted these seeds in my lungs. Just… reminescenting.
-What the... ? Stop! -Dick’s voice broke- You know it makes the Hanahaki worse! You are just watering those, those… weeds! You are not even ignoring the precipice, you are speeding towards it!
Tim’s face never turned from the window. His hands fiddled with some nerium oleander flowers, a far away look in his eyes.
Distrust. Beware. Caution. What was Tim scared of, that was worse than death?
-I’m almost done, anyway -he sighed, letting the violet and bloody red petals fall to the bed. The white sheets and colorful flower made a sick disparity. 
Dick wanted to scream- What? Your life?
Jason and Damian flinched at his words. Tim smiled without humor.
-My resistance.
He sighed again, and didn’t speak for a long while. His eyes left the window to look at Dick, and they stayed like that for what seemed like hours, eyes locked, Tim’s unreadable icy blues against Dick’s sky ones.
When he finally did, it was to ask for a doctor.
They were kicked out of the room. All of them, even Bruce. No matter how much money he offered, or how he reminded the hospital staff of their debt to his family; apparently, Tim had chosen the most morally upright doctors in the whole city to treat him. That, or he’d threaten them worse than even the Batman could. 
Both are equally plausible, coming from his scheming, cunning little brother.
Dick can’t breath, is holding all his air and emotions tight in his chest from the moment they are given the boot until a nurse approaches, face a blank mask but eyes betraying her relief.
Tim had agreed to the surgery.
He would live.
Dick is more focused on the colchicum she’s twisting in her hands.
My best days fled.
For a moment, he’s not sure who was the intended recipient of the message. Nor why his throat hurts so bad.
There was going to be a long recovery time, they are told. Tim’s flowers were left free to fester and grow and twist inside of him for too long. A lot of tissue had to be removed along with the roots, the stems had scratched along his esophagus and…
And there was something else. Something the doctor refrained from telling them. Something that turned Tim’s smile empty when they visited him after the procedure, lying still in the too big bed. Had made his voice devoid of any feeling as he told them he’d be having his rehabilitation in San Francisco’s General Hospital. He had a house there, he informed them, and his own company, that he apparently had been preparing for a long time now.  He wouldn’t be opposed to future contracts with WE, but now was time for him to spread out his wings and fly. The Titans would look over him during his recovery, after all, and Gotham was no place for a bedridden vigilante anyway.
Dick felt cold all over.
A bouquet in Tim’s hands, gift from his friends, told them what they needed to know about his decision. 
Lantana. Unyielding. 
Pasque flower. You have no claim.
Azalea. Take care of yourself for me.
The operation should have gotten rid of Tim’ feelings towards the one he loved. Why was he leaving the entire family behind, instead?
Alfred wasn’t there when Tim was discharged. He had decided to go back to the mannor first, with both Cassandra and Stephanie, to ready everything for the family’s return. For those who were coming back, at least. Tim had said goodbye to him in private, Dick thinks. He doesn’t understand.
Bruce goes next, and he leaves the room shortly after, confusion as clear in his face as when he went in.
Jason and Damian entered together, neither trusting the other with their bedridden, weakened brother. Dick thinks, if there was something positive to take out of Tim’s suffering, was the cementing of his bond with both his predecessor and successor. They left with twin paper slips and a direction scratched on them. An invitation for the future.
As requested, Dick was the last one. He had to stop at the threshold and just relish in the image his brother gave. Healthier than he had been in weeks (maybe months, even), rosy cheeks, no sign of shadows under his eyes, easy smile stretching lazy lips. Hair a mess, but when wasn’t it? Still underweight, the days leading to the surgery, specially hard on his body, had prevented him from eating much of anything, but that was nothing a lot of care wouldn't solve. Care that would be provided by his friends, apparently. 
His heart throbs.
They hadn’t been alone in a room together in quite a long time. When Tim succumbed to Hanahaki and collapsed in the Cave, maybe? And before that? At least a year and a half, maybe two, before he gave Robin to Damian.
Tim is lounging by the window, travel backpack at his feet. Conner would be picking him up from the hospital’s rooftop any minute now, and the rest of their team had already went to the mannor for the rest of his luggage. 
One last goodbye, and Tim would be gone. 
(Better in San Francisco than dead, he thinks)
-Why? -he asks, unable to stop himself. The question had burned at his throat for too long now, and he wanted to cough to get rid of the feeling. He refrained; weary of anything that could delay his answers.
Tim, so tight lipped he had been lately on the subject, let his smile stretch an inch wider.
-I’ve been in love with you for as long as memory serves, Dick. 
Easy, voice almost breezy. As if had not completely turned Dick’s world over.
Unperturbed by Dick’s gasp and his sudden need to grasp the wall for support, Tim continued.
-My feelings for the rest of the family were built over that, and now that they are gone… well. I still care for them, the small part of me that wasn’t consumed by love grew to like them besides what I felt for you, but the feeling is… a lot smaller than it was before.
A small shrug, he looked at his wristwatch and bent to pick his backpack up. Apparently they were running out of time for their goodbye.
Dick had believed Tim had saved him for last because there were many things he needed to tell him. Turns out that he just didn’t care enough. Didn’t care anymore.
-You know how it is, when you stack everything over one little, unstable piece of yourself? When it collapses, it takes everything away. My life as a vigilante was spurred from meeting you so long ago. I came to be Bruce’s partner and later his son because of you. I made up with Jason and Damian because you edged us on. I guess Alfie, Cass and Steph are the most detached from that, so I’m cool with them now as well. The rest… I’ll guess we’ll see, from now on, how it goes. Fresh starts and all that.
He approaches Dick, still smiling. Dick has to force himself not to shiver. There’s nothing scary in Tim’s eyes, nothing dark; just lightness and calmness. 
He’d never noticed, how charged those eyes were when they looked at him. Now, they barely held anything. 
And that by itself was terrifying.
-I still care about you, don’t make that face -he laughs, but it’s… it’s not the laugh he’s used to. Not the one that screams so many feelings. Not the one that always made him felt like he was on top of the world just from earning it-. You are part of the Waynes. We’ll see each other soon enough, and I’m sure we’ll be able to built a new relationship that’s not linked with my hopeless love. It’ll probably take time, I’m bound to be very busy with my new company and my team, but hey, we’re young, there’s time.
Dick feels sick. His chest is so tight, he can’t breath.
-Don’t look so grim -Tim whispers, a hand careful on Dick’s shoulders-. You were right, the operation was for the best. I was just… desperate and lost, you know? I felt that way for so long, I didn’t knew how to be anything else than in love with you. Wasn’t sure how much of me would remain after getting rid of that part. Apparently -he waves at himself- enough. 
Another step, Tim was just by his side, still touching him but now closer. Another step, and he’d be out of the room.
-After everything went wrong between us… the flowers I used to have were prettier. Both in meaning and… well. Do you know what belladonnas, nightshades, clematis and every other flower I coughed had in common?
He shakes his head. Isn’t sure if Tim can see it over how hard he’s shaking.
-They are all poisonous. That’s what my love for you was in the end, Dick. It was poison, and it was killing me inside faster than even the Hanahaki, but I still nurtured it. Them. Those flowers were killing me, and I still cared for them, watered them with my tears and memories. I know, it was silly, but… Well, you know how people say ‘pick your poison’? I picked you. I hanged on until I couldn't anymore. Letting the flowers go was the hardest choice I ever made -he laughs, a little incredulous- and now that they are gone, I can’t even understand why. I guess only those in love can.
He’s still smiling when he lets go of Dick’s shoulder and steps out into the hallway. 
-Bye, Dick. See you soon, okay? Take care.
Dick stays there, frozen in the door, for a long time. Thinking of Tim, of the years spent together, the pain and the happiness they shared.
He remembers the kid he was, bright eyed. Always following him around when he had the chance, hanging out to Dick’s every word. Always kind, good beyond belief. Too much, for the life they lead. Too bright for all the darkness surrounding the Bat.
Until everything started crumbling. Until the weight of duty drove Dick into distrust. Into choosing. Into abandoning.
Until all those sweet memories turned into even sweeter poison.
The happy but naive kid, turned ruthless but righteous teen, turned dangerous and kind hearted young man. The kind of man who receives a vial of toxics from a loved one, and still drinks it with a smile. Still fights to do good. Still tries to keep his feelings, as hurtful as they turned to be, close to his heart.
He was heartbreakingly beautiful in his sadness when he decided to let go, and now in the lightheadedness of finally being able to breath.
Dick falls to his knees. Emotions too deep, too complicated, swim around his head.
He feels like he lost something invaluable. He’s not sure what: Tim is still there, alive and happy. And they’d have to rebuild their bridges, but that was possible as long as he was there.
So why…?
All comes crashing around him, and he allows himself to cough, trying to get the heaviness off his airways. To breath again, after Tim took all the air with him when he left.
He coughs, and coughs and coughs.
Ranunculus petals come out. I’m dazzled by your charms.
He coughs, heaves and pukes. Crawls into the room and closes the door behind him. No one can see.
Lilies of the valley, fully bloomed. Sweetness. Happiness through the ages. You’ve made my life complete.
Gasping for air, he drags himself to the nearest wall, back resting against it as he hides his face in knees drawn up against his chest.
A hemlock, bloodstained. You will cause my death.
A shadow passes by the window. It’s dark and blue and a little red; Superboy, taking Tim to San Francisco and away from him. From the man who almost killed him.
He cries in between coughs, as the garden of lost chances, poisonous flowers and blood grow around him. It’s grimly beautiful; no wonder Tim was hesitant of getting rid of it.
He can’t breath.
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Of the Devil’s head
Chapter four - Bloody hell!
Sander’s side fanfiction
Wordcount: 1304
Ships: still just prinxiety 
TW: mentions of blood, cursing, injury, post-operations stuff talk kinda, imprisonment, a lot of panicking and distress - which kind off resembles an anxiety-attack but not really. I think I’ve got all. As always, if I missed anything, let me know, please. I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. :3
Summary of the whole story: They say, the one that wears the crown rules all - the living, the dead, the walking, the crawling, the rooted, the sane and the mad. They say, once you own the crown, you become the  most powerful being on Earth and beyond. Roman’s stolen bigger things - a measly little crown won’t present a problem, even if he has to steel it straight off of the devils head!
Chapter four - Bloody hell!
Not only does time not work in Hell, but apparently physics doesn’t either. Because no matter how Virgil looked at it, there was just no way this weird figure could’ve fallen straight onto him from the place he was situated at.
He was climbing the throne from the back. Reaching from the side. So please explain to him, how the hell was he able of falling fall over and landing directly on top of the king?
Either Hell was truly that massed up, or this person was just unconventionally clumsy.
Virgil didn’t have much time to ponder on it, though. He yelped and pushed the stranger off. Which resulted in poor Roman landing on his back on the hard ground. Broken stalagmites and new once that were just growing out pushed into his back, his head hitting a particularly sharp one.
Dull ache spread through his whole body. “Aw…” he groaned weakly, reaching for his head. Carefully trying to lift himself into a sitting position, the voices around him started to come back to him.
Someone on his right was barely breathing, short fast breaths not enough to satisfy their lungs. And someone on his left was laughing their ass off.
Roman frowned at the general direction of the laugh. This was not funny.
And why was everything so hazy? His vision was fogged and blurry and his hearing muffled and muted down. And oh god, his head!
He pulled his hand away. Even this out of focus, he could make out the big red splotch that covered his palm. Well, this is just great!
He had to get out of there before these things could lock him up, but the room was starting to spin and his eyes got kind off heavy… He just wanted to lay down… just for a little bit….
“Startup immediate! Let’s fucking eat him!”
Well at least that’s what Roman made out of what the creature on his right said. And that didn’t sound like the most pleasant thing. He didn’t feel like sleeping anymore. He had to get up! He had to run!
In reality, what Virgil said was: “Shut up, you idiot! They’re fucking bleeding!”
Panic seeping all the way to his bones he rushed over to the distressed stranger. This wasn’t good! He couldn’t leave them to just bleed out!  
Remi paid his master’s stressed-out state no mind. He was too preoccupied leaning over, just barely standing - laughing so hard. “And?”
Virgil couldn’t believe this! “Remington! Go get the fucking healers!”
When Virgil got distressed and needed people to listen, his voice pitched down a few octaves and doubled over. Demons called it his Monster voice.
In this particular instance, the Monster voice was nothing compared to the way he roared at the servant.
He immediately shut up and ran off to find help.
The king was left alone with a very woozy, barely conscious and scared to death Roman. “Oh shit! Don’t die on me...! Please...!”
He didn’t know what to do with his hands. Could he touch the creature? Should he touch them? What if they have a broken rib or something? 
They ended up just awkwardly hovering over the wounded figure.  
Meanwhile, Roman didn’t even know what was going on. His mind was too foggy to comprehend anything. He just sat there, willing himself to think the one thought he needed to think.
But what was that thought again?
Some-Something about… running?
Yeah, yeah that…
He… he wanted to run. From what...?
Nobody seemed to be nearby… So why did he want to…
Wait, what did he want again…?
Oh, right. Sleep…
Virgil’s hand-hovering came to an end the moment the med-team stepped into the hall. “Your Majesty.” the demons all bowed.
“Stop bowing and get this Human to the med-bay! Immediately!”
“Yes sir.” the main healer nodded shortly and rushed over to the thief. The rest followed.
The devil let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and fall back against the throne. It was going to be okay now. His healers are the best in the under-world. They’ll take care of them.
He watched as they took the now unconscious figure away. Remi walked up to him, not-bothered as always. “I don’t see why we couldn’t just left it to bleed out.”
Virgil was too tired for this. His mind was going three miles per second and he just needed to calm down… He turned his cold gaze at the demon. “You’re a mind reader. Figure it out.”
That shut Remi up. No matter how much fun it would’ve been to see the Human suffer, hearing what ran through his king’s head wasn’t fun at all. He wasn’t about that. “I’ll be throwing down damned souls into the pit. If you need me, just call my name, babe. Byeeeee!!” And with a finger-wiggle wave, he left the room.
Virgil didn’t feel like getting up. The ground seemed comfortable enough for now. (There wasn’t much of a difference between it and the throne anyway.)
A Human being. A living, breathing, Human flashbang. He hasn’t seen a living specimen in… He doesn’t even know when was the last time one stood before him.
And now there was one in his med-bay. Antichrist, this was bad!
What is he even supposed to do with a creature like that? Besides torture, obviously. Sweet mother of evil!
The devil sat there, contemplating un-life until one of the healers walked into the hall.
“Your highness, the Human has been dealt with. We stopped the bleeding, and stitched up the wound best we could. It is still unconscious, though, so we locked it in one of the cells, temporarily.”
“Thank you, Lucius. Let me know when they wake up.”
“Yes, sir.” with that, the servant left. And Virgil finally climbed back on that uncomfortable throne. He pulled his phone out, and started scrolling through Tumblr once again. Things didn’t seem so boring anymore.
Roman came to a few hours later - not that he knew how much time had passed. What he knew though, was that he was in a dark cell guarded by two demons. Even through his hazy brain he could understand the situation he was in - he was a prisoner. ”Oh, holly mother Teresa!” he freaked, standing up and rushing over to the bars. Well, more like he stumbled...
“You have to let me out! Come on! You don’t understand! Let me out!” he gripped the cold stone bars.
One of the guards looked at him, then exchanged looks with the other. The second nodded and left, leaving Roman with a very angry looking demon.
He gulped. “Mr. Ehr, Miss- am… I… ah, please let me go…?”
The guard didn’t even glance at him.
Well, this was going well.
The second guard entered the throne hall and bowed down deep. Virgil rolled his eyes. “I’ve been telling you for thousands of years to stop bowing! It’s betting annoying.”
The demon straightened up immediately, nodding ashamed. “I apologize, your evilness.” Another eyeroll. These titles were getting better by the decade.
“What’s up, Derius?” he leaned on the arm-rests, razing his eyebrow.
“The prisoner woke up.”
Oh. Oh shit. Okay. Okay... “Are they okay?”
“It seems fine. IA bit out of it and scared, but that is to be expected. We did just imprison it in an environment completely different from his natural habitat…”
Virgil nodded, feeling his heartrate spike and slow again. They were all right.
Then an idea popped up in his head. Slowly, a grin pulled at his lips. Remi wanted fun, didn’t he?
Virgil could be fun. (Now that he knew nothing serious was happening with the Human.) Virgil could be very, very fun. He bit his lip and looked up at the guard.
“Bring me that thief.”
Iiiiiiii can’t even believe it!
Another part, right the next day? I’m kicking this block’s ass, y’all! :D And look where we are! Remember that first anonymous comment that started all this?
But hey, I really hoped you enjoyed it. :3
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. If I have an answer I’ll gladly share it. And if I don’t, you just helped me come up with another addition to the story ;D
I’ll be back with a new chapter as soon as possible :) 
(I wasn’t kidding when I said this was becoming my new hyper-fixation XD)
Bye, for now <3
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S5E6
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post. 
*does the spirit fingers during the FOX logo for Hulu*
*imitates the Epic Voice Trailer guy doing the Gotham commercials*
“Everybody, raise your glasses to the killer of Jeremiah Valeska!”  *shakes head*  Noooo...
*Recaps shows Jim kissing Barbara*  God... no...
So far, I actually do like Shane West as Eduardo.  It’ll be interesting to see how he does Bane.
“Walker wants Ed Nygma taken out.”  Are we ever gonna see Walker?
*Recap shows Jim sliding down the chute to escape Eduardo*  YEET
*Recap shows Ed going after Jim*  YEET
Oh this starts off like right afterwards!
Oh this camera is awesome!  And I know Ben McKenzie directed this episode too so... dang!
Oh and it’s one shot too!  Shit!
*gasps when Jim gets shot at through an abandoned car*
*Jim gets clipped in the neck*  Ooooohhh!
“Your chances at survival are astronomically low, James.”  That sounds so weird.
Also, how is Ed able to keep up with Jim?
*Jim searches for medical supplies in an abandoned ambulance*  Jimm, what are you doing?!?
*gasps when Ed tries to strangle Jim with a medical tube*
*gasps when Jim uses the AED to short out Ed*  OOHHHHHHHHH!!!
*jaw drops*  WHAA--
*gasps in delight*  Edward!  I love that dog so much.
“Cash and jewels aplenty/ Sparkle in the sky/ Five and ten and twenty/ time to say bye bye!”  *gasps*  Magpie!
Her voice is giving Jeremiah’s Tim Curry impression a run for his money!
“Penguin!  Didn’t think you’d miss a couple things.  Couple things go missing all the time!”  I love her already.
*says “Bang bang!” along with Magpie*
*gasps when the double Magpie gives Oswald starts heating up*  What?!?
“Who... the hell... WAS THAT?!?”  *laughs*
“What did I do?”  “Tried to kill me.”  “Oh... is that all?”  *scoffs in hilarity*
“I need answers, Ed.  I know Walker gave the orders to destroy Haven and the supply helicopter.”  OK, so it was Ed who also took down the chopper!
Oooohhh, Bruce lookin’ sharp!  With the coat.... oooohhh!!
“What is it?”  Wh-what?
“No, it’s just this unit.  Their motto is ‘Born in Blood.’”  Wait, Alfred knows Eduardo’s unit?  What?
“Where’s Captain Gordon?”  Shooot, man!
*Some of the soldiers try to escort Bruce and Alfred out*  Uh-uh!  Don’t you dare!
Oh yeah, like that’s gonna keep them down there-
*Bruce and Alfred take out the soldiers in the hallway*  OHH GO!  YES!  YES!
“Bruce hit me up on the radio a little while ago, looking for you.  Said things are a mess in the GCPD.”  OK wow, so like everybody’s in contact with each other.  Wow!
“But you [Jim] have me [Barbara].”  “And me [Ed].”  “I [Jim] don’t trust you-”  *laughs*
“Can I [Barbara] just help?”  “Not you, not usually.”  *sits back in doubt*
“So where’s that first aid kit?”  *laughs*  Ed’s like “I don’t wanna interrupt you two doing whatever but I’m gonna go make myself useful!”
“I’d [Eduardo] listen to her, Jim.”  Shiit!
Mmmmmm.... dang it!
What the heck is PSYOPS?
AN:  Oh my God...
“Civilians?  This hellhole is infested with criminals and terrorists.  Sometimes you just have to clean house, you know?”  Ohhhhh God
“I’m not dead yet.”  I’m still not dead yet!
*gasps when Ed marches in to kill Jim*
Ohhh it’s a fake out!
“If I die... you’ll never get... the evidence!”  *laughs*  Jim, your fake acting... is amazing.
*gasps when Ed throws a cleaver into one of the soldier’s heads*  Ooohhhh my God!
*Jim and Ed leap over the bar table*  YEET
*gasps when a bunch of injured robbers run by Oswald*
*chuckles at Selina eating cereal*
Oh my God... she’s eating Cocoa Pebbles!
*Oswald finds some fingers near Selina*  Oh my God.
“I [Selina] killed Jeremiah Valeska.”  Sure Jan.
This kinda feels like a filler episode so far but it’s... not.
“White hair, feathered collar, kinda resembles a goth chicken?”  *giggles*
“What makes you [Oswald] think I [Selina] would help you after you killed Tabitha in cold blood?”  *gasps*  Shoot, she did find out!  Barbara probably told her when she threw that little party.
*laughs when Oswald gives Selina an incredulous look*
*Selina boops Oswald’s nose*  Boop!
“Ethan, Sumiko.  We’re moving to Phase 2.”  What the heck is Phase 2?
Are they gonna kill... prisoners?
*gasps when Eduardo shoots a couple of prisoners dead*
Oh my God... it’s that one episode of “Game of Thrones” where they thought about eliminating prisoners but Tywin Lannister stepped in at the last minute and made them all workers.
What.  Is.  Everyone’s Plan?
What is Walker’s plan?
“Well, if you would be more careful, I [Ed] wouldn’t potato all the long legs from the hidden spoon!”  What?
“I [Lucius] believe the chip is installed against his speech center.”  “Hmm.  Do it again.”  *laughs*
*Please don’t habituate the curtain rod!”  *gives Ed a confused look*
OK, why is Ed still awake when they’re removing something from his head?
“Thank you, Lucius.”  *applauds*
“It appears the chip retains an audio log of every verbal communication with Nygma while he was under.”  What?
“It has to be Walker.  They won’t be able to sweep this under the rug anymore.”  How would they be able to spread the message to other people?
“We have someone here who wants to say hello.”  *gasps*  Oh my God, it’s Lee!
*gasps when Lee is revealed*  LEE!
Oh God, please don’t tell me she has a chip in her brain too!
“Tell me, how how many ex-fiancees do you [Jim] have anyway?”  God... dammit!
“She’s a criminal and all criminals in Gotham are now under a death sentence.”  *eyes widen in shock*
“A trade, perhaps?  Lee Thompkins for Ed Nygma.”  Eeugh!
“Fine.”  What.
“OK.  I’ll play your game.”  *mutters*  Oh my God...
“What would it take to broadcast the information from the chip to the mainland?”  “A transmitter, which I [Lucius] have, and a very large antenna, which I do not.”  Isn’t there one at the GCPD?
“I [Jim] know where’s an antenna in the Green Zone but you’re not gonna like it.”  “The roof of the GCPD.”  Yep.
Oh my God, please don’t me she [Lee] has a chip in her head too.  I’m gonna be so head if she turns out to have a chip in her brain.  She does not deserve all of this shit that’s happened.
*Bruce and Co. suit up*  Whoa, what is all that?
I really love how Ben McKenzie is directing this episode so far.  These shots here like the Western showdown camera angles- this is so good.
*Jim holds up the chip*  It’s a fake.
*drops jaw when Jim starts listing off the people killed under Eduardo’s leadership in the military*
“Yeah... put a bullet in my mouth and shut me [Jim] up.”  Oooh hoo hoo!
“No.  Not a bullet.  But I [Eduardo] am gonna shut your mouth.  Once and for all...”  Oh my God...
Oh my God.
OK, I wanna see this team up more.  More Penguin and Selina teaming up please.
*Selina manages to take down Magpie with her whip*  Ooooh!
“[Selina] You killed Jeremiah.  You’re famous.”  *imitates Magpie’s hand movement when she says the last line*
*giggles when Oswald and Selina freak out in unison when Magpie tosses a pocket watch at them*
“We tie our shoelaces together then we lasso the keys off the desk.”  *giggles like a lunatic*
“HELLO!  Hope you don’t mind, I [Ed] borrowed some COP STUFF from the garage!”  *laughs*
“Is it not obvious?!?  IT’S A BOMB!”  *cracks up*
“LET’S PLAY A GAME!”  *imitates the way Ed throws his hands up*  Great!
*imitates Ed saying “IT’S A BOMB!”  while laughing*
“You gomers-”  GOMERS?!?  GOMERS?!?
*starts laughing when Ed starts talking about the pallid beach mouse*
“How many pallid beach mice would we have at the end of one year?”  What?
*gasps*  Is that a grappling hook?  Please tell me-
*Bruce climbs up onto the rooftop*  YEAHHH!
Bruce looks amazing in this episode.
Also, I want these three [Alfred, Barbara, and Lucius] to team up more.  Yes!
*A soldier catches Bruce on the roof*  Shit!
*gasps when it catches back to Jim and Eduardo beating the crap out of each other*
“The fact that one man was able to safely house and rescue hundreds of innocent civilians showed the military higher-ups that the criminal element of Gotham must not be so big and scary after all.  They were ready to send in relief, so it had to come down.”  What?
“They were innocent people, children!”  “They were an acceptable loss for the mission.”  What’s the mission?!?
*Jim football tackles Eduardo to the ground*  Oooooh!
*Jim starts punching Eduardo*  Oh, go!  Go Jim!
“Take her [Lee] out back and shoot her.”  What?!?
*jaw drops in horror*  No!
Get up, Jim!  C’mon!
*gasps when Jim shoots down one of the soldiers*
“I know the answer!”  “Nope, don’t think you do, Bullock.”  *laughs*
“High school was a long time ago, so let’s just take the full minute, shall we?”  *still laughs*
“The pallid beach mouse is extinct!”  *jaw drops in shock*
“Trust me on this, I got in trouble and had to write an essay about it, I swear to God.”  *giggles and reels back in chair*  OK but like Harvey remembering that one distant fact is such a mood!
*The soldiers fire at Ed*  Guys, he’s wearing Kevlar. 
But that is still extremely funny though.
Is that knockout gas?
*laughs when Ed triumphantly and weakly throws his fist in the air*
*gasps when Eduardo kicks Jim on the ground*
“You want to know why Ramirez and the rest didn't make it out? After your tour of duty was up, we were caught behind enemy lines, taken to the darkest hell on Earth:  Pena Duro!”  *gasps*
“It’s where we were left to die by our government..”  *jaw drops*  Oh my God...
AN:  Why wasn’t this episode called “Pena Dura” or whatever?
*gasps in horror when Eduardo drives a metal rod into Jim’s side*
*gasps and reels back in shock when Jim manages to impale Eduardo on a bunch of Haven debris*  OH MY GOD!
Oh my God!  Wait, so that’s how he becomes Bane?!?  Because he got freaking impaled?!?
*gasps when Jim finds Lee surrounded by dead soldiers*  What?!?
*slightly impressed*  Lee...
“Unless The diamond is worth something on the mainland.. and I bet you have way more where that came from.  You're [Oswald] leaving Gotham.”  Why?
“‘Alexander the Great then looked upon his land and wept, for there was nothing left to conquer.’“  So?
“I [Selina] don’t want to be the person that killed Jeremiah Valeska.”  ‘Cause he’s not dead!
“I gotta be honest with you, man.  I don’t know how many more of these close calls this old heart can take.”  Harvey, you better not.
“I’m [Ed] not gonna wait around to watch their [Lee and Jim’s] touching reunion.”  *laughs*
Oh, Barbara’s gonna go get jealous now?  OK, I see where this is freaking going.
“The last thing that I [Lee] remember is Jeremiah destroying the bridges.”  Wait, she doesn’t remember stabbing Ed?  What?!?
“Wait... oh... he stabbed me.”  OK, wh-wh- wait, she does remember.
“There was so much blood.”  Not really.
Jesus... they just left him [Eduardo] there?!?
*gasps when someone shoots a refugee trying to pick Eduardo’s pockets*  Oh my God, is that Walker?
“Eduardo...”  How is he still alive?
Where have I seen the actress [that plays Walker] before?
AN:  Apparently she (Jaime Murray] also plays the Black Fairy on “Once Upon a Time”
“You won’t die yet, my warrior.”  *grimaces*
“Professor Strange will have you fixed up in no time.”  Oh my God...
*gasps when Walker puts the mask on Eduardo and activates it*
“Nyma was never alone.  It was a second operative.”  It’s Lee!  It’s freaking Lee.  God dammit, Lee.
*Lee’s chip activates*  Oh goddammit!
“Time to die, Jim Gordon.”  God- no no no no no!
*gasps when Jim manages to short out Lee*
*sits back and slaps table*  God!  Dammit!
*groans*  Oh my God, this not- noo-oohh...
Wait a minute!  Wait a minute!
*claps hands at screen*  This is the- the- Jeremiah’s gonna come in and- oh my God...
*jaw drops in shock when Jeremiah knocks out Alfred*
Holy crap, how- so, uh, how did that happen?
*imitates the way Jeremiah says “Pennyworth”*
Wait, did she [Magpie] just get stabbed?!?
*gasps when Magpie begs Selina and Oswald to remove the buckshot from her collarbone*
*gasps when Oswald shoots Magpie dead*
“Just a little reminder of what happens when people try to steal from me!”  Oh my God! 
I wanted to see her again!  DANG IT!
“You remember the good time we had the other night, over there?”  Shut the hell up!
“I’m [Barbara] pregnant.”  :O
“Congratulations?”  *laughs*
Oh God, well, I hate this already.
*gasps when Jeremiah removes the bag from Alfred’s head*
“You hurt my boy and I will bite your face off.”  *starts to smile but stops when Jeremiah starts laughing*
“In the meantime... this place is in desperate need of some good old fashioned butler-ing.”  ....Yeah right.
*grimaces and flinches when Jeremiah slowly flicks the bottom of Alfred’s chin*
“Today is the big day.”  *jaw drops in shock*
*Jeremiah’s smile gets crazier*  Oh my God-
*End titles appear*  OK, wha-whoa whoa whoa kay whoa what?
No, that can’t be it!
We’re getting Ace Chemicals next week!  Ooh shit!
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nightshcdc · 6 years
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What’s scarier than getting attacked on Halloween? A girl with secrets that she won’t share! That’s basically how my conversation with Rosalie went, don’t believe me? Then go ahead and read along, peasants. 
@rosalierowle @vmulciber @mavciber @chitglendasays @stefanxxnott @ofmalfvys @alexrwle @topherrowle
Hello, darling, I'm really happy to finally have the change to sit down with a Slytherin, it's like a breath of fresh air after having to sit down with Potter, so tell us, how are you?
Hi there. Yes, I'm sure that Potter can be quite the handful from time to time, he's quite.... outspoken. I am well, thank you, how're you, Persephone?
Outspoken is not the right word, more like a pest, annoying. I'm dead, as you can see... but now that we are speaking of outspoken and annoying men, tell us how you felt when you found out that you are betrothed to none other than Valerius Mulciber
I suppose that he can be annoying to nearly everyone... Valerius is a complex man, he didn't particularly take the whole engagement well, maybe I should have told him prior. I overheard my parents about the engagement when I was outside of my father's study, they were talking about how I kept hiding things from them and this was a long time coming. I don't know how I feel about it, it hasn't really set in; Vale is just kind of uncooperative and it gets frustrating, but I guess I just don't care.
Do you think it was the element of surprise that got to him? And I agree, he's really complex, but from what I've seen he's also got weaknesses, and who could ever resist a face like his? Surely there are girls out there that are dying to take your place. It can't all be that bad, don't you think?
Probably, but he also likes to be in control and I'm sure that he has a superiority complex, so it probably drove him mad. The girls who are dying to take my place are out of their minds if they think that they can tolerate him; they're foolish to think that Vale wouldn't react the same way.  It's not awful, he's not the worst looking person in Hogwarts.
Don't they all? I've heard of a girl, who could go mad. Actually, my rumor source tells me that they are dating. What would you like to say to her? And what do your brothers have to say about this? They are not very supportive, are they?
Oh, yeah? I'm shocked, if I'm being honest. Maybe that's why he overreacted? I just want to tell her that despite them dating that him and I eventually will get married, it's inevitable; my parents are persistent that I don't end up with... nevermind. I haven't spoken to my brothers much about it but I'm sure they would only want the best for myself.
You don't end up with who? Go on tell us, we are nothing but your biggest fans. Maybe they want the best for yourself, but your parents not so much... who do they want to keep you away from? Have you got your eyes set on someone else?... because I have seen you around being friendly with Lucius with the good hair and ...that, ugh, Nott.
He... doesn't go to Hogwarts. We all want the best for each other, but my parents are from a different time and I respect that. I was dating somebody last year that they didn't accept, not that I told them, but they knew something was up. Myself and Lucius are just friends, same with Stefan. They aren't my types.
Oh the mystery, I love it! You are so cute, Rosalie, but don't you think it's time to move on? You know who I picture you having cute babies with?...Other than Vale of course... his brother. Kidding! That would be messy. Just stick with Lucius.
It probably is time to move on, but I don't want to move onto Vale right now. Yikes, no, no, none of the Mulcibers or... anyone in this school, really. I mean, Lucius wouldn't be the worst to be pegged with, he's definitely charming and mostly attractive.
I can hear the bells! Go for it, darling, you better than anyone else! Anyways, I'm bored now, do you have anything else you'd like to say to your fans?
Gross, but thanks for the suggestion. You and me both, my dear, dead ghost. Not that I can think of.
Gross? You really need to hang out with better Slytherins, anyways go now. Bye.
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I yawned, you yawned, we yawned. That doesn’t mean we won’t keep an eye on you, Rosalie! 
xx Persephone
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mbtizone · 7 years
Arthur Weasley (Harry Potter): INTP
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Dominant Introverted Thinking [Ti]: Arthur wants to know how things work. He’s fascinated with muggle technology and seeks to understand it. He has a curious mind and likes to ask muggles and those familiar with the muggle world questions about various non-magical items. He wants to know what the function of a rubber duck is. He needs to know how airplanes fly. Arthur enjoys tinkering with things and likes using magic to invent and create. When he finds out that his sons took the car he enchanted out to retrieve Harry all the way from Surrey, his first response was to ask them how the trip went. Arthur is a logical man and doesn’t get caught up in the facts of a situation. Yes, Harry’s wand had had been the one to summon the Dark Mark. And yeah, Winky was found unconscious beside it. The evidence would appear to suggest that Winky was the culprit. But it doesn’t make sense to Arthur, and he believes there’s more to the story. Nobody wants Harry to know about Sirius Black, but Arthur tells him anyway because he thinks that Harry needs to know the truth in order to stay out of trouble, and, even though everyone else has discouraged him, he decides to tell Harry anyway.
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Auxiliary Extroverted Intuition [Ne]: New situations excite Arthur. He works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts department at the Ministry of Magic because of his fascination with muggles. He sees potential in ordinary items and creatively changes them to his liking. Arthur is full of ideas and enjoys speculating about possibilities. Arthur has good instincts and often comes up with theories about things. He believes that Percy is being promoted for the Ministry to have a spy in the Weasley family. Arthur is the one to suggest that he and Harry leave early for their meeting because he suspected that Fudge may try to change the time in an attempt to make Harry look bad. Arthur is a bit eccentric, which sometimes puts him at odds with his more traditional, grounded wife.
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Tertiary Introverted Sensing [Si]: Because he is quite happy with the work that he does, Percy accuses Arthur of lacking ambition. Arthur is perfectly happy where he is and doesn’t want to seek a higher position at the Ministry. When Arthur is eventually promoted, he continues to miss his former job. Arthur is a deeply devoted father and husband. He wants to get the details about things – such as all of the gadgets and gizmos that pique his interest. Arthur is described as reliable and trustworthy. He is hardworking and loyal, particularly to his family, Dumbledore, and the Order of the Phoenix.
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Inferior Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: When Molly is displeased with Arthur’s reaction to finding out that the kids had taken the flying car, he quickly catches himself and scolds them in order to make her happy. Arthur is extremely good-natured and laid-back about everything. He cares very deeply for other people and stands up to who he thinks is Albert Runcorn after Runcorn exposed muggle-born Dirk Cresswell for forging wizarding heritage. He’s a champion for muggle-borns and makes his position clear to the Ministry. Arthur helped to write the Muggle Protection Act in order to keep those without magic safe from nefarious wizards. Arthur doesn’t care about what a person’s blood status is. All that matters to him is how they treat other people. He has a warm, congenial disposition and seems to get along with most people, frequently engaging others in pleasant conversation.
Enneagram: 9w1 5w6 2w1 So/Sx
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Arthur: They run off eckeltricity, do they? Ah yes, I can see the plugs. I collect plugs. And batteries. Got a very large collection of batteries. My wife thinks I’m mad, but there you are.
Arthur: [after being informed that his sons took the flying car to Surrey] Did you really? Did it go alright? I — I mean … that — that was very wrong, boys, very wrong indeed…
Arthur: Harry said good-bye to you. Didn’t you hear him? Harry: It doesn’t matter. Honestly, I don’t care. Arthur: You aren’t going to see your nephew till next summer. Surely you’re going to say good-bye? Vernon: Good-bye, then.
Arthur: Now, Harry you must know all about Muggles, tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?
Arthur: Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.
Lucius:: Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? I do hope they’re paying you overtime. Though judging by the state of this, I’d say not. What’s the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don’t even pay you well for it? Arthur: We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy.
Arthur: …makes no sense not to tell him. Harry’s got a right to know. I’ve tried to tell Fudge, but he insists on treating Harry like a child. He’s thirteen years old and – Molly: Arthur, the truth would terrify him! Do you really want to send Harry back to school with that hanging over him? For heaven’s sake, he’s happy not knowing! Arthur: I don’t want to make him miserable, I want to put him on his guard! You know what Harry and Ron are like, wandering off by themselves – they’ve ended up in the Forbidden Forest twice! But Harry mustn’t do that this year! When I think what could have happened to him that night he ran away from home! If the Knight Bus hadn’t picked him up, I’m prepared to bet he would have been dead before the Ministry found him. Molly: But he’s not dead, so what’s the point -” Arthur: Molly, they say Sirius Black’s mad, and maybe he is, but he was clever enough to escape from Azkaban. It’s been three weeks, and no one’s seen hide nor hair of him, and I don’t care what Fudge keeps telling the Daily Prophet, we’re no nearer catching Black than inventing self-spelling wands.
Arthur: Black is deranged, Molly, and he wants Harry dead. If you ask me, he thinks killing Harry will bring You-Know-Who back to power. Black lost everything the night Harry stopped You-Know-Who, and he’s had twelve years alone in Azkaban to brood on that…
Arthur: Harry, there are some within the Ministry who would strongly discourage me from divulging what I’m about to reveal to you, but I think that you need to know the facts. You are in danger. Grave danger. Harry: Has this anything to do with Sirius Black? Arthur: What do you know about Sirius Black, Harry? Harry: Only that he’s escaped from Azkaban. Arthur: Do you know why? Thirteen years ago, when you stopped… Harry: – Voldemort… Arthur: – don’t say his name. Harry: Sorry. Arthur: When you stopped You-Know-Who, Black lost everything. But to this day, he still remains a faithful servant. And his mind you are the only thing that stands in the way of You-Know-Who returning to power. And that is why he has escaped from Azkaban. To find you… Harry: And kill me. Arthur: Harry, I want you to swear to me that whatever you might hear, you won’t go looking for Black. Harry: Mr. Weasley, why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me?
Arthur Weasley (Harry Potter): INTP was originally published on MBTI Zone
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