ohgaylor · 2 years
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wodkapudding · 4 months
"temporarily lost at sea"? 🤲 I need to see my adopted son Dylan again.
heyyyy, liebes ♡
im sozialismus gehört dylan uns allen!!!! und hier ist (noch) ein snippet aus temporarily lost at sea:
Sein Vater wirkt nervös, fahrig. „Wo warst du bloß. Ich hab’ nach dir gesucht, aber du warst nicht da.“ Dylan denkt: Ich bin im Gefängnis gewesen. Aber es würde ihn wohl nur noch mehr verwirren. „Jetzt bin ich ja da.“ — „Ja. Ja, das stimmt. Jetzt bist du ja da“, sein Vater streckt die Hand nach ihm aus, betastet seine Wangenknochen. „Dünn siehst du aus. „Sag' deiner Mutter… sag' ihr“, sein Blick verliert sich, als würde er es erst in diesem Moment verstehen. „Du…“ — „Ich pass auf mich auf, Dad.“
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taylorsmidnights14 · 2 years
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I feel so sorry for Taylor as she had to cut and censor this scene from Apple. It’s actually so sad that people are invalidating her ED. It is a subject she’s bravely talked about, underlining the pressure and the obscure thoughts she’s been through for all these years. Just because a person doesn’t represent a certain type of standard for YOU, doesn’t mean that you have to invalidate their suffering! I just wish I could give her one massive hug! We understand, valide and recognize the meaning of this scene and profoundly admire your bravery! 🫶🏻
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jackleopard · 2 years
i think "he brought me back to life" most likely refers to her feeling dead inside during her relationship with C*lvin and feeling reawakened when meeting Tom or Joe? As a less heavy interpretation.
ohhhhh that makes sense too actually
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damonalbarnsgf · 2 years
When You Were Sleeping immediately became one of my favorite Christmas-y movies because it is cozy, romantic and beautiful to look at (hiii Miss Bullock <3) AND, more importantly, because Bill Pullman is so attractive in it. How does he do it??? Love to see that you enjoyed it as well
genuinely thought my day was going a waste until i watched the movie.. Lucy was so relatable and that really flavoured the film for me. Sandra Bullock is way too pretty and i loved her bangs (true poetic cinema). THEE chemistry like it didn’t feel like a movie to me, it was too real. kind of ridiculous of how bill pullman was 42 here? and he made FURNITURE (this had me blushing like a teenage girl cause i am one but yeah) the family is so sweet and yeah overall a very cozy movie, had me chanting “i love love” throughout.
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bybdolan · 2 months
we were happy/happiness ....... Would have been a lethal combo
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jonismitchell · 2 years
Top 5 opening lines! (can be from a book/a poem/a song)
this is such a good question.
'happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.' from anna karenina by leo tolstoy. everyone knows this line. i cannot stress how much everyone knows this line. i mean, i introduced this book to a class of high school students last year in a russian lit seminar i was running, and everyone knew this line. it's the thesis statement for all of anna karenina. it's a succinct statement about the world. i think we've discussed how good this opening line is before, but there's a reason i kept trying to read the damn book (and eventually actually managed, ha!). the opening line is so so good.
'jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine' from gloria (in excelsis deo) by patti smith, which i think is the strongest opening line to an album ever. as patti herself says it's about freedom! it's about not owing anyone the consequences for your life! which is really what rock music (at its best) is all about.
'nothing's serious when you're seventeen' from romance by arthur rimabud (my french is not exceptional, but the original 'on n'est pas sérieux, quand on a dix-sept ans' is beautiful.) the poem is about how sharply romance can touch you when you're young and i just find this effervescent, unassuming little line such a key part of it.
'i am a sick man… i am a spiteful man. i am an unpleasant man.' from notes from underground by fyodor dostoyevsky. my mum bought me a mug with famous first lines from literature on it for christmas and this is by far my favourite. it immediately lets you know the tone/energy of the story, but entrances you into reading. dostoyevsky's style is literally incomparable.
'if you are interested in happy endings, you would be better off reading some other book.' from the bad beginning by lemony snicket. which has the exact same energy as notes from underground, come to think of it.
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kaylor · 1 year
not to mention midnights is a terribly boring album title like if it had been called anything else i maybe wouldn't dunk on it so much
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one who hated the new cover lmao
you and i are not the only ones but DEFINITELY in the minority. i'll say i don't hate it, and i like a lot of the components! the photo obviously is so striking. how happy she is, mid laugh and hair in the wind. curly hair!! it's a great photo that makes me grin when i see it. i also really love the sharpie-style typography! i think it's a really clever way to stay within the aesthetic, but avoid the copyright infringement of doing it in her original sharpie handwriting. very rough and ready, diy, with the look of a Hand Crafted Human Touch, which is a very interesting way to visually portray a very synth heavy album lol. i love that contrast and that insistence that despite it's pop genre, it's a very raw and open album.
its the technical execution of it that really rubs me the wrong way. simple things like the light on the seagulls comes from the top right, and the light on her face comes from the bottom left. thats like.... art composition 101 shit. not to mention the very odd seagull photoshop job where seagulls are in focus way more than they should be for how proportionate they are to her. they should be much blurrier for how far they are, especially given the grain. and then the general composition is just.... awful. she's both too big and too small at the same time, and the album title is also too big and too small. it's this weird noncommittal size that covers her a little bit? but it's crowding the cover and fighting for real estate and attention with her photo, which is a layout issue. it creates a tension that is really frustrating. it's okay to give some more of that blue negative space for it to breathe so it has the breezy look the cover is trying to evoke.
I think the components actually look awesome in other formats, like the IG story and here:
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this is nice and balanced here, her and the title of equal height and we got a thirds situation going on, with the title occupying 2/3, as it should since it's the point of interest. and then she occupies 1/3 as she should as the complimentary image. soooooo pleasing to the eye and very legible design, you know where to go first and then second.
i love so much of it's individual pieces, i'm just soooo frustrated with it's layout choices. i totally get that i'm just being super nit-picky with it and most swifties don't care at all and that's totally fine. 2 of my friends texted me this morning to gush how much they love it and that's great! I'm just really picky when it comes to this stuff, but it's nice to know that me and some of my other buddies on here share the same frustrations with it!
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honeybabymp3 · 1 year
you making that Idol post after I just had an extended internal monologue about how WEIRD it is that female pop stars whose output and persona were largely controlled by their label are shamed and dehumanized for making "lesser" art without ever receiving any pity for the insane structures they grew up in..... Brain connection moment. I think #freebritney changed this a bit but we still have miles to go when it comes to recognizing how destructive and plain evil these "men in suits mold a girl to their liking" machineries are. And it's spitting into the face of all these women to make a show that essentially says "omg women are held back from being sexy :(" SUFFER. We can talk all day about how the Disney purity machine messed with the sexual expression of their young stars but i have the suspicion that this is also not a convo mr. Levinson would be interested in.
brain connection moment !! i've been kind of stuck thinking about this cause , lol , the other day i was looking for pictures of hozier and taylor at victoria's secret, and i mean, this is soooo basic so idk why, when i saw a picture of them with the models and the other performers, with ed sheeran also in a suit and ariana also in lingerie it just made me sooooo mad. honestly i wasn't even thinking about how both taylor and ariana have been in the public eye since they were so young, and like, this is not to say or minimize how boys in the entertainment industry are also sexualized and objectified for adult audiences, it's just that those specific pictures at the vsfs made the difference in expectations so stark it made me SO mad. and then THIS fucking show.
i'm not 100% sure i understand specifically what you're referring to (and if you feel like typing up some of your monologue i WOULD like to read it. as much as i'm fascinated by this stuff it also freaks me out too look at it too closely myself haha so i always love to read your thoughts) but yeah there is like an endless pool of interesting directions you can take the relationship between popstars - who are selling an image - their team - who needs to find a balance between taking care of them (out of genuine concern or just for the sake of them Performing) and creating an image that sells - and their art - cause good art doesn't necessarily = the art you want to make isn't necessarily = what makes money or reaches audiences. and artists that are directed into making a specific thing that Sells but are then ridiculed for this - for giving the people what they want. and like you mention the disney purity thing - it's obviously very complicated and needs to be explored with sensitivity and care, and, you know, over longform such as a six hours miniseries, but lol. out of EVERYTHING to choose these angles. the fucking nerve. how revealing it is about the way you view women in the industry. and a plot twist (?) about how she was in control the entire time (??) when indeed this show specifically was supposed to be directed by a woman who allegedly was both set to fail by the studio and fired after almost finishing the show. ok.
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darkchocolateyoghurt · 7 months
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TAYLOR SWIFT'S LOVER as a disco album heavily inspired by @bybdolan and link in source
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ohgaylor · 1 year
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YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN KID (redesign) — inspired by The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan - front / back
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wodkapudding · 24 days
music asks: 4, 6, 13, 19!
Thank you, dear!
4. A song you’d put on a playlist for a character you love
(okay, weil's irgendwie ewig dauert, die Geschichte in Form zu bringen, ist hier ein Snippet aus meiner Playlist zu Bob & Dylan) Lana del Rey — Doin' Time Oh Wonder — Shark Florence + The Machine — Search & Destroy Sharon Van Etten — Peace Signs Plumb — Stranded
6. A song that makes you think of a family member
The Box Tops — The Letter & Nina Hagen — Du hast den Farbfilm vergessen (both make me think of my dad because we get sentimental during the last scene of Sonnenallee)
13. A song by a performer you’ve seen live
Portugal. The Man — Modern Jesus (I have seen them soooo often)
19. A song that makes you emotional
God Help The Girl — Musician, Please Take Heed
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taylorsmidnights14 · 2 years
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I’ve re-imagined Midnights album cover by using booklet photos. What do you guys think? I’m actually obsessed!
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jackleopard · 2 years
song 17! (Because of Sam <3)
ty!!! it's all too well (10 min version) haha
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h-f-k · 1 year
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there's nothing i'd change from the speak now album cover but this is my take on it - click on picture for better quality <3 (i also realized i accidentally got inspired by @bybdolan's edits so thank u amy)
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