#byakuyanya purinsesu
As Fate Would Close It.
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"You're kidding. It's been how long since that fight?"
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"I know, I can't believe it myself."
"Actually, that reminds me... while you were taking your sweet time getting ready in there, one of the royal carriers dropped this letter off. Looks to be from those guys."
"Well, don't keep me in suspense now! What does it say?"
"Hold your horses alright? I was waiting for you to put on your makeup and all before I actually opened it so we could read together. Aren't I so considerate?"
There was a pause. The kind of pause that spawned from sudden embarrassment.
"L-look! Between you and me, making sure this yukata was put on correctly is tough... e-especially for someone that's not even from this region! The shame would be too much if I wore this wrong in public, you see. And we can't have that." the young man holding a bin of tomatoes and cucumbers spoke matter-of-factly while his companion, the one who invited him in the first place, rolled his eyes.
"Yeah okay, your highness." the less formal of the two answered teasingly before breaking the seal on the envelope and holding out its contents, a single piece of paper, in front of them both.
"Hey guys, it's been a long time hasn't it? A lot's happened that's kept us busy. Our job's never quite done, but it might not be just the two of us handling the bulk of things.
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"We've actually been training the new guy—the one who bailed you out when we couldn't, to follow our footsteps. And he's showing a lotta promise. While I could have asked Ragna, and maybe even Hazama to tag in, well...
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Let's just tagging has been almost exclusively what they've been doing since last you guys saw 'em. Not by choice, either. I think they've also been fighting over the same girl...? It's complicated.
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Speaking of girls, Zen's moved in with his girlfriend and while he's always ready and willing to help us... I figure he should enjoy the life he can make with her over at Dentech City. Minato agrees.
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Also I think we passed through that other guy's 'Stage' a couple times... it was never for more than a day at a time but true to his word, he's become quite the popular Sage. Well anyway, we should definitely meet up again soon when the world as we all know it isn't at stake. It'll be great to see your kingdoms at peace. Take care of each other, your bond's as unbreakable as me and my partner's after all. - Yu Narukami.
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"Bonds, huh? I suppose he's onto something, Prince Takumi."
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"Don't get all mushy on me Leo! Save that for Kamui when the fireworks go off later. I don't wanna hear later how you messed it up thinking of me."
"Best not flatter yourself too much now..." he'd wag a finger before standing up and beckoning him to follow. "Shall we go find her at the meeting place now? I want to see as much as we can together at this festival."
"Sounds like a plan." Takumi would gingerly fold the letter back into his envelope and tuck it within the inner pocket of his yukata, before the two took off to enjoy themselves on this summer evening.
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The Dual Royals' Story.
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astralescent · 7 years
(That open question posted earlier. That's deeeep, yet I can't not read it in Marth's voice and hear it flow out naturally. Like this is something he and only he would say... at least among main series lords. Kudos.)
omg thanks…. im so glad you feel that way, honestly, giving marth more depth while staying true to his character is the most important thing im trying to achieve here and this kind of comment always makes my day. thank you for going out of your way to tell me this, I really appreciate it
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When I started it up it gave me a warning that while it does play new and old 3DS games it doesn't have "3D", but I never used it on my 3DSXL so that's not a problem for me. It's hella lighter than both my old 2DS and 3DSXL!
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tactiically-blog · 8 years
byakuyanya-purinsesu replied to your post:
I love your interactions with Eris’ Aversa tho. Good stuff~.
who doesn’t love a little competition & heartfelt drama from time to time
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fireemblemsheroes · 8 years
By chance, did you manage to beat the Hard Narcian map yet? Because hoo boy, it's throwing me for a loop something fierce lemme tell ya'. My units can kill them, it's just their layout is so obnoxious, lol.
No, not yet! My hard-hitting units get sniped off reeeeally easily by either the blue mage or the archer right after they get hit by that enemy swordsman. Hopefully I can level them my units enough before the event is up.
Good luck with your efforts!
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heroesoffate · 5 years
Hi, you don't know me and I don't care to get to know you, but uh... have you not considered that airing your dirty business out to dry in the public laundromat that is this website is perhaps not the smartest idea? I mean yeah I know cancel culture is kind of the 'in thing' now and frankly it's just not in good taste. Enlighten me as to why you believe publicly posting the logs of such sensitive material is a *good* thing other than for your own self-satisfaction. Go on, I'm waiting.
I like how showing someone victim blaming someone who was in a domestic violence situation with their boyfriend is “airing dirty laundry.” Imagine being this stupid. 
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cruxofvalla · 6 years
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"Between friends, even the smallest gestures can mean so much."
                   {  Kathryn , Celica , Elleot  }
                                                            Personals do not reblog!
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birthrightforged · 6 years
byakuyanya-purinsesu replied to your post: [ So… am I the only one who thinks the CYLs this...
Honestly I love the fact that Celica was purposely made as a throwback to Gaiden. I was not ready for that. The rest are pretty cool and of course are all OP.
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[ I won’t lie, I started laughing hysterically when I saw her outfit. ]
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I guess it happens to me a lot over time I tend to forget how it's actually hard to state your opinion on the internet. o_o
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byakuyanya-purinsesu replied to your post: “Surtr has overstayed his welcome. I intend to...
I feel you 100% on that one. Fjorm is such wasted potential. She oughta be the lord in a mainstream FE game. Norse mythology to boot? I’m down.
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Like. Like don’t get me wrong, I love Fjorm. I really, truly hope she’ll remain a main character throughout the rest of the Fire Emblem Heroes’ story, or at least that she won’t be completely pushed to the wayside when her home is saved!
But this is just. 
Surtr was unpredictable at first. I didn’t expect him to kill Guunthra (though, considering this series I really should have) and I didn’t expect him to hurt Veronica. But I gotta be honest, this bullshit, I saw it a mile away, and I can’t be the only one.
He’s losing his charm, the terror of this unbeatable foe is gone. They already told us this was going to happen, they told us how and then told us how again. The Charm of an unbeatable foe is not knowing if you can even overcome them, and not knowing HOW to overcome them.
Well, I know how. All the pieces are laid out in front of me.
It’s boring now. 
I just want this to be over with.
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klumsymaid · 6 years
byakuyanya-purinsesu replied to your post: [[MOR]       ;; i am like the worst at...
I’d say don’t worry about it too much. You never know until you try right?
 true. just - can’t shake that uneasy feeling, ya’know?
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fireemblemsheroes · 8 years
Stockpiling these orbs for dear life in preparation for the new focus to drop... you ready for this, Lady Grace?
No, I am not, sadly. I used a majority of my orbs to get a Takumi to no avail.....
I hope you get the units you want from the next Summoning Focus!
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tactful-kind-daedra · 7 years
byakuyanya-purinsesu replied to your post: Does that implicate Xander just jerked off on her...
I almost spit out my tea holy fuck–
[[At the question or the answer? XD]]
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byakuyanya-purinsesu replied to your post “rakurxi replied to your post “PSA: New Laptop Got Fixed” Wtf how did...”
Been there like twice already. It's stable... for NOW. Eventually I need a new rig.
Honestly it’s more of an OS problem than anything. This stuff didn’t happen so often to people until Windows 10 and multiple people have referenced the OS being the source of these issues. All we can do is hope to god shit doesn’t go wrong.
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