#by treating him like a son is pulling my heartstrings to MY CORE-
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frolicksome · 1 year ago
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The tags are IMMACULATE. Please, I need this AU so badly now. This- this is just great. I would read a whole book of a fanfic like this.
AU where Mr. D claiming to be Percy’s dad accidentally counts as Claiming according to Greek god law or whatever and now all the other gods legitimacy believe Percy is his son, but if Mr. D corrects it, he has to explain to Zeus why he pretended he was Percy’s dad so now he’s like “YEP ol’ Perry Johansson is MY child wowie just look at the little fry, you have your mother’s eyes. Please stop standing next to water or you will blow my cover”
Meanwhile Poseidon is just standing off to the side like “how on earth did I dodge THAT bullet”
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littlebitofeverythingphff · 7 years ago
Chapter 36
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A/N: I am just spoiling you guys with chapters this week but because you have been such great amazing readers and have provided me with sooooo much feedback and lovely messages! Here is the next chapter, it is a long one so grab your popcorn and enjoy!
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“She will be a few minutes Harry.” Carlson closed the door behind Harry before leading him into the front room. Harry heard scampering paws scrape along the hardwood flooring as Chance rounded the corner running full tilt to greet Harry.
“Hey boy!” Kneeling down to his level Chance showered him with attacks of wet nosed kisses. “Look how big you are now!”
Carlson tossed his head back in laughter seeing the dog attack the prince. “He has been ruling the house ever since he arrived. Even Willow has loved having a new playmate.” The Mackenzie’s family dog Willow sauntered into the room, an old shaggy looking golden retriever that hung her tongue out to see who came to the door.
“Willow was Adalyn’s pup growing up. They went everywhere together, but sadly when she moved out Willow had to stay with us.” Remembering the fond memories, her father became quiet staring at the two dogs begging for Harry’s attention.
Joining her father in the front room, Harry settled down in a chair occasionally glancing up at the staircase waiting for Adalyn to come down. Willow placed her paw on Harry’s knee patting it gently while staring up at him with big golden brown eyes.
“Hello sweet girl. Do you like having Addy home?” Willow wagged her tail and barked her reply. Tossing his head back in laughter Harry could not contain his laughter at her response.
“Adalyn is thinking about going back to Ainsley’s.” Carlson released a small smile locking eyes with the prince. “She has been insistent on it the past few days.”
“Really?” Harry cleared his throat trying not to act surprised having heard nothing of the sort from Addy. His brow furrowed slightly wondering if it had anything to do with Jake. Harry had to agree with Carlson that she was still safer in her father’s home. There was a part of him that knew Addy had only told himself about Jake’s recent stalking activities and would of course keep it from her family as to have them not worry.
“Well she is quite stubborn.” Harry’s features relaxed seeing a smile spread across her father’s face.
“You have no idea Harry. She’s my little pistol.” Carlson shook his head with a sigh.
“Pistol huh? Nickname?” The prince glanced to the top of the stairs desperately waiting to see Adalyn. It had been a few days since their last day together, a day that he would remember for the rest of his life. The day they confessed their love for each other.
“Alexander gave it to her as a little girl and it had just stuck with all of us. Addy of course hates it, but I think she secretly adores it.” Addy’s father grew into a whisper.
Carlson paused to lean back into the sofa. “Oh! Rosalyn wanted me to invite you to her birthday party the week after next. The whole family will be invited and her son will be coming from the States!”
A smile spread onto the prince’s lips at the invitation. “Thank you Carlson, but unfortunately I will be out of the country on a tour that week. Please thank Rosalyn for the invite.”
“Of course Harry. I for sure will.”
“What are you two talking about now?” Addy’s voice carried from the top of the stairs into the front room.
Harry’s head turned glancing at the top of the stairs seeing his girlfriend in a maroon plaid dress that fit her in all the right places. Her brunette hair was delicately pulled back, her face carefully decorated with the just the right amount of make up. Harry still could not believe that Addy was his, this brunette beauty that did not understand how gorgeous she really was, was all his.
Standing up from the chair Harry could not keep his eyes off of her as they connected with Addy’s smiling green eyes. Carlson watched their silent interaction seeing the way Harry admired his daughter warmed his heart. Something between them had changed since he last witnessed them together, but he could not place it.
It tugged at his heartstrings seeing how Adalyn’s eyes instantly lit up at the sight of Harry. Carlson could tell that this relationship was far more serious than most thought. It brought a sense of joy that warmed his heart knowing that his daughter was able to find someone who treated her with the respect and love that she deserved.
He had been quite worried about his youngest after seeing the way she had broken from the heartbreak Jake needlessly caused. Even though Carlson still had reservations of his daughter dating a well-known prince, he hoped that Harry would never break his daughter’s heart like it had been. He could not just allow his heart to trust Harry like he had done with Jake; he owed that to his daughter to remain cautious of the prince.
“Just learned that Harry will be out of the country for Rosalyn’s birthday party!” Carlson patted Harry’s shoulder giving it a small squeeze as Adalyn took the last few steps down the stairs.
A natural smile graced her lips as she took a few steps towards the two men. “I know. He will be in Australia that was why I didn’t invite him myself father.” Her green eyes darted towards Carlson with a raised eyebrow knowing what her father was up too. He wanted Harry to meet the rest of her family, but she wanted to wait a bit longer.
“Hello babe.” Addy stood up on her tippy toes to place a quick kiss on Harry’s lips while her hand blindly searched for his. Interlocking their fingers, Adalyn peaked down at their conjoined hands before turning her attention back to Harry and her father’s conversation.
Tuning them out Adalyn was caught deep in her mind. Thoughts had plagued her mind all day long causing quite the distraction for her at work. Today was the day she was meeting Harry’s brother William and sister in law Kate, who just so happened to be the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. To say that she was stressed was an understatement.
Addy was stressing over all the little intricacies that Harry had briefly taught her about the right etiquette to greet his brother. Though he insisted it be an informal dinner and none of that was necessary, Addy still wanted to pay her respects and make a good impression on them.
“Right Addy?” Harry’s voice pulled her from those thoughts seeing her caught in her own mind.
“Umm yes.” Addy sheepishly agreed, not knowing exactly what she had agreed to.
Harry’s blue eyes stared at her with a softened gaze. He had immediately felt how nervous she was the minute his hand wrapped around hers. Addy was fidgety, unable to remain still while her hand silently quivered in his.
“I think it’s best if we head out.” Glancing down at his watch Harry figured if they stayed any longer they would be late for dinner. Turning his head to her father, Harry thanked him again for the invite. Helping Addy with her coat, Harry pulled it over her shoulders before placing a hand on her lower back about to step out of the door when her father spoke.
“Midnight curfew Harry.” Carlson warned the prince, still being the over protective father that earned an eye roll from his youngest daughter.
Harry released a small laugh, “Yes sir. I will have her home and back in one piece.”
“Thank you Luther.” Addy took Harry’s hand helping her out of the back seat. Shutting the door behind them, Luther followed the couple into Kensington Palace.
“I got a better idea pumpkin.” Harry groaned at her nickname for him. She rarely used it, but knew it bugged him to his core; it made her giggle and hearing her laugh was better than anything so he swallowed his pride.
“And what is that?” Harry lifted his arm placing it over her shoulder as her hand interlocked their fingers. His blue eyes drifted to see a smirk delicately tugging at the corner of her lips.
Leaning into the prince she whispered. “We could go home and just have sex and miss the whole thing?” Addy winked at him hoping he would take her up on the offer.
“As tempting as that is Addy…” He squeezed her hand lightly. “We will have plenty of time after the oldies go to bed. I will still have time to fuck your brains out and return you back home before midnight.”
Addy inhaled a loud gasp appalled at the words that had left Harry’s mouth. “Do I need to remind you that my father has a shot gun in his home?” Falling into a fit of giggles watching the prince’s reaction nearly made her stumble in her heels.
“Careful Addy.” Harry caught her and was able to steady her.
Walking down the numerous sets of hallways and rooms Addy became increasingly quiet; a fact to which Harry was aware of. “Hey babe?”
“Yeah?” Addy plastered a fake smile on her lips to reassure him.
Harry’s footsteps halted bringing his girlfriend into a tight embrace he brushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Looking into her green eyes he had never felt happier to bring someone like Addy to meet his brother. Even Kate had pestered him in the last couple day’s non-stop about her; stating how excited she was to have someone to have more girl talk with.
“Please don’t curtsey or say your highness. My brother is just like me and hates all those formalities.” Addy’s mouth parted to protest his request but Harry silenced her with a finger placed gently over her lips. “Just be my Addy… that’s all I want.”
Angling her head she smiled with a nod. “What if that is not enough?” Adalyn confessed to Harry with a sigh. “I want them to like me.” Her truthful whispers were barely heard as Harry caught the worry in her tone.
He pressed a quick kiss to her forehead. “They already do because they have seen how happy I am with you Adalyn Mackenzie.” Before Adalyn could back out Harry grasped her hand and led her to the apartments door and knocked.
“Henry!” Addy scolded him with narrowed eyes that quickly softened seeing his deep blue eyes smiling back at her.
“You are meeting my brother and sister in law right now and not a minute later.” Pushing open the door Harry hesitated opening for a second longer. “Just remember that I love you.” The smile in his eyes calmed her nerves more than anything. Hearing those words leave his lips freely without any second thought caused her heart to skip a beat. Her cheeks filled with warmth as he hollered his brother’s name.
“Will! Kate! We are here!” Holding on tight to Harry’s hand, Addy followed him through the entrance. Peaking around his broad shoulders she saw two figures walking briskly towards them in a near run.
Will and Kate.
Duke and Duchess.
Harry’s brother and sister in law.
Taking one last deep breath Adalyn held tightly onto the prince’s hand.
“Harry! Adalyn!” Her name was yelled out in ecstatically along side Harry’s.
Will wrapped his brother up in a warm hug greeting him with a bright smile. Kate stepped around Will with her hands clasped together smiling at Addy happy to see her.
“You must be Addy.” Kate stretched her arms out for a hug, enveloping Addy’s frame. “I thought that we would never meet you!” A series of laughter rang out with a low side comment from Harry. Kate grabbed Adalyn’s hands taking a step back to take another look at the woman Harry had brought to dinner. “Wow! I love that dress! It’s adorable, where did you get it?”
“It’s from Zara’s!” Adalyn smiled wide, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks at the Duchess’s compliment.
“Oooh I love that shop! We must go on a shopping trip soon! I hear there is a sale coming up.” Kate was giddy, finally finding a woman she could talk with. “I am so happy that you are here, I am always stuck with these two boys.”
“Men. Kate. We are both men.” William corrected her earning a suggestively raised eyebrow from his wife.
“When you two start acting like men I certainly will call you men dear.” Kate smiled a toothy grin. Harry had found his place back by Addy’s side as the couple watched them silently bicker at each other.
“Will can I introduce you to my girlfriend now?” Harry eyed his brother with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes, my apologies.” William took a step forward placing two greeting kisses on either side of Addy’s cheeks before hugging her warmly. “Hello Adalyn. I am glad we finally get a chance to meet the woman my brother has been hiding from us!”
“It’s great to meet both you and thank you for having me in your lovely home.” Addy glanced around before being taken away from Harry’s side for a tour of the Cambridge’s apartment. Looking back over her shoulder she made one last eye contact with the prince smiling at her. Harry watched her figure disappear into a room being led away by Kate before he saw Will’s eyes on him.
Will and Harry
“What Will?”
“You are so done for. That woman has you wrapped around her finger and you don’t even know it.” Will pointed his finger at his younger brother with a happy smile.
“Oh shut it Will! She does not!” Harry made sure he protested though internally he knew that Will was right, but he dared not admit that to his brother.
“So tell me…” Will led the prince into the kitchen checking the chicken that was nearly done cooking in the stove. “Why have you waited so long for us to meet her?”
Harry took in a deep breath. “You know what it is like Will.” Pausing he made eye contact with his brother. “I wanted a solid relationship with her before the madness interfered with it and it always does. Everything came out sooner than I wanted anyway and I wanted to give her time to adjust.”
“How is she handling the press?” Will leaned in on the counter with a sincere concerned look knowing that it was a part of their life that they struggled with in all aspects no matter whether it was their private or public life.
“She’s doing the best she can. Addy won’t tell me, but I know they are there everyday at her work just waiting to harass her and there is nothing I can do about it.” Will knew all too well exactly what Harry was referring to, he had felt the same about Kate’s torments with the press even to this day. “I honestly thought she was going to end it with me that first night.”
“Will I need your advice…” Harry grew quiet looking up at his older brother.
Kate and Addy
It been well past half and hour that Addy was alone with Kate searching through her closet pulling out clothes and have general girl chat. Addy was holding her belly laughing hard listening to Kate tell stories of her and William. Sighing in a breath Addy looked around Kate’s never ending closet of designer clothes and accessories. It was nice to look at, but she wanted to know more than that about life as a royal, but from someone who had been in her shoes, someone from the outside looking in.
“Kate?” Addy glanced down at the ground not wanting to look her in the eye while asking this. “Is it all worth it?”
Kate slowly sauntered over sitting down on a cushioned seat. Addy’s piercing green eyes peaked up at Kate as if she was afraid to know the answer, but knew Kate was the only one that could truly answer it without bias. It had been her wish that Adalyn and her would became close and even spending the short amount of time with Harry’s new girlfriend, Kate felt that they were well on their way to becoming friends.
“Is all of this worth it?” Kate gestured with her hands. “Is giving up your entire life, your career and your privacy worth it all?”
Adalyn nodded worriedly as Kate spoke. Only she understood what it was like for Adalyn, as easy it was to have Ainsley to vent to, Kate understood on a deeper level. Kate would be the one to know what it was truly like, even though Harry had been trying his best to warn and guide her through, only she knew.
“It is for me Adalyn.” Softening her gaze at the brunette she understood exactly what was circulating in her mind. “The love that Will and I share makes me believe that it is worth giving all that up for. Don’t get me wrong, it is harder some days than others to live such a public life, but that just makes moments behind closed doors so precious and so valuable.”
Kate sighed pausing as she searched for the right words. “I can sit here all night and tell you the reasons why it is worth it Adalyn, but you have to decide that for yourself.” Inching closer to Adalyn, Kate placed her hand on Addy’s knee giving it a gentle squeeze. “This life as a royal is such a privilege to give your name out for worthy causes, but it’s tagged along with endless scrutiny and is not for the faint of heart.”
“You have handled things so well lately. I remember what it was like to find your face plastered on every newspaper and magazine. They get easier to deal with, more so you get used to them invading your life and you don’t let them ruin your day or stop you from living your life.” Kate tried to comfort Adalyn knowing that it was more daunting than anything. “Trust Harry, confide in him when things are too hard for you. The Wales boys have been dealing with them their whole life and it’s more of a give and take with a very fine line that they do not let the press cross ever since Diana…”
“Thank you Kate.” Addy smiled warmly up at the duchess. “It has been hard lately, but Harry is always there and is a wonderful support, sometimes a little too protective.” She released a small giggle at the thought.
“He is very protective Adalyn. He always has been and always will be.” Kate smiled warmly wanting to help Adalyn as much as she could for she had walked in that same unpaved path. “I am always here for advice if you need. I will give you my personal number and please…” Kate stressed further, “do not hesitate to ask for help or you will surely drown in this life.”
Kate glanced up at an old clock hanging from the wall.  “Dinner must be ready by now, shall we go see what the boys are up to?”
Harry and Will
“Adalyn’s ex is stalking her?!” Will’s voice rose louder in shock.
“Shhhhh dam it William!” Harry quietly scolded his brother. Carefully he glanced over his shoulder to see if Adalyn was near. He needed to tell someone, someone who would give him advice on how to go down this new road. If it were up to Harry he would just go find the scum bag and make sure he never returned to London.
“Does father know yet?” His brother continued to subject Harry with a series of questions.
“No and he won’t know until it has been dealt with.” Harry narrowed his eyes at William making sure he was not going to tell a soul. “Father cannot know; he won’t let me protect her the way I want too.”
“Well what are you going to do?” Will looked at his brother with sympathy. He had no idea that this was happening with Adalyn above everything else she was dealing with. Harry informed his brother that he had only found out from Addy a few days prior to and that the stalking behaviour had already lasted a few months.
Harry relived that moment seeing Addy’s terrified green eyes silently begging him to keep her safe from her ex as he told William how frightened she was. This was new territory for the prince’s, having never dealt with a stalker ex before hand.
“You need to tell Luther…” Will’s eye lifted from his brother’s hearing laughter enter the room.
Harry glanced back over his shoulder as the image of his girlfriend with Kate came into view. Their eyes connected and Adalyn could tell the way Harry held himself that something was not right. Her mouth parted slightly seeing the worry circle in the prince’s eyes as each step took her closer to Harry.
He told Will.
Adalyn knew the instant her gaze averted to William’s seeing the pity he tried to conceal. She was not even mad at the fact that Harry told him; he wouldn’t do that unless he felt the need to. Harry was closest with his brother and she did not want to hinder or scold that close knit relationship hoping that one day Harry would confide in his brother more, especially about his PTSD.
“Are you all hungry yet? I am famished!” Kate broke the awkward silence that had fallen amongst them.
“So she would always make us wear matching sets of clothes and we hated it with a passion. I got to the point where I could refuse but Harry was still at her mercy and dressed him in the most ridiculous clothes!” Will had the room erupting in laughter hearing embarrassing stories of the two boys when they were younger.
Harry couldn’t help but join in at the memory of his mother that he fondly remembered. A hand wrapped around his instinctively squeezing it for a touch of comfort. His blue eyes darted down to his girlfriend cuddled up beside him that was laughing whole-heartedly at his expense.
The laughter subsided as Addy snuggled in closer to the prince causing him to lift his arm and pull her body in closer. “You alright?” Addy discretely whispered in his ear knowing how hard it was to talk about his mother.
A simple squeeze of the hand followed by a crooked smile gave her his answer. They had rarely talked about his mother Diana other than the one night Harry had taken her to ‘their spot’ that meant everything to her. In a way she desperately wanted to hear Harry’s memories of his mother like William freely shared, but knew they were precious to him and tucked away deep in heart; a place where only him could know of them.
“Tell Adalyn about the time where Harry wanted to play with the older cousins and –”
“I think that is enough reminiscing for tonight Will!” Harry interjected before another embarrassing story was shared with his girlfriend earning an exaggerated pouty lip from the woman beside him.
“Oh come on! One more story please William!” Addy chuckled while Harry turned his head giving her a non-pleasing expression. “I love to watch Harry squirm!”
Her lips pressed firmly against Harry’s holding them in place for a couple seconds hoping that it would help distract Harry from her request. The prince groaned with agony as he agreed to one last story making Addy grin from ear to ear. Her lips tugged into a stagnant smile hearing more child hood memories of Harry.
Kate could not take her eyes off of the couple. She saw how comfortable Adalyn was around Harry, eager to be by his side and always wearing a small smile in his presence. It was not hard to see that her brother in law was in love with this woman as the revelation hit her she could not keep it inside.
“You love each other!” Kate interrupted her husband earning all eyes turning to her. Clearing her throat she began to speak again. “I am sorry, but it is so easy to tell…”
Harry could not hide the smile that spread across his lips as Addy buried her face into the crook of his neck. Her cheeks had become flushed in embarrassment as Kate went on to explain how she knew. Was it really that obvious?
“Of course I love her Kate. You do not have to explain how you know, it’s true that I do.” Harry proudly confirmed Kate’s suspicions. “But, it is far later than we expected to stay and I have to get Addy home before her father gets out his shotgun!”
“Thank you for such a lovely dinner, it was so nice to meet you.” Addy beamed as she leaned into the prince’s arm gently rubbing it up and down.
“You are welcome anytime Adalyn. Thank you for making my brother as happy as he is.” William couldn’t help but not hug the woman who made his brother smile ear to ear.  “Though I do not know how you can stand that ginger hair of his!” Of course his brother would take any opportunity to throw banter his way.
“At least he has hair Will!” Addy wittily snapped back in laughter defending her boyfriend. Reaching up she ran her fingers through his thick ginger hair. Harry was not laughing due to the state of shock that he was in not thinking that Adalyn would respond that way, but loved her even more for it.
“Oooooh!!!” Kate held her belly in laughter. “She got you Will!”
“Damn Harry she is a keeper!” Will pushed out between breaths of laughter.
“She is quite amazing isn’t she?” Harry turned his gaze down at his girlfriend seeing her eyes smiling back up at him.
“Just amazing Harry?” Addy raised her eyebrow suggestively.
“Well…. smart, talented, beautiful and…” Harry paused pretending to ponder.” Well ya that’s it!” Harry braced himself knowing a playful smack was coming towards him.
“Ok we really need to go!” Harry urged not wanting to witness the wrath of Adalyn’s father. Grabbing Addy’s hand he led her through the door waving and exchange one last set of goodbyes.
“Shopping date soon Adalyn remember!” Kate hollered at them from down the hall.
Running up to the steps of her father’s home Harry released her hand allowing Addy to dig out her keys. The lights inside of the house were turned off indicating that everyone had gone to bed and Addy needed to sneak in quietly, careful not to wake anyone up.
Fumbling with the keys Addy quietly opened the door, pulling Harry inside to say goodbye. His arms immediately surrounded her pulling her body flush against him about to press his lips onto her full luscious lips when a lamp light quickly turned on in the front room nearly startling the couple. Her father’s face was half lit as he had been waiting patiently for her to make it home.
“Dad?!” Addy gasped in shock as her hand flew to her chest. “What the hell! I am twenty six years old!”
“12:01 Harry.” Her father sat up closing in the distance between the couple. Harry’s hand dropped to his side making more space between him and Carlson’s daughter.
“Time to say goodnight Adalyn.”
Addy peaked up at Harry with a guilty smile that half loved how protective and cute her father was acting. “Better say goodnight Harry…” She whispered into his ear.
Harry nodded acknowledging her father, secretly wondering where the shotgun was located at that exact moment. The prince pulled his girlfriend into a quick embrace careful of where he placed his hands. Addy pecked his cheek with a swift kiss saying her goodnight, desperately wishing that she could sneak her boyfriend upstairs like a rebellious teenager.
“Goodnight Sir.” Harry dropped Adalyn’s hand giving it one last squeeze before he turned towards the door and left her home.
Addy ran to the front window watching her prince climb into the backseat giving her one last wave before he disappeared into the back. Her hand lifted giving him a small wave wanting him not to leave her. Staying at the window she stood there until his black SUV made it out of her range of sight.
Pulling the covers over her body she snuggled into their warmth that they provided. Chance and Willow had both climbed up onto her bed making themselves comfy on either side of her. Her phone vibrated on the bedside table just before she was about to turn off the light.
A text from Harry read….
They loved you babe. I love you xx sleep well.
Addy immediately replied.
“How did it go Harry?” Luther asked from the front seat curiously.
Harry opened his mouth about to speak before feeling his phone buzz in his hands. An instant smile appeared on his lips seeing her reply.
I love you Henry. Wish you were here with me tonight xx I am here when you wake up tonight, please call me xo
“Great Luther, they loved Addy!” You could hear the smile on the prince’s lips.
“Luther?” The prince’s tone became more serious.
“Yes Harry?” He looked back at the prince seeing the concerned expression grace his face.
“I need your help with something…”
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writingdumpster-o · 7 years ago
Chapter Four:
Two Months Later
Magdalene was back in Diagon Alley with her list of Hogwarts supplies in one hand and her cat, Shyvana, sitting in her cauldron in the other. She cursed under her breath for the umpteenth time, swearing to herself to make that leech of a boy pay for it. Not only did he dare go to her potential employer’s house to ruin her interview, but he ended up taking her and his cousin down with him. This won’t go unpunished, she stated in her mind as she made her way towards Ollivander’s to, as she did every year, make him check her wand. The brass bell rang as she opened the door to the renovated store. She could not help but remember the first time she had entered that shop.
She was in awe. She had never thought, in her eleven years, that such wonders existed. Her parents were just as awestruck as she was, and they asked multiple questions to their guide: a most peculiar man, roughly Maggie’s height and who spoke in a squeaky voice. His name, Magdalene would later remember, was Filius Flitwick.
“Ah, now, the most important part!” Flitwick squeaked, making everyone jump. “The wand! And the best place for that has always been Ollivander's…”
Professor Flitwick rambled on about the history of Ollivander’s wand shop, which captivated her parents, but she was too busy marvelling at the visuals to pay him any heed. The shop smelled of old parchment and broomsticks—although the latter scent was still unfamiliar to her. Professor Flitwick had enthusiastically explained to her the rudiments of Quidditch, when they had first read the whole of the letter. Mr. Ollivander smiled down at Flitwick as the four of them penetrated the shop.
“Good to see you, Professor. Muggle-Born?” He inquired, tilting his head towards Magdalene, who was too busy looking at all the shelves and what they contained to notice.
“Most certainly, Mr. Ollivander! Come, Magdalene, now you’re going to have to get measured for your wand. Come on; let’s see what your wand is going to look like.”
Magdalene was measured and asked a couple of questions before Ollivander started pulling wands out of the shelves behind the front desk. Half a dozen wands later, Ollivander took almost a minute in staring at her, as though debating whether he ought to do what he had in mind or not. Finally, after forty-five seconds of agonising silence, he whooshed to the bottom of the aisle and crouched down to retrieve a rather long box, compared with the other ones she had tried. Even as he approached the quartet, he seemed hesitant.
He pulled out a wand and meant to extend it towards Maggie but he retrieved his arm before she could reach for it. “You must understand, Miss Middleton that I am reluctant to give you this wand to try out.” He informed her.
She looked up, squinting with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity. “Why?”
Mr. Ollivander pursed his lips and gave her the wand. As she took hold of it, she felt a warmth erupt from within the wand, extending from her hand to her arm, and spreading throughout the rest of her body. A light breeze ruffled her hair against her face, despite the weather being hot and still. She glanced back up at Ollivander who had a mixture of wonder and disappointment plastered all over his face. He took back the wand, and placed it back into the box gently, as though it might explode.
“Can’t I have that one, Sir?”
“I’m afraid this wand might be too demanding, Miss. You see, this wand is made of sycamore wood and a Phoenix feather core. These two, individually, are already a handful, but together, they constitute a hazard.” He paced up and down the aisles, probably looking for a better fit while toying with the box between his fingers. “The sycamore makes a questing wand, eager for new experience and losing brilliance if engaged in mundane activities. This is not the kind of wand that accepts to be treated as a third arm, and it will show this. If this wand is used in mundane ways for too long, it will burst into flames. The wand always chooses the wizard, Miss Middleton. Moreover, this wand wood chooses an owner who is vital, curious, and adventurous. When this wand and the right owner pair up, wonders will never cease. It will demonstrate a capacity to learn and adapt that earns it a rightful place among the world’s most highly-prized wand woods.” With a defeated sigh, he made his way back towards the Middletons and Professor Flitwick.
“So this wand gets bored easily? It won’t make coffee or do some of the simple Charms that Professor Flitwick showed me?” Magdalene inquired a hint of disappointment.
“Oh, it will… But if this becomes its primary purpose, then I’m afraid you’ll have to come back to me for a new wand…”
“What about the Phoenix feather? What does it do?” Magdalene asked, as her father took a seat on the chair next to her, and her mother stepped close behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“The Phoenix feather is the rarest of wand cores. You must understand that each wand has a magical animal part inside. Unicorn hair and dragon heartstring are commonly used. And then, there comes the Phoenix feather.” He began, but was interrupted by her gasp.
“Unicorns and dragons exist?” She marvelled, more to herself than for anyone’s interest.
“They are, yes. But not to worry, no dragons are allowed anywhere near Hogwarts.” Professor Flitwick added the latter part in order to quell the worry that had taken over the parents’ features.
Ollivander quickly hid his irritation at the interruption and continued. “Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the fussiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.”
“Will that mean that I’m going to have more difficulties than someone with a Unicorn hair wand?” Magdalene worried, biting her bottom lip.
“No. However, this wand puts pressure on you to accomplish great things, Miss Middleton. Great things indeed. I suggest you came back next year, when you’re next in Diagon Alley, for me to see if the wand is truly adequate or if it is a mere fluke.”
And she did. She went back to Ollivander’s every year since, making sure that her wand was nowhere near bursting into flames. Ollivander had been quite intrigued to know that she had been sorted into Slytherin, but she thought nothing of it. That day, there was already a client and Magdalene would recognise that mass of dirty blonde hair anywhere.
“Good morning, Luna. Mr. Ollivander,” she greeted, nodding at the old man.
“Oh, good morning Maggie,” Luna greeted her softly. “You’re coming back to Hogwarts for your N.E. ?”
“Yep!” She confirmed, making the ‘p’ pop.
“Did you lose your wand?” She inquired with a tilt of her head.
Mr. Ollivander beat Magdalene at answering. “No, it would never happen to little Miss Middleton, right here. Each start of year, she comes to my store to make me check her wand. She is very careful with it; the wand’s allegiance to her is unbreakable as I tell her each year.”
“Thank you for believing in me, the first time I came here. It has proven a stronger ally than I could have dreamed of,” she said and leaned back on the counter. “What about you, Luna? Any wand problems?”
“No, it’s just that the new one doesn’t work like my first wand, I need to test other wands. Wand lore seems like a fascinating subject,” she murmured as she examined the wand that she had in hand.
“I think so too, maybe I’ll open a Middleton’s,” Magdalene mused, “it would be the most gratifying work that exists, seeing all those fascinated eleven year olds trying out their first wands…”
“I think so too,” she muttered distractedly before flicking a new wand, making a clumsy Patronus of what might have looked like a bunny appear.
“Not this one, then?” Ollivander asked as he put down Magdalene’s wand on the counter.
Just then, the bell rang and three blond heads entered: a young man, a young woman, and a middle-aged woman. All of them were wearing chic, expensive clothing. Magdalene recognised them as the Malfoys, minus the father. She would have liked to express her discontent to the Malfoy son but his mother had always intimidated her, and his cousin might just tear out her throat or worse. She turned to Luna for them not to see her face.
“Mrs. Malfoy, what a pleasant surprise!” Ollivander greeted them, abandoning his search for a potential wand for the blonde Ravenclaw. “How can I help you?”
Draco got closer to the counter and spoke before his mother. “I need a wand, Mr. Ollivander.”
“Do you, boy?” He muttered without further questioning it.
“Similar to my first one in shape, if possible.” His voice sounded strained.
“Of course, of course let me just…” he trailed off, disappearing behind newly stocked shelves.
“Hey, Loony,” Victoria chimed smugly, “wand problems?”
“Oh, not as big as Draco’s but, yes,” she absentmindedly replied, unaware of Malfoy’s sarcasm.
“Isn’t this dear Middleton, though?” She teased, poking the girl’s shoulder.
Maggie readied her forced smile and turned around —Narcissa was probably waiting for them outside— “Hello, Victoria,” she said sweetly, “how are you by this oh-so good morning?”
“Feeling just as murderous as you must be,” she fumed, earning a sneer from the boy.
Magdalene raised an eyebrow at Draco before speaking to Victoria. “I see he’s told you what his smart mouth brought on us.”
“Oh, yes,” she ranted, “I nearly killed him.”
“We’ve got business to attend to, Victoria, if you don’t mind.” Draco narrowed his eyes at his cousin
“So what?” She shrugged, earning a glare. “Don’t you glare at me, Draco Malfoy, I can use magic at Hogwarts and you won’t like what you’ll see.”
He merely blinked at her. “Really? What’s the worst that you can do? Stun me to death?”
“I can try,” she persisted with a decisive nod.
“Will you try these, sir?” Ollivander interrupted them, putting five long rectangular boxes on the counter.
Draco tried wand after wand and then examined every single one closely before lifting up the shortest.
“What is this made of?” Draco asked.
“Hawthorn and Dragon heartstring, sir.”
“How long does it take to make a wand?” Maggie interjected, making all eyes turn to her.
“About three weeks, Miss,” he responded.
“Make a wand identical to his first and send it to Hogwarts, he’ll try both and send the less effective back to you, if that’s all right with you,” she requested.
Ollivander nodded slowly. “This might work, though I’ll need to find a good enough unicorn for the hair. And I do believe the tree I got the wood from is still standing…” he trailed off, putting away the four other wands.
“How do you know so much about wands?” Victoria asked, while Draco fished for Galleons in his robes.
“I took wand lore in sixth year,” Magdalene explained. “Is my wand all right, sir?”
“Of course, of course young lady. You may have it back.”
“Thanks, I’m rather late; in fact I should be going.” She grabbed her wand. “Later, Luna. I’ll see you next year, Mr. Ollivander.” She turned to the other two and nodded “Malfoys.”
“Later, Middleton,” Victoria nodded her farewell.
She exited the shop and continued her shopping while the Malfoys went to look for new cloaks. Victoria, as usual, was easy to satisfy. Draco, on the other hand, acted like Draco Malfoy.
“This cloak is too wide,” he complained, widening his arms like a bat.
“For heaven’s sake, Draco, it’s a cloak!” Victoria whined.
“A cloak that makes me look half-giant,” he reiterated.
“Don’t be such a baby, come on we’ll miss the train now!” She hissed menacingly.
He ignored her pointedly. “It’s only nine forty-five.”
“We still have to go to Flourish & Blotts’ and get potions supplies, you insufferable—!”
“Language,” the warning came from both mother and son.
“Sorry, Aunt Cissy, but you’ll be okay with me saying that he’s making a fuss out of nothing.” she stated matter-of-factly.
“As much as I hate to admit it, you are being insufferable today, Draco.” Narcissa remarked, a half-apologetic glint in her eyes.
He pressed his lips together. “Fine, these are fine, then,” he surrendered.
“Thank Merlin it’s over!” Victoria gloated on their way out, earning a glare from Draco.
The rest of the morning went without further events, and the three Malfoys arrived at the platform at ten minutes to eleven. Draco scanned the crowd, looking for Blaise or Pansy, while Victoria looked for Daphne and Theo. When the time came to embark, and neither had found their peers, they settled on saying their farewells to Narcissa.
Narcissa took Victoria aside. “Be safe, all right? And please, be there for Draco. He will never admit it, but he needs all the support he can get.”
“I will, Aunt Cissy,” Victoria murmured, out of Draco’s earshot.
Narcissa placed a hand on her niece’s left cheek. “I’m going to miss you so much.”
“We’ll miss you even more,” she replied before kissing the top of her head. “Try and visit Andromeda, please… You only have each other now, and there’s no reason to hold on to that old quarrel. Not to mention that if Uncle Lucius’s trial goes wrong, you’ll have somewhere to go if they decide to seize the Manor.”
Narcissa studied her niece before giving her a slow nod and a hug. She then approached her son with nearly the same instructions she had just given to Victoria.
“I love you,” he whispered finally.
“I love you too, I love you both,” she murmured. “Go now, you don’t want to be late.”
Draco held out his arm for Victoria. “It’s now or never, if you want to back out,” he challenged.
She grabbed the crease of his elbow determinedly. “You wish,” she retorted.
They hop into the train, Draco leading the way, looking for familiar faces. They end up settling on a seemingly empty compartment.
“Where do you think Blaise is?” Victoria asked.
Before Draco could answer, and as she sat down, a black cat hissed at the both of them, making Victoria give out a squeak and Draco curse under his breath. That cat, they recognised to be Magdalene’s, since it had spent most of its life in the Slytherin common room.
“What the bloody hell is this fleabag doing here?!” Victoria snapped, making the cat leave the compartment.
Draco raised an eyebrow. “I thought you were the pacifist one?”
“Not when a cat surprises my behind, thank you very much,” she protested, dusting her white trousers of cat hair. Hearing a snort, she glared at Draco, “Help me, instead of mocking me, you useless twat!”
Just as he pulled out his wand, the compartment opened to reveal Blaise and Magdalene coming in, their arms charged with sweets. They stopped abruptly, making a liquorice wand and two Chocolate Frog boxes fall on the floor. For the Malfoys, that was a sight to behold: Blaise Zabini, the most poised and aristocratic Slytherin in their year, joking around with the Muggle-Born who was the most out-of-place in their common room, their arms overflowing with candy and the trace of laughter still on their faces. The latter pair was just as shocked to witness the Malfoys in their compartment, Victoria displaying her backside to Draco who had his wand out.
“Well… This could have gone much better.” Blaise stated, taking a seat near the window, facing Draco, and unloading his arms to his right.
“Where’s Shyvana?” Magdalene asked, looking around for her cat.
“Your fleabag almost ruined my designer robes. This vest is cashmere, Middleton, if I see one black hair on it, you’ll have to reimburse it,” Victoria thundered, pulling out her own wand and attempting to Scrougify her trousers.
Maggie raised her eyebrows at the statement and dropped her load atop Blaise’s, in the middle of the seat. She then tiptoed to retrieve her trunk and shouldered her bag.
“What exactly are you doing?” Blaise asked, glaring at Draco’s disapproving look.
“I’m going to look for Shyvana.” She stated simply, struggling to lift her trunk.
“And you need your luggage because..?” He trailed off, standing up.
“Because I’m going to settle wherever my cat went.”
“And why is that?” Victoria demanded, sitting next to Draco and helping herself to a bag of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans.
“Because it is easier to leave than to kick intruders out of the compartment that I found.” Magdalene snapped bitterly.
“You’ll do no such thing, Maggie.” Blaise stated calmly.
“Maggie?” Both Malfoys repeated, flummoxed.
“Magdalene found the compartment, invited me to stay with her, and suggested that we caught up with the trolley lady to have a sweet feast. We were on our way back when you lot started complaining about cat hair and cashmere.”
Blaise had never sounded so… emotional. The Zabini heir was always composed and passive, and this was uncharacteristic behaviour. He turned to Maggie, who was still trying to fit her trunk out the partially opened door and levitated the trunk out of her grasp and back into the compartment. She glared at him and he gave her a stern look, which made her sit down opposite Victoria, who looked completely unbothered, albeit confused by the situation. Draco hid his shock well, but questioned Blaise with his squinting eyes.
“Your cat will come back, it always does,” Blaise murmured reassuringly as he handed her a Chocolate Frog.
“You owe me, Zabini.” She pouted, but still accepted the sweet that she began munching on, like an upset toddler.
Blaise stifled a snort as he turned to Draco. “What?”
“Since when are you two so cosy with one another?” Victoria spoke the words out of Draco’s mind.
“Since… third year, was it?” Blaise frowned at Magdalene when she ignored him. He tsk'ed and nodded at the blond pair. “Yes, since third year.”
“And you never thought to mention it?” Draco spat bitterly, folding his arms over his chest.
“Don’t be so bitter, Draco, here have a liquorice wand,” Victoria cooed mockingly, dangling a wand under his nose.
Blaise snorted in amusement, knowing that Draco would die before he brought a liquorice wand anywhere near his taste buds again. It had become common knowledge one night, when they were seven that Draco and liquorice never matched.
October 31st, 1987
Blaise had always loved visiting his paternal grandfather, if for nothing else than he knew he’d always be welcome at the Zabini manor despite what his mother had most certainly done to his father. That year, young Blaise had managed to convince his grandfather to invite his friends over for Halloween, and so it was that the Malfoys, the Greengrass girls, Theodore Nott, and Pansy Parkinson were running around the Zabini estate, collecting as much sweets as they could. Since the estate was nowhere near having neighbours, the sweets had been hidden in the maze-like gardens by the house elves. With the last piece of candy in tow, they all retreated to Blaise’s room to compare and swap their findings.
“Hey, I have an idea!” Theo exclaimed as he removed a grass blade from yet another pack of Every Flavour Beans. “How about we put together all of our beans with weird colours, like grey, and stuff, and we dare each other to eat one?”
“But that would be stupid and disgusting,” Victoria remarked, opening a Chocolate Frog. “I got Merlin again, who wants to swap?”
“Me!” Astoria Greengrass chimed, “I got Salazar Slytherin again, I’ve got six of him already.”
“Done! I almost got all four founders, I’m only missing—”
Draco interrupted her. “What do we win if we can eat every weird bean we get?”
Theo pondered for a moment before his eyes snapped back to reality. “If you can’t swallow it whole, you have to put one of your sweets in the middle, and if you can, you can take whichever one you want from the middle until we finish them.”
And so the game began. Victoria and Daphne suffered the most losses, while Draco and Theo displayed their winnings proudly. The game went on until only two identical beans remained. They were black, glistening with challenge.
Theodore and Draco never left each other’s eyes as each one lifted a bean. “What’d you think?” Draco smirked. “I’d say sewer.”
“Rat fur.” Theo challenged.
“Three… Two… One… EAT!” The onlookers did the countdown and were astonished to see opposing reactions.
Theo looked as though he thoroughly enjoyed the taste. Draco, on the other hand, was all but scraping his tongue and nearly crying with disgust.
“What did he get? Was it sewer?”
“No, it was clearly rat’s fur, look at his face!”
Blaise took one of the empty boxes and read the taste guide. After scanning the paper briefly, he roared with laughter. Piqued by curiosity, Victoria tore the paper from his hand, and soon joined him, and they were both in tears by the time everyone learned that Draco had made a fool of himself for a liquorice-flavoured bean. Theo claimed that that had always been his sweetest victory, and Draco would resent anyone who brought back that memory.
September 1st, 1998
Blaise smirked at the memory before replying to Draco’s last question. “Had I mentioned it, you would have forfeited a lifetime of friendship over petty prejudices.”
Draco fumed in his corner, slouching in his seat and watching the landscapes fly by as the train sped to Scotland. Victoria noticed that tension that threatened to settle and quickly thought of an idea.
“Blaise,” she spoke. He turned to her and noticed the gleam of mischief in her eyes. “Want to play with beans?”
Blaise’s smirk grew into a wide grin. “Only if you manage to get Draco to play.”
The latter huffed, and Magdalene seemed suddenly interested. “How’d you play with beans?”
“We put all the suspicious-looking ones in the middle and take turns eating them. If we can’t swallow them whole, we have to relinquish one of our sweets, and if we can, we get to take one of the losses. It’s a game full of stories, and a good way to bond.” Blaise added the last fact eyeing Draco meaningfully.
“Draco, how about you played with us?” Victoria suggested mock-innocently.
He raised an eyebrow at her as though meaning to say “Really?” and turned back to the window.
“Malfoy is too scared to play,” Magdalene stated, as she opened a pack of beans and selected those for the game.
“Do you genuinely believe that this is going to work on me? You can challenge a Gryffindor that way, not me.” He huffed.
“Of course, because you’re much better, moping like a child.” Magdalene mused.
The three willing players took turns playing, Victoria relinquishing one good bean when she found herself eating an earwax-flavoured horror, and when Draco’s turn came, everyone turned to him expectantly.
“What?” He hissed.
“Come on, don’t be such a prick,” Victoria encouraged, handing him a white bean.
Draco eyed the bean suspiciously before surrendering and tearing it from Victoria’s hand. He chewed it tentatively before nodding. “Vanilla.”
“Now was that so hard?” Blaise teased.
“Sod off.”
And so, the unlikely friends played on until they arrived at Hogwarts, and the group split into two once they left the train.
A/N: About the wand stuff that Ollivander said in the first flashback, I took the information from my own wand in Pottermore, and some sentences I copied verbatim. So, yeah, I hope you enjoyed the long chapter.
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