#by the way the translated novel extracts are already finished. I shared them in a recent reblog
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shytulipghost · 3 months ago
So I'm 85% done with the expression drawing sheet and so far the file is over 600 MB. Unfortunately, I can't delete layers to free up space because Krita immediately crashes, so I'm trying to get this done quickly so I can share everything I made.
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I just need to do recolour everything for the possessed version of the character and add the fonts I used on Halloween (thankfully, not all 100 of them).
I will delete the .kra file once it's finished to have more space more on my computer.
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ladyazulina · 7 months ago
Azu is Talking - There's Something Every Week
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The first week I was not ready. (Are we ever?)
The second week I was not only overwhelmed by changes, but I was also suffering from a dental procedure. (I still have to schedule a piece extraction… Funny.)
The third week I was heavily hit by a wave of depression. (Not free of it yet. Does it ever go away?)
And last week I was hormonal. (Pre, during, post. We are always hormonal, there’s no rest of it.)
This week I’m sick.
My mom got sick last weekend and it didn’t surprise me that I was already showing signs a day after. I have low defenses as they are. But there’s always something going on in my life. I should not have laughed at my friend saying that my life was way more exciting than hers, but it was really hard to believe then. I mean, I would like it not to be, but there has always been something every week. Maybe I just didn’t want to accept it. I still don’t. It doesn’t make it any less true though.
It’s as true as I lost Creative Monday. Again. I wasn’t in the best of shapes, but my body (or my mind? Both? Why not both?) demanded rest and I had to comply. There were no suggestions or questions or even options for a decision. The only thing I could do was comply. And I’m slightly wary trying to remember it because… there’s not much coming to my mind, if nothing is something I could count on and rely on.
But on Review Tuesday, I got to share, as of late, this week’s Linney’s campaign post. It was, in hindsight, all I did. And it was hard to do after two days of lying sick in bed and having to get back in full into house chores. Anyone could say it doesn’t sound like a lot, but in a four-person house, when you cease your tasks and no one fills in for you, it can get messy really fast. Don’t even let me get started on it.
Iron Valley, Linney's Campaign, is being live every Tuesday.
The only reason I’m not also delayed on Linney’s campaign is because those posts are scheduled three weeks in advance. It would have been four if I would have got to schedule this week’s one.
When I got ready to start (late, but I’m my own boss, so) with the review, there was a power outage. I assumed it was like the ones we usually have and would be back in five minutes or an hour, but it lasted seven hours. From 5pm to midnight. So I was unable to do anything else. And I got the hell frustrated about it.
The nice thing I can take about that day, though, is that before the power went out my partner let me ramble about my writing projects and stuff and I got excited again about writing and progressing on those. I have A Plan™ that consists of me finishing my TTRPG game this year so I can start with one novel next year, as The Year’s Project™. The next year’s project is not the one I’m excited about, but whatever gets me back in the game works… right? I guess.
Working Wednesday had a late start, but I did get into it. I underestimated the translating work, but I spent the whole day translating into English the first workshop I was working on. Next week will be the second one, and since that’s shorter, I believe it’s safe to assume that I will be able to upload them on Patreon? Maybe? August it is, I hope.
By then I had already received my boss’ feedback, about the [REDACTED] adventure, and apart from a few not-that-minor organization requests, he took it? My first-ever adventure? I have to edit it, maybe two rounds of editions, but… nothing major? Just… put it nicely? I still have to sit on it, but if the point is that I’m amazing... Baby, I’m amazing 💅🏼
Hahahah, okay, I have to uplift myself, alright? So, give me a minute.
A hot minute.
I also started reading an ARC, the one of the author that always asks. I tried reading the first that I received this week, but it was from an author I tried to read a previous trilogy and couldn’t progress in the first book, so… I should have seen it coming. This one, though, I’m already having fun. It has around forty chapters and I’m reading only one per day so far. I know I can pick up a better pace, but I better leave it happen on its own than force it.
Backstage Tuesday was A Day™. I did some editions for this awesome project with the cool boss and they’re so great I do enjoy working with them! I did the backstage task even though I was getting sleepy, but the promise of a coffee break with my partner made me work it without complaints. I also worked on a sample of the [REDACTED] adventure, because I was slightly confused about some things, on how to apply the editions, so I talked with my boss (I… I have two more bosses than I feel comfortable having) and we reached an agreement for the sample, and I… worked on it the rest of the day like an obsessive. Four hours and something. With a Killer Headache™. It was a weird day for me, I woke up feeling weird, not being able to place what was wrong, everything bothering me, and not wanting to engage with anything, so I’m glad I got stuff done. Very well done, on top.
I don’t remember it being that bad, though. Lots of nice memories. It’s good to know the pain isn’t taking hold of my life anymore. Some days it can be overseen.
It feels nice.
On Secret Friday, I felt productive. I sent my [REDACTED] adventure’s boss the sample and they gave me the green light to continue following that hunch because I was right. I slightly organized a collection of mine I would like to publish before the end of the year if possible. I continued editing the project (attempting to do at least a small edition per day to advance it as quickly as possible, managing it well to this day). Spent needed time with loved friends I adore and miss on a daily basis. And engaged in the Secret Thing I’m doing for my not-that-secret partner. I felt nice, working-wise, but I got free earlier than expected and though I’m usually out of commission to start new stuff after 6pm (my head starts getting fuzzy and light), I felt like I was missing something. There was something I should do, or be doing, that I did not remember. Something I should check on. Something to work with. That was not in my to-do list.
It’s hard to go over that thought when you have no hint whatsoever of what that could be. So I decided to chill out. I have been doing a good job so far, I can start resting earlier some days.
Playful Saturday was playful, heheheh I spent the whole day rereading all my playthrough in the TTRPG solo campaign before finishing it. I edited a few ways, adding some things and taking out others, but so far I’m satisfied with it. With most of it. I hate the ending with a passion, but it was the ending the game needed, so I’m not complaining… That much.
I also had a small unplanned break accompanying my mom for a walk to the supermarket. We’re trying to get everything ready so I can take a trip at the end of the year to stay with my partner for a bit and meet his family, so she also took the opportunity to ask some questions that were bothering her. I’m trying to do my best, but I hate adulthood, it stresses me way too much and a lot of things don’t make sense, it’s needed to be done anyway.
Every step makes me feel nervous and accomplished, very much overwhelmed while seeing it as a whole, so I’m focusing on just the one I have to take next. There is a need to be so patient that it makes me mad.
Anyway, I will be reaching out to the creator of the game this next week, to give them my thoughts and fangirl about how the first campaign went for me. I will be making a public post about it as well and letting you all know when the time comes. The story I ended with will start being uploaded on Patreon, with teasers going everywhere after my two campaigns of Iron Valley are taken care of. So stay tuned.
I mean, I want to start teasing you now, but it’s not that long. I swear it will be worth it.
I expect to request my passport this week, so that’s an adulting process to go through I’m hoping not to dread (completely). It’s also my last free week before classes in college start, even though I will be taking only two subjects. And I’m so waiting for next Sunday, when I will be meeting with my lovely friends; I’ve been wanting to do this for m o n t h s.
More on all of this next week, hopefully.
Just as a heads-up, I have started a list of posts I would like to share outside of my weekly stuff, but we will see how long they take me and where and when they will go live. Just in case one or two of those start appearing before me saying something about it.
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