#by the way in case you're curious-- 'Signore' means 'Mister' in italian
sepheroth · 1 year
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a charecter I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
Stefano Valentini- The Evil Within 2
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Sefano's ideals of art would sooner be described 'grotesque,' or 'insane', even 'bizarre'. After he'd lost one of his eyes he'd learned to see it not entirely as all a loss. Both, his wounded and unharmed eye were still functional in it's own way that he needed them. But so, it was he'd gained an ability to foresee one's death just moments before it happened. It was as marvelous and truly picturesque, as well as a pleasure for him. And the photo that was responsible for claiming one of his eyes? He kept it as a souvenir. Safely stashed away, of course. His obsession with death was something of 'morbid' or often referred to as 'obscenity'. Something he didn't really understand himself but decided it would be better that way. Blood and violence were beautiful for him. Including the ones that were no such work of his own doing of creation. Even if it were at the cost of his own suffering, he found beauty in that as well . And here, these labs--even as he didn't understand how it was the staff, figureheads and scientists had gotten away with what he assumes were formerly human and were now, fiends behind glass. Maybe it was a well kept secret it of theirs? Truly astounding. Here and there he'd snap photos of them. Likely, Stefano's being here was secret and it was under the veil of 'curiosity,' it was a lie. He did not know the man who would approach him, but nonetheless, he'd have taken his hand and thus introduce himself. It was better that he had done this when he was no longer in the lab. All smiles, his eyes looked ahead to marvel the slickness and smoothness of the interiors of the building. Turning back, Stefano would exhale an exhilarated one once has he'd accept a handshake. His voice thick, coated with an foreign speech even in a common tongue when he so have chosen to use. "Piacere. Come Si Chiama?" Clearing his throat and blinking back once he realized his error, he'd translate himself and he laughed it off. "The name's Stefano Valentini, Signore. What I said before just now was , 'Pleased to meet you' and I asked 'What was your name.' Forgive me. My heart's still very much living in my homeland, Italy. And my native tongue often comes into speech and I am uncertain which I should use, Signore."
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