#by the way!! i still have your ask about wayfarer and im saving it for when i get to check it out >.<
rsmrymnt-tea ยท 2 years
Hiya!! Saw your tags about the plot hole and my brain started ticking away on it,,,,
I don't really have any solutions but I do have Thoughts so!! Also I love how thinking about anything in om for two seconds will make things just fall to pieces lol.
Anyway there's no way that Diavolo was convinced of a lie right? He's like a walking lie detector, I thought. It seems more likely that Dia just went along with Lucifer's lie in order to keep things running smoothly between them or smth. (Dia's probably smart enough to put together Lucifer's trauma about what happened with Lilith and how it would apply to that exact situation so)
It's the brothers that are more of a problem. As you said they probably would want to see Belphie off, and why would they buy no longer being able to contact him while he's in the human world?? I'm sure that they all know that something isn't quite right, but they're unwilling to go against Lucifer over a hunch. (I mean at the very least Satan's putting two and two together, mans isn't giving up an opportunity to play detective!!)
It also makes things more interesting for everyone to be aware that something's off, even if they don't know to what degree!!
Also,, is there a chance that Dola would tell anyone about meeting Belphie?? Could the other brothers somehow convince her to help him?? Maybe Beel when they're getting closer? Could Lucifer do something for Dola to develop a big enough grudge to be manipulated into freeing Belphie (or maybe just collecting the pacts? Could it work that she just acquires the pacts without the intent to free him but then lesson 16 happens and :/ you know..)
Uhh yeah that's what I've got.. I hope this ask can at least be a rubber duck for you if nothing else!!
((also I just want to say regarding your desire to delete your blog,, it might be better to just archive given how much Dola stuff you have on here?? Assuming you don't back everything up elsewhere lol. It's just I'm p sure you can't open "keep reading" on posts from deleted blogs and it would suck to lose those conversations yeah?? Anw hope you feel better soon!!))
- ๐Ÿ
It's actually like... Super interesting how it sort of feels like OM relies on you sort of forgetting about certain beats in between dance battles and having to grind your cards so that you can win those dance battles in the first place? Because when you go through everything in one go it's a bit more obvious where the story is really lacking... And if you go through everything in one go multiple times it really does make you go like.. Huh...
inb4 I get something like 'it's an otome what do you expect' bc we can want better... But that's what creating a completely different canon suited to your preferences is for, I guess (though I really really wish I could enjoy canon more...)
Anyway Nonnie thank you for letting me rubber duck because I think I somehow get to nicer conclusions when I'm answering an ask >.>
But yeah! I honestly think Diavolo has to have just gone with whatever Lucifer said to him (perhaps he like, words it in a way that's vague but true enough that it doesn't set off Diavolo's inner lie detector?) both because he had a feeling that Lucifer would do something to keep Belphie from doing something that'll inevitably get him imprisoned/punished by Diavolo himself and also because he would've known that it needed to happen? In Dola's canon he knows that it'll happen, at least. He has enough reason to let it slide, I guess...?
The brothers though, for real! Literally no way that they didn't catch on that something was up. We know Beel definitely kept trying to get through to Lucifer, but yeah I like to think that they were all aware that there's more to Belphie's silence than just him being busy because they can't be that shitty of brothers?? They're not that stupid either??? But I suppose everything considered... I think I can buy that they just couldn't bring themselves to bring shit up with Lucifer.
Because to everyone other than Lucifer, Belphie literally just disappears from the Devildom one morning before the exchange program even has the chance to bring anyone in??? From the sound of things, it's the night right after the decision to even have the program to begin with is approved that he goes to confront Lucifer about getting Diavolo to change his mind, which eventually ends in him being thrown and locked into the attic that very same night after he threatens to destroy humanity. And so the very next morning after Belphie's opposition during the meeting, he's just fucking gone and never heard from until however long it took for Lesson 12 to happen.
So what does that look like to everyone? shgdkjs Satan would be putting on his detective hat for sure while everyone tries to help Beel deal with the fact that Lucifer just sent Belphie on exile without warning :( I can see Satan actually trying to interrogate Lucifer on why the hell none of them can visit Belphie or how absurd it is that he doesn't seem the least bit concerned that he's not reaching out to any of them. I can see Asmo and Levi not being able to bring it up at all out of fear, and Mammon I can see trying to bring it up in a more casual way that ends up guilting Lucifer more, which probably gets them into a fight..? I wish we got more of the brothers giving a shit about Belphie being missing tbh...
Maybe it just speaks to how fucked up the brothers' relationship to Lucifer and each other was. Mostly to Lucifer. Would definitely add so much more tension around the house and give a clearer reason to the brothers agreeing to making pacts with MC/Dolasach for Belphie's sake, at least? If like... Dola ends up saying she wants the pacts for Belphie's sake...
hdfjkghdsf NONNIE!!!! omfg good point on Lucifer doing something that'll get her pissed the fuck off enough to agree to help Belphie out of sheer spite??? Because Lucifer literally nearly kills her down in the underground tomb in the very same arc where she/MC ask Beel for a pact sdhkjdfgh Like hello???
Because the struggle has been about how very much on-guard she would be once Belphie somehow shows up in her dreams. So far I've determined that he plays it safe when it comes to trying to manipulate her because she immediately knows that he's the seventh brother she hasn't met yet and also the voice calling out to her from somewhere in the attic. He's honest about who he is, where he is, and what he needs from her; the only lies being what exactly his reasons for disagreeing with Diavolo's goal of uniting the realms is (him saying something that actually kind of checks out and his negative opinions of Diavolo's naivety vs his personal, deep hate for humans) and what he plans on doing once he's out. In the game he's open about how stupid he thinks MC is but I think he'll switch gears when he realizes that Dola's like... Not that kindhearted or willing to put up with anyone belittling her? Belphie's crazy smart, and knows that Dola's his main ticket out of there (which is why I realize he probably can't get away with terrorizing her too much in her dreams? At least not obviously anyway, because if she even thinks about tattling there goes his chances).
But the final barrier would be her sense of self-preservation. "Why would I risk doing this for you when it'll get me caught in the crossfire of something that could easily kill me?"
Then she's almost killed by Lucifer, and that just sends her into an enraged spiral of thinking he's out of his mind for many reasons and also makes her give less of a shit about possibly dying in the process of proving a point to him. Which I think checks out? I think helping Belphie would start off as a lie though, just a reason to get Beel to agree to a pact with her. In truth she just wants to have a way to protect herself somehow and perhaps stick it to Lucifer that his brothers actually like and trust her enough to forge pacts without anything in exchange? Belphie mostly just gave her the idea of gathering pacts, but her intention really wasn't to help him.
Though I can see the lie slowly becoming true the more she and Belphie interact and the more she grows closer to the brothers and gets the revelation that like... Lucifer's like that because he's so trapped between so many difficult circumstances. And then it's eventually that actually closeness, the knowledge that this started because she was angry, and then all of it ending up in a mess that has her really trying to fix it all? Even more so when they actually call her family during the conversation where Lucifer finally tells them all the truth and it really gets to her, especially after how much she just fucked everything up for them.
ghsdkfjgshdfk I can't believe that I forgot about how much of a strong spite igniter that incident in the tomb with the grimoire would be... Like??? It's so fucking obvious lmfao it's already something that makes sure her relationship with Lucifer stays really difficult for a long while, why didn't I think of that being what pushes her to start collecting pacts...
Thank you so much for bringing it up Nonnie??? Omfg insane... I spent so much goddamn time trying to figure shit out last night like you wouldn't believe >.<
((Also!! Yeah I think the day I've had it with all social media, I'll likely just archive this blog or go on indefinite hiatus just in case I decide to peep in and come back to do more than just drop off art and leave. Feel like it'll still be a while before that though, for better or for worse I got people here I really enjoy interacting with that I just won't get the chance to anywhere else >w< Me wanting to delete always seems to be a knee-jerk reaction to feeling like I don't have enough control of whatever... The new 'I need to shave my hair' y'know? Usually spurred on by squicky shit getting through my filtered tags or feeling very alone in how I am as a person. Which sort of happens often on bad days and when I'm very tired.))
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redcreekstudios ยท 3 years
Red Creek: Dark Realm Chapter 5: beast with no name
Warning: this story contains, violance, weapons, death, suicide, gore, horror aspects, and other forms of death and horror, talk of spirits religion and the underworld and things manifested in between. if not prepared do not read i wouldnt want anyone to get triggered Clark stood outside the building and heard the church bells ring and as the students left the school and the clouds in the sky bundled up as it started to rain, the little droplets of water hitting the brim of his hat and his back and shoulders, his hand twitched as he looked to the sky and let out a deep breath as he heard a tire screech twords the center of town and he walked over. some guy had his truck parked awkwardly next to the bar in the lot and the sheriffs car was there and he sighed seeing Marcus's car along with Otis's and he walked inside, the room was silent but murmurs left some booths on the outside of the floor and he looked at them as they stood up and left first Mountain man the Becker story now there was some guy at the bar rambling to Otis Marcus and Victor as Owen leaned on the wall at the entrance next to Clark "so...find anything" he said taking a deep breath in of his cigarette and blew out the smoke and looked at the man in the seat "no sheriff i didn't find anything but more of those dumb stories" he said as Owen nodded "ok then i suppose you didnt see a wendigo monster running around?" he said smirking smugly as he put a hand in his pocket still holding onto the cigarette "what? no, what are you talking about" he said watching the man keep rambling as he looked to Clark and then his hand "YOU! you-...you bare the mark...the mark of death...the beast wants you it wants you" Clark was shocked a bit and kept his cool as Owen rolled his eyes "whoa now no need to freak out and what mark?" Clark asked almost utterly confused with all the talk about spirits monsters and a middle realm "y-you dont see it? OUR DEMISE IS NEAR! THE DEATH OF THIS TOWN" he yelled out before Clark noticed something about his eyes his left eye was turning black as was the right one "sir...im going to half to ask you to calm down" he said reaching for his taser as the man had silenced and Owen narrowed his eyes and Otis victor and Marcus watched "this is getting odd lets scram" he said as Marcus led Otis out and vic held his hand on the shotgun below the bar as Owen let out a breath "take him to the station will ya?" he said as he left Clark knelled down and looked at him "sir whats your name?" he asked as he pulled out handcuffs and stood up with him "..." he stayed silent and Clark looked to Victor "take care pal ill be back soon" he said taking the man into his car and taking him into the station and into a cell "he should be fine in there" Owen said sipping on a coffee and handed Clark one "i dont get it...first hank now this guy shows up?" he said as he sipped his coffee "well deputy your guess is better than mine" he said laughing a bit "ill watch him while you investigate" he said as the rain had calmed down to a light mist, Clark walked out of the building under the flagpole of the station and across the street to the parking lot and then the treeline seeing nothing "i know your watching me better just come out than do nothing" he said as he heard a heavy breathing and scratching noise "where are you" he said once more the skittering behind him then in front of him and a shadow like figure appeared from behind his car but more human like with fangs ragged clothing and long fingers and bright white soulless eyes and it made a screeching noise as it lurched at him as Clark stepped back a bit falling back and onto the steps of the station the beast hopping on top of him scratching his face "...kill die kill die kill eat...flesh" the being said before being kicked off and Clark slowly got up holding his gun at him and the being was shifty as its body twitched like an energetic child and the sound of thunder revealed it was some sort of goblin creature slender like and hungry "what the hell are you?" he asked before the creature smiled wide "YOUR DOOM!"
it said as the crack of thunder and lighting struck in the distance as it ran up to him as Clark hesitated to pull the trigger and ran into the woods through the trees the goblin running fast behind him crawling as if it were an animal "you cant run!" it said as it chased
after and it went silent as Clark hid behind a tree and held his breath his heart pounding as he heard it walking around "i can smell your fear...all those monsters and spirits wont laugh at me now will they" he said laughing and it crawled on the side of the tree quietly and down to Clark jumping in front of him holding his throat and pushed Clark down against the tree "NOW DIE YOU LITTLE-" he was cut off by the sound of a loud chunk and some blood left the creatures face as it fell backwards on the ground. Clark looked up catching his breath holding his side and held his gun up as he saw the vivid light of a lantern, and out of the shadows came mountain man "you...saved me?" he said still holding his gun up as the spirit pulled the Hatchet out of the creatures skull "yes...this shouldn't happen however" he said as he put his hand out, Clark was still skeptical but he did help him so he took his hand and got up and coughed "the fuck is that thing?" he said looking down at it "its a lurker" it said as he looked at him "its not of this realm" the spirit said as Clark leaned on the tree "a lurker...? what the fuck does that mean" Clark said sounding angry than before "Clark what if i told you every tale every myth every monster, ghost story where true" he said as some thunder sounded off in the distance "no...no way" he said as he held his side "oh but it is...i am one of those spirits the one they call mountain man is i" he said before holding up the lantern "i am but a humble wayfaring spirit but with some curse" he said looking back at the creature "the book you found...it has the answers to what you want i leave that knowledge with you knowing you'll find a way to do good with it just as i have and the people before and after me" he said as Clark was still confused "wait slow down pal i dont understand it doesn't make sense" he said as the spirit held his hand and took a deep breath "someone opened a gateway to our world letting that thing through use the book and destroy the gateway" he said as he let go "your mark isn't a curse its a sign of hope...use it" he said turning around walking away as Clark winced a bit in pain "WAIT! DONT GO!" he disappeared in the dark as clark slowly slid down the tree and onto the ground falling asleep in the storm.
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