#by contrast andy wants you to think he's an upstanding citizen
grapecaseschoices · 2 years
more tl;dr about the exile mcs
Kendis is a bit easier to figure out than Andy -- at least more direct. In part because I have played them more recently. But also because she is a lot more external -- and thus more open taking in than he is. I believe it would be easier for Kendis to take in Esme and Sabir (and even Eme) as positive influences as opposed to Andy who would fixate on Marcelle, because she’s the one who found him, she’s the one who gave him a home first. (And they’d probably click more at being private people, though again, I guess I can only truly know through playing.) 
It is hard to cut into the differences beyond that, at least verbally, because Andy and Kendis both prioritze similar things. They are both ambitious, selfish characters whose focal point are their loved ones and their home. Andy has been more inner --> outer; while Kendis has been more a collection of individuals. For example, while Andy is less likely to broaden his circle in a personal sense, he will internalize the communities of those he values/attention he wants (example: for non-exile Andys: his father gave him his faith, his uncle gave him Autumn Grove, his other uncle gave him the Family, he found brotherhood in the military; so because THEY matter, those things matter). 
So, I could see Andy valuing Marcelle’s cause (what he knows of it) and, of course, the military because it matters to Marcelle and Syfyn. So, for him it’s interchangable. The military and Plaithus become representative of Syfyn and Marcelle, they are them. (Thinking about it now, I think it is more likely a more ... unhinged Andy will be likely because I’ve never had him betrayed by the people he’s pedastaled before. The closest has been one of his uncles but the other pulled him out of there before it could get bad, and he always favored the latter uncle more anyway.)
Kendis. Is more of a one to one collector -- like. They’re stll a ‘your philisophy will come mine’ sorta person, ‘what matters to you will become mine’ but because I think Kendis is more external, it’s not as -- I don’t know. She searchers for other interests along with that? So it doesn’t become their whole personality, even though it becomes a basis? I don’t know. I think also a matter of like both are devoted characters, but Andy because he’s so Andy, that is more like knight --- there is only so much he can spread himself to. His cause, his loyalty, it is all grand but it’s focused to that few. Kendis, on the other hand, is ravenous. Kendis is one of my monster heart characters. While she doesn’t let in people a lot, she is more likely to empathize. 
A part of me wondered if it was the Crawford and/or Louel influence, which I can see Esme and Sabir (and to an extent Emelin and Syfyn) emulatng. I think it is also because Kendis is just so egotistical and also So Much Love In Them Disease that leads them to being to ... I guess kin more easily. So I can see that someone like Sabir, who would be funny and bright and SHINY and reminding her of their beloved Esme, who would come in with So Much Love In Them Disease as well being all “we’re going to be the best of pals’ and Kendis in turn being ‘this one is Mine’. So much so until Sabir surpasses Emeline in the mental Straosphere Kendis semi-unconsiously puts their loved ones in. 
I feel because of Sabir, the fundamental changes of Kendis would be less drastic but the priorities will likely be different. Kendis will always be Chaotic Neutral. And I can see them carving that down to satisfy Marcelle -- like I can see this Kendis being a better liar (more serious) but also more bloodthirsty, thus more short-tempered. But I very well see this Kendis being more involved. 
It didn’t strike me until I finished their play through, and I might do another one eventually to solidify thoughts, but playing a Commander Kendis (which is the weirdest thought to me still, because as bossy as this bitch is and as prideful and egotistical, Kendis is Very Much a Doesn’t Answer The Call/Follow You To The Ends Of The Earth With Mild Complaining character. They surround themselves with Big Damn Heroes, and bitch about it, they aren’t one. Like I thought Keeper Kendis would be the cake but dang) reminds me of this aspect of their personality that I haven’t gotten to play much recently. At least outside of Kotsam.
Having that in mind now will sorta change my point of focus re: what they value in the game. Will it be Marcelle vs Emse & Sabir or Marcelle vs Her People. (That bit about responsibilities re: the latest update). And what is her definition of her people. Is it the people of Plaithus regardless of magical abilities or will Marcelle’s POV supercede until she is forced to see another perspective by someone she equally (and possibly, more) values? 
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