#by Tony-Paul de Vissage.
epicfantasywriter · 2 years
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wellpresseddaisy · 9 months
Ooooh...it's release day!
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It's definitely old-school vampire romance, but I found the historical bits well done. :)
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Tony-Paul de Vissage
Thanks for being my guest,  Tony-Paul de Vissage. Please tell your readers why you wrote Dark God Descending
It’s a staple of the SyFy Channel and late night horror movies dating back decades…the lost city in the jungle, stumbled upon by a safari of scientists…they take away an object sacred to the inhabitants.  In doing so, they bring a curse upon themselves in particular and Mankind in general…
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epicfantasywriter · 15 days
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Tony-Paul de Vissage...
The Go-To author for good, old-fashioned vampire stories
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epicfantasywriter · 21 days
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"Within these pages you’ll find a fanciful and somewhat fictitious accounting of how I became acquainted with those interesting and, occasionally, most hapless examples of vampiredom, the Andriescus. I’m afraid the story must be taken with a very large grain of salt, though buried deep within the accounting, there may be more than one particle of truth. In this version, I was a youngster, a mere stripling when the vampires and I met. They were looking for something that didn’t exist, I was just goofing off..." Thus begins the story of Tony-Paul and the vampires he met on Savannah Beach once summer evening, recorded for posterity in eBook,paperback, and audio. https://www.amazon.com/The-Vamps-and-I/dp/B0913CMMRS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=26SSB69MHKV5G&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lt0nszzJFnb0PGB_0hfAqw.-iNQB8d4rYZwlTSiYSKbknkvkXsYBe_uWexqFs3lfYI&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+vamps+and+i+by+tony-paul+de+vissage&qid=1725472379&sprefix=the+vamps+and+i+by+tony-paul+de+vissage%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-1
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epicfantasywriter · 26 days
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A Couple of Laughs, A Couple of Chills...
100 years ago, the good people of Ballywalegh drove a vampire from their midst. Now, it's 1929 and no one bellieves in vampires anymore...or do they? Because the monster is back and up to his old tricks but in a new way...or is he?
FOREVER, MY VAMPIRE. by Tony-Paul de Vissage.
available in eBook, paperback, and audio.
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epicfantasywriter · 1 month
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"Hold on to your horses, your hat and cloak or whatever, we’re going on a dark adventure. A very, very terrifying one! And I’m loving it, every morbidly fascinating and gory bit. This kind of story is something Tony Paul de Vissage does exceptionally well. It’s why I am such a devoted fan!"--Paranormal Romance Review.
THE NIGHTMAN'S ODYSSEY by Tony-Paul de Vissage.
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epicfantasywriter · 2 months
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Tony-Paul de Vissage and the late Linda Nightingale have their creations meet.
THE NIGHTMAN'S ODYSSEY https://www.amazon.com/Nightmans-Odyssey.../dp/B0CPBDD5V3/
SINNERS' OPERA https://www.amazon.com/Sinners-Opera-Linda.../dp/B0C94Y21PL/
available in eBook and paperback.
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epicfantasywriter · 3 months
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"Quite good. We recommend it....you have read any of Tony-Paul de Vissage's other works, you will appreciate the attention to detail and the succinct and well thought out path for Damien La Croix."--Reviewing Vixens.
“Any fan of classic vampire novels will love this book, and if you are a fan of romance, you will find that here too. [...] It only cemented me as fan of Tony de Vissage.” – Vampire Romance Books
“[…] Well worth the read for vampire fiction, and highly recommended, although not for the faint of heart.” — Uncaged Book Reviews
Tony-Paul de Vissage
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epicfantasywriter · 3 months
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Vampires: Something they also have a sense of humor.
FOREVER, MY VAMPIRE. by Tony-Paul de Vissage.
In Kindle and paperback, and now in audio: : https://www.amazon.com/Forever-My-Vampire/dp/B08QDX5P41/
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epicfantasywriter · 4 months
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You can meet some of the oddest people on the beach after the sun goes down...
...ask Tony-Paul. He knows.
THE VAMPS AND I by Tony-Paul de Vissage.
available in Kindle, paperback, and audio.
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epicfantasywriter · 4 months
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"I want someone to love me for WHO I am, in spite of WHAT I am."--Damien LaCroix.
The Night Man's Odyssey, Book 1 Corridors of Eternity.
by Tony-Paul de Vissage.
Available in iPub and paperback.
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epicfantasywriter · 4 months
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Shared with Jason Gregory, Jo Sweeney, Charles Hanson, Tony-Paul de Vissage, John Sweeney and 4 others
Angels are Sexless.
Don't believe it! (Ask any of the Grigori.)
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epicfantasywriter · 4 months
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“ “Sweet Unspeakable Name . . . I vow, girl, ’tis a long time since I’ve tasted something so pure and unsullied. It fair overcame me.”
She didn’t answer, but stroked his shoulder, waiting until his breathing quieted and he rolled away.
“You said it has been a long time since you had a mortal woman? Exactly how long, my lord?”
He laughed slightly, a sheepish sound. “I vow I forget exactly. Several centuries at least.”
Excerpt From
The Nightman’s Odyssey: Corridors of Eternity, Book 1
Tony-Paul de Vissage
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epicfantasywriter · 4 months
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Vampires are Forever...and Damien La Croix is no exception. follow his journey from its beginning in 1249 through the Present and into the Future...
The Night Man's Odyssey by Tony-Paul de Vissage.
Available in iPub and paperback.
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epicfantasywriter · 4 months
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"Each of these short vampire tales brings intrigue and romance all in one collection. You can take pleasure in them all at once or keep The Clan Andriescu on your e-reader to pick up when you find yourself waiting for an appointment to begin. Either way, you’re sure to stay enthralled."--Nights and Weekends review.
THE VAMPS AND I by Tony-Paul de Vissage.
Available in iPub, Kindle, paperback, and audio.
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