#by 'wrong' i mean 'sick as fuck' btw. i <3 monster girls
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koobiie · 1 year ago
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yeah sorry your princess came back wrong :(
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linipik · 6 years ago
I am so down to read even more of the pjo au!!! And its so well written and fits the universe extremely well!!
Really?! u are making me blush! and thank you so much, this is so refreshing to do, to have this AU out of my chest. Thank you Voltron x PJO AUpart 1 | part 2 | part 3
I wanted this part to be longer but …yeah… here it is
we left with: a passed out Allura arriving to chb, a dead cyclops and Keith realizing that he has a real crush on Lance…also the quest to get back Matt
The real deal is that the gods have gone radio silent to the romans FOR A LONG TIME long enough for praetors allura and lotor ( an apollo son btw) to worry too much what if they did something so wrong the gods take retaliation or something? truth is also that saturn (roman chronos) have been using this need to keep the camp jupiter running to poisoning lotors mind to get it against the gods for abandoning them and the usual demigod sad stuff… thats why he convinced allura to go look for the gods since she is so good with the mist and stuff while he stays…and basically reigns. But all in “”good heart””. 
Reah sees this and its like oh no, and when she founds Allura she immediately loves her and sees in her the way to not let saturn break the spirit of her grandchildren since he is basically instigating the hate from the demigods to their parents (and other demigods maybe??). she sees in allura a way to not repeat the same saturn family breaker story that is happening with lotor going against the gods. so she is the one who transports allura to camp half blood , actually the one that leads her is a big ass lion but cyclops attack them and he dies defending allura and it is so sad (then revealed by reah that such is the circle of life and the lion reincarnated in a cub who is going to be allura’s but bear with me) but she saw on allura the energy to face the patriarchal oppression against saturn and lotor in camp jupiter. BUT she fails on telling Allura that Lotor is the one behind everything, since Reah thinks/knows that Allura still dont have the support system to go against Lotor herself…because of romantic feelings.
ALSO, Lotor despises Apollo for knowing things and still letting them happen while with the help of the gods a lot of terrible things can be avoided, couldnt they?  but he would never refuse to use any kind of power, which makes apollo think he is important enough to lotor. Still,  that’s why he is siding with chronos. 
Allura is at chb, and when she wakes up all repaired thanks to apollo cabin magic and she remembers Reah asking her to not reveal the other camp and making her swear over the river styx. so, she cant tell them there about the other camp bc if they expose themselves probably chronos is gonna go after them too and bye new greek allies. Anyway, Allura explains that in California *wink wonk* mount othrys has been appearing slowly and it only means chornos is  kind of waking up  and it can only happen bc some…demigods (lotor and the romans but she cant tell) are siding with chornos.
 BUT she goes with the legal void of just saying demigods who never made it to chb. But keith is like intense staring at her and  why that  SPQR on her shirt…that is obviously roman like on his coin but after all romans where kind of related to greeks ?? he need to know more about this. and while he is basically interrogating Allura about this and she is avoiding his questions Lance kind of confuses this in Keith being interested in Allura and OH NO.
And shiro is all like, rough demigods? I knew some of those at the gladiator thing in the labyrinth so he is gonna help allura because he is sick and tired of demigods putting themselves at risk because the gods are never clear to them and he feels mildly responsible since it is usually zeus rules the ones that fuck demigods more… so he is going with Allura.Keith jumps at the opportunity of getting away from his latent crush on Lance AND know more about this roman jargon Allura slips while talking and that means  he gets to do TWO things at once!The new quest trio ( shiro allura and keith)are ready to go sooner than pidges who still needs some preparations and now Lance is all….what cha mean Keith AND Allura..are both going and he is all confused because he is caring too much about it. Is he Jealous? of….?? Keith maybe? of course it is of keith! since he is NOT into him, and if Allura, the wonderful mysterious and powerful new demigod who saved them from the cyclops, goes with Keith, monster slayer and extremely capable hero… she probably will end up liking Keith (because who wouldn’t like keith and his cool moves) 
And when they are partying and pidge is still asking Shiro all the details he can remember about the matt last whereabouts and hunk is basically asking for all the tips on NOT dying on a quest and Lance is into interrupting ANY Keith-Allura interaction , the six of them are basically walking to the edge of camp  but when they all suddenly feel in the forest in their way out is when they get a prophecy of dodona (thank you garnny Reah) along the lines  that the six of them were to go IMMEDIATELY because in like a week Mt Osyris will be at its strongest and thats when there would not be gong back, that both quest were actually one and the same and only finding the missing family member they will get  there.
they are like oh yes the missing one is matt, OBVIOUSLY, And well, six is not an unlucky number for quests….but Keith is like NO - bc he dont want to spend time worrying about certain inexperienced in quests demigods -, pidge is like YES because that means finding her brother with more help.  hunk is like NO this means more problems and danger , Lance is like HELL YES i get to go with allura and keep an eye on keith so he doesn’t get all the glory and the girl. Allura just want to go and wonders why greeks cant follow simple orders, But Shiro is just “CHILDREN LISTEN, we aint separating. not for our lives. we are only strong in numbers”And team voltron parts immediately to the place hunk has traced technology like shiro’s who coincides with the last place shiro saw Matt: Arizona
BONUS OF THE CERBERUS QUEST (Shiro Matt and Adam failed quest)
Matt had to get back cerberus bc some demigods took him and Persephone wasn’t getting any of that so she went for “who is the brightest demigod so he can bring back my dog instead of me telling my husband”  and  That’s how the trio went directly to hell/the Hades. since they had to start looking somewhere.
Adam is an Hermes child, having a sword power and can know when shit are traps who only went on this quest because Shiro insisted on also going and he had a really bad feeling about it.  his relation ship with Hermes is hermes going all “no dont do that my boy” and adam going “what if i do anyway” but hermes respect he is so straightforward.Matt is an Athena son, who wasn’t too sure about going on a quests until he wanted to graduate from camp demonstrating to his sister that demigods have bright futures out there. 
how did the three brightest and oldest demigods in camp half blood got themselves lost, probably dead and separated?
On their way there shiro and adam get on each other nerves to the point when they both say  “i will do it my way”. Adam is all there is something is deeply wrong with this quest LISTEN TO ME we gotta NOT do this, but Shiro is there for proving this quest successful,Matt is just in the middle… but at the end chooses shiro bc he wants to be the prove of a future for pidgey. And then they get separated in the underworld, never getting to cerberus.Shiro> A zeus child is the best way to get any revenge on zeus and all the gods represent and he is forced to fight in the gladiator arena against monsters and demigods alike, losing an arm.
Matt > ended up in the labyrinth alone passing doors avoiding any kind of evil demigods and creatures without much of a physical fight  bc he is bright that way.  discovering much more stuff about the demigods away from camp and only wants  to see his sister again
Adam> got himself into tartarus because he is unlucky that way
THANK YOU AND I AM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONGANY QUESTION I LOVE TO KNOW THEMI will probably write the rest of the quest, since I already have a draft of it And thanks to @themindoflore specially, i appreciate with all my heart that you asked me about this au 
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samthewrestlingfan · 7 years ago
Bad At Love: Kenny Omega
Hi there, Lovebugs!
Here is a new lil Kenny fic! This is my first time writing Kenny, so please be gentle <3
Let me know if you like it! I enjoyed writing this one :)
Next this to come out will be the next chapter of BELIEVER. (No I haven’t forgotten about it!)
btw this is hella long and im sorry.
Characters: Kenny Omega/OC
Warnings: Alcohol, angst, MILD smut, fluff.
(gif credit: @toosweetme)
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I took a swig of my beer, before I practically slammed it down on the table.
You’ve got this, Ella. If he shows up, just ignore him.
I felt a nudge on my side, snapping me out of my daze. “You doin’ okay?” Marty asked.
I nodded at him quickly, returning my attention to my alcohol. I heard an audible sigh come from him, “If you keep acting like this, you’re only going to draw attention to yourself, and how uncomfortable you are.”
“I’m not uncomfortable, Marty. I’m just…” I droned off, not bothering to continue my sentence. Marty excused himself leaving me with my drink and the Bucks on opposite ends of the table.
Truth be told I wasn’t anything; mostly because I wasn’t allowing myself to feel anything. My plan was to enjoy my night out with my friends, and not let Kenny Omega and his inability to think with anything but his dick ruin that for me.
“Els! Come grab a shot with me?” Matt offered.
I perked up at his behest, “Definitely.”
Matt ordered quite literally a whole tray of sake shots, and as we waited for them, I began to loosen up.
Matt cleared his throat suddenly, “Look, I know this probably isn’t my place, but you’re my friend, hell one of my best friends, and Kenny is too. I just don’t want to have the two of you lose a great friendship over this…”
I nodded as he spoke. He was right, I knew what I was getting when I fell for Kenny. I just never expected things to turn so sour so quickly.
Kenny and I had never see each other as more than friends. Ever. At least I didn’t, then one night it just clicked.
…and by clicked, I mean we fucked.
“Please let me help you…” Kenny chuckled.
I hiccuped, “Listen you, go back to the party, I’m f-fine!” I laughed, practically falling face first into the side of the elevator.
I was drunk as a skunk and everyone knew it.
“Ella, I swear to God you are the most stubborn person I’ve ever known.” Kenny said grabbing my arm to stabilize me.
I leaned into him and laid my head on his strong shoulder, “Yeah but you love me for it.” I inhaled his scent, he smelled like man and sex and ecstasy. Again, I’m pretty sure this is the alcohol talking.
He kissed my forehead, as the elevator reached my floor. “Let’s go drunky.”
I pushed open my hotel room door, Kenny following swiftly behind me.
“Alright Beautiful, Let’s get you in bed.” Kenny held my waist, guiding me into the dimly lit hotel room.
I groaned to myself, “Ughhh, I don’t wanna be alone.” I flopped myself on the edge of the bed, bending down, unstrapping my heels.
Kenny walked toward the bathroom, “You know you contradict yourself a lot? A second ago you told me to go back to the party.” I heard the bathroom door click closed and decided to hurry up and change for bed.
The room was spinning as I undressed, barely able to make out what I was ripping off from where. I was stood in the middle of the room,  and my black thong and matching bra, searching for my pajamas.
“Oh…right.” I mumbled to myself, remembering they were in the bathroom.
I stumbled through the room, and knocked on the door leaning against the frame, “Ken, I need my pjs.”
He swung open the door, “Fuck you’re–” I watched his eyes scan me up and down, “Whoa.”
I snuck by him, grabbing my clothes off the vanity. “What?” I asked.
Kenny cleared his throat, “Ella the tequila may have stolen my filter,  but you look,” He bit his bottom lip, “Incredible.”
My face burned at his compliment, and from my current state of intoxication. “Ken you’ve seen me in my gear, this isn’t that different is it?.” I spun around, giving him a nice view of my round behind, teasing him a bit.
He ran his hand over his face, “Oh-ho-ho, you have no idea…”
I climbed onto the bed, Kenny following quickly after me. I rested on the edge of the bed, my knees dug into the mattress to keep me from wobbling.
I reached out for Kenny and grabbed both sides of his lapel, pulling him into me slowly.
“Still want me to stay?” He asked almost hopeful, placing his hands on my hips.
I paused for a moment, allowing my eyes to connect with his. I saw a hunger in them, one that made a throbbing erupt from between my legs.
“I do.” I breathed.
Kenny brought his face close to mine. “Is this okay?” He asked.
I nodded. He brushed his lips against mine, and ran his rough fingertips up and down my sides. “Is that okay?”
I swallowed hard, “Yes.”
Without hesitation, Kenny kissed me. Hard. His hands searching for every curve my body had…
And the rest is history.
Except for the past few weeks, Kenny hadn’t spoken to me outside of work. He stopped calling, stopped texting…everything just stopped and he was gone. Kenny was never just gone, he always woke up with me, our limbs tangled together. He would kiss me good morning, then ask if I wanted to grab breakfast.
“Ella? Did you hear me?” Matt asked, eyebrows raised.
I looked to him quickly, “Hm? Oh yeah. Thanks, Matt.” I said. Truth be told, I stopped listening. I’m sure he was just telling me what everyone was telling me. At this point, I was sick of hear it.
I downed another shot, before excusing myself. “Matt, I’m just gonna run to the bathroom.”
His eyes widened. “But Ella didn’t you–”
“Matt,” I interrupted. “I’m fine.” I gently rubbed his shoulder before turning to walk–or stumble my way. The bar was dim, and smelled like an odd combo of memories and mistakes.
As I turned the corner I stumbled and slammed into the wall.
“Fuck…” I said as I hit the ground.
I heard a gruff laugh, “Nice mouth.” I looked up to see a strong hand held out for me.
God has a sick sense of humor. I thought to myself, realizing Matt must have been trying to warn me.
“You just gonna hang out on the floor all night?” Kenny said sarcastically.
I begrudgingly held my hand out, allowing him to help me up. I rose to my feet, crossing my arms in front of me.
“Thanks.” I spat.
Kenny smiled softly, brushing a stay piece of hair out of my face. “No problem, Els.”
I continued toward the bathroom, a billion thoughts running through my head. Does he hate me now? Was I not good enough for him? Has he moved on to someone else? Someone better than me?
“That’s it.” I grit my teeth together, and stomped back towards Kenny.
“Hey!” I shouted at him as he walked away. His head turned towards me, stopping mid step.
“You. Me. Outside…now.” I grabbed the sleeve of his jacket and yanked him towards the door.
He walked with no hesitation. Outside onto the dirty street, and down the small side road next to the bar, he finally stopped to perch against the brick siding.
Kenny’s eyes bore holes into mine. There he was. Right in front of me, and I had every opportunity to say everything I was feeling.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
…and I choked.
“What?” He asked offended.
“What nothing!” I yelled. “You’ve completely ignored me for the past few weeks. You can barely be in my presence for more than two  minutes without finding a reason to leave!” I was screaming at the top of my lungs, and it felt damn good.
I took a deep breath, “You made me feel like shit, Ken. You made me feel used. Was that your plan? Get your dick wet, then ignore me for the rest of your life?”
Kenny took a step towards me. “Are you done?”
I scoffed, “Unbelievable! I can’t believe I was stupid enough to think Kenny Omega could ever give two fucks about me.”
“Don’t say that…you know I care about you.” He said, hurt painting his words.
“No you don’t. You cared about having someone you could fuck on a moments notice, well jokes on me huh.” I flipped him off, walking away swiftly but he pulled me back.
“Oh no, you don’t get to scream at me like a psycho then just walk away.” He held me still so I couldn’t leave. I snatched my arms back and crossed them in front of me.
“What could you possibly have to say to me to–” Kenny put a finger to my lips. “Ella, please, as much as I love your voice, just…shh.”
Kenny stepped back and brushed his hair back. “I haven’t been with anyone else.”
My eyes flashed to him. “What?” I asked.
“You. The last time we we’re together, you we’re the last person I was with.” He said confidently.
I rolled my eyes, “What does that matter Ken?”
“I don’t know. I’m just offended that you think so fucking little of me.”  He rested his hands on his hips. My head was so foggy from the booze that I couldn’t tell what emotion he put behind that sentence.
“You haven’t exactly given me a reason to think otherwise.” I said, slurring my words despite my best efforts.
“Really? So I guess the years of friendship before any of this happened were pointless?” It was Kenny’s turn to get loud now. I guess I kinda deserve it.
A chill ran up my spine, the cold air registering with my flush body causing me to shiver. Kenny noticed, and stopped his pacing to walk toward me.
He let out a small laugh, before removing his jacket and placing it over my shoulders. “See? I’m not this heartless monster you made me out to be.”
This is the Kenny I knew. Sweet, and kind and always taking care of everyone. “Thank you.” I smiled softly.
“Did you ever think that maybe I didn’t want to hurt you?” He mumbled suddenly.
“What?” I questioned.
He cleared his throat. “Ella I’m not good at this stuff. I don’t know how to do the whole one girl thing.”
I scoffed, “Did I ever ask you for that?”
“No, but it’s what you deserve.” He spoke.
“Kenny, I knew what I was getting when we started whatever we were doing.” And that was true. I needed someone and so did he. We were more than comfortable with one another and it seemed to be enough, until my dumbass caught feelings.
“I was sick to my fucking stomach thinking about you with someone else. I couldn’t sleep without you next to me. I don’t know when I became such a fucking softy.” He laughed.
I placed a hand on his cheek. “Why did you just up and disappear then?” I said.
He sighed. “I needed to know if what I was feeling was something or if we had just gotten too comfortable with each other.”
I looked up to his eyes, “Well?” I asked.
He paused before he spoke, obviously trying to word what he wanted to say, “I fell for you, Els. I fell hard. I know I’ve been dick and I’m sorry. If you’d give me the time, I promise I’ll spend as long as you’d like making it up to you.”
My heart skipped a beat as he spoke. I didn’t know what to do beside stretch up and kiss him.
…and that’s exactly what I did.
I tangled my hands in his hair, our mouths getting familiar with one another again. Kenny pulled back and rested his forehead on mine. “I’ve missed that, Els.”
“Me too.” I said.
He stood up, offering me his hand. “C'mon. Let’s go celebrate with our nosey friends.” Kenny said gesturing to Nick and Matt’s faces in the window.
I took his hands and gripped it tight, “Can I buy my girl a drink?” He asked as he held the door.
My stomach churned at his offer. “Not a chance, Babe.”
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twilightangel83 · 1 year ago
She’s beautiful and no one can convince me otherwise
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yeah sorry your princess came back wrong :(
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