altrxisme · 2 years
me: i love both my muses equally 
jackson: *office stares with a long montage of me planning his many possible deaths in every single verse since 2012 in the background* 
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nightiingaled-a · 2 years
@bxstiarius​ / sc.
The magic was waning - no question about it. Most of the time it came with age, but Luche suspected he just wasn’t made to hold the magic like some people. The man had battled with his diagnosis for some time, begging the magic not to abandon him. At some point however, he began to accept his fate, transferring to less magic practice and more kukri fighting, more hand to hand. But not always could he avoid using magic. But he wished he could avoid the pain it caused.
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The battle was over and he had some respite, a moment to hide. Doubled over and heaving, clutching at his chest where the burning never stopped. The scars spread up his neck more and more each day and Luche wondered when they would swallow him whole.
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theomachst · 2 years
✅ How many URLs have you had? List them if possible.
Munday Asks
I literally can't list them all, I've had so many. I tend to jump between fandoms and I've just been writing for SO LONG, there is no way I can remember all of them.
In FF maybe: @bxstiarius, @infernalastral, @darkmissionary, @mutasharid, @marusomongrel, @sicsempertyrannxs, and a Riku from KH blog. Oh, also @stcrmfallen.
... I think that’s it. Oh wait, I had a Vincent blog too I deleted, whoops.
See, this is why I can’t fucking keep anything straight.
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serafim · 2 years
which fairy tale archetype are you?
the wicked witch
“All witches are selfish, the Queen had said. But Tiffany’s Third Thoughts said: Then turn selfishness into a weapon! Make all things yours! Make other lives and dreams and hopes yours! Protect them! Save them! Bring them into the sheepfold! Walk the gale for them! Keep away the wolf! My dreams! My brother! My family! My land! My world! How dare you try to take these things, because they are mine” – Terry Pratchett. The witch needn't be wicked, though she can be. Cannibalism is never out of the question. She lives in a gingerbread house, or one standing on a chicken foot. She meddles only if asked, and the unwise often ask her. The very wise do as well. Those in-between prefer to give her distance, something she appreciates. She appreciates her solitude almost as much as she appreciates her cat.
tagged by: @heavensfists
tagging: @bvlgae @theomachst @bxstiarius @dreamingsoldier @glovesup @legacylivcd and anyone else who wants to do it! :)
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captaindrautos · 6 years
Send a sexual scenario and my muse will tell you whether or not they’d be into it. Anon or not.
Very into it.
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akumeis · 6 years
[*chinhands* Estinien & Aymeric, GO AWFF]
one again, i don’t interpret their relationship as being very healthy. i never have. could it be, in the future or if things were different ? sure…
aymeric says during one cutscene that estinien didn’t notice him / pay him any attention in their younger years. the fact he considers that worth bringing up, many years later did concern me. && though he calls him friend, estinien never really shows any gratitude or acts towards him like a friend does… 
it’s understandable, mind, given what estinien has been through && the impact it has had on his behaviour but that doesn’t make it okay nor does it remove the risk of the birth of a toxic relationship where it’s all give on one end && no taking on either.
basically, i see estinien as being very clearly not wanting of a relationship of any sort. he’s far too set on revenge. he’s shut ━ off. he’s cold. he barely seems to feel. he isn’t a giver or a taker.
aymeric, on the other hand, feels too much. he’s a total giver yet is still saddened by all he does not deserve, if mostly due to the understanding that in normal society, everything seems to happen in a certain way… he desires to fit in && when he doesn’t, it’s upsetting. he’s very clearly lonely && isn’t very used to having friends or people to relate to, as he’s so different from many && is hated by many. 
perhaps he latched onto estinien in the hopes that they’d understand one another. perhaps he felt he could help estinien open up && heal, aided some by his own pains && not wishing for others to feel the way he does. i don’t know.
at this point, aymeric is starting to understand that estinien isn’t really a friend but certainly isn’t an enemy either. he’s a bit more apparent in his annoyance / upset around those he can trust && confide in. those he feels he can actually talk to, knowing they’ll listen / respond.
unfortunately, he worries himself sick over estinien still, when he has more than enough on his plate as it is. he’d give his life for him. even though his raised hopes that constantly get crushed hurt him so.
he still hopes one day he’ll be like a friend is “ meant to be like “ so quietly clings onto him deep down. how could he not ? estinien deserves so much better. in a way, to pull away from entirely, registers to aymeric as him not caring about the other, which goes so against his nature. if he did not care immensely for others, regardless of aught, he would not be himself.
it’s… a bit of a mess. the fact aymeric struggles to comprehend it doesn’t surprise me.
essentially, it’s a relationship that exists only on one side. born of longing, hope, && a desire to relate / for normalcy, doomed to rot aymeric from the inside out, like the frog brought to the boil in a pan.
note; it’s not what fanon sees. it’s not what shippers see. but it’s what i see. please don’t send me hate for this. it’s merely a difference in interpretation && beyond this roleplay blog, i do not assert it as fact or attempt to suggest that it is. i know far better than that.
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nightiingaled-a · 3 years
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I’m just nervous.  I feel like it’s pretty obvious I don’t want you to leave. - @bxstiarius​
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Luche leans across the bed, callused fingers touching the other’s cheek. So rarely does he show affection in uniform, but they are still in the quiet of his home, half-dressed. Intimately close. 
              ❝It’s just routine recon, I’ll be fine.❞
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xbookishxbrute21 · 6 years
My Tumblr Crushes:
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ofimmortal-moved · 3 years
  bxstiarius / @bxstiarius 
[Xiao will text him naughty pics when he's in the office]
// Do it. Do. it. Doooooooooo it. 
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the-witch-matoya · 6 years
2♥️ - What’s your muse’s family like?
Abit of family history// @bxstiarius 
  - Matoya comes from a long line of black mages/magi, her and her brother Matthias. The family lineage goes way back to the days of old magic, and when the “Archive” was created. Her families duty is to guard and add on to the archive.  I could go more into that, but we’ll talk more about her actual family, and not its history.
  - Matoya’s full official name is: Matoya Shani O’Khaos  - Matoya’s moms name is: Ursula O’Khaos, she was cool headed, strict, but a caring parent. Who had to play both roles, as the father wasn’t around (I dont have anything on her father yet soo hes afk atm). Her Grandma’s name is Oerba O’Khaos, granny Oerba was her mentor for most of her apprentice years growing up. - Her brother Matthias, was a very sickly child, though after certain events- he is doing alot better. Though every rare occasion, he’ll come under a sick spell, but will recover from it within a week. - O’Khaos stands for= Chaos and Order. [[I gave it this meaning, cause I looked up the word okhaos, and what came up was a company that made algorithms n shit, for chaos theory basically]][[And thats basically, all I’m going to say about the fam atm, I still am writing up alot of that family history and stuff. So bare with me please. Thank you soo much for asking about them.]]
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leorugiet · 6 years
Would you kindly PUT SOME DAMN PANTS ON-
send ‘would you kindly’ and a command and my muse has to obey.
“All right. Shorts count as pants.”
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codeprint · 6 years
bxstiarius replied to your post: ugh okay so, the heathers remake. i watched it...
[It looked awful, but I was also deeply confused they at all think Asians are considered like… Popular/Alpha Squad. Just shows how little they actually know about real life and unfair power imbalances.]
they’ve literally created a world where the more oppressed you are the more popular you are. the asian girl, whose name i don’t even remember bc she was a bizarre stand-in for martha, gets a taste of popularity bc she starts pandering to people during a speech at heather’s funeral and then immediately becomes evil. like it’s mindblowing how bad it was and how shallow these characters are and how gd offensive the whole thing is
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rexmajestatis · 6 years
bxstiarius replied to your post: if you wanna approach everyone on your dash but...
[I cycle between shy bab and oversharing]
i get kicked into oversharing mode once i do actually approach someone. i say hi and next thing you know i’ve been talking about space and prehistoric megafauna for four hours.
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sonitussilentii · 6 years
He's not one for intimate physical affection, not anymore. It's difficult to even find comfort in the smallest of gestures, but for Sonitus- Such kindness still came as naturally as breathing. The depth of his feelings could not be forgotten so easily, not that he desired such. His arms slide around the other Glaive's shoulders loosely, hands rubbing small circles into the muscles of his back and wings of his shoulder blades. More than any signing could convey, he wanted to be there for him.
Sonitus stands stock-still for a long moment.
Then, piece by piece, his tense body eases, relaxing against Xiaowen.
He presses his face against the other man’s shoulder, breathing in and breathing out, taking comfort in the small motions of his hands.
He could remember the past, but he’d rather focus on the now: Xiaowen is here now.  That’s what’s important.
Maybe not all is lost.
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