nytehavyn-circle · 3 months
The Archies - Sugar, Sugar (Official Animated Music Video)
(Just a fun song [talk about an oldie] for Tolaas and his ships - @frombehindpaleeyes, @naughtynecromancer, @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men, @ncmanhasgcnebefcre, @txngledbxnds, and Terran's ship - @bxrningambitions)
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I find you to be:
[x] interesting [x] cute [x] attractive [x] sexy [x] reassuring [ ] intimidating [ ] annoying [ ] tedious [ ] terrifying
I think we should:
[x] talk more [x] hang out more [x] date [x] adopt each other as found family [ ] fight (friendly) [ ] fight (hostile) [ ] avoid each other if at all possible
If we spent an evening together we would:
[x] just hang out [x] talk about deep stuff [x] cuddle [x] go to bed together (to sleep) [x] go to bed together (to… not sleep) [ ] go out and party till sunrise [ ] both get arrested [ ] probably wind up killing each other
If we kissed it would be:
[x] a chaste press of lips [x] a playful smooch [x] swift and stolen [x] deep, sweet, and sincerely meant [x] all teeth and tongue and hot as heck [ ] not happening
If we had sex it would be:
[x] romantic and luxurious [x] fast, rough and hard [x] against the nearest wall [x] fantastic [ ] awkward [ ] a really bad idea [ ] an all-around disaster [ ] not happening
If I woke up and found you unexpectedly in my bed I would:
[x] cuddle you [x] offer you breakfast [x] attempt to seduce you [ ] kick you out [ ] demand to know how you got there [ ] scream
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bestdamnshot · 6 months
(Random EvexSeb AU idea that popped into my head bc I miss them. @naughtynecromancer @bxrningambitions)
Sebastian groaned as me struggled to unlock the door to his apartment he shared with his long time Girlfriend. she was very much like him in many ways, almost mirrored him sometimes, which freaked him out at first, but after years of sharing a life together, even though they hardly saw each other when work would take them to different corners of the world for months at a time. He appreciated her & the time they were able to spend together when they could. for instance onetime Sebastian finished his assignment early & knowing his girl’s birthday was coming up. He did whatever was in his power to make it to the dusty corner of the world she had been shipped off to at the time & with a day to spare. Managed to not only track her down but gather a few things to surprise her with a candle lit dinner at the abandon building she was using at the time for her assignment. Of course the surprise wasn’t received as one would imaged, given their line of work, one could never be too careful & let their guard down. So of course when she walked in & sensed someone else was there waiting for her she went into attack mode. Yanking Sebastian out from behind the door where he stood with flowers, a small box containing a gold silver and crystal dagger he got for her she threw him against the wall and the presents went flying, of course Sebastian expected a reaction like it. & out of habit, as soon as she had a knife to his throat he had a gun to her chin. As their eyes met a huge smile that grew into a laugh appeared on the lovers faces. “you don’t lose your touch, do you, darling?” Sebastian laughs as he leans in to kiss her before she can respond.
God he loved her and he doesn’t know to this day how he could have gotten so lucky as to sweep her off her feet. Her . a perfect, less fucked up, stronger, just better version of what he could of ever hopped to be & god he adored her more than life itself.
thinking back on the memory as he finally managed to open the door, his shoulder screaming in pain as blood continued to ooze out of the wound. He grunts, hoping to meet his girls eyes first thing. & know everything will be okay.
he knows everything will be fine, his injuries weren’t life threatening. He had survived worst in his life, but he felt his shoulder blade was shattered at the very least & it bothered him to think he would be out of commission for some time, with her birthday coming up again, in a few weeks.
“Eve?” He called out, walking deeper into their apartment. “Eve, I am home!….” He calls, entering their bedroom. And sighing with soft eyes as he sees the small dragon curled up in the middle of their bed. “right, I can never really get use to that…..but, she is still cute��� he admits to himself, cocking his head to the side, admiring the creature for a few moments, just feeling warm inside.
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The tiny dragon got hurt again, but she will be damned if she goes back into the baby carrier. Hiding it under the sofa, she limps back to where she was told to stay put pouting. Not her fault they put an Iron fence there. Stupid humans.
Jim sighs when he walks out and sees the baby carrier gone, “Eve, where did you put it?” He asks, looking over at her, thankfully where he told her to stay but that doesn’t mean she didn’t leave at some point. “You know you got hurt and aren’t going to be able to walk. Do you want to just stay here?”
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black-angel-manips · 3 years
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Request by   bxrningambitions
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ericbrandonrp · 3 years
"Sorry, has anyone seen a cowboy walking around? He would um have an Irish accent, a gun, and the most gorgeous blue eyes you've ever seen. Odds are he's also either shot or shot at the big screens downtown if he sees them."
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Tell me how your muse describes my muse to other people and my muse will react to that description.
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“Oi, I wasn’t shootin’ a’ ‘em…things! No’ this toime, anyway. Ran outta bullets…”
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bl3edingxg3ntly · 3 years
Property of Harlequinn Annabel Lee Graves
"The numerous bites, scratches and whatever else you got up too over my body wasn't proof enough of that for you?" He smirked referring to things they got up too regularly. "If you just needed to say it to convince yourself its okay" he smirked.
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sassholemuses · 5 years
“Okay but seriously who even enjoys those movies anymore? That went out in like the 60s” 
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magicalmuses · 4 years
Scabior walked around the shop, his hands trailing over all the little trinkets that caught his eyes every so often one fell into his pocket.
Muggles were easy to trick, they never noticed the trinkets disappering until he was far gone.
He turned the corner, ready to go down the next Isle, only stopping as someone came from the opposite direction.
"Ah sorry 'bout that Ma'am." He grinned as he just about knock her over, nearly breaking the expensive looking item in her arms.
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cursedxmuses · 4 years
(Cont. @bxrningambitions
"There's a cooler with cold water bottles in the opposite corner from me. Can you get a couple please Mori?" Katharene asked, helping Eve onto the nearest bed and having her lay down. That's it! Megera was getting a fucking black eye at least! "You are not in the wrong here, she is." Katharene growled, making some makeshift splints and setting her the best she could. " do you know healing magic? Because I can tell some of your ribs are broken... I've always been good at telling where people are hurt and how bad." She admitted softly.
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nytehavyn-circle · 3 months
Eve had been gone for a while, dealing with her shelter and her other decidedly more lethal job. Deciding to surprise Terran, she knocked on his office door with a picnic basket full of goodies in her arms. She had missed him and wanted to surprise him.
Terran had been sitting in his office, going through legal papers needed for him to be able to open some new apartment buildings for housing homeless people, rent-free, utilities included. He'd done this before, several times, but it was always a hassle and always a pain in the ass. Not to mention it took him greasing a few palms for him to do so. Well, he had to skirt the law frequently to do what needed to be done.
Just before he heard the knock, he caught her scent in the air, and could feel her on the other side of the door. Eva. Oh, it had been a while and he had missed her.
He stood up and quickly walked to his office door, opening it and looking upon the visage he hadn't seen in what felt like forever, with his icy blue eyes.
"My darling," Terran said, bringing her into his office, and then pulling her into a soft, slow, deep kiss; how much he had missed her was evident in that kiss.
When he finally broke the kiss, he glanced down. "And what is this, my sweet?" he asked her, smiling.
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Kiss you choose, not the poison or the punch one lol
6. Forehead Kiss- Adorable
Severin wraps his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her forehead, still enjoying that she's the perfect height to do that too without having to move down too much. "How was your day?" He asks, softly, smiling now that he has her tucked into his arms.
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deathly-mistaken · 5 years
The tiny dragon was growling in the carrier that had been set on the counter, warbling irritably as the shady man smiled a greasy smile at the shop owner. "I thought you might be interested in this." He replied, hand slapping down on the carrier, rattling the tiny creature inside it.
Mercer seemed confused as the carrier growled at him, his head tilting in an attempt to figure our what exactly the man in front of him thought he was doing.
"Is this a dragon?" He asked with raised eyebrows, the door suddenly clicking as it locked. "And you brought it to me with the intent of...what? Selling it?"
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thedoctornumber11 · 3 years
Shippy starter 2 for bxrningambitions
((: @bxrningambitions  liked this shippy starter call for a fluffy starter and a smutty starter.  This is the fluffy one))
The Doctor was a bit surprised as she cuddled up next to him.  “Feeling a bit cuddly?” he asked her.
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black-angel-manips · 3 years
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Request by bxrningambitions
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ericbrandonrp · 4 years
@bxrningambitions​​ asked: 🔮
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Send 🔮 and my muse will predict your muse’s future! || accepting: NO
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He has seen fortune tellers, but never went to one because he doesn’t believe in such things. It is a waste of time in his eyes, some fun thing to do when bored. Like now. Having thrown a shirt over his head, Eric takes a close look at Eve’s palm. “Whoooooo…there’s…loines on yer hand! One for ev’ry sin ye committed. Tsk, tsk, tsk…so many sins. Bad girl. There’s…a future, too, though. A broight one. Oh! Ye met someone! Annnd…there’s feelin’s involved, isn’t there?” he jokes. “Ye’re showin’ him an entoirely new world, showin’ him yer way of livin’. Yer future’s…there’s a wall’f mist, tho’…and dark clouds ahead. Many dark clouds. Ooooh, no’ good. No’ good! Ye’re savin’ a lo’a good-lookin’ arses – no, wai’, it’s a’ways the same one. Bu’! He’ll show himself very grateful…oh! Naughty!”
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