#bw ep10
thegreymoon ยท 6 months
Black Wedding
Moving on to the last episode!
With that said, I googled this show today and, apparently, there is a second season coming out this year, which means that this one will probably end on a cliffhanger and nothing of consequence will be resolved ๐Ÿ˜ข Now, while I did enjoy this show immensely, I am very sceptical that it can hold out for another 10 episodes. Most of the fun here was the character expositions. The demon hunt itself has been very boring (and the "black wedding" and Vlach witchcraft turned out to have absolutely nothing to do with the actual plot) so I am not convinced they have enough here to keep me hooked for another season.
But let's see. So far, this drama has exceeded all my expectations (which were admittedly pretty low to begin with) and it might just continue to do so.
I take it the exorcism didn't go well?
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Having the kid go full evil and not being saved would be a very appealing twist, ngl, but I doubt they had the guts to go there.
I knew he was just a lackey.
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Such a beautiful man but such a pathetic character. It kills all the attraction.
Anyway, he's reporting to a woman? Is this Vesna? Or someone else? Am I wrong about the aunt?
Lovely puppers, though. Pity they mutilated their ears.
LOL, she's losing her everloving mind.
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Much scarier than demon masks and poor attempts at CGI.
Is this a dead body?
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Father Tihon's dead body?
LOL, she's speaking in tongues now.
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I am so unable to take this seriously.
I think the only possession/religious horror movie that ever truly scared me has been The Skeleton Key. Truly unparalleled and terrifying. Everything else is just play-pretend in comparison.
I love that the best insult even a demon can come up with for a woman in this show is "whore" ๐Ÿ™„
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LOL, here comes this moron to ruin the exorcism.
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LOL, he literally rescued the devil ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
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I love it, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving asshole.
LOL, did you come to kill the child, or did you too come to rescue the devil from exorcism?
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Shouldn't have interrupted that exorcism, eh? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
I am having so much fun! This is why I always cheer for the devil in these things.
Is Saruman genuinely here to really fight the devil?
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Like... him not turning out to be an actual force of evil would be the biggest plot twist of all for me in this show.
LMAO, if you are the one with the brain cells here, then neither God nor the devil can help us ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
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I knew he would return home to find her dead.
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I just imagined it would be self-inflicted.
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Seems a bit too young, though. But she might have sold her soul in return for eternal youth or something, idk.
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WTF. Didn't they say the devil skipped her?
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And I was wrong about the aunt ๐Ÿ˜”
So, he is a devil worshipper too.
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So, she's been the Black Duke all along?
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Disappointed. I had hoped Ida would be it.
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Smh. Let women be sexual and feminists and atheists and NGO activists without confining them to a nunnery in the Year of Our Lord 2024 ๐Ÿ˜ญ
*** The goddamn doctor is also devil worshipping ๐Ÿ˜’
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So... another mass shooter?
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WTF SHE'S ALIVE???????????????
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Yeah, nothing got wrapped up. Yeah, massive cliffhangers abound. Second season is inevitable ๐Ÿ˜”
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