taylorhq ยท 1 year
private: i don't even know where to start, but i'd like to start with saying i'm sorry. i know that doesn't make things better or make any of this okay, but i need you to know that my biggest regret in life will always be not telling you about what was going on, as it happened. i'm not sure it would've made things any better, but at least you wouldn't have had to find out through a chain of people, when you deserved hearing it straight from me. the reason i haven't reached out to you until now, was because i needed to give you time to process. not because i'm too much of a wuss to have this conversation, but because had i come to you right after you were told about all this, we we more than likely wouldn't have made any headway in the conversation. i never meant for things with jacob to develop, but they did and that being despite all you went through with him. i know i'm a shit person, and i know i make shit decisions and i'll own up to that, but you need to know how sorry i am. i completely understand that us not being friends anymore is what has to happen from here, since there's no trust there any longer, but please know i'll always cherish having had you in my life and all our memories, despite having tarnished them with lies and deceit. / @barbellasp
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