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odarajwellery · 2 months ago
शादी पार्टी में कौन से गहने पहनने चाहिए ?
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विवाह भारतीय समाज में एक बहुत ही भव्य एवं उल्हास से भरा हुआ कार्यक्रम है, इस एक दिन के कार्यक्रम के लिए लोग महीनो पहले से तैयारी करते है, और इस दिन को शानदार और यादगार बनाने में कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ना चाहते है, और इसी विशेष दिन को और विशेष बनाते है आपके परिधान और उससे जुड़े हुए आभूषण जो आप इस उत्सव में पहनेगे, और शायद इसीलिए शादी पार्टी में गहनों यानि आभूषणों का चयन करना प्रत्येक महिला के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण और विशेलषणात्मक प्रक्रिया होती है।  सही चयन न केवल आपके लुक को पूरा करते हैं, बल्कि आपके व्यक्तित्व और परिधान को भी निखारते हैं।
यहाँ हम आपको कुछ अनोखे टिप्स बता रहे है जिनका ध्यान रखने पर आप स्वयं को आत्मविस्वास से परिपूर्ण पाएंगे :
अपने परिधान के अनुसार गहने चुनें
शादी पार्टी में आभूषणों का चयन हमेशा आपके परिधान के अनुसार होना चाहिए। अगर आप भारी लहंगा, साड़ी, या गाउन पहन रही हैं, तो गहनों का डिजाइन भी थोड़ा भव्य और आकर्षक होना चाहिए।
विशिष्ट परिधानों के साथ चयन की कुछ टिप्स :
लहंगा: अगर आप लंहगा पहन रहे है तो इसके साथ बड़े बड़े झुमके (जैसे चांदबाली या kundan earrings), मांग टीका, और चौड़ा नेकलेस पहने, ये सब लंहगे के साथ बहुत ही शानदार लगेंगे।
गाउन: यदि आपने शादी में पहनने के लिए गाउन चुना है तो आप एक स्लीक और सिंपल नेकलेस या पेंडेंट, स्टड इयररिंग्स, और टेनिस ब्रेसलेट पहने वो बहुत बेहतर रहेंगे।
साड़ी: शादी में कई ��ार साड़ी पहनना बहुत आराम दायक निर्णय होता है और इसके साथ आप पारंपरिक सोने या कुंदन के गहने, जैसे हार, कंगन, और झुमके पहनना ही सबसे अच्छा विकल्प हैं।
आभूषण किस धातु के चयन किये जाए
जब हम परिधान और अपने व्यक्तित्व एवं रंग का एक संयोजन करते है तो हमारे लिए आभूषण की धातु का चयन करना भी जरुरी होता है, क्यूकी आपके गहनों की धातु आपके परिधान यानि ऑउटफिट के रंग और डिजाइन से मेल जरूर खानी चाहिए।
गोल्ड ज्वेलरी: सोना सदा से ही एक उत्सव के लिए सबसे ज्यादा पसंद किया जाने वाला है, यह वास्तव में लाल, हरे, और अन्य गहरे रंगों की पोशाक पर भी शानदार दिखता   है।
सिल्वर या प्लेटिनम ज्वेलरी: चुकी ये सफ़ेद रंग के होते है इसलिए यह पेस्टल रंगों और हल्के शेड्स वाले परिधानों के साथ बेहतर मेल खाती है।
Source Url: https://www.odarasite.com/blogs/news/shadi-party-mein-kaun-se-gahane-pahanane-chaahie
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anana-modern-collection1 · 1 year ago
Diamond Collection by Anana
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Elevate your Jewellery game with our Diamond Collection. Each piece is crafted with premium materials and features stunning American diamonds and Emerald diamonds. From cocktail rings to Hathphool, this collection has something for every occasion and style.
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moonastro · 9 months ago
Juno persona chart
venus in the houses
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what is a juno persona chart? looking into juno persona chart gives more detailed insight of how the relationship and marriage overall of you and your spouse will be like. it also describes them in a sense as well. The Greek Goddess Juno is described to rule over love and marriage and hence why the asteroid is looked into for that theme.
venus represents beauty, aesthetics and values. within the juno persona chart, venus signifies the love within the marriage, relationship style and the beauty that comes along in the marriage.
reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.
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**also this can also be used for signs as well, for example if venus in persona chart is in sagittarius, read what applies to the 9th house as it may resonate as well.
venus in 1st house: lots of embodying of one another. quite literal the definition of worshiping your partner. this placements loves their partners independence, courage and fiery aura. this placement is very protective and encouraging of their partner, they act as if they are their soldier, their guard. are quick to act upon when their spouse needs attention of any kind, are always willing to put their partner first. this placement may love how their partner matches their vibe very well but keeping their identity and staying true to themselves at the same time. they lovee their partner body, yes the appearance may play a big part here also and loving how their spouse looks and presents themselves but its more how they do it and not what they see at that moment if that makes sense.
spouse can have natal venus in aries, 1st house, fire sign or fire house.
venus in 2nd house: this placements way of showing love to their spouse can be by cooking a home cooked meal, buying tiny meaningful gifts to them also. can also be by organising a comfort space for their loved one after they are having a bad day or had a hard day at work. the aesthetic of the marriage is very chill, the couple have a comforting aura towards each other, they can be each others comfort space. income is valued amongst themselves and money matters a lot to this placement. this placement may spoil their spouse and may have a mindset of its only acceptable if i spend lots of money on the person that i love in order to show that i truly love them. this placement may value objects and may have a collection of some sort that they keep, perhaps its crystals, books, scarfs, earrings etc etc whatever it is it is very special to this placement and it is very appreciated when others acknowledge their love for objects and even better when someone adds to their collection.
spouse can have natal venus in taurus, 2nd house, earth sign or earth house.
venus in 3rd house: love is very much shown by hobbies and words. lots of words of affirmation 'you look beautiful today', 'i love you' and so on. lots of strolls through the neighbourhood and doing things and spending time within the neighbourhood. for example the couple could easily just go out on a walk around their neighbourhood and go on a creative venture. sharing love through buying latest technologies and sharing some technical skills to each other, it may be internet influenced approaches as well like going online shopping or buying majority of house items from online. the couples may value the arts of writing and their relationship with ones siblings, perhaps this placement has a solid connection with their siblings and may be a big part of their life and perhaps the other also has good relations with their spouses siblings and so forth.
spouse may have natal venus in gemini, 3rd house, air sign or air house.
venus in 4th house: love between the couple is caring, sensitive and very protective. this placement tends to be very protective of their spouse and almost to the point of they'll do anything for them. literally if their spouse gets upset they get upset and want to fix it. nothing is more important to them than them being happy. the couple value their family traditions and most likely will pass it on onto their kids and will make sure to teach their kids the importance of their homeland and heritage. this placement may love how invested their partner is about their ancestry and is always wanting to find themselves. the couple may connect by relating to they way they were brought up and may agree on many things. this placement may have good relations with their family and therefore may appreciate their spouse doing the same. the aesthetic of their home is very important for this placement, it provides not only comfort but a chance for them to create special memories that they'll remember forever and pass it on for generations to come.
spouse may have natal venus in cancer, 4th house, water sign or water house.
venus in 5th house: this placement may love how fun, independent, well spoken and creative their spouse is. the love between the couple are seen by many, they are not afraid to show their love to each other in public and are proud to show off their partner to other people. the aesthetics in this relationship may be part of an entertainment business, lots of creativity in this marriage, arts, singing, dancing, writing, anything that requires to be creative is valued among each party and may be a very important part of their identity and who they are. this placement enjoys pleasure so expect them to get their way and no other, this placement will do anything in order for them to feel satisfactory and the same goes with their partner, they may want only the best for their partner and will go all out for them to make sure they are happy and satisfied. this placement may enjoy intimacy like no other, being intimate in their eyes is art itself, it connects both parties and this placement may find it beautiful how the whole thing plays out.
spouse may have natal venus in leo, 5th house, fire sign or fire house.
venus in 6th house: this couples way of showing love is definitely through acts of service, this placement is ready to literally do anything for their spouse just to show how much they love them. taking care of their spouse is how they express their love for them for example if they are sick in bed or, if they are back from a long day in work and so forth. this placement may romanticise their lifestyle and put in as much effort into it in order to satisfy their needs and their partners. this also may refer to loving their other half's flaws and insecurities, being in love for who they are and not what they are, not caring what may be wrong with them as others may put it. this placement may provide and show love by factoring lots of labour for their partner also which quite literally can mean that they may perform services for their spouse whether its doing what they ask, going out of their way to do extra work for instance when it may not necessarily be needed.
spouse may have natal venus in virgo, 6th house, earth sign or earth house.
venus in 7th house: the love shared between the couple is romantic, everlasting type of love, the love you see of an long lasting marriage of an elderly couple. the couple may express their love through physical touch like holding hands, hugging, holding onto your arm and so on and anything that requires skin to skin contact. i feel this placement also loves to keep their peace and keep everything within the relationship fair. the aesthetic of the relationship may be very peaceful and full of luxurious items in the home, so the home can be very organised and every single item is picked out precisely to the tee. they love to go out shopping for the tiny luxurious things such as perfume testing or going to shop for artistic supplies. this placement loves when their partner goes all out for them and drops everything for them, the definition of having their full attention.
spouse may have natal venus in libra, 7th house, air sign or air house.
venus in 8th house: love can be shared in secret, i feel like with this placement they show love to each other privately so the public may not see that side of the marriage. the sign its in can tell how the couple may express it privately, so for example in aquarius, there may be lots on and off moments. the couple may get along when it comes to shared money so they may get along more when one one gets a bonus at their work, or if they got extra money and so on. this couple may not be seen in public together either, whether its due to each others work schedule or their routines, most of the time they keep it low. may appreciate when their partner trusts them especially when they open up about their trauma and difficulties in life.
spouse may have natal venus in scorpio, 8th house, water sign or water house.
venus in 9th house: love is shown through interest in topics in what their spouse has to say, for example if they have learned a new thing and they share it with their spouse and this placement is in full attention mode in order to show their full interest in what their other half has to say. this placement reminds me of 'did you know this' and 'did you know that' sort of thing, always sharing what they know to their spouse. this couple may value their higher education and are proud of their success in that field. this placement has a special spot for journeys and if their spouse takes them on a journey they will take that as in that they love them. they love it whenever what they say or teach to their spouse how they use that knowledge and share it with other people, this placement appreciates it and its a sign in their eyes that their partner believes and trusts them.
spouse may have natal venus in sagittarius, 9th house, fire sign or fire house.
venus in 10th house: the couple show their love by working hard and proving themselves to beyond expectations over and over again just to prove how much their spouse means to them. reputation has a lot of value, so this placement will spend lots of money to make sure their partner looks the best and feels the best. they may love it when they are exposed to others and them seeing the love that they have for each other. the couple appreciates the maturity of one another in professional situations, they know when to draw the line when it comes to professional titles. this placement loves and is proud of their partners career choices, they find it very motivating. this couple may like to show off lots, their luxury, their home, their cars, anything that may require competition, they like being on top as it shows their validity as respectful human beings.
spouse may have natal venus in capricorn, 10th house, earth sign or earth house.
venus in 11th house: the love between the two is known amongst social groups, everyone knows them as the couple. this couple may be role models and may be know online (the sign in which venus is in can tell you why, for example if in cancer the internet may view how caring one is for each other and how protective and family oriented they are and so forth). this placement may love how their partner is independent, how different they are from other people so they may feel like they hit the jackpot with their spouse. the relationship may be filled with lots of unconventional things and find beauty in those areas in their lives such as roles that are not usually done in a traditional way, they have their own way of finding the glam and beauty in their marriage, different from the stereotype couples.
spouse may have natal venus in aquarius, 11th house, air sign or air house.
venus in 12th house: the couples way of showing love to each other is dreamy and can make the other nearly read ones mind and make their desires of the way they want to be loved come true which makes it feel like their dreams have came true. but on the other hand there is lots of creativity in this marriage, lots of ethereal aesthetic and lots of desires to make their partners dream come true, so with this placements there is most likely going to be lots of travel surprises such as them buying a ticket and saying to their spouse 'yeah, we are going to this place in two days so get ready' but it might be a dream destination for their spouse. others may view this relationship to be a dream come true, there may be lots of illusions for other people that this marriage is perfect. this placement may love how creative, imaginative and out of this world their spouse is, perhaps their spouse is someone they have always dreamed off and they are the perfect representation of their perfect one.
spouse may have natal venus in pisces, 12th house, water sign or water house.
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thank you so much for your time, i hope you have a good day like always>
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tasuenterprises · 1 year ago
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Real Pearl Earring - CherishBox
You are not dressed until a pair of earrings adds sparkle. 
Our pearl earrings collection in  925 Sterling Silver provides you with ample design to complete your special day look
Buy 2, get 2nd @ 50% OFF
A sophisticated and classic pearl earrings, this is the perfect gift for any occasion. 
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The most luxurious and elegant fashion is Pearl Jewellery. An enchanting embellishment to your style, it enhances the beauty of your look and adds instant glamour to any attire. 
Shop the latest Pearl Jewellery collection from CherishBox online at the best price
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fans-utopia · 2 years ago
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Mia Malcova Used Accessories You Can Buy Online
Discover the amazing accessories that Mia Malcova has worn and find out where you can buy them online! From statement earrings to chic sunglasses, this infographic showcases some of her favorite accessories that you can easily add to your own wardrobe. With links to online retailers, you can shop her style and elevate your look with ease. Don't miss out on the chance to upgrade your accessories game!
Want to add some of Mia Malcova's style to your wardrobe? Check out https://fansutopia.com/collections/miamalkova for more inspiration and shop the latest accessories today!
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fashionista1901 · 17 hours ago
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amamajewels · 6 days ago
Buy Artificial Jewellery Earrings Online from AMAMA: A Perfect Blend of Style and Elegance
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Why Choose Artificial Jewellery Earrings?
Artificial earrings have gained immense popularity due to their versatility, affordability, and variety. They offer a wide range of styles and designs that cater to every occasion and outfit. Whether it’s a casual day out, a festive celebration, or a wedding, artificial earrings allow you to flaunt the latest trends without burning a hole in your pocket.
AMAMA: Your Trusted Brand for Artificial Earrings
At AMAMA, we pride ourselves on offering handmade and thoughtfully designed artificial jewellery that celebrates the art of craftsmanship. Each piece in our collection tells a unique story and is made with love, ensuring that you get nothing but the best.
Top Picks from AMAMA’s Earrings Collection
Traditional Jhumkas
Perfect for festive occasions and weddings, our jhumkas feature intricate designs inspired by Indian heritage. Pair them with sarees or lehengas for a regal look.
With their crescent-shaped design adorned with beads and stones, chandbalis add a touch of elegance to any ethnic outfit. These timeless earrings are a must-have in every jewellery collection.
Contemporary Studs
For those who prefer minimalistic and modern designs, our stud earrings are perfect. They are lightweight, versatile, and suitable for everyday wear.
Danglers and Drop Earrings
Add a dash of glamour to your evening wear with our stylish danglers. These earrings are designed to make you stand out at parties and events.
Hoop Earrings
A classic style reimagined with a contemporary twist. Our hoops come in various sizes and designs, making them a staple accessory for casual and formal occasions alike.
Benefits of Buying Earrings Online from AMAMA
1. Wide Variety
AMAMA’s online store offers an extensive range of earrings, from traditional designs to modern styles, ensuring that you find the perfect pair for every occasion.
2. Affordable Prices
Get premium-quality earrings at budget-friendly prices. Our artificial jewellery combines luxury with affordability, making stylish accessories accessible to everyone.
3. Convenient Shopping Experience
Shop from the comfort of your home and explore our entire collection online. With user-friendly navigation and secure payment options, buying your favorite earrings has never been easier.
4. High-Quality Craftsmanship
Each piece is crafted with precision and care, ensuring durability and a flawless finish.
5. Fast and Reliable Delivery
We ensure timely delivery of your orders, so you can flaunt your new earrings at your next event without any delays.
Tips for Styling Artificial Earrings
Pair bold statement earrings with simple outfits to let them shine.
Mix and match your earrings with other accessories like necklaces and bangles for a cohesive look.
Opt for lightweight designs for all-day comfort.
Artificial jewellery earrings are the perfect blend of style and practicality, and AMAMA’s collection is a testament to that. Whether you’re looking for something traditional, modern, or a fusion of both, our earrings are designed to complement your unique style.
Ready to Elevate Your Style? Visit AMAMA today and explore our stunning collection of artificial jewellery earrings. Embrace the beauty of handcrafted elegance and let your accessories do the talking!
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cleverhottubmiracle · 14 days ago
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I had a lot of fun trying on some of the latest collection from Talbots last week. The colors are fresh and bright, which many of us welcome at this time of year. Many of us are dealing with gray, dreary skies, and Talbots is here to cheer you up. The petite section was not fully stocked yet, so as usual, I went back and forth between it and misses. MINI RESIN EARRINGS my color is sold out If you’re new here, a try-on is when I go into a store and style their latest collection so readers can see what’s new and get some ideas for how they could wear it. I’m not shopping for myself and seldom buy clothes because I prefer to shop online. For size reference, I’m 5’4″, which puts me on the cusp of petite. I have broad shoulders and straight hips with no obvious curves. Talbots is a size-inclusive brand that carries clothes in sizes misses, petite, plus, and plus petite to 3X. RIBBED CREWNECK SWEATER size PM / SHORT SLEEVE QUILTED PUFFER size M / STRAIGHT LEG PERFECT CHINOS size 6 There’s a fair amount of this pistachio color in the store, and it feels so fresh this time of year. This short-sleeved quilted puffer jacket is a fun twist on a puffer and is perfect for milder temps. The fit is roomy, and its boxy shape makes it ideal for layering. It also comes in a bright pink. They show it layered over this raglan sweater in the same shade, and I’m wearing it over the same sweater with a rib in a blue/pistachio combination. This sweater is a lovely weight, and I particularly appreciate its soft drape. MORE PISTACHIO AT TALBOTS Turn on your JavaScript to view content   I’m styling these over Talbots’ perfect chinos in deep navy. These are a cotton/spandex blend and fit like a dream. They have a flattering straight leg and come in 4 classic neutral colors. They didn’t have petite in my size, so I’m wearing the Misses 6 and like the length on me. I show the sweater tucked in, and if I did this, I would always wear a belt because belt loops look unfinished without one. FLARE LEG PULL ON TRAVEL JEANS size MP / STRIPED SWEATER JACKET size LP These flare leg pull-on jeans are, quite simply, fabulous. They’re a nice substantial weight with lots of stretch in the fabric, so they’d feel fabulous for a long day on the road or anywhere your day takes you…even if it’s to your couch with a great book. The front seam has a slimming and elongating effect, and the deep hem helps them drop nicely. These jeans have a wide, smooth waistband, which I suggest covering with your top for a more modern look. This navy and ivory striped sweater jacket seemed to be flying out the door, and with good reason. This “lady jacket” style cardigan has been the rage for several years, and the trend is continuing to go strong into spring. It has a slightly cropped length that hits above your hip…if you’re wearing the proper size. This large petite is too large on me, so it’s droopy. I love the raglan sleeves and how nicely the stripes match, which is a sign of good-quality construction. MODERN CLASSIC SHIRT size PM / HIGH-WAIST STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P I’ve been needing to replace my classic black jeans, so these ones came home with me. I find them dressier than blue denim and very functional in my winter wardrobe. These stretch jeans have a slim, straight leg and have been a Talbots favorite for years. The black is a never-fade wash, and they’ve included a front tummy slimming panel, which I always appreciate. I’ve styled them with a classic striped shirt in two shades of blue. It also comes in pistachio/blue, which has a very spring-like vibe. It’s 100% cotton with a crisp feel, and I see this over white jeans all spring. Note- It’s a great shirt with one bad review because the customer was angry that the pistachio option is not offered in plus sizes. This does not reflect on the shirt, just the brand’s decision of what sizes to manufacture. I suggest you read reviews for content and intent, rather than just the rating. EXQUISITE TWEED BRAID TRIM JACKET size 10P / PERFECT TURTLENECK size MP / SLIM STRAIGHT ANKLE JEANS size 4 This Tweed Jacket is fabulous! I have a similar version with cropped sleeves that has been a workhorse in my wardrobe for many years. I’m over the moon to see it has silver-tone buttons, which I think are more flattering with this bright, cool blue. The braid trim down the front and on the pockets gives it more of a Chanel vibe. The body is boxy, but I sized up to 10P for the sleeve length (I have long arms). I’m wearing it over this perfect turtleneck (which also came home with me). These are great workhorses to have in your wardrobe, and they last for years! I’m styling this with these slim, straight ankle jeans in the Regina wash. They have a sturdy feel with a hint of stretch (1% spandex) and a great fit. I found these ran large because I was able to do up the 4, and I wear a 6 misses or 8P.   CLASSIC TROUSER JEANS size 6P / LOOP STITCH MOCK NECK SWEATER size PM / CORAL GINGHAM SHIRT size LP These classic trouser jeans are a soft natural shade that is neither warm nor cool-toned. I love the change of pace in this light outfit for cool weather. The fabric is a mid-weigth denim and the trouser leg has a front seam, which adds some structure and elongates the look of your leg. I’m wearing them with this mock neck sweater that has a fuzzy, loop finish. The color is ivory, which coordinates perfectly with the jeans for a nice column of color effect. It also comes in a cafe color, which I would describe as camel. It’s a very wearable hip length that looks great with straight or wider-leg pants. I layered this coral gingham shirt underneath for just a pop of spring color. The cuffs are gingham on the outside and polka dot on the inside, as is the front band that shows when not covered by a sweater :). KNIT POPOVER SHIRT size S / STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P / COOLMAX FULL ZIP SWEATER JACKET size PM These straight-leg jeans have a nice mid-wash with a slightly distressed finish. I love that these have a high waist which helps prevent a muffin top. I tucked in the top so you can see how high the rise is. These seem to have a slightly longer inseam than some of their other straight jeans so they’d be great over low booties. I’m styling them with this knit popover shirt in two shades of blue. It’s 100% cotton and also comes in deep pink with indigo. This vibrant stripe is certainly a standout and perfect for spring. I layered on this coolmax zip jacket in deep indigo from the T by Talbots collection. It has a mock neck and chevron stripe that may look like a wide spread collar but it isn’t. You can see it much better on the website. The white stripe repeats along the bottom of the sleeves and hemline. The knit is dense so the sweater jacket feels substantial but the coolmax fabric will keep you cool. MORE NEW T BY TALBOTS Turn on your JavaScript to view content   HALF ZIP PULLOVER size PS / CLASSIC TROUSER JEANS size 6P Here are the same trouser jeans, this time styled with a half-zip pullover. I love the versatility of the zip on this cozy sweater. You can open it for a spread collar look, or zip it up and fold over for a nice turtlenck effect. It’s a cotton blend in a speckled space dyed yarn. BTW, I wondered what space dyed meant so I checked and found – “It’s a technique in which a single yarn is dyed with two or more colors that repeat themselves throughout the length of the yarn. Depending on how many colors are used, the resulting space dye can look quite different.” If you’re a knitter, it’s someting like a variegated yarn. HALF ZIP PULLOVER size M / HIGH-WAIST STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P Here’s the same sweater in a misses medium size, which still fits but is a bit more oversized and longer. I love the contrast of pistachio with black. Are you ready for some fresh colors this year? If you wear hearts for Valentine’s, Talbots has you covered here: Turn on your JavaScript to view content Thanks for reading and be sure to wear what makes you feel confident.     You May Also Enjoy Source link
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norajworld · 14 days ago
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I had a lot of fun trying on some of the latest collection from Talbots last week. The colors are fresh and bright, which many of us welcome at this time of year. Many of us are dealing with gray, dreary skies, and Talbots is here to cheer you up. The petite section was not fully stocked yet, so as usual, I went back and forth between it and misses. MINI RESIN EARRINGS my color is sold out If you’re new here, a try-on is when I go into a store and style their latest collection so readers can see what’s new and get some ideas for how they could wear it. I’m not shopping for myself and seldom buy clothes because I prefer to shop online. For size reference, I’m 5’4″, which puts me on the cusp of petite. I have broad shoulders and straight hips with no obvious curves. Talbots is a size-inclusive brand that carries clothes in sizes misses, petite, plus, and plus petite to 3X. RIBBED CREWNECK SWEATER size PM / SHORT SLEEVE QUILTED PUFFER size M / STRAIGHT LEG PERFECT CHINOS size 6 There’s a fair amount of this pistachio color in the store, and it feels so fresh this time of year. This short-sleeved quilted puffer jacket is a fun twist on a puffer and is perfect for milder temps. The fit is roomy, and its boxy shape makes it ideal for layering. It also comes in a bright pink. They show it layered over this raglan sweater in the same shade, and I’m wearing it over the same sweater with a rib in a blue/pistachio combination. This sweater is a lovely weight, and I particularly appreciate its soft drape. MORE PISTACHIO AT TALBOTS Turn on your JavaScript to view content   I’m styling these over Talbots’ perfect chinos in deep navy. These are a cotton/spandex blend and fit like a dream. They have a flattering straight leg and come in 4 classic neutral colors. They didn’t have petite in my size, so I’m wearing the Misses 6 and like the length on me. I show the sweater tucked in, and if I did this, I would always wear a belt because belt loops look unfinished without one. FLARE LEG PULL ON TRAVEL JEANS size MP / STRIPED SWEATER JACKET size LP These flare leg pull-on jeans are, quite simply, fabulous. They’re a nice substantial weight with lots of stretch in the fabric, so they’d feel fabulous for a long day on the road or anywhere your day takes you…even if it’s to your couch with a great book. The front seam has a slimming and elongating effect, and the deep hem helps them drop nicely. These jeans have a wide, smooth waistband, which I suggest covering with your top for a more modern look. This navy and ivory striped sweater jacket seemed to be flying out the door, and with good reason. This “lady jacket” style cardigan has been the rage for several years, and the trend is continuing to go strong into spring. It has a slightly cropped length that hits above your hip…if you’re wearing the proper size. This large petite is too large on me, so it’s droopy. I love the raglan sleeves and how nicely the stripes match, which is a sign of good-quality construction. MODERN CLASSIC SHIRT size PM / HIGH-WAIST STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P I’ve been needing to replace my classic black jeans, so these ones came home with me. I find them dressier than blue denim and very functional in my winter wardrobe. These stretch jeans have a slim, straight leg and have been a Talbots favorite for years. The black is a never-fade wash, and they’ve included a front tummy slimming panel, which I always appreciate. I’ve styled them with a classic striped shirt in two shades of blue. It also comes in pistachio/blue, which has a very spring-like vibe. It’s 100% cotton with a crisp feel, and I see this over white jeans all spring. Note- It’s a great shirt with one bad review because the customer was angry that the pistachio option is not offered in plus sizes. This does not reflect on the shirt, just the brand’s decision of what sizes to manufacture. I suggest you read reviews for content and intent, rather than just the rating. EXQUISITE TWEED BRAID TRIM JACKET size 10P / PERFECT TURTLENECK size MP / SLIM STRAIGHT ANKLE JEANS size 4 This Tweed Jacket is fabulous! I have a similar version with cropped sleeves that has been a workhorse in my wardrobe for many years. I’m over the moon to see it has silver-tone buttons, which I think are more flattering with this bright, cool blue. The braid trim down the front and on the pockets gives it more of a Chanel vibe. The body is boxy, but I sized up to 10P for the sleeve length (I have long arms). I’m wearing it over this perfect turtleneck (which also came home with me). These are great workhorses to have in your wardrobe, and they last for years! I’m styling this with these slim, straight ankle jeans in the Regina wash. They have a sturdy feel with a hint of stretch (1% spandex) and a great fit. I found these ran large because I was able to do up the 4, and I wear a 6 misses or 8P.   CLASSIC TROUSER JEANS size 6P / LOOP STITCH MOCK NECK SWEATER size PM / CORAL GINGHAM SHIRT size LP These classic trouser jeans are a soft natural shade that is neither warm nor cool-toned. I love the change of pace in this light outfit for cool weather. The fabric is a mid-weigth denim and the trouser leg has a front seam, which adds some structure and elongates the look of your leg. I’m wearing them with this mock neck sweater that has a fuzzy, loop finish. The color is ivory, which coordinates perfectly with the jeans for a nice column of color effect. It also comes in a cafe color, which I would describe as camel. It’s a very wearable hip length that looks great with straight or wider-leg pants. I layered this coral gingham shirt underneath for just a pop of spring color. The cuffs are gingham on the outside and polka dot on the inside, as is the front band that shows when not covered by a sweater :). KNIT POPOVER SHIRT size S / STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P / COOLMAX FULL ZIP SWEATER JACKET size PM These straight-leg jeans have a nice mid-wash with a slightly distressed finish. I love that these have a high waist which helps prevent a muffin top. I tucked in the top so you can see how high the rise is. These seem to have a slightly longer inseam than some of their other straight jeans so they’d be great over low booties. I’m styling them with this knit popover shirt in two shades of blue. It’s 100% cotton and also comes in deep pink with indigo. This vibrant stripe is certainly a standout and perfect for spring. I layered on this coolmax zip jacket in deep indigo from the T by Talbots collection. It has a mock neck and chevron stripe that may look like a wide spread collar but it isn’t. You can see it much better on the website. The white stripe repeats along the bottom of the sleeves and hemline. The knit is dense so the sweater jacket feels substantial but the coolmax fabric will keep you cool. MORE NEW T BY TALBOTS Turn on your JavaScript to view content   HALF ZIP PULLOVER size PS / CLASSIC TROUSER JEANS size 6P Here are the same trouser jeans, this time styled with a half-zip pullover. I love the versatility of the zip on this cozy sweater. You can open it for a spread collar look, or zip it up and fold over for a nice turtlenck effect. It’s a cotton blend in a speckled space dyed yarn. BTW, I wondered what space dyed meant so I checked and found – “It’s a technique in which a single yarn is dyed with two or more colors that repeat themselves throughout the length of the yarn. Depending on how many colors are used, the resulting space dye can look quite different.” If you’re a knitter, it’s someting like a variegated yarn. HALF ZIP PULLOVER size M / HIGH-WAIST STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P Here’s the same sweater in a misses medium size, which still fits but is a bit more oversized and longer. I love the contrast of pistachio with black. Are you ready for some fresh colors this year? If you wear hearts for Valentine’s, Talbots has you covered here: Turn on your JavaScript to view content Thanks for reading and be sure to wear what makes you feel confident.     You May Also Enjoy Source link
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ellajme0 · 14 days ago
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I had a lot of fun trying on some of the latest collection from Talbots last week. The colors are fresh and bright, which many of us welcome at this time of year. Many of us are dealing with gray, dreary skies, and Talbots is here to cheer you up. The petite section was not fully stocked yet, so as usual, I went back and forth between it and misses. MINI RESIN EARRINGS my color is sold out If you’re new here, a try-on is when I go into a store and style their latest collection so readers can see what’s new and get some ideas for how they could wear it. I’m not shopping for myself and seldom buy clothes because I prefer to shop online. For size reference, I’m 5’4″, which puts me on the cusp of petite. I have broad shoulders and straight hips with no obvious curves. Talbots is a size-inclusive brand that carries clothes in sizes misses, petite, plus, and plus petite to 3X. RIBBED CREWNECK SWEATER size PM / SHORT SLEEVE QUILTED PUFFER size M / STRAIGHT LEG PERFECT CHINOS size 6 There’s a fair amount of this pistachio color in the store, and it feels so fresh this time of year. This short-sleeved quilted puffer jacket is a fun twist on a puffer and is perfect for milder temps. The fit is roomy, and its boxy shape makes it ideal for layering. It also comes in a bright pink. They show it layered over this raglan sweater in the same shade, and I’m wearing it over the same sweater with a rib in a blue/pistachio combination. This sweater is a lovely weight, and I particularly appreciate its soft drape. MORE PISTACHIO AT TALBOTS Turn on your JavaScript to view content   I’m styling these over Talbots’ perfect chinos in deep navy. These are a cotton/spandex blend and fit like a dream. They have a flattering straight leg and come in 4 classic neutral colors. They didn’t have petite in my size, so I’m wearing the Misses 6 and like the length on me. I show the sweater tucked in, and if I did this, I would always wear a belt because belt loops look unfinished without one. FLARE LEG PULL ON TRAVEL JEANS size MP / STRIPED SWEATER JACKET size LP These flare leg pull-on jeans are, quite simply, fabulous. They’re a nice substantial weight with lots of stretch in the fabric, so they’d feel fabulous for a long day on the road or anywhere your day takes you…even if it’s to your couch with a great book. The front seam has a slimming and elongating effect, and the deep hem helps them drop nicely. These jeans have a wide, smooth waistband, which I suggest covering with your top for a more modern look. This navy and ivory striped sweater jacket seemed to be flying out the door, and with good reason. This “lady jacket” style cardigan has been the rage for several years, and the trend is continuing to go strong into spring. It has a slightly cropped length that hits above your hip…if you’re wearing the proper size. This large petite is too large on me, so it’s droopy. I love the raglan sleeves and how nicely the stripes match, which is a sign of good-quality construction. MODERN CLASSIC SHIRT size PM / HIGH-WAIST STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P I’ve been needing to replace my classic black jeans, so these ones came home with me. I find them dressier than blue denim and very functional in my winter wardrobe. These stretch jeans have a slim, straight leg and have been a Talbots favorite for years. The black is a never-fade wash, and they’ve included a front tummy slimming panel, which I always appreciate. I’ve styled them with a classic striped shirt in two shades of blue. It also comes in pistachio/blue, which has a very spring-like vibe. It’s 100% cotton with a crisp feel, and I see this over white jeans all spring. Note- It’s a great shirt with one bad review because the customer was angry that the pistachio option is not offered in plus sizes. This does not reflect on the shirt, just the brand’s decision of what sizes to manufacture. I suggest you read reviews for content and intent, rather than just the rating. EXQUISITE TWEED BRAID TRIM JACKET size 10P / PERFECT TURTLENECK size MP / SLIM STRAIGHT ANKLE JEANS size 4 This Tweed Jacket is fabulous! I have a similar version with cropped sleeves that has been a workhorse in my wardrobe for many years. I’m over the moon to see it has silver-tone buttons, which I think are more flattering with this bright, cool blue. The braid trim down the front and on the pockets gives it more of a Chanel vibe. The body is boxy, but I sized up to 10P for the sleeve length (I have long arms). I’m wearing it over this perfect turtleneck (which also came home with me). These are great workhorses to have in your wardrobe, and they last for years! I’m styling this with these slim, straight ankle jeans in the Regina wash. They have a sturdy feel with a hint of stretch (1% spandex) and a great fit. I found these ran large because I was able to do up the 4, and I wear a 6 misses or 8P.   CLASSIC TROUSER JEANS size 6P / LOOP STITCH MOCK NECK SWEATER size PM / CORAL GINGHAM SHIRT size LP These classic trouser jeans are a soft natural shade that is neither warm nor cool-toned. I love the change of pace in this light outfit for cool weather. The fabric is a mid-weigth denim and the trouser leg has a front seam, which adds some structure and elongates the look of your leg. I’m wearing them with this mock neck sweater that has a fuzzy, loop finish. The color is ivory, which coordinates perfectly with the jeans for a nice column of color effect. It also comes in a cafe color, which I would describe as camel. It’s a very wearable hip length that looks great with straight or wider-leg pants. I layered this coral gingham shirt underneath for just a pop of spring color. The cuffs are gingham on the outside and polka dot on the inside, as is the front band that shows when not covered by a sweater :). KNIT POPOVER SHIRT size S / STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P / COOLMAX FULL ZIP SWEATER JACKET size PM These straight-leg jeans have a nice mid-wash with a slightly distressed finish. I love that these have a high waist which helps prevent a muffin top. I tucked in the top so you can see how high the rise is. These seem to have a slightly longer inseam than some of their other straight jeans so they’d be great over low booties. I’m styling them with this knit popover shirt in two shades of blue. It’s 100% cotton and also comes in deep pink with indigo. This vibrant stripe is certainly a standout and perfect for spring. I layered on this coolmax zip jacket in deep indigo from the T by Talbots collection. It has a mock neck and chevron stripe that may look like a wide spread collar but it isn’t. You can see it much better on the website. The white stripe repeats along the bottom of the sleeves and hemline. The knit is dense so the sweater jacket feels substantial but the coolmax fabric will keep you cool. MORE NEW T BY TALBOTS Turn on your JavaScript to view content   HALF ZIP PULLOVER size PS / CLASSIC TROUSER JEANS size 6P Here are the same trouser jeans, this time styled with a half-zip pullover. I love the versatility of the zip on this cozy sweater. You can open it for a spread collar look, or zip it up and fold over for a nice turtlenck effect. It’s a cotton blend in a speckled space dyed yarn. BTW, I wondered what space dyed meant so I checked and found – “It’s a technique in which a single yarn is dyed with two or more colors that repeat themselves throughout the length of the yarn. Depending on how many colors are used, the resulting space dye can look quite different.” If you’re a knitter, it’s someting like a variegated yarn. HALF ZIP PULLOVER size M / HIGH-WAIST STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P Here’s the same sweater in a misses medium size, which still fits but is a bit more oversized and longer. I love the contrast of pistachio with black. Are you ready for some fresh colors this year? If you wear hearts for Valentine’s, Talbots has you covered here: Turn on your JavaScript to view content Thanks for reading and be sure to wear what makes you feel confident.     You May Also Enjoy Source link
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odarajwellery · 2 months ago
Easy Ways to Protect your Gold Plated Jewellery
People who are looking for affordable gold jewelry can opt the gold-plated jewelry in which jeweler electroplates a thin layer of gold around the base metal of the jewelry piece. In such gold-plated jewelry electroplating is essential for bonding the molecules of the base metals to another metal in presence of electric current. Various metals on which jewelers plate gold over is sterling silver, surgical or regular stainless steel, copper, etc.
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Choice of every woman: Gold – Plated Jewelry
Today gold-plated jewelry has gained the love of every woman because the choice for such beautiful and explicit jewelry doesn’t means that you can’t afford full gold jewelry but it means you are practical enough to enjoy your love towards jewelry with in affordable prices which is available in different styles and different designs to compliment your different outfits. Now a days with the increasing demand of gold-plated jewelry, market of online fashion jewelry has also increased and you can explore while sitting at your home, offices or any of your favorable places. However, they have a thin layer of gold, that demand your more care and attention.
Advantages of Gold-Plated Jewelry
By owing the variety of gold-plated jewelry likechoker, necklaces, earrings, rings, bangles, etc. you are availing various advantages as,
Budget friendly jewelry – No need to spend hefty amount for its purchases.
Versatility– Different jewelry for different occasions.
Luxurious feel – Can feel the luxury even while not wearing solid gold.
Ways to protect your Gold – Plated Jewelry
Your gold – plated jewelry demands your essential care for its everlasting appearance. So here are some of the techniques discussed to give you an idea that how to take care your jewelry so that it looks best while maintaining its quality, durability and appearance.
Store Safely
Even though you have not spent a hefty amount for purchasing this jewelry but you are always advisable to take special care of your gold – plated jewelry as it should always be kept properly in a separate jewelry box to avoid any dent, scratches and nicks as its softness makes it prone to such things. When stored with other jewelry, sterling silver gets tarnished and if you are having gold – plated sterling silver jewelry that is already faded then be aware as it might tarnishes the other pieces of your collection. Store them in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
Proper Cleaning
You cannot clean your gold – plated jewelry with any of the commercially graded harsh chemicals, abrasives or jewelry cleaner. Always use a soft cloth for cleaning its surfaces and wiping of any of the dirt present on it. You can let it soak for few minutes in water and make sure it is dried well before storing it once again because if the moisture remains on the jewelry, it may cause tarnish to metal.
Avoid excessive water exposure
Avoid wearing your gold – plated jewelry  while swimming or showering. If your jewelry shows any sign of wear or your jewelry starts to fade then always take the help of professional jeweler for its repairing.
So always provide a gentle care to your jewelry to preserve its durable finish and longevity.
Avoid exposure to chemicals
Gold plated jewelry is highly reactive to substances like perfumes, creams, lotions and make up. Some soaps as well as detergents are stronger than the others. So be cautious while using these with in direct contact with the jewelry.
So always provide a gentle care to your jewelry to preserve its durable finish and longevity.
Reliable Place For Gold Plated Jewelry
Now a days the market demand for gold – plated jewelry is increasing due to its affordability as well as versatility comprehending the current fashion trends. It is an affordable option as compared to the solid gold pieces which makes it easily accessible for the wide range of consumers. Therefore, to provide you the versatile and essential component of personal adornment Odara is an online fashion jewelry which provides you wide range of versatile designs in gold -plated jewelry. It provides you the jewelry with the current fashion trends and styles. You can check out the wide collection of rings, chokers, necklaces, earrings, etc. while visiting the online jewelry store.
The trend of owing the huge variety of gold – plated jewelry is increasingly becoming popular now a days. For having the large collection of gold – plated jewelry you need not to break your banks or spend a heavy amount on purchasing this jewelry. By investing your little time to take care of these jewelry, you can enjoy its beauty for years to come with everlasting appearance and durability. So, wear your alluring jewelry up to your satisfaction and flaunt your taste and preferences by wearing such Gold – Plated Jewelry.
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chilimili212 · 14 days ago
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I had a lot of fun trying on some of the latest collection from Talbots last week. The colors are fresh and bright, which many of us welcome at this time of year. Many of us are dealing with gray, dreary skies, and Talbots is here to cheer you up. The petite section was not fully stocked yet, so as usual, I went back and forth between it and misses. MINI RESIN EARRINGS my color is sold out If you’re new here, a try-on is when I go into a store and style their latest collection so readers can see what’s new and get some ideas for how they could wear it. I’m not shopping for myself and seldom buy clothes because I prefer to shop online. For size reference, I’m 5’4″, which puts me on the cusp of petite. I have broad shoulders and straight hips with no obvious curves. Talbots is a size-inclusive brand that carries clothes in sizes misses, petite, plus, and plus petite to 3X. RIBBED CREWNECK SWEATER size PM / SHORT SLEEVE QUILTED PUFFER size M / STRAIGHT LEG PERFECT CHINOS size 6 There’s a fair amount of this pistachio color in the store, and it feels so fresh this time of year. This short-sleeved quilted puffer jacket is a fun twist on a puffer and is perfect for milder temps. The fit is roomy, and its boxy shape makes it ideal for layering. It also comes in a bright pink. They show it layered over this raglan sweater in the same shade, and I’m wearing it over the same sweater with a rib in a blue/pistachio combination. This sweater is a lovely weight, and I particularly appreciate its soft drape. MORE PISTACHIO AT TALBOTS Turn on your JavaScript to view content   I’m styling these over Talbots’ perfect chinos in deep navy. These are a cotton/spandex blend and fit like a dream. They have a flattering straight leg and come in 4 classic neutral colors. They didn’t have petite in my size, so I’m wearing the Misses 6 and like the length on me. I show the sweater tucked in, and if I did this, I would always wear a belt because belt loops look unfinished without one. FLARE LEG PULL ON TRAVEL JEANS size MP / STRIPED SWEATER JACKET size LP These flare leg pull-on jeans are, quite simply, fabulous. They’re a nice substantial weight with lots of stretch in the fabric, so they’d feel fabulous for a long day on the road or anywhere your day takes you…even if it’s to your couch with a great book. The front seam has a slimming and elongating effect, and the deep hem helps them drop nicely. These jeans have a wide, smooth waistband, which I suggest covering with your top for a more modern look. This navy and ivory striped sweater jacket seemed to be flying out the door, and with good reason. This “lady jacket” style cardigan has been the rage for several years, and the trend is continuing to go strong into spring. It has a slightly cropped length that hits above your hip…if you’re wearing the proper size. This large petite is too large on me, so it’s droopy. I love the raglan sleeves and how nicely the stripes match, which is a sign of good-quality construction. MODERN CLASSIC SHIRT size PM / HIGH-WAIST STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P I’ve been needing to replace my classic black jeans, so these ones came home with me. I find them dressier than blue denim and very functional in my winter wardrobe. These stretch jeans have a slim, straight leg and have been a Talbots favorite for years. The black is a never-fade wash, and they’ve included a front tummy slimming panel, which I always appreciate. I’ve styled them with a classic striped shirt in two shades of blue. It also comes in pistachio/blue, which has a very spring-like vibe. It’s 100% cotton with a crisp feel, and I see this over white jeans all spring. Note- It’s a great shirt with one bad review because the customer was angry that the pistachio option is not offered in plus sizes. This does not reflect on the shirt, just the brand’s decision of what sizes to manufacture. I suggest you read reviews for content and intent, rather than just the rating. EXQUISITE TWEED BRAID TRIM JACKET size 10P / PERFECT TURTLENECK size MP / SLIM STRAIGHT ANKLE JEANS size 4 This Tweed Jacket is fabulous! I have a similar version with cropped sleeves that has been a workhorse in my wardrobe for many years. I’m over the moon to see it has silver-tone buttons, which I think are more flattering with this bright, cool blue. The braid trim down the front and on the pockets gives it more of a Chanel vibe. The body is boxy, but I sized up to 10P for the sleeve length (I have long arms). I’m wearing it over this perfect turtleneck (which also came home with me). These are great workhorses to have in your wardrobe, and they last for years! I’m styling this with these slim, straight ankle jeans in the Regina wash. They have a sturdy feel with a hint of stretch (1% spandex) and a great fit. I found these ran large because I was able to do up the 4, and I wear a 6 misses or 8P.   CLASSIC TROUSER JEANS size 6P / LOOP STITCH MOCK NECK SWEATER size PM / CORAL GINGHAM SHIRT size LP These classic trouser jeans are a soft natural shade that is neither warm nor cool-toned. I love the change of pace in this light outfit for cool weather. The fabric is a mid-weigth denim and the trouser leg has a front seam, which adds some structure and elongates the look of your leg. I’m wearing them with this mock neck sweater that has a fuzzy, loop finish. The color is ivory, which coordinates perfectly with the jeans for a nice column of color effect. It also comes in a cafe color, which I would describe as camel. It’s a very wearable hip length that looks great with straight or wider-leg pants. I layered this coral gingham shirt underneath for just a pop of spring color. The cuffs are gingham on the outside and polka dot on the inside, as is the front band that shows when not covered by a sweater :). KNIT POPOVER SHIRT size S / STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P / COOLMAX FULL ZIP SWEATER JACKET size PM These straight-leg jeans have a nice mid-wash with a slightly distressed finish. I love that these have a high waist which helps prevent a muffin top. I tucked in the top so you can see how high the rise is. These seem to have a slightly longer inseam than some of their other straight jeans so they’d be great over low booties. I’m styling them with this knit popover shirt in two shades of blue. It’s 100% cotton and also comes in deep pink with indigo. This vibrant stripe is certainly a standout and perfect for spring. I layered on this coolmax zip jacket in deep indigo from the T by Talbots collection. It has a mock neck and chevron stripe that may look like a wide spread collar but it isn’t. You can see it much better on the website. The white stripe repeats along the bottom of the sleeves and hemline. The knit is dense so the sweater jacket feels substantial but the coolmax fabric will keep you cool. MORE NEW T BY TALBOTS Turn on your JavaScript to view content   HALF ZIP PULLOVER size PS / CLASSIC TROUSER JEANS size 6P Here are the same trouser jeans, this time styled with a half-zip pullover. I love the versatility of the zip on this cozy sweater. You can open it for a spread collar look, or zip it up and fold over for a nice turtlenck effect. It’s a cotton blend in a speckled space dyed yarn. BTW, I wondered what space dyed meant so I checked and found – “It’s a technique in which a single yarn is dyed with two or more colors that repeat themselves throughout the length of the yarn. Depending on how many colors are used, the resulting space dye can look quite different.” If you’re a knitter, it’s someting like a variegated yarn. HALF ZIP PULLOVER size M / HIGH-WAIST STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P Here’s the same sweater in a misses medium size, which still fits but is a bit more oversized and longer. I love the contrast of pistachio with black. Are you ready for some fresh colors this year? If you wear hearts for Valentine’s, Talbots has you covered here: Turn on your JavaScript to view content Thanks for reading and be sure to wear what makes you feel confident.     You May Also Enjoy Source link
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oliviajoyice21 · 14 days ago
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I had a lot of fun trying on some of the latest collection from Talbots last week. The colors are fresh and bright, which many of us welcome at this time of year. Many of us are dealing with gray, dreary skies, and Talbots is here to cheer you up. The petite section was not fully stocked yet, so as usual, I went back and forth between it and misses. MINI RESIN EARRINGS my color is sold out If you’re new here, a try-on is when I go into a store and style their latest collection so readers can see what’s new and get some ideas for how they could wear it. I’m not shopping for myself and seldom buy clothes because I prefer to shop online. For size reference, I’m 5’4″, which puts me on the cusp of petite. I have broad shoulders and straight hips with no obvious curves. Talbots is a size-inclusive brand that carries clothes in sizes misses, petite, plus, and plus petite to 3X. RIBBED CREWNECK SWEATER size PM / SHORT SLEEVE QUILTED PUFFER size M / STRAIGHT LEG PERFECT CHINOS size 6 There’s a fair amount of this pistachio color in the store, and it feels so fresh this time of year. This short-sleeved quilted puffer jacket is a fun twist on a puffer and is perfect for milder temps. The fit is roomy, and its boxy shape makes it ideal for layering. It also comes in a bright pink. They show it layered over this raglan sweater in the same shade, and I’m wearing it over the same sweater with a rib in a blue/pistachio combination. This sweater is a lovely weight, and I particularly appreciate its soft drape. MORE PISTACHIO AT TALBOTS Turn on your JavaScript to view content   I’m styling these over Talbots’ perfect chinos in deep navy. These are a cotton/spandex blend and fit like a dream. They have a flattering straight leg and come in 4 classic neutral colors. They didn’t have petite in my size, so I’m wearing the Misses 6 and like the length on me. I show the sweater tucked in, and if I did this, I would always wear a belt because belt loops look unfinished without one. FLARE LEG PULL ON TRAVEL JEANS size MP / STRIPED SWEATER JACKET size LP These flare leg pull-on jeans are, quite simply, fabulous. They’re a nice substantial weight with lots of stretch in the fabric, so they’d feel fabulous for a long day on the road or anywhere your day takes you…even if it’s to your couch with a great book. The front seam has a slimming and elongating effect, and the deep hem helps them drop nicely. These jeans have a wide, smooth waistband, which I suggest covering with your top for a more modern look. This navy and ivory striped sweater jacket seemed to be flying out the door, and with good reason. This “lady jacket” style cardigan has been the rage for several years, and the trend is continuing to go strong into spring. It has a slightly cropped length that hits above your hip…if you’re wearing the proper size. This large petite is too large on me, so it’s droopy. I love the raglan sleeves and how nicely the stripes match, which is a sign of good-quality construction. MODERN CLASSIC SHIRT size PM / HIGH-WAIST STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P I’ve been needing to replace my classic black jeans, so these ones came home with me. I find them dressier than blue denim and very functional in my winter wardrobe. These stretch jeans have a slim, straight leg and have been a Talbots favorite for years. The black is a never-fade wash, and they’ve included a front tummy slimming panel, which I always appreciate. I’ve styled them with a classic striped shirt in two shades of blue. It also comes in pistachio/blue, which has a very spring-like vibe. It’s 100% cotton with a crisp feel, and I see this over white jeans all spring. Note- It’s a great shirt with one bad review because the customer was angry that the pistachio option is not offered in plus sizes. This does not reflect on the shirt, just the brand’s decision of what sizes to manufacture. I suggest you read reviews for content and intent, rather than just the rating. EXQUISITE TWEED BRAID TRIM JACKET size 10P / PERFECT TURTLENECK size MP / SLIM STRAIGHT ANKLE JEANS size 4 This Tweed Jacket is fabulous! I have a similar version with cropped sleeves that has been a workhorse in my wardrobe for many years. I’m over the moon to see it has silver-tone buttons, which I think are more flattering with this bright, cool blue. The braid trim down the front and on the pockets gives it more of a Chanel vibe. The body is boxy, but I sized up to 10P for the sleeve length (I have long arms). I’m wearing it over this perfect turtleneck (which also came home with me). These are great workhorses to have in your wardrobe, and they last for years! I’m styling this with these slim, straight ankle jeans in the Regina wash. They have a sturdy feel with a hint of stretch (1% spandex) and a great fit. I found these ran large because I was able to do up the 4, and I wear a 6 misses or 8P.   CLASSIC TROUSER JEANS size 6P / LOOP STITCH MOCK NECK SWEATER size PM / CORAL GINGHAM SHIRT size LP These classic trouser jeans are a soft natural shade that is neither warm nor cool-toned. I love the change of pace in this light outfit for cool weather. The fabric is a mid-weigth denim and the trouser leg has a front seam, which adds some structure and elongates the look of your leg. I’m wearing them with this mock neck sweater that has a fuzzy, loop finish. The color is ivory, which coordinates perfectly with the jeans for a nice column of color effect. It also comes in a cafe color, which I would describe as camel. It’s a very wearable hip length that looks great with straight or wider-leg pants. I layered this coral gingham shirt underneath for just a pop of spring color. The cuffs are gingham on the outside and polka dot on the inside, as is the front band that shows when not covered by a sweater :). KNIT POPOVER SHIRT size S / STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P / COOLMAX FULL ZIP SWEATER JACKET size PM These straight-leg jeans have a nice mid-wash with a slightly distressed finish. I love that these have a high waist which helps prevent a muffin top. I tucked in the top so you can see how high the rise is. These seem to have a slightly longer inseam than some of their other straight jeans so they’d be great over low booties. I’m styling them with this knit popover shirt in two shades of blue. It’s 100% cotton and also comes in deep pink with indigo. This vibrant stripe is certainly a standout and perfect for spring. I layered on this coolmax zip jacket in deep indigo from the T by Talbots collection. It has a mock neck and chevron stripe that may look like a wide spread collar but it isn’t. You can see it much better on the website. The white stripe repeats along the bottom of the sleeves and hemline. The knit is dense so the sweater jacket feels substantial but the coolmax fabric will keep you cool. MORE NEW T BY TALBOTS Turn on your JavaScript to view content   HALF ZIP PULLOVER size PS / CLASSIC TROUSER JEANS size 6P Here are the same trouser jeans, this time styled with a half-zip pullover. I love the versatility of the zip on this cozy sweater. You can open it for a spread collar look, or zip it up and fold over for a nice turtlenck effect. It’s a cotton blend in a speckled space dyed yarn. BTW, I wondered what space dyed meant so I checked and found – “It’s a technique in which a single yarn is dyed with two or more colors that repeat themselves throughout the length of the yarn. Depending on how many colors are used, the resulting space dye can look quite different.” If you’re a knitter, it’s someting like a variegated yarn. HALF ZIP PULLOVER size M / HIGH-WAIST STRAIGHT LEG JEANS size 8P Here’s the same sweater in a misses medium size, which still fits but is a bit more oversized and longer. I love the contrast of pistachio with black. Are you ready for some fresh colors this year? If you wear hearts for Valentine’s, Talbots has you covered here: Turn on your JavaScript to view content Thanks for reading and be sure to wear what makes you feel confident.     You May Also Enjoy Source link
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