#buy fake bank notes online
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omegagenix53 · 1 year ago
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What is Euro €500 Bills and How Can Use It? 
Euro €500 Bills is a large denomination in a widely circulated and easily convertible currency. In the United States, the largest denomination is $100, after the Federal Reserve discontinued the $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 bills in 1969. Switzerland has a 1,000-franc note, worth about $1,050, but its supply is limited.
Is there a $500 dollar bill?
The €500 note is also more compact and convenient for evading the gaze of authorities. The equivalent of $1 million, in that high euro note, weighs about five pounds and fits in a small bag, according to a Harvard University study this year.
After the European Central Bank phases out the €500 note by the end of 2018, the next highest denomination will be €200. That same $1 million would weigh roughly two and half times.
The purple coloured 500 Euro note has a pretty infamous nickname, “Bin Laden”, as everyone knows it’s in circulation but rarely does someone come across it. It is estimated that there are around 53,00,64,413 Five-Hundred Euro notes going around, about 3% of the total Euro banknotes.
They are not accepted for everyday payments
Most shops and business institutions don’t accept payments in 500 Euro notes. They are legally allowed to refuse payments made in 500 Euro denomination. Thus having one might not be of much use to you in terms of paying for expenses during your euro trip.
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oracle-of-dream · 4 months ago
Welcome to the Dollhouse
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Summary: Y/n is down on their luck making financial ends meet. When a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity forces them into a bargain that can't refuse. Now, they find themselves at a party searching for a partner but the person they get is someone they'd never expect.
Notes: Male Reader, Dubious Contracts, Financial Struggles, Idol Jay, Enhypen exists, Fake names, Kissing
Wordcount: 6.9k
It’s funny to think about how much money can buy. Many people say it can’t buy happiness, love, or fulfillment. But when push comes to shove. Money makes the world go round…
Being in college was all you wanted. A chance to get an education that was enough to get you away from the boring life that awaited you if you decided to miss out. Moving to a big city, far away from your parents wasn’t even the hard part. It was paying for college… You managed to land a decent scholarship, as long as you did your school work and did some volunteering to make the school look good then you’d be safe to coast through without any worries. Or that was the case. In your second semester of freshman year, one picture put you dead in the water.
It was your first party. No parents to worry about what time you’d be back. Friends watch you in case things get too crazy. And a cute guy who invited you. A frat boy.By the end of the night, videos of you drinking online circulated. And being a year under the drinking age wasn’t a good look either. The school tore away your scholarship, you were lucky they didn’t expel you. You didn’t have the heart to tell your parents what happened, so you had to find a way to pay for school alone. You looked for private loans, but most wouldn’t accept you without a guarantor, someone to pay them back if you couldn’t. And working odd jobs wouldn’t earn you enough money before the next semester. That’s where The Dollhouse entered the picture. 
This was the sixth bank you’d visited. You were desperate. Waiting for the subway, you were approached by a man in a long black coat. He was older than you, but not by much, his early thirties max. He wore a black shirt and pants, with black hair to match. He was almost like a shadow… if shadows were handsome men. “Excuse me, you dropped this!” He exclaimed as he rushed over to you. He had your phone in his hand, ready to offer it to you.
You must’ve dropped it at the bank. “Thank you so much! I’d be dead without this.”
“You should be more careful! You never know what kind of people you’ll meet. Stranger Danger and all that.”
You giggled. He sounded like your Dad saying that. “Aren’t you a stranger?”
He tilted his head to the side, pondering your point. “I suppose so. You can call me Seo-jun.”
“I’m y/n. Sorry for making you chase me here, and thanks again for bringing me my phone.”
He shook his head. “It’s no problem. I have to go this way for work anyway.”
“What kind of job do you have?”
“I’m sorta like a manager. I help connect people looking for work with clients looking for workers.” Seo-jun smiled wryly. “But right now, business is down. Some workers quit recently, and our clients want more new faces.”
You felt a pang in your stomach. You’d been cutting out meals to save money and your job was still only paying minimum wage. Considering you had a bit of free time, you took a chance. “I could lend a hand. I could use the money, and you did help me. It’s only fair that I return the favor.”
Seo-jun’s smile faded a bit. “Um… You’re a nice kid. But I don’t think our work is good for you.”
Originally you were offering just to be nice, but now your interest was piqued. “W-Why not?” 
“Don’t be like that. You look like a hard worker, but it’s not ordinary work. The paychecks are nice, but I’d hate to see such a good kid like you work there.”
“How well does it pay?”
“That’s beside the point–”
“How much does it pay!?” You demanded.
“Depending on your client. After fees from management, I’ve seen some workers make over $4,000 in less than a week of work.” Seo-jun sighed.
4k in a week could set you up for the entire semester before the end of the summer, and then some! “Take me to work with you! Please!” Seo-jun tried not to look you in the eye, but you gripped his arm and refused to let go. “Then you’ll have to walk with me there. I’ll just talk to your boss.”
“Woah, woah. I’ll take you there, just don’t make a scene. People are staring,” He whispered, trying to peel you off him.
Thankfully it wasn’t too far of a train ride. You spent it wondering what kind of work they’d had you do. You weren’t well-dressed, having sold off most of your nice clothing. Maybe if there were uniforms, then your clothes wouldn’t be much of a problem. Seo-jun was silent for most of the ride, texting someone. His face was dark, which made his face stand out more. He wasn’t just pretty, he was extremely handsome. His black hair settled on his forehead and dipped slightly past his eyebrow making him even more attractive. The type of look no one could get enough of. And a few of the girls on the train agreed with you, from how they stared.
Seo-jun guided you off the train after another five stops. You walked a few blocks, turned a corner, and approached a black building wedged between two pale ones. Before knocking, Seo-jun looked at you. “Are you sure?”
You nodded. “I think I can handle it.” You were a bit nervous. There weren’t many people on this street, and the building was tall and imposing in the quiet neighborhood.
Seo-jun knocked on the door. It cracked open, and a big man with tattoos peeked through the crack. Once he registered who was at the door, it closed again before opening completely. Seo-jun said nothing as he entered the building, and you closely followed behind him. The large man shut the door behind you. Now you saw him completely, he looked more like an NFL player. He could easily throw you around if he wanted to. Seo-jun didn’t pay the man any mind, walking forward as he passed several doors. Each had a sign on it. Most said open and a few said occupied. The doors were closed and looked pretty heavy. It was so quiet, you could only hear the sounds of your footsteps on the tile. Seo-Jun led you to an office at the end of the hallway, putting in a key from his pocket and unlocking it. He sat down behind the desk, which was covered with papers. 
“Come in and take a seat, y/n.” 
You sat down in the chair in front of the desk. The room had a red velvet wall, and pictures of models. Or at least, they seemed like models. All of them were men in their early twenties, each was different but handsome. You even saw one that looked like Seo-Jun.
“Is that you?” You pointed at the photo.
Seo-Jun didn’t look. “Not anymore. That was a long time ago.” You raised an eyebrow. He looked almost the same in the photo as in front of you. But maybe it wasn’t the best time to push him to spill more. 
“Why are you looking for money?” Seo-Jun questioned.
“College. It’s expensive, ya know?”
He scoffed. “Yeah. I know. Don’t you have parents, or any other family who can help?”
You shook your head. “That’s not an option.” Thinking about your family left a bitter taste in your mouth. They’d be so disappointed if they knew how bad things had gotten.
He pursed his lips like he understood the feeling. “How much money do you need?”
“Ideally, enough for school.”
“Give me a number.”
“It’s about $10k a semester. More if I live on campus.”
“Okay, and when school’s not in session, do you have a place to live? Around here, specifically.” You shook your head. You caught yourself about to talk about your family home, but maybe it was best not to… Seo-Jun typed a few things on a calculator on his phone, opened a laptop, and waited for it to start. “Okay. If you start working with us, it's like this. We’ll give you the money and other necessities you need, and you have to work off that amount.”
“You’ll give me the money?”
“I’ll have you log into your student account, and I’ll pay your semester in advance now. But that’s only if you accept our offer.”
“Of course!”
Seo-Jun sighed. “Please hear me completely before you decide.” He straightened his back as he pulled the laptop closer to him. He typed a few things before turning the computer around, and showing you the screen. It was a camera feed. “This is what we do.”
You watched closely. It looked like a guy your age was in a room with another person. They were talking. You were about to look away, shrugging it off before you saw the boy kneel on the ground. He was doing something to the older man’s pants. You leaned in to see, but the camera wasn’t clear enough.
“What is this?”
“This is the job. Be a partner for your clients, whatever that means for them. Then they’ll pay you for the service.” Seo-Jun’s jaw went slack. “Like I said, this isn’t an ordinary job. But if you take it, we’ll take care of you. You’ll have a home and meals, and we’ll keep our end of the bargain and pay for school.”
You sat back in your chair as the reality of the offer landed on you. Being hired, partner… A fancy way to say, prostitute. Was this really the only way?
“I know that you don’t want to pressure your family with your financial situation. And I’ll be honest, we didn’t bump into each other by mistake.” Seo-Jun pulled your phone out of his pocket.
You didn’t even realize you’d dropped it…
“You didn’t drop it. I stole it. I needed an excuse to talk to you, and for you to trust me. I know you’ve been looking for loans, but can’t get any.” Seo-Jun leaned forward, placing his elbows on the desk. “We need workers, and you need our help. Or… does your sweet mother wanna hear about your scholarship?”
A cold sweat ran down your neck. You’d walked right into a cage and didn’t even realize it. “What scholarship?” You gulped.
“The one you lost. It’s a shame. How one mistake can ruin everything for you, isn’t it?” Seo-Jun put a video on the laptop, the same one that ruined your chances of living a normal college life. “We can make it so the video never sees the light of day again, as a bonus for signing with us. You won’t have to worry about mommy seeing it, or knowing how you lost your scholarship. You’ll have school paid for, and have time to study. All you need to do is be a worker.” Seo-Jun pulled a piece of paper from a stack on his desk, a pre-printed contract, with your name at the top. “You can read through it if you’d like. Everything I promised is in there.”
Seo-Jun placed the paper on the desk, sliding it toward you, with a pen on top.
“How can you do this to people?” You mumbled.
“It’s never easy. I did try to give you a warning, but you insisted.”
“That was before I knew this!” You wanted to throw the paper at him and storm out, but your legs were glued to the seat. This was a once-in-a-lifetime offer.
“I’ll also mention. Any extra “gifts” you get from your clients will be yours to keep. Frequently, we get high-profile clients who love to have specific partners they visit. And they bring them gifts every time they visit; from clothes and jewelry to cars and even buildings.” Seo-Jun stood from his seat, walking around the desk to lean on it close to you. “It’s a good deal. Fair and transparent. If you’re lucky, you’ll be out fast. And your identity is completely concealed within our walls. No one will ever know you worked here unless we want them to know.” He picked up your hand and the pen, placing them together. “So, what’s the call?”
Your jaw was so tight, you struggled to speak, “C-Can I sleep on this?” 
“No. Once you walk out the door, the offer’s gone.” He said flatly.
The pressure was too much. You couldn’t think of anything. There was no real way out, and this was too good of an offer to pass. Even if you refused, how could you afford the new semester? You sighed heavily before moving the pen to the paper, slowly signing your name. The red ink flowed on the paper, drying into a deep crimson like you were using your blood to sign.
“Excellent. As of today, you’re a part of the Dollhouse.” Seo-Jun snatched the paper off the desk, folding it and tucking it into his back pocket. “Here’s this back,” He handed your phone back to you. “One more thing, if you violate our contract or try to run. We’ll drag your ass back here faster than you can blink. If not then your parents will have to pay off the loan.”
Your head hung. Guilt sat on your shoulder as you leaned back in the chair. This was your fate now…
Seo-Jun handed you a card. “You’ll go back to your dorm. When you do, call this number and answer whatever questions they ask. We’ll have to come by in about a week for measurements.”
“What measurements?”
“We need your body measurements to advertise you. And we’ll have to dress you, give you a nice haircut, and dress you up. Which, the Dollhouse will pay for. This will add to your debt, naturally.”
“I-I don’t want it then!”
“If you don’t look nice, no one will ask for you. If not, then you won’t make any money. If you make us no money, you’ll be stuck in our arrangement for a while.” Seo-Jun frowned. “I don’t enjoy this, so let’s make this as easy as possible. There’s an event next week where new clients can meet our workers clandestinely. It’s like a mixer, speed-dating. That’s your best way to get a high-roller on your account to support you.”
You rolled your eyes. “This is so stupid. Why would anyone pick me anyway?”
Seo-Jun glared at you. “Do not talk about yourself like that. If you start looking down on yourself, clients can tell you don’t value yourself. If you can value yourself, how can you value them?”
Seo-Jun sent you back on your way, giving you directions back home. The ride back home felt like hours. All you could do was try not to cry. You tried so hard to come to the city to be someone different than how you could’ve been back home, but it wasn’t supposed to be like this. You got back to your dorm. It was dark and quiet, just like that building. You were lucky enough not to have any roommates. No one to hear you cry yourself to sleep…
In the morning, you woke up as your phone rang. You rolled over, ignoring the call. But it rang, again and again. After the fourth phone call in a row, you looked at it. It was an unknown number.
You answered cautiously. “H-Hello?”
“Y/n? Have you lost your mind?” Seo-Jun said, with disappointment in his tone.
“How did you get this number?”
“I stole your phone. I knew I had to get your number too. Just in case you ran off.” He sighed. “I thought you did for a moment. That would’ve been a lot of trouble for the both of us… Why didn’t you call me when you got home?”
You’d completely forgotten about calling the number on the card. “Sorry. It slipped my mind.”
“Let’s get rid of that habit. Being forgetful isn’t cute. Some clients will call you at different times of the day and don’t take kindly to being ignored. You’ve got a job that’s busier than full-time. It’s 24/7.”
“Well, what do you want, Seo-Jun?”
“When we’re talking business, please call me Mr. Seo-Jun.”
You groaned but knew he wasn’t joking. “What do you want, Mr. Seo-Jun?”
“I need you to tell me your school login. I want to see your schedule for classes and pay your bill.” You told him without any fuss. You were too tired to give a damn anymore. “There’s a good boy. Now, you can go back to the rest of your week. I’ll keep in touch.”
Seo-Jun hung up before you could answer him. It was Wednesday, meaning your classes started later in the day. You took your time showering and picking out clothes. It was thirty minutes before class when you went to the bus stop. Like clockwork, your friend, Eun, waited for you to arrive.
Eun was a friend you made during the first semester of college. He was 5’9” and goofy, often laughing at his jokes like a comedy club. He probably heard a laugh track in his head when he told jokes. He usually dressed in bright-colored shirts, denim jeans, and a big smile. He was also there for you when you’d gone through the frat party fiasco. Most of your “friends” had ditched you, throwing you under the bus for drinking to save their necks. But Eun was the only one who stayed by your side.
Eun waved at you as you walked toward him. “Good morning!”
“Morning, Eun.”
He studied your face for a moment. “Yeesh, what happened? You look like you had a rough sleep.”
“Thanks, buddy. You always know just what to say…” You sighed as you looked up at the sky.
“I wasn’t trying to be funny. Seriously dude, are you okay?”
You nodded. “I’m fine.”
“If you’re sure… then, you’ll wanna hear about how Enhypen are coming to the area to perform.”
Your eyes bulged. “Enhypen’s coming here!? No fucking way, when!?”
“The news dropped this morning. They’re holding a small concert on campus around next week!” 
Your stomach churned. Next week!? That’s when the mixer was supposed to be. Maybe you could ask Seo-Jun for a day off to attend the concert…
Eun saw your smile drop. “Hey, dude, seriously. What’s going on? Normally you’re super excited about this kind of stuff.”
“I am. I’ve got some stuff happening next week, so I hope they don’t overlap.” You prayed that it would be some swift joke that would pass you by…
The next few days passed, and you kept a close eye on your phone. Not a single call or text from your new boss. Or would your owner be the right word? You checked your school login a few days ago, and your school bill for the next semester was already paid in advance. It was good to know Seo-Jun was a man of his word. But it also meant that everything else he’d said would pass too. It wasn’t until Monday that you got some news. 
The Enhypen concert was on a Friday. Which made sense, students would stay on campus all the time. So why not have a concert that night? However, your morning was disturbed by a call. You answered it immediately.
“Good job answering the first time. You’re learning.” You could hear the smirk on his face.
“Let’s get to the part where you tell me what you want.”
“To the point it is. The date of the mixer is set to be this Friday night, it’ll be pretty late so get your homework done in time.”
You rolled your eyes. “Like you care about my schoolwork.”
“Of course I do. I’m the one paying for it.”
“What time exactly is the mixer?”
“Why?” Seo-Jun questioned.
“Well, there’s a concert happening on campus and I wanted to go–”
Seo-Jun sucked his teeth. “No. You’re expected to be here before sunset so we can get you ready. Tardiness will only put the whole team behind schedule, and some client’s time is precious.”
“Be here. Friday. After class. Bye.” Seo-Jun hung up without another word.
You huffed a heavy sigh as you texted Eun that you wouldn’t attend the concert. Naturally, he was concerned about why and questioned you, but you lied about having a family matter to attend to. He promised to take videos for you at least. It left you feeling like a dog on a leash. Any time Seo-Jun pulled on it, you had no choice but to follow his orders. In the days before the mixer, he asked you more questions about the style of clothes you’d enjoy, strengths, weaknesses, talents, quirks, birthmarks, anything you hated, and even your allergies.
On Friday, after your last class. There was a black SUV waiting outside your dorm. Walking past the suspicious car, the window rolled down. “Just going to ignore me?” Seo-Jun’s voice whistled out. You turned to see him sitting in the back seat. “Get in. Time for fitting.”
“I just got home. Don’t I get to change or something?”
“Does it matter? You’d just be changing just to change again. You’ll have time to relax while waiting for the mixer to start.” You got in the car, tossing your backpack in. The car was nice. You didn’t recognize the driver. 
Seo-Jun handed you a folder. “Does everything in here look right?”
You opened it. It was almost like a resume, all about you. From an approximate height and weight to even an ethnicity check. “How did you guess my ethnicity? I didn’t tell you that.”
He shrugged. “The internet is a scary place. If you’ve put it somewhere online before, it's on the dark web.” They closed the folder and tucked it into a briefcase. “So, let me explain the mixer a bit. Generally, it's an event for our workers to meet new clients. But also for some of our clients to show off to their rich buddies and convince them to invest in our services. Be presentable, flexible, and obedient to earn attention.” Out of the briefcase, Seo-Jun produced pictures of young men pandering to their clients. “Now, we never call our clients “clients” to their face. They’re our partners. And you’ll need a persona. Something that’s already similar to who you are so you don’t need to act too much. Some like them feisty, others like our boys a little more submissive.”
“How do I come up with one?”
“Don’t, just be you and they will. Once you’ve got one, then stick to it. The savior types might be your best bet, so maybe you’ll get them with a sort of damsel persona.”
“Savior types?”
“The ones who get off on the fact they’re helping you. Like they’re the only ones who ever could, so you need them to save you.”
There was so much nuance to this… It made your head hurt just thinking about it. 
Seo-Jun studied your expression. “It’s your first one, so don’t worry about standing out. You’ll be standing with the newbies, like a puppy in an adoption bin. All the newbies are workers without a regular client, so they’re a bit cutthroat when someone gets close.”
“Anything else?” You sighed as you scrolled through your phone.
Seo-Jun leaned forward and snatched it, putting it inside his briefcase.“Also, you can't use phones. You’ll be engaged the whole time, so we can’t risk distractions. And we can’t let you take any photos of anyone.” 
You grumbled as you looked out of the heavily tinted windows. The rest of the car ride was silent, even the car didn’t make much noise. After the car ride, you were escorted into the Dollhouse. Upstairs were the living quarters for all the “Dolls” as Seo-Jun called them. You were now one of the Dolls of his house. Each doll was awarded their room. Some got to move out if their clients bought them a place to stay, but they weren’t allowed to leave the city without permission. And, each doll had a name. Something they’d go by. Your new name, Minsu, means Elegant and Beautiful according to Seo-Jun. 
“Okay. From now on, anytime you’re in the dollhouse or with a client, you’ll be called Minsu. Clients can pay to change their name. But it's how we can identify you without exposing your identity.” Seo-Jun elaborated, “We’ve had issues in the past of clients who get too attached to their dolls and tried to approach someone’s family to ask permission to marry their song. Which, of course, we dealt with before disaster struck.”
Minsu… You’re new name. Nothing was yours anymore. Your body, time, and now name wasn’t even yours.
“Let’s practice.” Seo-Jun cleared his throat. “Minsu, how are you?”
You hesitated for a moment before speaking. “I’m fine… Mr. Seo-Jun.”
“Good job. You even remembered Mr.” He smiled. Seo-Jun put your backpack in your room. It was a simple room, with a bed, desk, and wardrobe. It was bare. “You can decorate it with what you want, it's all yours. But if your client gives you a gift, I’d recommend making a space for it. They notice this kind of stuff.”
You looked around the room. The floor was hardwood, cold, and slightly creaky. You weren’t given much time to settle before Seo-Jun took you to the next floor. “This is the dressing room. We dress the dolls here in outfits when they have to attend events. We also have makeup available, if you don’t know how to use it we can teach you. You are expected to wear makeup, shave, and keep your body healthy while in our care.” There were two older women there. It was the first time you’d seen women in the dollhouse so far.
“This is Jill and Mary. They’re the main doll caretakers and your beauticians. They make you beautiful on the inside and out for our clients. They also help with cooking and cleaning, so please treat them kindly.”
You nodded to them shyly.
Mary cracked a smile. Her caramel brown skin had glitter around her eyes, and her smile was so white even the crayon wouldn’t be able to keep up. Her clothes were simple but chic like she was about to walk a runway. Jill was white, her most notable feature was her colorful hair. Her tattoos, where they could be seen, were amazingly detailed. She had a snake slithering up her throat, ready to bite her chin.
Seo-Jun cleared his throat. “Introduce yourself.”
“O-Oh! I’m y/n.”
Seo-Jun chuckled. “Not that name, remember?”
“I have to use my fake name with other workers too?”
Seo-Jun frowned. “It’s not fake. It’s your name. It’s just a second one to the one you’re born with. And yes, anonymity is our friend here. So use the name that you were given, please.”
You turned to the women, who were smiling expectantly. “Hi… I’m Minsu. I guess.”
Mary spoke first, “You’ll get used to it. It’s a transitory period right now so just take it slow.” Jill nodded in agreement. “Now, you’re here for fitting, right?” You could tell Mary had a slight English accent, but she was suppressing it.
“I’ll leave it to you. Minsu’s a very good boy, he won’t cause any trouble,” Seo-Jun said as he left you with the two women. Mary and Jill were thorough, each taking a side of your body and measuring you. The length of your arms, legs, waist size, and even your bust. 
“So, this will be your first mixer, no?” Mary asked.
You nodded.
“Are we looking for something more cute or sexy with the concept here, Mary?” Jill asked.
“Let’s ask him.” 
Mary looked at you, waiting for you to answer. “Um… I guess cute?”
Jill booed at you. “You’ve got a sexy frame already. We can crop a top, get you loose-fitting shorts, and give you something cozy yet sexy.”
“Jill, let’s respect him here. Minsu doesn’t want that. Plus, he’d look way better in leather and sheer. I already know what you’re thinking. That just won’t work.”
Jill and Mary started holding up pieces over you, arguing about what to give you. Slowly they moved away from the cute vibe you’d asked for… By the end, you had a sheer shirt, black leather pants, with a leather belt around your waist, not your pants, and a gray denim jacket. You were given some silver accessories, rings, and necklaces to try on. 
You’d never worn anything so… revealing. Without your jacket or the design on the front of the shirt, you’d be shirtless. The black sheet was see-through; you could see your stomach in the mirror, and your belt only pulled attention to it. The belt was odd. It was above your pants, so make your waist smaller, so the loops used for belts were altered to move up for the belt to slide through and keep your pants up.
“Minsu, you look great!” Jill exclaimed. 
Mary nodded in agreement. “Jill was right, your body suits a sexier concept anyway. Just keep the jacket on if you’re feeling modest. But if you want to get attention, take it off halfway through the party. Pretend it's warm or something!”
The pair squealed like young girls, rambling about ways to appeal to potential clients. But you were just tired and hungry. “So, when can I eat?”
“Oh, you haven’t eaten?” Jill frowned.
“We’ll get you something light. We don’t want to bloat you too much, since you have the belt on. There’s food at the mixer but remember not to stuff your face.” Mary said as she stepped away.
“Why not?”
“Well, what if a client wants to take you home? You’ll want your body to look its best if you have to perform.” Jill squealed. You hadn’t thought of that. What if someone does show an interest in you? And they want something physical from you… Would you be able to go through with it?
Mary returned with a sliced apple. “This should hold you over for now. The mixer will be soon. We still have to do your hair and makeup. So sit, It’s alright if you doze off, we’ll take good care of you.” You listened, sitting in a studio chair as they started working, one on your hair and the other on your makeup. Like magic, you passed out almost immediately in the chair. When you opened your eyes, they’d just finished their last touches.
“Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty. You look amazing!” You looked into the mirror in front of you. Your eyebrows had been brushed. Your shawling and nose had never been more prominent. And your hair had a shine that you could only really get from a hair salon.
“Thank you… This is great.” You mumbled as you looked over yourself.
The pair smiled triumphantly. “It's all a part of the job! So go knock them out! Seo-Jun will be here any minute to take you to the mixer.” 
They started cleaning as you left the room, going back to your room. There was a mirror on your desk. You used it to study yourself more. Their work was impeccable, with model-quality makeup in such a short time. The alone time you’d found was spoiled quickly with a knock at the door. You answered it to see Seo-Jun waiting.
“Let’s go. Leave your backpack, you can get it later.”
You put the mirror back on your desk and followed Seo-Jun out the door. The venue for the mixer was toward the downtown area in a hotel, one of the large classy ballrooms. There were waitstaff walking with finger food. Many young men, all fashionably dressed, stood around talking to each other. It was intimidating seeing some of them. They could easily be actors and models on the front of magazines… Then there was you, the college kid who wasn’t in the same league as them.
Seo-Jun led you to an empty table. “Okay, you’ll sit here. If anyone comes to you, talk to them respectfully but in a friendly manner. You’re the only doll from our house, all these other ones won’t know you. Remember, Minsu, nothing about your personal life. Or theirs. Keep everything hidden, and tell only what you need to.”
You nodded nervously. “What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to try and point you out to a few people.” Seo-Jun turned to leave, but you grabbed his arm. He was all you’d known for the last week. And now he was leaving you alone at a table at this huge party. “If you want to be a baby, do that to clients. But with me don’t be a baby, I’ll be watching the whole time. Nothing will happen to you.” He pulled his hand away and walked off, talking to a few men in suits.
The mixer began shortly after. Men started slowly filling the room, all dressed in formal clothes, from suits or high-end outfits. Not one paid you any mind. You were relieved that no one was interested in you. You occasionally looked around the room, searching for Seo-Jun with little luck. The first hour was a panic fest, silently hoping no one would sit at your table and talk to you. In the second hour, some clients found who they liked talking to and stuck to certain areas. Some dolls had almost seven men around them at any time. In the third hour, some dolls left with their partners. 
Thankfully, not one person seemed interested in you. You’d been sitting so long that your legs started to fall asleep. You’d tried your best to eat any time the servers walked past you with a plate, but the buffet at the other end of the room was almost calling you. Cautiously, looking over your shoulders, you stood and made your way over. Walking like you knew what to do, or like you belonged. The table was full of interesting foods you’d never tried. Mostly seafood and assorted fruits. You took a plate and started stacking it with whatever seemed the yummiest, which was one of everything!
It wasn’t until you reached the end that you realized how much you’d grabbed. It wouldn’t all fit on your plate. If you tried walking back to your seat, you’d drop something… You turned, slowly toward your table when you bumped into someone, keeping the damage under control. You don’t drop your food! 
The person in front of you let out a heavy sigh. You looked forward, a huge spot on their shirt from where you’d bumped into them.
“Holy shit, I’m so sorry!” You exclaimed.
He shook his head. “It’s alright, you didn’t mean to.”
You put your plate down on a nearby table. You slid the sleeve of your jacket down, making it slide off your shoulder, as you rubbed the spot. It didn’t look like it was going to clean neatly. “I’m really sorry. I can take it and get it washed?” You suggested as you looked at the man’s face.
You realized he was extremely familiar–like celebrity familiar. He had a middle part with long dark hair that draped his eyes. His jawline was sharp, and his eyebrows knitted together in frustration. 
“Do I know you?” You asked.
“Uh, no. We don’t know each other.” The man assured.
The spot wasn’t getting any better and some people were starting to stare. “How about you take my jacket for now?” You slid off your jacket, showing off your top completely to the room.
“Oh, I–That’s not necessary.” The man said, looking away from you. “Just put your jacket back on.”
“I insist! I ruined your shirt!” More people started staring, and whispering. 
“Fine! I’ll take it, just give it!” He snatched the jacket from you, pulling it over himself as he looked down. His long hair covered his face as he looked around. 
“Do you have a table? You can sit with me, and we can talk about getting your shirt cleaned.”
The man nodded again. “Fine, just take me away from here.”
You took him to your table in the corner of the room, where you’d spent the last three hours alone. Many more people were watching you this time than when you’d left. Maybe Jill was right about your shirt… It made you a little self-conscious with so much staring. You pulled out a chair for the man and sat next to him.
“I’m y-Minsu! It’s nice to meet you.” You put your hand out.
“Are things always like this?” 
You shrugged. “This is my first time here, so I don’t really know.”
The man looked around the room, acknowledging the looks. “Well… That’s nice.”
You sat awkwardly as you looked at him. You noticed Seo-Jun behind him, toward the other end of the room, motioning something to you. Talk to him?
“So, Mister? What brings you here?” You asked,
“You don’t need to call me that. My name’s Jay. I… came here for something stupid and I don’t think I should’ve come.”
You smiled at him. “You sound like someone made you come here. I didn’t want to be here either. I was so worried that someone would talk to me, but it turns out that no one would even pay attention to me.”
“Why’s that?”
“I just… don’t think this is my sort of party. And I’m not very good at meeting new people. I’m only here because I have to.”
Jay nodded. “I get that. I really only came because my members teased me about not meeting any new people.”
Jay’s eyes flickered to you. “Y-Yeah. I’m a part of a group. I’m a performer.”
“Whoa! Do you make music? I’d love to listen to it.”
Jay smirked. “It’s not me who makes the music. But I dabble.”
“I don’t have my phone. Tell me your band, and I’ll try to remember it.”
Jay leaned close to you to whisper, “I’m a member of Enhypen.”
You blinked. The words echoed in your brain before you looked at the man again. That’s where you’d seen him! He was Jay from Enhypen, and he was talking to you. “O-Oh, yeah I’ve heard of that group before.”
“Oh? Are you a fan?” Jay smiled. “It’s always nice to meet a fan.”
“I’m not trying to be weird. I am a fan, but if you wanna forget about it or talk to someone else–”
“No. You’re funny. And I think it would be better to spend time with a fan.” Jay slipped your jacket off and placed it over your shoulders. “I think this suits you better than me, by the way.” Your heart was fluttering a mile a minute. Jay said he wanted to spend time with you and even draped a jacket over your shoulders. Eun would be foaming at the mouth at this point.
“Could I ask why you’re at an all-guy mixer?”
“You can, but then I’d ask you the same question.”
“Touche…” You chuckled awkwardly. “Well, I’m here for another hour. So we can chat… or whatever.”
Jay smirked. “Would you wanna talk somewhere else?”
You nodded. “I’m cool with that. It beats talking here, with all the staring.”
“Then let’s roll,” Jay said as he stood. You followed him as he led you out of the room. You spotted Seo-Jun who gave you a thumbs-up as you passed by. Jay took you to a room in the hotel. It had an amazing view since it was on a higher floor.
“Jay, check this out! It’s so high!” You cheered.
“So, uh. I’m kind of awkward at this since I’ve never done it. I don’t have any preferences or anything. I’d be okay to start and see how it goes.” Jay said.
You turned around to see Jay sitting on the bed in the room. “What?”
“Isn’t this the part where we… do stuff?” Jay raised an eyebrow.
Your face went warm. You hadn’t thought about the context of things until now. Jay was at a party to meet a partner to spend the night with… and he’d chosen you. And like an idiot you accepted thinking he just wanted to talk.
“Is it more of a, I tell you what to do?” Jay stood, walking toward you. “I’m new to this whole thing, so I’d appreciate it if you could help me.”
You couldn’t form the words you wanted. All of the thoughts in your mind couldn’t fit the situation in front of you. “I-I’m new too,” was all that you could muster.
“Well, that works for the both of us then. We can figure it out together…” Jay approached you until the both of you were at the window. Your back against it, he leaned his arm on the glass near your head. “Let’s just go slow.” 
Jay’s tone was calm and empathetic as if he were as worried as you were. He slid his free hand behind your neck and kissed you softly. Your eyes fluttered shut as you placed your hands against his chest, letting him move as he pleased. It was a peck at first. Just a touch, a test. Then Jay leaned in again for a kiss, your lips meeting for longer. His nose brushed yours as he started to move his lips experimentally to find what he liked…
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numbwhileintertwined · 8 months ago
(ongoing) Youtube videos to watch (uncategorized)
(note: most things here have links attached, but the ones that failed will have the channel name)
Overconsumption is keeping you POOR
Let’s talk ‘Tiktok made me buy it’ culture.
Code Orange Hysteria: Is Halloween Consumerism Out of Control?
The Terrifying World of Temu
How Dropshipping Ruined Online Shopping
TikTok Shop is a Nightmare
fast fashion has ruined media consumption
tiktok's obsession with the it girl aesthetic & consuming in the...
designer brands are for broke girls
How Consumerism Ruins Our Planet and Finances
Your Perfume Obsession is Keeping You BROKE!
Shawna Ripari
TikTok’s Rage Bait Problem..
Gen Alpha is Absolutely COOKED
Millennial Parenting Videos Keep Getting Crazier...
performative cleanliness & the hygiene olympics
Gen Z Has a HUGE Problem With Commitment..
kids ACT like adults because they want to be TREATED like adults
Why Do We Hate Women After They've Cut Their Hair Off?
poor spoiled rich kids on tiktok
the scammers of manifestation tiktok
you’re 12, not 21
Let's talk social media's 'aesthetic' obsession.
Gen Z's Aesthetic Obsession & Search for an Identity is Tiring...
the cult of unschooling
How World War 2 Began
Exploring The Old Internet
How to Perform an Exorcism
why Brandy Melville can't be cancelled
The Conspiracy Theory Iceberg
CC Suarez
Disturbing Internet Anomalies
Is CRAB the final form?
Advice for time traveling to medieval Europe
The Weirdest and Most Obscure Side of the Internet
Government Cheese Tunnels & The "Got Milk?" Conspiracy
How to Eat a Human Being
Something Strange Happens When You Follow Einstein's Math- Veritasium
The Beautiful Horror of Deep Space- Curious Archive
The Complete Extraterrestrial Encounters Iceberg Explained-Zoanfly
Math's Fundamental Flaw- Veritasium
Midsommar - The Complete Guide (Everything Explained)
Entertainment Made By North Korea
Plagiarism and You(Tube)- hbomberguy
Disney's FastPass: A Complicated History- defunctland
Evermore: The Theme Park That Wasn't- jenny nicholson
The Amberlynn Reid Show! 8 HOURS STRAIGHT DELUSION!- lil cringe
ImAllexx's History of Controversy & The Current Allegations- Mike's Rhetoric
Reviewbrah: Food for Thought - Documentary- Mr. Snowflake
Anna Stubblefield & The Pygmalion Delusion- Andrew van der Vaart, MD, PhD
The Internet's Most Notorious Scammers- TheGamerFromMars
Who's Lila? - Story Explained- Flawed Peacock
The Religion & Cult Iceberg Explained- Wendigoon
The Mass Hysteria Iceberg Explained- Wendigoon
The Cult of Scientology- Philion
Sinking in Scandal: A Canadian Tragedy- BobbyBroccoli
The Monsters Beneath Us: The Monument Mythos- Wendigoon
The Entire History of Video Games
The Biggest Ideas in Philosophy
Life's Biggest Paradoxes
The 8 Greatest Philosophical Theories You Need to Know- Aperture
Here is Everything We Don't Know (Extended)- Arperture
The Lost Books of the Bible- Wendigoon
100 Strange Cases of Lost Media- ShaiiValley
Your Entire Human Existence from Birth to Death- Arperture
The Bizarre World of Fake Video Games- Super Eyepatch Wolf
10+ Hours of Backrooms Level Explanations... (400+ levels)
536 AD: The Year That The Sun Disappeared | Catastrophe | Real History
The Siege of Ruby Ridge - An American Standoff, Story, & Controversy
The Complete History of Rome, Summarized- Overly Sarcastic Productions
The Mass Extinction Debates: A Science Communication Odyssey- Oliver Lugg
These Paradoxes Keep Scientists Awake At Night!- Destiny
Foundation: Are We Predictable?
The Paleozoic Era (That We Know Of) Compilation | Lindsay
How capitalism destroyed community for profit || Motherhood In Progress
Let's talk Water Bottle Culture.
Money: Humanity's Biggest Illusion
End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless
why is everything so bland now?
Thrift Store Prices ARE RUINING Thrifting..
How Dollar Stores Quietly Consumed America
How Central Banks have Seized Power over our Societies
The Return of ElsaGate | It’s Worse Than I Thought
The MOST ADDICTIVE Snack: Flamin' Hot Cheetos
Toxic, Tasty, and Targeting You: Dark History of Fast Food
The Horrible Aftermath of the SHEIN-pocalypse
1984 Tried To Warn You- Moon
Disney World is a Dystopian Nightmare
Let's Talk About The Horrible State of The Internet- Tsunul
Inside China‘s T*rture Camps for Teens- fern (the title isn't censored)
Fear of Forgetting
Why Quantum Computers Will Break Reality
What Is The Biggest Thing In The Universe?- History of the Universe
The Star That Can't Exist
What Is Beyond The Edge?- History of the Universe
Beyond the Observable Universe [4K]
The Mystery of Spinors
Two robots debate the future of humanity
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dewaynedurham8 · 1 month ago
To receive a Cash App Card, you will need to verify your …
How to verify a Cash App accounts?
Cash App is a convenient platform that enables users to send and receive money quickly, yet not all users have completed the verification process for their accounts. To ensure a secure experience, it is essential to verify your account by scanning the Cash App code displayed in the app with your phone’s camera or by sending a photo of a valid ID to the Cash App team. Verifying your account not only enhances security but also allows for seamless and secure transactions, making it crucial to understand the verification process before utilizing Cash App for payments or money requests. Buy verified cash app account.
Imagine you’re running late for work and need cash from the ATM, only to realize you’ve left your debit card at home. In this situation, many might instinctively reach for their smartphones, navigating to the app store to locate the nearest ATM. Once found, you access the banking app, tapping the “verify” button and entering your phone number, followed by a 4-digit PIN to activate the app on your phone. After a few moments of anticipation, the process concludes successfully, allowing you to retrieve your debit card and dash out the door, highlighting the critical role of technology in simplifying everyday banking challenges.
How can I buy real Verified Cash App Account?
Some sellers of online services and virtual goods offer customers the opportunity to purchase accounts that grant additional privileges or access to restricted content, typically in exchange for money; however, buyers can also acquire these accounts through alternative means, such as from friends or relatives. In certain instances, individuals may attempt to obtain accounts through deceptive methods, like asking the seller to create a fraudulent Amazon account to redirect funds.
It’s important to note that platforms like Amazon actively combat such practices, leading to severe consequences such as permanent bans for accounts created this way. For those looking to enhance their online money-making endeavors, a verified Cash App account, available through legitimate sources like dmhelpshop.com, can significantly accelerate their efforts; nevertheless, achieving success in this realm still demands dedication and hard work. Buy verified cash app account.
Can you actually buy fully verified Cash App accounts?
While Cash App exclusively offers verified accounts, it is indeed possible to purchase fully verified Cash accounts through trusted sources. Although numerous websites advertise the sale of these accounts, it is crucial to approach this with caution and select reputable sellers to avoid complications. As you may know, Cash App is a leading peer-to-peer payment platform, allowing users to buy and sell gift cards along with other transactions. Buy verified cash app account.
Interestingly, starting today, users can now acquire verified Cash App accounts that come with these gift cards. Understanding what verified Cash App accounts entail and their functioning can help you navigate this new option effectively.
Is it safe to buy Cash App Verified Accounts?
Cash App stands out as a prominent peer-to-peer mobile payment platform, widely utilized for transactions; however, concerns about its safety have emerged, particularly regarding the purchase of “verified” accounts. This practice raises serious questions about the reliability of Cash App’s verification process, which, unfortunately, is not deemed secure. Consequently, engaging in the purchase of verified accounts through Cash App poses significant risks, making it clear that such transactions should be avoided altogether. Buy verified cash app account.
So how can you understand which are real or fake?
Cash App has emerged as a popular platform for purchasing Instagram followers using PayPal, catering to anyone looking to enhance their social media presence. By linking a PayPal account, users can choose to buy verified followers in amounts that suit their strategy, allowing for flexibility whether they prefer incremental purchases or a significant boost all at once. Buy verified cash app account.
This trend raises questions about authenticity, paralleling choices in the luxury market where one may opt for high-end replication, such as a fake Rolex or Louis Vuitton bag. Just as with luxury items, consumers face a decision: invest substantial money at exclusive boutiques or explore more accessible online marketplaces like eBay and Amazon. Buy verified cash app account.
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If you’re seeking ways to enhance your online business, purchasing verified Cash App accounts from Reddit could be a strategic choice. These accounts come ready to use, allowing you to bypass the often time-consuming setup process and redirect your focus towards core business operations.
Moreover, verified accounts inherently carry a level of trust, making potential customers more inclined to engage with your brand. By investing in these accounts, you not only streamline your financial transactions but also bolster your professional image, fostering a sense of reliability that can significantly impact your business growth. Buy verified cash app account.
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We accept a variety of payment methods, and should any issues arise or if you need to cancel your deal, we promise a full money-back guarantee, allowing you to invest with confidence. Buy verified cash app account.
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aaditnayyar · 21 days ago
What exactly is Blockchain
A Comprehensive Guide for All: What is Blockchain?
Try to picture yourself with a notebook in which you record every purchase or sale. Each time you do a transaction, you note it in the notebook. Now, what if you distributed this notebook amongst your friends and everyone had one? All of your buddies would scrutinize your entry before adding it to their notes. This way, nobody could fake an old entry, since everyone else would spot it.
Something known as blockchain is built upon this basic concept — sharing a record of transactions open for everyone to verify. Though it may sound intimidating, it is a technology gaining traction in the financial and computer sector. We will clarify it in this blog in simple words, so anybody may follow it.
What Exactly Does Blockchain Mean?
Fundamentally, blockchain is simply a unique form of digital record-keeping. Think of it as a series of blocks (hence the name “blockchain”), each block including transaction information. These blocks are related in a way that makes them quite stable and difficult to change.
Step by step, this is how it works:
A Transaction Occurs: Suppose Alice wants to give Bob $10. This is an interaction.
The transaction is registered: the information of this transaction is passed to a network of computer nodes instead of being written in one notebook.
Everyone Checks the Transaction: The computers in the network check to make sure Alice has $10 to transmit. By examining her past deals kept in earlier blocks, they do this.
The transaction is added to a block: Once everyone concurs it is legitimate, it gets formed with other transactions into a block.
The Block Is Sealed, attached: The block is assigned an individual code (known as a hash) and then included in the chain of already existing blocks. This makes a fixed, permanent record of the deal. There it is! It is like one huge, common ledger keeping track of all system events.
What Makes Blockchain Different?
Now, one might be wondering, “Why not simply use a normal database or spreadsheet?” Fantastic issue! Blockchain distinguishes itself by several distinct qualities.
It is distributed across.
Most models today have one main custodian — be it a bank, company, or government — that manages the records. The entire system can crumble if something goes wrong with that central authority — say, hacking or corruption.
Blockchain relies on many, but not one authority. It rather distributes the blame amongst several computers (nodes). Every node has a full blockchain copy, therefore no individual or group may manage it. This all but prevents evil actors from using the data.
It is transparent.
Given that each transaction is visible to all people in the network, and recorded on the blockchain, it is clear. You can observe when and where money or assets traveled from one location to another. Since no one can hide anything, this openness fosters confidence.
Consider how a nonprofit uses blockchain to monitor contributions, for instance. Donors might observe very clearly how their funds are used, therefore guaranteeing that they reach the intended beneficiaries without middlemen siphoning off funds.
Adding a transaction to the blockchain makes it virtually irrevocable.
Therefore: Every block has its distinct code (hash), including the one from the preceding block. Trying to change a block would also require one to re-compute the hashes for every subsequent block, hardly a small job.
Since the blockchain is decentralized, hackers would have to simultaneously compromise more than half of the computers in the network to fiddle with the data. Considering how vast these networks can usually be, this is virtually impossible.
Such a level of security makes blockchain perfect for sensitive uses including medical records, banking, and voting systems
It cuts out intermediaries.
Usually, when you want to buy anything online or move funds, you go via middlemen including banks, payment processors, or even legal practitioners. These intermediaries increase both costs and time for the project.
Blockchains free you from the need for intermediaries. Transactions take place between parties on their own, therefore saving both time and financial means. Sending funds abroad the old way can take days and incur large charges, for example. Using blockchain-based cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, the same transaction can take minutes for a small percentage of the cost.
Examples of blockchain in the real world:
To know more about how blockchain operates in practice, let us look at some instances:
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have the most well-known applications of blockchain. People can transfer money and accept it without a bank using these digital currencies. Each time somebody sends Bitcoin to another, the blockchain notes the transaction.
Supply Chain Management Tracking
As goods traverse the supply chain, enterprises including IBM and Walmart use blockchain to monitor them. If you buy a mango, you can scan a QR code, for instance, and find exactly where it came from, who touched it, and when it reached the store. This ensures product quality and reduces fraud.
Election processes
Some nations are trying voting systems based on blockchain. Blockchain might help to lower voter fraud and raise public faith in election results since it is open and safe.
Health information
Ways hospitals and clinics could leverage blockchain for patient records storage are under investigation. This would let doctors quickly access precise and current data while permitting patients complete control of their information.
Some popular misunderstandings surrounding blockchain
Though blockchain is growing in popularity, some questions remain about its nature and usage. Those should be cleared away:
“Blockchain Is Just for Cryptocurrencies.”
Though cryptocurrencies were the first significant application of blockchain, the technology itself has great applications beyond finance. Industries including logistics, healthcare, and government are discovering creative applications of blockchain.
Blockchain is anonymous.
Though blockchain provides privacy, it is not entirely anonymous. Since transactions are listed publicly, anyone can see them. Users’ identities are typically expressed by codes — rather than actual names — thus granting some level of pseudonymity.
“Blockchain is flawless.”
Though very secure, blockchain is not free from dangers. Thankfully, such attacks are really rare because of the complexity and size of the majority of blockchain networks — for instance, if someone gains control of more than 50% of the computing power of the network, they could theoretically manipulate the blockchain in what is known as a “51% assault.”
The Future of Blockchains
Though blockchain is still fairly new, its possibilities are vast. Improvements in general efficiency, openness, and security across the board will probably follow the more widespread acceptance of it. Some professionals think that blockchain could transform everything from our personal data management to our voting.
Still, popular usage will need time. Scalability (managing vast transaction numbers), regulation (governments determining how to deal with blockchain), and education (assisting people in understanding and embracing the technology) are obstacles to be tackled.
Wraps up.
So, at its most basic, blockchain is a decentralized, clear, and secured means of documentation. Whether it is assisting farmers in obtaining fair prices for their products, accelerating international payments, or safeguarding sensitive medical information, blockchain has the capacity to change our lives and employment fundamentally.
Next time you learn about blockchain, recall the notebook analogy: It’s a shared, tamper-proof book everyone can view but no one can edit. And who knows? Maybe someday soon, blockchain will become as common as smartphones or the internet!
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kafus · 1 year ago
You mentioned making proper genned event pokemon, but what does that entail?
depends on the event in question!
back in the day during gens 3 and 4, IRL event distributions were often handled by running a custom GBA cart with the event distribution software and hooking up to other GBAs via link cable or with the wireless adapter, or a custom DS cart that took advantage of the DS' innate wireless compatibilities. obviously all of these carts were meant to be sent back to nintendo or get destroyed, but that... just did not happen to all of them lol. (there are also a few local distribution softwares for 3DS and stuff but wayyy less common)
you can actually buy gen 4 distribution carts for an excessive amount of money, though i can't in good conscience recommend looking for gen 3 distribution carts, they're INCREDIBLY rare and most of the listings you'll find for them on ebay are 100% fake and are scamming you out of hundreds of dollars, and most people don't know how to tell the difference unfortunately.
that being said, i'm not recommending you buy these at all actually, because most of the ones in physical circulation have been dumped online and can be downloaded. the digiex forums contains them, and you can download these and run them on actual hardware and roleplay being the toys r us/gamestop/etc employee and distribute to themself just like how it would have happened back at the time of the event lmao. for the DS ones it's easy with a hacked 3DS and twilight menu, but for GBA you'd need a GBA flashcart and the associated link cable/wireless adapters + two GBAs. this can also be done on emulators with support for local connection between two windows and has the same exact effect as doing it with real hardware, it just feels cool to do it with real hardware (pictured below is an ancient video i took of me distributing 2005 Aura Mew to myself with the actual software made by nintendo, running off a flashcart. i took this years ago and the quality is ass and my positioning is awkward sorry lol. my room doesn't even look the same...)
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as for events without distribution software, old gen ones have the DNS exploit, which you can find simple instructions for here. this is much easier with gen 5 than gen 4 - you can find gen 4 help i wrote here. these restore all online functionality in the old games, including mystery gift - trying to grab a mystery gift from the internet will allow you to download pretty much any event in the game (though the one it gives you is random and you'd have to try over and over to get the ones you want). the data of these events is 100% identical to how the events actually were at the time of distribution, like completely indistinguishable, so it's a safe way to get those mons to bank and home, though you may want to change your DS date to the same date as the event in question so it doesn't look weird.
as for 3DS there is no fancy stuff like the above, you'll just want to go to project pokemon's public event gallery and browse for what you're looking for, which also provides a link to instructions for injecting these in your games. it's worth noting you can also inject all the gen 3-5 events that have been documented/archived this way, it's just less interesting than the above methods imo. this is probably the least legitimate feeling option but the data is still identical and well. other than elaborate glitches or something that's the best its gonna get. it's likely once 3DS servers shut down next year that eventually a DNS exploit-adjacent service will pop up for gen 6 and 7...
btw worth noting that gen 4 is the only gen where the name rater literally only checks for TID and doesn't even consider the "fateful encounter" flag that event pokemon are usually given, so you can RNG manip a matching trainer ID and then nickname event mons you aren't supposed to be able to nickname fully within the limits of the original game and hardware LOL. that isn't related to your question i just think it's funny that you can do that and it's technically completely legit
anyway sorry for the long ass answer i just find mystery gifts fascinating and it deserved me being a little more comprehensive
edit: oh yes and there's certain event mons that are still able to be obtained without all this wacky stuff, ie the pokemon colosseum bonus disc gives out infinite jirachis and they just released that as a preorder bonus back then. so worth looking at options for distributions like that too if you need a species of mythical or whatever!
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supersharkhottub · 18 days ago
buy real Verified Cash App Account
How to verify a Cash App accounts?
Cash App is a convenient platform that enables users to send and receive money quickly, yet not all users have completed the verification process for their accounts. To ensure a secure experience, it is essential to verify your account by scanning the Cash App code displayed in the app with your phone’s camera or by sending a photo of a valid ID to the Cash App team. Verifying your account not only enhances security but also allows for seamless and secure transactions, making it crucial to understand the verification process before utilizing Cash App for payments or money requests. Buy verified cash app account.
Tumblr media
Imagine you’re running late for work and need cash from the ATM, only to realize you’ve left your debit card at home. In this situation, many might instinctively reach for their smartphones, navigating to the app store to locate the nearest ATM. Once found, you access the banking app, tapping the “verify” button and entering your phone number, followed by a 4-digit PIN to activate the app on your phone. After a few moments of anticipation, the process concludes successfully, allowing you to retrieve your debit card and dash out the door, highlighting the critical role of technology in simplifying everyday banking challenges.
How can I buy real Verified Cash App Account?
Some sellers of online services and virtual goods offer customers the opportunity to purchase accounts that grant additional privileges or access to restricted content, typically in exchange for money; however, buyers can also acquire these accounts through alternative means, such as from friends or relatives. In certain instances, individuals may attempt to obtain accounts through deceptive methods, like asking the seller to create a fraudulent Amazon account to redirect funds.
It’s important to note that platforms like Amazon actively combat such practices, leading to severe consequences such as permanent bans for accounts created this way. For those looking to enhance their online money-making endeavors, a verified Cash App account, available through legitimate sources like dmhelpshop.com, can significantly accelerate their efforts; nevertheless, achieving success in this realm still demands dedication and hard work. Buy verified cash app account.
Can you actually buy fully verified Cash App accounts?
While Cash App exclusively offers verified accounts, it is indeed possible to purchase fully verified Cash accounts through trusted sources. Although numerous websites advertise the sale of these accounts, it is crucial to approach this with caution and select reputable sellers to avoid complications. As you may know, Cash App is a leading peer-to-peer payment platform, allowing users to buy and sell gift cards along with other transactions. Buy verified cash app account.
Interestingly, starting today, users can now acquire verified Cash App accounts that come with these gift cards. Understanding what verified Cash App accounts entail and their functioning can help you navigate this new option effectively.
Is it safe to buy Cash App Verified Accounts?
Cash App stands out as a prominent peer-to-peer mobile payment platform, widely utilized for transactions; however, concerns about its safety have emerged, particularly regarding the purchase of “verified” accounts. This practice raises serious questions about the reliability of Cash App’s verification process, which, unfortunately, is not deemed secure. Consequently, engaging in the purchase of verified accounts through Cash App poses significant risks, making it clear that such transactions should be avoided altogether. Buy verified cash app account.
So how can you understand which are real or fake?
Cash App has emerged as a popular platform for purchasing Instagram followers using PayPal, catering to anyone looking to enhance their social media presence. By linking a PayPal account, users can choose to buy verified followers in amounts that suit their strategy, allowing for flexibility whether they prefer incremental purchases or a significant boost all at once. Buy verified cash app account.
This trend raises questions about authenticity, paralleling choices in the luxury market where one may opt for high-end replication, such as a fake Rolex or Louis Vuitton bag. Just as with luxury items, consumers face a decision: invest substantial money at exclusive boutiques or explore more accessible online marketplaces like eBay and Amazon. Buy verified cash app account.
The Benefits of Buying Verified Cash App Accounts from Reddit for Online Businesses
If you’re seeking ways to enhance your online business, purchasing verified Cash App accounts from Reddit could be a strategic choice. These accounts come ready to use, allowing you to bypass the often time-consuming setup process and redirect your focus towards core business operations.
Moreover, verified accounts inherently carry a level of trust, making potential customers more inclined to engage with your brand. By investing in these accounts, you not only streamline your financial transactions but also bolster your professional image, fostering a sense of reliability that can significantly impact your business growth. Buy verified cash app account.
Benefits from us
For businesses seeking reliable solutions, our website stands as the premier choice, offering a full guarantee on all services provided. If concerns about purchasing our PVA Accounts service are hindering your decision, rest assured that we distinguish ourselves from other providers of duplicate accounts; we deliver 100% Non-Drop, Permanent, and Legitimate PVA Accounts. With our extensive team, we initiate work instantly upon order placement, ensuring a seamless experience.
We accept a variety of payment methods, and should any issues arise or if you need to cancel your deal, we promise a full money-back guarantee, allowing you to invest with confidence. Buy verified cash app account.
As we conclude our discussion on acquiring verified Cash App accounts, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of sourcing them from reputable providers. Given the rise in fraudulent activities targeting unwary users, purchasing verified accounts from trusted sources ensures the security of your financial transactions. This approach allows you to bypass the arduous verification process, enabling you to utilize all features of a verified account seamlessly while minimizing the risk of scams or account blocking by Cash App.
It is advisable to conduct thorough research and select a provider with a strong reputation and outstanding customer service. The advantages of owning a verified Cash App account far surpass the modest expense of acquiring one, making it worthwhile to connect with reputable suppliers for quality service without delay. Buy verified cash app account. Buy verified cash app account. Buy verified cash app account.
Contact Us / 24 Hours Reply Telegram:dmhelpshop WhatsApp: +1 ‪(980) 277-2786 Skype:dmhelpshop Email:[email protected]
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hanimjonk · 25 days ago
buy fully verified Cash App accounts
How to verify a Cash App accounts?
Cash App is a convenient platform that enables users to send and receive money quickly, yet not all users have completed the verification process for their accounts. To ensure a secure experience, it is essential to verify your account by scanning the Cash App code displayed in the app with your phone’s camera or by sending a photo of a valid ID to the Cash App team. Verifying your account not only enhances security but also allows for seamless and secure transactions, making it crucial to understand the verification process before utilizing Cash App for payments or money requests. Buy verified cash app account.
Imagine you’re running late for work and need cash from the ATM, only to realize you’ve left your debit card at home. In this situation, many might instinctively reach for their smartphones, navigating to the app store to locate the nearest ATM. Once found, you access the banking app, tapping the “verify” button and entering your phone number, followed by a 4-digit PIN to activate the app on your phone. After a few moments of anticipation, the process concludes successfully, allowing you to retrieve your debit card and dash out the door, highlighting the critical role of technology in simplifying everyday banking challenges.
How can I buy real Verified Cash App Account?
Some sellers of online services and virtual goods offer customers the opportunity to purchase accounts that grant additional privileges or access to restricted content, typically in exchange for money; however, buyers can also acquire these accounts through alternative means, such as from friends or relatives. In certain instances, individuals may attempt to obtain accounts through deceptive methods, like asking the seller to create a fraudulent Amazon account to redirect funds.
It’s important to note that platforms like Amazon actively combat such practices, leading to severe consequences such as permanent bans for accounts created this way. For those looking to enhance their online money-making endeavors, a verified Cash App account, available through legitimate sources like dmhelpshop.com, can significantly accelerate their efforts; nevertheless, achieving success in this realm still demands dedication and hard work. Buy verified cash app account.
Can you actually buy fully verified Cash App accounts?
While Cash App exclusively offers verified accounts, it is indeed possible to purchase fully verified Cash accounts through trusted sources. Although numerous websites advertise the sale of these accounts, it is crucial to approach this with caution and select reputable sellers to avoid complications. As you may know, Cash App is a leading peer-to-peer payment platform, allowing users to buy and sell gift cards along with other transactions. Buy verified cash app account.
Interestingly, starting today, users can now acquire verified Cash App accounts that come with these gift cards. Understanding what verified Cash App accounts entail and their functioning can help you navigate this new option effectively.
Is it safe to buy Cash App Verified Accounts?
Cash App stands out as a prominent peer-to-peer mobile payment platform, widely utilized for transactions; however, concerns about its safety have emerged, particularly regarding the purchase of “verified” accounts. This practice raises serious questions about the reliability of Cash App’s verification process, which, unfortunately, is not deemed secure. Consequently, engaging in the purchase of verified accounts through Cash App poses significant risks, making it clear that such transactions should be avoided altogether. Buy verified cash app account.
So how can you understand which are real or fake?
Cash App has emerged as a popular platform for purchasing Instagram followers using PayPal, catering to anyone looking to enhance their social media presence. By linking a PayPal account, users can choose to buy verified followers in amounts that suit their strategy, allowing for flexibility whether they prefer incremental purchases or a significant boost all at once. Buy verified cash app account.
This trend raises questions about authenticity, paralleling choices in the luxury market where one may opt for high-end replication, such as a fake Rolex or Louis Vuitton bag. Just as with luxury items, consumers face a decision: invest substantial money at exclusive boutiques or explore more accessible online marketplaces like eBay and Amazon. Buy verified cash app account.
The Benefits of Buying Verified Cash App Accounts from Reddit for Online Businesses
If you’re seeking ways to enhance your online business, purchasing verified Cash App accounts from Reddit could be a strategic choice. These accounts come ready to use, allowing you to bypass the often time-consuming setup process and redirect your focus towards core business operations.
Moreover, verified accounts inherently carry a level of trust, making potential customers more inclined to engage with your brand. By investing in these accounts, you not only streamline your financial transactions but also bolster your professional image, fostering a sense of reliability that can significantly impact your business growth. Buy verified cash app account.
Benefits from us
For businesses seeking reliable solutions, our website stands as the premier choice, offering a full guarantee on all services provided. If concerns about purchasing our PVA Accounts service are hindering your decision, rest assured that we distinguish ourselves from other providers of duplicate accounts; we deliver 100% Non-Drop, Permanent, and Legitimate PVA Accounts. With our extensive team, we initiate work instantly upon order placement, ensuring a seamless experience.
We accept a variety of payment methods, and should any issues arise or if you need to cancel your deal, we promise a full money-back guarantee, allowing you to invest with confidence. Buy verified cash app account.
As we conclude our discussion on acquiring verified Cash App accounts, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of sourcing them from reputable providers. Given the rise in fraudulent activities targeting unwary users, purchasing verified accounts from trusted sources ensures the security of your financial transactions. This approach allows you to bypass the arduous verification process, enabling you to utilize all features of a verified account seamlessly while minimizing the risk of scams or account blocking by Cash App.
It is advisable to conduct thorough research and select a provider with a strong reputation and outstanding customer service. The advantages of owning a verified Cash App account far surpass the modest expense of acquiring one, making it worthwhile to connect with reputable suppliers for quality service without delay. Buy verified cash app account. Buy verified cash app account. Buy verified cash app account.
Contact Us / 24 Hours Reply Telegram:dmhelpshop WhatsApp: +1 ‪(980) 277-2786 Skype:dmhelpshop Email:[email protected]
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higherlearningtvshow · 3 months ago
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Treasurer's Note
Protecting Your Hard-Earned Money
My dad turns 80 next month, and in today’s world that means his phone constantly rings with shady people trying to take his money.
Over the summer, he was visiting the grandkids, and his phone rang. I didn’t pay too much attention to what he was saying until I heard him repeating his credit card number.
I asked him to please hang up, but he waved me off. I had heard enough of his end of the conversation to know that there was a scammer on the other end of the line. Again, I pleaded with him to hang up the phone and not give any more personal information.
He did, and then told me he was just making up a credit card number. Since he retired several years ago, like many senior citizens, he has been targeted by scammers. I asked why he didn’t just hang up, or let the call go to voicemail. He told me that if they were talking to him on the phone, then they weren’t scamming someone else.
I suspect he also enjoyed pranking the people who would try to take money from him.  
Identity thieves don’t just target seniors. It seems like at least once a week, I receive a text message asking me to click on a link to verify that my Amazon package is going to the correct address. That one never trips me up — I don’t have an Amazon account and don’t order from them.
When you have twin 1-year-olds, you need a lot of baby clothes, and you’re often tired. My wife saw an offer for insanely cheap baby clothing from a reputable retailer. Before she checked out, however, she took a closer look and realized something was off about the company email address. It was a scam directed at new mothers.
If you are reading this, chances are pretty good that you have your own story or two. And chances are good that with the holidays approaching, you will see some variation of the scams that we did.
In my office, we have built a cybersecurity team because when you oversee over $60 billion you are subjected to thousands of scams, hacks, and phishing schemes daily. I want to share a few things we have learned to help keep you safe from scammers this holiday season.
The first rule: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Phishing websites can pose as online stores. Free phone apps that promise big discounts can be scams aimed at getting your personal financial information.
Watch where you’re buying online, especially gift cards. This is another malware scam, so buy your gift cards from reputable stores on the web. And never save your credit card information on unknown websites.
Scammers also know that people feel especially generous at this time of year, so beware of fake charities requesting donations through email. If you’re feeling the holiday spirit and want to donate, visit the charity’s website instead of clicking on an email, just to be safe.
In a similar vein, check out electronic greeting card emails to make sure they’re really coming from people you know. Misspellings are another red flag. Sometimes these e-greetings contain links that will embed malware on your computer.
If you’re shopping online while out in public, be careful with public WiFi hotspots. These networks may be unsecured and vulnerable to cyber threats. And when your credit card and bank statements come in next month, review them to spot unauthorized charges.
My office offers free financial advice through the Illinois Financial Wellness Hub, including an article on seasonal scams.  
Last December, our I-CASH team and I helped reunite people with their missing money at Christkindlmarket in Chicago, where we returned $64,500 to The Salvation Army of Illinois.
One downside to all this awareness of scammers is that it can be difficult for my office to return your money. We as a society have done such a good job of convincing people that fraudsters are trying to take their money that many people assume our
I-CASH program must be a fake. We will never charge you to return your missing money. Anyone who tries to do that is scamming you.
So, please check our unclaimed property database to see if we have something that belongs to you. I like protecting your hard-earned money, but I really enjoy returning your money that has gone missing. It is fun to play Santa Claus, especially this time of the year.
Get Your Free Personal Finance Coach
Did you know the Illinois Financial Wellness Hub offers free access to Certified Personal Finance Coaches to all Illinois residents? One-on-one coaching is available in addition to the online financial tools and wellness education resources available to you on-demand.
Who are the financial experts you can speak with?
FinWell Hub financial coaches are trained and certified to provide free guidance and counseling on various financial decisions. You can have a one-time conversation or ongoing support based on your preferences.
What services do they offer?
Coaches are available to talk through challenges with you and discuss potential options you may have, making sure you know the pros and cons of each. If necessary, they can also help lead you to the resources you need to make a wise financial decision.
While coaches are happy (and prepared) to discuss almost any financial topic with you, two of the most common areas they assist with are helping to establish or revise a household budget and establishing or revising a debt management strategy. FinWell Hub coaches excel at helping you take a step back and see the full picture of not just your obligations, but also your goals and future plans.
But really, how much does it cost?
No really, it’s 100% free and confidential.
When are they available?
Coaching hours have been expanded, and FinWell Hub coaches are standing by to help you Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. Central.
How do you reach them?
We know you are busy. Pre-scheduled appointments are available to work around your schedule and preferred meeting time. They also allow your assigned coach to make recommendations regarding any financial information you may want to gather in advance of the appointment.
How can I get started?
It’s time to get financially fit. Create a free account on the FinWell Hub today and schedule an appointment with a financial coach.
* FinWell Hub coaches are not financial advisors and do not provide individual stock or investment advice.
A Great Time to Take Agriculture Photos
Agriculture is a year-round industry in Illinois, so it’s always a great time for students to take photos for the upcoming Cream of the Crop Photography Contest.
Treasurer Michael Frerichs hosts the contest every year to showcase the beauty of agriculture in our state and the creativity of student photographers ages 8 to 18.
With winter coming soon, we’re now encouraging young people to explore – and photograph -- the world of Illinois agriculture during the cold-weather months. The best photos may be chosen for the 2025-2026 Ag Invest calendar and other marketing materials.
Students who take the best photos in each of three age categories also will receive Bright Start 529 college savings scholarships.
The Cream of the Crop contest runs from mid-March to mid-June each year. Be on the lookout for our announcement about the launch of the 2025 competition.
Illinois State Treasurer Michael W. Frerichs
1 East Old State Capitol Plaza
Springfield, IL 62701
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replicanautiluswatchg792d · 4 months ago
Does Beckertime Sell Fake Rolexes? A Comprehensive Guide for Watch Enthusiasts
When it comes to luxury watches, Rolex stands out as a symbol of prestige and success. However, as demand for these exquisite timepieces rises, so does the prevalence of counterfeit products in the market. One of the retailers that often comes up in discussions about authentic Rolex watches is Beckertime. In this article, we will explore whether Beckertime sells fake Rolexes and what you need to know about buying luxury replicas, especially through trusted platforms like Luxe Replica Watche.
Understanding the Market for Rolex Watches
The allure of Rolex watches is undeniable. With their exquisite craftsmanship and timeless designs, these watches are often considered a worthy investment. However, the high price tag associated with authentic Rolexes can make them inaccessible to many. This has led to a booming market for replica watches, where consumers seek quality alternatives at a fraction of the cost.
What is Beckertime?
Beckertime is an online retailer specializing in pre-owned Rolex watches. They claim to offer a wide range of authentic timepieces, often at competitive prices. The company emphasizes thorough inspections and certifications to ensure the watches they sell are genuine. However, the question remains: can consumers trust Beckertime to provide only authentic Rolexes?
Does Beckertime Sell Fake Rolexes?
While there are mixed reviews about Beckertime, it is essential to note that the company has built a reputation over the years as a retailer of genuine pre-owned Rolex watches. Many customers have reported positive experiences, citing the authenticity of their purchases. However, as with any online retailer, there are always risks involved. To mitigate these risks, it’s crucial for buyers to do their due diligence before making a purchase.
How to Spot a Fake Rolex
For those considering purchasing a Rolex, whether from Beckertime or another retailer, knowing how to identify a counterfeit watch is vital. Here are some tips on spotting a fake Rolex:
Examine the Weight: Authentic Rolex watches are made from high-quality materials, making them heavier than most replicas.
Check the Movement: Genuine Rolex watches have a smooth second-hand movement, while fakes often exhibit a ticking motion.
Look for the Cyclops Lens: The date window on a Rolex should have a magnifying effect. If it appears flat, it could be a fake.
Inspect the Serial Number: Rolex watches have unique serial numbers engraved between the lugs. Ensure this matches the paperwork.
Why Choose Luxe Replica Watche for Luxury Replicas
If you are looking for high-quality luxury replicas that capture the essence of genuine Rolex watches without the steep price tag, consider Luxe Replica Watche. Our collection offers meticulously crafted replicas that prioritize quality and detail. Here are a few reasons to choose us:
Quality Assurance: We ensure that every replica is made with premium materials to closely mimic the look and feel of authentic luxury watches.
Affordability: Our prices are designed to be accessible for watch enthusiasts who want style without breaking the bank.
Customer Satisfaction: We prioritize customer feedback and continuously improve our offerings based on client experiences.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, while Beckertime may have a reputation for selling genuine pre-owned Rolex watches, it’s essential for buyers to be cautious and informed. Always perform thorough research and consider factors such as customer reviews and return policies before making a purchase. For those interested in luxury replicas, Luxe Replica Watche provides a reliable alternative with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction.
Remember, whether you are investing in an authentic Rolex or a luxurious replica, knowledge is key. Equip yourself with the right information to make a wise purchase that you will cherish for years to come.
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groupagtrading · 5 months ago
Buy fake money US and Canada | Australian Dollars | Buy Fake Dinars
Buy fake money US and Canada online
One of the most well-known online retailers of the most reasonably valued fake US and Canadian dollars is Royaltynoveltydocs. In the unlikely event that you are unable to afford to buy actual Canadian, US, or Australian dollars as you go through all of your favourite items at the ostentatious store, you may also acquire Australian dollars online. We are the world's sole providers of phoney money because of our chosen contribution. These counterfeit currency largely function similarly to actual banknotes and pass many inspections, such as composition, UV filtering, and pen testing. We are unable to determine if they are phoney or authentic because they are using the same piece of paper as the real kind.
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Looking for fake money US and Canada. Our compamy provide all type of fake currency
Would you like to buy the best and most affordable fake notes that seem real? This is your chance to get wealthy and live a happy life Buy Fake Dinars Online. We create undetected counterfeit money for certain countries as professional IT specialists. Our notes are expertly and contemporaryly composed. We use high-quality foil paper composed of 80% cotton and 20% cellulose.
Following them with naked eyes as the fake notes is practically inconceivable, except if you are utilizing them in banks. They are practically unthinkable. The least expensive well spring of electronic bills for Canadian dollars is Australian dollars. We are a not able brand in the area that gives bills to Canadian dollars. Such fake Canadian dollars are basically utilized in various enterprises, for example, shopping centers, bistros, films, and so forth These are like genuine Canadian dollars and can be utilized all over the place and consistently with 100% certainty.
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counterfeit-money-producer · 6 months ago
If you want them in quantity and especially in the long term, we can already set up a discreet appointment to produce 1 or 2 samples for you.
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arrionefinch034 · 6 months ago
Black Currency Cleaning Material - labofwealth.com
The Myth of Black Currency Cleaning Material: A Scam to Beware In the world of financial scams, few are as bizarre and persistent as the "Black Currency" or "Black Money" scam. This con, often targeting individuals and businesses alike, revolves around the supposed need for a special "cleaning material" to restore defaced black banknotes to their original state. The scam begins with the victim being shown a stack of blackened or dyed banknotes, often presented as a large sum of foreign currency. The scammer explains that these notes were dyed black to avoid detection and smuggling during transport and now require a specific cleaning chemical to revert them to usable cash. The victim is then urged to purchase this "cleaning material," which is claimed to be highly expensive and rare. The truth, however, is that these "black notes" are worthless pieces of paper, and the so-called cleaning material is nothing more than a concoction of harmless chemicals or even plain water. The scam preys on the victim's greed and desperation, luring them into parting with their money in hopes of a massive financial windfall. Unfortunately, by the time the victim realizes the truth, the scammers are long gone, leaving them with nothing but a worthless bottle of liquid and a pile of fake currency. This scam highlights the importance of vigilance and skepticism when dealing with too-good-to-be-true financial opportunities. Always verify the authenticity of such claims and seek professional advice before engaging in any transaction involving large sums of money, especially when unusual procedures or substances are involved. Remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Stay informed, and protect yourself from falling victim to these deceptive schemes.buy Black Cleaning Solution in Germany, buy Black Currency Cleaning in germany, buy Black Money Cleaning in Germany, buy Black Money Cleaning in germany, Currency Cleaning in germany, online Black Cleaning Solution in Germany, online Black Currency Cleaning in germany, online Black Money Cleaning in Germany, online Black Money Cleaning in germany. contact info Address: Hauptstr. 107 10827 Berlin – Schöneberg Email: [email protected] Phone: +4915566327165
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umackdyn · 6 months ago
Why Using Replica Jewelry Is Important?
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If you are looking for the same look as exquisite designer jewelry but can't nor wish to get original pieces, may take note of the fact that today's technology permits replica jewelry to look very exactly like real jewelry which makes these counterfeit designer pieces ideal for adding traditional flair, or as accent pieces to their wardrobes.
A fake piece of jewelry might have numerous of the same qualities and qualities as the original as well, yet they don't have its maker's name or the brand's trademark. The result is that the producers cannot be in violation of any statutes when they make knockoffs, that doesn't make fake jewelry any less dangerous because cheap metals will get dull or tarnished with time, or be a source of less desirable gems than the counterpart.
While purchasing fake jewelry, several key aspects should be borne in your mind while searching for high-quality items. A key one is craftsmanship. Search to find jewelry with clear lines and smooth surface. Avoid the ones with uneven or rough edges. irregular plating. It is also important to consider the material used: precious metals such as gold or silver tend to possess higher-quality pieces rather than fake or costume jewelry. Furthermore, the company's name and image can also be an indication of the quality.
Making sure to maintain fake jewelry is crucial to staying in top shape and in perfect condition. It is important to avoid exposing it like lotions and perfumes and hair sprays as they could make it discolored or damaged. Further, swimming could harm it further due to sodium chloride and salt water, which can harm pieces causing tarnishing and tarnishing. Additionally, it's advisable to put jewelry away in a cool dry location, which will shield it from dust and other contaminants that could harm it.
If you're looking to buy fake jewellery online Look for websites that offer jewelry from various designers and manufacturers, providing you with numerous choices to make sure you choose something that is suitable. Be sure to look for websites that provide comprehensive information on items made of different materials This can be particularly useful if the piece you are purchasing needs to be green. Also, look out for Hallmarks as another important method for spotting replica jewelry. Every genuine piece will possess an Hallmark showing its pure in terms of karat, gold or karat content and trademark. Inconsistent or unbalanced engraving can indicate that the item is fake or fake, for example on Cartier Love Bracelets this should have a uniformly spaced and symmetrical engraving, with not any scratches or flaws in the font. If you want to learn about the best fake jewelry, they will find this article.
When selecting an online vendor to buy best fake jewelry from, consider paying attention to the testimonials about the services they provide. Reviews that discuss delays in transportation or in communication may be an indication. Furthermore, try to find ones with contact numbers so you can contact them should the need arises; this will enable resolution of issues with speed and efficiency. Finally, choose one with the ability to return items with ease as this will provide the best overall satisfaction. False jewelry can provide consumers with an economical and affordable way for them to experience new trends and styles without breaking the bank. When they are able to recognize high-end imitations, customers can enjoy high-end luxury and not incur the cost. Visit the website https://bestfakejewelry.ru for complete information about best fake jewelry.
An investment in fake jewelry from bestfakejewelry.ru could be a fantastic method to save money while shopping for clothes or shoes that normally are expensive. A lot of top Chinese websites feature excellent user ratings and supply a diverse selection different styles and choices of material .
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documentslineservices1 · 8 months ago
It's funny how y'all are just realizing that fake bank notes (counterfeit) and cloned cards are the fastest way to get some real cash
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globcoff876543 · 1 year ago
Buy AED 1000 Online - globcoff.com
Buy AED 1000 Online. There are a few websites that offer AED 1000 for sale online, however if you are a novice, those fake currency suppliers should conduct extensive study because most of them are not very accurate. Your hard-earned money could be lost if you are not careful.
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You can start your online trip into the world of fake money with the help of Buy Fake Bank Notes Online, a 100% genuine direct manufacturer and merchant. Even after the distribution cycle, we continue to offer the highest-quality AED 1000 at the most reasonable prices.
The Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates issued nine different denominations of UAE Dirham banknotes, including this one for one thousand Dirhams. You are a member of the brand-new UAE Dirham banknote series.
Contact: +1 (720) 334-7285 Email: [email protected]
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