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counterfeitdoc · 5 months
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buyfakepropeuronotes · 7 months
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omegagenix53 · 11 months
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What is Euro €500 Bills and How Can Use It? 
Euro €500 Bills is a large denomination in a widely circulated and easily convertible currency. In the United States, the largest denomination is $100, after the Federal Reserve discontinued the $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 bills in 1969. Switzerland has a 1,000-franc note, worth about $1,050, but its supply is limited.
Is there a $500 dollar bill?
The €500 note is also more compact and convenient for evading the gaze of authorities. The equivalent of $1 million, in that high euro note, weighs about five pounds and fits in a small bag, according to a Harvard University study this year.
After the European Central Bank phases out the €500 note by the end of 2018, the next highest denomination will be €200. That same $1 million would weigh roughly two and half times.
The purple coloured 500 Euro note has a pretty infamous nickname, “Bin Laden”, as everyone knows it’s in circulation but rarely does someone come across it. It is estimated that there are around 53,00,64,413 Five-Hundred Euro notes going around, about 3% of the total Euro banknotes.
They are not accepted for everyday payments
Most shops and business institutions don’t accept payments in 500 Euro notes. They are legally allowed to refuse payments made in 500 Euro denomination. Thus having one might not be of much use to you in terms of paying for expenses during your euro trip.
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rucktech · 2 years
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seat-safety-switch · 5 months
Now that it's no longer winter in my part of the world, it's time to start thinking about buying winter clothing for next year. During the glorious four-and-a-half weeks we get before the snow falls again, the stores put out all their new ski gear for us to sample.
In Canada, it is critically important for your survival that you select only the finest things. A gap in a parka could mean a slow, icy death while waiting for the bus. Mittens that don't fit right will cost you a finger when you try to fumble for your keys to the mailbox. And the balaclava is the most problematic garment of all.
Don't believe me? Maybe you don't know what a balaclava is. It's Polish or French or something, for "ski mask." Balaclavae actually predate the existence of skiing, as they were discovered back in the stone age when cavemen needed to rob banks. And it's that aspect of their history that makes them so troubling nowadays.
While you don't need to go to a bank quite as often now as you used to, the tellers will still get a little on edge when you go in there to cash your pogey cheque while also wearing the classic uniform of a masked bank robber. I'm usually pretty good at remembering to remove them, but sometimes it's just a big hassle. A thin layer of ice covering it means that you'll get snow up your nostrils, and then you'll sound really stupid when you go to talk to the pretty bank teller at the end of the row. Plus your hair will be all fucked up. A non-starter. Better to just risk it, and keep the thing on.
What Canadian civilization needs is a way to separate effective weather gear from a criminal's disguise. Many have proposed alternative kinds of facial covering, ranging from balaclavas that are just brightly coloured, to a plastic mask with lifeless eyes saying "NOT A CROOK" even though it was clearly modelled after Brian Mulroney. These are half-measures, at best, and not enough to fix our broken society.
Here's what I propose: a ski mask licensing scheme. Everyone pays me a bunch of money when they wear their ski masks, fills out a little form, and I give them either a green (good person) or red (bad person) sticker. Then you just show your sticker to the teller, and everything is either fine or you suffer a brutal assault by the security guards. Sure, they could be counterfeit, but that would be illegal, and also why I would like to propose a companion red-and-green sticker licensing scheme.
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buyfakepropeuronotes · 7 months
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Book Review 39 – Lying for Money: How Legendary Frauds Reveal the Workings of the World
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This is one of those books I’d heard mentioned in a dozen different places before I finally decided to read it. I think it was the review in Thing of Things that finally pushed me over the edge and convinced me to read it myself? Very happy I did, even if I had a severe case of deja vu reading a few particular passages (and even if it does suffer from a few of the usual pop nonfiction issues at times).
The title gets across the substance of the book clearly enough; this is, to paraphrase the author, a work of counter-economics. That is, an attempt to illuminate the workings of an advanced capitalist economy by showcasing the sorts of crimes that take advantage of its complexity and parsitize it. It’s nowhere near as dry or academic as all that, of course (Davies keeps up a chatty, conversational sort of tone throughout, and takes every chance to dunk on academic economics as a discipline that presents itself); most of the meat of the book is case studies and anecdotes of particularly famous or illuminating frauds, which are all great reading. Honestly reading about con artists is so fun I should really feel guiltier about how hypocritical my disdain for more traditional true crime is.
The books, if not central thesis, then definitely on of the main things it keeps coming back to, is that the optimal level of fraud in an economy is higher than zero. Fraud is fundamentally an abuse of trust, after all, and if no one’s trust is getting abused, then that probably means that an unjustifiable amount of resources are being spent checking up on every possible thing, and a great deal of productive work isn’t getting done because people are too paranoid to work with each other.
The term Davies uses is the Canadian Paradox. Which is the fact (anecdote, popular wisdom, whatever) that Canada, with its mostly trustworthy institutions and rule of law and developed financial system, has vastly more fraud than, say, Greek shipping (I don’t know why specifically Greek and specifically shipping. Specifically Canada because in the ‘90s the Vancouver Stock Exchange was apparently the most full of scams and fakes in the world). The reason for this being that Canadian investors more or less assume that anyone with a stock listing is probably on the level, because they’re usually right; Greek shipowners, by contrast, absolutely expect to get screwed over if they leave themselves vulnerable, and so do business exclusively with people who they have strong relationships and embedded social ties with. The overwhelmingly intended takeaway being that the Canadian equilibrium is the one to aspire to.
The book’s organized around Davies’ own taxonomy of fraud – he divides the broader category into four distinct (if overlapping) types based on the trust they abuse and so (in a broad sense) are crimes against. Those types being: 1) the Long Firm (neither of the words mean what you think they do here), which is just lying and defrauding someone, buying on credit, reselling and skipping town before the first bill comes due, etc 2) Counterfeiting, of currency yes, but also legal documentation, audited account books, hell even mining samples, providing forged documentation that people trust so they accept your lies 3) Control Frauds, when employees or trustees take advantage of their control over assets to juice the books and manipulate returns in ways that maximize ‘legitimate’ profits for themselves (distinct from embezzlement, which is just taking advantage of control over assets to, well, take them) and 4) Market Crimes, which intuitively might not seem like crimes at all, at least in a moral sense, but are regulated or criminalized or made taboo because people engaging in them damages the wider structure society or the market or capitalism or whatever relies upon.
The types of fraud, you’ll notice, get steadily more abstract and conceptual as you go on – the only thing that distinguishes most control fraud from managerial incompetence and over-optimism is a paper trail showing they knew what they were doing. The only thing that distinguishes a market crime form just, being good at business, is the opinion of whatever jurisdiction your in’s regulatory authorities. One gets the sense that these sorts of tricky conceptual crimes interest Davies more than more straightforward sorts of fraud, and his discussions of them certainly get more philosophical than the mostly technical descriptions of long firms and counterfeiting.
Of course, you don’t really read a book like this for the theorizing – I mean, I didn’t, anyway – but for the interesting and absurd case studies of historical frauds. Of which the book delivers in spades; everything from the ‘salad oil king’ of New Jersey with with his vats of water with a layer of oil floating on top, to Ponzi and his original scheme, to the counterfeiter who destabilized the Portuguese economy sufficiently to pave the way for a reactionary military coup, to the first actually comprehensible explanation of the whole Savings&Loans crisis in ‘80s America that I’ve ever read to, of course, the 2008 Mortgage Crisis.
One trait of historical frauds that gets more salient the more of them you read is that, because many of them involve taking advantage of some since-patched loophole in law or regulation, in retrospect it seems positively absurd that they could ever have worked. The book cautions against this point of view – given how bewilderingly complex the modern economy is, there are doubtless more absurd loopholes and abuses of what people will take on trust now than there have ever been. People just haven't written books about them yet.
Anyways, speaking of 2008 - the financial crisis was a generation-defining event for the people who got fucked over by it, but it clearly did a number on the paradigms of guys like Davies too. It gets a chapter to itself as an ‘innocent’ control fraud. That is, an institutional setup and incentive set that inevitably causes massive amounts of crime even though the people at the top actually profiting from it all are, technically speaking, innocent (and most of the low-level employees doing the crimes are mostly just trying to meet aggressive sales targets and keep their jobs. Which, hardly justifies a lot of the conduct, but they weren't profiting from the enterprise like the managers and executives.) The term Davies uses is ‘crimogenic’ – as in, an environment that incentivizes and will almost inevitably lead to the commission of crimes.
A note on the author – Davies was a regulator and then a market analyst in the UK for much of the early 21st century, and whatever the specifics is clearly someone with an insider’s view of financial markets and investment banking. Not really an apologist – or I mean, he is, to the extent that he clearly considers them useful institutions that do more good than harm for the world at large, and considers the present regulatory setup governing the markets if not just, then at least pragmatically useful. But about the culture and foibles of the financial services industry itself he’s pretty cynical. In any event, as the book goes on he starts peppering in personal anecdotes about how he was personally involved with some event on the periphery of the frauds he’s discussing or saw them happen live, which I mostly found charming but I can see how it would grate.
In any event, it’s a very chatty, casually written book, by a centre-left pro-regulation but incredibly finance-brained guy. So, you know, caveat lector if you’re going to find that totally insufferable. For myself I found it a fun, casual read, and a more educational one that I really expected.
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marshallpupfan · 10 months
Marshall Merchandise Update!
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I sometimes wonder if I should number these merchandise update posts, but I'm honestly not sure how many I've made since I first started doing this. Let's just pick a number at random and say it's #23.
In any case, I managed to add a few new items to my Marshall collection today. Nothing too big, but they're still pretty cool, imo.
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Okay, so... I made a post last night about how I was lamenting the lack of holiday-themed PAW Patrol merchandise this year. Well, as it turns out... I'm a dummy, because I completely forgot about buying this thing a few weeks ago. I didn't show it off at the time because I wanted to have a few other items to show off with it.
Actually, when I first seen this thing on Ebay, I thought it was an older ornament. I'd never seen one like it before, and when I Google-searched it, the results came up empty. I thought I found another rare ornament, so I quickly snatched it up! You can imagine my surprise when I got it and, upon inspecting the tag... it said "2023". Oops. lol
In any case, this ornament's from "Primark". The tag even says it's hand-painted (you can kind of tell, honestly). Strangely, it's not listed on their site, unless I'm just looking in the wrong place. Only one has appeared on Ebay so far, and I haven't seen it anywhere else at all yet. Well, there's some store out there selling them, but I know not which one... all I know is I'm happy to have one. :)
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Next, a "Slow-Rise Squishies". They also come in Chase and Skye, too.
Unless I'm mistaken, you can't find these in the USA right now. Yup, this is another imported item! From Canada, in fact (thankfully, the shipping was low). Admittedly, the likeness is pretty spot on, not to mention it's bigger than I expected it to be. I think it's pretty cool!
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Last.... er... this thing. It's just something I randomly found on Ebay one day, so I decided to bid on it. Admittedly, it's also bigger than I expected (around 4 inches tall - the Squishies is slightly taller, at 4.75). Sadly, it's not in the best condition, but I can't say I'm too surprised. I'm honestly lucky to find any previously-owned item in good condition, especially given the age group these toys are meant for.
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I'm not sure, but I suspect this thing may not be official. Typically, each item, even if it's a small piece in a set, has some sort of number or information on it. I've posted a few examples above, just to show you what I mean. This item, however, doesn't seem to have any such thing. Maybe there are exceptions, but chances are, it's an imitation you can find cheap somewhere. Despite that, I think it matches the character close enough, so I've no problem including it in my collection. It wouldn't be the first counterfeit in there (and likely won't be the last, since I still have my eye on a few I'd like to buy someday).
That's all for now! I can't say if I'll find too much more by the end of the year, so this'll probably be it for 2023. Chances are, the next items I show off will be the Jungle Pups toys, unless something unexpected pops up between then. Maybe I'll get lucky and find some of those Canadian-exclusive items... but I wouldn't bet money on that. lol
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adenhoru · 2 months
When Is the Best Time to Buy Gold Coins in Canada?
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Investing in gold coins is a popular strategy among Canadian investors seeking to diversify their portfolios and hedge against economic uncertainties. The timing of your purchase can significantly impact the value and returns of your investment. This guide provides insights into the best times to buy gold coins in Canada, considering factors such as market trends, economic indicators, and seasonal variations.
Understanding Gold Price Dynamics
Before delving into the best times to buy, it’s essential to understand the factors that influence gold prices:
Market Demand and Supply: The balance between gold demand (from investors, central banks, and industries) and supply (from mining and recycling) directly affects prices.
Economic Indicators: Inflation rates, interest rates, and currency fluctuations play crucial roles. Gold often acts as a hedge against inflation and a safe haven during economic downturns.
Geopolitical Events: Political instability, conflicts, and trade tensions can drive investors towards gold, increasing its price.
Seasonal Trends: Historical data suggests that gold prices exhibit certain seasonal patterns.
Best Times to Buy Gold Coins
During Economic Uncertainty
Recession: Economic downturns often lead to increased demand for gold as a safe-haven asset. Prices may rise initially, but purchasing early in a recession can secure a better value before further increases.
Inflation: High inflation erodes the value of paper currency, making gold an attractive alternative. Monitor inflation trends and consider buying when inflation rates begin to rise.
During Market Corrections
Stock market corrections and crashes can create opportunities to buy gold at lower prices. Investors often sell off gold to cover losses in other assets, temporarily driving down its price. Buying during these dips can be advantageous.
Seasonal Trends
Late Summer to Early Fall: Historically, gold prices tend to be lower during the late summer months (July to August) and often rise towards the end of the year. This pattern is linked to increased demand in India for wedding season and festivals, as well as holiday jewelry purchases in Western countries.
After Chinese New Year: Gold prices can dip following the Chinese New Year (January or February), as demand decreases after a period of high purchases for gifts and investments.
Interest Rate Announcements
Gold prices are inversely related to interest rates. When central banks, like the Bank of Canada, announce rate cuts or maintain low-interest rates, gold prices tend to rise. Conversely, when rates are expected to rise, gold prices may drop, creating a buying opportunity.
During Currency Fluctuations
When the Canadian dollar weakens against other major currencies, gold prices in CAD tend to rise. Monitoring forex trends and buying when the CAD is strong can help you get more gold for your money.
Practical Tips for Buying Gold Coins
Monitor Gold Prices Regularly
Keep an eye on gold price charts and market news to identify trends and potential buying opportunities. Online platforms and financial news websites offer real-time updates.
Diversify Purchases
Instead of buying all at once, consider dollar-cost averaging. This strategy involves purchasing gold coins at regular intervals, reducing the risk of market timing and averaging out the cost over time.
Buy from Reputable Dealers
Ensure you purchase gold coins from trusted dealers and mints. Look for certifications and authenticity guarantees to avoid counterfeit products.
Consider Premiums and Fees
The price of gold coins includes premiums over the spot price, reflecting manufacturing, distribution, and dealer margins. Compare premiums from different dealers to get the best value.
Invest in Recognized Coins
Popular gold coins like the Canadian Gold Maple Leaf, American Gold Eagle, and South African Krugerrand are widely recognized and easier to sell. Their liquidity and market acceptance can be advantageous.
Timing your purchase of gold coins in Canada involves a combination of understanding market dynamics, economic indicators, and seasonal trends. While it’s challenging to predict exact price movements, buying during economic uncertainty, market corrections, and specific seasonal periods can offer better value. Regularly monitoring gold prices, diversifying your purchases, and buying from reputable dealers are practical strategies to enhance your investment. By staying informed and patient, you can make well-timed decisions that maximize the potential of your gold investments
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