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rametarin · 5 years
This stupidity with Nessa is a good thing.
Before the internet made the discussion table bigger, these same people would focus-fire “problematic groups of people” and go after them for having an opinion while not being black, female or gay enough for their opinion to matter in the hierarchy of oppression/privilege.
And if you were a straight white man, the sentiment was, “shut up, you’re not allowed to talk or else it’s talking over me.” It didn’t matter if you were in the right.
It didn’t even matter if there was a right or wrong. All that REALLY mattered was that someone have the power to turn a subjective thing into a speartip to “have a conversation” and make it a white man vs. an oppressed minority or those speaking up on behalf of them (an uppity white girl on a soapbox) and their supporting entourage that wanted to “make a difference.”
You eventually learn trying simply invites trouble and scavengers. If you’re wondering why more white writers and artists don’t try to make more black or Asian characters, this is why. It’s a liability unless you do the safest thing or signal to show your belly. And odds are they’ll do to you what they did to JK Rowling; wait until you’re popular and then trash you for being woke, but not woking hard enough and thus, owing them more representation to show you’re not “just in it for the appreciation.”
This stupid fracas happening not in the controlled environment of a public school, or an extra-curricular activity, or during some sort of social event owned and operated BY the very sorta of people (or people adjacent to the proprietors) means that it can’t happen where it needs to and then disappear into hearsay when it chooses to be irrelevant again. It happening online means it’s frozen in time, it happened, it can be witnessed and passed around and experienced as if it happened right then.
No one can be judged based on how unlikely it is they’re arguing and deliberately misinterpreting the “feminazi” in bad faith, because it’s their own words. No one can be hamstrung by their political ideology, because people can clearly see the peoples gripes in their own words. You can’t just say, “I wasn’t there but given my own experiences arguing with religious fundamentalists and literal white supremacists, I’m willing to believe you are one of those deplorables and they were acting in good faith while you’re just mad about that.”
The Accusers cannot skirt on the reputation and get the benefit of the doubt that their conduct was anything but positive and respectful and gentle and well meaning, while characterizing their opposition as just a bunch of white men trying to maintain power.
They attacked “minority” creators from an indigenous country and did it under the pretension of “white supremacy.” They took such a petty and subjective gripe and tried to MAKE IT into a conversation about racism and “correcting insensitive behavior.” And they did it where not just The Black Members of the Community may overhear or oversee it and be mildly annoyed by the experience, but where the entire English speaking African world could observe it, if they so chose.
The internet was able to witness this dishonesty and nasty attacks and passive aggressive “helpful” alternatives and focus firing the issue- even trying to make the reasons why a thing was bad based on “white supremacy”... of Japanese people.
These people narratively fucked themselves and wrapped a bow around the silicone buttshield that keeps the thing from being swallowed up inside of them. Do you have any idea how much I wished something like this was possible back in the 90s!? OH MY GOD.
The long and short of it is the issue is slowly thawing. This knowledge that more people have seen, have experienced this bad faith arguments and selective targets and stacked pretension firsthand. And they know just because someone does a thing, it’s not because of racism or sexism. They’re alive, there and exist to provide support and interaction with NEW people coming into awareness with their own experiences. And that is just so important. It can’t be understated enough. They may even have some of these arguments saved to share with them. Like time capsules.
And it means more white writers and artists will be encouraged to do more diverse characters WITHOUT the sword of knowing, at any time, for any reason, even a fabricated and manufactured one, these scavengers and predators could roll up and socially gut you if you try to do something positive. Turn YOU trying to be nice into a teachable moment and learning experience to “enlighten” you why “your society” made you an unconsciously monstrous bigot. For something that’d be a non-issue if it came from an in-group person or another oppressed minority.
These SCUM are being recognized for what they really are. So recognized, people will be more confident in actually being given the benefit of the doubt they had the best of intentions, and also that the “first responders” may be making a problem where one doesn’t exists for their own credibility, and the sentiment they’re trying to gaslight onto the greater cultural conversation.
This shit is all I ever really wanted.
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