evilhorse · 1 year
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I give away free samples too
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eggcatmaki · 1 year
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Girlbosses Yelan and Kafka (me when?? me with them when??) I have Yelan, waiting to pull for Kafka!
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boringkate · 4 months
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I just released a fifty five minute long scene of me striping completely naked, covering my entire soft curvy body with oil, using my hole with toys, unlocking my chastity cage, and then stroking myself until I cum. It's one of my new favourite scenes!
And you can buy it now from any of the usual porn buying places!
Links at boringkate.com!
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umbrellacam · 11 months
Dick and Tim - Brothers in Buttkicking
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Teen Titans (1996) #4
Dick and Tim kicking butt, taking names, and agreeing to keep secrets from Bruce - truly the brothers of all time. The banter, support, and having each other's backs is just *chef's kiss* their dynamic in a perfect nutshell.
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kayothunderbirds142 · 7 months
Edit for the buttkicking queen herself because she is way too underrepresented
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angelicguy · 2 years
I'm a no nonsense, iPhone loving, history-knowing, buttkicking catdaddy with an eye for pricing some of the rarest gems in America.
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peddlestox-shinyrocks · 2 months
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have Zenos get buttkicked by bright cuteness below spoiler cut
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icy-watch · 5 months
Too much blabber for one ask so. Some extra trivia: - We have confirmation that was Mackerel meowing over there. Macaque? More like Macat. Sure acts like one. - The scene where Macackle leaves the key parallels the one where Wukong leaves his staff in the pilot. Theory Corner: Foreshadowing, my old friend! Bro might be projecting like, a ton here. Tying MK with shadow chains? "Two friends about to be crushed and you do nothing? You're not the Monkie Kid anymore. Your powers gone, your staffs gone, you're nothing." Another thing about this show is that it LOVES its PARALLELS. So, we wonder if he's ever said this to Wukong? Has some merit tbh, you'll hear that "you're nothing." line again, tho it is translated differently in the chinese dub- but that changes the meaning entirely soooo. we dunno. maybe he's referring to the Burning of Flower Fruit Mountain? in JTTW, it happened right after the LBD thing. When he tells Wukong, "looks like our old friend the Lady Bone Demon-" its so weird right? Between this and a fic summary, I thought their fallout was that they failed to beat her. anyways back to the first point: yeah Macky kind of seems to be projecting how LBD also makes him feel like nothing. he's losing it fr. Mei's expression is heavy and Sandy looks sad. Thank you Sandy. I know Macaroni is a little Maca-looney in the head right now, but thanks for not finding pleasure in his pain. The way he laughs bent over and clutching his eye? That is the 4am laughter of someone having a manic episode. the little gasping sharp inhale at the end, the "He still has power." that has the tone of a villain discovering something about the hero that makes them smile in the teeth gritting way as they process how they got buttkicked BUT with Macky if you listen closely has a faint undercurrent of relief and...idk frightened exhaustion? I don't know, hard to define. But whatever it is def contrasts with the initial first impression of the first line as he backs it up with, "Good. Everything just got a lot more interesting." finally getting a grip on his slipping mind and emotions with weird words. I need to pin him in a back alley and shake him down for secrets like what are your INTENTIONS. Naturally, Machismo can never make things easy. And yeah, how is Macacus going to break free of LBD hm...
Hey have you heard about EPIC: The Musical? Haha, how does that one song go, "ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves."
Ooooh, interesting
I've heard of EPIC: The Musical - it comes across my dash every now and again - but I haven't delved into it. If I remember right, it was a musical adaption of the Odyssey?
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Pretty good answers got some more :)
1: what nicknames does the duo have for each other? I saw that ppl close to Jake calls him J.G.
2: does Chris have any nicknames for his family? I know daddy Clark & mama Lois.
3: when they have a sleepover, do they sleep in the same bed, or does one or the other sleep on the floor?
4: if you can change one thing about them, besides the typical headcanons, what would you change? Like having Chris be a twin brother to Jon.
5: got any headcanons with the supertwins with the superfamily? I have a few: the boy likes the game god of war & likes watching the first kung fu panda & naruto with Jon.
And I got plenty more answers to give my friend @pin-crusher2000 ;-)
1) I can foresee Jake in turn calling Chris ‘CK’, ‘Chrismeister’ ‘My Loyal Knight’, and ‘Sir Buttkicker’
Then for Chris, besides ‘JG’, he can also nickname Jake with ‘Your Awesome Majesty’, ‘Mr Blueheart’, ‘Sir Incredible’, and ‘Prince Sapphire’
All of those are the more complex nicknames which while they see use, they’re not as common between them as the more simple ‘Buddy’, ‘Friend’ and ‘Pal’ they exchange to each other
2) He’d probably might call Conner ‘Uncle-Bro’ and ‘Cool Bro’, Kara ‘Auntie Amazing’ and definitely for Jon ‘Bro Buddy’ ‘Jon Jonstar’ ‘Best Family Friend Forever’ and finally and most simple yet effective of all ‘Real Superboy’
3) Oh for sure, the Duo have the arrangement of one taking the bed and the other occupying either the floor or if there’s a bunk bed/slide out spare mattered and/or futon then that one. Chris and Jake especially might be cuddly if someone’s in bed next to them but they can also toss and turn quite a bit so best to avoid that as such. Which of the two goes on the bed depends on which place they sleepover at. If it’s at the Kent Farm, Chris claims the bed; If it’s at the Grayson apartment, vice versa.
4) Just a maybe…..I can probably experiment with a relatively simple question that’s been raised by some in this very website, such as @snothing “What if….Mar’i and Jake are twins and partially raised on Tamaran first due to Kory’s royalty duties as interim-Empress of Tamaran; it’s not until like the kids are 8-10 do they all finally arrive on Earth together, and if we adapt DC’s various canons into it, they arrive just either as Dick finally returned after being an agent of Spyral OR after his amnesia fixed up?” The latter bit is my interjection for this idea.
Yeah…a think a little deviation like that can work. Lol
5) Hmmm…..
- Osul takes note of Chris liking to swim at nearby rivers during some off time and, getting into swimwear of his own, sometimes joins him if Chris allows it, which more often than not he does.
- Conner and Jon often alternate between them on who can do Otho’s hair for the day if she asks. Conner often goes for something bold and brash which makes her stand out making a crowd while Jon takes it simple and easy as it helps her feel comfy while giving her that feeling of being ready for the day
- Conner, Chris and Jon often times are the ones teing scary stories at campfires if they and the Super Twins are out in the woods for the weekend. Chris are often times the scariest as they’re heavily based on real incidents and creatures inside the Phantom Zone he’d been able to remember seeing during his time in there. Worst of all, with all the stories he’s told so far, that’s only about 2% of the Zone’s megafauna so who knows what’s in there…..
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blackjackkent · 8 months
OK. We got our pass to break into the counting house which means tonight, come hell or high water, we are FINDING MY BOY AND HIS HAMSTER. \o/
Guard captain at the door asked for our vault pass, and Hector tried to make casual conversation:
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"I hear another group descended just before me."
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"Aye. Glitterbeard brought some giant down just now. He had eyes as dark as winter's crack and twice as cold."
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"He also had a vault pass."
LOL. Hector shut up and gave the pass over meekly.
Minsc though. :( Buddy. I don't like this description of you.
Question for discussion: has Boo also become an Absolutist or are he and Minsc engaged in an intense, squeaky existential debate at all times while this plot is unfolding?
After checking the pass, the guard had a very unsettling little spiel she rattled off. "Right. 'Descend and know: upon entering the vaults, you forego the protection of city and church law alike.' Which is to say - keep to your own vault, and you'll be fine."
O.O; Shoutout to CapitalOne bank, which (to my knowledge) would never authorize its customers to murder each other in cold blood.
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I accidentally clicked on Karlach before going into the vault and turns out she has a dialogue line about what's going on: "Minsc is working for the cult? Damn. He must've been tadpoled, or worse. The real Minsc would never join up with the godsdamned Absolute! Maybe we can help him - the Prism, right? It should shut that tadpole up - if he doesn't kick our butts first. It's kind of his thing."
We must get him back to buttkicking for goodness!
The vaults have a LOT of lootable goods that no one is actively watching and it would be super easy for Hector to steal them; my RPG looting instinct is warring with Hector's actual in-character behavior. For now leaving it alone though and going on deeper in.
There's some ongoing discussion from various guards as we push further into the vaults that is indicating to me that the head banker is probably in league with Minsc's Stone Lord persona in his smuggling work. Everyone seems to be describing the vaults as a weirdly lawless place.
"What can I expect below?"
"No idea. Our post is out here. Besides his chosen swords, Head Banker Glitterbeard doesn't like us asking what goes on below. For... security, I expect."
Mmhmm. Speaking of security, I think a bunch of angry Nine-Fingers thieves are going to be showing up soon so you might want to be on the lookout for that.
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It feels like there's a joke I could make here but I'm not going to make it, but suffice to say Karlach snickers at this sign.
Lots of big heavy locked doors in the vault proper, no sign of Minsc. High Security Vault door with a puzzle in front of it seems like it's probably our destination.
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OK, so it appears that the puzzle involves having the four of us all stand on the correct four glyphs on the floor within a limited time (probably a turn).
Clearly one strategy here would be to go back and break into Glitterbeard's office to steal the code; however, there are two nearby notes that suggest another possible approach.
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So this implies that, if the floor was wet, we could short out the lock.
The floor is not currently wet. But we have Shadowheart.
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Perfect. Time to commit property damage.
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writingsbymish · 10 months
Blood in the Water
Chapter 1
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Gortash warned the group of Orin's plan- that there would be an imposter among the group, that one of their own would be captured and replaced. No one expected that it would be their leader, the one who got them this far
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3 Rating: M Warnings: Mentions of violence, blood and gore, small mention of sexual content Pairings: Halsin x Original Character (Nolee, female human monk)
All it was meant to be was a search and rescue in the Sewers for Jaheira’s friend Minsc. Not an additional search and rescue for Nolee.
She had accompanied them until they confronted Minsc, who at the time was under the Absolute’s influence. The battle made the group lose track of her, for by the time it was over, she was gone. Karlach had to communicate with the Emperor to have his protection be extended to the hero, and only then did the group realise their companion was gone.
“Soldier?” Karlach’s voice echoed throughout the sewer. “Come on out, wherever you are! We won’t bite. We promise!”
“Is it usual for your friend to disappear during battle?” Minsc asked. “Not very virtuous if you ask Minsc.”
“She’d never,” Halsin protested. “The only time I recall her parting from the group was for her daily prayers.”
“And the last thing one would worry about in battle is a prayer,” Jaheira added. “I haven’t known her for long, but that woman fights until she can’t fight anymore.”
“In that case, it would be wise that we find your friend soon,” Minsc concluded.
The group continued wandering through the muck and grime, bearing through the stench of waste. Having a more sensitive sense of smell, the stench was much harsher on Halsin, but he had endured worse smells, and was willing to bear with it and more if it meant finding his beloved safe.
Halsin was worried he might have had something to do with Nolee suddenly vanishing. She seemed to be distracted all the time, talking to herself, almost as if she was having some form of conversation with herself. She also seemed more… disengaged with him.
He thought about that night he spent with her. How he longed to feel her, for them to share their bodies with each other. The night was nothing but pure bliss. At least, that was what he believed. Did she regret it?
He’d never forgive himself if she did.
The sound of fast paced footsteps echoing alerted the group. A nearby door, bursted open and Nolee stumbled out of it, falling to her knees. She was out of breath, panting, and she was covered in blood and much. Halsin would’ve been relieved to have found her, if it wasn’t for the panicked look on her face.
“Thank the Gods I found before she did!” She got back up on her feet and ran to the group, almost falling into Halsin’s arms. “You need to go. It’s not safe here! Go!”
“Easy now, love,” Halsin picked up Nolee and straightened her up. He bent down so that he could look her in the eye, hands on her arms to hold her steady. “Just tell us what happened. Why were you here alone in the sewers?”
“There were assassins,” Nolee said in between breaths. “They grabbed me, and brought me Orin. Said she was looking to make a sacrifice to Bhaal. Wanted someone whose blood was sweet. I managed to break free before she could slice my stomach open.”
A sudden sound echoed behind them. Nolee gasped as she looked back, before looking at Halsin.
“If she catches all of us here, none of us will survive.” She backs away from the group. “I will buy you as much time as possible, but you cannot stay here.”
Halsin grabbed his staff, moving ahead of Nolee and positioning himself in a battle stance. “We can fight her together, love. You don’t have to face her alone.”
“You’ll die if you try. Just run!”
“And miss out on virtuous buttkicking?” Minsc said in an almost excited voice, before a squeak interrupted him, coming from Minsc’s furry companion. He bent down to the rodent to listen. “Boo? Could it really be?” His eyes widened, and he grabbed his sword. “This woman is an imposter!”
Nolee’s face warped from fear into a smile. Not the sweet and gentle smile she normally had, but a much sinister one. “Oh, how embarrassing to be sniffed out by a rat!” Her voice sounded deranged. It made Halsin feel uneasy. “Not as embarrassing as your friend being so easy to pick off.”
Suddenly, Nolee’s head turned, a sickening crack echoing throughout the room. Halsin could only stare in horror as her limbs began to turn and bend in unnatural ways. Her head turned back further away than it should without breaking, but her body began to dissolve as she turned it back, revealing a completely different person.
Orin. Bhaal’s Chosen.
Sadistic and cold her face was, as she walked over to Halsin with slow steps. “Look at it, crawling and sniffing and rooting around in the dirt.” Orin’s face pouted condescendingly. “Is it my Netherstone you seek, little piggies?” She looked at the group, each one with a horrified expression on their face.
Halsin felt something drop into his stomach. Gortash warned them that Orin was planning to pose as an imposter. That one of their own would fall victim. He never thought that Nolee would have been the one to fall victim. A foolish thought, he now admitted.
“Hush hush. Orin will take care of you.” Her face cracked into a sinister smile. “And your little pet.”
Halsin’s grip on his staff tightened, ready to attack. “What have you done with Nolee?”
Orin gasped. “Nothing! No, not a thing” She let out a laugh. “Still gasping and gagging on the foul air of Bhaal’s temple.”
Everyone else also readied themselves to attack, but it seemed all hopeless. They could not take on Orin. Not while Nolee’s life was in danger.
Orin's dead eyes widened. “I will not slice yet, but I shan’t keep the Murder Lord waiting. He demands an offering. Something new, sticky sweet and delicious. He wants her."
This time it was Karlach that spoke, the flames inside her beginning to roar as she stepped forward. "You bitch! Why her?!”
“Kethric Thorm’s Killer. Turned the corpse-lover into carrion when she took his stone." Orin looked reminiscent. "But he was a dull kill. No blood to spill, no guts to rip." She made a quick gesture with her hand, as if ripping out a pile of guts from a body. "A desiccated husk, all dull and hollow. She will make a much finer offering, wouldn't you agree?"
Red. Hot red.
It was all Halsin could see. The thought this wretched woman put Nolee in danger. Ready to be sacrificed to some unholy God. His teeth gritted, his quick breaths coming out in hisses. He tried to resist. He couldn’t afford to lose himself now.
“Poor thing is praying to her Goddess that you won’t come and rescue her. She’d rather die than have you risk your life for hers?” Orin giggled, gleefully sadistic. “Oh, what a sweet sacrifice she shall be!”
The beast began to awake, and Halsin couldn’t resist it anymore.
"You will not have her!"
His entire body glowed as he felt the urge take over, the line between man and beast all but blurred. He welcomed the new shape, as he swiftly transformed into the familiar bear shape. But it did nothing to quell the rage inside him. He roared, readying himself to lunge at Orin but was immediately stopped by a commanding voice.
“Calm yourself, Halsin!” Jaheira commanded. “Now is not the time to attack. She already has the monk captured. If we attack now, she may be in even more danger.”
"You're friend is right," Orin smirked. "And to think I was going to sharpen you before you set the edge against my skin."
Halsin let out another growl, resisting the urge to ignore Jaheira and attack her then and there. But he relented. With a deep breath he unsheathed his bear form, back into elf form.
"If you have something to say, then say it," Karlach demanded. “Or I swear I will fucking gut you!”
"You'd prefer my whispers in the tyrant's tongue?"
Orin twisted her head once again, resulting in a crack. Her current form dissolved and revealed the form of Lord Gortash.
"You're heard Gortash's whispers. He whinges and wails over the Crown of Karsus, wanting to command it without me. Oh, how I long to slit his proxy smile from ear to ear. But I can’t touch him. He bound my blade when we first conspired. Gortash didn’t want me at first. Didn’t trust me. Got me to wag my tongue, swear an oath never to hang him from the hooks, drip drain him into Father’s open jaws…”
Had it not been for the violent tendencies that still oozed out of Orin, she would have passed almost perfectly as the Lord Gortash himself.
“You must kill the tyrant. Take the Netherstone from his corpse, and bring it to my temple.”
With the crack of her neck, Orin changed back into her original form, a devious smile on her face. “There we slice and shred each other. The survivor claims the stones. What’s left of the other is Bhaal’s. Agree, and I will bring my Assassin’s to heel. They watch you always, longing to spray the crimson from your veins.” Her face then twists into anger. “Refuse me, and you’ll learn what happens to those who defy Bhaal’s doctrine. Including your beloved.”
It was clear what Orin was demanding. A battle to the death. Should Halsin agree, and go after Gortash and bring it to Orin, she would spare Nolee, but have complete control over the Netherstones. Should he refuse, Orin’s assassins will be on them lack a pack of wolves closing in on a herd of sheep. And worse, his love’s fate may be sealed.
“If I agree, do you promise you won’t hurt her,” Halsin asked warily.
“Oh, I will,” Orin affirmed. “I keep my promises.”
An almost ironic statement.
Halsin did not have much of a choice in the matter. But he figured if he agreed now, he and the rest of the group would think of a way to rescue Nolee while they still had time.
Halsin nodded. “Gortash’s head in exchange for Nolee’s life.”
Orin giggled with glee. “Oh yes, kill the Banite, and the blade remains untouched.”
It wasn’t a decision but Halsin felt there was no other choice. Until he can find a way, have Nolee safe in his arms, he had to at least live with the knowledge that she will not be harmed.
“Do not underestimate his Steel Watch,” Orin warned. “Seek their cradle in the Lower City and skewer their skull meat. Make them rust and blood. Then you can gore the lordling again and again and again.” she spoke in between maniacal laughter. “But listen closely. Step in my domain while the tyrant still sucks air, and I will carve your failure into your pretty plaything’s skull.”
She took out her red blade and stabbed the air as if stabbing someone’s skull. To think that if Halsin failed this would be Nolee’s fate… he’d rather not think about it.
“Bring his stone, and I will set the bait free. Only then, she and I can make exquisite butchery.” Orin’s voice was laced with bliss. “The victor will set the world to slaughter. That is Bhaal’s offer. He will not make another.”
And with that, Bhaal’s Chosen vanished into thin air, particles falling from where she stood.
Halsin turned back to the group, feeling almost defeated. “We need to get back to the tavern. A plan must be made.”
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boringkate · 10 days
I just posted another FORTY pics of my tiddies (featuring me in a fox kigurumi lol) to my subscription pages :3
So I guess this is your routine reminder that every month I post EIGHTY PHOTOS and TWO VIDEOS for subscribers! A lot of them are LONG videos too! Getting longer all the time! My last one was 15 MINUTES and my next one is 21 MINUTES!
None of that is PPV! My purchasable scenes are on a whole separate account!
I've also been at this for ages now. I've posted over TWENTY TWO HOURS of video for subscribers. You get access to all that for $10.
An honestly obscene amount of content. You should not expect this much content from anyone. I'm spoiling you so hard.
Go subscribe! Links at BoringKate.com!
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hunter-husky · 8 months
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Kit buttkicker
Where he got to be?
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
Sometimes a family is a sacrastic ogre, a buttkicking princess, a talking equine, a swashbuckling feline, a crossdressing wolf, three little pigs, three blind mice, three little bears, a gangleader, a puppet who likes to wear thongs, a gingerbread man, his giant counterpart, a talking dog, a talking frog, Julie Andrews, a himbo knight, his unwanted admirer, a gang of buttkicking princesses, a piano playing pirate, Talking Angela, an entire bar, Penelope Cruz but as a Cat, a dorky king, a modern Hollywood Girlboss™, a hippie, a divorced wizard suffering eternal midlife crises, and Simon Cowell.
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before you choose. remember that buffysummersitude is not just buttkicking skills. it is about the duality of being able to say things like ‘well, you were myth-taken!’/‘if the apocalypse comes, beep me’/etc AND ‘giles, im sixteen. i dont want to die.’ okay NOW choose:
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