letyukisayfuck · 7 months
Do you have thoughts on Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran?
ahhhh, the other haruhi. so, actually, yes; but i do not feel qualified to speak on the subject because i haven't even finished watching ouran and i want to read the entire manga too before i speak with any actual certainty on anything
what i can say is: i like her. i like the vibes. you might think that i will say "i want to see her meet the other haruhi" but no. i want tamaki to meet haruhi suzumiya and for haruhi fujioka to have to deal with kyon. this feels equivalent to me
(or force kyon to deal with tamaki. that seems like it would also be fun.)
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Shulk makes a gods are cringe compilation
literally just the end of xenoblade 1
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letyukisayfuck · 12 days
Character opinion ask thing for Yasumi?
yasumi my beloved
How I feel about this character: I'll let me from three years ago field this one:
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For real though, I love her so so much. She is a perfect being who can do no wrong in my heart. Also she's just really fun and cute; it's nice to see the Brigade confronted with someone younger than them who actually likes and respects them and even looks up to them as role models.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: None, for a number of reasons. Mostly, though, it's that she's treated as being so much younger than everyone else.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I think that her dynamic with Haruhi is fun! Haruhi being charmed by this kid managing to keep up with her when she had no desire of letting anyone into the Brigade is just very cute. I also like her interactions with Kyon, but I don't think they're quite as entertaining most of the time.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't know that I have one. I'm pretty sure she's overall well-liked, and I don't have many real hot takes other than maybe considering her to actually be her own separate person.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: They should have kept her! This is one of the things that Puyo got right. They should have been allowed to keep her around. I say this mostly because I love her and I think she's cute, and I would like to see her again.
(send in a character for Character Breakdown!)
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letyukisayfuck · 1 year
What absolutely wild gender would Haruhi come up with if She was a teenager now and had no interest in ordinary genders?
despite the fact that i have both been accused of being 'haruhi suzumiya irl' and am Not Cis, i do not feel qualified to answer this question. so instead have an image that pretty accurately describes my gender identity, which i did not make and neither did anyone else i know; but was once sent to me by a friend who found it and immediately thought of me
i think about it a lot. she's just like me for real
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letyukisayfuck · 6 months
Haruhi is subconsciously suppressing the reveal of everything going on, but is close enough to aware that God Knows was meant as a love confession. Also, Yuki-chan is a NG+ for Haruhi that she’s doing as a gift to Yuki.
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this is three separate ideas, imo, and i have different opinions on all of them; so i've broken them down accordingly.
i'm going to be 100% honest, because i try not to get in the habit of lying on my blog where i share honest opinions, and state that i genuinely considered not answering this; in part because i have zero goodwill toward yuki-chan. but it was submitted with that knowledge, and so here we are!
so, like, apologies for being a hater and i fully intend to read the manga at some point, but atm my HIGHLY negative opinions are entirely based upon the anime, and i make no secret that i consider it an affront to... most things, honestly.
also, i'd personally like to believe that haruhi, in the wake of disappearance, would on some level realize and understand that that is the absolute worst thing she could do. taking away yuki's personality and agency--something that is so subtle but so very present--to turn her into a moeblob with less endearing traits than mikuru does not feel like a gift to me, and rather than a new game+ concept it reads to me like [i cut the rest of the full yuki-chan rant out this time, the central point is that it feels like a sanded down and edgeless version of a series and of characters that cannot be sanded down and retain any kind of charm; and that yuki honestly fares worse than haruhi herself does, which is saying something because yuki-chan misses the point with haruhi so bad]. that said, author intent-wise, this is kind of a non-point; idk to what point puyo was involved the anime but tanigawa wasn't even involved with the manga
the other half here, though, is actually kinda interesting! i don't know that i necessarily agree with it, or think it was intended, but i can get behind it to some extent. though god knows being meant as a love confession feels like more of a "reading into it" thing; the level of influence haruhi is shown to actually have (ie, not just discussed/theorized about) in the real physical space is pretty direct and limited (and i doubt she would use that power to alter/create a set list for some random upperclassmen); and live alive feels like a bizarre place for her to be in that kind of headspace. i absolutely do not for a second believe it was what tanigawa intended, either. live alive is a central moment for her growth that only incidentally centers on kyon. the fact that it can be read as a love song adds something to the scene, i think, but it's not the point of it
haruhi knowing the truth on some level and not being ready to accept it (at least, when she first realizes it) is a pretty common take i see a lot, and i definitely see why! i personally tend to focus my thoughts and readings more later on, when i think things are on the verge of really changing, but i absolutely think she knows more than she lets on--including to herself. there's kyon commenting that he's not sure she bought koizumi's explanation in snow mountain, her questioning whether she's met kyon before when he first starts actively speaking to her, and the immediate way she shuts him down when he tries to let her in on it early on.
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letyukisayfuck · 1 year
So one way I like being religious about Haruhi is to contrast Her with Zanza, the demiurge big bad of Xenoblade in my avatar. The difference between a probably neruodivergent teenager learning to people and a STEMbro who wants friends but is too incapable of understanding others to actually get them. In Zanza there's a worst case scenario for Haruhi, but in many ways Haruhi would never be capable of this. Idk there's just a cool contrast between the anime goddess and a jRPG villain who exists to be the final boss.
this is just solidifying that i really need to get into xenoblade, everything i hear about that series is wild. and i hear about it a surprising amount for someone who's never actually played it
i want to have thoughts on this but i know like. nothing about zanza other than what's laid out here so all i can offer is an "interesting!!"
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One of the wild things about Xenoblade 2 that you hopefully at least find funny is that the canonical reason there's a gatcha is... the pope. He messed up the core crystals and cleansed them of their personalities, leaving behind anime waifus. Oh, and common blades too.
If you told me this happened in real life too, i would believe you. The pope invented waifus.
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Meyneth was on the side of class, since Zanza overdesigns wayyy to much to have class. A red and black and blue laser sword doesn’t go with a gold and white outfit
zanza confirmed for dangerous levels of swag
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The Xenoblade fandom doesn’t use Homs being food as a joke enough
actually last time there was a joke about a character being food in a xenoblade game it was the worst part of it so
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Zanza would rage at Steve from Minecraft getting in before more of his creations.
as if zanza could withstand the sheer unbridled power of minecraft steve
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You fool, Zanza is winged twink Dio
i still dont know what this means
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Observation: cussing occurs in Xenoblade 2, but does not occur in Xenoblade 1. Conclusion: Zanza doesn't allow swearing on his Christian Minecraft Server.
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Consider: Zanza acting like a Nice Guy(TM) towards Shulk in an attempt to flirt.
yall are gonna kill me
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Can Zanza slap well with his wings?
i imagine theyre likely intangible
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