imnotwolverine · 4 years
Signs 2
Geralt of Rivia x reader (smutty fic)
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Word count: 1.954
Disclaimer: Witcher signs in the bedroom *wiggles eyebrows*, oral (F receiving), mild angst
Author’s note: It’s Frisky Friday my lassies! In follow-up on the previous Signs; the saga continues! And yes that includes more “pleasant, but piercing vibrations”.  😏
Dive right in, or, read part 1 first. Or go to part 3
(Link to my Masterlist)
Fire roused in your loins as you looked over your shoulder.
He was there still, the mysterious monster slayer with his simmering eyes.
With an unreadable quirk of his head he looked back at you, his step remaining one behind you. As if you were leading him. But the both of you knew better. It practically radiated off of him. Like a calm aura that you only saw around the most ballsy of a pack. Alpha. Yes, that was a good word for him. Though of course he had no pack to speak of. He was but a lone wolf, leading you on to his den.
And that was just what you wanted. You had made sure that you were most definitely NOT going to your place of residence; a room in Madam Corella’s house. The woman had a stick so far up her butt that if that room hadn’t been so cheap to rent, you wouldn’t live there at all.
‘So my place it is.’ The Witcher had grinned, gesturing you to head into the direction of the only inn of this town.
Darkness had swallowed you near whole as the rowdy town square was left far behind, the silence drowning the last of the screams and belts of laughter. It was good to be in the fresh evening air, the heat on your blazing cheeks somewhat subduing.
‘Taking a right here.’ The Witcher stepped in beside you. You hesitated. Right? That’s straight through a bad neighbou…DAMNIT! The white haired wolf had already turned the corner, near leaving you behind in the gloomy street. Like the alpha wolf he was, he didn’t give a damn about bad neighbourhoods. Or what awaited you there. 
Quickly pacing to keep up, you followed him into a darkened alley, the fickle moonlight dusting the dark stone with a blueish light.  
‘I’m not sure if..-’
Before you could even express your concerns the Witcher snapped into motion, a violent arm appearing out of the dark and near catching him in his throat. But the wolf was faster, teeth snarling in the pale light as he conjured a frail sign in the air, magic lighting your surroundings as a few men were blown into a heap of hay. They groaned and huffed in dismay, their egos crushed beneath the Witcher’s grin.
‘DARN YE..-!’
‘Quiet.’ The Witcher snapped, a quick flick of his fingers drawing another sign in the air, white and sparkling this time. ‘We are friendly folk, as are you. Agreed?’
Soft mumbles came from the bale of hay, limbs still sticking out in all directions. You had to make an effort not to chuckle, the sight quite comical indeed. Offering you his arm, the charming Witcher grinned all the same, daring you to laugh with him.
‘Is that what you’ll do to me if I misbehave?’ You asked, the mix of shock and admiration working a treat between your thighs. This man..was something else.
He shrugged and took your arm as you had still not taken it, carefully folding it around his bicep before nudging you on.
‘I can still bring you home if you wish.’
You laughed. He may be gruff, but he sure had a sense of humour about him. ‘Say, Witcher. Did you use your magic on the square as well? Be honest.’
His dangerous, yellow eyes sparked in the dark, making your body shiver with scared arousal. As of yet you hadn’t decided whether it’d be better to run away again, or crush yourself into his large chest and let him show you some more of his wolfish ways.
It became the latter.
With a slight swagger in your step you followed the Witcher up the steep staircase of the inn, a few drunkards playing Gwent in the far corner, but other than that the place was surprisingly quiet. The whole town seemed to be at the feast, meaning there was little audience to whatever was going to happen now, upstairs.
Biting your lip, you watched as the monster slayer turned his key, the taste of your recently cut lip making you swallow on the nasty tang of fear and blood.
‘Milady.’ He gestured, ember eyes taking in your form as you slowly stepped into the room.
It was simple, but comfortable. A recently used tub was placed in the corner, and some soiled clothes were hung over a chair - needing mending probably. And of course a bed. Quite small, but it’d do, especially now you felt a nose sniffing up your neck. You sniffled in amusement and wished to turn, but the Witcher would have none of that, his hands instantly grounded you, keeping you just as you were. 
Alright, play time was over. 
Without warning he bit down. Gently. Like he was testing if you were edible, teeth nibbling before his tongue soothed the little bite mark. His hands smoothed up your arms, pulling you even closer to his chest - which felt like a wall, so strong and broad. Again his nose worked up your neck, then your hair, though more wildly this time as he inhaled deeply.
‘MMmm that smell.’ He rasped, the rumble heard deep in his chest.
Your breath was starting to falter, the heat in your loins back where it had been when he had dry humped you on the dance floor. How was this for an interesting night, hmm? Tilting your head sideways, you allowed him more access, enjoying the way how his lips, teeth and hands became more demanding, more rough.
‘Do it again.’ You finally mumbled, hands reaching back to ground yourself on his large thighs as he nuzzled and nibbled you to mush. The Witcher hesitated for a moment, confused. 
‘The..the tingly thing.’ You breathed.
He chuckled and pressed himself fully against you, hard and demanding, until you could do nothing else but step forward, on to one of the posts of the bed. His hands drug up higher, one coming around your chest and the other working its way through your hair, undoing the lose do-up.
‘You liked that.’ He purred, pushing you against the bedpost until there was nowhere else to go but heaven.
‘Mhm.’ You hummed, your tongue flaking back over your swollen, throbbing lip - darn that bloody lip was annoying.
And then he did it again; making you lose all thoughts of bloody lips or unkempt hair. The hand on your chest braced around one of your breasts, sparking another one of those orgasmically good tremors down your spine. You moaned quietly, air escaping from your tight lips as the hand in your hair pulled your head back against him.
‘Little wren.’ He repeated, sending more little bursts of energy through his fingertips until all you could was shake. And you were glad you were pinned down, with nowhere to go. Before long your legs became putty as the energy surged through your veins, his demanding tongue and teeth nibbling deliciously on your exposed shoulder.
‘Mmmm..’ You hummed, your fingertips starting to spark, legs quaking.
And then he stopped. The bastard stopped.
With an annoyed grit of your teeth you felt his weight move away from you, though still remaining close. Turning slowly he was back on you before you knew it, this time your back pressed against that bed post, the whole bed moving that last inch back up against the wall with the sheer force, floorboard screeching. You yelped softly, hands grasping at his vest.
‘Can all Witchers do that?’ Your lips were nearly touching and all you could see was his face, his lips curling up in that weird, hideous smile of his. Though.. it wasn’t ugly. It just lacked the joy that should emanate from a smiling man. It was like he was not feeling joy but mimicking it, or.. his face just wouldn’t reflect what he was feeling.
It reminded you of a saying; Witchers don’t feel emotions.
‘They can.’ For a moment you had forgotten what you had asked, confusion striking your face before you noticed his ember gaze meandering down yours, locking down on your lips. Again his fingers worked around your body, gripping you tightly, but not painfully. As he bent down, nose nuzzling yours, another crescendo of sparks was sent through your limbs. With every inch he moved closer, the feeling increased, your mouth falling open in a silent gasp as finally his animalistic eyes closed, lips brushing back against yours.
It was the combination of the warmth that trickled from his tingly touch in combination with the mild fear of his hidden strength, that made you near come at the spot. Your whole body turned to mush as you felt that strange scared arousal again. It was addicting.
Breaking away from the tender kiss he inhaled deeply again, hip bucking inadvertently into you - as if the smell aroused him deeply.
‘And is it true..’ You whispered onto his lips, a tease in your voice. ‘..that all Witchers have a crazy good..stamina?’
He hummed, then within a flash he has pushed you onto the bed, your body bouncing off the feather mattress as the Witcher removes his vest and shirt in one smooth movement. It gives you a moment to look onto his built physique. And..well..it was your wildest fantasy in fulfilment. Large bulging muscles, battle scars worthy a great warrior, and..from the looks of it a rather good endowment. His breeches were filling out nicely with a happy-to-see-you bulge.
You sucked in your bottom lip as the wolf man pulled you by the ankle, your legs now dangling off the side of the bed, hands above your head. You let out a surprised chuckle, eyes blinking as he got down to his knees, hands slipping beneath your skirts.
Another surprised yelp erupted from your lips when in one quick flick of the arm he had revealed your whole bare bottom half, his voice humming somewhere in the back of your mind; ‘And now about that kiss to make it better.’
Oh, that..HA. You had forgotten about that complete-comple-com-HOLY..!!
Without warning he latched onto your folds, wolf paws spreading out your thighs as he drank like a man starved.
OH SHIT. This was new. Oh this was very new. No man would ever..ever…HOOO
Like a true wolf the Witcher went straight for the kill, your whole body convulsing like a fish on the dry, your control slipping fast as you moaned lowly. Thankfully, the monster hunter packed muscle..and magic. Digging his talons into your thighs a bit more harshly, he nailed you down to the soft bed, more sparks starting to fly down his fingertips as his tongue continued its lavish assault.
And this time the sparks were much sharper, stronger, wilder. You couldn’t open your eyes even if you wished. His wish was your command. And like a fiddle he played you well, your mouth singing the prettiest - and most vulgar - of wanton moans. It was as if the lack of fabric between you and him made everything more intense. Skin to skin. Lips to lips.
Without warning your body surrendered, a thousand sparks sending you off flying. And it had to be admitted; you had never in your life experienced quite such a thrill, your whole body still shivering and convulsing long after your body rocking orgasm had washed away. With a lazy grin the wolf got back up from between your thighs, hands brushing up your corset until he reaching your jaw, cupping it gently.
Oh, he was a tease for sure! That shit eating grin was back on his beautiful wolven face and you couldn’t help but find a need to tease back. With a push you got up to your elbows, lip pushing out as if you were deep in thought.
‘HMm..ALMOST.’ You dropped back onto the mattress, shrugging. ‘I heard the third time’s the charm.’
Go to Signs 3
General Tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69 @madbaddic7ed @luclittlepond @maroonmolly​ @elinesama
Smutty squad: @cavillryarchive @wem412 @damnitasshole @consumedbyreading
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