joylitist · 4 years
But I Hate To Think About You With Somebody Else
yes the title is also a work in progress and tbh this is just a mess but I've been thinking about writing it for the past two years and idk why tonight it won't leave me alone
Anyway if anyone actually stumbles across this sorry if it doesn't make sense, it's just small snippets to appease my brain
A sigh was heard as Jennie sat down at her usual seat.
Outside in the court yard with the shade covering her whole table being provided by the large zelkova tree.
She really was trying her best, but it was difficult to keep her eyes off the Thai foreign exchange student right across from her. Lalisa Manoban.
Ever since she had heard that name she had been a goner.
Which was terrible news for Jennie considering that Lalisa Manoban did not come to South Korea on a foreign student exchange program from Thailand alone.
With her came Bambam, Jennie once heard an administrator trying and failing to say a much more complicated name, or she assumes it was a name. The syllables were stunted yet drawn out and Bambam had stopped the man before he was even halfway through.
Bambam alone wasn't the problem it was—
"Yes I hate you and no I don't take crictism," Jennie's eyes were immediately attracted as Lisa's laughter had followed that statement quickly.
"As that how you should be treating me when I just gave you the opportunity of a lifetime?"
Bambam had walked up to the table with a frown on his face at that, which surprised Jennie. She had never seen either of the Thai natives with any semblance of a negative expression.
Although, it was normal she mused, of course they wouldn't be smiling all the time.
Her thoughts were cut off as Bambam leaned down, Lisa absentmindely turning her head so their lips brushed briefly. It was hardly even two seconds, but it was enough to loosen another sigh from Jennie's lips as Bambam walked around the table to sit across from Lisa. Back facing Jennie.
Jennie knew she didn't stand a chance.
She wouldn't call herself nosy but when it came to Lisa she wanted to know everything. Which is why it came as a slight disappointment, only slight because she expected it, when their conversation continued on in Thai.
Still, Jennie had to stop giving herself hope.
Hope because her and Lisa were in the same dance class and she never missed the way the blonde woman would hurriedly rush to her side when the instructor asked them to pair up.
Nor the way Lisa always kindly offered to help Jennie stretch and Jennie was too weak to resist.
Yet reality came rushing back when Bambam was there to pick Lisa up after every class.
Said woman running to his side with a smile, and would stand up on her tip toes to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
Still, it confused Jennie.
Right after the kiss it would almost always be followed by Bambam glancing at her then back to Lisa.
At first it had made her nervous. Did Bambam know she was carrying a torch for his girlfriend?
Those moments made her want to cave and walk right up to him to plead for peace. She didn't want any problems with anyone.
But, that was all they were, glances, as then Lisa would start talking animatedly and his focus would be redirected.
Jennie was used to it though. Which is why she was on her way to sidestep them so she could step out into the hallway when all of the sudden Bambam spoke in Korean.
"Thanks for taking care of Lisa," Bambam had the brightest smile on his face and once again Jennie was reminded why she couldn't even be irritated by his presence. Both Lisa and Bambam radiated happiness.
"Oh..of course! Honestly she takes care of me more, my dancing is getting better thanks to her," it wasn't on Jennie how Lisa was hiding behind Bambam.
But why?
Bambam said something in Thai which resulted in Lisa hitting his back.
He only laughed harder before going back to Korean so Jennie would understand.
"She said she would love to help you stretch any day of the week cause she's so in-" whatever Bambam was going to say was cut off by his yelp.
"I said no such thing!"
Jennie blinked in surprise at seeing Bambam in the courtyard. He would usually already be in the dance studio practicing with Lisa. Figuring they could walk together then sje started approaching him, but was stopped by the sight of a familiar figure.
Im Jaebeom.
Jennie felt her shoulders relax even further, he was one of the few men she trusted on campus.
Yet, nothing prepared her for when Bambam leaned in, pressing his lips to Jaebeom's.
"Bambam is cheating on you!"
"What?! How dare he....he told me Yugyeom was just a best friend not an ultra bestest friend like me"
"I- that's not what I meant-"
"And ugh the audacity....I knew I should've seen it coming when they.."
"I saw him kissing Jaebeom oppa!"
"Woah...it finally happened."
Huh....why wasn't Lisa mad?
"Yah don't tell me you also thought Lisa and I were dating?" Bambam's eyes were wide in accusation as Jaebeom nonchalantly lifted his drink to his lips.
After a longer than normal pause, which Jennie was certain he did on purpose just to aggravate Bambam further he said, "what else was I supposed to think?"
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