#but. wow. i still had some tears and sadness built up that didn't come out yet. and i probably still have some too.
youremyonlyhope · 2 years
Officially crying over sad Disney songs yay.
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nana-talks · 4 months
thoughts on outer range s2
overall, i love this show and i am so happy it's back!!
spoilers below!!
after watching lew's happy sad confused interview where he described outer range as "poetic sci-fi" i can't help but agree and i think this is why it's one of my favorite shows!
things i loved:
the love story between royal and cecilia. i never knew i needed it so much but i kept crying at seeing their younger selves and their current selves be so different. and i love how royal finally opened up with cecilia, even encouraging joy to do the same when she got back, because he felt the difference in his relationship and his family. and i love the fact that they're not a touchy couple, they encourage and love each other through their words and i find that beautiful.
JOY'S ARC! that was some of the most beautiful television i've seen in a while. the scenes were shot beautifully and the entire arc was incredible. i'm really excited about the prospect of more joy next season - her revenge against the surname of those who hurt her, her taking back her family, even her dealing with her trauma of leaving and coming back. i'm happy she's got royal but i am also hopeful she'll be able to stand on her own two feet again.
perry. i, unlike many!!!, have loved his character since season 1. and i could not be happier with the way his character was handled this season - him going back in time, we learning about what actually happened with rebecca, him returning to his beautiful family finally with a happy heart. that final scene of him returning home, after burying his past self, to read amy a bedtime story, to hug his brother goodnight? that was beautiful. i'm tearing up again just thinking about it.
things i didn't love:
rebecca. like i get it, but at the same time... couldn't have she just left? did she need to become such a terrible person by the end of it? it was so sad, specially considering i had built her up so much in my head after season 1, thanks to the love perry felt for her and the way he was mourning her... and the idea that cecilia would allow her son to be questioned for rebecca's dissapearance knowing full well she had probably ran off with her lover was just... sickening to me.
maria & rhett. i love them together, i love how free maria makes rhett feel, i loved cecilia embracing maria at their home. i just hated how that ended, it felt completely disjointed with the rest of the narrative. they didn't leave wabang because they had no money, they didn't leave because rhett was still stuck there - like, literally, they were leaving straight from the rodeo initially, with not even a bag of clothes!! so you're telling me now they need money to leave and that's why they're resorting to doing shady things??? no, i don't think so.
tillerson arc. i never loved their storylines and this season i loved them even less. i am really trying to figure out what the fuck is wayne going on about, what is his end goal and what (if anything!) does he have to do with the yellow cult, but i'm still very much lost. but wow, is shaun sipos a fucking incredible actor!
but overall, i am really pleased with how the storyline is progressing!! i'm really excited about seeing amy become autumn on season 3, why she's such a big part of this puzzle. and to see how is the present going to be altered by current perry taking place of pre-trevor perry.
i really hope we get renewed for a 3rd season!!!
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pechefarm · 1 year
Buttercup Baby: Ch 10
Pairings: Sam/Male Farmer OC, Sebastian/Female OC, Shane/Female OC
Rating: T for Teen
Word count: 4,497 words
Content Warnings: Alcohol use
Authors Notes: Been having a lot of health issues lately, that's why updates have been so slow!
Morning light streamed in from Sam’s window, landing on the two men cuddled up together on the soft bed shoved up against the wall. Léo was half awake, but completely aware that he was tangled up with Sam. He sighed happily, wanting this moment to last forever.
Of course, it couldn’t. He knew that when Sam woke up, his friend would be incredibly embarrassed. Léo found himself wanting to see that blush, wanting to hear Sam’s flustered voice. It was incredibly cute.
Léo was finally allowing himself to admit that he had feelings for the blond man beside him. But it was so goddamn confusing. Yes, Sam was incredible. He was an amazing friend, and an amazing person in general. But he couldn’t ignore his feelings for Henri.
Buzz buzz
Buzz buzz
Buzz buzz
What was that? Léo untangled himself from Sam who promptly rolled over, still deep asleep. It took a few seconds before Léo realized that it was his phone. Annoyed, Léo reached over and peeked at who it was.
Holy shit.
He quickly swiped up to answer the phone, and crept out of the room.
"Henri?" Léo said quietly, mouth dry. 
"Léo, oh my God!" Henri said, sounding relieved. "I didn't even know if you'd answer! It's 6am and well…it's me."
"It is you," Léo said softly. He could hardly believe it. He clutched his phone tight as he made his way to the bathroom, tears pricking at his eyes. He closed and locked the door and closed his eyes. Léo hadn’t realized just how much he'd missed Henri's slight accent. How much he'd missed how light and airy his voice was, always sounding happy. Always putting Léo at ease.
"Is it okay that I'm calling?" Henri asked. "If I woke you up…"
"No, it's fine, really!" Léo said quickly. He couldn't let Henri hang up, not now. Yeah it was crazy early, and yeah Léo would love to be in bed right now but this was more important.
"That's great," Henri said, and Léo could almost see the gentle smile that was surely on the other man's face.
"How are you doing?" Léo asked.
"Pretty good. I've landed a role in an upcoming film, but I have to keep the details on the down low," Henri said. "And you? Have you been eating? I know you forget to eat sometimes."
Léo's heart felt warm as he assured Henri he was eating well and doing just fine. The fact that Henri cared enough to ask…wow. A smile plastered itself onto Léo's face. Henri wasn't all that bad, was he? Sure they'd had arguments…but all couples are like that. Right? Sure some of them were big. And sure, the way they’d ended things wasn’t the best but that didn’t make Henri a bad guy. Léo tried to convince himself of this, trying to come up with reasons why talking to his ex at his crush’s house was an okay thing to do.
"Do you have friends? Seeing anyone?" Henri asked casually.
"Seeing anyone? That's none of your business," Léo said, swallowing thickly. 
"I want it to be," Henri said. "I want–oh shit I have to go," he said quickly. Léo could hear a man talking in the background, but couldn't quite make out what was being said 
"Henri?" Léo asked, but the line went dead, leaving him sad and confused. He sighed and sat down on the edge of the bathtub, staring at his phone. Should he send a text and make sure Henri was okay? Ending the call like that was really strange.
As if his ex had read his mind, a text from Henri came through.
Hey, sorry about that. Rico was wondering who I was talking to.
Didn’t really want to talk about it with him
He can be sooooo possessive. 
Léo felt sick upon reading the words about Rico. God, did Henri really have to bring him up? Rico was everything Léo wasn’t. Rico was tall and built like a super model, with a face that looked like it was carved from marble. Léo was on the shorter side, stocky, and built more like a linebacker than anything. Sure he often got compliments on his figure, but there was something about Rico that was entrancing. And that something had reeled Henri in, had made him fall in love. Léo couldn’t bring himself to answer the message. He left the bathroom and walked back to Sam’s room. His friend was still out, and Léo sighed. What the hell was he doing? Cuddling with Sam one second and mooning over his ex the next. This was ridiculous. He slid back into bed but didn’t go back to sleep. Instead, he pulled up his messages with Elfie and began to type.
Hey emmyelf, I gotta talk to you about something
It’s not about Seb I stg
Léo stared at his phone in annoyance before realizing that it was still extremely early in the morning and suddenly felt bad. But Elfie was an early riser, she should be up by now. He kept looking at his phone, as though willing it to answer. Finally, he received a reply.
Christ on a cracker you’re clingy. And you better not be lying, cause if this is about that emo fucker I’m never speaking to you again
Léo snorted and rolled his eyes.
It’s NOT. Look, I think I like Sam.
He closed his eyes, and to his great surprise, Elfie responded right away.
Proud of you boo
When you gonna ask him out?
Léo skipped pink entirely and his face went straight to fire engine red. He couldn’t believe what Elfie had just said.
What do you mean finally??? Also, I’m not asking him out It’s complicated.
If Léo was at home he would’ve thrown his phone across the bed, but he didn’t want to accidently smack Sam in the head with a flying phone.
How is it complicated?
Léo bit his lower lip as he read her response. He was going to have to explain. And she was not going to like the answer.
I’m not over Henri 
We’ve been talking a bit
I just
I dunno Elfie, not sure I’m ready.
As expected, Elfie sent two paragraphs lecturing Léo on why he shouldn’t be talking to Henri, why Henri was bad for him, and why he needed to move on to someone better. He understood where she was coming from, but she didn’t seem to understand how hard it was. He and Henri had been together for years. Completely cutting off a connection like that was like cutting off a limb. 
Oh also! Something important! Shane invited me to Pelican Town tonight for karaoke night. So I’ll be there tonight.
Léo blinked at his phone. What the hell? How long had she known about this? But before he could respond, he felt the sheets rustling beside him.
“You up?” Sam said blearily. Léo looked over and felt his heart skip a beat as he looked at Sam’s ruffled hair and partially closed eyes. He looked absolutely adorable, and Léo had to work hard not to giggle and beam at him.
“Yeah, I get up early. Used to a farmer’s schedule,” Léo said. “I hope I wasn’t why you woke up.”
“I don’t think you were,” Sam said, sitting up and stretching. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Slept like a baby,” Léo said.
“So you kept waking up at night crying? That sucks,” Sam said and laughed as Léo punched him lightly on the shoulder.
“I slept great, how’s that?” Léo said.
“Better,” Sam said. “I didn’t bother you at all, did I?”
“No, but you did cling to me like a koala,” Léo said, and Sam choked on air.
“I’m sorry!” Sam squeaked out.
“I wasn’t saying that it was a problem,” Léo said. “It was cute.”
“O-oh,” Sam stuttered, looking bashful. “Well, that’s good.”
“Yeah, 10 out of 10 would sleep with you again,” Léo said. There was a small pause and suddenly Léo looked horrified.
“Sleep NEXT to you!” he said hurriedly, and Sam burst out laughing. “I meant sleep NEXT to you!”
“Well now I know how you really feel,” Sam teased.
“Shut up,” Léo said, and Sam giggled. “I’m tired, okay? Haven’t had my coffee.”
“Well let’s get you some!” Sam said. The two got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. Sam needed a bit of help with the coffee machine, which made Léo roll his eyes.
“Your mom really does do everything, doesn’t she?”
“It’s kind of a problem,” Sam said with a sigh. “I got so used to it that I don’t have any kitchen skills at all. I don’t even know how to boil an egg properly.”
“Well, I could teach you to cook if you wanted,” Léo said. “I could come over, or you could come over to my house. I’ll give you an apron and everything.”
“An apron, eh? Do you have a ‘kiss the cook’ one?”
A vision of Sam caging Léo in against his counter while kissing him deeply popped into Léo’s mind, and he quickly brushed it away. He was pretty sure he’d be revisiting that thought later, perhaps tonight. But now was not the time for this!
“Um, uh, no,” Léo said, the traitorous fantasy attempting to come back.
“Well you should get one,” Sam said as the coffee began to drip into the carafe. “I like silly shit like that, and I think you’d look good in an apron with something dumb on it.”
They continued chatting for a bit. Jodi came out of her room as soon as she smelled coffee, and began bustling around the kitchen making breakfast. After a bit of whispered encouragement from Léo, Sam asked if she could teach him how to scramble the eggs she was about to make. She was shocked, but agreed. It felt good to watch this bonding moment between Sam and his mom. Cora came out of bed at the scent of sausages, and Jodi smiled at her.
“Vincent! You got up all by yourself!”
“It smells good,” Cora said simply.
After breakfast, Sam mentioned that there was duct tape somewhere that they could use to fix up the blowup bed.
“Oh shit, that’s a good idea,” Léo said, eyes wide. “I need to go check on my crops, but I can help you fix it later.”
“Sure!” Sam said with a grin. Léo left the house, a spring in his step. Being around Sam always had that effect on him. Sam was truly a ray of sunshine. This happiness lasted as he watered his crops and weeded the garden. He casually talked with Robin when she took breaks from working on his renovation. She was very excited about the finished product, and couldn’t wait to show him everything she was doing.
“I could show you now!” she said, eyes bright. “Unless you want it to be a surprise.”
“I’ll keep it a surprise,” Léo said, pulling off his gloves and tucking them into his pocket. “I’m excited to see what you do with the place! You’ve done a lot already! I can’t believe you’ll be done in just a few days!”
“I’m good at what I do,” Robin said proudly, chest puffing out. “And I guarantee you’re going to love it.”
Léo walked back to Sam’s house and took a long shower, getting all the grime off of him. Sam had left for the mountain where he was going to hang out with Sebastian and Abigail. Once he was cleaned up, Léo threw on his favorite orange button-down, and some gray jeans that he always got compliments on. He was going to go to the Saloon tonight to make sure that everything went fine with Elfie. She was known for being a lightweight, and he didn’t want her to do anything she would regret.
Léo spent the rest of his afternoon on the pier, dipping his toes into the water. It was nice to bask in the sun, enjoying the rays of the late spring sun. Soon it would be getting even warmer. He’d probably be spending a lot more time down at the beach once summer was in full swing. He couldn’t believe how long he’d been in Pelican Town already. He hadn’t been sure originally that this would be a long-term situation, but now? Léo felt like this was home, and he knew he’d be staying here for the long run.
As these pleasant thoughts went through his head, he felt his phone buzz. He pulled it out and saw that Sam had sent him a message.
Hey did my mom tell you I’m at the lake with Abbers and Seb?
Léo blinked. That was kind of a weird question.
Yeah, she did, so I’ve been doing my own thing while you hang out. I’m at the beach rn
Léo didn't even have time to put his phone back into his pocket before he felt his phone buzz again.
I wanted you to come hang out too!!! Well, we’re going to hang out at the saloon tonight if you want to join us then?
Oh no.
They were going to the saloon tonight? When Elfie was going to be there? This wasn’t going to go well. Léo swallowed thickly. He needed to let Sam know the situation so that the three of them wouldn’t be caught by surprise.
I was going to go anyway, so sure! Elfie let me know today that Shane invited her for    karaoke night tonight, so she’ll be there too, just FYI
He and Sam sent a few texts back and forth about how Sebastian would react to this, and Sam promised to make sure that Sebastian was ready before seeing her at the saloon. Somehow Léo didn’t think he’d be ready no matter how primed he was for the situation. When the time came, Léo walked down to the saloon and found that Elfie was already there, hand in hand with Shane. Léo waved at the two of them and Elfie rushed over, excited.
“Léo! I’m glad you’re here! This is going to be awesome! We totally have to sing something together!”
“Yeah, sure!” Léo said. He noticed that Elfie was looking past him. He turned his head slightly and saw that Sebastian had entered the saloon.
“Who’re you looking at?” Léo asked, and Elfie glared at him.
“Nobody,” she said.
“Well, it looks like ‘nobody’ is sitting down with two of my friends who I’m supposed to be here with. I’m going to go say hi, okay?” Elfie crossed her arms, and turned around, heading for the stage to look at the list of songs.
“Hey, guys!” Léo said, approaching the table.
“God I’m glad my mom isn’t here,” Abigail said, “You’re wearing your whore outfit again.”
“Excuse me?” Léo said, mock offended. He knew what she meant though, he had unbuttoned his shirt to the navel again. “Are you telling me to cover up?”
“I’m telling you that my dad will eventually notice that my mom is shamelessly flirting with you and will stop selling you stuff,” Abigail said, rolling her eyes.
“There’s a cougar on the prowl!” Sam said, and Léo laughed.
“Well, he’s in luck, the ladies just don’t do it for me,” he said. “So he should be mad at her, not at me.”
“Oh my God!” somebody shouted excitedly. Léo looked over his shoulder and saw Elfie looking at the list of songs with a sparkle in her eye. “Look what they have!” she said, walking over to their and waving the list in his face. Léo noticed Sebastian freeze, the poor guy looking like a deer caught in the headlights as she approached. Honestly, Léo wasn’t surprised. Elfie looked good tonight, clearly dolled up for her date.
“Uhh…Barbie Girl?” Léo said, looking at the list. Elfie sighed dramatically and shook her head.
“Danza Kuduro!” she said. 
“Oh shit!” Léo said with a grin. “I didn’t think they’d have songs in other languages!”
“What’s that song?” Abigail asked, cocking her head.
“It’s a really fun song in both Spanish and Portuguese! Léo we have to sing it!”
“Wait, are you both trilingual?” Sam asked, eyes wide. Sebastian looked up at Elfie, clearly listening but trying to pretend like he wasn’t. She was pointedly not looking at him, and Léo was sure that she was more than aware that Sebastian had taken notice of her.
“No,” Léo said, “We’re both bilingual. Elfie’s mom is from Portugal, so she grew up speaking English and Portuguese. And you guys already know I speak Spanish.”
“Yeah, he’ll sing the Spanish parts, and I’ll sing the Portuguese ones! Oh my gosh yes!”
The two put their names in to sing and waited their turn. Maru went first, nervously singing Suddenly I See, eyes flickering over to Penny every now and then. Clint went after, belting out an incredibly dramatic rendition of I Am A Rock with surprising confidence. And then finally…
“Next up we have Elfie and Léo singing Danza Kuduro!” Mayor Lewis said, and the crowd clapped politely as they took the stage. 
“They don’t know what they’re in for,” Elfie said, with a grin, winking at Léo.
“Well they don’t know I used to be lead singer in a band and that you were the best in your college’s choir,” Léo said.
The upbeat music began to pump from the speakers, and Léo began to sing in his rich voice.
“La mano arriba, cintura sola, da media vuella, danza Kuduro,” Léo began, and the two of them began to move to the beat. The crowd began to cheer as he continued, everyone looking surprised.
“Balançar qué uma loucura, morena vem o meu lado, ninguem vai ficar parado, quero ver mexa Kuduro,” Elfie belted out. Everyone looked shocked at her perfect accent and beautiful voice. The two friends laughed as they sang, and everyone began dancing, truly feeling the beat. Even Demetrius was dancing better than usual, dipping a very surprised yet pleased Robin.
When the song finished, the whole pub burst out into wild cheers and applause.
“You guys were great!” Abigail said, pulling them both into hugs as they returned to the group. Sebastian stood up, looking at Elfie with awe in his eyes. He looked like he was on the verge of speaking when a loud voice came from next to them.
“That’s my girl!” Shane said, clearly tipsy and on the verge of being fully drunk. “You were amazing! And the way you move…damn girl!”
Elfie giggled, stars in her eyes as she looked at Shane. Léo peeked over at Sebastian who had gone rigid. Sam slowly made his way over to his friend, gently rubbing his arm before the two sat down. Sebastian stared at a spot on the table while Sam said something in a quiet tone, eyes soft. Abigail slipped away to join them, but Léo had to stand with Elfie and Shane as he was engaged in conversation with them.
“You can move pretty well too,” Shane said. “Guess that Shakira song was right—let me see you move like you come from Colombia!”
“I guess,” Léo said, glancing over at his friends. “But I practiced a lot too,” he said. “Took dance lessons in school, and was in a band. Gotta have moves to make people want to watch you, you know?”
“You were in a band?” Shane asked, eyes wide. “Dude that’s fuckin’ awesome!”
“Uh yeah, it was a lot of fun. Hey, I’ll be right back, okay?” Léo said, noticing Abigail rubbing circles on Sebastian’s back as the black haired man watched Shane pull Elfie in by the waist. 
“We’ll be at the bar,” Shane said. “This babe deserves a drink after that amazing performance. I’m buying,” he said, looking at Elfie.
“Ooo, what a gentleman,” Elfie purred.
“Gotta buy my gorgeous Amazon something tasty to match her, don’t I?” Shane said. Elfie blushed but looked pleased. Elfie was tall, and was a head taller than the much shorter man before her. She was typically very self-conscious about her height, but clearly, Shane didn’t mind. Léo controlled himself from rolling his eyes and walked over to the table. Sebastian looked up at his approach and sighed.
“I know what you’re going to say,” Sebastian said softly. “I deserve it.”
“Actually, I was going to ask if you were okay,” Léo said with a frown. Sebastian looked surprised, and Léo sighed.
“I know I’ve been hard on you,” he said, “But you’re still my friend and I don’t want you to be upset.” He slid into a chair next to Sebastian, and looked him in the eye. “I need you to know something, okay? This isn’t Elfie at all. I don’t know what the hell she thinks she’s doing, but if I had to guess, she’s putting on a show. Honestly? They both are. Did you see how friendly Shane was to me just now?”
“So?” Sebastian said. “He’s probably just being nice ‘cause you’re Elfie’s friend.”
“That’s not like Shane at all,” Léo said shaking his head. “There’s more to it.”
“Wait…” Abigail said, a look of understanding crossing her face. “Are you saying they’re doing this to piss Seb off?”
I think there’s a very high chance that they’re doing that, at least partially. Elfie is attracted to him, and he seems to like the look of her too, so I think some of it is legit. But the rest? They’re pissed at you Seb, and I think they’re trying to upset you.”
“What the fuck?” Sam said angrily. “That’s awful! What the hell is wrong with them?”
“My feelings exactly,” Léo said with a grimace. “She thinks she can lecture me and then pull this shit? I’m having a long talk with her tomorrow. Maybe tonight if she doesn’t get shit faced on cocktails,” he said, nodding towards the bar. Elfie was pink in the face, two empty shot glasses next to her and some sort of blue drink in her hand that was already halfway gone.
“What do you mean ‘lecture you?’” Abigail asked.
“Oh um. Just…past mistakes,” Léo said, trying to keep his voice even. “She always tells me when she thinks I’m not doing the right thing, when she thinks I’m not being mature or whatever.”
“What a hypocrite,” Abigail said with a hollow laugh.
“Yep,” Léo said. “But I mean…she hasn’t dated anyone in like, eight or nine years. She probably forgot how.”
The table fell into silence. With Sam’s help, Léo had spoken to both Abigail and Sebastian about his twin, and how Elfie had stopped dating after his death.
“She had a really rough few years after my brother died,” Léo said. “Nobody ever stacked up. Elfie didn’t even consider other guys as options. She had her fair share of dudes flirting with her and giving her their numbers. But she would just throw the numbers away, and wouldn’t even acknowledge the flirting. And now she’s opening up and--”
“And I completely smashed her to bits,” Sebastian said, putting his forehead in his hands.
“Sebastian look at me. Look at me,” he said firmly, and Sebastian looked up, a devastated expression on his face.
“You crushed her, I’m not gonna lie to you. But that’s an explanation, not an excuse. Remember how I told you that you can’t treat people like shit and expect them to be okay with it? Well that applies to her too.”
“An’ this one…this one is for that Italian bastard back there!” Elfie shouted out. Léo turned his head and saw Elfie wobbling across the stage, clearly having just snatched the microphone from Mayor Lewis. He sighed as he watched her try and figure out the karaoke machine.
“God she needs to sober up,” Léo grumbled. “Before she ends up doing something she’ll regret.”
“Jesus Christ,” Léo said closing his eyes.
“Oh Mama Mia! He says I love you girl, let me touch you! But mama told me that Italian is a macho!” Elfie sang, pointing at Shane who raised his glass at her.
“Is Shane Italian?” Sam asked looking at the two who were caught up in each other, Elfie singing this ridiculous song while Shane laughed.
“Well, his last name is Giudice, so I think he has family from Italy?”Abigail said, looking thoughtful. 
“After this song, I’m dragging her back to your house,” Léo said with a sigh, looking over at Sam. “She’s smashed, she can’t go back to Zuzu by herself like this.”
“I think Mom will be okay with that,” Sam said. “I mean, she’ll be annoyed for sure, but she’s not going to make her ride the bus by herself like this.”
After the song ended, Léo tried to make his way to the stage, but the saloon had gotten a lot more crowded than earlier. He found himself struggling to get by everyone. When Léo finally got the stage, Elfie was no longer there. 
He peered around but didn’t see her anywhere. And the saloon was strangely a lot quieter than it had been. Shane seemed to have quieted down, and wasn’t saying anything at all. Maybe he’d passed out. Léo’s eyes flickered over to the bar, and weirdly enough, Shane wasn’t there. And Marnie wasn’t at her usual table either.
Wait hold up.
Had Elfie gone home with Shane and Marnie?
“Goddamnit,” Léo growled, heading back over to the table. Sam looked confused at Elfie’s absence.
“I think she went home with Shane,” Léo said. Sebastian choked on his drink, and Léo ignored him in favor of dialing Elfie’s number. He called her twice, leaving a voicemail asking her to call as soon as she could.
“She’s getting the talking to of her life when she calls me back,” Léo grumbled.
“Well, Shane was the one who invited her, so it’s not that weird that she’s going to his place,” Abigail said slowly.
“She could’ve at least said bye,” Léo said. Sebastian’s expression was impossible to read, but Léo had a feeling that there was a storm brewing inside of him.
“We should probably be going,” Sam said. “I promised we’d be back early tonight.”
“Yeah okay,” Léo said with a sigh. They bade Abigail and Sebastian goodbye and began making their way to Sam’s house.
“I’m sure she’s fine,” Sam murmured, and Léo nodded slowly. They made their way into the bedroom and fell into bed, the duct tape that was meant to fix the blowup bed forgotten on Sam’s desk. The two passed out almost instantly, curling up against each other in their sleep.
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raewritez · 3 years
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let’s all take a moment to appreciate our windy boy🙌
based on this request: Can you do Aang x airbender reader? When Aang and Katara found out that she hid from them that she could bend ? Please!
warnings: aangsty
It hurts.
Aang’s body felt like it was on fire, and he supposed it was. It seemed like electricity was still flowing through his veins, consuming him with needle points and flame. With Katara’s healing he was slowly gaining back his memory - visions of white glow, of the royal siblings, of waves, and of falling. There was something else, too, it was-
Katara grimaced, removing her hands from his back. “Sorry, Aang. There’s a lot of energy built up in here.”
He winced, curling in on himself. “It’s ok.”
She stares at him worriedly, heart aching for her friend. He felt so awful, so consumed by guilt and failure, and she found herself having trouble coaxing him out of his thoughts. There was one person that could, but they were nowhere to be found. Aang noticed.
“Where’s Y/n?”
Katara breathed shakily, pulling at the edge of her tunic. “Aang…what exactly do you remember from Ba Sing Se?”
He tilted his head, furrowing his brows. "I remember Azula, and I remember I went down. You saved me."
She nodded. "Is that all?"
He leaned into the bed, running a hand through his hair (hair? how long has that been there?). "There's something else."
Katara looked nervous, as if preparing for him to do something awful. It made him confused. He searched his mind, digging through flashes of memory until he found what he was looking for. He inhaled sharply. Oh. Right.
They were outnumbered, Dai Lee agents advancing on them from all directions. Katara's water whips were no use, broken and splashed across the ground by shields of rock and crystal. Aang fought tirelessly, earth and water spinning around him in a flurry of movement. The earth benders only moved forward - creeping slowly upon the Avatar until they were thrown back by some powerful force. Wind. Aang looked down at his hands, he hadn't done that, right? The agents rose to their feet but their eyes weren't on him, rather on something that lurked behind. Turning, his gaze fell upon what had drawn their attention.
Your arms were outstretched, an uncertain expression on your face. You glanced down at your palms in surprise - you certainly hadn't expected that to work so well. His mouth fell open, mind swarmed with confusion. His grey eyes widened, and your gaze met his. You couldn't tell if that look in his eyes was one of betrayal or pure shock, but you felt the guilt you'd been harboring over keeping this secret hit you full-force. Your own eyes were surprised, and they softened as they fell upon him. In them he could see the swimming emotions, and an apology. You raised your arms again.
"They're...they're an Airbender."
Katara looked at the floor, silently affirming his words. He stared at her, then he stood. His body ached and his legs wobbled, but he didn't care. He grabbed his staff, and leaning on it, began to make his way towards the door.
"Wait, Aang," Katara exclaimed, attempting to calm him. The look on his face was foreign; eyes glinting with sadness and something she couldn't quite decipher. And anger. It was a rare emotion to see displayed by the boy, but it was there now, although faint. She was nervous for you, her own anger since passed and replaced with a sort of resigned understanding. Sure, she was upset, hurt that you didn't trust her with this secret, but she guessed she understood. At least she tried to.
"Aang, your injuries are still healing. You can't-"
"I'm fine, Katara," he spoke, and she felt a chill run through her bones at the sternness. "Let me go."
He pushed past her, holding in his groans at the effort. He walked as quickly as he could down the hall, mind pulsing with adrenaline and determination. He didn't have to ask where your room was, he knew where it would be: at the end of the hall by the windows, so you could see the ocean. He limped his way down, the silk robe threatening to fall off his shoulders. In front of your door, he stopped. He breathed, and then he entered.
You were seated on your bed, staring blankly at the wall. You glanced tiredly at the intrusion, eyes widening when you saw it was him. You stood abruptly, almost tripping over yourself and if the circumstances were different he would've laughed. You missed his laugh. Instead he gazed at you, expression neutral. You felt nervous, unfamiliarly awkward under the Avatar's stare.
"Hi, Aang."
He kept his eyes trained on you, eyebrows furrowed. He was silent.
"Um...h-how are you feeling?"
"You didn't come to see me."
Your eyes widened. "W-what?"
His gaze never faltered. "You didn't come to check on me."
"Oh," You breathed, casting your eyes to the floor. "I didn't...I didn't know if you'd want me to."
He didn't speak, and you could feel him scrutinizing you. As if he didn't know what to make of you, as if he wasn't sure what to think. And in all honesty he probably didn't. You didn't know what to think of yourself, either.
"You're an Airbender." It wasn't a question, just a statement. An observation.
You breathed. "Yeah."
He stood a little taller, and you could finally make out an emotion. Anger. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than him acting as if you were Koh the freaking Face-Stealer. His voice was low. "Why didn't you tell me?"
You swallowed nervously, fingers coming to play with the fishing-line bracelet he'd made for you that rested upon your wrist. "I don't know."
He scoffed, beginning to pace around the room. Well, as well as he could considering his condition. "That's not an answer. How could you keep that from me?!" There was a desperation to his tone, and his eyes were glassy. You looked away, unable to deal with the shame.
"Aang, please, I-" You didn't know what to say. You truly didn't quite understand why you'd hidden it, the secrecy just fading into habit. "I was...I was scared. I didn't know what to say or- I'd never told anyone before! And then you came and I..."
"And you didn't tell me."
His face was darkened, so different from that sunshiney demeanor that you'd grown so goddam fond of. But behind his anger was a certain brokenness - a disbelief. And that hurt more than the rage.
He didn't give you time for an explanation, and you weren't sure you had one to offer anyway. He simply walked away, sparing you one more hurtful glance. Then, he left, taking the light and hope with him. You felt tears sting your eyes, but you forced them away. You didn't deserve to cry. You were the one who'd hurt him, who'd betrayed his trust. And now you weren't sure if your best friend would ever trust you again, ever allow you a second chance. So, instead of crying, you simply laid in the dark warmness of your bed, rocked to sleep by the swaying of the ocean with an ache in your chest.
A week.
That's how long it'd been since the two of you talked, since Aang had so much as glanced in the direction of his best friend. You were in the Firenation now, having assumed the role of undercover criminals. It was kind of exhilarating, and you knew you and Aang would be milking the drama of it for all its worth. But instead you sat alone, sidled in the corner of the cave as your friends danced.
Aang had somehow managed to enroll himself in a Fire Nation school, and had invited his classmates to your hideout for a dance party. You wished you had enough energy to participate - to twirl around with Katara or do the limbo with Sokka, but you were drained. Just like you'd been for days. Your hope was waning; you were becoming less and less sure that Aang would find a way to forgive you - that he would return to his best friend with that lopsided smile and endless generosity, the way he came to you all those times before. Now, he was dancing, shoulders brushing against that Fire Nation girl's - On ji? Something like that - while the rest of the kids laughed and cheered. It send an ache to your heart. He seemed happy with her - happier than he's been with you. He was sporting that contagious grin, that boisterous laughter, that-
"Wow, you really are mopey."
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Toph. "I'm not mopey," you grumbled.
She snorted. "Uh, yeah you are. I can practically feel the pitifulness radiating off you."
"Gee, thanks a lot."
You were silent for a moment, and she seemed to soften. "You know, he's not mad at you anymore."
You glanced over, a scoff escaping your lips. "Yes he is, Toph. He hates me."
Her eye-roll was about the biggest you'd ever seen. "Don't be stupid, Sap. That kid loves you. It's so obvious it's gross."
You sighed, shaking your head. You pulled your knees to your chest. "Not anymore. I lied to him."
She nodded, seeming thoughtful. "Well, yeah, that kind of sucked. And obviously he would be kinda mad about that. But he's not anymore, trust me. I can feel it."
"You can feel it?"
"Mhm. He's mopey, too. He misses you."
You looked over to the center of the cave, where Aang was demonstrating some bizarre dance movement. You smiled fondly.
"Seriously, Y/n. You should talk to him."
You nodded, breathing in your resolve. "I will soon."
Toph groaned loudly. "Well, I guess that's as good as we're gonna get."
Spirits, you were exhausted. A day of cleaning out a river will do that to you.
It'd been a few days since the dance party, and your time had been occupied with Appa's "sickness" while you stopped at a local fishing village. It was pretty gross, but with your friend's help and Katara's fancy costume, you were able to leave it better than it was when you arrived.
Now, you found yourselves at yet another designated campsite - a patch of ground near the cliffside, overlooking the valley. You were tired, and so much as walking around felt like a chore.
Your eyes fell on a silhouetted figure perched on the edge of the cliff. Momo sat on his shoulder. You breathed, body growing alight with nervousness. You made your way over, Momo launching onto you when you got closer.
You chuckled, petting his furry head. "Hey, Momo," you said softly. You eyes flickered upwards, latching onto Aang's. He turned away. You sighed, setting Momo down and moving to sit next to him. You inhaled deeply, bracing yourself for impending rejection. You fidgeted with the edge of your shirt - a movement that his eyes quickly locked onto.
"Um, I know you probably don't want to talk to me, and that's ok, but I need to...I need to explain myself."
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him nod slowly.
"My whole life I had to keep my bending a secret, and nobody's ever known except my parents. And when I met you...I don't know. I guess I was just scared. I thought I was going to be the last one for the rest of my life. I'd been hiding and denying that I was an Airbender for so long, and I guess I just...felt safer to keep doing that."
He was silent, staring at you intently with concentration and an emotion you couldn't decipher. You continued.
"The point is, I should've told you. And I'm so, so sorry that I didn't. I don't know if you could ever forgive me, but I-"
You were cut off by the press of his lips against your own. Your eyes widened, and you sat rigidly still. He chuckled breathily at your shock, moving his hand to gently caress your cheek. You relaxed, leaning into his palm and letting your eyes fall shut. After a moment, he pulled away.
"I'm not mad at you, Y/n."
You were still frozen with pleasant surprise. "Oh...ok."
He laughed, reaching to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. He smiled adoringly.
"But wait - how aren't you mad? I kept this a secret from you, and I-"
"Well, I was mad," he cut you off. "But I'm not anymore. If there's anything that we can take away from this, it's that you're not the last Airbender. And neither am I."
You smiled at that. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
He pulled you into his side, keeping one arm around you while he performed random tricks; like making a whirlpool or air or sending a small tornado Sokka's way. You leaned into each other to muffle your giggles when he fell. You felt happier than you had since Ba Sing Se - filled with the happiness that only Aang could provide you. You had his trust, and his guidance, and you weren't alone. Neither of you were.
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straykidsworldwild · 3 years
Phil Hawkins x MC
Part 1 : MC is having a horrible, horrible day and she goes to the Aurora to have a drink.
(⚠️Sad. Some swearing ⚠️)
Heyy guys!! Here's a little Phil Hawkins one shot part 1 because there's not enough Duskwood imagines 🙈
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(pictures aren't mines but I made the collage and the character aren't mines. All rights go to Duskwood creators and owners of the pics.)
My day was total crap... I don't believe I've had such a horrible day before. Or at least, not for a long time... It feels like everything is falling apart little by little. Like nothing is meant to go normally. I woke up like any other day, and yet, it feels like I woke up in a chaotic world where everything is meant to go wrong... Since that call, everything is going downhill...
The night has fallen which means I have officially done my day. It felt like forever... Like I am in an endless loop... And since I was meant to do the closing, my day felt even longer than usual. I just finished cleaning the little restaurant I worked at and closed it. It's not a job I would want to do my whole life, even though it is nice to work in a restaurant, but I need money to pay for my college study. My mom is helping pay for them, but I'm trying to pay as much as I can on my own. Anyway... I am walking in the streets of Duskwood which are beamed by the streetlights. It is surprisingly emptier than usual. I guess it's due to the rain... Like my day wasn't cloudy enough already... I think I need a break... Yeah... I need a drink...
I walk toward a familiar building, some greenish-blueish light lightening the area. Aurora... The famous bar of Duskwood owned by my best friend's brother. I've rarely been there alone... Usually I go with the rest of the group. But I really need... Ugh... Maybe I should just go home? Isn't it too late to go there anyway? Ugh... I'm asking myself too many questions. I guess a drink really won't hurt. I reach the door before falling face to face with a sign. CLOSED. Great... I sigh disappointed as I am standing under the rain. Oh... But he is still here. Through the window, I can see a familiar figure cleaning the place. Oh well, I'm neither here nor there... I lift my hand and knock on the door of the bar. The man turned around as I got his attention. I cross my arms over my chest and notice that the rain has already soaked my hair and my vest. I must look awful... The man comes up to the door and opens it for me.
- Gorgeous! Come in before you catch a cold, tells me, the man, using that nickname he always does. I don't know why he does it... I never heard him calling other girls like this. Well, he does use pet names but not this specific one. I step in the bar and he closes the door behind me. You know I love you very much but I'm about to close so... He begins to tell me with his famous smirk despite the little fatigue I can see on his face. His hair is held up in a bun as he usually does when he works. He is wearing a white shirt, letting his huge tattoo on his neck appear, and a black trousers. By the sight of his eyes, I can tell he had a long day too...
- I just need one drink, Phil, I simply answer to my friend. My voice sounded so... Tired and flat. Phil looks at me with a slight surprise, losing slowly his smile. I guess the sound of my voice surprised him. Please... I plead to him with the same tone.
- I would never say "no" to my favorite customer, would I? He answers with a smirk. I faintly smile back at him, happy that finally something goes well. For now... He could have said "no". The two of us walk over to the bar and I sit on a stool while he goes behind the counter. We're alone in the bar since he was about to close so it's pretty quiet. The usual I guess, he tells me with his deep and calm voice.
- Actually... Whiskey. Pure, I reply, stopping him in his momentum. Phil looks back at me for a second, processing my words.
- Wow, I knew you had that wild part in you, Gorgeous, but I didn't think I would ever see it, he tells me with a surprised tone again. Yet, he doesn't seem to dislike it. Phil gets two glasses and he pours a little bit of the beverage in the glasses.
- A little more, please... I tell him with the same flat and tired voice. I stop myself from letting a long sigh out. Again, I feel his eyes burning me before he pours a little more alcohol. Thanks, I thank him.
- On the house, he tells me, leaning against the counter as he raises his glass. I was about to retort but he gave me a look, telling me he won't change his mind.
- Double thanks, I thank him again, clinking my glass with him before taking a sip. Argh... That tastes awful! I can feel the liquid burning my throat.
- So... I know I act like I am very happy to see you, which is the case, don't get me wrong, Gorgeous, he begins to tell me before rapidly correcting himself. But I also see that you're not fine, MC, Oh... I look down as I take a deep breath in. It must not be very hard to see I had a bad day then... Usually I can hide it pretty well... But right now. It's too deep, too much. I'm not even sure "bad" is a strong enough word to describe how crappy my day was. What's wrong? He asks me, sounding calm, gentle and interested, yet, with a point of concern.
- I'm okay, Phil, I softly respond to my friend while slowly shaking my head negatively.
- Mmh... This "I'm okay" sounded more like a "I'm-not-okay-but-I-am-putting-a-brave-face-on". Like a hidden call for help, he tells me gently, yet, seriously. His deep voice is just so... Irresistible, and always so calm. Who could resist it? Well... I guess at this moment I can. My mind is too bothered and busy right now. I crack a very faint smile before looking down at my glass again. I take a sip of it and lightly grimace to the taste of the drink. Who hurt you? He asks me seriously as he takes a cigarette and the lighter. Who… Why someone and not something?
- It's not about me, I respond in a whisper, lying to him. I hate talking about myself when I'm down. I don't want to bother people with my problems... I don't want to be the one to bring negative vibes. Oh no... I turn lightly my head to the side as I feel the tears coming up. I need a break... I need to break.
- Lie, he simply says. I don't look at him and I don't contradict him either. What happened? He asks again with seriousness, not letting this subject aside. I don't answer again. I can feel a lump in my throat. The tears are thick in my eyes and threatening to fall at any time now. MC, talk to me. I'm not here to judge you or... I hide my face even more as I can't stop myself from grimacing sadly. I can't take it... I let a sob out accidentally as if my body is talking for myself. I want to scream. But I can't... MC... He calls me with concern. Phil puts down his cigarette and walks around the counter to join my sides. I don't move and keep my back to him. I hate when people see me crying... Phil puts his hand on my shoulder so I could face him but I push it away, not too harshly, but not too gently either. I let another sob out as I closed my eyes. The tears are so thick and warm... There's so much emotion in them. They roll down my cheeks regularly, evacuating my pain. Without saying a word, I feel a pair of arms holding me. A chest lays against my back. My hair was all wet... His shirt must be wet too by now. It's okay, MC, I hear him whispering. I should push him away. I know how Phil is with girls... Isn't it too easy to cry in front of him and him then being too nice? I know he is my friend and my best friend's brother, but... God, I'm lost. Usually I go to Jessy or I call her. But I came here... Why? Ugh...
- I'm sorry... I whisper shakily through my sobs. I came for a drink and I ended up breaking in front of him...
- No, it's okay. Get it out, he says with a comforting and calm tone. It actually sounds weird coming from him... I know Phil for a few years and he was never like this. I mean, he is always calm but caring like this? That's rare... More than rare. Long minutes later, I slowly calm down. I am still breathing lightly shakily but I'm not sobbing anymore. Only a few tears here and there stream down my eyes. I take a deep breath in and out before wiping my cheeks. I don't remember when was the last time I cried this much... It hurts. It hurts so much. I accumulated too much. I didn't break when mom told me about my uncle's death… I guess I didn't realize what was real and happening at the moment… Or I didn't want to believe it… That built up on my nerves and… This is the result. Slowly, I pull myself away from Phil who didn't let go of me one second. I turn around to face him, but avoid his eyes. Like I thought, the top of his shirt is all wet, letting his tattoos appear a little more on his chest. I'm still confused about what just happened... That's not me to cry in front of people like this... And that's definitely not the Phil I know. Tell me what's wrong, Gorgeous, he says seriously, still wanting to know what got me in such a state. He never gives up...
- Everything, I answer back, my voice lightly breaking. I wipe my cheeks again as I clear my throat. To begin with, when I woke up this morning, I learned that my uncle had passed away during the night. He drove a truck from a country to another and... I explain to him, confessing the terrible news that started this awful day of mine. However, I couldn't bring myself to finish my sentence. I bring my hand over my heart and press on it as if it would take the pain away. Since the call... Just saying those words hurts just as much as saying them in my head. If not more...
- I'm sorry to hear that, he apologizes sincerely.
- Me too... Thanks... But that's not it, I thank him with a sad tone before lightly sniffling. After receiving my mom's call to tell me this awful news, I went to work today because I couldn't stay home. I needed to get my mind busy and to... Not think about the incident, I confess as I feel a new tear rolling down my cheek. My uncle and I were close, you know? He kind of raised me with my mom since my dad left her when she told him about me, I admit to the boy. I watch Phil frowning as he discovers a part of my life that I don't usually bring up. Why am I telling him all of this? It's not like he cares anyway... Does he? Anyway, to continue this unpleasant day, I had the pleasure to meet very unpleasant and rude customers all day long. Like this one call wasn't enough already... One of the customers said that they didn't want me as their waitress because I've got curves, some others telling me I was too long when in reality I just walked away from their table, a couple literally told me I gave them the wrong command and threw their drinks at me, and another one insulted me because there wasn't anymore sandwich like he wanted, I tell him all of this in just one single breath. Yet, you could hear how tired and hurt I am right now. I guess the death of my uncle adding this unnecessary crap was just too much at once. And to add more, my boss is cutting half my pay off because I accidentally broke a cup... A damn cup! Can this day get any worse? I finish to say as I look away, letting a heavy and shaky sight out as another tear rolls down my face. My hand is still over my heart as if I am protecting it all while trying to reject all negative emotions. Suddenly, two fingers softly come grabbing my chin and force me to lift my head up.
- Your boss is a dick, MC. Always have been, always will be, he tells me, the sound of those words sounding familiar. How many times did he already say this to me? I stopped counting... But I should listen, he is right. And f**k those customers. They're not happy? Tell them to go to another restaurant, he responds seriously. His deep voice sounds so calm despite the upset look he has on his face. Am I upsetting him or is he upset because of what happened to me today?
- Right, I kind of need to keep my job despite everything. But you can go tell them that, I respond with a small scoff, yet, trying to use sarcasm.
- Sure, give me names and faces and I'll find them, he replies playfully, yet a point of seriousness heard in his voice. I smile to his answer, appreciating his concern and protectiveness. Though, I never thought it would ever happen one day. Phil is... Not the last person I'd go to to talk but definitely not the first one either... Usually. I look away again and lightly sniffle. Phil wipes some of my tears away. His hands are so soft... It's weird. I've never seen you cry before, he whispers. I look back up at him, watching him slightly frowning. That's true... Not sure a lot of people saw me crying before either... Not even Jessy. I weakly nod before shrugging.
- How does it feel to watch a girl crying in front of you? I reply slightly playfully. Jessy's brother grabs something on the other side of the counter before handing it to me. Tissues... I take them from his hand, thanking him.
- It's painful. When it's you... It's different... Painful, he responds, taking his cigarette again. Oh... I wasn't waiting for an answer like this one. I was waiting for him to say "Can you just stop thinking for a moment?" Or "Stop crying over so little"... But none of that. I watch Phil blowing some smoke, making sure it doesn't go in my face.
- Is the womanizer Phillip Hawkins starting to be an emotional guy? I question him with a playful tone, cracking a smile. I think it's the first time today that I cracked a smile. A real one, I mean.
- No, he's the same dick, he answers, shaking his head left to right while chuckling. Oh... Of course. That would have been too surreal. I'm not going to lie, Phil is a good looking guy. His long hair, his tattoos looking so cool, his piercing, the way he dresses, his voice,... Just the way he is is attractive. The sound of his chuckle runs through my body.
- He admits it, I reply as I feel myself smiling more and more as the tears are coming to a stop. Prove it, I tell him with a daring tone. Phil leans against the counter, smirking.
- Wanna stay with me, tonight? At my place. The bed is comfy and big enough for us two, he proposes seriously to me, a point of flirt in his voice. I know he is being serious. I can hear it in his voice. And that look of his... I know girls don't refuse him generally. But I'm not them. And I don't want to end up in his bed just for one night and then nothing. That's not me... That's not who I am. That's not what I want. He can be incredibly good looking and just be his amazing self, I'll still refuse.
- I don't do one night stands, Phil, I remind him seriously.
- I know... He replies, a slight hidden note of his tone telling me he is disappointed. It's no secret that Phil has been liking me for a while. He has tried to ask me a few times before but I declined them all for... Obvious reasons. Let's do two then, he suddenly says, half joking, half serious.
- Phil! I exclaim as I chuckle.
- It's okay. I'll accept even three nights. Or more. I won't mind, Gorgeous, he continues to say, but I can tell he is joking this time. I softly laugh while shaking my head. There's that smile I love, he states, sounding satisfied with himself for making me smile. Honestly, Gorgeous, don't mind those idiots. Don't let them get to you, he advises me seriously as he finishes his whiskey.
- I don't usually. But I thought going to work was going to help me forget that awful news for a moment. I went there hoping to clear my head. I guess it was just too much today and I needed to break. Sorry it had to be you watching me like this, I answer and apologize to the boy as I take a sip of my drink. Ugh... It's the last time I take Whiskey... I lightly grimace and put the glass down.
- I'm not. If you ever have a bad day again and feel the need to talk, don't hesitate knocking on my door. Even if it's closed. It's always open for you, he tells me seriously and sincerely. Honestly, I haven't met that guy before... Where's the Phil I know?
- Thanks, Phil, I thank him before stepping down the stool. I step up twice and take him in my arms. The man envelops me back in a warm embrace, running softly his hand on my back. I pull my head away and place a kiss on his cheek as a thank you. And before you think of anything spicy, that kiss on the cheek is the farthest you'll ever have, I rapidly tell him, a point of warning in my voice, yet, using a playful tone.
- You're definitely killing me with kindness, MC. My poor heart pays dearly, he tells me with a frustrated tone before I watch him taking my glass of Whiskey. Oh... He winks and takes a sip from it. Oh yeah, drink that thing... I don't like it anyway. And I think he noticed it...
- Moh, maybe one of those girls coming here could put a bandage on it to heal it, I say with some sarcasm, yet, with some dislike heard into it. I always hated that those girls could "help" him... I mean, what do they have? What does he see in them? Before anything said, no, I'm not jealous... I just don't like him with other girls...
- They could. But will it be worth it? He answers while nodding before taking his cigarette and blowing so smoke away.
- You tell me. You're the one who can't resist "beautiful women", I reply to the man, stating his own words. Phil smiles and chuckles lightly to my comment.
- They can definitely help at a low point, he answers, agreeing. Right... Wait, at a low point?
- At a low point? What do you mean? I ask him with a confused tone.
- I can sleep with every woman that wants me. But, in the end, it will never mean anything like... Like when you're with me, he suddenly tells me, lowering his head lightly. His smile disappeared, showing seriousness. Did I hear him right? Did he just say those words? I stare at the man, confused and speechless. Me? Why...? Since when...? Ugh... He had a few drinks today, didn't he? Phil looks back up at me, but his eyes give a quick look at my lips.
- I'm sorry. I'm trying but... Are those words really coming from you or... Did you have any drinks before? I demand him seriously, yet, with a playful tone to keep a cool atmosphere. Arguing with him is the last thing I want. Phil cracks a smile but it doesn't stay long.
- I know I play a lot around with different girls. I know what you think of me. I'm a f**k boy. And I know I tried several times to get a night with you. But... It's not just a night that I want and you don't seem to see that, he replies, not denying who he is but also kind of reproaching me to not open my eyes about him. Well… How could I? If he doesn't tell me, I only see things the way I see them... I nod positively before looking down. Why do I feel a little sorry suddenly? I shouldn't... There's something different with you, MC. You're different. From all the others. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to dirty you. I don't want to play with you. I don't want to break you, he tells me gently and seriously. I slowly look back up at him and notice how close he is to me. Was he that close to me before? I can feel my heart beating like crazy down my chest. It's wrong... It feels right, but it's wrong. I know it...
- Phil... I gently whisper his name as I a look down again.
- I love you, MC, he interrupts me with his calm and deep voice. What...? I stare at him with wide eyes, surprised by the words I just heard. I didn't even know he knew how to say them… Especially while sounding sincere. He meant those words. I love you like I have never loved a woman before. And I'm not talking about loving the "pretty woman" that you are. No, I mean... He sighs. You're pretty. You're more than pretty. You're prettier than all of those girls and I am not talking just about the way you look. I just... Again, I hear Phil sighing. Despite the fast that he stays calm, I can sense some nervousness coming from him which is unusual. Phil is never nervous, especially around a woman. He is the exact opposite actually. He is pretty confident about himself. He talks easily, flirts easily… You're not a price I want to win or a pride to have f**ked in bed. You have this thing that the others don't have. You're special, he says with the same calm and slight nervous tone. Phil looks straight before him as he blows some smoke. Special... He noticed this little thing in me, which I didn't know I had…
- You really noticed that small thing in me? Because, honestly, I'm everything but special. I can assure you, I demand and tell him with a point of shiness. Wow... I didn't think I would have sounded so shy all of a sudden...
- I told you. I love you. And you know those words don't come out of my mouth easily. Actually, I don't think I ever said them to someone before, he replies seriously and gently before taking a last blow and putting out his cigarette. I stare at him, not really knowing how to react. I mean, of course it does make me feel something. There's... There are those butterflies flying in my belly. My heart is racing and my cheeks feel a little warm... Maybe a little more than a little, actually. I know I feel something for him. I can't deny it… But there's still things in the way...
- Honestly, I'm discovering another man right now. Why don't you show this side of yours to people? Pride? Male ego? I demand him with a small confused tone, yet curious.
- I am who I am, he simply answers.
- Mmh... Well, I like this Phil better, I answer him as I crack a smile. Phil looks at me and his serious face turns into a smiling one again.
- So, would you go out one night? Or during a lunch break? He proposes to me, hope heard in his voice. Oh... Well... I know your days are long and I work at night too so it'll be short but... He tells me gently, reminding us of our busy lives. Right, there's not a lot of moments where we can meet… But do I want to meet him like this? I mean, yes, I want to but… Do I want to get in something like this? In an uncertain relationship where I'll fear he goes to see someone else to distract himself from me? Despite this side of him, he is still Phil in the end...
- If you do this to only get me in your bed... I whisper, interrupting him. I hope it's not a plan of his to get me in his bed... That'll be the worst thing he could do... Especially as being my friend first...
- I do this to win your heart. As cheesy as it sounded... Nothing more, he tells me seriously, staring into my eyes. Speechless, I stare at him as well. For once in my life, I just want to do right. Especially with you… For you… Because of you... But it's only if you want to, he responds sincerely to me, looking serious. It's actually a little disturbing. Phil has always had respect for everyone, including me. He always respected that I didn't want a one time thing… What changed?
- I don't know, I whisper, confused by the situation. It's not that I don't want to be with him nor that I don't like him. On the contrary. I love Phil. But... There's few things in the way...
- Because of my past with women? He asks me, sounding really confused that I won't accept. I'm certainly the only woman telling him "no". Especially after a few tries.
- Yes... And because of my insecure self. Look at you and look at me. You own an amazing bar, I work as a waitress with a crappy boss. You look cool and get well and easily along with people, I look like that discreet and shy girl who is nothing more than being awkward. And you're my best friend's brother. And there's the age gap, which is the least that bothers me, I tell him everything that I thought on why I don't say "yes" to him. I mean... I think he can understand where I'm coming from. I hope... I don't want to lose a friend, in a way, just because of that...
- You're perfect the way you are, MC. Nobody will take that thought out of my mind, he states seriously. I notice how his eyes are alternating from my own to my lips. They keep going up and down. He seems eager...
- Right... You said it, not me, I say with a disbelieving tone, yet a playful one while I giggle. A small smile comes on my face which keeps growing more and more. I'm not going to lie, but hearing him saying those words do something inside me.
- And I believe it, he says while nodding. He does... I stare at him for a moment, the two of us plunge into a deep silence. It's not awkward... It's intense, but not awkward. I'm just so not confident with myself. What if he is playing me? And what if he is not? Ugh… I should let go sometimes... Really... I could open doors I didn't even think I had the key of.
- Tomorrow. Meet me for lunch if you're free. We can start there to see how it goes, I propose to the man which, I notice, makes him smile instantly.
- Is it a date? He asks with a smirk. Well...
- I'm not sure... Maybe... We'll see, I reply unsure, yet, smirking back at him. Yes, I'm entering his game easily... Was it right? Though, we could hear this point of shyness in my voice.
- Will I get to finally kiss you? He then asks, slowly getting even more closer to me. Oh... I can feel my heart racing a little more, hearing it beat in my ears. He's making me so nervous… Kiss me… Is that all he wants?
- Phil... I whisper his name, annoyed, as I lightly title my head on the side.
- What? I showed you a part of me, doesn't mean the other one is gone, he answers with a not so innocent tone, still smirking at me. I keep staring at him a little annoyed despite the amused smile on my face. Alright, just lunch, he says, agreeing. I nod back positively. And a hug? He rapidly asks.
- A hug? I ask, surprised and confused. Phil winks at me. I can see he is waiting for an actual answer. Oh well... Sure. Whatever. I've got to go home. It's getting late, I agree before standing up from the stool. I didn't think but, when I stood up, my face got so close to his. At this moment, when my eyes met his, it was as if the time had stopped for a second. Slow motion. It was like I couldn't remember what reality looked like. I feel my cheeks starting to burn before I look down to hide my certainly blushing face from him. Why did I have to happen to have a crush on him? Why him? Why does he make me feel this way? I clear my throat quietly and start walking towards the door.
- Be careful on your way home. Tell me once you're there, he tells me as he follows me behind.
- I will, I reply. I was about to open the door when his hand grabbed the handle first. My fingers brushed his. I retrieve my hand and let him open the door for me. Still with my cheek lightly burning from previously, I manage to cross sight with his eyes and smile at him. Thanks for the night, the drink, holding me when I cried, and for listening to me, Phil, I thank him sincerely as I weakly nod to the man.
- You're very welcome, Gorgeous, he responds with his deep and calm voice while smiling back at him. That damn smile... Goodnight, MC, he wishes me softly.
- Goodnight, Phil, I wish him back. The two of us exchange one last look and smile before I walk out of his bar. I put my hands in my pockets and walk home.
I'm not sure what exactly happened there... I went to the bar to have a drink to relax and take my mind off and I ended up with Phil holding me when I broke down and accepting to have lunch together. Will it be a date? Will it actually go somewhere? Was he being serious? So many questions burning my mind... I will see how tomorrow goes. I'll have so much to do tomorrow, anyway... Mom is certainly going to call me for the funerals, my work is going to be tiring as always, and the lunch with Phil... I wonder what Jessy will say if she knew that her brother and I are going on a... Lunch? Date? Whatever it's called... Will she be okay with... What we're doing? Will she mind if I go out with her brother? Ugh, why do I already think of things like this? I'm not there yet... Anyway... I think I just need some sleep right now, nothing more. If I manage to actually fall asleep once I'll be home and in my bed… It promises to be a long night...
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inknopewetrust · 3 years
In Another Universe Part 4 (Marcus Moreno x Reader)
Summary: The reunion you've both been waiting forever for.
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x Fem!Reader (We Can Be Heroes/MCU Crossover)
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: None.
A/N: This is it! Thank you all for showing interest in this series and being so enthusiastic about it. @jupitersmooneuropa, this is for you! You're idea was so wonderful, I just couldn't resist making it into a mini-series and I hope I did you proud. Requests are currently CLOSED but will be open again soon. Check out my MASTERLIST for all other works!
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Being a hero meant a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Some loved the fame, the recognition, the money that sometimes came with, while some just wanted to be helpful and loved for their work. But one quality heroes had in common was that they were able to calm their nerves in the most crucial moments.
For Marcus Moreno, that crucial moment was now, and he could barely contain his nerves.
Clint could feel the anxiety radiating off the man. Marcus tried to play it cool because he had everything that made him seem cool: the swords, the tactical gear, his stoic face, but it wasn't enough to mask emotions from a world-class spy. Though Clint was able to sense it, he wasn't sure what exactly to say. He had only heard about Marcus through you, he only knew what little you told him, and that was how he determined Marcus wasn't some alien but the man you've been waiting for.
It was an awkward silence. One filled with the quiet roaring of the engines and every now and again, the sound of alerts from the computers around them. Clint kept his eyes on the sky while Marcus took peaks at the landscape below. The world looked so much like his own... just not as technically advanced as his own. The clouds swallowed the sip and his eyes drifted forward again as he took in a deep breath and exhaled.
"Nervous?" Clint managed to crack Marcus a smile and glanced at the man sitting to his right. Marcus chuckled, nodding his head with a nonchalance.
"You could say that."
"There's no reason for you to be."
"There's always a chance for something to go wrong."
Clint shrugged and flipped some switches as the quinjet began to descend.
"Are we there already?"
"Almost. About 5 minutes out."
Another uneasy silence fell over them but Clint wasn't contributing to it. Marcus just wanted everything to be like it was before. You, Missy, and himself in a home that felt like home. He couldn't have asked for a better partner in life and work, and it was taken away from him just like your life was taken away from you, but he wasn't going to say his life was better without you because it wasn't. Marcus just feared that maybe this life here was better than the one you had built with him. No one's reassurance except your own could tell him otherwise.
"Can I ask you a question?" Marcus glanced at Clint before returning to look forward again, a little embarrassed to be talking about you with someone he didn't know. But he knew you loved Clint like a brother, just as Natasha had been a sister, so he understood there was a level of trust there. Clint mumbled a 'go ahead' but his attention wasn't entirely on Marcus.
"Is she happy here?"
'Loaded question, but alright Mr. other world.' Clint thought before answering with the only truthful answer that could be given. He has watched the progression of a quiet depression become one of reclusiveness and a bitter happiness. You weren't happy here, in this world, with him or any of the Avengers. Natasha was gone, Steve was gone, Wanda was MIA, Bucky and Sam were on their own adventures. No one was here except him and that wasn't nearly enough to support someone who lost everything and then some because of a greedy man with glowing stones. This wasn't your home anymore.
"Was. She was at one time. I don't think this is where her heart is anymore."
Clint gave him a flat smile but Marcus did not return it. The thought alone of you avoiding social contact because happiness was ripped away from you in every direction was heart-wrenching. He never wanted to bring you any pain and a part of him couldn't help but believe that if he tried harder, if he hadn't wasted time being upset with your arrival years ago, things may have been different.
"We're here."
The announcement sent shockwaves through him. A thunderbolt of pure, unexplainable fear and anticipation of seeing you again struck his core. This was it; this was his endgame and the farm that slowly made itself clear out the window was the destination.
"Let me go in and see them first, make sure they're home, and then I'll come back. Is that alright?"
Marcus could only nod and watch the man grab his bags and bow and leave the jet. Marcus unbuckled himself because there was no point in staying in the seat. The back was left open and while Clint had told him to stay, he couldn't help but walk down the ramp and stand just to the side of the jet. He ran his hand over the side of the matte gray finish, slightly impressed by the time it took to get there. It was faster than he thought even if it felt like an eternity.
The house was a nice weathered white. It had seen better days and as Clint approached the door, he noted all the fixes needed. The rusted door handle, the broken pot in the corner, an abundance of yard toys and broken bicycle parts laid around him. He managed to open the door with limited squeaking, but Laura heard it and so did Lila. The boys weren't home because if they were, they would have tackled him to the ground the moment they heard the ship land in the yard.
"Clint!? What are you doing here? I thought you weren't supposed to be back for two weeks." Laura said as soon as she came around the corner from the kitchen. Lila was right behind her with a smile and hug for him–which he gladly accepted.
"Emergency. Where is Y/n? I have something I think she'd want to see."
Laura furrowed her eyebrows and moved to the window. Outside, beside the jet, stood a man who could have been a new Avenger for all she knew. She turned back to Clint, moving away from the window so Lila could sneak a glance too.
"What is it? Who is that man out there?"
"That man is Marcus. That Marcus. He just appeared at the compound looking for her. They apparently have been trying to find a way to bring her back and whatever he did, it worked."
Laura let out an audible gasp, returning to the window and looking at the man. Slowly, just as Clint had hours before, she began to piece together the man before her eyes from the stories you had told her about.
"Oh my God! OH MY GOD!" She almost yelled so loudly the neighbors two blocks away could hear her. Clint shushed her but she couldn't keep the smile off her face. Laura ran to the staircase and yelled up it.
"Y/n! Get down here!"
"Oh my God, Clint! She had a great day today and wow-I just can't believe it."
You had heard Laura's loud enthusiasm from the room you had been staying in. You thought you'd leave her be until her voice trailed up the stairs again and she called out to you. It wasn't like you had any idea of what was going on. You heard the quinjet, figured Clint was back, and it was around dinner time so maybe it was time to eat? It was the first time in a long time that your thoughts hadn't been cluttered with death or sadness, but those feelings lingered. You exited the room, walked down the stairs and smiling at Clint when you saw his face.
"How's the girl?" Kate Bishop.
"She's a real hero." Clint replied and you nodded your head in reply. Doing so, you managed to turn toward the window from your place on the second to last step. Outside sat the quinjet that had taken so many of you and your friends on missions that could have well been your last. But it wasn't the vehicle that caught your undivided attention, but the body beside it. Standing tall in black.
Your eyes had to have been deceiving you.
"What is going on?" Your voice was barely a whisper, but Laura caught it, smiling and grabbing your hand. Your attention never left the window. The man was pacing slightly, a nervous tick you were sure you knew.
"Go and see for yourself, Y/n." Her voice was quiet too but reassuring and warm, like a mothers should be. The man outside didn't know what was going on, but he left your sight because you descended the rest of the steps and ran out the door.
The door squeaked loudly this time and with a bang, fell shut. You barely made it to the steps before you stopped on the gravel. about 20 yards away, the man heard the door and turned.
Even if the entire world was watching the scene unfold on Clint's lawn, many could not recall who moved first. Laura would say Marcus because that's who she could see, but you were slightly convinced it was your own feet. Nevertheless, after the door had slammed and the two of you met again, the universe drew you together like magnets. You ran, he ran, and with the collision, you both wrapped your arms around each other and soon your feet were off the ground.
You could barely say a word with your blubbering tears, and he wasn't about to make his obvious either so instead of talking, he just pulled away enough to look you in the face. Your eyes the same, your nose the same, your lips still perfect to him. Your hands moved from around his neck to his face. You gently held his face in your hands as you tried to control yourself.
"You're really here?" It was a broken ask but he managed a smile and moved a piece of hair out of your face.
"Yeah, I'm here."
"I missed you s-so much." Marcus couldn't help but grin at the admission. It was everything and more than he wanted to hear.
"I love you. I love you so damn much." His hand rested on the back of your neck and he pulled you to him. His lips were just as you remembered.
Perfectly him and as if they were made for your own.
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Reunions were sentimental and good. But they were followed with a series of questions that were often difficult to hear. Marcus had held you for a long time. You weren't sure how long and you weren't exactly complaining either, but there was a linger question: how did he get here and how in the world are you getting back?
You had been adamant in telling him 'yes' the moment Marcus asked you the question about returning to his world. That was the plan for you. There were no other options because life with Marcus and Missy was your life now and whoever was left that loved you like family had to accept that. Marcus had explained the machine built to travel through worlds over dinner with Clint because perhaps he could be the one to help. He had travelled through time before so what is traveling through universes, right?
But later that night, when the reunion had settled and everyone had gone to bed, Marcus sat on the edge of an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room with a woman he loves. Clint could help you, but he needed time. So, he left with the jet while you stayed with the family and Marcus. He went to go see Stephen Strange because he managed to pick up the phone late that night.
"Do you think they'll be able to get us back? I don't want to leave Missy there all alone." Marcus voiced his worry with a sad reflection. You sat up from your reclined position and waddled over to him, running your hands up his back and then around his shoulders before he gently took them and tugged them around him. He missed your touch so much.
"You've never seen Dr. Stephen Strange do his 'magic' so I think there's a chance."
"Are you sure this is what you want?" He turned his head just enough so he could look at your face. You may have been a spy, but your eyes never lied to him. He knew you better than any interrogator could ever wish to have known you.
"Yes, I want to be with you and Missy and all those heroes with weird names." You laughed for the first time in a long time and it was music to his ears. He smiled to where his eyes crinkled in the corners as your fingers played with the nape of his neck where his loose hair sat.
"I just want you to be happy, Y/n. Your happiness means everything to me."
"I am happy with you. I am happy in our home. This makes me happy."
That was enough for him. The next day you both waited... and waited... and waited for even one word from Clint, but nothing came. Sometime in the afternoon, the heavy engine of the quinjet could be heard in the yard so you dropped the puzzle pieces on the table beside Lila, grabbed Marcus' hand and ran out the door. Clint had a small smile on his face, but it was the sharply dressed Doctor that you focused your attention on.
"I trust there is a way home if you're here. You wouldn't come all this way to bare bad news."
"Your skills on reading people alarm me, though I would expect nothing less from an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D."
Stephen nodded and then extended his hand to Marcus who shook it in return. They introduced themselves to one another and Stephen put a gold bar on his fingers before extending his hand to the wide landscape of the farm.
"What are you doing?" You asked with a furrowed brow. This wasn't the way Marcus had come, they were supposed to fix the control pad he had on his arm.
"Do you really think the Sorcerer Supreme can't open portals to other universes? There are so many worlds you don't know, but you found the one you were meant to be in, so let me get you both home."
With a circular movement of his fingers, Stephen opened a yellow portal that slowly became an image of a world you had known before. A house, perfectly structured in the suburbs was on the other side. The grass perfectly mowed and the bushes trimmed, the mail box accidentally left open which you knew was Missy's fault. The curtains were open and the sun shone brightly into the home. Marcus grabbed you hand, squeezing it tightly as you took in the sight. Months had gone by where you dreamed of this moment, of that house and all its residents. Your dream was here now with the man holding your hand to support you.
"Y/n." Clint called out to you, breaking your stare. You turned around and he approached with his family in tow. He held out a small envelope which contained a note from them and a series of pictures that you would later cry over, but it was a final goodbye from your life here on this Earth.
You hugged them all with tears in your eyes but when Marcus re-took your hand, it felt like it meant something more than just running off into the sunset together. It felt normal and needed and necessary to move forward in your life.
"Are you ready?" Marcus asked you to which you could only reply with one word:
Tag list for series: (thanks for the support!!)
@pasckles @jupitersmooneuropa @agingerindenial @karnita-mexicana @mcueveryday @shadowolf993 @computeringturtle @roxypeanut
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milazka · 4 years
𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧 | 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐁. 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞
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𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 𝟏.𝟕𝐤+
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐞𝐱.
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 : -
𝐚/𝐧 : 𝐢 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞. 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞. 𝐢 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞. 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐞𝐬, 𝐢 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞. 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭!
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧, 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞...
Your feet pressed against the dashboard, you breathe in the sea air rushing into the van. Sitting in the passenger seat, your head swings to the rhythm of the music chosen by your boyfriend.
John Booker Routledge.
Wavy brown hair, surfer style and a charming smile; he was literally the boy you imagined in your dreams since you were little. You met a few months ago, thanks to Pope. Your father and Heyward were having a business meeting together and he had brought you with him. You got to know Pope a little bit more, talking with him on the dock while your fathers were inside. Pope offered  you to spend the afternoon on the water with him and his friends and you accepted; you liked meeting new people. That’s when you met John B; you both fell in love at first sight. Since then, you went on a few dates and you had exchanged your first I love you. You wanted to take your time in this relationship, it was your first one.
 “Y/n? do you want to go back to my place, or do you need to go home?” He asks you, his hand resting on your bare thigh.
 “We can go to your place, my dad is having a meeting with Heyward at our house.” You respond, rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb.
 “Perfect, I want to show you something.” He smiles.
 He parks the van in front of the Chateau and comes open your door, holding out his hand to you like a gentleman. John B puts the straps of his backpack on one of his shoulders and squeezes your hand in his, dragging you towards the back of the house. You walk on a small path in the forest, your eyes wandering everywhere to observe the beauty of the nature which surrounds you. After a few minutes of walking, you arrive in front of a wooden shed high in the trees.
 “Wow, it’s beautiful.” You compliment as he starts climbing in the ladder.
 “My dad built it for me and JJ when we were little. We have always maintained it well so it can remain habitable.” He explains to you, grabbing your hand once you arrive at the top of the ladder.
 The cabin consists of a single large room with two windows. A few empty beer cans are lying on the floor near a gray futon. Half-melted candles rest on a small wooden coffee table. You run your hand over the designs that decorate the table, recognizing JJ's style. John B sits on the futon as you continue to observe the objects in the cabin. You smile at a frame containing a photo of JJ and John B when they were young.
 “We were six years old on this one.” John B says, displaying a nostalgic face.
 “You were already cute.” You say, making him giggle.
 You seat on a cushion in front of him and he takes your hand in his, making small circles with his thumb on it. In peaceful silence, he watches you with his hazel eyes, making you blush and bow your head, a bit intimidated by his gaze.
“Did I ever tell you that you were beautiful?” He says to you with a smile.
“Many times.” You answer, smiling back.
He pulls you towards him, making you take place on his thighs. His hand brushes against your cheek before settling on the back of your neck, pulling your head close to his face. He gently presses his lips against yours and you slowly start to move in sync with him. Your hands slip into his hair as he ran his hand under your long sleeve sweater, rubbing your back up and down. While his hand rests on the tie of your bikini top, you move your head back, breaking the kiss.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” John B asks you with a soft voice.
You sigh; you knew that one day or another you would need to have this conversation with him.
“I’ve never done it.” You mutter, hiding your face in your hands.
He places his hands on yours, gently moving them away from your face to lock his gaze in yours.
 “It’s okay, Y/n/n. It doesn't change anything, sweetheart.” He whispers to you.
 “I’m just scared that I’ll lose control and I’ve never been comfortable enough with someone to do it.” You explain to him with a sad smile.
 “I find it beautiful that you respected yourself and that you didn't flinch under social pressure to do it even if you were not ready.” He reassures you.
You smile, appeased to see that it doesn't change anything between you two.
“How was yours?” You ask, having never question him about it before.
 “It was super special.” He giggles. “A tourist from Cincinnati. We met at a party and five minutes into it, she just… asked. So, we went back to her condo and it lasted a total of twenty-five seconds.” He pouts, making a small reverence with his hand.
 “Wow, a great first experience.” You sarcastically say, smiling at him
 “I guess you could say that.” He smiles back. “We’ll do it when you’re ready.” John B adds.
He is about to add something, but you cut him with a passionate kiss. John B opens his hide widely as you push him against the back of the futon. You start to roll your hips, grinding against his crotch. He grunts softly against your lips and grabs you by the waist, amplifying the movement against the bulge in his pants.
“Fuck babe, you’re sure that you want to do it now?” He whines, breathing a bit faster.
 “I want you to be my first, John B.” You clearly state.
He smiles to you and cup your face with his hands, deepening the kiss. You unbutton his eternal Hawaiian shirt while he removes your shirt. His eyes flicks, admiring the sight of your almost-bare chest. You lay your hands on his tan chest, feeling his muscular pecs under your hands. He makes you stand up and slip your shorts along your legs after unbuttoning them, leaving you in your simple black panties. John B's mouth attacks your thighs, leaving a few wet kisses on your skin. He sits you back on him, peppering soft kisses on your neck. You are surprised by the groan that escapes from your lips when you feel his hard crotch against your womanhood.
 “Unbuckle my belt.” He directs you, knowing that you're not used to it.
He removes his shorts, revealing the bulge stretching the fabric of his boxers. You gulp; you knew he was well equipped, but not that much. He takes you under your thighs and lay you down onto the mattress. A moan slips between your lips as he begins to rub his bulge against the fabric that is still covering your core.
 “Is it okay if I take it off?” John B asks you, pointing your panties with his finger.
 You nod, taking a deep breath when you feel his hands grab the edge of your panties. He slides them down your legs while leaving kisses down your neck and your stomach.
 “Already wet for me, sweetheart.” He winks at you, making you blush.
He spreads your legs and slowly introduce a finger in you, making you tense. He slowly starts moving in and out your entrance and start rubbing his thumb on your little nerves ball. You slowly relax, putting your hands on his shoulders as you moan against the crook of his neck. You feel some warmth in your stomach as he pumps you with two of his fingers. After a few seconds, he stops fingering you and grabs a glass jar under the table, taking one of the small packages.
 “It’s JJ’s, and don’t worry, I changed the sheet.” He clarifies by seeing the look on your face.
 He removes his boxers, revealing his erection on which he rolls the condom. John B position himself between your thighs, aligning himself in front of your entrance.
 “Try to relax, sweetheart, and tell me if it hurts. I’ll go slowly.” He warns you after kissing the tip of your nose.
 Leaning on his forearms on each side of your chest, he lies above you, rubbing his cock against your clit before placing it at the opening of your womanhood. You get tense when you feel him slowly slide inside you. You bite your bottom lips; the pain is worse than you thought. A few tears escape from the corner of your eyes.
 “I’m sorry baby.” He whispers to you, wiping the tears from your cheeks.
 “It-it’s not your fault.” You say to him. “I’m just not used to your… size.”
 “Do you want me to try to move a bit?” He asks you.
 You take a deep breath and nod. Your face clench when he slowly withdraws.
 “Keep going.” You encourage him, grabbing onto his shoulders.
 He kisses you tenderly, trying to make you forget the pain as he begins to move back and forth in you. The pain gradually decreases, your body adjusting to his size. You dig your nails into his biceps when pain turns into pleasure, making you moan harder.
 “You like it?” He smirks, his jaw clenched as he slams more vigorously into you.
 “Fuck yes.” You groan, holding on to his shoulders.
 “Do you wanna try another position?” He asks.
You nod and he slows down before pulling back. He turns you around suddenly, making you drop a little squeak. On your knees and leaning on your forearms, he thrusts in and out of you, hitting your g-spot. It hurts you a bit, you’re not totally used to the feeling of his cock inside you.
 “Fuck baby, you’re so tight.” He grunts, grabbing you by the waist.
  You moan his name, your hands clutching the sheets. John B thrusts deeper and you feel that you’re close to your first orgasm.
 “J-John, fuck!” You scream, feeling your pussy clench around him.
 “Oh fuck, baby!” He groans, a few seconds later.
 He pulls out of you and drops himself on the mattress, still breathing heavily. You lie down by his side and he pulls you closer to him with his arm around your shoulders.
 “Was it like you expected?” He asks you.
 “Better. I'm glad I waited and did it with you.” You respond, lifting your head to meet his hazel eyes.
 “I'm honored that I was your first, sweetheart.”
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milamaybank’s masterlist
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My Lonely Days Are Through
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A/N: okay so I finally wrote a fic! this is my first fic in like,, 4 years or so? so be gentle with me I guess lmao
I am pretty content with this though! I'm soft as hell so,,, here we go :)
@gardnerlangway this one's for you, lovely
(no editing we die like men)
A yawn escapes your lips as you stretch out and then curl back up. Tim's heart flutters as he watches you rub your nose, your brows furrowed. You're currently curled up on his couch, fast asleep. It's a typical Friday night for the two of you, one spent together. After meeting Tim when you started working in the museum a few months back, the two of you had built up a routine around each other. You would eat lunch together on your break, stay after hours working and keeping each other company, you would even go grocery shopping together on weekends. Today was no exception to your intertwined schedules. Upon leaving the museum for the day, you had grabbed a late dinner and ended up back at his apartment. You had started the night working, but the stress of the week and your recent lack of sleep had taken its toll, and you dozed off relatively quickly after 2am hit.
The soft light of the television dances colors across your face as Tim looks on in complete adoration. Your eyelashes cast tiny shadows on your cheeks as your chest rises and falls steadily. You had borrowed a shirt and some shorts from him, you both agreeing it would just make sense if you spent the night, and his eyes couldn't help but wander to where the tshirt had ridden up to expose a bit of your stomach. His breath catches in his throat as he finds himself thinking about what it would feel like to hold you there. What it would feel like to just have you close. To run his hands along your soft skin and-
"Okay wow, Tim." He quickly looks back at the bright screen of his laptop in order to rid his mind of these compromising thoughts. But, as his eyes make their way back to you, he runs a hand through his hair and breaths a quiet laugh. "I really do have it bad, don't I?"
He quickly covers his mouth though as he sees you slightly stir, not wanting to wake you. He had seen the effect the last week had had on you, his heart slowly falling more and more as each day you seemed to become a little more quiet, a little less peppy, and a little less yourself. The project you had been working on was one you were very passionate about, but it had become quite the endeavor. Though you had been thrilled to take it on, the universe had not been on your side, with people forgetting to follow through with their promises, paperwork getting mixed up, and even artifacts getting misplaced for a bit due to the lack of a proper cataloging system when the museum first opened. It nearly broke Tim's heart to see you become so unhappy with something that had made you so ecstatic before. He had done all in his power to keep you smiling, with funny stories, bad jokes, and any help he could offer, but you couldn't help still being discouraged. He had even mustered up the courage to give you a little kiss on the forehead as he left your office at one point, and the smile it brought, along with the blush that rose to your cheeks, was definitely worth the ten minutes he spent panicking over whether or not he should even attempt it. Just the memory of your flustered face makes him grin.
A small whine draws him from his thoughts. He looks up to find you rubbing your eyes and slowly pushing yourself to a sitting position. He tries his best to maintain his composure as you sleepily pull down your shirt and run your hand through your hair.
"Good morning," he chuckles quietly. You look at him in sleepy confusion before realizing what happened.
"Oh nooo," you groan, putting your face in your hands. He laughs a little louder this time, scooting over on the couch to bump your shoulder with his. You smile into your palms, your face flushing pink at the contact. He bumps you again, drawing your face away from your hands. Peeking through your fingers, you can see the soft but wide smile on his face.
"Have a nice nap?"
It's teasing, but you can see something resembling concern in his gaze. You just nod in response, running a hand through your hair. "I don't think I've ever seen you fall asleep this fast," he cautiously approaches the subject, "have you slept this week?"
The laugh that escapes you in response only makes his concern grow. He asks again, softer this time, and you look up at him with tired eyes.
"I uh... I think I got ten hours this whole week."
You wince slightly at his tone, cursing yourself for not adding a few hours to make him feel a bit better.
"But that's like... two hours a night! You've gotten ten hours of sleep this whole week?" You can't tell if it's shock or sadness in his eyes. Maybe both.
"Eleven if you count the nap I just took?" You joke, trying to calm him a little. "Tim, I'm okay I promise, I've been through a lot worse, honest."
Okay, so that didn't help. But before you can say anything else to try and defend yourself, he wraps you up in a tight hug. You tense up for a second, taken by surprise, but quickly you melt into him. You don't even realize you've started crying until you hear Tim trying to comfort you.
"I'm- I'm sorry," you hiccup into his shoulder, tears beginning to stain his shirt.
He rubs your back slowly, quietly shushing you, and telling you that it's absolutely okay, and you have nothing to apologize for. You shiver at his touch, burying your face in his neck, breathing him in. You stay like that for a few minutes, you trying to stop your ragged breaths and the tears spilling from your eyes, him rubbing your back, occasionally switching to run his hands through your hair, whispering words of comfort. However, eventually you pull away with a pitiful laugh.
"Sorry about your shirt," you whisper, trying to simultaneously brush your tears off of his shoulder and wipe your eyes.
"Hey, it's completely okay. I know this week has been rough. You have every right to be upset. But, it's over now, okay? Next week'll be better, yeah? I'll make sure it is."
He's relieved to see a watery smile grace your lips. No, that's an understatement. He's almost on the verge of crying himself, never having seen you in this state before. He brings his hands up to cradle your face, wiping the still falling tears with the pads of his thumbs, somehow not noticing the deep shade of red you're turning. With his hands still around your face, he tilts your head so you're looking up at him.
"Now, what do you say I pop some popcorn and you turn on something you like?"
A breathy laugh escapes you and you nod, not really trusting your voice with him this close to you. You can see the masked worry in his features as he smiles, and you mentally kick yourself for stressing him out. But, that thought leaves you as he stands up, giving you a chaste but firm kiss on your forehead. You're eternally grateful that he goes to the kitchen immediately after bc you can't stop the blush that rises to your cheeks.
"Dear god, that boy's gonna kill me," you whisper, wrapping yourself up in one of the blankets that had been resting on the back of the couch.
You start to flip through the channels, eventually landing on a documentary, and you hear a chuckle behind you. You turn to find Tim with a bowl of popcorn in his hand, looking at you in what you could only describe as fond adoration. You flush again, and he laughs fully now, plopping down beside you. You lift the blanket, inviting him in, and he gladly accepts, scooting over close enough to bump knees with you.
You fall into a comfortable silence, both of you enraptured by the bright images on the tv. Every now and then your hands brush when trying to reach for popcorn, and you mentally curse yourself for getting so worked up over cliches, not knowing that Tim was doing the exact same thing.
You're the first to speak.
"Thank you."
It's a quiet whisper, accompanied with a shoulder bump. He bumps you back and gives you a lopsided grin.
"It's the least I could do."
“Y/N, you've spent the last few months I've known you being so amazingly kind to me. You bring me food, you save me seats in meetings, you laugh at my jokes, you-”
You cut him off very seriously, “Okay they're good jokes, Tim.”
At that he laughs, breathlessly.
“Not good enough for you to cry in the middle of a meeting! I was trying to be quiet and you almost spit your water everywhere!”
Now you're both laughing, remembering that stupid planet joke and how you just about died of embarrassment, and before you can think or stop yourself, you say it.
“God, I love you.”
It's like all the oxygen leaves the room. Both of you are immediately gasping for breath, as if the air had been knocked out of your lungs. Before you can sputter out an apology, anything to make things go back to how they were before you blurted out what had been your most well-kept secret, Tim manages to get out,
“You… you what?”
His eyes are wide, and you're sure yours are as well. You're in love with him. You're in love with him. You had never even said it to yourself before. It had always just been little sighs, thoughts of him basically all the time, or little whispers to yourself about how bad you've got it. Never an outright, ‘I'm in love with Tim Murphy.’ No, the first time you said it just had to be right to his face.
You start to say ‘sorry, no, wait,” to say, ‘hold on I shouldn't have done that,’ but then you stop. And you look at him. Tim. Tim, with his sweet words and his brilliant mind. Tim, with his adorable laugh and beautiful smile that he had come to trust you with. Tim, with his tight hugs that make you feel safer than almost anywhere else. Tim, with his strong arms and gorgeous face and Jesus Christ his HANDS are just about the hottest things in the world like oh my god the things he could- you've gotten off track. The point is, you don't want to apologize. You don't want to take it back. You love him.
So you say it again.
“I love you.”
And then it's quiet. He looks honestly shell-shocked. You can almost see his gears turning behind his eyes, trying to figure out what to say after that. Immediately, your brain jumps to the worst possible scenario, and you begin to backtrack.
“I'm sorry. Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I just- you're so lovely, but you can completely ignore any of this just hap-”
And then he's kissing you. It's a short kiss, just a sweet, small one, but you're out of breath when he pulls away. You open your eyes to see him in a similar state, his face completely flushed. But he quickly finds his voice.
“I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do that.”
All you can do is laugh, still trying to remember how to breathe.
“The feeling is mutual.”
He blushes and gives a bashful smile, then hesitates again, opening his mouth, then closing it, once more unable to speak. However, he manages to regain his composure enough to ask,
“Can… can I kiss you again?”
Not even bothering you answer, you close the gap between you. You feel Tim smile against your lips, and you can't help but do the same. You don't know how it happens, but somehow you end up on his lap, straddling him. Your hands are on his chest as your lips move in sync, slowly, but desperately. Passionately. His hands make their way into your hair, and you whimper quietly into his mouth as he gives it a slight tug. Your face heats up immediately, but you just keep going, pretending it didn't happen and hoping he missed it. He definitely heard it though, and you feel him smirk against you.
Shit, that's hot … everything he does is hot.
You roll your hips experimentally to retaliate, still on top of him, and the moan that leaves his lips is one of the most beautiful sounds you ever heard. It goes straight to your core, and you let out a groan yourself. You start to roll your hips once more, desperate to draw that sound from him again, but his hands come up to your waist and stop you. You can see he’s panting, and his hair is all disheveled.
“Okay, as much as I want to do that, and I really wanna do that,” he pauses as you giggle, “you just told me that you got 10 hours of sleep this week. I promise we can continue another time, but right now, you need to sleep.”
You pout, knowing he's got a point.
“Okay, but only since you promised.”
He helps you off his lap, letting you use him as support, and gently guides you to his bedroom. He makes a big, dorky show of tucking you in, making sure you're comfortable, offering to make you a glass of water. Finally, he gives you a soft smile, says a quiet goodnight, and gives you a quick kiss on the forehead. Your face immediately flushes, and you whisper a soft goodnight back as he turns to leave.
"Wait, where are you going?"
He turns around, confused.
"The couch?"
You give him a grin, suddenly a bit shy, and wordlessly lift up the covers next to you. He stares at you for a moment, still sporting that confused expression, and then suddenly it's like a lightbulb goes off in his head.
"Oh. OH! You want..?"
You giggle sleepily at how flustered he is. Just a few minutes ago you were about to rip each other's clothes off, and now he's getting stuttery about sleeping in the same bed as you.
"I hope you like to cuddle."
At that, he smiles sheepishly, and nods without a word. You watch as he changes into pjs, his boxers and an old band tshirt, and it takes all your willpower to not start anything again. After turning the lights off, he slides into bed next to you. There's a moment of hesitation, a moment where it seems like he can't quite decide what he wants to do, but then you feel him move closer to you, and suddenly, he's holding you. He nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck and you can feel his smile against your skin. He presses a tender kiss to your shoulder, and you turn to press one into his hair. You both sigh, more comfortable and safe than you've ever felt in your life.
"Goodnight, Tim."
A beat.
"I love you."
You smile.
"I love you too."
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dr-mizmix · 5 years
My sunshine (part 2/?)
This is the continuation of the fic I published yesterday. It's based on the Headcanon where Five kills Dave. You should check the first one to understand this one better.
warzone/drug use/mental breakdown
Word count: 1500+
“Is it just me, or does anybody else see little number Five?” He couldn't look straight into his his face, in an attempt to avoid him he went directly inside as a way to fast forward the greeting process.
He couldn't understand anything, sure he'd read about it on Vanya's book but he didn't expect this. Luther is trying to stay in his nonsensical 1st place as the leader of a failed team. Diego is trapped in the fantasy of being a superhero/ vigilante or whatever you want to call it. Alison now has to live with the consequences of using her powers.Nobody listens to Vanya, it seems like she isn't even part of the family. Ben is dead… And Klaus is a junkie who prefers to be high than to being able to use his own powers.
But why was he in Vietnam? Why?Why?Why?
Five tried to be as distant as he could from everyone, especially Klaus. But every once in a while he slipped up, and his remorse made him leave without a clear reason “So that's my story with Dolores.” Klaus tried to share his own but as soon as he started “My longest lasting relationship was…” Five was gone.
The worst of all happened the day Klaus came back from Vietnam. He just got out of the bathroom when Five sees him. Since his arrival, Five made Klaus many questions about Vietnam, trying to make sure that he wasn't the screaming man he heard and saw. And because kind of to reassure himself that Klaus couldn't have time traveled. But that day Klaus looked Five dead in the eye like he never did before and started asking.
“You wanna know something funny?” Five knew what happened, he would recognize the symptoms of time traveling anywhere, he just begged to be wrong. “What is it this time?” Klaus eyes looked empty, dead, he never felt this afraid from his brother “Remember all those times you asked me about Vietnam?” He was right, for once in his life Five hates being right, Klaus continued “And how you said that you have asked everyone?” his voice was lower than usual, he'd been crying but that somehow made it even more intimidating “Yeah” “Well, I'm not sure how did you knew it. But I just came back from there.” He said this between a sigh and a sad laugh. Five didn't know how to react or even what to say “Are you just going to remain silent even after everything that happened?” His voice grew louder, he was almost shouting. Klaus aproched Five. There was still a pair of meters between the two. “How long?” Five's voice was almost trembling, it could almost have been considered as a whispering. “What?” his voice calmed down a bit, but it was still very aggressive. He looked Five directly into his eyes waiting for an answer “For how long have you been there?” Five wasn't able to look up, he was trying to come up with ways of telling him as he built some time.“10 months, does it really matter?” Klaus was confused and he thought that his brother may have been worried about him for a second. For a second. “Who was Dave Katz?” Five had tried finding a way of saying it but in the end he thought the most human way of doing it was to be honest and quick about it. “What did you say?” Tears started forming in Klaus eyes just by hearing his name. “Who was Dave Katz?” Five closed his eyes as he expected his brother to explode in any second. “Why do you know his name?” There was an awkward silence, Five couldn't help it but stutter “I I I'm so sorry” Klaus tears started to fall down his cheek “What do you mean?” He shouted desperate and mad, witch startled Five who covered himself thinking he would hit him “I didn't… I am so sorry” Five's eyes started to get wet too. “What do you mean ?!” his voice was cracking, and he felt into his knees “Please, don't make me say it” Five felt like his feet were now stuck to the ground “You are the one who always says that our actions have consequences!” his face was turning red, he was covered in tears “I…” Five looked at his brother now on the floor grabbing his dog tags and lost his ability to talk. “You killed him.”
Five was ashamed. He didn't recognize what he'd done to his brother, he wasn't able to say it after seeing him like this. “Yes I did but…” there was no justification for his actions. In some way he was grateful that Klaus interrupted him. “Stop talking, there's no “but” when you kill a person in cold blood. He was brave and strong and kind and vulnerable and you murdered him cold blooded!” Five looked at the way his brother grabbed the dog tags, those were his weren't they? “He was the only good person I've ever had in my life! He loved me do you understand it! He loved me and I loved him!” At the end of his speech Klaus broke into tears. “You were in the middle of warzone, if it wasn't me it would have been somebody else! From Vietnam or from the commission I don't care!” Klaus looked at him with a dead expression, his tone was finally calm but he clearly wasn't. “We only had 2 weeks left, 2 weeks and then we would have gone back to the US were we would have lived in our little farm.” Then it all made sense to Five Dave Katz was the target. His brother was the victim “You were going to stay?” Klaus turned at him looking really upset. “You fucking said it yourself, the apocalypse is coming. Nothing matters. But now he's dead. I wish I was dead. I wish you didn't came back with your apocalipsis bullshit.” Five didn't anticipate that last one and even though he wasn't in the position to defend himself he made a really bad attempt. “That's not fair!”Klaus raised his voice again as he stood up “Oh is it? Because last time I checked before you came psycho killers weren't persecuting our family, I hadn't been tortured for almost a day without saying a word trying to save the ass of someone who killed my soulmate and I hadn't 10 months of being in Vietnam to add in my PTSD list.” Five didn't realize before of how much trouble he's caused. He opened his mouth to say something but then he closed it only to teleport out of the room leaving Klaus apparently alone.“Wow Five thank you so much for coming back!”
He went back to his room and started looking for drugs. “You are being way to harsh on him, later you’ll regret this.” He turned back to see his dead brother laying in his bed “Oh Beny boi I hadn't noticed you. I must say that from all our siblings you are the only one I've moderately missed.” He finally found some pills but before he could swallow them Ben tried starting a conversation to stop him “So, "he was the only good person you've had in your life" , huh?” Klaus raised his sight. “You know that I meant” Ben kept trying “you know, while you were in Vietnam having a good time meeting the love of your life I've been alone here for almost a day” this time his tactic worked and Klaus left the drugs on the table to talk to him. “Really? Have you been hunting people like you do with me?” Ben laughed a bit. "You know I only do that to you" Klaus sat on the bed. “I wish I could give you a hug, that's all I could think of while you were gone” Klaus noticed that Ben had tears in his eyes. “I know”Klaus tried to confort Ben. They stranded in silence for a moment “I wished I could give you a hug too” Ben then tried to hug Klaus. There wasn't anything weird with that, they did it all the time. What was weird is that this time Ben became blue for a few seconds and they hugged for real. “What have you done?” Klaus had tears in his eyes, this time of joy “I don't know but let's do it again!” They tried to replicate it over and over again but no matter how hard they tried, it didn't work. “Why?” Klaus was about to cry again when Ben had an idea. “Klaus, Klaus! Listen to me! I know that this won't be the same but what if I stand near this pillow and you hug it?” he looked at his brother and his eyes shined.He hugged the pillow. “Sometimes I wish I could be ghost with you Ben” Ben realized of what he meant and tried to cheer him up “Hey but that wouldn't work, I'm like your Jiminy Cricket, I'm here to help you make all the right choices” Klaus laughed “Even if I don't listen to you half the time” “Even if you don't listen to me half the time” Klaus cried into his pillow. Ben couldn't do anything but watch and give him a ghostly hug.
If you liked it and you want to read more, next weekend I'll upload a 3rd and maybe even a 4th part!
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